understanding the economic development contribution of airports

Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports Steven Landau Economic Development Research Group, Inc. www.edrgroup.com For the Pennsylvania Aviation & Aerospace Conference September 26. 2013 1

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Steven Landau Economic Development Research Group, Inc. www.edrgroup.com For the Pennsylvania Aviation & Aerospace Conference September 26. 2013. Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports. The More Things Change…. Ancient Trade Routes: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Steven Landau

Economic Development Research Group, Inc. www.edrgroup.com

For the Pennsylvania Aviation & Aerospace ConferenceSeptember 26. 2013


Page 2: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

The More Things Change…

Ancient Trade Routes: Amber, Silk, Gold, Salt,

Frankincense Inter-Modal passenger &

freight movement ACCESS to goods and new

markets BUSINESS TRIPS for sales &

procurement TOURISM to visit new places


Page 3: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Flash Forward Several Thousand YearsUS Transport Investment


• ACCESS to broader markets & locations Affecting availability & quality of employment, residence,

materials (food, clothing), culture/recreation opportunities

Page 4: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Critical Understanding

The difference between measuring the economic benefit of an airport and the role of an airport in a local/regional economy Uniqueness of communities/regions, airport facility &

role, business mix, and projects


Page 5: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Tell the Full Story of the Economic Importance of Your Airport

On Airport Economic

ImpactOff Airport Economic



Page 6: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Economic Development Benefits Generated From Transportation


$ Passenger Time Value (business)

$ Travel Expense (business)

$ Freight Shipper Productivity

$ Indirect (Downstream) Productivity$ Location Income Attraction

• Economic Development Perspective: Improving Access and Connections Facilitating access to new jobs, access to new business

markets, products & services

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Who Cares?

City, county and state legislators and regulators who want to know ROI or are unaware of the economic contributions made by airports

Local economic development officials and other transportation agencies

The general public who are voters Neighbors who object to operations and

expansion plans


Page 8: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Reporting Impacts

Avoid (or at least define) Jargon No One Understands & Use English


These effects can also be reported together as “multiplier impacts”, “spinoffs” or “ripple effects”

Jargon Reasonable Translation/ clarification

Direct Include type of impact (e.g., on-airport)

Indirect Goods and Services sold by local suppliers to support initial economic activity

Induced Spending of wages earned by workers

Output Business sales, or economic activity

Page 9: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Clear Reporting

Direct Supplier Sales*

Wages Spent by Workers*


On-AirportVisitor Spending Air Cargo Shippers*Tax Revenues*


Important Information:Jobs, Payroll, Output Business Sales, Local/State Tax Revenues, Value Added

* Impacts in “Off Airport” economy

Page 10: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Easier to Read Alternative

Direct Spinoff* TotalOn-AirportVisitor Spending Air Cargo Shippers*Tax Revenues*


* Impacts in “Off Airport” economy

Page 11: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Varying Types of Impacts


Off Airport Businesses

Direct Payroll Purchases of Goods & Services

Visitor Purchases of Goods & Services

(Meals, Hotels, Transportation, Retail)

Induced Effect (Off-Site)Spending of Direct + Indirect Worker Income

on Consumer Purchases:Sales at Other Businesses Jobs & Income to Workers

Total Economic ImpactsSum of Direct + Indirect + Induced Jobs & Income

Fiscal Impacts: Government Tax Revenues

Businesses & GovernmentAgencies on Airport

Direct EffectJobs at the Airport Income to Workers

Direct EffectJobs in Retail & Services

Income to Workers

Indirect Effects (Off-Site)Sales at Supplier Businesses:

Jobs and Income to their Workers

Source: EDR Group

Shippers & Receivers/ Market Access

(freight, productivity)

Page 12: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

The Big PictureAirports Support: Cost-competitiveness of existing business Rate of business expansion/attraction Breadth of activities for key local institutions Existing business mix Land use and development

trends and potential Intermodal connections (both passenger & freight)


Page 13: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Smaller Pictures… Freight Patterns Business Travel Land Use


Page 14: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Air Freight in Economic Development

Increase of air freight, just-in-time delivery, overnight courier

Expanding air-service reliant manufacturing & services

Growing technology industries, yielding new types of manufacturers & service providers

Use of corporate GA & fractional ownership

Intermodal air/truck/rail logistics


Page 15: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Changing Freight Patterns

Higher value/weight*

Higher time sensitivity*

Overnight delivery*

Small package delivery trucks

Air & Marine port dependence on rail & hwy

Rail & truck companies focus on long-hauls


Page 16: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Industries Most Dependent on Air Cargo Civilian Aircraft, Engines, And Parts Electronic Integrated Circuits Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Electric Apparatus Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Instruments Automatic Data Process Machines Precious Metals (gold, diamonds, etc…) Machinery/Apparatus for Manufacturing

Semiconductors & Semiconductor Devices

16Source: US Foreign Trade Division assembled by WISERTrade

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Visitor SpendingTourism and Business Travel


Page 19: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Industries Most Dependent On Passenger Air Transport

Telecommunications Architectural, engineering,

and related services Management, scientific, and

technical consulting services Banking, finance and business services Government, other Public Administration Universities and R&D centers Medical Services


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Land Use


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Development Significance

Air Industrial Parks Warehousing Hotel, Convention Recreation Office, Retail Mixed Use Development

Airpark Business Ctr (BNA)

Las Colinas Near DFW

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Traditional Economic Impact:Airport as a Jobs Center

Airport Administration Aviation Services Services to Aircraft (e.g., repairs, janitorial, etc..) Services to Passengers, Pilots & Crew: Terminal

Concessions Airport Business Services Government Services (e.g., FAA, Police, Fire, etc..) Support for Agricultural- Flights not crops Enables visitors - only off airport consideration

* Add it all up and present a number


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Capture How Airports Contribute to Economic Development “Outside the Fence”

Logistics facilities Warehouses Hi-tech sectors Other Manufacturing Finance Business Services Retail Entertainment Industries

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The Story of Economic ImpactsAIRPORT ACTIVITY: number of based aircraft by type; estimated operations by

private aircraft, charter/air taxi services, commercial cargo services, commuter or air carriers; volumes of freight and number of commercial passengers

AIRPORT FUNCTION: commuter, corporate, reliever, destination, hub, gateway, maintenance functions

AIRPORT CAPABILITIES/CONSTRAINTS: critical aircraft type (prop, corporate jet, air carrier craft); weight and range limits for critical aircraft; lighting and navigation aids

NEARBY FACILITIES: Industrial parks, business parks, resorts and other attractions

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE REGIONAL ECONOMY: population, workforce size and education, employment by industry; local growth/change patterns in those factors relative to broader state and national factors

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE REGIONAL SETTING: tourism attractions, business location site opportunities; supporting infrastructure; distance/connections to interstate highways, ports, urban centers, market area


Page 26: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports


Airport Economic Development Factors

Regional Market Factors Airport Characteristics

• Industry Competition• Tourism Potential• Population• Business Attractiveness

• Runway Capacity• Airport Services• Expansion Potential• Highway Connections

Desired Outcomes• Increased Tourism• Increased Business Travelers• Increased Air-Freight Capacity• Business & Job Attraction/Retention

Page 27: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Airport Community Development Role Preserve/enhance functioning of rural communities

Examples: provide lifelines for transportation, freight, medical evacuation

Support local institutions Local, regional and statewide importance

Other ways that airports provide benefits Examples: military use, air shows, non-aviation land use


Page 28: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports


Steven LandauEconomic Development Research Group, Inc.

155 Federal Street, 6th FloorBoston, MA 02110 USA

Telephone: 1-617-338-6775 x 206

Email: [email protected]: www.edrgroup.com


Page 29: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports


Page 30: Understanding the Economic Development Contribution of Airports

Airport Economic Development

Regional Market Factors Airport Physical Characteristics

Industry Composition• Presence of industries that

use more aviation (travel, cargo) than average

• Presence of industries that use more aviation (travel, cargo) than average

• Potential for job growth in these industries

Tourism Potential• Jobs created due to

increases in visitors and expenditures

• Strength of tourist attractions in service area

• Current visitor expenditures

• Presence of a resort

Runway Capacity• Accommodate corporate

jets, cargo or commercial flights (type of craft most appropriate to meet local economic development needs).

Airport Services• Refueling facilities• Maintenance facilities• Pilots Shop• Passenger terminal• Cargo terminal

Business Location Attractiveness• Office and Industrial Parks• Proximity to Markets• Supporting Infrastructure (sewer, water, electricity,

broadband, etc.) • Business Support Services

Other• Distance from major highway(s) • Distance of population from airport• Delivery market size/access• Potential for Expansion• On-airport and/or airport owned acres available

for development

Desired Economic Impacts• tourist expenditures• Business traveler expenditures• Business & job attraction/retention/expansion through cargo,

corporate and tourism activities