uass in the national airspace system (nas)

UASs in the National Airspace System (NAS) Status Update Ted Wierzbanowski, ASTM !" UAS Standards #ommittee #hairman

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UASs in the National

Airspace System(NAS)Status Update

Ted Wierzbanowski, ASTM !" UAS Standards #ommittee #hairman

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Status update• FAA UAS organization changes• FAA Modernization & Reform Act of 2012•

Small UAS• O erall UAS• Spectrum for UAS


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"u#lic• Militar$• %on militar$ go ernment 'non pu#lic safet$ applications(• "u#lic safet$ 'special non militar$ go ernment case(

)i il• "ure commercial 'real estate* ne+s* etc(• Support of non militar$ go ernment 'en ironmental cleanup* pipeline* etc(

%O,-. Still a /gra$ area

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AA UAS 'r$anization #han$es

Reorganization of t+o organizations into a single* unified UAS

integration office 'UA3O( under a S-S no+ official• Unmanned Aircraft "rogram Office 'UA"O( 4A iation Safet$5* and• Unmanned Aircraft S$stems 6roup 'UAS6( 4Air ,raffic Org5

Organization reporting structure.•

,he old UA"O +as under the Flight ,echnologies and "rocedures Di ision+hich falls under Flight Standards Ser ice• ,he new 'current( UA3O resides directl$ under Flight Standards Ser ice

Director for "olic$

3mplications• FAA recognizing UAS are here to sta$• /Much more focus and attention to UAS• ,he ne+ lead for the UA3O '7im 8illiams( is er$ proacti e and is pushing

reall$ hard to get things done and compl$ +ith )ongressional direction– *+A# issue has negati el$ affected FAA a#ilit$ to compl$

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AA Modernization and e&orm Act o& -./-

-nacted into la+ on Fe#ruar$ 1 * 2012 after :2 e;tensions topre ious authorization act• 3ndustr$ 'U%3,-* AU<S3* A3A* and others( had significant input to the UAS

specific language 'started efforts in 2009=>(

Su#title ? @ Unmanned Aircraft S$stems• )ontains 1> pages• Sections* !!1 !!>

Man$ tas s +ith timelines included

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eauthorization Timelines and Status

Ma$ 1 * 2012• -nter into agreement to simplif$ the process of issuing )OAs for pu#lic operators @

completed for pu#lic safet$ entities and in process for others

August 12* 2012• -sta#lish a program to integrate UAS into the %AS at > test ranges @ selection

process under+a$• De elop plan and initiate process for designating permanent areas in the Arctic +here

small UAS can operate 2 hours a da$ for research and commercial purposes @ plancompleted and process under+a$

• Determine if certain UAS ma$ #e operated safel$ in the %AS #efore completion of theplan and rulema ing @ in process

%o em#er 10* 2012• )omprehensi e "lan to safel$ accelerate the integration of ci il UAS into the %AS @

in process +ith support from UAS AR)• 3ssue guidance regarding e;panding operation of pu#lic UAS @ partiall$ completed

#ut continues

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Fe#ruar$ 1 * 201!• "ro ide cop$ of comprehensi e plan to )ongress @ completed #ut +ill #e refined ne;t

$ear #ased on implementation plan currentl$ #eing completed #$ the UAS AR)• 9 $ear roadmap for introduction of ci il UAS into the %AS posted on +e# site and

updated annuall$ @ +ill #e part of comprehensi e plan a#o e and updated #ased onimplementation plan currentl$ #eing completed #$ the UAS AR)

August 1 * 201• "u#lish a final rule on small UAS @ %otice of "roposed Rulema ing '%"RM( dela$ed

#$ *+A# issue #ut loo s li e it is coming out /soon• "u#lish an %"RM to implement the recommendations of the comprehensi e plan @

included in the implementation plan #ut ma$ #e dela$ed• Update polic$ statement in Doc et %oC FAA 200> 29B1 @ in process

Septem#er !0* 2019 'hard date(• /%o later than date for safe integration of ci il UAS into the %AS @ UAS AR)

de eloping recommended implementation plan for thisCN'T01 Successful sUAS integration is #eing considered #$ the FAA as the ma or +a$it +ill meet the congressional mandate of safe integration of UAS into the %AS #$2019C

eauthorization Timelines and Status (cont)

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Small UAS Status

Small UAS 'sUAS( ci il operations in the UCSC +ere /shut do+n in Fe# 200B• "rior to this* sUAS +ere operated under A) 1 9B 'model aircraft /rules (• FAA issued /)larification of -;isting "olic$ 'Doc et %oC FAA 200> 29B1 ( on > Fe#

0B that said that operating sUAS under A) 1 9B +as not legal

Once that happened there +ere 'and continues toda$( onl$ t+o +a$s to fl$sUAS in the %AS outside of restricted airspace• "u#lic entities can o#tain a )ertificate of 8ai er or Authorization ')OA( +ith man$

operational and location restrictions•

)i il entities can o#tain an -;perimental )ertificate for R&D* training* and mar eting'+ith significant restrictions and no a#ilit$ to perform missions for compensationand=or hire(C

,o help de elop rules to allo+ more sUAS access to the %AS for ci ilapplications* the FAA chartered a sUAS A iation Rulema ing )ommittee'AR)( in Apr 200E•

sUAS AR) recommendations pro ided to FAA in Apr 200Since then* the FAA has used the AR) recommendations to de elop thesUAS rule that +ill #e pu#lished for pu#lic comment /soon• Rule is currentl$ in final coordination +ithin OS,=OM?• - en after it is pu#lished for pu#lic comment the rule +onGt #e effecti e for ci il

applications until 201 or 2019

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Small UAS Status (cont)

Rule +ill reference /consensus standards for detailed reHuirements 'asrecommended #$ the sUAS AR)(• AS,M has #een chartered to de elop the consensus standards reHuired to implement the

rule– Design* )onstruction* and ,estC Io+e er* there are separate supporting standards in de elopment for.

Design of the command and control s$stemUse of #atteries

– "roduction Acceptance– Jualit$ Assurance– Maintenance and 3nstructions for )ontinued Air+orthiness– Aircraft Flight Manual– Operations o er "eople 'dela$ed until draft rule is pu#lished for pu#lic comment(

• ,hese standards are no+ #eing drafted and are #eing re ie+ed #$ AS,M internationalmem#ership and the FAA to ensure the$ meet #oth AS,M and FAA needs

• 6oal is to ha e the first set of AS,M final draft standards a aila#le +hen the rule is pu#lishedfor pu#lic comment

3n addition the FAA has as ed AS,M to accelerate pu#lication of sUAS standards so

the$ can #e used #$ pu#lic entities and /#eta tested prior to finalizing for ci il use• AS,M is +or ing hard to do this so it is possi#le the final AS,M appro ed standards +ill #ea aila#le prior to the rule #eing pu#lished for pu#lic comment

• -;pect that these +ill ha e to #e modified once the rule is pu#lished for pu#lic comment 'onl$go ernment persons ha e seen the actual draft rule(– Io+e er* AS,M is +or ing +ith the FAA to minimize changes

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'2erall UAS Status

Appro al of )ertificates of Authorization ')OAs( for ci il UAS operations in the

UCSC +ere no longer appro ed after Sep 09• "rior to this* some UCSC companies +ere /inappropriatel$ issued )OAs #$ the FAA+ithout pu#lic entit$ sponsorship

• FAA issued AFS 00 UAS "olic$ 09 01 /Unmanned Aircraft S$stems Operations in theUCSC %ational Airspace S$stem @ 3nterim Operational Appro al 6uidance on 1> Sep 09to rectif$ this situation

)urrentl$ there are onl$ three +a$s a UAS can fl$ in the %AS• Fl$ in restricted airspace sponsored #$ the go ernment /o+ner of that restricted

airspace• Fl$ under a )OA 'outside of restricted airspace( sponsored #$ the go ernment entit$

that /o+ns=leases the UAS and accepts the lia#ilit$• Fl$ a compan$ o+ned UAS under an e;perimental certificate granted #$ the FAA for the

follo+ing t$pe missions.– Research and De elopment– ,raining– Mar eting– %O,-. At the present time cannot legall$ fl$ a UAS an$+here in the UCSC for compensation

and=or hire under an e;perimental certificate

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?eginning in 2001 U%3,- mem#ers #egan +or on all issues in ol ed +ith

fl$ing a IAK- UAS in the %AS for ci il applicationsC ,hese efforts e entuall$resulted in the %ASA Access 9 program that continued this +or C

After the %ASA Access 9 program +as cancelled* the FAA chartered R,)A'S) 20!( to de elop MAS"S for larger 'not ust IAK-( UASs in the %AS fort+o specific su# ects.• )ommand and control• Sense and a oid• ,his +or continues #ut is in the process of #eing re focused

,he FAA recentl$ chartered a ne+ UAS A iation Rulema ing )ommittee 'AR)(• /,his committee +ill pro ide a forum for the UCSC a iation communit$ to discuss*

prioritize* and resol e issues* pro ide direction for UCSC UAS operational criteria*support the %e;t6en 3mplementation "lan* and produce UCSC consensus positions for

glo#al harmonizationC @ full charter is on the FAA +e# siteCL ,he UAS AR) is currentl$ finalizing a detailed recommended UAS integration plan

-URO)A- 8or ing 6roup B!= ! are also preparing rules=recommendationsfor the -U for UAS• ?eing done colla#orati el$ +ith the FAA* R,)A* and AS,M efforts

'2erall UAS Status (cont)

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Spectrum Status

Spectrum for UASs is Huic l$ #ecoming 'or alread$ is( themost critical issue for future UAS applications 'other than the

*+A# issue(• "u#lic

– %on militar$ go ernment 'la+ enforcement* first responders* etc(– Militar$

• )i il 'pure commercial* support of non militar$ go ernment* etc(

Significance of issue not uni ersall$ understood• A aila#ilit$ of spectrum for other than US militar$ applications• "rocess and e;tended timeline to get spectrum allocated

Opportunities e;ist to ensure spectrum is a aila#le for UASs

in the future #ut this reHuires.• Kong term commitment• %ear term support

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Spectrum allocation determined #$ 8orld Radiocommunication)onference '8R)(• 3nternational forum for +orld agreement• Re ie+s and re ises radio regulations• Meetings pre iousl$ held e er$ 2 ! $ears* no+ e;tended to $ears• Operates #$ consensus* oting on occasion• Sets the +orld stage for future technological de elopment•

6reater emphasis on consolidated regional positions and proposals• Kast meeting +as in 6ene a in 7an=Fe# 2012• 8onGt meet again until 2019=201> so

"rocess is time consuming and er$ /political 'li e the U%(• -ach of the regional spectrum organizations 'see ne;t charts( ha e a 8R)

preparator$ function• Administrations=nations su#mit draft proposals• ,he regional organization* in accordance +ith their o+n procedures* adopt

common proposals #efore the 8R)• ,he regional proposals are su#mitted to the 8R) on #ehalf of all of their

mem#ers• ,he UCSC is part of )3,-K '3nter American ,elecommunication )ommission(

Spectrum Status (cont)

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Commission (CITEL)(35)

European Conference ofPostal and

TelecommunicationsAdministrations (CEPT)



Telecommunity (APT)(35)


TelecommunicationsUnion (ATU)

(4 )

Lea!ue of Ara"#tates (LA#)


%ort& Atlantic Treaty'r!ani ation

($ )

Cari""ea nTelecommunications

Union( 5)

*CC *e!+

Common,ealt& inComm+

Spectrum Status (cont)

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Spectrum Status (cont)

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Spectrum Status (cont)

<arious industr$ organizations +or ed +ith the US delegation tothe 8R) 12 to o#tain spectrum for UASs• R,)A• U%3,- 'supported a #ooth at 6ene a e;plaining alue of UAS for non

militar$ applications(• A3A• AU<S3

Results of 8R) 12• Kine of Sight 'KOS( spectrum allocated• ?e$ond Kine of Sight '?KOS( put on agenda for 8R) 19=1>• Spectrum allocated for 6ate+a$ lin s for Iigh Altitude "latform Stations

in certain countries

)urrent acti ities• R,)A and AS,M +or ing to de elop standards to use KOS spectrum

allocation• R,)A and others +or ing on technical ustification to use e;isting

satellite spectrum for ?KOS rather than a iation protected spectrum

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Io+ does this affect small UASsN• 3n the US

– Militar$ applications @ pro#a#l$ O +ith current appro ed spectrum– %on militar$ applications @ use /unlicensed #ands or use ne+ dedicated KOS

spectrum allocated at 8R) 126o ernment @ might also #e a#le to get dedicated KOS spectrum for pu#lic safet$

applications%on go ernment @ use dedicated KOS spectrum allocated at 8R)12

• 3n other countries– Militar$ applications @ pro#a#l$ O pro ided each countr$ pro ides spectrum to use

'current process(– %on militar$ applications @ use /unlicensed #ands or dedicated spectrum allocated

at 8R) 12 for #oth go ernment and non go ernment applications

Spectrum Status (cont)

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Spectrum Status (cont)

Io+ does this affect larger UASsN• 3n the US

– Militar$ applications @ pro#a#l$ O o er the near term– Future militar$ and current=future non militar$ applications @ need ne+ appro ed

spectrum for ?KOS: )ommand and control: 8ill ha e to #e in 'T0#T0% a iation spectrum or ha e similar

characteristics: 8ill ha e to ha e some le el of ?KOS=SA,)O% capa#ilit$ in this spectrum

– "a$load specific @ most li el$ use alread$ appro ed spectrum for the specificpa$load application

• 3n transit and in other countries– )urrent=future militar$ and non militar$ applications @ need ne+ appro ed

spectrum for ?KOS– )ommon spectrum and hard+are=soft+are highl$ desired for interopera#ilit$ and

cost 'ie donGt +ant to ha e to change radios* antennas* ground stationcomponents* soft+are* etc* etc* etc for each location since this +ill #e costl$ andduplicati e(

– 8or ing +ith -URO)A- 86 B!= ! to ena#le

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