une vie de chat feuille de travail

Original title: Une vie de chat (A cat in Paris) Country of origin: France Year: 2010 Directors: Jean-Loup Felicioli et Alain Gagnol Length: 70 mn Language: French Voice cast: Dominique Blanc, Jean Benguigui, Bruno Salomone, Bernadette Lafont Genre: Fiction / animation “A Cat in Paris” is a completely refreshing and unique throwback to the traditional form - every cell of the film has been hand-painted, and its highly stylized, colour-saturated design looks absolutely gorgeous on the big screen. Topics related to the film: Adventure - friendship - detective and robbers - chase - family - mourning - love CfE 1rst/2 nd level suitable for the transition P7/S1 and for the S1-S3 (the level of difficulty is noted from the easiest to the more challenging exercises ) Curriculum subject of areas: French/Literacy/ Expressive arts /PSD/Health and wellbeing Written by Chloé Millet and Marie-Christine Thiébaut, Institut français d ´Écosse What is the film about?

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UNE VIE DE CHAT avec La Classe Maternelle

Original title: Une vie de chat (A cat in Paris)

Country of origin: France

Year: 2010

Directors: Jean-Loup Felicioli et Alain GagnolLength: 70 mnLanguage: French

Voice cast: Dominique Blanc, Jean Benguigui, Bruno Salomone, Bernadette Lafont

Genre: Fiction / animation

A Cat in Paris is a completely refreshing and unique throwback to the traditional form - every cell of the film has been hand-painted, and its highly stylized, colour-saturated design looks absolutely gorgeous on the big screen.

Topics related to the film: Adventure - friendship - detective and robbers - chase - family - mourning - loveCfE 1rst/2nd level suitable for the transition P7/S1 and for the S1-S3 (the level of difficulty is noted from the easiest ( to the more challenging exercises ((()Curriculum subject of areas: French/Literacy/ Expressive arts /PSD/Health and wellbeing

Written by Chlo Millet and Marie-Christine Thibaut, Institut franais dcosse

What is the film about? Jeanne works as a police officer in Paris. Since her husband was killed by the gangster Victor Costa, her daughter Zo has been traumatized and doesnt speak anymore. Thankfully, Dino the cat is there to comfort her. But he seems to be leading an exciting double life By day, he lives with Zo, by night, he works with Nico, a burglar with a big heart. One day, Dino brings Zo a very valuable bracelet. Lucas, Jeannes second-in-command, notices this bracelet is part of a jewellery collection that has been stolen. One night, Zo decides to follow Dino. On the way, she overhears some gangsters and discovers that her nanny is part of the gangsters team. They try to capture the little girl in a thrilling chase around Paris rooftops


I work on my own and with others to understand text using appropriate resources, demonstrating my understanding by matching written words to pictures and by reconstructing the text in a logical sequence, for example. MLAN 2-08a

Having explored the elements which writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create stories, poems and plays with an interesting and appropriate structure, interesting characters and/or settings which come to life. ENG 2-31a

I am learning to use language and style in a way which engages and/or influences my reader.

ENG 2-27 a

(( Le commissaire de police mne lenqute.The teacher shows the following characters on the smartboard.

((the name of the characters as well as the mention au cinma le 15 dcembre must be erased))Your mission is to find out which one of these characters has stolen a diamond bracelet in the museum last night. a. Look at the pictures of the characters. According to you, which one seems to be the thief? Why?Write her/his name on a sheet of paper and the reason why you think she or he might be the thief.

b. Work in pairsOne of you is a police officer. You have to choose one of the attributes of a French police officer and wear it throughout the game. You can write on a computer the word POLICE like on the pictures below and print it.

Linsigne de la policeLe brassard de la policeLa casquette de la police

The other player is the only eye witness who saw how the thief looks like. The police officer asks 5 questions in order to find out who the witness saw last night. He fills in the profile sheet of the character he suspects to be the thief.

Un de ces personnages a vol des bijoux dans un muse. Tu as vu le voleur. Le commissaire de police te pose 5 questions et doit deviner qui est le voleur.

Complte avec laide du tmoin la fiche didentit du voleur.

((the writing must be erased))

Fiche didentit du voleur

Le sexe( un homme( une femme

Lgeenviron ans

Le physique

Les cheveux

Signes particuliers

Le suspect, cest .

Your classmate (the eye witness) verifies if your answer is right or wrong. Here is a little help to assist you in accomplishing your mission.Le physiqueLes cheveuxLes vtementsLes couleurs



Gros (grosse)



Roux /rousse

Brun / brune

Long = court



Une queue de cheval

Un chignon

Un tee-shirt

Un pantalon

Une jupe

Un costume

Une veste

Un pull

Une chemise

Un sac

Une cravate




Violet / violette

Noir / noire


Vert / verte


Blanc / blanche



Etre ..Etre .

Avoir .Avoir .

Porter .

IQUEc. Did you (as the police officer) think of the same suspect?

If not, describe in 5 sentences who you suspected to have stolen the jewels last night without saying his/her name. Your team must guess who have in mind.

Tu es le commissaire de police et tu dcris en 5 phrases ton suspect numro 1. Ton quipe doit deviner qui tu suspectes davoir vol les bijoux.

(( Qui suis-je?

Look at the pictures of the characters below. Each character has a corresponding letter.



Read the following sentences. Write down in the first column the letter corresponding to the character and its description. Finally, write down the names of the characters underneath each picture.Salut, je mappelle Dino. Le jour, je joue avec Zo. La nuit, jaccompagne Nico sur les toits.

Je suis petit et gros. Je suis le gangster que la police recherche: jai tu le papa de Zo. Je veux absolument avoir le colosse de Nairobi, une statue africaine de trs grande valeur.

Moi, cest Zo. Jai 8 ans. Jai un chat noir. Il sappelle Dino. Ma maman travaille la police. Mon papa est mort. Il a t tu par Victor Costa et sa bande de gangsters.

Je mappelle Nico. La nuit, je monte sur les toits des maisons. Je passe par les fentres, jentre dans les maisons et je prends largent et les bijoux.

Nous, on fait partie de la bande de gangsters. On a chacun un surnom: M. Grenouille, M. Patate, M. Bb, M. Hulot. On aide Costa kidnapper Zo.

Je suis Jeanne. Jai une petite fille, Zo. Je suis commissaire de police. Mon mari, policier lui aussi, a t tu par lennemi public numro 1: Victor Costa. Avec mon collgue Lucas, on veut arrter Costa et sa bande. de gangsters.

Je mappelle Claudine. Je suis grande et brune. Je suis lgante. Jaime le parfum. Je suis la nounou de Zo, mais je travaille aussi pour Victor Costa.

Et moi, cest Rufus. Je dteste les chats et les voleurs!

Je mappelle Lucas et je suis policier. Je travaille avec Jeanne et en ce moment, jenqute sur le casse de la rue Mouffetard et de mystrieuses empreintes de pattes de chat.

( Une vie de chat (literally a cats life but translated as A Cat in Paris) is the title of the film you will see next with your class.

In small groups, describe what cats are usually doing day and night. Make up a spider diagram with the word UN CHAT in the middle. Think of all the words and phrases that might be associated with this word.

(( Creative writing: Write a short story using some of the following characters:

Zo, Dino, Claudine, Costa, Nico, Rufus, Jeanne. Choose who is the main character of your story, the location and the main actions. You can illustrate your story. Once pupils have seen the film they can discuss how close their version of the story is to the real one.

( Look at the poster of the film.The teacher shows the French poster of the film on the smartboard.Brainstorming in English (or partly in French for more advanced levels) during 15-20 mins in total, preparation in small groups for 5-10 mins then discussion around the film title and the poster.Work in small groups. After looking at the poster of the film, give your first impressions. Write down information/key words throughout the brainstorming.Here are some questions to help you. some piece of evidence for your statement.

a. Who do you see on this poster?

b. Who is the main character?

c. When does the scene take place? d. What impression do you have? Is it scary? Threatening? Mysterious? Why?

e. In which country / city does the cat live? Find out some evidence.

Voil quelques questions pour taider. Trouve des preuves.

( Qui vois-tu sur laffiche du film?

( Qui est le personnage principal?

( Quand est-ce que la scne a lieu?

( Quelles impressions as-tu? Est-ce que a fait peur? Est-ce que cest menaant? Mystrieux? Pourquoi?

( Dans quel pays/ dans quelle ville est-ce que le chat vit? Trouve une preuve.

( Look now at the English version of the poster and compare it with the French one. Find out the differences.

a. What characters appear on the front cover on the English poster?

b. Compare the French and the English title. Why do you think that the English title is different from the French one?

c. Which one sounds more appealing to you? Why?

d. Which version of the poster do you like best? Why?

e. What do you imagine the story is going to be about?

f. Make a list of possible themes and key words related to the film.

h. What type of film do you think it might be? Why?

(( Regarde et compare laffiche franaise et laffiche anglaise du film. Trouve les diffrences. Voil quelques questions pour taider.

( Quels sont les 4 personnages qui apparaissent sur laffiche anglaise?

( Compare le titre franais et le titre anglais du film. Pourquoi sont-ils diffrents?

( Quel titre te semble le plus accrocheur? Pourquoi?

( Quelle version de laffiche (anglaise ou franaise) prfres-tu? Pourquoi?

( Imagine, en quelques phrases, lhistoire du film.

( Fais une liste de thmes et de mots-cls lis au film. ( De quel genre de film sagit-il daprs toi?

( un film dhorreur ( une comdie ( un film policier ( un film damour(( Work on the trailer of Une vie de chat.Listen to the trailer of the film without watching the pictures. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7e07c52VWgPay particular attention to the background noises you hear. Here is a list of possible answers. Tick the right ones.(MIAOU: un chat qui miaule( Le bruit du tonnerre

( Un homme qui crie A laide!( SMACK: un bruit de bisou

( Floc floc: le bruit de la pluie( Ae: une femme qui a mal

( PANPAN: le bruit dun pistolet( Hi, hi, hi: une petite fille qui rit

( Le bruit dune alarme( Cocorico! Un coq qui chante

( OUAF! OUAF! Un chien qui aboie( Le bruit de la sirne de la police

( Work in smalls groups. Read the questions before and answer them after the screening of the trailer. Each group prepares 5 more questions related to the trailer and ask them to the other groups.

( Que volent Nico et Dino au muse?( Quest-ce qui est crit en rouge sur une des maisons?( Qui est mort?

( Quels instruments de musique entend-on?

( la clarinette ( le violon ( le piano ( la flte ( le saxophone ( la guitare ( la trompette ( Quels sont les animaux que tu vois dans la bande annonce?

( un chat ( un gorille ( des girafes ( un poisson ( des lphants ( un chien ( un zbreHere a little help before the screening of the the trailer

Un/une commissaire de police a (male/female) police officer

Voler qqch to steal - Un voleur a thief un vol: a theftUn casse a break-in

Des bijoux: jewels

Une poursuite - a chase poursuivre qn: to chase Les toits de Paris the roof tops of Paris

Tu as donn ta langue au chat? Cat got your tongue?

Mener une double vie to lead a double life

After the film / Aprs le filmI can read and demonstrate understanding of words, signs, phrases and simple texts containing mainly familiar language. MLAN 2-08b

I can understand how a bilingual dictionary works and use it with support. MLAN 2-11a

I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them.HWB 2-01a

When I engage with others, I can respond in ways appropriate to my role, show that I value others contributions and use these to build on thinking. LIT 2-02a

( Vrai ou faux?

Read the following statements about the film. Decide wether they are true or false.

Correct the statements when false.


( Dino le chat a une double vie.

( Il passe ses nuits chez une petite fille, Zo, et ses journes chez un voleur, Nico.

( Dino aime le parfum de Claudine, la femme de mnage de Jeanne.

( La nuit, Nico vole de largent, des bijoux et des uvres dart.

( Le pre de Zo a t tu par un gangster.

( Ce gangster, Victor Costa, a lintention de voler le Colosse dAlexandrie.

( Claudine connat bien Victor Costa.

( Zo surprend les gangsters et cest Nico qui vient la sauver.

( Jeanne pense que Nico a kidnapp sa fille.

( Les gangsters russissent senfuir.

((Tout est bien qui finit bien: Jeanne, Nico, Zo et Dino se retrouvent en famille.

(( Qui est-ce?Material: the pictures of the main characters of the film

Teams of 3 or 4 pupils, all of them have a copy of the 8 pictures as a reminder and the card representing one of these characters that the other teams will have to guess.

Each team must guess what the other teams cards are by asking questions to one of the teams, in turn.

The first 3 questions have to be yes or no type of questions, then open-ended questions are possible but of course nothing too precise like who is it? otherwise its too easy. A list of questions is provided (see below) but the pupils can add more (they should have 5 mins of preparation in this case).

Est-ce que cest:- un garon -une fille - un homme -une femme?

Est-ce que ce personnage est jeune - g?

Est-ce quil sagit - dun animal - dune personne?

Est-ce que cest un personnage - gentil - mchant courageux - dangereux? Etc. And eventually when they have guessed: Est-ce que cest ? until all cards have been guessed.

( Qui parle qui?

Work in pairs. Read the following sentences and decide who is speaking to whom.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tu es en retard ce soir, jallais partir sans toi, mon vieux! => ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Je sais qui tu penses, je ne connais pas de chose plus triste que davoir perdu son papa. Nous devons continuer vivre sans lui. =>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tu me fais confiance ? Alors tu vas taccrocher trs fort mon dos. =>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ils lont kidnappe ! =>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tu vas me lcher sale bte => ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alors, tas du nouveau pour moi, ma jolie ? =>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cest celui qui a tir sur ton papa. Tu sais, bientt je lattraperai, a je te le promets. =>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ah, vous tes l ! Avec tout a, on na mme pas eu le temps de discuter. Je mappelle Nico, tu ne veux pas me parler ? Tas donn ta langue au chat ? =>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(( Quiz about the film

On this website you find 15 questions in French about the film with some scenes from the film.

http://uneviedechat.crdp-lyon.fr/travaillerLeFilmEnClasseQuizz.phpHere are some other tricky questions ...

Work in groups and find out the most answers in 10 mn time.

( Quels animaux est-ce que Dino chasse au dbut et la fin du film?

( Que donne Dino Zo comme cadeau?

( Quel indice est-ce que la police a trouv au muse?

( Quel est le nom de code de Victor Costa?

( Qui donne Lucas des informations sur ladresse du chat?

( Dino et Nico ont un point commun la nuit. Lequel?

( Zo et Dino ont un point commun au dbut du film. Lequel?

( Quel est le plat prfr de Victor Costa?

( Comment est-ce que Costa sait que Zo est alle se cacher au zoo?

( Comment est-ce que Dino retrouve la trace des gangsters qui ont kidnapp Zo?(( Quel est cet animal contre lequel se bat Jeanne?

A qui ressemble cet animal? Quest-ce quil symbolise?

(( Quel objet dart est-ce que Costa essaie de voler? Pourquoi?

(( Quest-ce que Nico offre Jeanne pour Nol?

( Es-tu un bon observateur?Find the four animals hidden on this picture.

Folimage( Lets play Taboo: Guess the character

Pupils will be given a card of the character of the film.

In groups, make up a spider diagram with the name of the character in the middle and find out verbs and adjectives that may be associated with it.

Then describe that character without using its name (it is taboo to pronounce it). The other group have to guess who the character is. You can use a bilingual dictionary as support.

( Vocabulary race

Work in teams. Find in 5 minutes time the most words for the tools which appear on this picture.

((( Creative writing

Zo writes a letter to a friend to tell her/him about what happened and explains the new changes in her life after this adventure. Use the imperfect tense to describe life before discovering Dinos double life, the encounter with the gangsters and Nico, and the present tense to describe life as it is now.

( Match each character with the description which suits.


ZoVictor Costa




Claudinese met facilement en colre

est trs sensible.

est coquette et adore le parfum.

a horreur des lzards morts.

aboie quand il voit passer Nico et Dino.

veut absolument arrter Costa.

se sent seul.

ternue cause du parfum de Claudine.

a perdu son papa.

( Circle timea. Discuss in class what Dino looks like, how he acts and why he is in some way like other cats or not. b. Discuss with others the evolution of Zos character in the film.

a. How does Zo feel at the beginning of the film. Why?

Who gave her some comfort? How is her relationship with her mother?

b. Recall when Zo laughes for the first time in the film.

c. Which word does Zo try to pronounce for the first time? Describe the situation when she uses this word. What did she want to express?

d. In which situation does she pronounce Mamaaaaan! for the second time?

e. How does Zo feel at the end of the film?

( Expressive arts

a. What is Zo drawing?

b. How do you find the graphic work of the film? b. Are you interested in discovering how the animated scenes are created?http://uneviedechat.crdp-lyon.fr/expositionsEtapesAnimation.phphttp://uneviedechat.crdp-lyon.fr/coulissesLayOut.phphttp://uneviedechat.crdp-lyon.fr/coulissesAnimatique.php

c. ( Handwork: Fais ton flipbookhttp://www.uneviedechat-lefilm.fr/doc/flipbook-une_vie_de_chat.pdfd. Do you remember which technique the drawer uses to make the scene during the power cut in the cellar more expressive? e. Are you interested in discovering how the soundtrack is created? http://uneviedechat.crdp-lyon.fr/coulissesMusique.php La musique cest comme une recette de cuisine, on y met lun aprs lautres des ingrdients, cest dire diffrents instruments de musique.

(( Have a look at the map of Paris.

source: http://vroum52.com/parisvisite.htmlFind the following buildings on the map.

( La grande Arche ( Le Sacr cur( La Tour Eiffel

( LArc de triomphe ( Notre Dame ( Le muse du Louvre( Now look at the photos and find out the names of these well known buildings.






F A: Cest ..

B: Cest ..C: Cest ..D: Cest ..

E: Cest ..

F: Cest ..

( Which buildings do you recognise on this setting?

( Use the Internet and do a little bit of research to discover on which building in Paris the fight between Costa and Nico happened. Extract some key information from the text to find out the name of the building by using google research.

( ( Handwork: Construis ta tour EiffelVisit following links and print the draft of the Eiffel Tower.

http://www.mescoloriages.com/chiffres-et-formes/coloriages,decoupages/tour-eiffel-2.gif.shtmlhttp://www.mescoloriages.com/chiffres-et-formes/coloriages,decoupages/tour-eiffel-3.gif.shtmlhttp://www.mescoloriages.com/chiffres-et-formes/coloriages,decoupages/tour-eiffel-4.gif.shtmlhttp://www.mescoloriages.com/chiffres-et-formes/coloriages,decoupages/tour-eiffel-5.gif.shtmlhttp://www.mescoloriages.com/chiffres-et-formes/coloriages,decoupages/tour-eiffel-6.gif.shtml(( Avez-vous aim ce film?Sondage: demandez 4 camarades de classe ce quils ont prfr dans ce film.Prnoms =>moi

Quel personnage prfrez-vous? Pourquoi?

Quelle scne du film prfrez-vous? Pourquoi?

Aimez-vous la musique? Aimez-vous le style du film?

Quelle scne du film changeriez-vous? Est-ce que la fin vous plat?

Est-ce que vous recommanderiez ce film un ami/ une amie?

Helpful websitesOfficial website of Une vie de chatwww.uneviedechat-lefilm.frPresskit in English and in French

http://en.unifrance.org/movie/29898/a-cat-in-paris/press-papersTrailer of the film Une vie de chat with English subtitles

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7e07c52VWgFrench Poster of the film

http://www.traileraddict.com/poster/a-cat-in-parisEnglish poster of the film A cat in Paris

http://www.nzcinema.co.nz/movies/NZFF-2011-A-Cat-in-Paris-5255.phpActivities in French for the class

http://uneviedechat.crdp-lyon.fr/index.phpQuiz pour la classe

http://uneviedechat.crdp-lyon.fr/travaillerLeFilmEnClasseQuizz.phpOther films with suggestions of activities for the French classroom on www.ifecosse.org.uk (rubrique Education). The Institut franais dEcosse holds a number of films on DVD (in French with English subtitles) suitable for Secondary schools. Contact: [email protected]!

Il miaule.


Ron ron ron.

Il .


( Je suis ne en 1163 sur lle de la cit en plein coeur de Paris, sur les bords de la Seine.

( Je suis en style gothique.

( Mes deux tours font 69 mtres de hauteur.

( Cest dans mes murs que Napolon a t couronn empereur en 1802.

( Victor Hugo ma rendue clbre dans un roman paru en 1831 avec le bossu Quasimodo et une tzigane nomme Esmeralda. Plus tard, un music hall a port mon nom.

( Sur mon toit, il y a des animaux bizarres qui font peur. Ce sont des gargouilles qui servent transporter leau de pluie qui tombe sur mon toit.

As-tu trouv qui je suis?