understanding the physics of a quantum mechanical heat exchanger

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This document describes the rudimentary physics of a quantum mechanical heat exchanger. It also proposes the development of this technology as an industry standard for environmental climate control systems with potential for use in specific "heat sink" applications.


Published by the

Foundation for the Advancement of Studies in the

Arts, Sciences & Humanities

U. S. A.

Lets start by looking at the phenomenon that causes elements to become charged up with energy from external sources and also to release that energy back into the external environment.

When locked into the elementary state as constituent particles in the atoms of elements electrons orbit around the nuclei of the atoms much like the planets orbit the sun. They are essentially lazy in this work and have a desire to move in the lowest energy state possible: - what is technically called the Base State. In the Base State, electrons move relatively slowly, and it is easy for them to remain attached to the nuclei in their orbits. Also, they are not as likely to engage in chemical bonding in this state as when they are excited. . . . Heres a little experiment to help demonstrate this.

Attach a light piece of string to a cork ball and twirl it around so that when the string is 6 long the ball is just pulling the string out horizontal in its orbit. Now hold your other hand out so that the ball strikes it and comes to a dead stop. There will be a transfer of the balls kinetic energy into the palm of your hand when this happens. This is a light tap, but really its not much energy. Now we will come back to this apparatus in a moment to make a further illustration.

What is it that causes electrons to become excited above the Base State? . . . They absorb photons that put energy into them. When that happens they are caused to move faster in their orbits. Below is a common illustration of how physicists show the structure of photons. This is very basic and only begins to describe the nature of how light travels as particulate clusters of waves. Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMR) occurs at every possible frequency range in the overall universal continuum. However, it is possible to extract packages of this radiation out of the continuum at specific frequencies into relatively closed systems. That is what distinguishes photons from the radiant continuum: they are extracts at given frequencies constituting relatively closed systems.

Because photons occur at specific frequencies they can be color coded for the sake of making a simple demonstration / explanation here. Lets suppose that we are going to use a set of eight photons in our experiment. Six of these will be in the visible light range, one will be out of sight in the radio frequency range, and one will be out of sight in the X Ray range. These are shown below with the lowest frequency represented as black and the highest as white: the visible range group corresponding to the principal colors of rainbow light.

In addition to color coding these photons, they have been given values representing their energy levels and corresponding to the values of various monetary coins and paper currencies from the penny at the lowest end up to a twenty dollar bill at the highest. The purpose for that will be explained later.

But to continue: When our electron is in Base State it is at its lowest energy level. Lets say that it has only one penny of energy, 1c represented by the black photon. But suppose it becomes excited in an encounter with a 5c (red) photon. Then its original energy level is multiplied by five.

Now lets go back to the cork ball on the string. We first twirled it with a string length of 6. So now lets multiply that length by five and make that 30. It first becomes obvious that we have to apply a lot more energy to twirl the apparatus fast enough to make the ball orbit horizontally. The excited electron would have within itself that additional energy. But lets go beyond this to the place where we stop the ball. Imagine you can hold your free hand out there and once again let the ball strike your palm. This time the transfer of that kinetic energy is five times greater, and you feel much more of a slap against your palm as the ball comes to a dead stop.

If we continue with this particular demonstration we see that when the electron is excited by the orange photon at 10c it slaps the palm with ten times more energy than at Base State. Likewise, the slap will be 25 times more energetic at the yellow state, 100 times more energetic at the green state, . . ., and 2,000 times more energetic at the white state.

And this briefly explains how electrons become excited with greater states of energy by various frequencies of photons.

Now it is the property of electrons that they will only receive energy or become excited in this manner at very specific frequencies. For example, this is to say that our experimental electron will only be able to accept energy in the denominations (or at the colors) shown on page 2. This creates an interesting effect because whereas the electron can only receive these specific denominations it is possible for it to become excited to energy states not represented by these particular photons.

How so? . . . . Well, lets give our electron a red 5c photon and also an orange 10c photon. It is now excited to a level of 15c. Likewise, if it receives two 25c photons it will be excited to a level of 50c. And if it receives two additional black 1c photons it will then be excited up to 52c.

It is time to learn something more about our electron. As mentioned above electrons are essentially lazy and they have a desire to be in their lowest energy state, Base State: or if this is not possible then to at least to be in a state of energetic equilibrium with their surrounding environment. This means that when they become excited by photons they expend that energy as fast as possible by emitting photons. But that can happen only at the frequencies at which the electrons are able to receive photons. The emitted photons will be one or more of the colors represented above. Referring to the paragraph above, it is not possible for the electron to emit either a 15c photon or a 52c photon. What then?

Lets look at what happens when our electron is excited from Base State by a 5c red photon. It has only two options for releasing that energy. 1). It can emit a single 5c photon. 2). It can emit five 1c photons. Then it will be once again at Base State. But really there is a third option available. The electron can emit only some of this 5c energy as 1c black photons and hold onto the rest of it. That capacity will come in handy when we look at the situation where the electron is excited to an odd energy level such as the 52c state. It allows the electron to add up those small bits and form a full 5c photon to emit.

Now this phenomenon becomes a lot like the use of monetary coins and paper currency. As discussed above, using only the low frequency 1c and 5c photons there are a small number of options for releasing that energy. When the denominations of received photons are increased the options also increase dramatically. For example, the energy of a received 25c photon can be emitted in many different ways; as another single 25c photon, two 10c photons and one 5c photon, fifteen 1c photons with one 10c photon (or two 5c photons), etc. Similarly, the electron can save up five 5c photons and spend the entire bundle as a 25c photon. . . . Imagine the number of possibilities that exist when the 5$, 10$, and 20$ photons come into play.

Brief note: When an electron becomes so excited with energy that the nucleus of an atom can no longer hold it in orbit the electron flies away as a Beta Particle and the atom enters a Plasma State, where the number of electrons and protons are not equal.

Of course, Hydrogen is the only element that has a single electron, except where other heavier elements have been stripped of electrons in high energy states and exist in a plasma state with only one electron. The hydrogen electron has a lot of various energy states that it can assume, both within the visible light range and also in frequency ranges higher and lower than this. This number of states increases dramatically in the heavier elements, and these continue to increase as elements combine into chemical compounds.

Now consider the effect resulting from this complex system of energy absorption and emission

Because the electrons in each element have a propensity to absorb and emit EMR at very specific frequencies each element has a very specific emission / absorption spectrum by which it can be identified like a fingerprint or DNA strand. The actual frequencies at which these absorptions and emissions occur cover a very broad range of EMR from far longer than the radio range to much shorter than the Gamma Ray range. Visually, we can only observe those that occur in the visible light range. Techniques of frequency modulation and interferometry must be used to observe spectra in those non-visible ranges.

The drawing below shows a sample spectrum of a hypothetical element with propensities at each of the main color frequencies, i.e. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. This element can not only become excited by photons at any of these frequencies, but also it will emit at any of these frequencies.

Also below are shown hypothetical samples of some elements that are readily observed at night in a usual city or town and which have relatively simple visual spectral propensities. Mercury vapor, argon, and neon are commonly used in street lights and electric commercial signs.

Elements like iron have a very large number of spectral lines in the visible range, and so when they are excited their emissions appear to be Chromatic. Technically their emissions are called Incandescent. As they become excited they begin to glow in the red range and increase in intensity to bright yellow and white when heated to high temperatures including nearly all of the visible light frequencies in their emission spectra.

When diffracted through a prism or some other devise sunlight splits into a chromatic rainbow because of this phenomenon the sun having a particularly high quantity of iron and other metals of this sort in its chromosphere. This means that a lot of different chemical compounds and elements can and do become excited by sunlight. The things that these compounds and elements do with the emitted energy as they seek to return to lower energy states establish the basic phenomenon that causes the Quantum Mechanical Heat Exchanger to work. In order to hone in on the application of this phenomenon in the named devise, we will first consider how this operates in a simple botanical system.

Take a look around in a typical neighborhood, at any garden, farm field, pasture, or forest on any part of the globe. The earth is essentially lush with plant life. The predominant characteristic of this plant life is that its vegetation appears to be some shade of green. The reason for this is that the primary chemical that allows photosynthesis to happen in this plant life is chlorophyll. This chemical compound is most readily designed to absorb the barrage of photons emitted by the sun at its peak frequency and then to emit this energy at lower frequencies that are used to continue the process of building other constituent compounds within the plants. Now lets observe a simple model of how this happens.

A most interesting experiment to conduct demonstrates the absorption and emission of photons by chlorophyll. To do this, begin by pureeing a can of spinach in a blender. Put the goop into test tubes and spin these in a centrifuge to separate the chlorophyll rich fluid from the solids. Collect this fluid into a single test tube and place it into a black box.

This box is designed such that a beam of chromatic light can be shined onto the test tube. Now when we look at the test tube through a small tube from the side opposite the light source the filtered light appears green: the color of the chlorophyll. When looked at it from a right angle the emitted light is a dark red. The chlorophyll is absorbing photons at the peak frequency of sunlight then emitting photons at a lower frequency at which carotene has a propensity to absorb!

Likewise, if we separate the juice of a carrot from the solids in that root and place a test tube of this in the box such that the red emitted light from the chlorophyll is shined on it the filtered light will appear red to orange the colors of carotene. Suppose we had the capacity in our lab to use a frequency modulator or interferometer to observe the emitted EMR from the carotene at the right angle, this then would appear as deep radio range frequency photons. Those lower frequency photons ultimately excite the electrons in elements and compounds such as carbon, water, nitrogen, and other nutrients taken up by plants through their roots and leaves to form a myriad of compounds that we think of as the substance of the plants. The plants work this in such a way that they actually construct their own chlorophyll and carotene in this manner once the process is begun.

Recall that it was mentioned earlier that electrons in the Base State do not easily bond chemically. When they become excited as in this process of photosynthesis they have a much greater desire to form chemical bonds, and this low frequency EMR really only acts as a catalyst to cause that to happen. The energy of that EMR remains tied up, or stored up, in those chemical bonds until circumstances allow those compounds to begin emitting photons. At that point the process of decay begins, the compounds break down, and the energy is released once again into the environment external to the plant.

The explanation of this process has been extremely simplified here in order to get quickly to the point. The juice from a beet, which would be much redder in color than carrot juice, would produce a similar effect. Think about what the leaves of deciduous hardwood trees look like when the chlorophyll decays and recedes in the fall: lots of yellows, oranges, and reds. There are a lot of different chemicals present in the vegetation and fiber systems of plants that operate in this frequency transformation process.

One more brief discussion of the emission / absorption process before getting to the nuts and bolts of the Quantum Mechanical Heat Exchanger! The questions surely arise as to why the observed emitted EMR from chlorophyll is red, why the filtered light is green, and why we dont see an emission that is at the yellow peak frequency of sunlight? The full answer to those questions is rather complex but it hinges on the property of nature that it seeks to be balanced and in a state of equilibrium at every turn.

Here, the first thing to consider is that chlorophyll is being absolutely bombarded by chromatic light from the sun, which is very strong at the yellow peak frequency. Now chlorophyll could just emit that energy back out into the environment as yellow 25c photons and be done with it, and it really does do that to a small extent. However, we cant detect that emission very well because the sunlight is so much more intense. In essence, the sun is telling the chlorophyll, I have more 25c photons than I know what to do with. Here, take this load, and heres some more, and heres another big bunch of 25c photons. Just dont try to give me any 25c photons because I am working overtime trying to get rid of the ones I already have. So the chlorophyll has to respond to that in this manner, Alright, alright, alright already. I wont try to dump out any 25c photons. But still it has to find a way to offload this excitement that it is getting from the sunlight.

What the chlorophyll discovers is that usually in the environments in which it exists there is something of an energetic vacuum at the red frequency that we would observe in the black box experiment. The chlorophyll takes advantage of that and offloads large quantities of photons at that frequency. And in a similar manner, chlorophyll plays this same game with carotene, emitting large numbers of red photons and forcing carotene to dump its excitement at yet a lower frequency.

That is part of the answer. To say why the filtered light is green, or why chlorophyll appears green, we have to recall the definition of what a photon is, i.e. specific frequency of EMR extracted from the continuum. To be simple, chlorophyll extracts (or subtracts) the frequencies of light that are not green from the chromatic sunlight so that the light it reflects or which is filtered through it (the remaining light) appears green.

Now returning to the idea of sunlight forcing itself upon chlorophyll, and chlorophyll in turn doing this to carotene; it is important to understand that this would not happen if there was not an imbalance of energy between the intense, high frequency emissions of sunlight and the lower energy states of the chemicals that are being excited by carotenes low frequency emissions.

To understand this more fully lets look at the process in a reverse mode. The same phenomenon of absorption and emission is what causes a fluorescent light tube to shine, literally emitting photons in the visible light range. This process begins when a consistent load of EMR is applied to the electrodes of the tube via relatively low frequency electrical current. That represents an overload on the low frequency end of the system. This EMR subsequently excites an electrolytic gas inside the tube. The gas is already continually excited at the lower frequency, so it is forced to save up those lower frequency photons and spend them as higher frequency denominations. These higher frequency photons emitted by the electrolytic gas, which are still not in the visible light range, find a very receptive batch of electrons in the beryllium coating on the inside of the tube. Further, because there is a more energetic environment on the inside of the fluorescent tube than on its outside the beryllium is forced to emit photons in the still yet higher frequency visible light range making the tube luminescent in the relatively low energy environment of a darkened room.

In both cases discussed above, the propensity of nature is to create a state of balance between low energy and high energy environments that are contiguous with one another in some manner. It is important to understand both examples because ultimately the Quantum Mechanical Heat Exchanger will operate to produce both effects at various times. On the one hand higher frequency energy will be extracted from a volume of space and be transformed to low frequency EMR so that it can be stored in the form of chemical bonds, as in plant photosynthesis. In a reverse process, the energy released from those chemical bonds will be transformed back to a higher frequency range for emission.

And this brings us to the primary purpose and application of a Quantum Mechanical Heat Exchanger. The basic idea of this devise is that it is a system of synthetic botany using the principles that make photosynthesis work to extract heat from one volume of space and,


rather than dumping this into some other nearby volume of space as with conventional air conditioning technologies, storing it in the form of a chemical compound from which it can be reclaimed at a later time.

Mainly with the Quantum Mechanical Heat Exchanger we would want to extract photons from the environment within buildings in the infrared range, although the principle can also be use to pre-extract thermal energy from sunlight at the exterior of buildings before the buildings become hot on the inside. As mentioned before, rather than dumping the heat next door or just outside into the atmosphere (the heat sink method), or using reflective mechanisms to try to beam the energy back out of the earths atmosphere, the thermal energy becomes stored in the form of a chemical compound such as synthetic coal or sugar, a carbohydrate, or some compound that can later be catalyzed to release the energy back through a system of the same order to provide heat. That compound doesnt necessarily have to be organic as long as it is relatively stable to resist decay until properly catalyzed.

We would look for some compound that is essentially non-toxic. Also, the decay of this compound and subsequent release of its energy should not be dependent on combustion, as with conventional fossil fuels. Optimally, the entire process should operate so that the constituent chemicals involved, whether in the compound state or in the decayed / broken down state, are constantly contained. That may not be totally possible, but the next best option is that the compound in which the energy is stored is a precipitate of some sort that is easily removed from the Quantum Mechanical Heat Exchanger for bulk storage until it is needed for the reverse process.

I will hold off on making any detailed discussion of how such a heat exchanger would be constructed. It is sufficient to say that, for one, it would be designed in a way that is very similar to the way the leaves of trees and other vegetation operate with the basic chemicals packaged in a cellular manner so that there is contiguousness to allow for the passage of photons from one to another, and also a system of veins operating by capillary means to cause the flow of fluids through the system (like the flowing of sap in trees), hence it is referred to as a system of synthetic botany.

Secondly, this devise will be much more passive than a conventional heat & air conditioning system that depends on the mechanical compression and subsequent expansion of refrigerant gasses and also the combustion of fossil fuels or radiance from electrically heated elements.

* * * * * *

Before closing I will note that there is another option for the storage of this energy, and at this point we come to the use of technology that is already very well tested. It is possible to store this energy in a charged electrical field of some sort. Basically we would be charging up a battery in that respect. The process of doing this employs the technology of the Photo-Electric Cell.

What has to be seriously considered here is the stability of the storage system. Chemical compounds like sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, and oils to an extent, are relatively stable and can be set aside without risk of decay for long periods of time. On the other hand, electrically charged environments are more difficult to contain.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

(James 1:5, KJV)

Understanding the Physics Of A

Quantum Mechanical Heat Exchanger

A Brief Technical Discussion


George A. Lane

Understanding the Physics Of A

Quantum Mechanical Heat Exchanger

A Brief Technical Discussion


George A. Lane

Published by the

Foundation for the Advancement of Studies in the

Arts, Sciences & Humanities

U. S. A.

Copyright 2011 by G. A. Lane

MMXI, All Rights reserved.