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Page 1: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,


Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10


Page 2: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,



Geographic Names Division Department of Technical Services U.S. Army Topographic Command

I August 1go

Page 3: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,
Page 4: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms, for the twenty-two oountries named in the Table of Contents. The date of compilation is sited on each list.

The English term(s) corresponding to eaah local geographia term were applied after objeotive study of oartographio and other souroe materials, and do not necessarily refleot dictionary or other normalized u6cfget3,


Argentina 1, 2 Bolivia 3 Brazil 4 Chile 5, 6

Colombia Costa Rica 'iI Cuba 9, 10 Dominioan 11 Republio

Eouador El*Salvador i; Guatemala a

Honduras Mexiao Nioaragua Panema

Paraguay * Peru Portugal Puerto Rio0

Spain Uruguay Venezuela

.$, 25, 26.1


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Page 6: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,


AlWiNTSNA - 1968

;I m 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;lp;L .................

:Igll:ldCl ...............


&ac&r .............. .Jtiplanicie ........... ;~llipkmo ............. altitos ................ dfo( s) ...............

alturas ............... angostura ............ a pcadero ............. arrccifc ........ . ..... arroyito ... ..( ........ arroyo ...............

bahia ................ bajada ............... ba jo ................. balncario ............. haliado( s) ........... banco( s) ............ barda( s) .. , ..........

.. -bardita ..... : ......... bilrranca( S) ......... IMTld .... .......... I~;llIiill ................

lxx!il .................

bodcga ...... I. ....... boliche ................ bolsbn ............... boquerbn ............. boquete .............. borde ................ bordo( s) ....... : ..... bra20 ................

cabaiia ................ cab0 .................. cnjon ............ ..?. ralcta ................ campo(s) ............ 4ada ..............

cafiadb (cafiadones) .

canal . . . . . . . . A.. . . . .

cancha.. ............. cantera .............. capilla ............... cara .................

~~11, spring, pond WCII, spring, pond, intermittent pond,

marsh, lake, intermittent lake, intcr- mittcnt salt lake

store pliItCilU, mcs3, plain terrace mountain hill(s), mountain(s), mountain range,

ridge hill gorge railroad stop reef stream stream, intermittent stream, section of

stream, distributary, anabranch, stream channel, inlet

bay, cove, bight, inlet, section of stream valley, slope valley, ravine, depression resort marsh reef, shoal(s) ridge, escarI;ment, cliff, mesa, slope hill hills, slope, cliff, headland; ravine marsh, intrrmittcnt lake m;irsli stream moulli, narrows store store depression pass pass ridge mountain, hill, slope Stream,’ int&mittent stream, stream : channel, inlet rural dwelling cape, point I

stream, valley cove, bay, inlet, lagoon plnin( s) Ftrcam, intermittent, stream, drainage

canal, valley, marsh stream, intermittent stream, ravine, val-

ley, canyon drainage canal, navigation canal, marine

channel, lake channel, stream chan- nel, distributary ’

stream bank mine I chapel rural dwelling


aasilla ............... cauce ................ cerrillada .... ..‘..... ccrrillos .............. cerrito( s) ............. cerro(s) .. ., .........

chacrjl ................ chareo ............... chihuido ............. chorrillo ............. cidnaga .............. eolina ................ colonia .............. con0 ................. cordillera ............ eord6n ...............

corrida .............. costa ................ cremcrfa ............. cuchilla .............. euenca ............... cuesta( s) ............

rural dwelling intermittent stream hills, mountain . hills, mountain hill(s), mountain(s), peak hill(s), mountain(s), ridge, spur, peak,

volcanic cone rural dwelling intermittent pond, marsh hill, mountain stream .

marsh hill colonia volcanic cone, hill mountains, mountain range, ridge hills, mountain(s), mountain range,

ridge, spur, slope, plateau ridge ridge, slope, stream bank factory hills, mountain range, ridge, spur basin hill, mountain, ridge, spur

cumbrc( s) . . . . . , . . . . . . mountain(s), ridge - cumbrecita ........... cumbrera ............ depnrtamcnto . , ....... desagpadero .......... desagties ............. destacamento policfa . . dcsvio ............... dique ................ distrito .............. embalse ............ ; embarcadero ......... empalme ....... ..* ... enscnada ............. escorial( es) .......... escuela .............. escuela national ....... estaci6n .. . ........... estancia .............. estero( s) ............. estrecho ............. ex fortin ........ , ..... fAbrica ............... 610 .................. fondeadero ........... fortin ................ glaciares ............. golf0 ................. grupo .......... <. ... guadal .. :. ........... haras ................ huaicos. huaiquerla .... iglesia ...............

ridge mountains second-order administrative division marsh marsh police post railroad siding, railroad stop

dam, pond first-order administrative division reservoir railroad stop, railroad station railroad junction bay, bight lava field school school railroad station ranch marsh, lake strait aband&xd fort factory ridge, spur, mountain(s) anchorage . . . fort . . ‘. glaciers


gulf, bay : islands marsh rural dwelling badlands church

Page 7: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

* 4 ‘c

ingrnio ............... factory rocks In water CI~(~)

piedras .............. ............... island(s)

islc*ta island . ’ planicie ..............

................ islotc(s) island(s)

playa plain

............. beach ............. ...........

btmo ................ isthmus portezuelo pass portillo .............. pass

jagiiel ............... well pozo(s) ............... well. lake, pond(s) Iago ....... : ......... lake, intermittent lake, pond

lake(s), intermittent lake(s), pond(s), promontorio .......... hill

laguna(s) ........... provincia ............. first-order admipistrative division intermittent p&d(s), lagoon, salt pncnte ............... bridge pond, salt lake(s), section of a lake, Pucrta * . * * * * * * * - - * - - . Pass lakebed, marsh(es), intermittent sa1t pllCrt0 ............... CqVC, bay, inlet, anchorage

pond, intermittent salt lakes, salt flat pucsto ............... rural dwelling

flanos ................ plain punta ................ point, cape, peak, hill, mountain(s),

lu111a( s) hill(s), mountain(s), ridge, spur spur ............. lomada( s) ........... hill(s) puntas ............... headwaters

fomita( S) .. .!. ........ hill(s), mountain(s) ... puntilla ........ ; ..... peak

macizo mountain(s) quebrada ............ stream, intermittent stream, ravine, ............... mahuida ............. hill(s), mountain(s), mountain range queserfa canyon, valley

mnllin ............. ............... manantial

marsh, depression, stream spring rada

factory ................. anchorage . ............

mcdnnito( s) dune(s) ranch0 ............... ranch .......... mCdnno( s) republica ............ ........... dune(s) republic

menuco marsh restinga .............. reef .............. mesa

rfa mesa .................... ................ estuary

mcscta riacho ............... slream, intermittent stream, stream


mcdn mesa, plateau, plain, hill, mountain

............... mesa, mountain channel, anabranch, marine channel ” mina(s) ...........

mine(s) . _ ....... .......... rfo ........................ stream .. intermittent stream, ............. stream

mogote( s) ........... mountain, peak(s) channel, anabranch, distributary, ma-

monte( s) ............ hill(s), mountain(s), scrubland rine channel, estuary . monument0 natural national park nsco ................. mountain ... morrito ............... mountain roca( 5) ............ . . rock(s) in water, rock on land, cliff . . lOOtT

............... rums ............... i

hill, mountain, peak, volcanic cone, ru;1?)y .. ................. salt flat .

aevado( s ) point

salina(s) ............. salt flat, salt lake ........... obraje

mountain(s), mountain range factory salinera .............. salina ...............

ojo .................. pampa

spring salitral ............ salto( s)

.-r: ‘salt flat(s) .............. ............ waterfall(s), rapids

pampillas plain(s), salt flat plain scrranfa( s) ........... ............. mountains, hills, mountain range, ridge

pampita ............... plain sierra(s) ............. . hill(s), mountain(s), mountain range, pantanos ............. marsh ridge, ,spur parada ............... railroad stop subida ............... parader0 ...... .: ..... railroad stop territorio national

slope, pass; mountain .... : first-order administrative division

parah ............... locality travesia- .............. desert parque national ....... partido

national park vado .................. ford ............... second-order administrative division V:lllC(S) ...... ~7. ..... valley(s) .. rayhe

PO ................. pass, ford, marine channel, stream vcga(s) .............. marsh f , channel ........

peiia ventisquero( s)

rock on land, mountain glacier(s)

................. villa ................. peiiasco .............. rock on land

rural dwelling

pnlnsula .....

pen/nsula, land-tied island vol& (volcanes) volcanic cone(s)

............ ptcacho peak

zanja ............. ... ..............

@CO peak, hill, mountain, volcanic cone zanj6n

stream, drainage’canal ............... stream, intermittent’&eam

................. . . @+a ............... mountain


Page 8: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

abra aguada altiplanicie alto(s) altura apacheta ap&dice archipiglaga atenales anoyo bah;a bajlo . baKado(s) borateras cachuela cadena cajo’n, cajones campo(s) caiiada canal can”o’n ccrrito cerro(s) chaco(s) cie’neg3 cocha colina con0 cordillera cord& cuenca cuesta cumbre(s) cumbrera ’ curiche curich& de1 ta departamento encan”da estaci& estrecho faldas

pass * spring plateau, high plain mountain(s), hill(s), height(s) height, upland cairn mountain spur archipelago, islands sand plains I stream, intermittent stream bay, marsh flat swamp(s) salt flat rapid(s) mountains gorge, gorges plain(s) intermittent stream canal, channel canyon, gorge, depression hill, mountain mountain(s), hill(s) plain(s) marsh . lake hill(s) mountain mountain system, range mountain valley, bnsin hill, ridge, mountain slope mountain(s), peak(s) mountains swamp, marsh, stream - swamp, marsh, stream

-delta departmeut gorge railroad station strait slope


fortin golf0 isla(s) lag0 laguna(s) loma lomerlo meseta misi& monte(s) morro(s) naciente neva do(s) nudo 40 Pam&) pantano parader0 pas0 peninsula pica planicie planos portetuelo pozo provincia punta puntilla quebrada rgpido ’ repu’blica tZ0

ru+a(s) salar salinas salt0 . serranf;(s) sierra(s) vado valle vertiente Volc&


fort gulf, bay island(s) lake lake(s) hill(s), mountain(s) hills plateau mission mountain(s), forest hill(s),’ mountain(s) stream source mountain(s) mountains spring pawa swamp railroad halt pass p&ninsula peak, mountain plaiti, plateau plains mountain pass spting, waterhole provi rice point, mountain hill stream, intermittent stream rapid republic river, stream ruin(s) salt flat salt lake, salt marsh rapids mountains, hill range mountain(s) ford valley slope mountain

Page 9: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

B&AZIL l . 1%; m e . ..I . .j grota, grotao stream ,

J .I !’ irrarane . . . stream r

reservoir i d acude .......... Agua .......... alagado ......... alto(s) ......... aparados ........ arquipelago ..... arroio .......... at01 .......... bain ......... baixo(s) ....... . banco ......... banhado ........ barra ........... barragem ....... bracinho ...... :.

stream , swamp : _.

hill(s), ridge, iapland, spur .; escarpment islands.

;. i

stream, intcnnfttent stream ’ atoll

: .

bay, estuary, inlet, lake reef(s) marine bank, shoal, tidal flats ‘. stream, marsh entrance reservoir

bras0 . . : . . .

braco,de mar . . . brejso, brejo . . . . . . cabeccfra . . . . . cabecos . . . . . . . dabo . . . . . . . . cachocira(s) . cnchocirinha

stream channel, distributary . stream distributary, anabranch, ‘en-

trance inlet stream, intermittent stream stream hills, upland cape, point, headland cascade(s) , rapids, waterfall(s) , cascade rock in water plain ’ upland

calhau . . . campina . . . . campos cariada (Spanish) canal . . .

i quedas . . rapfde (French) : raso . . . . ..,,.. recife(s) . . ...+..

cascata cerro (Spanish) 1 c&r0 . chapada . . . chapadgo . colinas (Spanish) contraforte . . cordilhcira . . corixa . ,

coroa :.

corredeira . corrego . . . . coxiiha curiche (Spanish) distrito federal

enscada . . . espigG0 . _ . . estai$io . , . . . . estado . .’ estados’ unidos estrcito . . . . . fonte termal fur0 . . . 4

galho ......... gnrganta ......

i&a (6) ......... island(s), rock(s) .in water ilhCu, ilhota, ilhote island lag0 (s) ..... ., ... lake (s) , lagoon(s) lagoa ............ lagoon, pond, lake, intermittent lslw laje ............ rock in water, reef lajeado ......... stream mar ............ marine channel marimbu ....... stream monte .......... hill, mountain, upland morro(s) ....... hill(s), mountain(s), upland, ridge,

peak, headland outeiro(s) ....... hill(s) parada .......... railroad stop paran& ........

parcel . . , . . . . . passagem . . . . . pedra(s) . . . . pcdral . . . . . . pica planalto’:1:::::: plataforina . . . . ponta, pontal . . praia . . . . .

stream, distributary, anabranch. stream channel

shoal reach rock(s) in water, hill, mountain rocks in water peak, hill, mountain plateau, upland railroad stop point beach rapid (s), cascade (s) rapid (s) upland reef(s) region reservoir reservoir

marine channel, stream channel, regiZ0 . . . . . . . . .

stream section, anabranch, gorge repress . . . . . . . . .

cascade reseniatorio .I.. . .

hill restinga . . . . .sand arca, barrier beach

hill riach&j, riacho . stream, intermittent Stream

hills, hill range, ridge, upland,%pur ribcirao . ._, . . . stream, intermittent stream

spur -_ rio . :. . . stream,, stream section, intermittent . hills : *. stream, distributary, annbranch.

ridge ‘stream channel, estuary, tidal creek

hill range, upland - riozinho I . . . , . . . stream

stream, stream channel, anabraixh; rochedos . . . . . . rocks in water wetland ruinas . . ; ruins

marine bank, shoal, reef, island, cas- saco . . . . . . . . cove, bay, bight cade salto .*..,,..... waterfall

rapids, cascade . . . sanga e......... stream

stream, intermittent stream -‘: hill(s), hilJ.range, ridge , :: :I

saut (French) cascade hill(s) ,mountain (s) ,upland, hill KWc.

marsh serra(s) . . ,: . . .

stream .

administrative division (fedeMS dis- -:!: mountain range, ridge, escarpment.

. trict) ‘..:;

spur serrinha , . . . . . . , . hill

cove, bay, bight serrate . . . . . . . . . hill range, .mountain, upknici,~ ‘-

hill, peak, upland tabuleiro . .* ; . . . upland

railroad station administrative division (SC&) ,

-tepui (In*) . mesa territbrio ? . . administrative division (territory)

united st&cs .

tidal cre&? : ;r .:

traves& ,.:. . . . . . rapids, waterfall

hot spri&{ trompa . . . . . . . upland

stream, distributary, siream; channel, vnla, valgo.,. : . . . . stream varj5o . . . ,.. . . . . . marsh

annbranch, marine chapel, tidal vazante : ; ,-. . . . . . stream creek . . .’ ,: ,’ i..,. vereda -1 . . . . . . .

stream ‘.._ ,. :: stream, intermittent stream . ‘; vcrtcnte .; . . . . stream

gorge . ., . . . i.; ;. 2 volt3 .‘. .;. . . . . . stream bend .

Page 10: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

‘C .



- 1967

harbor bnjnda ............... spur bnjo(s) ................ shoal(s), reef, wetland halncario ............. resort 1~dsc0 ............... ferry IWllCO ................ bank, shoal, reef

;ti]ril cuchillo .............. hill ................ pass, cove, bay, fjord ;:&clrOmo ........... airport cuesta ............... pass, gap; mountain, spur

al-i-opmrto ........... airport cueva(s) .............. cave(s) . ;!‘qI:l ...... 1 ..... .Y ................. spring cumbre(s) hiil(s), mountain

~1~~l~i1113 .............. spring . hiII(s), mountain(s), peak, ridge dcpnrtamento .......... second-ordct administrative division

;lilO(s) ................ dcscmbnrcadcro ...... ............... hills

landing ;l!t:!r&s dcsicrto .............. dcscrt nnctin ... 1 ............. bay, fjord divisndero .............. mountain, hill ;IlI~~OitUr? ,l, ..... . ....... narrows, gorge dunas .i .............. dunes :II,xhrtn ;rrcI,i&Iago .......................

cairn embalsc .............. islands

rcscrvoir, lake, intcrmittcnt lake

reef(s) empalmc ..........

:urtcifc(s) ............ stream, intermittent str$m, anabranch

cncarindo(s) .-.‘t ClilrOiKl station

.......... reentrant, pass .nrrOyO ............... ensenada .............

bay, cove. sound, fjord, anchorage, entrada cove, bay, fjord; reentrant

lxlhia ................. .............. entrance to channel, marine channel, fjord, bay

estaci6n ... . .......... railroad station cstancia .............. ranch cstcro . . .............. strqam, intermittent stream, stream sec-

tion, anabranch, cove, fjord, anchorage cstrccho .............

baiios, bniios termales . . spa strait, mnrinc channel, bay

rstunrio ..... ; ........ fjord bnrrancn ............. gorge farallon(es) ........... barreal mudspring

rock(s) in water, island(s), reef ............... finca ................. farm

boca ................. stream ‘mouths marine channel* strait* &nd, cove

fiordo ................ fjord, marine channel fondcndero ...........

braze anchorage

................ tidnl creek, marine channel, inlc!, fjord, fucrte ............... bay, stream

military post g6yscr gcyscr ...............

cnbo ................. cape, point, headland golfillo ......... , ..... sound cndcna ............... mountains .............. cajbn (cajones)

.7 sound, gulf, bay ....... stream, intermittent stream, valley,

golf0 grupo ................ i+nds, mountains

reentrant hncic’nda ............. farm cih ................. cove c&ta cove, bay, fiord, harbor

hijuela ............... farm ................ hotel ................ hotel

campamento .......... camp i.&(s) ................. island(s), section of island camp0 ............... plain @ta ................ : island cnmpo de hiclo ....... I campos dd glaciares

icecap islote(s) .............. island(s) ... iccficld istmo ................ isthmus

cnfiucl6n .............. StiCNll

canal mnrinc_ channel, fjord, irrigation ditch lago(s) ............... lake(s), intermittent lake, pond, inlet.

......... . ...... ctinalizo marine channel

l fjord, cove .............. laguna(s) ............. lake(s), intermittent lake,, lagoon, pond,

cnrrera ............... marine channel salt lake, stream mouth cnsn(s) ............... building(s) Ian&as ..... .I ......... rocks in water cayo ................. island, rock in water llanada .............. ccrrillo(s) ............ hill(s), mountain

plain ’

cwrito(s) hill(s), mount&(s) llano(s) .............. plain(s)

............. hill(s); mountain(s), peak, volcanic cone,

llanuras .............. cerro(s)

plains . ..............

spur, ridge, headland loberia ................ scpl rookery

.............. chorrillo

lomn(s) hill(s), mountain(s), bluff(s), ridge, peak, ............. stream

colina hill spur

............... mncizo ............... ................. mountain

mountain(s) con0 mnllin ............... mountain mead& cordillera ............ hills, mountains, mountain

mountain range sYstems mnnto(s) ......... ..... mint

cord&r ............... hill(s), mountain(s), ridge, spur, moun- zzta’ * * ’ * ’ . * ’ . . ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ hill, spur, promontory

............... tain range

+rin. plateau, spur, ridgc mina(l) ..............

corrida ridge mint(s)

............... minns dc cobre ....... ‘copper mines qosta ................ coast mineral .............. mint covndera ............. mine mogotc ............... hill, mountain, island


Page 11: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

y”lltC’(S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . hill(s), mountain(s), volcanic cone qucbrada .. ., ......... stream, intermittent stream 1110l~tSn .............. hill Cpilltil . ............... farm n~orrillo, morrito ...... mountain rada ................. rondsiead lljorro(s)’ ............. hill(s), mountain(s), spur, peak, promon- rcptblicn ............ republic’

,lc.vndo(S) tory, headland, point, rock in water rescr,,as forestlIes . ...... forest rcscrve

... _ ........ ,mountnin(s), peak &ill;1 mint

rcsgunrdo ............ ...............

police post

+(s) .:. spring(s) rincbn, rinconada ..... reentrant

. ........... p;\rnp;l ................ plain, saltflat rio .................. strcnm, intcrmittcnt stream, estuary p:lr;&ro ............. railroad stop risco(s) .............. cliff(s), mountain, hill

pso ................. pass, marine ch:uincl, n:rrrows, ford, rota(s) ............... rock(s) in water, island, reef snddlc rompicnte(s) ..........

pc?-l:~( s) .............. rock(s) in water, hill. mo?mtain rock(s) in water, reef(s)

roquerio ............. rocks in water l~~b~~i~~~~da ............ pcninsuln salnr, s&a(s) ........ snltflnt p7itjn ............... rock in watrr, peak, mountain Salt0 ................. waterfall pica(s) ............... peak(s), mountain(s), hill(s) scno picdra ............... rock in water, hill; mountain, spur

................. sound, fjord, bay, cove

,~k~uc(s) .............. spring(s) scrrania(s) ............ mountains, mountain range, hills, ridge

.............. pl:inta

sirrra(s) ... ;.

mountains, hills, mountain range .......... mine

playa ................ beach surgidcro ............ tenedero


portczuclo .............

........ : .. pClSS anchorage

tcrmas ............... portillo .............. pass tela(s)

spa ...............

pa ................. pond hill(s), mountain(s)

tmnquc .............. rcscrvoir, lake po”0 .................. spring tilncl ................ . lx-omontotio .......... peninsula, headland vallc

railroad tunnel, highway tunnel ................. vallc-y, stream

provincin ............ first-order administrativ6 division vcga(s) ............... wetland, savanna, qasis, mountain mea- pucrtn(s) ............. pass CiO\I’* S~ltflilt l

pucrto ............... harbor, anchorage, bay, cove vcntisquero(s)

puna verticnte . ... ................ plateau puntn, puntilln point, hill, mountain, peak, spur, ‘head- ~~~$~ ....... ........

,puquio . . . . . . . . . . . . . land

........ glacier(s)

........ spring

........ f arm YUIU~LII ............... volcanic cone

., ........ Strcilm zanjon _ . : .


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alto(s) . . . . . . . . . * . nltura(s) ......... a n&n ............. arrhipi6lago ....... b:111in ............

bnjo ..............

balneario ......... boca(s) ............

bocana ........ boquerbn ...... braze ..........

. .

. .

brazuelo .......... cabo .............. caleta ............ callej6n ........... cafiada .......... canal .............. caiio ..............

cascada ........... cast010 ............ cay0 (s) ........... cerro(s) ...........

charca . . . . chorrera . . ciCnaga (s)

. . . . . . .

cima . . . . colina , colonia penal comisaria cordillera ’ . .

costa . . 1 . . : . triter . . . . cuchilla . . . . cucsta . . . . . drpartameAt0 cnscnada cstaci6n . ester0 . . . . .

farallones filo . Iuc&e golf0 : : in tendencia isIa(s) . .

9 .

. . .

. .

. .


hill(s) , mountain(s) , ridge mountain (6) W archipelago, islands bay, cove, lagooh shoal, r+f . beach stream mouth(s) , distributary, end

trance, former entrance stream mouth, cove Pa= stream, stream chan&l, distribu-

tary, anabranch, marine channel stream, stream chahnel cape, point, headland cove Pass stream channel navigation canal, marine channel stream, stream channel, distribu-

tary, anabranch, navigation canal, entrance

waterfall I fort island(s), rocks in wa.ter mountain(s) , hill(s) , peak, ridge,

spur, upland, headland lake, marsh rapids lake(s) , pond(s) , marsh, lagoon,

tarn(s) hill hill(s) , ridge prison first-order administrative -division mountain(s) , hill(s) , Imountain sys-

tem, ridge, spur beach volcanic&cone ridge, spur, hill(s) , mountain(s) ridge first-order administrative division bay, cove railroad station stream, stream channel, distribu-

tary, marine channel, deltaic watercourse

ridge, qountain ridge, spur fort gulf, bay first-order administrative division, isiand (s)

islote(s) .......... istmo ............. lag0 .............. laguna (s) .........

‘llanos ............. loma (s) ........... macizo ............ mar .............. mesa(s) .......... montaiia(s) ....... montc(s) ......... morro (s) ......... nevado ............ paradero. .......... paramillo ......... pirimo(s) ........ @asa .............. pas0 ...... ., ....... pciia (s) ........... pefibn ............ picacho ........... pica(s) ........... piedra ............ playa, playbn ...... puente ............ punta ............ quebrada ........ , rada . .’ ............ pamal ............ ihpidos ........... raudal (es) ........ represa .... , ...... l’eptiblica .........

rip&n . . . . . . . . rio . . . . . rota(s) . . . . sabanas . . . . . . . saliente . : . . . salina(s) . . . . . salto . . . serrania, sierra

tabl6n . . . . . . teta . . . . . . . . valle . . . . . . volcin . . vuelta . . . 1. . zanja, zanjc%

. .

. . . .

. . .

. . .

. . , . .


. . . . .

- .,:;., . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

isiand (s) , rocks in water peninsula, divide lake ‘ laioon(s), lake(s), pond(s), tarn(s),

marsh plain hill (s) , mountain(s) , ridge, spur mountains bay, Sea mesa (s) , hill(s) mountain(s) , hill(s), ridge hill(s) , mountain range hill(s), spur, headland, island(s) mountain railroad stop upland upland, ridge stream mouth pa= hill (s) , ridge hill peak peak (s) , mountain(s) hill, n)ouxitain beach natural bridge point, cape stream, distributary roadstead, cove spur’ rapids rapids, cascade, waterfall reservoir republic (independent political

entity) cove stream, distributary, qabranch rock(s) in water savanna(s) spur, interfluve,. motintains . salina (s) waterfall mountains, mountain range, hill(s) ,

ridge I

hill hill valley, headwater..basin volcanic cone, moutitain anabranch stream


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estero .

golf0 isla(s) iZIg

laguna Ilanun(s) lomos meseta montes

pl!o bah:a bajos cniY0 can tO;r cen&) cima cordillera

disttito estaci&

mountain, hill

bay shoal stteam canton mountain(s) mountain mountain range,

mountain chain district

station estuary, channel,

stream gulf, bay island(s) lake lagoon, lake plain(s) hills plateau mountains

boca btazo cabo pas0 p&a penr’nsula pica

PI wa pnwincia Punta quebrada(s) tepiblica do

toca . sabana(s)

valle volclcn

stream mouth

stream cape ford t0Ck

peninsula peak, mountain,

hill beach province point stteam(s) republic’ river, stream,

channel rock savanna(s),

plain(s) valley volcano, moun-

tain stream


Page 14: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

-b h ra . . . . . . . . . . , . . acueducto ......... a3ufera ........... a!t.o(s) ....... i .... ancladero .......... ai)cadcro, apeadero

de fcrrocarril .... archipielago .. ;. .... arenales ........ , ... arrccife (s) ......... arroyo .............

bahia .............. baji’o .............. bajo (s) ............ banco(s) ........... boca ..............

bocaron ........... bocas ...... . , ...... boldn ....... .: .... boquerdn ........... boquitas .. ; ......... braze ......... .'.': .. caballete ........... cnbeza ........... : .

.. ~cabczadas ......... : . cnbczo (s) .......... cabo ................ calcta(s) ........... caleton ............ cafiada ............ canal ..............

canalizo ............ cafibn ............. cantera (s) ......... castillo ...... .- ..... cayeria ............ cayito ............. cnyo (s) ............

cnyuelo(s) . . . . . . . . . ccjn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cc11 trn1 . . . . . . . . . . . . ccrro (s), . . . . . . . . . . . charco . . . . :. . . . . . . . i ci&iaga . . . . . . . . . . . . compfiirr ngrlcola . . cortlillcra . . . . . . . . . . cortc (s) . . . . . . . . . . . cuchilln (s) . . . . . , . . . cucnca . . . . . . . . . . . . cucsta . . . . . . . . . . . . . cueva (s) :. . . . , . . . . .

gorge aqueduct, reservoir cove hill(s) , mountain(s) anchorage

delta . . . . . . . , . . . . . .

derramadero(s) . . . . dcsembarcadero . . . ,

embalse . . . . . . . . . . . embzrcadcro . . . . . . .

railroad stop islands beach reef(s) stream, intermittent stream, tidal

creek bay, cove, inle! reef shoal (s) , reef(s) , coral reef(s) shoal(s) , reef(s) stream mouth, entrance, inlet, ma-

rine channel, 6onfiuence, estu- ary, cove, bay, bight

bay marine channel

bay marine channel ditch mouths stream, intermittent stream

f%%, reef, shoal(s) headwaters reef (s) , shoal(s) cape coves(s) , bight cove stream, intermittent stream drainage canrrl, navigation canal,

drainage ditch, marine channel, distributary

marine channel canyon, valley mine (s) fort island> hammock island(s) , hammock, peninsula,

reef, hill island (s) hill, peak sugar central ~ hill(s) , mountain(s) pond marsh, mangrove swamp, lake estate * hill (s), ridge drainage ditch (es) hill(s) , ridge val!ey mountain cave(s)

enscnada .......... entrada ............

entronque .......... estncion ............ ester0 ..............

ester6n ............ estribo ............. farb ............... fondezdero .......... fuerte ............. fundo ............. golf0 .... , ......... hacienda . : ........ hato ..... , ......... laberinto .......... ligo .......... . .... laguna (s) ..........

loma (s) ........... lomerio ............ lomi ta ............. marismas .......... medano (s) ......... mesa .... ...... . ... mina(s) ........... mogote (s) ......... monte(s) .' ......... monument0 ........ mor~illo .......... . mtieile (s) .......... municipio ..........

nacimiento par2dero ... I : : : : : : : pasa ................. paso ............... peladas ............ pefias .............. penfnsula .......... pefi6n .............. pica ................ piedra (s) .......... pinales ............ playa .............. PGZ3 ................ pozo ....... ........ provfncia .......... pucrto .......... ; .

punta . . . . . . . . . . . . i

delta floodplain

landing reservoir

landi &g cove, bay, bight, inlet

cbve railroad junction railroad station

tidal creek, estuzzy, inlet, lagoon. marsh, pond, cove, bay, stream

tidal creek ridge, hill, spur lighthouse enchorage fort estate

gulf estate es&Me islands

wnd 12goo3, pond(s), lzke, marsh

sx-zmp, mangrove swamp hill(s) , mountein (s) , ridge, terract ridge, mountains hill mangrove swamp . island (s) , reef(s) , shoal(s) mesa mine(s) hill(s) , mountain(s), islend hill (s) , mountain(S) - monument hill, island landing second-order adminfstrztive divi-:

sion springs, headwaters railroad stop mzrine chznnel marine channel, pass, ford mountaii CUT )xninsula headland hill, mountain, peak hill(s) , rock(s) in water pine forest * beach

cove headwaters firstskder administrat.ive division harbor, entrance, landing, marine

channel, cove, bay point, cape

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quebrado . . . . . . . . . . rzda ............... realengo (s) ........ rinc6n ........... ,.I

, ri0 ................

rota ............... ruinas ............. sabzna (s) .......... salina (s) .......... salt0 .............. sierrz (s) ...........

silla ............... subida ............. surgidero .......... terrenos ...........

t&a(s) ............ torn0 ............... torrenteras ......... ralle .............. xanja ..............

marine channel anchorage public land cove stream, intermittent siream,

stream secticn, drainage ditch, &earn mouth, tidal creek

rock in water, island ruins 0: 2 former central savanna (s) salin (s) , tidal flat.


waterfall hill (s) , mountain(s), mountain

r2nge, ridge saddle, mountain spur anchorage estate hill(s) stream bend marine channel valley drainage ditch, stream



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. A l



alto(s) arroyo behfa bnjo bdneario boca (de1 r(o) bran, cabeza cabezota Cdl0

caleta call?& cazada CMfd

can”o(s) cay0 cd a central cerrito cerro(s) charca, charco cie;laga, cidnega cordillera cuchilla cuesta cueva(s) embarcadero ensenada entrada esters firme fondo(s) fortaleza fuerte f&o hoyo ingenio

hill(s), mountain(s) stream bay, shoal, depression, salt fiat spa stream mouth stream beadland, bIuff headland, bluff cape cove cove, bay stream channei stream(s), channel(s) key, island peak Central (sugar factory) hill hill(s), mountain(s) pond, swamp swamp, marsh mountain range hill ridge cave(s) landing bay inlet estuary, bay hill(s), mountain(s) depression(s), flat(s) fort fort ridge depression, basin central (sugar factory)

isle isleta Iaguna(s) lagunita IJanada loma lometa, lomita mogote monte morro nacimiento i-0 peria pe;io’n peLiones pico piddra playa playita potreros Pow provincia puelto punta quebrada d0

rota ruinas sabana salado salt0 sierra sitio subida ,vnlle vuelta

island islet, island lye, lawon(d pond(s), swamp(s) marsh plain hill(s), mountain(s) hill, hillock mountain, hill. mountain, hill hill, bluff, headland headwater passage; pass; ‘ford hill mountain cliffs peak, mountain

rock beach(es) beach pasture lands well province bay,‘cove, bight; pass point, peak, mountain stream, ravine river, stream rock

ruins savanna salt flat, salt marsh waterfall ridge, mountain ridge site slope, valley stream bend


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ECUADOR - 195’7

5. , a-


archipi&lago arrecife bah<a bajadii bajo(s) k&S

cabo caleta canal cant&l cerrito cerm( 5) cordillera ensenada estaci& estem estrecho faldas golf0 hond& isle(s) i stmo Iago laguna(s) 1Ianura loma montaiias monte(s) nudo p=w(s) p&am0

pa= pcnlnsula PO,= provincia Puerto punta quebrada repiblica d0

tom(s) ruinas sierra vado valle volch

heights archipelago, islands reef bay, anchorage .slope shoal(s) I

stream mouth, inlet cape bay, cove canal, channel, strait, stream canton hill, mountain hill(s), mountain(s) mountains cove, bay railroad station estuary, inlet, channel, stream strait slcipe gulf valley island(s) isihmus ’ lake 1 eke(s) pIain . hill, mountain mountains. mountain(s), forest(s) mountains plain(s) cool upland pass, ford - peninsula small fake, swamp province port, anchorage point - stream, intermittent stream republic river, stream, distributary rock(s) ruins mountain. ford’ val!ey volcano, mountain


Page 18: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

-.. afenal bahfa balneario bans bamnca bocana bra&o braw cadent caiiada cauce Carl WI C-d4 am& cuaate depertamaato aatadoh aster0 golf0 MS


lag0 laguna laguneta llano loma montan”(5) montaiGta monte(5) pas0 pen” peninsula plane

‘play+) play& Funta puntilla quebrada repu%lict d0 a iena valle volc& zanj&

sand area

bY bathing beach, bathing resort sandbar stream I atkammouth cove atnam mountain range stream stream bed hill(s) hill(s), mountain(a) hill slope, hill department railroad station estuary, channel, lagoon, cove, stream gulf island islet lake lagoon, lake, dry lake pond, lake plain hill(s) mountain(s), hill(s), highlands hill mountain(s) pass ’ rock, headland peninsula 1 plain beach(es) beach point point stream republis river, stream mountain range vdJey volcano, mountain stream

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GUATE?ddU - 1%

ngunda ........................ pond, lake aldca .......................... populated place nI((IS ................. .:‘i ..... mountain, ridge arroyo ......................... stream, intermit&t stream I,nhia ........................ bay lmio .......................... reef l)ill~lC~riO * . * e * . . e * * l . . a * . * e * . . *

t~uios. baiios termales ........... barra ........................... bocuna ........................ braze .............. . .......... cabo .......................... canal .......................... casa(s) ......................... cayds)

....................... cerro ..........................

ciudad ............ ..i ......... colonia .................... . ... comunidad, comunidad agraria ... crater ......................... cumbre ........................ departamento ..................

ensenada ................ . ..... ... &tacidn .... :.‘:..:;:..:...;...‘;: estancia ................ 1. ...... ester0 ..................... . ... finca .......................... granja . , ..................... : . hacienda ...................... isla(s) ........................ Mote ........................... labor ............ . ............. lag0 .......... : ................

spa spa bar stream mouth stream, distributary cape navigation canal populated place island(s) mountain, hill, Golcanic cone,

mesa, spur populated place populated place farm crater mountain first-order administrative di-


bay GilroAa station’. populated place stream, lagoon, pond, salina farm ranch ranch island(s) island farm lake

lagune( s) .*..............,..*.

laguneta( s) ’ . . . . . . . . ..*.......a

llanos ......................... loha \ .......................... minas ......................... montaiia(s) ........... . ........

monumer@ .................... munidpio ...... . ..............

;:22’ .....................

....................... parcelamiento agrario ........... peiiasco ....................... peninsula ... . .................. playa ......................... pueblo ........................ punta ......................... quebrada .................... rancheria ..... .............. ranch0 ..... ..;. . . ........ :. ....... rzipidos ........................ raudales ....................... repdblica ....................... riachuelo ...................... rio ....... . ..... . ..............

salinas ............ ..; ......... sierra ......................... villa ..... . .................... volcAn ........................ zanj6n ........................


‘-3 \- .


lagoon(s), pond(s);lake’(s), crater lake, intermittent lake(s), intermittent pond(s)

pond(s), lake(s), crater lake, intermittent lake(s), inter- mittent pond(s)

plain hill mine mountain(s), mountain

range, spur, ridge, hill(s) monument second-order administrative

division lake(s), pond(s), m&sh marsh farm mount@n peninsula beach populated place point stream, intermittent stream ranch, huts populated place waterfall waterfall republic stream, iniermittent stream stream, intermittent stream,

section of stream, distribu-

tary salinas mountains, ‘mountain range populated place . volcanic cone stream, intermittent stream

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acequi a art0 aliura arrccife bahla banco(s) barra cabo caleta canal can”0 can”o’n cayo(4 cerrito cerro(s) cerr& cima cdinas cordillera crique cuchilla cueva cumbre(s) depadameato ensenada estero faldas golf0 isla(s) laguna Han0 loma mogote montan’(s) monte(s) peiia picacho pica(s) piedras playas portillo puerto punta quebrada quiebra repiblica ri achuelo GO

to&s) sabonas salt0 sierra toblo; terrero valle volce’n

. stream mountain, mountain ridge mountain. i


bay bank(s), shoal(s) sandbar cape cove canal’ stream ~

stream key(s), reef(s), island(s) hill, mountain, mountain ridge bill(s), mountain(s); mountain ridge .mountain mountain hills, mountain ridge mountain ridge, mountain range

stream .

mountain ridge, mountain(s) cave mountain, mountain ridge ~

administrative divisioa cove estuary, stream slope gulf island(s) lagoon, lake plain hill, mountain, mountain ridge hill, mountain * mountain(s), mountain ridge mountain(s), mountain ridge mountain, mountain ridge mountains peak(s), mounfain, mountain range tOCks

beaches mountain pass bay point stream, creek stream republic stream river, stream rock(s)


savanna, plain waterfaIl mountnin ridge, mountain range plateau mountain valley volcano

Page 21: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

aguada eltiplanicio alto arrecife(s) arroyo bahla bajo ba nco(s) barra barranca bnrrial boca(s)

bols& boquilla brazo bufa cabeza cabo caleta cazada canal ca Zn castillo caYo(4 cenote cerrito(s) cerro charco cignaga, c&g8 cord& crest& cuchilla(s) cuesta cuevas ‘cumbre(s) derramadero desierto embarcadero empelme ensenada escollos estaci& estado ester0

estrecho fondeadero golf0

Finkhole, lake isle(s) plateau islote mountain istmo reef(s) lag0 arroyo, stream iaguna(s) bay, cove, sound shoal lagunita bank(s) llano(s) bar, entrance to lagoon loma stream mar mire marismas cove(s), bight, river motith, entrance to mesa

lagoon, strait, channel meseta inland basin mesilla stream mouth, stream monte bay morro mountain m&icipio headland, shoal nevado cape ojito cove stream

ojo(s), ojo de y.gua paso

canal, channel, Strait pe;ia canyon6 ravine, stream pelasco fort pe&sula key(s), island(s), shoal. picacho(s) sinkhole pica(s) mountain(s) piedra mountain, hill planicie pond potrero swamp press mountains pres& mountains Puerto mountain@) punt0 ridge, mountains d0 caverns risco mountain(s) toca stream ruinas desert selinas landin serranh(s) railroad station sierra bay, cove sierrita rocks tanque railroad station territorio state tetillas stream, channel, strait, e&t&y, inlet, vado

lagoon, bay, cove vaso strait volc& anchorage zanj& gulf

island(s), key, peninsula islet isthmus . lake lagoon, lake(s), intermittent lake, marsh,

channel, bay lake plain(s) mountain(s), hill(s) lagoon marshes mesa, plateau, mountain plateau plateau mountain headland, point, promontory, hill adminiStrative division snowcapped mountain, peak spring spring(s), well, pond pass, strait, lagoon, entrance to lagoon mountain hill peninsula mountain(s), hill(s) mountain(s) rock plains region pasture, valley reservoir, lake lake cove, bay, bight, pass point, headland, mountain, hill river, stream, channel, lagoon cliff hendlnnd, cliff ruins salt marsh mountain range, mountainous region mountains mountains tank, reservoir, well territory mountains ford lake bed ,volcano, hill, mguntain stream

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8lto bahfa


C8bO cala


wo(s> cerro(s)


costa departemento estero estuario golf0 isle(s) lag0 laguna llano llanuras lome mogote montan”as monte(s) peiTa pica ~ortillg punta quebrade ripido(s) raudd . repiblica 60 rota ,salto sierra(s) v&e volc&


bay bank cape, point tidal stream stream, channel key(s), island(s) hill, mountain, volcano mountain chain, mountain range coast department CStU8ry, idet, channel, &earn, strait estuary, sound fdf island(s) lake lagoon, lake plain pleins hill mountain mountain range &ountain(s), hill(s) mountein peak, mountain mountain pass point stream rapids rapids republic river, stream rock

waterfall, Tepid8 mountains, mountain range, mountain ridge valley volcano, mountain

Page 23: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

nlberca ............ arropuerto ......... alto(s) 1.. ......... altura( s) .......... mddero ..........

arrhipielago ........ arrrcife ............. bahfa .............. bajo ............... banco ............. .barranca ........... boca ..............

bordada ........... braze ..............

C&O ..............

cde ..............

canal ..............

canalito ............ caiii .............. cayo(s) ........... ccrrito .............. cerro( s) ........... chorros ............ ci&aga ............ colonia penal ....... cordillera ..........

corregimiento ...... corrent6n .......... distrito ........ ‘. ... ensenada .......... ester0 .............

f&a ......... .: ... farall6n ............ filete .............. filo( s) ............. golf0 .............. hacienda ........... intendencia ; ....... isla(s) .... .:. ......

isleta .............. iskilla ............

reservoir islcth . . . . . . . . . . . . . airport * islita .............. hill(s), mountain(s), ridge islotes ............. mountains iStIll .............. anchorage iago ............... isiands reef(s)

laguna ............. Ilimo ............

bay, cove, bight, sound shoal, reef, rock in water, island

loma( s) ...........

shoal lomita .............

bluff mata .............. mogbte( s) stream mouth, estuary, inlet, marine than- mOrrO

nel, cove, bay, tidal creek, confluence . .....................

reach mulu, murru (Cuna) .

deltaic watercourse, distributary, nudo

inlet, pantar& ....................... stream

point reach marine channel, abandoned cut marine channel anabranch, inlet, stream, stream channel island(s), peninsula hill ’ hill(s), mountain(s), ridge waterfall, rapids marsh, pond, lake, .- ’ penal colony

pas0 .............. peiia .............. peiiasco ........... peninsula .......... pefi6n ............. pico( s) ............ piedra( s) .......... pista de aterrizaje . . playa .............. playita ............ play6n ...... : ..... provincia ..........

hill(s), mountain(s), hill range, moun- tain range, ridge

administrative division (third-order) marine channel administrative division (second-order) cove, bay, bight .

stream, stream channel, stream mouth, dis- tributary, deltaic watercourse, estuary, inlet, tidal creek, marine. channel, cove, bay, tidal flat

sIope island ridge ridge, hill(s), mountain(s) guK bay plantation administrative division (first-order) island(s), rock(s) in water, section of is-

Iand, peninsula island island

puente . . . . . t ,..... Puerto . . . . . . . . . . . . .

punta .............. quebrada ..........

:ephblica .......... l-i0 ................ rota ............... salt0 .............. serrania ........... sierra ............. sucun, suknn @ma) . tiwar (Cuna) ...... torno.. ............

~PU (ha) ...... valle .............. volci5n ............. yala (Cuna) ....... zona .............. zona libre ..........

island island islands isthmus lake, reservoir, lagoon lagoon, lake, pond, confluence, cove, bay plain hill(s), mountain(s), ridge, slope hill mangrove island island(s). rock in water headland, hill, rock in water, island point hill swamp . . pass, ford mountain island peninsula rock in hater, mountain mountain(s), hill(s) rocks in water, island, reef landing strip beach beach beach administrative division (i&t-order) bridge port, inlet, estuary, tidal creek, cove, bay,

harbor, -landing point, cape, hill stream, intermittent stream, distriiutary,

anabranch, inlet, tidal creek republic stream, distributary rock in water waterfall mountain range,.mountalnr. htlls hill bay, cove stream stream bend island crater vokxnic cone hill, mountain leased zone free zone


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i b



eguada . arroyo


campoW cerrito cerro cordill era deptiamento estaci& ester0 fortln isla(s) lag0 laguna montai7as monte(s)

pa- potrero

Porn repu’bica riacho 60

serranfa sierra(s) yerbal(es)

well, waterhole, pond stream bay, marsh : campo(s), clearing(s); milit&y post hill hill, ridge mountain range, hill range department railroad station stream, marsh military post island(s) lake lagoon, lakq hill range wooded area(s) ford pastureland Well

republic stream rive;, streaD mountain range mountain range, hill range mate forest(s)


Page 25: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

nbra arequia



a IIdS)



bah ;a bajuda



barranc&) boca bocana bc+er&r cebo cadena caleta calle j&n canal caZ0

. cai%n cascadas cerrillos cerro(s)


cocha colina cordille’ra cue110 cuesta departamento desierto despoblado dique ensenada estaci& ester0 go1 lo

WWJ huaca irrigaci& isla(s) Mote(s) istmo

jaws laderas lag0

pass canal pool, well. lakes hill(s), mountain(s), slope, ridge mountain slope mountain(s), mountain slope, bluff

bay bluff, slope shoal slope valley, gorge, dissected slope, ravine(s) inlet, stream mouth


water gap cape, point mountains cove, bay pass canal, section of stream channel canyon waterfall mountains, hills mountain(s), hill(s); mountain range,

peak(s),: bluff, nrnesa,ridge . lake hill(s); mountain(s) mountains, mountain system, mountain ridge chain

mountain slope, bluff, escarpment department desert wasteland lake cove railroad station inlet gulf group of islands Indian grave site irrigation tract island(s), islet(s), spit, peninsula island(s), islet(s), rock(s) divide pool bluff, slopes lake


: ., :.


llana lomab) lomada(s) lomo m;dano(s) mesetas montazas monte mon t&r morn3

nevado(s) nudo pajonal


parader0 pasaje pas0 pGa(s) pendiente(s) peninsula peii&

lake(s), intermittent lake(s), marsh(es), lagoon(s)

plain mountain(s), hill(s), mountah range hill(s) slope mountain, ridge dune(s), sand hill(s) plateau mountains hill, bluff hills mountain, hill, bluff, mesa snowy mountain(s) mountain(s) grassy plain pampa: small, treeless, flat or

undulating area railroad stop pass pass rock(s), mountain(s), islet(s) mountain slope(s) . peninsula island peak, mountain beach water gap pass

cow i promontory province. constitutional province bay, cove, pass point, mourjtain spur, bluff mountain spur stream . rapids repubiic

pica playa

poneo portachuelo portillo promontorio provincia provincia constituciorral Puerto punta puntilla quebrada r;pido rep&lice

riachuelo rinconada 60

rota #UillS

salinas tablaao torrentera valle vega volc&

stream valley stream rock ruins salt pan plateau, plain ravine valley watercourse volcano, mountain


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achada . . . . . . . . plateau fa&hHo . . . . . . . . . . . . acude .............. albufeira ........... alto(s) .............. altura(s) ............ angra .... .I ........ areia .............. arquipelago .... +. .. arrife .............. arroio ............. arroyo (Spanish) ... baia ............... baixa (s) ........... baixo .............. banco .............. barra .............. barragem .......... barranco ........... barrinha ........... barroca ............ boca ............... boqueirgo .......... brejo ..............

cabeca ... , : ........ cabeceiro ........... cabeco(s) ...... :. .. cabo ....... . ....... cachopo ............ caldeira ............. caldeMo ........... calhau(s) .. .‘. ...... calheta ............ Canada ............ canal ..............

cerro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chana . . . . . . : . . . . . . chGo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

marsh fonte .............. lake, reservoir forte ............... hill(s), mountain(s), ridge fez ................ hi:l(s), mountain fraga (5) ........... cove, bay fundo ......... ..L. .F .. beach furna .............. archipelago, islands grota .............. ridge ilha (s) ............ stream ilhku (s) ........... stream ilhote (8) ........... bay, cove ilhoto .............. shoal(s), reef(s), rock(s) in water ladetra ............. shoal, reef, rock(s) in water laje, lajem ......... marine bank, bar lag0 ............... marine channel; bar . dam; reservoir, lake

lagoa (a) ............

stream (with its valley) lagoinha ........... lagoon lameiro ............ stream lavajo ............. cove, estuary, tidal creek 1eixGes ..... : ....... marine channel levida ............. stream (with its valley).;. marsh; ~~~~~~~

forest .. .................... peak, hih,’ mountain; point lombeih : : ......... mountain ... lombo ............. peak(s), hill(s), mountam (s) mata,mato .......... cape, point medo (s) ........... bar monte (s) .......... caldera, volcanic cone morraceira ......... lake morro (s) .......... rocks in water cove mouchGo ........... stream nascente(8) ......... canal,’ marine channel, streamouteiro . - - - - - * - - - - - .*

channel, estuary, tidal creek pat&a ............ hill, mountain Paul- : .............. plain, upland . ma 00 ........... lake _ pedrhhi ........... jilain, upland (ranging from table pego - . * * - * * * * - - * * * *

mountains to relatively low, flat pena . - - - - - - - - - - - - - areas, including interfluves) penedo fs) ..........

pond penha ............. mountain, hill penfnsula .......... stream pi&o ..............

island, rock in water spring fort stream inouth rocks on land, mountain crater plain cove stream island(s), rock in water island(s) , rock(s) Jn water Ssland (8) island slope rock lake laiz’Jc)n (s).lfie (5) , pond (8) ; marsh,

swamp lake, marsh marsh, bog lake, marsh rocks in water stream ridge, hill, mountain ridge, mountain slope’ ridge, hill, mountain forest, woods sand dune(s) hill (s) , mountain(s) island hill(s) , mountain(s); headland,

peninsula island in a stream, bar wing 09 hill, mountain lake marsh r&t 00, hill (s) rock in water abandoned watercourse mountain hill, rock(s) on land cliff, rocks on land, mountain peninsula hill, mountain ridge peak(s), mountain(s), hill(s) pee ml forest, woods (predominantly pine) upland, plateau pond, marah pond, lagoon _ .

charca ............. cimo ............... corga, cargo, c6rrego . Costa ............................. slope prcarra.. . . .. . ...... cova tove pica(s) ............. descida ............ descent picoto ............. distrito ............ district pinhal ............. duna ............ sand dunes planalto ........... encosta ............ slope ........... enseada ............ cove, bay gig: :::::. .......... entrada ............ cove ponts, pontal .... : . pomt espigH0 ......... ; ... point porWs),portela i . . pass, watergap espinhago .......... ridge, hill, mountain port40 ............. pass eSt@O .............. railroad station ptiinho ........... cove, bay’ esteiro ............. estuary, tidal creek, stream. port0 .............. harbor, . landing, anchorage, Cave,

bay 21

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praia .............. beach provincia .......... province ,quebrada ........... cliff rega, regatp, rego ... stream rcgueira ........... stream, tidal creek rcgueiro, regueirgo . . stream represa ............ reservoir ria ................ estuary, lagoon ribeira ............. stream, anabranch ribeirada, ribeirinha,

ribeiro ........... stream rio ................ river, stream rivera (Spanish) .... stream rocha ..............

’ sapal rock on land, ridge

.............. marsh

-. _,

serra(s) ............ hill (s) , mountain(s), mountain range, ridge, rock on land

serrao ............. hill(s) serro (s) ............ hill(s), mountain, rock on land sierra (Spanish) .... mountain range tapada ............. reservoir bpe ............... hill, mountain umbrias ............ slope vala ............... irrigation ditch, irrigation canal vale ............... stream, valley (usually with a

stream) valinho ............ stream v&mea .............. plain viso ................ hill


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,*- P



PUER!l’@ RICO - 1958

ucurducto aqueduct aljibe reservoir

Mete(s) island(s), rock(s) islote islet .

nh(s) mountain(s), hill(s), ridge anchorage

lag0 lake, reservoir mclnje hii de recreo recreation area, resort

Iaguna lagoon, lake

reef loma hill(s), mountain(s)

nrrccife manchas reefs nrroyo arroyo, gorge montai?as bahfa bay, bight

mountains, mountain range

bank(s), shoal(s), reef(s) monte(s)

bajo(s) hill(s), mountain(s), ridge

montecito hill

barrio barrio (subdivision of a municipio) morro headland

boca river mouth, cove, bay, channel, municipio municipio (an administrative divisi&t) disbributary ojo spring

bosque forest cabeza(s) headland(s)

parqne park

cab0 .. pasa passage, channel

cape cadena mountain chain

pasaje passage, channel, strait pega mountain

caieta cove, bay campamento

peXasc0 headland camp

cad : canal, channel, passage, roadstead *. ‘. peninsula

caTi stream, canal, channel, ravine, inlet, pe’;;o’n, peGones

peninsula hill(s), mountain(s), rock(s), ddge

estuary, iagoon picacho(s) peak(s), ridge

cai;o’n canyon, ravine pica peak, mountain

castillo castle piedra(s) hill, mountain, rock,,ridge

beach CaYow key(s), island(s), islet(s), rock(s), reef(s)

playa sink hole

central central (sugar mill) .* . pozo

cerro(s) -hill(s), mountain(s), peak(s), ridge presada reservoir Puerto port, anchorage, cove, bay, bighi

cerrote mountain charca lake

punta point, headland, peninsula

charco pool quebrada ravine, gorge, stream, sink

ci&aga marsh, swamp rada(s) roadstead, sound

reservoir cordillera mountains, hills


cuchilla(s) do

ridge, mountain(s), mountain range, peak river, stream

cuesta hill .’ rota rock, shoal, peak

cuevi NbS -ruins

cave desrmbarcadero landing

sabana: savanna, plaia

distrito senatorial senatorial district salinas salt pond

ensenada _ cove, bag, bight saltillo waterfall

escollo bank -. salt0 waterfall, gap

estacidn railroad station sierra mountain range, mountains

estado sonda

state, commonwealth sound

hoya sink, ravine tanque ,tank

hoyo sink, ravine tetas mountains

isla island, islet valle valley, ravine ’ zanja stream


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SPiN - 1941

&ra ............... bay caserfo (s) .......... accquia ............. Arrigatlon canal albcrca ............ albina ............. 11 albufera ........... 11 #to(S) .. :. ......... k

apartadero ......... apeadcro ........... arenas, arenal ...... arrcclfe ..... - ....... arroyo .............

atalayas ........... bahia .............. baja ............... bajlta ............. bajo ..... 1. ........ bajon ............... balsa ..............


bals& ............. bnnco ..............

..barran co . :. ... l ....

pond, marsh cast1110 ............. ake bed Castro ............. agoon, marsh castron .. , ......... ~111 (s) , mounWn 03, peak ridge9 cerrillo ............

mountain range -allroad stop

cerro (s) .............

-ailroad stop chao ............... leach charca ............. reef charco ............. itream, intermittent stream,clrco ..............

stream section clot [C] ............ hill range col, co11 [CJ ........ bay, cove, bight colector ............ shoal, rock in water; point collada, collado ..... point coma [C] .......... shoal, rock in water; point concha ...... .’ .....

point corda, cordal ..... :.

pond, intermittent pond, lagoon, cordillera ..........

lake, reservoir cortljada ...........

pond ’ cortljo ............. shoal costa ravlne,stream, intermittent,,,, : :


......... , .. stream, stream section crater ..............

preclnc t, suburb cuchlllar, cuchlllete, intermittent pond cuchlllo ........ : . inlet,, stream mouth, cove; pass cuerda ............. forest cuesta ............. mountain cueva (s) ........... forest cumbre (s) .........

barrlada, barrio ..... basalet [C) ......... boca ............... bois [F] ............ bony [CJ ........... bosque ............. brazo .............. brecha ............. cabeclco ............ cabeza .............. cabezo .............. cabo.. ...... ,..., .. cala ............... caldera ............ caleta .......... calet6n ............ camp0 , ............ cajiada ............

canal ..............

canalderlegos.. .... canaliilo ........... caiio ...............

canto .............. cap [C] ............ casa (s) ............ cascade ............

stream channel, stream dhrsena ............ dehesa ... .' .........

Pass islet desfiladero .........

peak, hill, headland divlsoria ...........

pcak,,hill, mountain, promontoryembalse(s) ’ . . * ’ . . ’ cape, point, headland, promontory cove, bight embarcadero caldera, crater, volcanic cone ensenada .

escollo . . . . cove, bight cove, bay, bight

_---~~_ escull [C] . . ..“..i”#3

plain, region c3p11(2 . . . . stream, lntermlttent stream, irrl-estaci6n * . *

gatlon canal estanca .

irrigation canal, navigation Canal, ~s~~n~~C j : channel, tidal creek cstrccho

irrigation canal faldas . . .

. . . . . . . ‘i * * . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . ,.. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

.r- ,.

rural dwelling(s) , farm(s), vfl- law W

castle q point; islet headland hill hill(s) ,’ mountain(s) , ridge, peak;

promontory gap pool, pond pool, pond, cove cirque, headwater basin upland pass, gap irrigation ditch pass; gap hill, ridge, headwater basin bay rldge mountain range, ridge group of dwellings belonging to a

cortijo farm, ranch, estate coast; ridge cave crater, volcanic vent, caldera

ridge ridge hill cave(s) , caverns peak(s) , hills, mountain, ridge harbor * pastureland pas ridge reservoir(s) , pond; intermittent

canal farayo [C] -. . . . . . . . stream channel, abandoned Water- fondeadero . . . . _ . . . .

course, tidal creek fuente(s) . . . . . . . . . . point, ‘headland garganta . . . . . . . . . . . peak; point gala [C] . . . . . . . . . . . dwelling(s) golf0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . waterfall grao . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .


pond landing cove, bay, bight rock in water rock(s) in water, reef(s) ridge railroad station reservoir, lake, intermittent lake’ lake, lagoon lake, lagoon strait hills islet anchorage spring(s) stream, intermittent stream mouth gulf shore


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i .

hoya . . . . . . . .p. . . . intermittent pond peii6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . rock, hill, mountain; point; island hoyo . . . . . . . . . . . . saddle; cove Pfc [Cl . . . . . . . . . . . . peak, mountain; point ib3n [C] . . . . . . . . . . . tarn . pica(s) .)... . . . . . . . peak(s), mountain(s), mo&& ish(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . island(s), islet; peninsula -.- range -. .‘- islcta(S). . . . . . . . . . . islet(s) - piedra . . . . . . . . . . :. . rock, headland islotc(s) . . . . . . . . . . . islet(s), island(s) pinar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . forest . jaule . . . . . . . . . . . . dunes, slope junta . . . . . . . . . . . . . confluence pla, plan [C) . . . . . . . upland Intlrra (s) . . . . . . . . . . Slope(S) placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . marine bank . Ingo . : . . . . . . . . . . lake(s) , pond (s) , lagoon plana (8) . . . , . . . . . . . plain, upland, mesa, tableland laguna(s) . . . . . . . . . . lagoon(s), lake(s), intermittent plane14 planet [C] . . upland

lake(s) , pond(s) , intermittent PlaYa . . . . . . . . - . . beach@) pond(s), pool, marsh playdn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beach

lagunilla . . . . . . . . . . pond pOciJl0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . spring laja . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . rock in water port [Cl . . . . . . . . . . . ha&or; pass, gap llano(s) . . . . . . . . . . . plain(s) porteille [F] . . . . . . . . pass, gap loma . . . . . . . . . . . . hill(s), ridge, slope; shoal portella, portilla, por- lomba . . . . . . . . . . . . . hill till0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . pass lomi to . . . . . . . . . . . . . ridge porto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . covg lomo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hill, ridge, slope pozo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lake

IUC~O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pool, lake bed poz6n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pond press . . . . . . , . . . . . , . reservqir . macizo . . . . . : . . . . . . . mountain prols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . landing

malpais . . . . . . . . . . . , lava field provincia . . . . . . . . . . province mnnantial(es) . . . . . . spring(s) puertito . . . . . . . . . . . . cpve mar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lake, pond, lagoon Puerto . . . . . . . . . . . . . port, harbor, bay, cove, inlet, an- mar&ma . . . . . , . . . . . . , marsh chorage; pass, gap, saddle mesa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mesa, hill puig [CJ . . . . . . . , . . . peak meseta . . . . . . . . . . . . mesa punt [C] . , . . . . . . . . . peak mola (moles) [C] . . . mountain(s) punta (8) . . . . . . . . . . point(s), cape, headland, promon- mont [C] . . . . . . . . . . mountain tory; peak, mountain montagne [F] . . . . . . mountain puntal . . . . . . . . . . . . :a point, peak, mountain montaiia . . . . . . . . . . . mountain, hill, ridge, mountainPuntazo, Punthla . . . Point

range rada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . roadstead, anchorage monte(s) . . . . . . . . . hill(s), mountain(s), hill range,rambla ’ . . . . . . . . . . . . stream, intermittent stream,

mountain range, ridge, upland; stream section (all characteris- promontory; forest . thlly with shallow, sandy beds)

montbn . . . . . . . . . . . . mountain raila- . . ..a.......... WOOdS morra . . : . . . . . . . . . . ridge rasa [C] . . . . . . . . . . . stream . morro (s) . . . . . . . . . . . headland, hill (s) raso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plain morron . . . . . : . . . . . . mountain regajo, regata, muela(s) . . . . . . . . . . hill(s) , mountain(s) , ridge regato . . . . . . . . . . : stream, intermittent stream navajo . . . . . . . . . . . . . pool region . . . . . . . . . . . . . region navazo . . . . . . . . . . . . pond rego :. . . . . . . , . . . . . . stream nacimiento . . . . . . . . . spring reguera . . . . . . . . . . . . intermittent stream nudo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mountain ria ’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . estuary, bay, stream obaga [Cf.. . . . . . .-. . slope (equivalent to Spanish urn-rffiCh0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . stream

bria) riera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . stream, intermittent stream ojos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . springs rfo . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . stream, intermittent stream, pantano . . . . . . . . . . . lake, intermittent lake, pond, res- stream se&ion, stream mouth,

ervoir tidal creek + paramos , . . . . . . .I: l .’ -upland risco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rock on land, cliff, peak, hill Parque national . . . . national park rivera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . stream, intermittent stream Pas[CJ...‘......... pass riu [C] . . . . . . . . . . . . . stream x Paso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pass; marine channel rot [C!] . . . . . . . . . . . . peak Defia 63) . . . , . . . . . . . . rock, mountain, hill range, peak(s) rota(s) . : . . . . . . . . . . rock fn tiater, peak, cliff(s), hill

,, pefial ‘_- se....,....... . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ek.

rodenr-. . . . . . . . . . . . . forest ’ pmdo roque(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . rock(s) in water, peak

Penhuh . . . . . . . . . . pkinsula salada . . . . . . . . . . . . . intermittent lake


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., L--

tosal [C] . . . . , . . . . . ; peak, hill(s) , mountain (8) tossa, tossal, tozal [CJ peak tuc, tuca, tuqueta [C] peak ’ tune1 . . . . . . . . . . . , . . tunnel tur6 [C] . . . . . . . . . . . hill, peak umbria . . , . . , . . . . . slope (often, but not ‘invariably tht

I shady slope) vado . . . . . . .‘. . . . . . . . ford val, vall [CJ , . . . . . . . stream, fntermittent stream valle . . . . , . . . . . . . . . valley, intermittent stream vallejo . . . . . . . . . , . . . intermittent stream vega (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . plain (5) veril . . . . . . . . . . . . . beach vertiente . . . . . . . . . . . stream volcan , . . . . . . . . volcanic vent

salina(s) .......... salt pan(s), salt flat(s), intermit- tent pond

‘salto : ............. waterfal! ‘scrra ............... ridge, hill .

* serrania ........... mountains, mountain range scrrnt [C] .......... mountain, mountain range scrrcta, serrezuela ... ridge sierra(s) ........... hill range, mountain range, ridge,

hill(s), mountain sicrrecica .......... ridge

:sfstcma mountain system . ............ solana, solano ...... slope (often, but not invariably, the

sunny slope) tablero ...... :. ..... upland teso [C] ........... hill tierra .............. plain torca (s) ........... cave (s) , intermittent pond, sink-

torrent [C] hole pond

......... stream torrente ........... stream

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arroyito erroyo asperetas behia bajo balneatio ba%do(s) banco barranca(s) boca cabo caleta cazada canal cerrillada cerritos cerro(s) cuchilla departamento embalse ensenada estaci& ester0 fortaleza fuerte gab isla(s), islofe(s) laguna lomas meseta parada, paradero p-0 piedra(s) PJw pozo Puerto punta tada tep{blica testinge tin&n tb toca(s) salt0 Sierra(S) zanja

stream :’ stream, channel, distributary group of peaks; group of hills bay, hatbot shoal, reef resort Btteam, marsh, riwamp(a) bank, shoal cliff(s) stream mouth, distributary cape cove stream, distributary channel

group of hills hills hill(s), peak, mountain(s) ridge, mountain range, range of hills department (administrative subdivision) lake bay railroad station estuary, stream

fort fort stream ’

island(s) lake hills plateau, hill railroad station pass, channel rock(s) beach submarine depression

port, hdrbot point toadstead republic reef area rivet, stream, estuary rock, reef, sheaf rapid(s) hill(s), mountain(s) stream

Page 33: UbXTE;D Hi4TIOPEi Infor¶uation Paper r&o 10 papers/info-paper10.pdf · This glossary consists of twenky-two separate lists of geographio terms, with corresponding English terms,

altiplanicie ...... alto(s) .......... bahfa ............ bajo(s) .......... barra ............. boca ............

bocaina ....... bra20 ......... cabecera(s) ... cabo ......... caleta ....... campos ....... caiiada ...... canal ......... cafio .........

. .

. .

. . . .

. .

caii6n . . . . . . . . . catarata(s) . . . . . . cay0 . . . . . . . . . . . . derrito . . . , . . . . . cerro (s) . . . . . . . chorrera . . . . . . chorrito . . . . . . chorro(s) ‘:. . . . . . . cienaga, cienega ‘. . ciudad . . . . . . . . cordillera . . . .

cuesta . . T . . . depresibn . . . . . departamento . .

desecho, deshecho distrito . . . . . .

distrito federal . embalse . . . . . . . ensenada . . . . : .

escarpamento . estaci4n . . . . . e&ado . . . . . . . .

farall6n ......... Ala .............. fosa ........ : .... galeras .......... @fete .......... golf0 ............ horqueta ........ isla (s) .......... isletas ...........

.......... ............

mesa laguna(s) ‘. . :. hill, mountain bay, bight Faguneta . . . . . lowland(s) laja . . . . . . . . . bar llano(s) . . . . . . stream mouth, inlet, confluence, ma- loma (s) . . . . . . .

rine channel, lagoon entrance mata . . . . . . . . . stream mouth : -merd . . . . . . . distributary, stream mesa . . . . . .

stream source meseta . . . . montaiia . . . . .

cape bay plain(s) stream stream stream, intermittent stream, distrib-

utary, tidal creek, marine channel, anabranch

canyon waterfall island hill mountain(s) , hill(s) , ridge . waterfall . rapids spi%ig,‘rapids - swamp, inlet, lake, pond, lagoon city mountain range, mountain system,

ridge, mountain ridge lowland second-order administrative division

in a territorio reversible stream second-order administrative division

in an esiado federal district - reservoir, lake cove, bay, Bight, inlet, marine chan-

nel escarpment ‘. .railroad station Arst-order administrative division of

Venezuela rook in water ridge submarine trench hill range bay gulf, bay

..*... . . . . . . .

L . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

monte . . .








p&ram0 .




pas0 . . . .


pefia . . .


peninsula peiibn . . picacho . .




. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

playa ............ potrero .......... promontorio ..... puerta ............ Puerto ...... F .... Punta ........ . .. quebrada ........ ramal ........... raudal (es) ....... rio ..............

sabana (i) ....... salina ........... salto ......... selva ............ serra (Portuguese) serrania .........

sierra . . . . . . . . . . .

silla . . . . . . . . . . . . . tanque .......... -tepui ........... territorio . ........

confluence island (8) islands swamp lake, pool

teta . _ top0 , zanj4n . .

lagoon, pond(s) , lake; 5wa<mp, ‘iGet, intermittent pond

lake rock plain (s) hill(s) , mountain, ridge woods rapids, waterfall mesa, tableland mesa (s) mountain mountain, hill stream headland, point, hill third-order administrative division upland third-order administrative division ford mountain peninsula mountain, rock, headland mountain peak, mountain, hill rock, rock knoll, rock on iand plain(s) upland, mountain with flat area near

summit beach pastureland headland mountain pass cove point, headland stream, intermittent stream ridge, spur rapids stream, distributary, tidal creek, in-

termittent stream savanna salt marsh, lagoon rapids, waterfall forest mountain range, ridge hill(s) , mountain(s), mountain rC-

gion, mountain range, ridge ’ mountain(s) , mountain range, mow

tain chain, fidge saddle reservoir mesa first-order administrative

Venezuela mountain hill, mountain, headland stream