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aAuaTf.-Lrlts\',Yrv ntxe{eT=t


Jessi urpuid soon ehange hdr mind about her

futule hush*nd. Errol Tosh, when she discstered

his creative ride in s $ihn tiass taught btr

Raymond lodd Blackwood at UAT As Part o{ the

rnursewonk, each student prepared a lilm treat-

nrent to present to the class, lhn students th*n

vlted on wtrich thty thought was best and whieh

produrtisn tearn they would tiha to ioin. The fsBr

rnnst SopuNar uoncepts r#ere :elested tB be msde

infn an actual fiIm wilh th* treetmenl'r sreatsr

actrng as the prgdueer and team le*del"

Althsugh fhe students har! the upprfiunitf ts wait

until everyone in ihe elass had preseruted, J*tsikncw immedistely that she wanicd to bs sn [nql'steam.

"His treatrnent was to {unny *ltd creatiue. I hRew

right away Iwnnled tE be nn hir team. fto sne clsegot it, and na one else voted on the iirst roun*i. I

rais*d my hand eren though rre hadn't seefl ev-

*rynne elset yet."

That tnrrned eul t0 bE a lvlse msue. Etrol s treat-

menl pmved tn hB the rnost popular chsice, and

he got mere votes fnr his emcept tfran there were

Flares 0n his team, But slnqe Jessi vcted fint,she was assured a now enueted sPot.

Errnl says his inilia! attraction to his wi{e was

based on appeffranee. statimg lhat she "always

drersed reelly nice end lookcd really rlassy," bul

[hrough their wrrh sn the film prticct team, he

began 1o rdalire that tfiere was a lot rnore to lesrithan just her lotkr alone.

''1,1e were putling in a Nat sl hours shoating the

fi[m, and nne night I said, 'Het, anyrne want t0 g0

out to drnner?' - even thuugh I already hnew

eueryone else uas busy,''

The f*s went sut withotlt the rest uf their team ,fsr

the {irsl time, and snce thef wnre alsne, it was

clear thry were meant tc be more than just good

{riend s-

,t{e cunrrected so *ssll and didn't run sut sf

thing$ t0 *ny""[rrl erpiains 'lllhat sferted as

smali lrlk just led to a deeper converretisn. lt

iurnped a leucl quirkly, When you me€I the right

Fer$un, ygu fcet lilre gnu've knt$rfl tl'rem for s

real[y lung time."

After dinner, and ryhat iessi desrr!bes as an

"awkward monarnt." Ennl askedjmsi te contin$e

the evening on their tirrt real date tuthe movles,

"l haven't kissed another gry since then,'' says


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From lhen on" the tvio became inereasingly insepa-

rable. They conlinued tt date lhroughout eollege

and aiter their graduation in 2fl01.

"WE got t0 the ppjnt vlhere we didn'l lvant to be

apart auymore, ss vse mede it s{ficial," says ipssi,

In ?004, the lwo were married ifl La .lqlla, f;4. re-

t*rnsd l0 Arirsna iu a ureeh uf is$t, then jetled nff

to therr honeymnon in Haua'i, Hawaii, fsr what

Err*l describes as "the best week orl my life,"

How, a{lcr three years o{ marriage ' in additiun tn

Errnl s lull-time job ar a inaltimedia content delrel-

oper and Jessi s jnb as a Jjtth Srade teachsr for thE

$eottsdale Uni{ied Srhool District - the two have

started sn entirely new uBnlure"

Tosh lmagery, a f,ave Creeh. AI, phoi*graphy

studis, r*as the inevitable result st mixing two

intensiv*ly crettiue lalents with thc technisalpxpertise the lwo le*rned at UAT

"l $t6rtgd as a digital uidco ffaior at UAT and I

needed snme te*ures {sr 30 msdeling, N bought a

digital ramera and reali:ed I enioyed dning the

sliils moile than the movies,'' says Errol. "UAT pra-

vided me vtith the steppinrg stones I needed to

rwitch my f*cus and then tahe my phottgraphy to

annther leuel."

"Linda l-aGalia $as my lavuriie teacher. She js

dnad hnnest and ns flull. I thought my first pruject

lur her elass was a rnasterpieee. but I unly gst a S

Onee sh* rrent through it rrith me and erplained

euerytfring, I realilod she was right. By the time I

was dnlte wlth t|re slass. rny shills had grown


t#frile Tosh lmagery prouides a ttariety o{ commer-

Eial and pentnal phsls scruieps, trrol snd Jessi

quiehly realized that $Bddin€ photograpilywas the

niehe thcy both enjoyed the most and were best at


"0ur pEssian is neddings and pndraits," sals

Ernl. "lt's up rlose and per$onal. We get so rnmh

satisfaetion out of creating memsries."

Fnr ssmc couples, 1or mueh tirne [ogether eauses

frietion, hut far lessi and Frrol, working together

has brought them closcr together and madc hEth

their wor[i sren bcttsr.

"We enjoy sscnding sn much time log€ther," sayg

.lessi. "${e'ue knnrn eauh nthet sn lmg and knun

eaeh others' style. lt irtst allwotlts go wel!. Me

with the bride. him with the groom, Sometimes

aftrr e uredding. we uill he going thttugh the

photss and djrcsuer we hatie erien taktn the eract

same shqt and it is somethimg thtt is not obtiiaus

I think ?ie iust have a similat attitildt ab0ut

euerything and look at life the ssms way "

aTly ti''$i iiTlFi'assiefl sf hirn I uf*ulJ g*cuisijc lt'iih rnY {:'ign*s altgr c!e55 eild1l'il quvs y.;Gulr-b+ plavinn r;fifkv sfick iif,r-n-rrnl€i l"iiryi ialkinO eldu'r frw h+ harft lc€t [in* *vgr-i'ihinf; ant i il",cuqh1 wh*gtr LrGggri"t

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The UAT caTnpus has plenty of places to eat, study and

socialize with classmates and teachers. lt also offersoff-campus housing within walking distance of theschool. But for some UAT students, that just wasn'tenough. They want to be on campus 2417. fhey wantALL GEEK. ALL THE TIIV]E.

The voices of our students (and parents) have been

heard! Founder's Hall was built and the first student-inhabitants just moved in.

Think of it as Dorm 2.0, We threw out the old blueprintsand boundaries - no long, dark corridors, institutional-gray walls or smelly community bathrooms here. lnstead,it's a radical new kind of residence hall totally designedwith geek in mind.

We thought of everything. Each room has been equipped with a phone lack, a

microwave, small refrigerator and both wireless and plug-in Ethernet connections.The sleeping rooms are grouped in sets of four, so residents only share a bathroomwith a few oiher people, not the entire floor.

And since even the most intreprd hacker occasionally needs to eat, exercise orjust kick back and defrag for awhile, Founder's Hall is equipped with a gameroom, fitness center, movie room, lounge, think tanks, laundry facilities and an

extended-hours kitchen.

Of course, student health and safety was of primary concern, and for this reason

Founder's Hall is completely drug and alcohol free, and smoking is prohibited in thebuilding. The hall is only accessible to residents with a keycard, and guests mustregister at the front desk. The hall director lives on-site and resident assistants live

on each floor to ensure these policies are observed and that agreed-upon communityrules are respected.

Check out uat.eduifoundershall for more info.


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