ukraine key points

Reuters Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, caught between a rock and Russia's Vladimir Putin. November 22, 2013 EU trade deal shelved Yanukovych's government suddenly halts plans to sign a political association and trade deal with the EU, opting to boost ties with Russia instead. The surprise move comes after several years of preparations and firm promises from Yanukovych that he would sign the agreement. Andrew Kravchenko/AP Opposition protesters clash with riot police in front of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers in Kyiv on Nov. 25.. November 24, 2013

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ReutersUkrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, caught between a rock and Russia's Vladimir Putin.November 22, 2!"EU trade deal shelvedYanukovych's government suddenly halts #lans to sign a #olitical association and trade deal with the $U, o#tingto boost ties with Russia instead. %he sur#rise move comes a&ter several years o& #re#arations and &irm #romises &rom Yanukovych that he would sign the agreement.Andrew Kravchenko/APOpposition protesters clash with riot police in front of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers in Kyiv on Nov. 2..Nove!ber 2"# 2$%&Mass protests beginProtests rock the city of Kyiv. 'hey are the lar(est in the city since the 2$$" Oran(e )evol*tion that re!oved +an*kovych in favo*r of a pro,-estern (overn!ent. Protests contin*e overni(ht as de!onstrators ca!p o*t in a central s.*are# *r(in( +an*kovych to chan(e his !ind and si(n the deal./asily 0edosenko/)e*tersA !an holds a stick as protesters try to break thro*(h police lines near the presidential ad!inistration b*ildin( on 1ec. %.1ece!ber 2$%&Thousands protest in KyivUkrainian opposition leaders call for the +an*kovych (overn!ent to resi(n at a rally of an esti!ated &$#$$$ people. 2t is a day of h*(e e!otion# !arkin( the anniversary of Ukraine3s %44% referend*! on independence fro! the 5oviet Union. Acc*astions of police violence f*rther an(ers the protesters.Vasily 'edosenko(Reuters)u##orters o& Ukrainian $U integration sing and wave &lags during a #rotest in &ront o& the Ukrainian cabinet o& ministers building in *yiv.+ecember ,, 2!"Yanukovych, Putin meetYanukovych meets Russia's Vladimir Putin in the -lack )ea resort o& )ochi to lay the groundwork &or a new .strategic #artnershi#. to shore u# Ukraine's creaking economy. %he meeting comes in de&iance o& enraged #rotesters back home.Nathan +enette(/anadian Press'012hen you look to the west, know that we are looking back at you with great admiration,' /looney says in the video. '1e wish you a #eace&ul and sa&e mission, we wish you the government that you want.'+ecember !, 2!"George Clooney voices support3ctor 4eorge /looney releases a video voicin( his s*pport &or the Ukrainian #rotesters who have been on the streets o& *yiv &or over two weeks.)ergei /hu5avkov(3PU.). 3ssistant )ecretary o& )tate Victoria Nuland says in *yiv on +ec. !! that 'there is a way out &or Ukraine.'+ecember !!, 2!"Opposition spurns talks%he leaders say they will not sit down with +an*kovych until he &ires his government and releases all demonstrators arrested since the #rotests began.)ergei *ar#ukhin(ReutersYanukovich gives a wink to Putin during a signing ceremony a&ter a meeting o& the Russian6Ukrainian 7nterstate /ommission at the *remlin in 8oscow on +ec. !9.+ecember !9, 2!"Russia offers $!" #ailoutP*tin pled(es to buy :!; billion worth o& Ukrainian bonds and cut the #rice o& natural gas shar#ly in an e&&ort to relieve #olitical #ressure on Yanukovych. %hose #ayments would later be sus#ended, then resume as the #olitical games continued.6leb 6aranich/)e*tersA protester at a Kyiv rally holds a pict*re of 7o*rnalist 'etyana Chornovil# who was beaten and left in a ditch ho*rs after p*blishin( an article on the assets of top (overn!ent o8cials.1ece!ber 29# 2$%&Journalist savagely beatenProtesters de!and Ukraine3s interior !inister resi(n after an opposition 7o*rnalist known for doc*!entin( the e:trava(ance of the co*ntry3s political elite was chased down in her car andsava(ely beaten in a !idni(ht attack.4leb 4aranich(ReutersPro6$uro#ean integration #rotesters gather near the entrance to +inamo stadium during clashes with Ukrainian riot #olice in *yiv.nancial aid to Ukraine on 0eb. %B# 7*st as +an*kovych was e:pected to no!inate a new pri!e !inister# pro!ptin( fears a!on( the opposition that he wo*ld tap a )*ssian,leanin( loyalist.0ebr*ary %C# 2$%"At least "# $illed in %ery mayhemA lar(e section of the protest ca!p in the centre of Ukraine3s capital beco!es en(*lfed in Da!es as police advance on de!onstrators./-/'ebruary !@, 2!=,eath toll rises%hick black smoke rises &rom the barricades encircling the #rotest cam# in central *yiv. %housands o& de&iant #rotesters stare down rows o& riot #olice, who have sAuee5ed them dee#er into 7nde#endence )Auare. 3t least 2; are dead and 2=! inDured in the latest violence.)e*ters+an*kovych !ade the state!ent on the presidential website.0ebr*ary %4# 2$%"Truce declaredAfter a !eetin( with opposition leaders# President /iktor +an*kovych declares a Etr*ceE in the violence. Fe also says the parties will be(in Ene(otiations ai!ed at the cessation of bloodshed and stabili##osition leaders and the #residentsi(n a deal that will allow &or an early election, new constitution and a new unity government. %he Ukranian #arliament also votes to release %ymoshenko, the &ormer #rime minister who was serving a seven6year #rison sentence./-/'ebruary 22, 2!=Po&er shift7n a st*nnin( reversal of fort*ne, o##osition icon Yulia %ymoshenko leaves Dail and s#eaks to a massive, adoring crowd, while her arch6&oe President Viktor Yanukovych isdeposed by parlia!ent and decam#s to eastern Ukraine and vows to remain in #ower./-/'ebruary 22, 2!=-yiv fallsProtesters take control o& the #residential administration building and thousands o& curious and contem#tuous Ukrainians roam the suddenly o#en grounds o& the lavish com#ound outside *yiv where Yanukovych was believed to live. Yanukovych says he regards the #arliament as now illegitimate and he won't res#ect its decisions./-/'ebruary 2", 2!=Uncertain futureUkraine remains in a delicate state o& limbo. %he newly emboldened #arliament, now dominated by the o##osition, struggles to work out who is in charge. %he #arliament on )unday assi(ns presidential powerstoits new s#eaker, >leksandr %urchinov./-/'ebruary 2=, 2!=$rrest &arrant for YanukovychUkraine's acting government acc*ses President/iktor+an*kovych o& .mass killing. in the deaths o& #rotesters. Russia shar#ly Auestions its authority, calling it an .armed mutiny.. Yanukovych himsel& has re#ortedly &led to the -lack )ea #eninsula o& /rimea, a #ro6Russian area in Ukraine./-/'ebruary 2;, 2!=Crimea tensions mount+o5ens o& #ro6Russian #rotesters rally in the Ukrainian #eninsula o& /rimea against .the bandits. in *yiv who are trying to &orm a new government E with some even s#eaking o& secession. 3 lawmaker &rom Russia stokestheir #assions &urther by #romising them that Russia will #rotect them./-/'ebruary 2,, 2!=Clash in Crimea0ist>(hts break o*t between #ro6 and anti6Russian demonstrators in /rimea as Russian President Vladimir Putin orders massive military eCercises Dust across the border.*onstantin /hernichkin(Reuters'ebruary 29, 2!=$irport sei.ed/ reports1oant speech fro! the )*ssian city of )ostov,on,1on.March %%# 2$%"(anu$ovych vo's to returnO*sted leader /iktor +an*kovych says he will ret*rn as president to Kyiv. Fe appeals to the ar!edforces to defy any Ecri!inal ordersE handed down by his foes. Pro,)*ssian a*thorities in Cri!ea close the re(ion3s airspace to co!!ercial Di(hts in the b*ild,*p to the referend*!./asily 0edosenko/)e*tersA worker p*ts *p a poster that reads# E'o(ether with )*ssia. March %9 , referend*!E# in the centre of 5i!feropol# the Cri!ean capital.March %2# 2$%".4 to 1ussia* 5ac$ a'ay &rom !rimea'he (ro*p# which incl*des so!e of the world3s top econo!ies in its !e!bership# says a )*ssian,backed referend*! on the stat*s of the Alack 5ea penins*la wo*ld have no le(al e;ect.Andrew @*bi!ov/Associated PressA wo!an casts her ballot at a pollin( station in 5evastopol# Ukraine.March %9# 2$%"!rimea votes to leave U$raine in secession re&erendum'he head of the referend*! co!!ittee in Ukraine3s Cri!ea re(ion says !ore than 4 per cent of votershave approved splittin( o; and 7oinin( )*ssia. /oter t*rno*t e:ceeded C$ per cent# accordin( to a )*ssian news a(ency.Aa< )atner/)e*tersPeople in the Cri!ean city of 5evastopol celebrate the referend*! res*lts to break with Ukraine and 7oin )*ssia.March %B# 2$%"!rimea parliament declares independenceCri!ea3s re(ional parlia!ent declares the re(ion an independent state. )*ssian law!akers have indicated that Moscow will for!ally take control of Cri!ea event*ally.5er(ei Karp*khin/)e*tersCri!ea has for!ally applied to 7oin )*ssia.March %B# 2$%"The +est reacts'he -hite Fo*se i!poses asset freebama levels new sanctions a(ainst senior )*ssian o8cials as Russia all but cements its #lans to anneC /rimea. %he new sanctions also take on wealthy organi5ations and individuals that su##ort the Russian government.4leb 4aranich(Reuters>n a visit to *yiv, UN )ecretary64eneral -an *i6moon urged Ukraine and Russia to meet &or talks to #revent the crisis between them &rom becoming 'uncontrollable.'8arch 2!, 2!=0hat comes ne7t8%wo signatures on o##osite sides o& $uro#e deepen the divide between ?ast and -est, as the $uro#ean Union #ulls Ukraine closer into its orbit and Russia &ormally anneCes /rimea. 8any eyes are now on Russia's neCt move.)ean *il#atrick(%he /anadian PressPrime 8inister )te#hen Gar#er takes #art in a meeting with 49 leaders in %he Gague, Netherlands.8arch 2=, 2!=G4 leaders &on+t attend *ochi summit49 leaders will hold their own s*!!it in Ar*ssels in =*ne instead o& attending the 4? summit with Russia in )ochi, a 'rench di#lomatic source says. %he move comes be&ore a to#6level 49 meeting in %he Gague./-/'/anadian o&&icials named today by Russia aren't oligarchs, they are not #eo#le threatening to anneC #arts o& #eace&ul neighbours by military &orce and we &ind this announcement dee#ly concerning,' -aird said o& the sanctions.8arch 2=, 2!=Russian sanctions a +#adge of honour+Russian President Vladimir Putin im#oses retaliatory sanctions on !" /anadian o&&icials including &ive memberso& the /onservative government, two Biberals and one N+P 8P, banning them &rom entering Russia. 'oreign 3&&airs 8inister bama and Russian President Vladimir Putina(ree in a phone call to have their forei(n !inisters !eet to discuss a #ossible di#lomatic resolution.ver the #ast week, several government buildings in the eastern Ukrainian region o& +onetsk have been occu#ied by armed, Pro6Russian #rotesters.3#ril !2, 2!=Canada imposes more sanctions/anadian 'oreign 3&&airs 8inister