ubc geological engineering program “the profs” presented by isabelle lévesque

UBC Geological Engineering Program “The Profs” Presented by Isabelle Lévesque

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: UBC Geological Engineering Program “The Profs” Presented by Isabelle Lévesque

UBC Geological Engineering Program “The Profs”

Presented by Isabelle Lévesque

Page 2: UBC Geological Engineering Program “The Profs” Presented by Isabelle Lévesque

Georox Profs

Mary Lou Bevier (aka. MLB)

Petrology, Mineralogy, & Field Geology B.S. with Honors, Earth Science, 1975

(University of California, Santa Cruz)

M.Sc., Geological Sciences, 1978 (UBC)

Ph.D., Geological Sciences, 1982 (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Post-doctoral Fellow, Geological Survey of Canada, 1985-1987

New textbook “Introduction to Field Geology” published by McGraw-Hill.

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Georox Profs

R.M. (Marc) BustinSedimentology, Organic Petrology

Ph.D. (UBC).

Research: Study of the sedimentology and diagenesis of organic matter in sediments with particular reference to petroleum source rocks, coal and formation of ore deposits.

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Georox Profs

Kelly RussellVolcanology/Geochemistry

B.Sc. University of Manitoba 1976

M.Sc. University of Calgary 1980

Ph.D. University of Calgary 1984

Research: volcanology, geochemistry and igneous petrology as related to the formation, transport and eruption of magma.

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Georox Profs

The Water Boys

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Georox Profs

Roger BeckieGroundwater Hydrology, Geotechnical Engineering Director

B.A.Sc. (Waterloo)

M.Sc. & Ph.D. (Princeton).

Industry: Beckie Hydrogeologists

Research: We are investigating the scale at which a site should be characterized so that a specified engineering objective can be achieved in the most cost-effective fashion.

Research: Hydrology of waste-rock dumps in British Columbia.

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Georox Profs

Ulrich MayerGroundwater Hydrology / Reactive Solute Transport

Dipl. Ing. (1993) Universität Stuttgart (Germany)

Ph.D. (1999) University of Waterloo.

Faculty Member at UBC since 2000

Research: Geochemical evolution of low-temperature groundwater systems with a focus on groundwater contamination and remediation.

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Georox Profs

Leslie SmithGroundwater Hydrology

B.Sc U of A, in Geology

Ph. D. at UBC

Research: Mathematical modeling of fluid flow and solute transport in fractured geologic media, with applications to problems of groundwater contamination.

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Georox Profs

L. A. (Lori) KennedyStructural Geology

B.Sc., Univ. New Brunswick;

Ph. D., Texas A&M;

Faculty Member, UBC (1996 -).

Research: mechanisms by which faults and shear zones develop and how they accommodate displacements (both in brittle and ductile regimes).

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Georox Profs

Rimas PakalnisUnderground Rock Mechanics

B.A.Sc mining engineering, McGill University

M.Sc and Ph.D. at UBC.

Industry: consulting for six years as a professional engineer .

A note of interest is that he has set as an objective to audit and or conduct applied research at 10 mines each year. That means that in the 14 years that he has been teaching at UBC He has been to 140 mines, primarily in North America, but he also worked in Greece, South Africa, Hungary, and England.

1 tonne = 10 kN

0.01 MPa = 10 kN/m3

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Georox Profs

Oldrich HungrSlope stability

UBC (1996) professor

Industry: engineering geologist for several years.

Developed Clara slope modeling program

Research: develop new techniques for slope stability analysis, modeling of landslide behavior.

New techniques of analysis must be developed and tested in the field in order to provide tools needed by the practitioners. The Geological Engineering Program at UBC plays an important role in this process.

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Georox Profs

Michael ChurchQuaternary Geomorphology

Teaching at UBC for 36 years

Industry: Forestry and aquatic work in the BC: was a member of the Clayoquot Sound Scientific panel and reviewed various Forest Practice Codes

Recently participated in writing riparian management guidelines for forestry for the central and north coasts

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Georox Profs

Michael BovisHillslope geomorphology

B.A. Honours, M. Phil., University College London

Ph.D. (1974), University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Bovis is currently Head of the Department

of Geography.

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Georox Profs

John A. HowieGeotechnical Engineering (Civil)

B.A.Sc. Civil Engineering (UBC), B.Sc. University Gasgow (1976)

M.Sc. Queen’s University, Kingston (1978)

Ph.D. UBC, 1991

Industry: worked as a Geotechnical Engineer in consulting practice from 1978 to 1997. He worked in Scotland, Alberta, Hong Kong, and British Columbia.

Research: in-situ testing for geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering design, ground improvement, the engineering properties of soils by laboratory testing, and foundation engineering.

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Georox Profs

R. Jonathan Fannin Soil Mechanics

B.Sc. (Civil Engineering) from the Queen's University of Belfast

graduate studies at the Soil Mechanics Research Group of the University of Oxford.

Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Foundation Engineering Section.

Joined UBC in 1989, and became Full Professor in 2001.

He is the recipient of many awards

2X: UBC Killam Prize for teaching excellence (1996; 2004).

International Geosynthetics Society Award for contributions of research to engineering practice


CGS Quigley Award for the best paper in the Can. Geotech. J. (1996)

Visiting Senior Scientist Award from the French Government (2003)

United Nations Award for Academic Exchange (2001)

Karl Terzaghi Fellowship from the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (2004).

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Georox Profs

Dawn A. ShuttleSoil Mechanics

Ph. D. at University of Manchester in numerical modeling of localization in soils

Over 10 years in industry working on numerical modeling applied to problems in the fields of geotechnical engineering and hydrogeology.

Industry experience: UK, Germany, Holland, Puerto Rico, Sweden, and BC.

UBC Associate Professor since October 2002

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Georox Profs

Dharma Wijewickreme (aka. Wiji)Soil Mechanics

UBC Associate Professor (2001).

Industry: Geotechnical Engineer in consulting practice in BC, for 11-years in the topical fields of seismic design, ground improvement, soil-structure interaction analyses, and pipeline geotechnical engineering.

Research: development of laboratory research work in the areas of fundamental property characterization as well as application-oriented physical modeling.

Can Everyone be Quiet Now?

Silence Please!!!

Silence Please!!!

Silence Please!!!

Can Everyone be Quiet Now?

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Georox Profs

Ward WilsonMining and the Environment; Control and Mitigation of Acid Rock

Drainage Industry: over 20 years of industrial

experience in geoenvironmental and geotechnical engineering. He has extensive work experience as a consulting engineer.

Developed SoilCover modeling program

Research: waste rock behavior as well as Co-Mixing of tailings and waste rock to produce new high strength sealing materials for the control and prevention of oxidation, acid rock drainage and metal leaching in mine waste management systems.

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Georox Profs

Francis H.M. JonesApplied Geophysics Lecturer

Background in applied geophys, P..Eng., oil, engineering, electrical eng. Geotechnical, exploration

Goal: Enhancing effectiveness of earth science education, particularly development of educational material for teaching applied geophysics to end-users, undergraduates, professionals needing to upgrade, and the general public.

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Georox Profs

Erik EberhardtRock Mechanics, Geological Engineering

B.Eng. - Univ. of Saskatchewan - Geological Engineering (1992)

M.Sc. - Univ. of Saskatchewan - Geotechnical Engineering/Rock Mechanics (1995)

Ph.D. - Univ. of Saskatchewan / Univ. of Manitoba - Geotechnical Engineering/Rock Mechanics (1998)

Senior Research Associate and Lecturer, ETH Zurich (1998-2003)

UBC faculty (2004-present)

Research: primary objective being the advancement and integration of state-of-the-art numerical modeling techniques with innovative geotechnical field measurements.

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Recommended Awards for students in Geological


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Georox Profs

Awards (4th years recommend) Scott Ellis – Winkler, Muir Robin Bruce – Westmin Matt King – Economic Geology Greg Wenger – Winkler Megan Atkinson – Winkler Adam Wallace – Riley Dustin McLachlan – Piteau Rory Doyle – Lorntzsen David Moore – Lorntzsen Roderick Tollenaar – Coveney Isabelle Lévesque – Lorntzsen

Cecil J. Coveney Memorial Scholarship Christopher Riley Memorial Scholarshi J Fred Muir Memorial Scholarship in

Engineering Economic Geology Memorial

Scholarship Egil H. Lorntzsen Scholarship George E. Winkler Memorial Scholarship Piteau Associates Dennis C. Martin

Memorial Scholarship Westmin Resources Limited-Dr. G.M.

Furnival Scholarship

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Georox Profs

Paul Evans – Lorntzsen Chris Wattam – Lorntzsen Brent McAfee – Lorntzsen Justin Burden – Lorntzsen Kathryn Black – Lorntzsen Trevor Bruce – Lorntzsen Marcia Wilson – Cominco Catherine Paul – Muir Lindsey Lotz – Lorntzsen Rosie Cobbett – Lorntzsen Morgan Lederhouse – Lorntzsen Rahul Sharma – Lorntzsen Vafa Rombough – Winkler Hayley Robertson – Lorntzsen Jarym Kowalchuk – Lorntzsen Justin Bieber - Lorntzsen

Awards (3rd years recommend) J Fred Muir Memorial Scholarship in

Engineering Egil H. Lorntzsen Scholarship George E. Winkler Memorial Scholarship Teck Cominco Scholarship

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Georox Profs

Heather Stewart – Riley Stephen Mak – Lorntzsen Benjamin Mak – Lorntzsen Shiraz Iqbal – Lorntzsen Christina Rurak – Lorntzsen Shuai Wang – Lorntzsen

Awards (2nd years recommend) Christopher Riley Memorial Scholarshi Egil H. Lorntzsen Scholarship

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