ultrahigh vacuum high resolution transmission electron ... · ultrahigh vacuum high resolution...

Surface and Coatings Technology, 68/69 (1994) 439—445 439 Ultrahigh vacuum high resolution transmission electron microscopy of sputter-deposited MoS 2 thin films G. Jayarama, N. Doraiswamya, L.D. Marksa, M.R. Hilton 1’ ~Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA bMechanics and Materials Technology Center, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA 90245, USA Abstract High resolution electron microscopy has been used to characterize the structure of sputter-deposited MoS 2 coatings under both conventional and ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions. As deposited, the films have a mixture of short-range ordered basal-plane and edge-plane oriented grains near the film substrate interlace; structural changes were characterized in a UHY transmission electron microscope as a function of two processing variables: temperature and Au deposition. Annealing in an oxygen environment was also carried out to assess chemical stability. During thermal annealing in UHV and in oxygen, substantial long-range ordering of the basal islands followed by grain growth was observed. Inhomogeneous oxidation resulting in the formation of MoO, in the initial stages followed by grain growth, yielding the final morphology of a mixture of MoO, crystallites of 5—50 nm size was seen on annealing in an oxidizing atmosphere. Au nucleation and growth on both thermally annealed and as-deposited films were seen to follow the Volmer—Weber mode, i.e. three-dimensional islands; these islands were also seen to be highly textured. Also, in comparison with carbon and SiO substrates, Au demonstrated higher stability on MoS2 to electron beam fluxes, suggesting higher bonding strengths to the substrate. These experiments demonstrated the paramount need for UHY conditions during both deposition and characteriza- tion to avoid uncertain contamination artifacts. 1. Introduction incorporating dopants (Au, Ni, SbO~, or polytetrafluo- roethylene) as co-sputtered species or as multilayers The need for long-endurance thin solid lubricant films [13—16]. Adjusting deposition conditions, i.e. high for precision mechanisms in spacecraft led to the devel- power densities, low pressures, and use of ion beams or opment of sputter-deposited MoS2 [1]. The first genera- lasers, also promotes a denser microstructure [17—20]. tion of these films had a microstructure that resulted Detailed investigations of the nanostructure of these from competitive nucleation and growth between basal- materials are incomplete. In particular, the morpho- plane (i.e. the (001) planes) and edge-plane oriented logical distribution of metal dopants in the newer grains (i.e. the (100) and the (110) planes) [2,3]. In co-sputtered and multilayer films has not been well general, pure sputter-deposited MoS2 films have a characterized and the relationship of these nanostruc- porous columnar-plate morphology with an edge-plane tures to tribological performance and humid storage preferred orientation parallel to the substrate surface, stability is not well understood. There are also many However, the columnar plates are in the wrong orienta- issues concerning the role of contaminants in both types tion for lubrication and tend to detach near the film— of film; most sputter-deposited films prepared in high substrate interface and reorient into lubricating particles vacuum systems contain 5—15 at.% oxygen (and/or early in operation [1,4,5]. In addition, the edge-plane carbon). Some recent results [21,22] have highlighted orientation also enhances the formation of MoO3 when this very dramatically; very pure thin films of MoS2 MoS2 is stored (or, worse, operated) in humid air [6—8]. grown under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions have This oxide has significantly lesser endurance and a been found to yield friction coefficients about an order higher friction coefficient than MoS2 [9—11]. of magnitude smaller than those obtained with conven- Experiments have shown that basal-plane orientation tional high vacuum films. and large grain size partially inhibit MoO3 formation in The availability of an UHY transmission electron humid environments [6—11]. microscope with a modular vacuum system design that The need to minimize early debris generation in allows interconnection to deposition chambers and other rolling-contact applications led to the development of a analytical systems offers exciting possibilities for studies second generation of sputter-deposited MoS2 [12]. of film growth processes of many material systems. In These films generally have denser morphologies and this paper we report the first UHY transmission electron more basal-plane orientation because the growth of edge microscopy (TEM) study of sputter-deposited MoS2. facets is slowed or suppressed; this is accomplished by The aim of the present study was twofold: (1) to investi- 0257—8972/94/$7.OO © 1994 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved SSDI 0257-8972(94)08065-7

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Surfaceand CoatingsTechnology, 68/69(1994)439—445 439

Ultrahighvacuumhigh resolution transmission electronmicroscopyofsputter-depositedMoS2 thin films

G. Jayarama,N. Doraiswamya, L.D. Marksa,M.R. Hilton1’

~DepartmentofMaterials Scienceand Engineering,NorthwesternUniversity, Evanston, IL60208,USAbMechanics and MaterialsTechnologyCenter,The AerospaceCorporation, El Segundo, CA90245, USA


High resolution electronmicroscopyhasbeen usedto characterizethe structureof sputter-depositedMoS2 coatingsunder both

conventionalandultrahighvacuum(UHV) conditions.Asdeposited,thefilms have amixtureofshort-rangeorderedbasal-planeandedge-planeorientedgrainsnearthefilm substrateinterlace;structural changeswere characterizedin a UHY transmissionelectronmicroscopeas afunctionof two processingvariables:temperatureandAu deposition.Annealingin anoxygenenvironmentwasalsocarriedout to assesschemicalstability.During thermalannealingin UHV andin oxygen,substantial long-rangeorderingofthebasalislandsfollowed by grain growthwasobserved.Inhomogeneous oxidationresultingin the formationof MoO, in theinitial stagesfollowed by graingrowth, yieldingthefinal morphologyof a mixtureof MoO, crystallitesof 5—50nm size was seen onannealinginan oxidizing atmosphere.Au nucleationand growthon both thermally annealedandas-depositedfilms were seen to followtheVolmer—Webermode,i.e. three-dimensionalislands;theseislandswerealsoseen to be highlytextured.Also, in comparisonwithcarbonandSiO substrates,Au demonstratedhigherstability on MoS2 toelectronbeamfluxes,suggestinghigherbondingstrengthsto thesubstrate.Theseexperimentsdemonstratedtheparamountneed forUHY conditionsduringbothdepositionandcharacteriza-tion to avoiduncertaincontaminationartifacts.

1. Introduction incorporatingdopants(Au, Ni, SbO~,or polytetrafluo-roethylene)as co-sputteredspecies or asmultilayers

Theneedfor long-endurance thinsolid lubricantfilms [13—16]. Adjusting deposition conditions, i.e. highfor precisionmechanismsin spacecraftled to thedevel- powerdensities, lowpressures,and use ofion beamsoropmentof sputter-depositedMoS2 [1]. Thefirst genera- lasers, alsopromotesa densermicrostructure[17—20].tion of these films had a microstructure that resulted Detailedinvestigationsof the nanostructureof thesefrom competitivenucleation and growthbetweenbasal- materialsare incomplete.In particular, the morpho-plane (i.e. the (001) planes) and edge-planeoriented logical distribution of metal dopants in the newergrains (i.e. the (100) and the (110) planes) [2,3]. In co-sputteredand multilayer films has not been wellgeneral, puresputter-depositedMoS2 films have a characterizedand the relationshipof these nanostruc-porouscolumnar-plate morphologywith an edge-plane tures to tribological performanceand humidstoragepreferredorientation parallel to the substratesurface, stability is not well understood.There are also manyHowever,the columnarplatesare in the wrongorienta- issues concerningthe roleof contaminantsin both typestion for lubrication andtend to detachnear the film— of film; most sputter-depositedfilms preparedin highsubstrateinterfaceandreorient intolubricatingparticles vacuumsystems contain 5—15at.% oxygen (and/orearly in operation[1,4,5]. In addition, the edge-plane carbon). Some recent results[21,22] have highlightedorientationalso enhancesthe formationof MoO3 when this very dramatically; very pure thin films of MoS2MoS2is stored(or, worse,operated)in humidair [6—8]. grown underultrahigh vacuum(UHV) conditionshaveThis oxide has significantly lesserenduranceand a beenfound to yield friction coefficientsaboutan orderhigher friction coefficient than MoS2 [9—11]. ofmagnitudesmallerthan thoseobtainedwith conven-Experimentshave shown that basal-planeorientation tional high vacuumfilms.andlarge grainsize partially inhibit MoO3 formation in The availability of an UHY transmissionelectronhumidenvironments[6—11]. microscopewith a modularvacuumsystem designthat

The need to minimize early debris generation in allows interconnectionto depositionchambersandotherrolling-contact applicationsled to the developmentof a analyticalsystemsoffers exciting possibilitiesfor studiessecond generation of sputter-depositedMoS2 [12]. of film growth processesof many material systems.InThesefilms generally have densermorphologies and thispaperwereport thefirst UHY transmissionelectronmorebasal-planeorientationbecausethe growthof edge microscopy (TEM) study of sputter-depositedMoS2.facets is slowed orsuppressed;this is accomplishedby Theaim of the presentstudywas twofold: (1) to investi-

0257—8972/94/$7.OO © 1994— Elsevier ScienceS.A. All rights reservedSSDI0257-8972(94)08065-7

440 G. Jayaramet al. / TEM of MoS,thin films

gatethe structural andchemical stabilityof MoS2during oxidizing atmospherewere executed in an attachedthermaltreatmentsin UHV andoxidizing environments chamber(sampletransferwas conductedunder UHYas a function of microstructure to gain insight into conditions). The static operatingpressureinside bothstorage and contaminationissues; (2) to assess the chamberswas approximately1 x 10—8 Pa (for a reviewdesirability of connectingan MoS2depositionsystemto of the instrument,see[23]).the UHY transmissionelectronmicroscope.

TheUHV transmissionelectronmicroscopewas usedto characterizestructuralchangesin MoS2 films (which 3. Resultsfor theseexperimentswerepreparedex situ) as afunctionof two depositionvariables:temperatureandAu depos- 3.1. As-depositedfilmsition (executedin situ), the latter providing a basis Prior to any heat treatment,a microstructural maptowards understandingthe structure of Au used in of theas-deposited thinfilm was obtainedusing UHVco-sputtering andmultilayer applications, high resolution electron microscopy (HREM). The

as-depositedfilm microstructurefor both AT and HTfilms, on bothcarbon andSiOsubstrates,wasdominated

2. Experimentalprocedures by basalislands.The hexagonalpatternof these basalislands can be clearly seenin Fig. 1 which shows a

Thin films (10—20nm) of MoS2 weredeposited,by r.f. typical HREM image of an AT film together withansputtering accordingto proceduresdescribedearlier [4] inset diffraction pattern taken from the same region.on substratesof amorphousevaporated carbon andSiO However, these domains were extremely short rangeon Cu grids; the latter were usedfor oxygen annealing ordered; in comparison,basalislands in HT films hadexperiments.Films were preparedat substratetemper- relativelylonger-range order,as shown by thearrowedaturesof 70°C(designatedAT for ambienttemperature) regionsin Fig. 2. The edgeisland morphologywas alsoand220°C(designatedHT for high temperature). seen in small areasof the film; their smallpercentage

Imaging was carried out in a Hitachi UHV-H9000 wascorroboratedby low intensityrings in thediffractionmicroscopeoperatedat 300 keY. Thermalannealingin patterns (DPs); thicker films had more edgeislands.UHV andsubsequentdepositionof Au on annealedAT Theseedge islandswere not straight, i.e. they had anand HTfilms werecarriedout insidethe UHY transmis- associatedcurvature.Diffraction andimagedatacollatedsion electron microscopecolumn itself. Au deposition from different samplesindicatedthat the planarspacingson as-depositedAT films and heattreatmentunderan deviatedfrom ideal single-crystalvalues incertaincases.

Fig. 1. The typical microstructureof an as-sputteredAT MoS2 thin film, i.e. the short-range-orderedhexagonalpatternof the basalislandsshownin an HREM image, togetherwith theinset diffraction patternshowing thecorresponding(100) and(110) planarspacingrings.

G. Jayaramet al. / TEM of MoS, thin films 441

Fig. 2. A typical high resolution electronmicrographof anas-sputteredHT MoS2 thin film; basalislands with relativelylonger-rangeorder(cf.

Fig. 1) arearrowed.

A contractionin the spacingof the basalislandfringes stability to such heat treatments.The HT films whenandan increasein the spacingsof the edgeislandfringes heatedto 550 °Cshowedonly the initial nucleationofwere observedin theseinstances;these deviationsare very small domains,arrowedin Fig. 4 (similar to theattributedto the formation of MoS2- ~ which arises behaviorof AT films on heatingto 400°C),suggestingfrom oxygen,during the sampledeposition,occupying that furtherheattreatmentwasrequiredbeforedomainssubstitutional sites in the MoS2 lattice [24] (these of the size seen intheAT films heatedto 550°Ccouldstructuralresultsare consistentwith earlierTEM studies be observed.The small size of the domainsin the HTof similar films by other investigators[1,25]; see also filmcould also beinferredfrom the DPswhereno new[3] for reference onearlierTEM studiesof MoS2. polycrystalline rings could be seen.

3.2. Thermal treatmentin an ultrahigh vacuum 3.3. Thermal treatmentin an oxygenatmosphereenvironment When the AT film wasfurther annealedat 550°Cfor

TheAT and HTfilms weresubjectedto heatingcycles 5 mm in a partial pressureof oxygen ofapproximatelyin the 100—550°Crange(andheld at eachtemperature 1 x iO~Pa,no change inmorphologywas observed,i.e.for about 10 mm) in incrementsof roughly 50°C.Up to particles showing(103) and (105) fringes still existed in400°C, there were no changesin film morphologyin the images. However, after anannealat the same temper-eitherthe images or theDPs.At temperaturesjust above ature for 10 mm in a partial pressureof oxygen of400°C,nucleationof small crystallites was seen in the 1 x 10 ‘~Pa,a few new particleswere evident coexistingHREM images ofAT films. At 550°C,new spottypoly- with MoS2. HREM images of theseparticles enabledcrystallinerings appearedin the DPs; the corresponding their positive identification as MoO3 inhomogeneousHREM images showedparticleswith (103)- and (105)- oxidation had occurredand the absenceof any ring intype fringesas seen in Fig.3. The (100) and(110) fringes theDPs correspondingto the oxide indicateda smallstill existed in the background(particles showingthese population.fringes were alsoseen)with a smaller fraction of edge The identification of MoO3 was further confirmedislands, suggestingthat the film morphologyconsisted of during a 2 h time sequenceunder the electron beama mixture of randompolycrystalsthat hadundergonea which showedthat theseparticlesunderwentradiationloss of texturedue to heating.The intensity of the rings damage (MoO3as themaximumvalent transitionmetalin the DPssuggestedthat particles showing(103) fringes oxideundergoesradiation damagewhile MoO2 doesfar exceededthoseshowingthe (105) type. not [26]). Fig. 5 shows theearly stages ofthis process

In contrastwith AT films, HT films showedgreater for suchan oxide particle;as theparticle amorphized,it

442 G. Jayaramet al. / TEM of MoS2 thinfilms

Fig. 3. Particleswhich show the(103) and (105) fringesandwhich dominatethemorphologyof anAT film annealedto 500—550°Cinan UHVenvironment.The relativeintensitiesof the correspondingrings in theinsetdiffraction patternareproportional to their populationdensity.

Fig. 4. The microstructureof an HT film annealedto 500—550°Cin anUHV environmentidentical with that in Fig. 2 with one very subtlechange,i.e. the arrowed darkercontrastregionswhich representnucleationof very small domains similarto thoseseen in AT films annealedto 400°C.

reducedto Mo metal whichlatercrystallized underthe occurred,resultingin particlesof sizes ranging from 5electronbeam.Electronbeamexposureduring this time to 50 nm as seen inFig. 6. While the imageprovidesnoperiod also causedthe edgeislands of MoS2 to amor- information on the particles’orientation or chemistry,phize;however, the basalislandsstill remainedcrystal- the insetDP revealedgrosschangesin the latter. Ringsline during the sameperiodof observation, correspondingto the basal islands had disappeared;

As the film was heatedto higher temperatures,i.e. instead,spotty rings correspondingto the (300), (310),between700 and800°Cunderanoxygenpartialpressure (410) and (420) spacingsof MoO, were seen,i.e. theof 1 x 10 “ Pa, significant coarsening of the film film had undergonecompleteoxidation.

G. Jayaramet a!. / TEM of MoS,thin films 443

Fig. 5. Inhornogeneous oxidationwhich resultsin MoO3 particlesand which occurson AT films annealedto 500—550°Cin 02 at 1 x l0~ Pa.

The amorphizedfringesat the edgesof theparticledemonstratethe earlystagesof radiationdamage.

— IFig. 6. Film coarseningwhich yields 5—50 nm particlesof MoO3 and which occurson annealingAT films to 700—800°Cin 02 at 1 x iO~~Pa.Spottypolycrystallinerings in the insetdiffraction pattern revealtheir orientation;the absenceof theMoS2 rings suggestscomplete oxidation.

3.4. Audepositionon MoS2films and (220) rings of Aubeganto appearon subsequentAu in the submonolayerto a few(4—5)-monolayer deposition;these were, however, very weak inintensity

(ML) regimewas depositedonto bothas-depositedAT in comparisonwith the (111) ring, suggestingthat Aufilms and post-annealedAT and HTfilms. Irrespective growth on MoS2 was highly textured. The HREMof the thicknessregime, Au growth was in theform of images alsodemonstratedthat there seemedto be nothree-dimensional (3D)islandson all types of film (at preferentialsite, i.e. basalor edge,for the nucleationandhigher thicknesses, Auislands simply grew in size). growth of Au on eitherthe AT or the HT films.Fig. 7 is an HREM image of the very early stagesof A very surprisingresult wasthat in comparison withgrowth of Au (~1 ML or less) on an as-depositedAT other substrates,e.g. carbon or SiO, Au had a muchfilm with the insetDP showingthe (111) ring of Au.On higher stability when depositedon MoS2. Even withfurther deposition(up to 2 ML), only anincreasein the high beam flux values, i.e. two ordersof magnitudeintensityof the (111) ring of Au wasobserved.The (200) higherthan thoseusedin earlier studiesof Au on carbon

444 G. Jayaramet al. / TEM of MoS2 thinfilms

Fig. 7. Early stageof Au nucleationand growthon an as-depositedAT film; the growth modeis Volmer—Weber.The (111)ring in the insetdiffraction patternrevealsthe highly texturednatureof this process.

or Au on SiO [27], Au particles on MoS2 did not rangeorder of the AT films. In the timeperiods studiedfluctuate under the beam, suggestinga very strong (less than 15 mm) at 550°C,an oxygen atmosphereatparticle—substrateinteraction. 1 x iO~Pa (10—6 Torr) was requiredto cause MoO3

to form. This agreeswell with other oxidationstudieswhich report slightly lower temperaturesalbeit with

4. Discussion higher oxygenpressures,e.g. in anin-situ TEM studyofMoS2 flakes, Baker et al. [29] have observedMoO,

From the characterizationdataof films as deposited formationat 527°Cin oxygenat 400 Pa while Kim andand after thermal annealingin UHY and in oxygen, a Lieber [30], using atomic force microscopy haveconsistentdescriptionof these films emerges.The sput- reported MoO, formation on single-crystalMoS2 afterter-depositedfilms are nanophasematerialswhich,near atmosphericoxygenexposureat 480°Cfor 10 mm.the substrate,consistprimarily of basalorientedregions The occurrenceof thermallyinducedrecrystallizationwith edge oriented islands dispersedthroughout. The complicates studiesof the kinetics of MoS2oxidationbasalorientedregionshavenanometer-scale grains,sub- that usehighertemperaturesto acceleratereactions(andgrains or domains. In a thermodynamicsense,these obtain activation energies). In pure oxygen, withoutfilms are more defective or are farther from a single- watervapor, in the conditionsstudied,recrystallizationcrystalreferencematerialthan MoS2crystalsor particles occurs before or with oxidation. Of greaterinterest isused in bondedlubricants.Henceonewould expect the thestudyof MoS2 oxidationin humid air environments,depositedfilms to be metastablerelative to molybdenite whichcanoccurat roomtemperature. These experimentscrystals. Such (albeit small)molybdenite crystals are shouldbeconductedwithin time—temperaturecombina-used in some bonded lubricant films. In applications tions that avoid recrystallization.Our experiencewithwherethe designerhasa choice ofusingeither sputter- the UHV transmissionelectron microscopeindicatesdepositedor bondedMoS2,the sputter-depositedfilms that the instrumentprovidesa usefulpathfindercapabil-will have less oxidation resistancein humid storage ity in kinetics experimentsto find such transformationowing to the nanocrystallinestructureof the MoS2and boundarieswith limited samplesquickly. Once known,the lack of protective encapsulationthat some binders theseboundarieshelp to definean experimental matrixprovide [28]. consistingof several samples atdifferentannealingcondi-

Upon heating in vacuum,recrystallizationoccurs as tions. After thermal processing,thesesamplescan beevidenced by the 3D particles with (103) and (105) characterizedby conventionalTEM.fringes.The datashow that the AT films are less stable UHY TEM canclearly characterizeMoS2 films afterthan the HT films; this is consistentwith the shorter- in-situ heatingor metal deposition,two known process-

G. Jayaramet al. / TEM of MoS2 thinfilms 445

ing variables.The apparentstability of Au evaporated Referencesonto MoS2 is very surprising. These resultswill haveto be compared with the structure of MoS2 films [1] T. Spalvins,ASLE Trans.,14(1971)267;17(1973)1;Thin Solid

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nanophasematerialswhich undergosignificantrecrystal- [11] L.E. PopeandJ.K.G.Panitz,Surf. Coat. Technol.,36(1988)341.

lization during thermal annealingin UHY at 550°C. [12] MR. Hilton and PD. Fleischauer,Surf. Coat. Technol.,54—55(1992)435.Films depositedat 70°Cwere less stablethermallythan [13] B.C. Stupp,Thin Solid Films,84(1981)257.

films depositedat 220°C. [14] B.C. Stupp, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Solid Lubrication, in Spec.

(2) Oxidation occurredduring annealingat 550°Cin Pub!. ASLE SP-14, 1984, p. 217 (Society of Tribologists and

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reactions, will have to stay below recrystallization Films, 108 (1983)209.

temperatures. [17] C. Muller, C. Menoud,M. Maillat and HE. Hintermann, Surf.

(3) UHY TEM canalso beusedto studyfilm depos- Coat. Technol.,36 (1988) 351.

ition issues.Au was successfullydepositedonto MoS2 [18] A. Aubert, J.Ph.Nabot,J. Etnoult andPh. Renoux,Surf. Coat.Technol.,41(1990)127.

in situ. The Au particleshadunusuallystrong stability [19] RN. Bolster, IL. Singer, J.C. Wegand,S. Fayeulle and C.R.on basalorientedMoS2 relativeto Au on SiO or Au on Gossett,Surf. Coat. Technol.,46 (1991) 207.

carbon. Nucleationwas seen onboth basaland edge- [20] S.D. Walck, MS. Donley, J.S. Zabinski and V.J. Dyhouse,

orientedMoS2. J. Mater.Res.,9(1)(1994)236,andearlierreferencescitedtherein.

(4) Finally, it would be desirableto characterizeboth [21] Th. Le Mogne, Y. Chevallier, Ch. Donnet andJ.M. Martin,Proc. 5th Eur. SpaceMechanismsand Tribology Conf., in Publ.

the heatingandthe depositioncharacteristicsof sputter- ESA SP-334, 1992, p. 317 (European Space Agency)ESTEC,

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62(1993)406.[23] J.E. Bonevichand L.D. Marks, Microsc: Key Res. Tool,22(1)

Acknowledgments (1992)95.[24] JR. Lince, MR. Hilton and AS. Bommannavar,Surf. Coat.

ork was sponsored by the Air Force Material Technol.,43—44 (1990)640.Command, Spaceand Missile Systems Center, under [25] J. MoserandF. Levy, J. Mater. Res.,8(1) (1993)206, andearlier

referencescited therein.ContractFO4701-93-C-0094as part of The Aerospace [26] S.R. Singhand L.D. Marks, unpublished,1990.

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ExperimentationProgramand the US Air Force Office [28] EL. McMurtrey, Lubrication Handbookfor the Space Industry,

of Scientific Research on Grant F49620-93-1-0208 Part A: Solid Lubricants, In Tech. Memo.NASA TM-86556,

AFOSR. The authorswish to thank Reinhold Bauer 1985 (Marshall SpaceFlight Center,National AeronauticsandSpaceAdministration).(AerospaceCorporation)for preparingthe MoS2 films [29] R.T.K. Baker, J.J.Chludzinski,Jr.andRD. Sherwood,J. Mater.

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fordesigningtheheaterstageandpreparingtheSiO grids. [30] Y. Kim and CM. Lieber,Science,257 (1992)297.