unawe and the social web

1 UNAWE and UNAWE and the Social Web the Social Web Richard West & Irakli West Richard West & Irakli West (Munich, Germany (Munich, Germany) October 13, 2006 October 13, 2006 Second UNAWE Interdisciplinary Workshop, Second UNAWE Interdisciplinary Workshop, Lorentz Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands Lorentz Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands Key Elements of UNAWE Key Elements of UNAWE ! Specific astronomical and cultural contents Specific astronomical and cultural contents ! Diverse pedagogical means Diverse pedagogical means ! Organizational set-up at the international, Organizational set-up at the international, national and regional levels national and regional levels ! Associated communication, internal as Associated communication, internal as well as external well as external

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"UNAWE and the Social Web"Richard and Iraki WestPresentation of the social web and its opportunities for UNAWE. Presented at 2nd UNAWE International Workshop.(Date: October 2006)


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the Social Web the Social WebRichard West & Irakli WestRichard West & Irakli West

(Munich, Germany(Munich, Germany))

October 13, 2006October 13, 2006

Second UNAWE Interdisciplinary Workshop,Second UNAWE Interdisciplinary Workshop,Lorentz Centre, Leiden, The NetherlandsLorentz Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands

Key Elements of UNAWEKey Elements of UNAWE

!! Specific astronomical and cultural contentsSpecific astronomical and cultural contents

!! Diverse pedagogical meansDiverse pedagogical means

!! Organizational set-up at the international,Organizational set-up at the international,

national and regional levelsnational and regional levels

!! Associated communication, internal asAssociated communication, internal as

well as externalwell as external

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Specific UNAWE FeaturesSpecific UNAWE Features

!! Entirely new conceptEntirely new concept

!! Involvement of many people with very diverseInvolvement of many people with very diverse

backgrounds and who are located in manybackgrounds and who are located in many

different countries and regionsdifferent countries and regions

!! Great organizational complexityGreat organizational complexity

!! Efficient communication systemEfficient communication system is needed to is needed to

““keep all of it togetherkeep all of it together””

UNAWE ParticipantsUNAWE Participants

"#"#There is a There is a ““NucleusNucleus””, with:, with:

!! The childrenThe children

!! The teachers/instructorsThe teachers/instructors

!! The National Action Committees (possiblyThe National Action Committees (possibly

also Regional ACs)also Regional ACs)

!! The International Steering Committee withThe International Steering Committee with

an Executive Officean Executive Office

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UNAWE ParticipantsUNAWE Participants

$#$# They They interact directlyinteract directly with: with:

!! The host schools or clubs (management, otherThe host schools or clubs (management, other


!! The supporting national organizations (scienceThe supporting national organizations (science

centers, planetaria, research organizations, etc.).centers, planetaria, research organizations, etc.).

!! Advisors, consultants, etc., to the ISC and NACsAdvisors, consultants, etc., to the ISC and NACs

UNAWE ParticipantsUNAWE Participants

%#%#While beingWhile being supported supported by:by:

!! Relevant national ministries (Education, FamilyRelevant national ministries (Education, Family

and Social Affairs, etc.)and Social Affairs, etc.)

!! Participating international organizationsParticipating international organizations

(UNESCO, EU, IAU, ESO, others)(UNESCO, EU, IAU, ESO, others)

!! Contributing foundations and companiesContributing foundations and companies

!! Distinguished individuals who mostly provideDistinguished individuals who mostly provide

moral backingmoral backing

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UNAWE ParticipantsUNAWE Participants

&#&#And areAnd are ““surroundedsurrounded”” by:by:!! The childrenThe children’’s familiess families

!! Local authorities (municipal councils,Local authorities (municipal councils,


!! Special interest groups (teachersSpecial interest groups (teachers’’

organizations, amateur astronomers,organizations, amateur astronomers,

scientists, etc.)scientists, etc.)

UNAWE ParticipantsUNAWE Participants

'#'#There is alsoThere is also interest interest by:by:

!! The mediaThe media

!! The general publicThe general public

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UNAWE CommunicationUNAWE Communication

!! The UNAWE communication system mustThe UNAWE communication system must

be highly be highly effectiveeffective, yet sufficiently, yet sufficiently

simplesimple and and flexibleflexible that all of these that all of these

parties will be served in an adequateparties will be served in an adequate

way, attracting and maintaining way, attracting and maintaining interestinterest

while ensuring mutual while ensuring mutual benefitsbenefits..

Internal CommunicationInternal Communication

!! Need regular, comprehensive, clear flowNeed regular, comprehensive, clear flow

!! From management to participants (From management to participants (!!))::

!! Contents, methods and schedules of the programme,Contents, methods and schedules of the programme,

!! News about events, availability of materials, generalNews about events, availability of materials, general

progress and future prospectsprogress and future prospects

!! From participants to management (From participants to management (""))::

!! Periodical reports with overviews of actions undertaken andPeriodical reports with overviews of actions undertaken and

results achievedresults achieved

!! Recommendations, based on experienceRecommendations, based on experience

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External CommunicationExternal Communication

!! With supporting organizations and sponsorsWith supporting organizations and sponsors

!! Project progress and achievementsProject progress and achievements

!! Close and open-minded contactsClose and open-minded contacts

!! With national and international media, with the generalWith national and international media, with the general


!! Unique and global missionUnique and global mission

!! Interesting topics: Interesting topics: ““cosmoscosmos””,,”” underprivileged children underprivileged children””,,

““future of humanityfuture of humanity””

!! Apolitical nature of astronomyApolitical nature of astronomy

Classical ChannelsClassical Channels

!! Reports and brochuresReports and brochures

!! Manuals and teaching sheetsManuals and teaching sheets

!! Newsletter with texts and photosNewsletter with texts and photos

!! Printed or as CD-ROM/DVDPrinted or as CD-ROM/DVD

!! Central UNAWE websiteCentral UNAWE website

!! Exchange at dedicated meetingsExchange at dedicated meetings

!! Special courses for the instructorsSpecial courses for the instructors

!! Progress reports at other meetingsProgress reports at other meetings

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The Social WebThe Social Web

““Web 2.0Web 2.0”” or or ““The Social WebThe Social Web””

!! Is a new culture of social interaction via the internet andIs a new culture of social interaction via the internet and

!! A second generation of services available on the World WideA second generation of services available on the World Wide

Web thatWeb that ““lets people lets people collaboratecollaborate and and shareshare information information

onlineonline”” (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia)


!! More people are onlineMore people are online

!! Many more with fast connectionsMany more with fast connections

!! The The ““onlinersonliners”” are much more experienced than before are much more experienced than before

!! Easy-to-use technologyEasy-to-use technology

Weblogs = Weblogs = ““BlogsBlogs””

!! Blogs = on-line diariesBlogs = on-line diaries

!! 55 mill. blogs worldwide (Aug. 06)55 mill. blogs worldwide (Aug. 06)

!! Personal blogs Personal blogs –– corporate blogs corporate blogs

!! Often topical on specific themesOften topical on specific themes

!! Virtual meeting pointsVirtual meeting points

!! No geographical restrictionsNo geographical restrictions

!! Exchange of thoughts and ideasExchange of thoughts and ideas

!! CooperationsCooperations

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How Blogs WorkHow Blogs Work

!! Blogs are like an online magazineBlogs are like an online magazine

!! Articles, photos, videos are postedArticles, photos, videos are posted

!! Others can make commentsOthers can make comments

!! Dialogues develop among usersDialogues develop among users

!! Contents are Contents are ““taggedtagged”” with descriptive words with descriptive words

!! ““TrackbacksTrackbacks”” to quoted postings to quoted postings

!! Perform well in web-based searches (Perform well in web-based searches (egeg Google) Google)

Blogs and EducationBlogs and Education

!! Fine tool for educational purposesFine tool for educational purposes

!! Class assignments via teacherClass assignments via teacher’’s blogs blog

!! Students progress documentedStudents progress documented

!! Resulting reports are publishedResulting reports are published

!! Other teams comment on the workOther teams comment on the work

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Blogs and MotivationBlogs and Motivation

““Kids are getting excited and engaged in literacyKids are getting excited and engaged in literacy

through blogging, commenting, and sharingthrough blogging, commenting, and sharing

ideas onlineideas online””

““There is an excitement that comes from writing forThere is an excitement that comes from writing for

a real, authentic audience instead of a circulara real, authentic audience instead of a circular

file seen only by the teacherfile seen only by the teacher””

““This thrill can be a huge motivator for studentsThis thrill can be a huge motivator for students””

““Blogs are changing educationBlogs are changing education”” by Dennis Pierce (eSchool News) by Dennis Pierce (eSchool News)


!! One central blog One central blog –– ““the hubthe hub””

!! Day-to-day overview of ongoing workDay-to-day overview of ongoing work

!! Run by Run by the UNAWE Executivethe UNAWE Executive

!! Mostly addressed to participantsMostly addressed to participants

!! Project blogs (few - temporary)Project blogs (few - temporary)

!! Relate to particular events/sub-projectsRelate to particular events/sub-projects

!! Run by people Run by people ““in the fieldin the field””

!! Of general interest, also to the publicOf general interest, also to the public

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The Astrobus in Tunisia

Teachers’ workshop in Venezuela

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Astronomical event in the sky

Examples of project blogsExamples of project blogs

!! Tunisian Tunisian ““AstrobusAstrobus””

!! Day-to-day roadshow diaryDay-to-day roadshow diary

!! Run by Run by the Astrobus team membersthe Astrobus team members

!! With anecdotes and childrenWith anecdotes and children’’s ideass ideas

!! Arabic and French, English translationArabic and French, English translation

!! Teacher/Instructor coursesTeacher/Instructor courses

!! ProgrammeProgramme, presentation of teachers and their home institutions, presentation of teachers and their home institutions

!! Astronomical events (eclipses, etc.)Astronomical events (eclipses, etc.)

!! Visible in zones where UNAWE is activeVisible in zones where UNAWE is active

!! Opportunities for participation (cf. VT-2004)Opportunities for participation (cf. VT-2004)

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RSS StreamsRSS Streams

!! User has User has ““RSS ReaderRSS Reader”” software software

!! User subscribes to (news) website with User subscribes to (news) website with ““RSS FeedRSS Feed””

!! User receives automatically all new postings (articles,User receives automatically all new postings (articles,

photos, videos) which are postedphotos, videos) which are posted

!! A large number of sites can be monitored this wayA large number of sites can be monitored this way

!! Fresh and complete news Fresh and complete news –– no work! no work!


!! AA single RSS feed for every blog within single RSS feed for every blog within

the projectthe project

!! One master (aggregated) RSS feed perOne master (aggregated) RSS feed per

language, including all posts in the samelanguage, including all posts in the same

language across all UNAWE projectslanguage across all UNAWE projects

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Additional AspectsAdditional Aspects

!! Most disadvantaged participants have no accessMost disadvantaged participants have no access

to the internetto the internet

!! Programmes are underway in many countriesProgrammes are underway in many countries

which aim at equipping more schools with basicwhich aim at equipping more schools with basic

computer equipmentcomputer equipment

!! Special effort to induce the teachers to read andSpecial effort to induce the teachers to read and

contribute to the blogscontribute to the blogs

!! ChildrenChildren’’s blogs for the oldest?s blogs for the oldest?

Set-up and running of blogsSet-up and running of blogs

!! Technical requirementsTechnical requirements

!! Software free (Software free (““wordpresswordpress””))

!! Blog must be customizedBlog must be customized

!! Simple photo/video postproductionSimple photo/video postproduction

!! Organizational requirementsOrganizational requirements

!! Installation by technician + managerInstallation by technician + manager

!! When running: part-time manager + on-call technicianWhen running: part-time manager + on-call technician

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Conclusions (1)Conclusions (1)

UNAWE blogsUNAWE blogs

(( Provide effective internal communication withProvide effective internal communication with

fast feed-back of experience gained,fast feed-back of experience gained,

unexpected developments, new ideas, unexpected developments, new ideas, ……..

(( Brings geographically separated participantsBrings geographically separated participants

closer together and letting them sense thatcloser together and letting them sense that

they serve a common, noble goalthey serve a common, noble goal

Conclusions (2)Conclusions (2)

UNAWE blogsUNAWE blogs

(( Encourage the participants Encourage the participants –– in particular the teachers in particular the teachers

- to come forward with ideas and opinions and - to come forward with ideas and opinions and ““teachteach””

them how to communicatethem how to communicate

(( Document, also for posterity, the project progress withDocument, also for posterity, the project progress with

a lively record of the many actions in different placesa lively record of the many actions in different places

and environmentsand environments

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Conclusions (3)Conclusions (3)

UNAWE blogsUNAWE blogs

(( Display openness by enabling bystanders,Display openness by enabling bystanders,

including the sponsors, the media and theincluding the sponsors, the media and the

general public, to obtain a picture of thegeneral public, to obtain a picture of the

ongoing programmeongoing programme

(( Demonstrate that UNAWE is at the forefront,Demonstrate that UNAWE is at the forefront,

not only in programme content and format,not only in programme content and format,

but also in the communication fieldbut also in the communication field

In SummaryIn Summary

Any communication system that involves so manyAny communication system that involves so many

people from so diverse regions and cultures ispeople from so diverse regions and cultures is

extremely valuable and mutually enriching.extremely valuable and mutually enriching.

Although the inherent challenges should not beAlthough the inherent challenges should not be

underestimated, we are convinced that with theunderestimated, we are convinced that with the

proper planning and implementation, theseproper planning and implementation, these

mechanisms will add considerably to the overallmechanisms will add considerably to the overall

impact of UNAWE.impact of UNAWE.