understanding engineers


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Page 1: Understanding Engineers


Page 2: Understanding Engineers


Source: 2014 Kelly Global Workforce Index™

Competitive salaries

Job stability

Opportunities for personal

and professional development

Using technical skills to

solve real-world problems

Clearly defined roles

and processes

Micromanagement or

workplace politics

Uncertainty in employment

Jobs that don’t use their

analytical capabilities

Failing to keep up with

new technologies and

their peers’ skillsets

A lack of workplace structure



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Businesses intent on technological advancement and greater efficiency rely heavily on engineering talent, which means engineers are among the most sought after professionals in the world.

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However, skilled candidates are in short supply. Employers in search of engineers to support growth and innovation have to contend with an employees’ market in which organizations face intense competition to secure the best candidates.

The growing global competition for qualified engineers led Kelly Services, in

collaboration with Fuld and Company, to investigate factors that might lead a top

engineering candidate to choose one role over another.

In the course of our research, we carefully reviewed United States–based online

discussion forums and groups, industry association releases, blogs, resumés and trade

press articles to gauge engineers’ interests and character traits. We also conducted

primary research with a select handful of subject matter experts in Europe, the Middle

East and Africa (EMEA) to gain high-level insight into what engineers value and avoid

in professional life.

We found that engineers are highly rational and value the ability to build a long-term

career. They seek roles that allow them to apply core skills, solve problems and affect

real-world outcomes. They favor employers that offer opportunities for advancement

and tend to avoid roles that entail high levels of managerial and political interference

or micromanagement.


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What makes an engineer? “Unlike other professions, the decision to pursue a career in engineering is decided at a young age. Almost all the engineers I know chose their profession early on. Some things come naturally.” – Specialist in Western Europe, the Institution of Engineering and Technology

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Personality traits

Each of the subject matter experts interviewed by Fuld and Company on behalf of

Kelly Services observed that engineering candidates tend to choose their career early

in life, as young children or high school students.

“What drives them? It’s the ability to perfect, create and build something from the

ground up,” said a Professor of HR at the Saint Petersburg State University. “The

appeal is always coming up with solutions to problems.”

Such observations reveal the basic premise underlying the modern engineer’s

character: engineers are rational and pragmatic, focused chiefly on applying technical

and analytical abilities to solve problems.

Evidence gleaned in our secondary research suggests this rationality informs engineers’

everyday decision-making processes. Most adopt a highly empirical approach to their

lives and carefully weigh the potential risk and reward in each situation.

As a result, engineers are highly risk-averse and tend to act in ways that will produce

the safest and most beneficial outcomes. This leads many to be frugal and pragmatic

with their finances, spending only what’s necessary for personal progress.


Engineers are highly risk-averse and tend to act in ways that will produce the safest and most beneficial outcomes

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Employment traits

An engineer’s rationality is central in their approach to professional life. Engineers’

pragmatism and love of problem solving leads many to roles that require applied

analytical thinking rather than repetitive tasks. Engineers care most about efficiency

and outcomes – and consider anything that gets in the way of these processes to be

a hindrance.

Engineers are most likely to be loyal if they are well compensated. If the scope of a

role does not align with initial expectations, an engineer is likely to persevere for the

sake of career advancement or return on investment in education costs.

Engineers’ devotion to efficiency and innovation entails a strong work ethic.

Engineering candidates understand the hard work required to deliver projects on

time and to a high standard, and commit to long hours in pursuit of progressive

outcomes. They also often work well independently and don’t require extensive


However, engineers commonly lack soft skills, such as public speaking, management

and leadership qualities. Many receive little tertiary training in non-engineering

subjects. This dearth of soft skills can pose difficulties when engineers are required

to collaborate with peers and present barriers to career advancement.


Engineering candidates understand the hard work required to deliver projects on time and to a high standard

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What do engineers value in a role?“Some people hate it when there is a fixed way of doing things, but that’s what engineers value – the certainty, the stability, the order of things.” - Automotive specialist, Association of German Engineers

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As highly pragmatic workers, engineers value process, efficiency and outcomes above

most other elements in a role. They are motivated by challenging tasks that require

analytical thinking and problem solving, and feel most at home working on projects

that resolve real-world problems.

Tangible outcomes

In the course of our discussions with various subject matter experts, we learned that

engineers value highly the ability to create things from the ground up to perfection.

Our secondary research reinforced this idea, revealing that engineers value roles

that make use of their core skills. Engineers would rather spend time designing and

developing the elements required for a project’s completion than writing reports or

delivering presentations.

Though engineers tend to work independently, we also found many candidates are

keen to work and share knowledge with other cultures and disciplines that have

better work practices and employ innovative principles. They are always looking for

opportunities to create new things and adopt more efficient processes.

Many candidates are keen to work and share knowledge with other cultures and disciplines

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Competitive salary

Engineers’ pragmatic approach to life decisions leads many to place a high value on competitive

salary packages. In our research, we found that graduates and candidates often compare salaries

with their peers and assess their current level of remuneration against those offered by other

companies. The six-figure salary is likely a subconscious goal for many engineers.

Each of the subject matter experts we interviewed observed that compensation is an important

factor in attracting and retaining engineering talent. However, our interviewee from The

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in the United Kingdom noted the growing supply

and quality of overseas talent has begun to alter the way engineers think about remuneration.

Our IET interviewee claimed many engineering firms have begun to offshore for financial

reasons, though a great number still consider the work of European engineers to be of better

quality. While engineers in Europe are still well paid and hold salary as a high priority, many are

adopting more realistic salary expectations in light of competition from international peers.

Age is a significant variable in determining how engineering candidates view their level of

remuneration. Engineering is a demanding sector that compensates long hours with high

levels of remuneration. However, our research revealed that compensation matters more to

engineers aged under 40. Senior workers tend to place greater value on benefits such as

training and work–life balance than their younger colleagues.

Graduates and candidates often compare salaries with their peers

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Deference to rationality means many engineers place great value on professional stability.

Engineers intuitively seek permanent positions, as these may satisfy an unconscious need

for ongoing financial sustainability. Large companies, government agencies and defence

organizations are often considered valued employers among engineers for this reason.

Economic instability weighs heavily on engineers, particularly those with advanced specialist

skills, as it implies lower job security and higher competition for employment. Recent

economic turmoil in Europe and the US has led to a range of company closures, and this

has forced many engineers into an increasingly competitive job market.

Engineers intuitively seek permanent positions

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Most graduate workers possess the same basic technical skills as more senior colleagues

Growth opportunities

Firms unable to offer competitive remuneration often provide training programs to

entice and retain engineering candidates and staff members.

Professional hierarchies in engineering are defined by expertise rather than skills.

Most graduate workers possess the same basic technical skills as more senior colleagues,

and progress within a firm’s hierarchy as they acquire knowledge through experience.

Engineers often defer to established and tested modes of work, but many appreciate

the importance of adapting to future trends and new technology as a means of

remaining valuable as an employee throughout their career. This impulse means

engineers are often eager to learn new skills and view employer-provided training

and certifications as highly valuable.

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What do engineers avoid or dislike in professional life?“Engineers do not like when there are intervening factors outside of their control or when they get stuck doing something because there are a lot of opinions involved.” – Automotive specialist, The Association of German Engineers

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Engineers dislike being influenced or affected by factors beyond their control


While knowledge of candidates’ work habits, interests and ambitions is useful for businesses

trying to secure engineering talent, we believe it’s equally valuable for prospective employers

to consider what turns engineers away from roles.

Unnecessary interference

Given their pragmatism, independence and dedication to processes and outcomes, it makes

sense that engineers dislike being influenced or affected by factors beyond their control.

Speaking with an automotive specialist from The Association of German Engineers, we learnt

that engineers in the industry prize perfection in efficiency and safety above all other factors.

The subject explained that safety is essential to automotive engineers because it directly affects

consumers. Efficiency is similarly important as it allows production to align with corporate interests.

Engineers are unlikely to respond well to factors that interfere with either of these two goals.

“These things take time and they need to focus, which is something that they can’t do if

someone else is intervening,” said the interviewee.

Our interview subject from the UK’s IET similarly observed that engineers dislike workplace

politics, as it has the potential to impede progress and prevent teams from reaching objectives.

“Engineers just want to focus on working, and if social concerns prevent them from doing what

they want to do, they do not appreciate it.”

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Wasted skills

Problem solving and analytical thinking are central to the appeal of a role for engineering

candidates. Engineers are therefore reluctant to take on roles that don’t use what they

believe to be their core capabilities.

Our interview with a professor of HR from the Saint Petersburg State University revealed

that engineers worry most about the inability to create and the potential lack of

involvement in key processes.

“Engineers tend to be resentful of being moved to the sidelines in the workplace, so we

have to make sure we have an environment that cultivates and protects them from feeling

like they are unimportant,” said the professor.

As an example, our secondary research showed that engineers are reluctant to work in

sales support roles. They are concerned that their technical proficiency will suffer if not

in use. Many are deterred by the prospect of a sales role due to lack of professional

development (“I won’t learn anything of value”) and uncertainty over salary stability

(“This commission thing scares the heck out of me.”). Unclear career paths and

questionable integrity of sales are also major concerns for many, while some are simply

concerned about the communicative challenges demanded of sales support staff.

Engineers are concerned that their technical proficiency will suffer if not in use

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Professional irrelevance

An engineer’s sense of worth is closely tied to the validity and usefulness of their skills.

Many engineers are afraid of failing to respond to evolving trends and becoming

professionally outdated or redundant.

The ability to work with new techniques and technologies is an important element in the

ongoing success of any engineering career.

“Openness to new ideas [is essential to success],” said our interview subject at the Saint

Petersburg State University. “Those who fail in this field are those who refuse to be open

to new ideas.”

However, engineers’ tendency to favour established techniques can prevent many from

considering or applying new technologies and processes. Our interview subject at the

UK’s IET noted: “Some engineers do not progress because they have become so used

to doing things a certain way that they are not able to keep up with progress or new

engineering techniques.”

For these reasons, many engineers are acutely aware of the need to adapt to changes

in their roles and industry, and eager to accept opportunities to improve their skills.

Engineers are acutely aware of the need to adapt to changes

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Sourcing and motivating engineering talent“Engineers tend to resent being moved to the sidelines in the workplace, so we have to make sure we have an environment that cultivates and protects them from feeling like they are unimportant.” – Professor of HR, Saint Petersburg State University

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While offering competitive remuneration may not be an option for all businesses, our

research has revealed employers can use a number of other methods to attract top

engineering candidates.

Address their priorities

Employers seeking skilled engineering candidates need to appeal to their basic

professional interests. Engineers value roles that require technical and analytical skills

to provide creative, tangible solutions to problems. They also tend to avoid

management systems that interfere too heavily with the primary processes necessary

to complete projects.

When searching for candidates, employers should reinforce the link between technical

capabilities and the associated outcomes or applications in each role. Employers

should also review management structures to ensure that engineers’ interactions with

managers are minimal and efficient, and do not interfere with workers’ core functions.


Employers should reinforce the link between technical capabilities and the associated outcomes

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Offer opportunities for growth and advancement

Training and growth opportunities may provide an effective incentive for skilled

graduates and can also help to retain workers intent on career progression.

Engineers have an acute desire to remain competitive and relevant, especially in

industries that change constantly. Many also lack soft skills required for long-term

success in an engineering career.

For this reason, education can be a powerful tool for employers trying to attract

and retain top engineering talent. By offering comprehensive training in modern

techniques and technologies, as well as soft skills development, employers can

position their businesses as environments in which engineers can learn and advance

their careers while working.


Engineers have an acute desire to remain competitive and relevant

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Foster a sense of community

Despite their independent nature and ability to work autonomously, engineers value

workplaces that are welcoming personally as well as professionally.

Organizations seeking to strike a point of difference in a competitive employment

market should consider fostering a collegial workplace environment for their engineers.

Initiatives could extend from basic amenities and physical office layout to flexible

working practices and social programs.

Engineers also like to be acknowledged for their work. When asked how employers

can keep their engineers happy, our source at the Saint Petersburg State University

noted that engineers value having power in decision-making processes and putting

their names to new projects and ideas.

“We implement a lot of training programs and continuing education programs to

keep talent happy,” said the interviewee. “Giving them exposure to new things and

allowing them to take credit works both ways – it builds their professional reputation,

but they also become more valuable as workers and they bring the firm along. It’s a

win-win situation.”


Engineers value having power in decision-making processes

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Five tips for attracting and retaining engineering staff







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The following are five steps employers can take to attract engineering talent in a competitive employment market.

1. Encourage creative thinking – engineers favor roles that require them to apply

analytical and technical expertise to solve problems. Organizations can attract

and retain engineers by promoting problem solving and creative thinking to keep

them engaged.

2. Remove impediments to work – engineers dislike having politics and managerial

influence interfere with their core objectives. Organizations should revise

management structures and key performance indicators to maximize the time

engineers spend on core tasks.

3. Invest in soft skills – as tertiary qualifications often don’t include soft skills, many

engineers lack experience in abilities such as leadership and management. Offering

soft skills training improves engineers’ ability to work within an organization and

equips them with abilities essential for sustaining a successful career.


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4. Nurture innovation – as with soft skills, innovative processes, techniques and

technologies are essential for engineers to remain relevant and capable within their

industries. By offering training and encouraging experimentation with innovative

practices, organizations nurture engineers’ career growth and stand to improve

internal efficiency.

5. Create a welcoming workplace – though engineers work well independently,

many value workplaces that are also personally welcoming. Organizations

can promote collegial working environments by supplementing professional

development with social, civic and charity initiatives that staff can choose to

partake in.

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