ultra large scale systems design using list

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  • 8/14/2019 Ultra Large Scale Systems Design Using LIST


    Designing Ultra Large Scale Systems

    Can Lean Inventive Systems Thinking (LIST) Help?

    Navneet Bhushan and Karthikeyan Iyer

    Crafitti Consulting Pvt Ltd, (www.crafitti.com)Emails:[email protected],[email protected]

    1B-401, Akme Harmony,Sarjapur Outer Ring Road,

    Bangalore 560037, INDIA


    The challenges of designing the needed Ultra Large Scale (ULS) systems are beyond

    the methods and techniques that humanity currently knows of. These systems are

    characterized by extraordinary decentralization, inherently conflicting, unknowable and

    diverse requirements, continuous evolution and deployment, heterogeneous,inconsistent, and changing elements, erosion of people/system boundary, normal failures

    and new paradigms for acquisition and policy. Today the largest systems being designed

    are what in the US military parlance are called System of Systems (SoS). The current

    cutting-edge SoS are characterized by operational and managerial independence of

    elements, evolutionary development, emergent behavior and geographic distribution.

    ULS will be SoS at Internet Scale. This is not a simple matter of extending the current

    approaches as P.W. Anderson in his 1972 classic paper described More is Different. We

    have definitely come a long way from that time in our approaches to design systems. Yet

    predominantly our approaches continues to be constrained by the analytical and logical

    thinking (analogical thinking) that we have perfected over past centuries.

    The research agenda proposed to design ULS systems includes Human Interaction,

    Computational Emergence, Design of all levels, Computational Engineering, Adaptive

    System Infrastructure, Adaptable and Predictable System Quality, Policy, Acquisition and

    Management. In this paper we explore the suitability of different thinking dimensions for

    designing ULS Systems these are Lean Thinking, Inventive Thinking and Systems

    Thinking. Our hypothesis is that these thinking dimensions need to play a much larger

    part than the current analogical thinking that we are used to, in order to design these

    highly complex systems of the future. We propose our framework named the Lean

    Inventive Systems Thinking (LIST) as a possible approach to design such ULS Systems.

    Keywords: Ultra Large Scale Systems, Systems Thinking, Inventive Thinking, Lean

    Thinking, Lean Inventive Systems Thinking.

    1. IntroductionThe ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws does not imply the ability to start from

    those laws and reconstruct the universe says P.W. Anderson in his classic paper titled More is

    Different[1]. He further states, The constructionist hypothesis breaks down when confronted with the

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  • 8/14/2019 Ultra Large Scale Systems Design Using LIST


    twin difficulties of scale and complexity. The behavior of large and complex aggregates of elementary

    particles, it turns out, is not to be understood in terms of simple extrapolation of the properties of a few

    particles. Instead, at each level of complexity entirely new properties appear, and the understanding of

    the new behaviors requires research (fundamental). We are standing at an important point in our

    history when this century of complexity will lead to extremely large scales systems designed by humans.

    The scale is the new frontier. These systems called the Ultra Large Scale (ULS) [2] systems, demands

    unprecedented capabilities from human minds to design, operate, control and manage these systems.

    The ULS systems are characterized by increasing interactions, dependencies, couplings or connections in

    not only the depth of existing dimensions but in increasing the number of connection dimensions

    manifold. The complexity of the ULS systems will be increasing manifold as it demonstrates the complex

    behavior associated with complex systems such as a natural eco-system. Dealing with this level of

    complexity needs new methods of study or solving problems. These methods need to be not only aware

    of but thrive and exploit very nature of complexity. This nature is characterized by indeterminacy, non-

    linearity, chaos, adaptation, self-organization and distributed intelligence [3]. The connotation of difficult

    or hard to describe leads to a system being viewed as complex. Further complexity can be considered asa contradiction of distinction and connection [3].

    Complexity has been defined as two or more distinct parts that are joined in such a way that it is difficult

    to separate them. This characteristic of complex system led Ray Kurzweil [4] to state I know English but

    none of my neurons do. Complexity generates an emergent behavior that is not exhibited individually by

    any of the parts, partially or fully. Further the connotation of difficulty in understanding this emergent

    behavior of complex systems springs from our classical methods of thinking [3]. These methods have

    proven their worth in tackling the issues of classical science, problems and issues predominantly in a

    world of distinct organization structures where the interactions between uniquely identifiable elements

    were clear and unambiguous, relatively few and limited to specific dimensions. These methods werebased on reductionism or analysis, determinism, dualism, correspondence theory of knowledge and

    rationality. However, the classical methods of dealing with mechanical systems and mechanistic

    worldview pioneered by Aristotle and taken to their zenith by Newton, faltered in explaining the new

    observations that started coming in early parts of last century. Further, the lessons from complexity

    research initiated a worldview that real world is not the perfect, geometrical, ordered, predictable,

    deterministic, rational construct that human mind, labor and ingenuity has created by engineering

    perfect geometries that we see in all man-made physical structures. The nature turned out to be an

    extremely creative and complex system, where dynamism and emergence are the norms. It is with

    deeper study of nature of information; man started realizing the inherent complexity of the world that is


    Our research indicates that the successful thinking dimensions that are working successfully in dealing

    with complex systems in contrast to the classical analogical thinking are Lean thinking, Inventive thinking

    and Systems thinking. We propose a framework for design of ULS systems using the integrated Lean

    Inventive Systems Thinking (LIST). The paper is organized into following sections. In Section 2, we briefly

    describe the challenges and needs of Ultra Large Scale Systems design. In Section 3, we describe

    elements of design coming from Lean Inventive Systems Thinking. In Section 4, possible approaches for

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    Ultra Large Scale Systems Design as emerging from LIST thinking are described. The paper ends with

    conclusions and details of future research directions in Section 5.

    2. Ultra Large Scale Systems Challenges and NeedsGiven the systems that we have built and which are continuing to scale-up in all walks of life, we arecloser to building larger and larger systems. There are needs for such systems to optimally utilize the

    rapidly depleting natural resources and also to function in a highly connected world that we have created

    for ourselves. Most of these systems are, be it web and computing infrastructure, supply chain systems,

    healthcare infrastructure, military systems or government systems, software based engineering systems.

    These systems are increasingly complex web of ultra-large, network-centric, real-time, cyber-physical-

    social systems.

    The ULS Systems will be system of systems at the Internet scale. Characteristics of ULS systems arise

    because of their scale. These are unprecedented decentralization; inherently conflicting, unknowable,

    and diverse requirements; continuous evolution and deployment; heterogeneous, inconsistent, andchanging elements; erosion of the people/system boundary; normal failures and new paradigms for

    acquisition and policy. Table 1 gives a brief view of contrasts between present approaches and

    characteristics of ULS Systems [6].

    Table 1: Contrasting the ULS Systems needs and Current Approaches

    ULS Characteristics Present Approaches

    Decentralized Control All conflicts must be resolved and resolved centrally and


    Inherently conflicting,

    unknowable, and diverserequirements

    Requirements can be known in advance and change slowly.

    Tradeoff decisions will be stable.

    Continuous evolution and


    System improvements are introduced at discrete intervals.

    Heterogeneous, inconsistent,

    and changing elements

    Effect of a change can be predicted sufficiently well.

    Configuration information is accurate and can be tightly

    controlled. Components and users are fairly homogeneous.

    Erosion of the

    people/system boundary

    People are just users of the system. Collective behavior of people

    is not of interest. Social interactions are not relevant.

    Normal Failures Failures will occur infrequently. Defects can be removed.

    New paradigms foracquisition and policy

    A prime contractor is responsible for system development,operation, and evolution.

    The ULS systems will be artificial systems hence they differ from natural complex systems in fundamental

    ways. Unlike natural systems that may evolve because of specific constraints or available paths, the

    artificial systems are designed at least in principle, with a specific goal or function in mind. As Herbert

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    Simon [5] describes, an artifact is an interface between inner environment and the outer environment.

    The artifact tries to accomplish a goal or provide a function in the outer environment. This artifact can

    have one of many possible internal environments to accomplish the same desired function in the same

    environment. This is an important fact, as it indicates that theoretically infinite ways exist to construct or

    design an artifact to accomplish specific function in specific environment. This is important; because this

    fact creates an uncertainty and unpredictability, in the artificial world that we are living in as it leads

    different actors to design different artifacts to achieve the specific function in multiple environments.

    This is a dimension of complexity that needs to be understood and grappled with.

    The interplay of natural and artificial is another area that comes under the realms of ULS scale

    complexity. Natural objects evolve through natural selection and based on the environment in which they

    operate. The observations based on how the natural phenomena occur led humans to fields of natural

    sciences. The industrial revolution started a focused direction towards the artifact sciences where

    suddenly man-made objects became prevalent and useful with specific functions or goals to be achieved

    in specific environments. Modern world characterized by artificial environments, virtual reality and

    synthetic materials, has become more man-made than natural. Yet nature has not been tamed fully infact natures fury keeps on giving clear messages of the journeys that humankind has yet to perform, in

    the form of earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, volcanic eruptions and multiple natural disasters that

    happen in many parts of globe.

    The ULS Systems research needed as described in [2] include 7 main fields. These are represented in

    Table 2.

    Table 2 Ultra Large Scale Systems Research Areas

    ULS Systems Research Area Specific Sub-Areas

    Human Interaction

    Context-Aware Assistive computing Understanding Users and Their Contexts

    Modeling Users and User Communities

    Fostering Non-Competitive Social Collaboration


    Computational Emergence Algorithmic Mechanism Design

    Metaheuristics in Software Engineering

    Digital Evolution


    Design of All Levels

    Design Spaces and Design rules

    Harnessing Economics to Promote Good Design

    Design Representation and Analysis

    Assimilation Determining and Managing Requirements

    Computational Engineering

    Expressive Representation Languages

    Scaled-Up Specification, Verification, and Certification

    Computational Engineering for Analysis and Design

    Adaptive System Infrastructure

    Decentralized Production Management

    View-Based Evolution

    Evolutionary Configuration and Deployment

    In Situ Control and Adaptation

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    Adaptable and Predictable System


    Robustness, Adaptation, and Quality Attributes

    Scale and Composition of Quality Attributes

    Understanding People-Centric Quality Attributes

    Enforcing Quality Requirements

    Security, Trust, and Resiliency

    Engineering Management at Ultra-Large Scales

    Policy, Acquisition, and


    Policy Definition for ULS Systems Fast Acquisition for ULS Systems

    Management of ULS Systems

    The increasing complexity either natural, artificial or a combination of both is an important fact of the

    new world. The increasing scale of ULS scale systems is creating more complexity as is evident in multiple

    dependencies, connections and unknown network effects the new pace is creating for humankind. Yet

    there is a hope it is remarkable how much the human mind has been able to create and synthesize

    especially in last 100 years or so. In fact, there is no gainsaying that artificial future is more likely than a

    natural future at least next 50 years or so. This is possible and thinkable only because of the human

    mind which has proven to be an extremely robust and comprehensive factory of new ideas, new

    thoughts and new memes that are successfully implemented to create artifacts, synthetic environments,

    and robust global artificial systems. This is the dimension of design thinking. In the next section we will

    describe elements of design that we have culled out from Lean Inventive Systems thinking.

    3. The Elements of Ultra Large Scale Systems Design A SystemsApproach

    We do not understand complexity. This is an inherent property of reality and the nature shows umpteen

    examples of the complex behavior as exemplified in the emergence of order in various seemingly simple,

    local interactions with limited rules in various natural systems. Complexity emerges from dependencies

    informational, control, decisions, structural and material dependencies. Connections create complexities

    as well. Multi-dimensional dependencies create higher order complexities. How can one embrace

    complexity rather than thinking or working for reducing complexity? How can one invent or innovate to

    leverage the boundaries rather than always focusing on the core? It is at the boundaries that value

    capture will have maximum returns. Value capturing and value creation are interrelated phenomenon

    that one needs to maximize. Further complexity is not necessarily natural; in fact most prevalent form of

    complexity impacting human-beings is artificial. The artificial things are synthesized by human beings.

    The world around us is full of more artificial things than natural things. Starting from our morning alarms,

    newspapers, radio music, television images and computer chat rooms we work through artificial things

    till the night when we sleep in artificially heated rooms and beds.

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    The very purpose of design is to reduce the complexity of what is abstract, by giving it some sort of

    physical shape or form. The crystallization of thoughts into some structure, either on paper or on any

    medium reduces complexity as perceived by the human mind structures make it easy for the brain to

    memorize and retrieve information. By design and not by accident highlights the scientific, structured

    aspect of design, where the system, its components and its behavior are completely understood, thereby

    introducing the element of predictability into the proceedings. Ultra large scale systems design needs a

    holistic systems approach incorporating the following key elements:

    3.1.NeedsWhat the users of a product need from it is probably the most ambiguous question of all. User needs

    stem from multiple intelligences

    [19], namely linguistic, musical,

    logical, spatial, kinesthetic,

    inter-personal and intra-

    personal. User needs also stem

    from the gratification of the five

    senses sight, sound, touch,

    taste and smell. At product-user

    interface points, the product has

    the opportunity to beneficiallyimpact one or more senses or

    intelligences. For instance, one

    could look at the interface

    points on a product use timeline

    or life cycle similar to the Buyer

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    Utility Map [18] and design the product to raise the bar of user experience (intelligences + senses) at each

    of the interface points.

    Simultaneously, one

    could look at the spatial

    and qualitative interface


    User needs may also

    vary over time or due to

    change in context. This

    leads to a multi-

    contextual and evolving

    map of needs. A multi-

    level user needs

    dashboard can serve as

    a key tool in designingthe next level of user


    3.2.Function (Inventive Thinking)Needs and functions are often interchangeably

    used. It is common to hear that the function of a

    product is to fulfill a certain need e.g. the function

    of a washing machine is to fulfill the need of

    cleaning clothes. While related to each other,

    needs and functions differ in perspective an

    emotional human-centric view vs. a parametric,

    neutral view. One could argue that the function of

    a washing machine is to wash clothes, not to

    fulfill the need to clean clothes.

    A single product may have several functions which

    may be sorted based on priority or importance.Typically, one core function is enabled or

    supported by supplementary functions. There may

    be additional layers of derived/ dependent


    Products can be synergistic when the cores attract (they are different from each other) and the outer

    functional layers merge or fit well into each other. On the other hand, two products with repulsive cores

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    (very similar to each other) will typically compete or in the unlikely event of a forced merger try to

    subsume each other.

    Function-focused design looks at two aspects:

    1. Performing the function elegantly [7] (in the simplest manner possible minimal consumption ofresources and minimal harmful effects) [46][47]

    2. Performing only what is necessary (eliminate unnecessary functions) [8]At the outset, there may be multiple design alternatives or paths, each offering a functional improvement

    and therefore looking equally promising. How do we know which path to take? TRIZ offers clues and


    TRIZ is a large collection of empirical methods discovered and invented through comprehensive studies of

    millions of Patents and other inventions for problem formulation and possible solution directions. Reader

    can refer to large body of knowledge at [46][47]. TRIZ clearly distinguishes two main parts of problem

    solving problem description/definition and its solution.

    Define, Describe, Analyze the problem from multiple perspectives, as deep and as wide as onecan go. This requires a focused discipline to not to jump to solution immediately TRIZ has

    tools and Processes for Problem Definition

    Find out the root contradiction and look at how the contradiction has been solved in the past Solve by exploring in multiple directions but start from the end result The Ideal Final Result

    Focus on Functionality not features.

    Some of the key design directions that emerge from TRIZ are:

    1. Choose a design which eliminates one or more system contradictions (contradictions are pointswhere beneficial impact to one parameter causes a negative impact to another parameter)

    2. Choose a design which moves the system to a higher level along known lines of systemevolution.

    3. Choose a design which is moving towards ideality all benefits at zero cost.3.3.StructureOften, form (or structure) determines function,

    the way the function will be achieved and the

    constraints that the function will face. Structures

    provide stability to systems, preventing descent

    into randomness or chaos. The flip side is that

    stability brings rigidity along, suppressing the

    ability of a system to change, adapt and evolve.

    Can structures overcome this basic contradiction

    provide flexibility while retaining stability?

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    Structures also have to evolve in step with needs and functions in order to enable systems to move to the

    next level. The TRIZ lines of evolution also clearly point out the significance of increasing structural

    flexibility to overall system evolution.

    Why are specific system elements rigid?

    a. Stability - They are elements where the most critical functions are performed and cannotafford to fail

    b. Unpredictability They are not very well understood and are unpredictable, hence they aredeliberately operating within strict constraints

    c. Dependency Too many other system elements are dependent on this element, hence itcannot be changed very easily and without pain

    d. Insulation They are not very well connected and therefore do not have an incentive tochange or adapt to changes

    e. Efficiency The elements are optimally structured to perform certain functions as efficientlyas possible

    All of these reasons are fundamentally linked to the concept of system complexity as defined by coupling-

    cohesion measures [32]. Tightly coupled structures tend to be rigid and therefore not amenable to

    change. Cohesive system elements and loosely couple structures are conducive to change, without

    compromising on stability. The root cause of high coupling and low cohesion is the lack of understanding

    of structural relationships between system elements, the need for these relationships, when they are

    activated/ de-activated and the strength of these relationships. The following steps are useful to move

    towards increasing structural flexibility:

    1. Find the areas of the system that are highly complex (tightly coupled, non cohesive) usingDependency Structure Matrices [48] and the System Complexity Estimator [12].

    2. Continuously re-architect the system to decrease coupling and increase cohesion.Another critical aspect of structure is the concept of centre centre of gravity or centre of control.

    Centralized structures tend to have very tightly coupled central nodes or hubs. While centralized

    structures offer a lot of stability, the hubs tend to become bottlenecks in complex, quickly changing

    environments. Recent trends of system evolution seem to be pointing towards networked, distributed

    architectures with distributed centers of gravity and distributed intelligence.

    3.4.BehaviorWhile needs, functions and structure characterize the static system, the working system is characterized

    by its behavior manifested in the way system elements come together to create a whole greater than the

    sum of the parts. In real time, system elements interact between themselves and with external entities,

    reacting differently to different stimuli and evolving in the process.

    Human beings have typically designed systems that are based on centralized intelligence. This can

    probably be attributed to the limitations of the brain to handle complexity [43]. On the other hand,

    natural systems are evidently much more complex and display what we perceive as emergent behavior.

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    They are so named because we are unable to draw logical threads from any central intelligence to the

    behavior displayed by the elements of the system (in other words, behavior that cannot be explained by

    logic). As systems grow larger, the cost of centralized control increases. Gradually, multiple centers of

    intelligence emerge and finally, intelligence is so completely distributed that hubs cannot be easily


    While emergent behavior has been observed, it has never been designed. In order to design

    emergence, the characteristics of emergent behavior and systems displaying such behavior have to be

    understood in detail. Following are some of the key characteristics:


    All systems (animate and inanimate) seem to have the innate tendency or ability to synchronize with the

    surroundings [20]. In the absence of centralized control, there still seems to be a strong pull for elements

    to work in tandem. Intuitively, it makes sense. Much more can be achieved with much less effort through

    synchronized efforts. While, the initial belief was that this behavior is the result of complex intelligence as

    pursued by game theory [22], the evidence of synchronized behavior in entities with very low intelligence

    (fire flies) or with no intelligence at all (pendulums) has changed the assumptions somewhat. In small

    systems, stable behavior can be achieved through stable structures and centralized logic. In large,

    complex, non-linear systems, these measures are typically inadequate or ineffective. Observations from

    natural system behavior show that the ability of system elements to synchronize (on their own) helps

    maintain stability and prevents the system from collapsing (natural tendency to decay and degenerate

    into chaos). While most designs are built with the objective of overcoming entropy through tighter

    centralized control, natural systems balance the tendency of systems to move towards higher entropy

    with the counter tendency to synchronize. There are clear parallels to be drawn with USAs war against

    terror and potential alternative designs to combat terror.

    How to design complex artificial systems with built-in ability to synchronize?

    1. Stop trying to build more and more complex central brains. Distribute the intelligence.2. Even in highly complex natural systems, synchronization happens through simple rules of state

    change or behavior change. These are preset responses to stimuli and may even happen without

    any active intelligence. Simpler elements are easier to influence (social network theory) and

    therefore contribute to synchronization much more effectively.

    3. Sync happens around rhythms (or clocks). Clocks do not have to be centralized, but central clockscan play a major role in assisting synchronization (touched upon in greater detail in the chaos

    section). The Takt time [8] concept also seems to be alluding to something similar.

    4. There needs to be an innate reason to synchronize (although it is not essential for all elements toknow the reason). Sometimes, reason is so deeply entrenched in behavior, it ceases to be visible;

    this can be dangerous (some rhythms are just impossible to get out of). If synchronization offers

    benefits in reaching some common output, elements tend to synchronize over multiple iterations

    of discovery.

    5. All system elements need to be designed as learning systems. Synchronization has to be learnt;the time period of learning may vary.

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    Chaotic systems look chaotic at the outset the patterns of behavior are non-linear but not random [21].

    They hide certain patterns of behavior called attractors. Attractors are essentially axes of stability,

    invisible at the outset but clearly borne out by macro behavior. Again, while natural systems are known

    to display chaotic behavior, artificial systems are not typically designed for chaos. There are certain

    traits that can be exploited for such design:

    1. In chaotic systems, attractors manifest across scale (clearly, if they do not, system stability willget affected). In reverse, while designing large, complex systems, all elements need to gravitate

    towards a common attractor (the behavior that needs to be manifested). For example, in a

    complex, non-linear system such as the internet, if security is a characteristic that needs to be

    implemented, it cannot be done by inserting some central security nodes into the network.

    Secure behavior needs to manifest across scale (entire network, zones, local networks, smallest

    subnet, router within a subnet, TCP/IP socket on a router etc.)

    2. Attractors act as strong central rhythms or clocks. You can choose to design systems such thatthe central rhythm is beneficial to the objectives of the system. In the absence of such design,emergent attractors can often turn out to be out of sync with the system objectives (many

    large organizations face this challenge when they grow in size and changes become more and

    more difficult to incorporate [51]).


    In the world of complex, chaotic systems, stability is not about being still rather it is about being on the

    move constantly to avoid stagnation and to counteract the inevitable forces that prevent you from

    remaining still. (Ever tried to balance a cricket bat on one of your fingers?) The key element is not

    stillness but balance. For instance at a macro level, system behavior may be looked at as a function of

    the following four elements and their individual traits:

    1. Fire fuel, energy to run the system2. Water vitality or life of the system, ideas3. Air transports essentials to all parts of the system, enables change4. Earth structure and raw material, the basis of the systemIn centralized systems, specific parts of the system may be designated specific roles in alignment with

    one of the four elements. The overall proportion of the elements is also controlled centrally and changes

    over time. In complex systems, these elements stay in overall balance, present at all levels ranging from

    micro to macro but in different proportions depending on the system need.

    This is very close to Ayurveda [52] which prescribes mechanisms to sustain balance between the four

    elements (as manifested in the human body as a system) and to prevent and cure imbalance, if any.

    Consider an organization as a complex entity, sustained by motivators, thinkers, communicators and the

    implementers representing fire, water, air and earth respectively. While some portions of the

    organization will specifically need larger proportions of certain types (e.g. leadership, research, sales and

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    engineering), sustained stability and growth requires an overall balance to be maintained. Any excess or

    shortfall in any of the elements proves detrimental in the long run.

    The concept of balancing key elements of a system which are manifested across scale (again falling back

    on the chaos attractor theory) can be used as an alternative, simpler mechanism to design system

    behavior (as compared to typical sequential, deterministic approaches).

    4. The Process of Ultra Large Scale Systems Design A Lean Set-basedApproach

    It is fascinating to note that while there are possibly millions of different products out there, there are

    just a handful of different approaches to the design process.

    Typically, product design has followed a convergent

    approach to arriving at the right design, in other

    words, survival of the fittest. Based on data

    available at any given point in time, the best

    alternative out of multiple alternatives is chosen as

    the to-go approach. This chosen design then gets

    fine-tuned over time, using the same survival of the

    fittest approach iteratively. This is similar to

    traversing a unidirectional tree (from root to

    branches) with a single player; choose the best

    looking branch at every node and hope to make

    your luck as you go.

    Fixing on one approach out of many early on in the life cycle has some clear pitfalls:

    1. Always reaching Local OptimaAs a design matures, more data and information tend to become available. Often, there is the

    feeling If I had known this earlier, I might have taken a different path! Decisions based on

    incomplete data tend to lead towards local optima in many cases much inferior to global

    optima [16].

    2. Creates a false sense of simplification of complexityThe decision to take one path somehow erases the existence of other paths from the mind,

    whereas in reality they are still there. This artificial simplification often results in all resources

    getting expended in one direction making it more and more difficult to retrace and take

    corrective measures as we walk deeper down a path.

    3. Introduces artificial delayBeing forced to choose the best alternative may result in procrastinationLet me wait for more

    information before I choose the path to move ahead. While this delay in action (making way for

    rigorous analysis) may look justifiable, much of the analysis is only hypothetical (since the data

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    required for real analysis can only be obtained a few steps down the line) and therefore not of

    much use.

    4.1.Set-based Concurrent EngineeringSet-based concurrent engineering [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31] is a product development technique

    invented by Toyota, which focuses on collaboration between different departments. The aim is at shorterdevelopment times with an increased quality level by improving collaboration and by parallelizing parts

    of development process. In the traditional point based approaches the teams select an initial design

    option and work on quickly producing it however, the design gets

    modified as new information, experiences and requirements emerge

    thereby creating what is called Design Churn effect. In this

    scenario, the product remains in development phase for very long

    period as the chain reactions created by many modifications to initial

    design lead to continuous refinement and an evolutionary design

    that keeps on going. This is the result of early design convergence

    and action-oriented approaches most companies and management

    gurus prophesize. In contrast Toyotas SBCE advocates slow

    convergence strategy. SBCE processes starts with large design

    alternatives covering broad design spaces and then slowly converges

    to a possible design by eliminating the weakest alternatives rather than choosing one best alternative.

    It is a counter-intuitive approach and looks paradoxical to people trained in the traditional point based

    approaches. Various sets of alternatives are taken ahead for all parts of the product and the weakest

    ones are eliminated as we move in the product development life cycle.

    SBCE leading to slow convergence seems like an inefficient and expensive way to develop products,

    however, Toyota creates new automobiles faster than industry average with less effort. It has beentermed as the Second Toyota Paradox as more time spent in early phases of the product life cycle leads

    to less time spent in the overall product life cycle [26].

    Although SBCE is known for many years and many research publications have described the process, it

    has not been picked up by many companies as principles are counter intuitive and in time and budget

    constrained commercial organizations, it becomes very difficult to not to show one design quickly so as to

    show the development project is on the right track to the top management. The information, decision,

    design and organization complexity also increases as SBCE as a process requires strict discipline in

    following the process by everyone as there is no central control, it creates a self-organizing system.

    Further, the SBCE principles dont describe specific methods, techniques, tools or frameworks for

    execution. It is this important gap that Inventive Thinking approaches (TRIZ, function-based approaches)

    and Systems Thinking approaches (holistic understanding of needs, function, structure and behavior)

    serve to fill.

    5. Linking the design elements with the LIST framework

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    SBCE Steps Specific Actions TRIZ and Other tools

    Mapping the

    Design Space

    Describe user needs In case of multiple needs carry out needs

    interdependency analysis

    Find out key functions to be performed

    Understand structural complexities Understand behavioral complexities Function dependency analysis to find out


    Can some high level functions specific tostrengths of different teams be identified

    Let each team explore the specifications, needs,functions independent of each other

    Each team explore design tradeoffs throughsimulations and their past observations

    Each team should come up with their sets ofdifferent solutions with in the functional and

    performance needs of the product

    Problem Formulation andAnalysis

    Value Stream [49]

    Ideal Final Result (IFR)Why-what hierarchyNine windowsDependency Structure

    Matrix (DSM) [48]

    Function/Attribute AnalysisSystem Complexity

    Estimator (SCE) [12][16]

    S curve analysis Vedic Inventive Principles


    Contradictions Technical/Physical

    Trends of evolutionStriving for



    (Functional Team


    Design should remain functional after variationsin its environment

    Vulnerability of system to changes in theenvironment should be minimized

    Modularized Design with standard components

    IFR AFD/Subversion Analysis Robust Inventive System

    Design (RISD) [10]

    DSMIntegration by


    (System level)

    How are the parts integrated to meet at thepoint that will be regarded best solution

    Find out overlap of feasible design spaces foreach sub component

    Decisions about eliminating the weak designs

    Decision DependencyMatrices (DDM) [13][15]

    Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) [15][45]

    Technical Contradictions /Inventive Principles


    Feasibility before


    Multiple concepts developed using prototypingsimulation

    The infeasible ones will be rejected rest all willcontinue to be developed

    Decision theoreticprinciples [28][29]

    AHP Closer to IFR

    Conflict Handling Cooperative Conflict handling Which solution is closer toIFR?


    6. Conclusions and Further ResearchThe challenges posed by the Ultra Large Scale (ULS) Systems design are immense. These challenges are

    unprecedented as well. Further the traditional methods that we have perfected and that have served us

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    for many centuries are failing in designing such large scale systems. Taking the cues from research

    agenda proposed by the ULS systems community, we propose in this paper a framework combining lean,

    inventive and systems thinking, is a possible route. The framework that we termed LIST has elements of

    natural evolution, design thinking, holistic thinking and inventive thinking. We propose to carry out

    further research and development of the methodology for designing highly complex ultra large scale



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