understanding & managing mental health

Understanding & Managing Mental Health Jodie Butler St Vincents Hospital HIV, Hep C and Mental Health (H2M)

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This presenation by Jodie Butler from St Vincents Hospital discusses the spectrum of mental health issues and how to recognise problems and support and refer people. This presentation was given at the AFAO Positive Services Forum in June 2009.


Page 1: Understanding & Managing Mental Health

Understanding & ManagingMental Health

Jodie Butler St Vincents Hospital

HIV, Hep C and Mental Health (H2M)

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All things are on a Spectrum

“Normal” --------------------------- “Clinical”

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What is Clinical? Significant distress or impairment in

functioning: social occupational or other important areas

Rule out other mental health condition, medical condition, drug or medication effects.

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Past Present Future

Depression Anxiety

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Depression and Dysthymia Physical Behavioural Emotional

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Physical Change in sleep pattern Change in eating pattern Fatigue Loss of energy Body aches and pains (somatic)

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Behavioural Loss of interest in pastimes/pleasure* Difficulty concentrating Difficulty making decisions Neglecting responsibilities Neglecting looking after yourself Slowed movements

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Emotional Inappropriate guilt Crying Feeling down, apathetic, irritable,

pessimistic, negative, “black” Thinking negatively about yourself Feeling hopeless/helpless/worthless Feeling suicidal or recurrent thoughts of


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Remember, everyone has down


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What you can do

Encourage Encourage Encourage exercise decrease in alcohol, substances balanced diet time in the sun if appropriate decrease in caffeine access to support networks

Label emotions

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Listen Use problem solving skills Do relaxation exercises Set boundaries, routine & structure Any activity is helpful Adherence to medications Refocus on valued areas of life GP or specialist referral

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Anxiety Social and Specific Phobias

persistent and excessive fear exposure to feared object/situation

provokes immediate response avoidance

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Panic physical sensations related to

adrenaline Breathing increases Heart rate increases Dizzy, tingling sensations Nausea, sweaty or clammy

fear of losing control/dying

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Generalised Anxiety excessive worry about a variety of

topics difficult to control worry physical symptoms

Restless Irritable Tense Sleep disturbed, tired Poor concentration

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder disturbing, intrusive, inappropriate

thoughts, images, impulses and: attempts to ignore, neutralise or suppress

repetitive behaviours or mental rituals to neutralise obsessions

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Acute and Post Traumatic Stress traumatic event response involved fear, helplessness,

horror event is re-experienced by recollection,

dreams, reliving, flashbacks avoidance of things associated with

trauma (thoughts, places, people, memory, detachment)

increased arousal (sleep, anger, concentration, hypervigilance, startles easily)

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What you can do Don’t enable avoidance Don’t panic with panic Tell them “It’s ok to be anxious” Patience Ask “what is the threat”

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What you can do Don’t fight the panic Don’t Say “don’t be anxious” Assist to stay in the present Concentrate on a simple task Relaxation Label emotions, sensations

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Psychosis Inability to distinguish what is real — there is a loss of

contact with reality

Confused thinkingdisordered thinking, confused, disjointed, paranoid

Delusionsfalse belief, which is not held by others of the same cultural background

Hallucinationsseeing, hearing, feeling, smelling or tasting something that is not actually there

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What you can do Ensure safety of all Don’t agree with them Acknowledge that is how they see the

world Move to a less stimulating

environment Refer to GP or local community

mental health

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Mindfulness of Yourself

Past PresentFuture

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General Head Works Minimal to no drug use Exercise Balanced diet Sleep Regular social interactions Regular meaningful activities Say Yes!!! The matter test

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Know your Local Resources Community Mental Health Team Local GP’s HIV specific services Lifeline

131 114 Other Helplines

GLBT Counselling Line 1800 184 527 Mensline 1300 78 99 78

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Know your Local Resources Websites:

www.blackdoginstitute.org.au www.crufad.org www.sane.org moodgym.anu.edu.au www.glccs.org.au