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Формирование социально значимых качеств личности старшеклассника и социокультурной компетенции при изучении страноведческого материала (США) В данной работе представлен опыт создания краткого курса по страноведению США для обучающихся 10 –х классов “ Country studies of the USA” в рамках дополнительного образования. I. Введение. Актуальность выбора темы объясняется тем, что сегодня многие образовательные учреждения Республики Коми включены в программу культурно- академического обмена для старшеклассников “FLEX’, когда учащимся, прошедшим отборочные туры, предоставляется возможность обучения в американских средних школах в течение учебного года. Учащиеся Ухтинского технического лицея им. Г.В. Рассохина ежегодно принимают участие в отборочных конкурсах и некоторые из них ( Никифоров А., Тарасова Е., Хакимова П., Саргина В.) успешно прошли их и побывали в США. Поэтому, знания, полученные при изучении тем курса, имеют практическую ценность. С другой стороны, необходимость составления данного курса обусловлена проблемами, с которыми я, как учитель, сталкиваюсь в работе: падение интереса к чтению, недостаточная осведомлённость о жизни в странах изучаемого языка влияние средств массовой информации, пропагандирующих массовую англоязычную культуру, что вызывает у части старшеклассников неприятие информации о странах изучаемого языка в старших классах учащиеся перегружены изучением профильных предметов Цель курса: - разработать формы и методы организации деятельности учащихся для формирования толерантного отношения к представителям иной лингвоэтнокультуры Задачи курса: - привить интерес к изучению истории и культуры США, расширить кругозор старшеклассников - повысить мотивацию к изучению английского языка в старших классах - подготовить учащихся к общению с носителями языка

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Формирование социально значимых качеств личности старшеклассника и социокультурной компетенции при изучении страноведческого

материала (США)

В данной работе представлен опыт создания краткого курса по страноведению США для обучающихся 10 –х классов “ Country studies of the USA” в рамках дополнительного образования.

I. Введение.

Актуальность выбора темы объясняется тем, что сегодня многие образовательные учреждения Республики Коми включены в программу культурно- академического обмена для старшеклассников “FLEX’, когда учащимся, прошедшим отборочные туры, предоставляется возможность обучения в американских средних школах в течение учебного года. Учащиеся Ухтинского технического лицея им. Г.В. Рассохина ежегодно принимают участие в отборочных конкурсах и некоторые из них ( Никифоров А., Тарасова Е., Хакимова П., Саргина В.) успешно прошли их и побывали в США. Поэтому, знания, полученные при изучении тем курса, имеют практическую ценность. С другой стороны, необходимость составления данного курса обусловлена проблемами, с которыми я, как учитель, сталкиваюсь в работе:

падение интереса к чтению, недостаточная осведомлённость о жизни в странах изучаемого языка

влияние средств массовой информации, пропагандирующих массовую англоязычную культуру, что вызывает у части старшеклассников неприятие информации о странах изучаемого языка

в старших классах учащиеся перегружены изучением профильных предметов

Цель курса:

- разработать формы и методы организации деятельности учащихся для формирования толерантного отношения к представителям иной лингвоэтнокультуры

Задачи курса:

- привить интерес к изучению истории и культуры США, расширить кругозор старшеклассников- повысить мотивацию к изучению английского языка в старших классах - подготовить учащихся к общению с носителями языка- научить использовать политически корректный язык- мотивировать приобретение новых знаний о культуре родной страны, при познании иной культуры- отрабатывать навыки выполнения заданий в формате ЕГЭ

Содержание курса


- позволяет расширить объём страноведческих знаний- включает политическую, философскую и общеупотребительную лексику в контексте

повседневной жизни человека- содержит полезные сведения о США

Особенности построения курса:

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- подбор текстов и лексического материала осуществляется с целью дать основы знаний в контексте ознакомления со страноведческим материалом- материал предлагается с учётом значимости для понимания национальных черт, особенностей

менталитета и уклада повседневной жизни простых американцев- большое место занимают задания формата ЕГЭ, при выполнении которых обучающиеся имеют

возможность практики при подготовке к экзамену- учитель также может использовать курс для подготовки к олимпиадам и интеллектуальным


Формы проведения занятий

- урок – семинар с использованием активных методов и коммуникативных методик обучения- урок - ролевая игра- урок – конференция с представлением проектов по темам

Формы контроляСистематический. Проводится при помощи письменных тестов, бесед, дискуссий, ролевых игр, защиты проектов и устного опроса.

Продолжительность курса

Зависит от количества часов и может варьироваться учителем


В процессе работы учащиеся вовлекаются в диалог культур, когда некоторые аспекты темы представлены в сравнении и сопоставлении

В целях формирования реальных представлений об американской действительности темы рассматриваются с позиции культурного разнообразия

Упражнения предлагаются в основном в формате ЕГЭ, при выполнении которых обучающиеся имеют возможность практики при подготовке к экзамену

Основная идея педагогической деятельности

В течение ряда лет я являюсь руководителем научно - методического объединения, членом методического совета лицея. За годы своей педагогической деятельности работала в разных возрастных группах учащихся с 5 по 11 класс, ежегодно веду факультативные занятия по предмету, с 2007 г. веду занятия по подготовке 11 – классников к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Я – за концепцию образования, которая предусматривает реализацию в процессе обучения не только образовательной, но и развивающей функции. Образование должно иметь личностно - ориентированный характер, вызывать у обучающегося потребность в саморазвитии. Приоритет отдаётся индивидуализации обучения, обеспечению рефлексии и самоконтроля, коммуникативно - деятельностному и личностно – ориентированному и в последнее время компетентностно – ориентированному подходам. Овладеть коммуникативной компетенцией на иностранном языке, не находясь в стране изучаемого языка, сложно. Для осуществления этой задачи руководствуюсь следующими принципами:

Принцип речевой направленности или практической ориентации урока иностранного языка. Научить говорить можно только общаясь. Особое внимание уделяю упражнениям: чем они более подобны реальному общению, тем они эффективнее.

Принцип функциональности. Фонетическая, лексическая и грамматическая стороны речевой деятельности неразрывно связаны между собой. Функциональность предполагает, что лексика и грамматические формы усваиваются одновременно в деятельности.

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Принцип проблемности. Каждое задание должно содержать проблему. Учащимся необходимо её распознать, выработать возможные пути решения, дать им оценку.

Принцип новизны, или вариативности. Данный принцип проявляется в различных компонентах урока (новизна речевых ситуаций, используемого материала, организация урока и приёмов работы). Разнообразие учебного материала и видов речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо) не сделает обучение скучным.

Принцип комплексной мотивации. Предполагает желание учащихся узнавать новое о стране изучаемого языка, а также необходимость изучать английский язык для определённых целей (для будущей профессии, повышения своего статуса в глазах окружающих, возможности общения с носителями языка, посещения зарубежных стран, работы в Интернет).

Принцип личностной ориентации общения. Предполагает учёт личностных характеристик (опыт, чувства, эмоции, интересы учащихся, статус в коллективе, умение осуществлять учебную и речевую деятельность)

Принцип учения с удовольствием. Процесс познания только тогда эффективен, когда учащиеся испытывают радость. Непреложное условие – коллективное взаимодействие, при котором успех остальных становится успехом каждого.

Безусловно, необходимо учитывать специфику технического лицея, в котором обучаются ребята с повышенной мотивацией к учению. Я нахожусь в постоянном поиске новых форм и методов работы: чёткое формулирование задания, построение урока в строгой логической последовательности, определение конкретного времени на выполнение каждого упражнения, применение новых педагогических технологий (социально – развивающего обучения).

Новизна методической разработки

Методическая разработка обобщает и систематизирует приёмы и методы работы над страноведческим материалом.

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II. Основная часть

Российская Федерация стала первой страной, которая поставила в качестве своей национальной задачи создание культуры мира. Идея культуры мира отождествляется с давно и хорошо известным понятием интернационализма, а естественное для людей нашей страны неприятие войны - защитой мира. Мы – нация, которая особенно остро воспринимает понятия войны и мира, отличаемся нетерпимостью, проявляем агрессию и ведём «маленькие войны» в быту, в семье, в общественном транспорте, в подъезде дома… Мы слишком часто сталкиваемся с проявлениями нетерпимости и насилия и не так часто встречаем терпимость и уважение к человеку. Актуальность воспитания в духе культуры мира в нашей стране определяется экономической, демографической и социальной ситуациями, которые способствуют росту агрессивности, экстремизма, жестокости, пессимизма среди молодых людей. Необходимым условием преодоления духовного кризиса, переживаемого молодым поколением, является подъём экономики. Но агрессивные и воинственно настроенные люди не способны к созиданию, и именно духовная сфера является приоритетной для развития общества. Необходимы реальные действия для формирования культуры мира: подготовка политиков нового поколения, которые профессионально смогли бы разработать подходы к преодолению межэтнической напряжённости, использование средств массовой информации и массовой культуры, молодёжного движения и образование. Идеи культуры мира, основанные на общечеловеческих ценностях, оказались востребованными потому, что они ясны и понятны как молодым людям, так и старшему поколению, они способны объединить детей и их родителей, учеников и учителей в духовном возрождении общества. Предметы гуманитарного цикла и, особенно, иностранные языки и могут взять на себя основную нагрузку в воспитании толерантности, ненасилия, миротворчества. Сама специфика предмета определяет внутреннюю установку учителя на обучение взаимопониманию между людьми. Ориентация на коммуникативные цели обучения, формирование коммуникативной компетенции в единстве с кросс - культурными навыками общения и воспитанием уважения к культурным традициям разных народов, насыщенность учебного процесса страноведческими и культурологическими материалами – таковы основные характеристики современного урока иностранного языка, направленного на «диалог культур». Диалог культур понимается сегодня и как обмен культурными предметами, деятельностями и как обмен образами сознания, ассоциированными с конкретными словами и описанными в текстах с целью постижения сознания носителей другой культуры. Этот процесс протекает в сознании носителя конкретной культуры, средством формирования которого и является сам язык. Это значит, что он обладает особой программирующей функцией, которая регулирует человеческие действия и поступки. Язык задаёт определённую программу общения и эмоционального переживания мира. Любой язык хранит следы истории народа, его адаптации к природной среде, его базисные, преемственные и наиболее устойчивые ценности. Каждому лингвосоциуму свойственна своя концептуальная система, свой образ сознания, своя картина мира. Она отражает ориентационные, физические, духовные, технологические, этические, эстетические потребности носителей языка. Поэтому картина мира меняется от одной культуры к другой, т. е нет одинаковых образов сознания, отображающих одинаковые или даже один и тот же культурный предмет. Значит, понятие «культура», как продукт человеческой мысли и деятельности, охватывает и опыт, и нормы, регулирующие человеческую жизнь, и отношение людей к идеям, мировоззренческим системам и социальным формам. Следовательно, современное языковое образование призвано раздвинуть границы мировосприятия и мироощущения учащегося, внести в

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его картину мира, созданную с помощью родного языка, новые краски иной культуры, познаваемой через изучаемый язык. Миссия диалога культур состоит в его способности предупредить возникновение войн и конфликтов, снять напряжённость, создать обстановку доверия и взаимопонимания, перейти к системе поведенческих норм, основанных на идеалах терпимости, ненасилия, уважения к фундаментальным правам человека, в том числе - праву человека на сохранение своей культурной самобытности. Проблема толерантности должна быть включена в учебный процесс, т. к. она, в конечном счете, определяет судьбу человечества. Современное общество становится поликультурным, требующим от его субъектов терпимости и понимания в общении с представителями иных национально- культурных социумов, а самый ближайший окружающий мир ученика многомерным и многокрасочным. Особую актуальность приобретают вопросы, связанные с содержанием и организацией поликультурного образования, учитывающего культурную, этническую и религиозную специфику обучающихся, развивающего у них толерантное отношение к представителям и явлениям иной лингвоэтнокультуры. Это даёт возможность молодому человеку лучше понять свою культуру и её роль в становлении мирового общекультурного пространства. Важно отметить, что воспитание толерантности, навыков бесконфликтной коммуникации, умение слушать и слышать, спорить с оппонентом, не превращая его в ненавистного врага, происходит в семье, в самых обычных ситуациях общения с родителями и сверстниками. Следующий уровень - уровень бесконфликтного поведения и ненасильственного общения, совместной деятельности детей и подростков, вышедших из разных по этническому, конфессиональному, культурному, социальному происхождению семей и слоёв общества. Этот этап создаёт предпосылки для перехода на ещё более высокий уровень - осознание того, что каждый из нас является не только членом непосредственно окружающего нас сообщества (конфессии, национальности, населения конкретной страны), но и субъектом мировой цивилизации в целом. Важным этапом, обеспечивающим переход от проблемы конфликта и способов его упреждения или решения к более сложным вопросам, является понятие стереотипа его последствий для выстраивания взаимоотношений между людьми. Понятие стереотип относится сегодня к числу очень распространённых и в отношении к коммуникации имеет почти всегда оценочный характер. Эта оценочность (чаще всего отрицательная) зафиксирована словарями. Так, энциклопедический словарь определяет социальный стереотип, с одной стороны, как схематический, стандартизированный образ или представление о социальном явлении или объекте, а с другой стороны, считает его синонимом предвзятых представлений, ложных образов, «ходячего мнения», связанных с классовыми, расовыми предрассудками. Вместе с тем в этнолингвистике понятие стереотипа является абсолютно нейтральным и характеризуется как одно из непременных условий коммуникативного поведения в разных языковых коллективах, в чём – то смыкающееся с понятием нормы коммуникативного поведения. Вот как определяет стереотип лингвист Н.Г.Брагина: «Стереотип понимается как категория культуры, регулярно воспроизводимая в вербальных и невербальных текстах, являющаяся необходимой принадлежностью социума ( условием взаимопонимания членов социума) и оцениваемая им . Автор замечает далее, что стереотипы поведения смыкаются со стереотипами, существующими в сознании людей относительно всего комплекса черт, характерных для того или иного народа и составляющих основу его менталитета. Интерес представляет прежде всего то обстоятельство, что этот набор поведенческих стереотипов, который выработало в ходе исторического развития данное языковое сообщество, находит своё воплощение в определённых языковых формах. Использование или неиспользование говорящим этих форм в процессе коммуникации сразу же показывает, кто « свой - чужой», что отражается и на тональности (а иногда и на результатах) общения. Ведь речевое поведение человека является одной из важных составляющих его социокультурного поведения, т.к. любой речевой акт представляет собой акт поведенческий.

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Опасность, которая подстерегает изучающего иностранный язык, представляет не только (а может быть, и не столько) лексические и грамматические трудности, она во многом связана с тем, что можно назвать прагматической интерференцией, которая возникает, когда одна и та же языковая форма, обладая в разных языках разным, подчас несопоставимым прагматическим потенциалом, используется иностранцем в соответствии с нормами его родного языка. Прагматической интерференцией (в широком смысле) можно считать перенос навыков общения и поведения, усвоенных на родном языке на язык иностранный. И как следствие – ошибки в вербальном и невербальном поведении, которые часто не осознаются иностранцем, но на которые очень чутко, даже болезненно, могут реагировать его собеседники - носители языка. Ошибки и даже просто нарушения прагматических норм, принятых в том или ином обществе, могут привести к недоразумениям и даже к конфликтам. Диалог между представителями разных культур чаще терпит фиаско не из-за чисто языковых факторов, а из-за незнания культурного фона, что является одним из компонентов прагматической компетенции, предполагающей владение всем комплексом коммуникативного поведения как совокупностью норм и традиций общения народа, той или иной лингвокультурной общности. Именно коммуникативное поведение позволяет в полной мере осознать тот факт, что язык, сознание, культура и менталитет – всё это звенья одной цепи. Приобретённые в процессе социализации привычки, вкусы, представления, предубеждения, отражающие особенности социальной среды, постепенно складываются в стереотипы речевого поведения, которые, подобно архетипическим слоям, уже относятся к области бессознательного и поэтому так трудно поддаются контролю и тем более устранению. Речевые стереотипы проявляют себя и в типах построения диалога, и в обращении с чужой речью, и в стремлении к постоянному включению собеседника в процесс коммуникации и т. д. Это также может быть полезным для обсуждения предрассудков и предубеждений, которые существуют в отношении наименее защищённых групп населения: людей пожилого возраста, женщин, представителей национальных меньшинств. Незнание или игнорирование этих стереотипов, как и перенос норм родного языка на иностранный, может негативно сказываться на ходе межкультурного диалога, в успешности которого сегодня заинтересованы все без исключения. Уместно знакомство с тем, как в англоязычных странах реализуется идея «политической корректности» - словесных способов выражения, которые призваны защитить чувства тех людей, чьё человеческое достоинство может пострадать из - за существующих в человеческом сознании стереотипов. В последние годы 1980-х правила политической корректности стали применяться к широкому кругу проблем – расовой принадлежности, возраста, пола, сексуальной ориентации, физической и ментальной дееспособности. Так как люди стали более восприимчивы к предвзятому отношению по расовому признаку, полу, возрасту и т. д., они стали пытаться минимизировать негативное воздействие языка, отражавшего подобные предубеждения. Тенденция в отношении « денационализации» в английском языке обеспечила появление новых названий для национальностей и этнических групп. Слова Negro, colored and Afro- American были заменены на African American; Oriental or Asiatic стали Asian или более специфичным обозначением таким, как Pacific Islander, Chinese American, Korean. Indian, термин, который относится к людям, которые живут или являются выходцами из Индии, был уточнён в значении по отношению к терминам, обозначающим коренных жителей Северной Америки, таким как American Indian, Native American . Изменившееся отношение к обозначению возраста заставило людей осознать, что употребление застаревших стереотипных выражений decrepit, senile и упоминание возраста являются неуместными. Слова elderly, aged, old, geriatric были заменены на older person, senior citizens, seniors. Новые, не унижающие человеческого достоинства, термины стали использоваться в отношении инвалидов и больных людей. Незрячих стали называть visually challenged; слабо

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слышащих - people with hearing impairments. Выражения challenged, differently abled and special были придуманы для называния людей с клиническими диагнозами или умственно недееспособных. Политически корректный английский связывает исторические, культурные, социальные и лингвистические проблемы. Так как он затрагивает использование современного языка, он необходим для ознакомления и учителям, и учащимся, так как им пользуются его носители. Политически корректные изменения происходят в английском и во многих других языках как отражение идей толерантности. Для того, чтобы готовить компетентных собеседников, необходимо знакомить обучающихся с этим феноменом и давать им возможность становиться умелыми пользователями соответствующих выражений в определённых ситуациях. Смысл современного образования заключается не в изучении школьных учебных предметов, а в «развитии личности предметами». (П.Ф.Каптерев) и вооружении её таким образовательным потенциалом, который обеспечит возможность самостоятельного творческого развития, способность решать проблемы коммуникативного, нравственного, этического, социального характера как в стенах школы, так и за её пределами. В современном обществе особое внимание обращается на различные аспекты развития личности, способной « жить и творить в условиях постоянно меняющегося мира, быть конкурентноспособной, интегрироваться в мировое сообщество» (И. Л. Бим ) Исходя из специфики возрастных особенностей учащихся, на старшем этапе средней школы решаются следующие задачи, связанные с формированием социальной компетентности:

- доброжелательность ко всем людям, независимо от расы, национальности, вероисповедания, положения в обществе, личностных свойств- способность ориентироваться в ситуациях окружающей жизни, оценивая их с позиции общечеловеческих нравственных норм. Независимость суждений. - понимание неприкосновенности человеческой жизни, доброта, милосердие.- осознание ценности общения для установления взаимопонимания, в том числе между

людьми (народами) – носителями различных языков и культур.- социальный интеллект как способность улавливать сложные отношения и зависимости в

социальной сфере.- умение принимать приемлемый в социокультурном плане способ речевого и неречевого

поведения в условиях межкультурной коммуникации- социокультурная наблюдательность, способность строить общение в соответствии с

особенностями ситуации и собеседника- осознание взаимосвязанности, целостности всего мира и необходимости объединения

усилий народов мира для решений глобальных проблем человечества- психологическая гибкость как способность выбирать правильную линию поведения в

соответствии с изменяющейся ситуацией, поведением партнёров Для решения перечисленных задач и формирования социальной компетентности потребуется такая организация педагогического процесса, при которой каждый из учащихся осознаёт себя активным субъектом деятельности, чей творческий потенциал востребован окружающими. Это может быть достигнуто, если используемые приёмы обучения иностранным языкам:* способны «погрузить» обучаемого в социальную среду, искусственную или естественную* могут обеспечить практическое применение полученных ранее знаний, навыков, умений в

«социально - заострённых» проблемных ситуациях* могут основываться на актуальном содержании, имеющем социальное звучание* имеют « открытый» характер, поощряя различные подходы к решению проблем* связаны с необходимостью аргументированной защиты своей позиции на основе собственного социального опыта* стимулируют осмысление сформированных ранее социальных представлений и сравнения их с представлениями других людей* обеспечивают опыт общения, взаимодействия и широкого поиска информации

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* содержат элементы самоуправления* стимулируют коммуникативно – познавательную деятельность, активное межличностное общение как условие решения задач социального характера* препятствуют «истощению» мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, за счёт «встроенности»в

социокультурный контекст стран изучаемого языка и нацеленности на общение с носителями его Воспитание толерантного сознания на личностно – смысловой основе может эффективно осуществляться в модели поликультурного образовательного пространства. Такой вариант технологически реализуется через диалог, механизмы взаимной адаптации, интерактивные методы общения, ситуации выбора, проблемные технологии обучения и задачи развития толерантного сознания учащихся. Смыслоориентированная и смыслообразующая образовательная модель, преломляясь через призму проблем толерантности и её формирования, предполагает рассмотрение следующих уровней учебного процесса:

1 – уровень проектирования толерантно – ориентированного образовательного процесса на смысловой основе. Предполагает отбор материала, в котором смысловые модусы толерантности предстают в виде знаковых, текстовых форм.

2 – уровень реализации учебной деятельности. Задачи состоят в регулировании деятельности учащихся путём создания ситуаций, способствующих проявлению сдержанности, уступчивости, терпимости. Педагогическое управление приобретает характер поддержки, рефлексии, актуализации толерантной оценки изучаемых учащимися событий и фактов, а также толерантного поведения учащихся. Это деятельность переживания, и именно благодаря ей происходит формирование толерантности. 3 – уровень личностных качеств учащихся. Педагогическое управление решает задачу «овеществления» эмоций, чувств, переживаний, мыслей личности. Формируемое у учащихся качество толерантности становится стабильным. Для толерантного человека быть терпимым – позиция, норма жизни. Проектируя и реализуя образовательный процесс, нужно иметь в виду общую закономерность - воспитание толерантного сознания способствует становлению толерантной культуры, а та, в свою очередь, - становлению толерантной личности.Основная педагогическая идея методической разработки может быть представлена следующей схемой: III – Уровень личностных качеств учащихся. Воспитание толерантного сознания способствует становлению толерантной культуры, а та в свою очередь - становлению толерантной личности. ( Drama in use – активное страноведение: разыгрывание сценок, мини спектаклей, съёмка учебных фильмов по темам см. Приложение № 3 )

II – Уровень реализации учебной деятельности. Деятельность учащихся организуется через создание ситуаций, способствующих проявлению толерантного поведения. ( диалоги, ролевые игры, интерактивное общение см. Приложение № 2 )

I – Уровень проектирования толерантно – ориентированного образовательного процесса на смысловой основе. Работа, направленная на накопление информации, извлекаемой из текстовых форм (работа с текстовыми формами см. Приложение № 1)

Технологии обучения, которые я использую в работе: Личностно – ориентированные Проектные Социально – развивающие (адаптирующие, интегрирующие, персонифицирующие)

Вывод № 1 Использование личностно - развивающих технологий помогает преодолению обезличенности и удалённости образования от реальной жизни. Технологии социально - развивающего обучения позволяют развивать творческую индивидуальность и интеллектуально - нравственный потенциал личности, открывают

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возможности для реализации индивидуальных качеств учащихся старших классов, их собственных отношений, жизненных интересов и оценок.

Содержание курса:

Тематика включает в себя географический, исторический, социальный и культурный аспекты.

Географический блок рассматривает общие сведения о географии, климате, природных ресурсах, крупнейших городах США. Исторический блок предполагает изучение событий, начиная с открытия Америки до

Гражданской войны в США 1861 – 1865 годов. Социологический блок предполагает изучение информации об американцах как национальности и об особенностях американского характера. В разделе, посвящённом культуре США, изучаются темы, связанные с американским вариантом английского языка, праздниками, образом жизни, национальной кухней и гастрономическими предпочтениями.

Темы лекций и практических занятий по курсу « Страноведение США ».Тема 1

Что вы знаете о США? Введение в курс « Страноведение США »

Практическое занятие: Путешествие по физической и политической карте США. Главные реки, озёра, горные цепи и вершины. Экономические районы. 50 штатов.

Тема 2

Географическое положение США. Климат. Границы, особенности ландшафта, горные цепи, высочайшие пики, крупнейшие озёра и реки. Особенности климата.

Семинар 1 Географическое положение США.

Тема 3

Открытие Америки и первые колонии. Первооткрыватели, первые цивилизации на Американском континенте. Христофор Колумб и открытие Америки. Колонизация .

Тема 4

Война за независимость 1775 – 1783. Причины революции. Бостонское чаепитие. Начало войны. Декларация независимости. Итоги войны.

Тема 5

Гражданская война в США 1861 - 1865. Соотношение сил Юга и Севера. Братоубийственный характер войны.

Тема 6

Американцы - « нация наций ». Расово – этнический состав. Иммиграция. Американский характер. Крупнейшие города США.

Семинар 2 Население США

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Тема 7

Характерные особенности образа жизни в современных США. Быт, увлечения, любимые занятия. Гастрономические предпочтения. Традиции и национальные


Практическое занятие:

Американский образ жизни – быт, увлечения, праздники и традиции. Представление проектных работ.

Тема 8

Американский вариант английского языка. Особенности лексики, фонетики, грамматики.

Практическое занятие: Американский вариант английского языка. Аудирование. Лексические особенности.

Практическое занятие: Урок политически корректного языка.

Внеклассное мероприятие : «Моё открытие Америки ». Викторина. Драматизация - представление традиции или праздника страны. Защита проекта по теме.

Практическое занятие: « Отправляясь в США – помните». Дискуссия.

Практическое занятие 1. Обучение диалогической речи. Составление диалогов по темам.

Практическое занятие 2. Обучение диалогической речи. Разыгрывание сценок. Дискуссия.

Практическое занятие. Drama in use. Снять учебный фильм по теме: «Путешествие в США по приглашению друга \ подруги по переписке»

Календарно – перспективный план№ Тема Кол-во

часовФормы и методы проведения

Форма контроля


1 Введение в предмет

1 Беседа, работа в малых группах

тест Выявление начального уровня знаний

2 Географическое положение США. Климат, ресурсы.



Лекция, практическое занятие




Знать информацию о географическом положении США

3 Открытие и исследование Америки

1 Самостоятельная работа

Тест, опрос Знать причины и периоды освоения Америки

4 Американская революция

1 лекция опрос Знать причины революции, ознакомить с отрывком из Декларации независимости

5 Гражданская война 1861 - 1865

1 Самостоятельная работа в малых группах

тест Знать причины и последствия войны

6 Американцы – «нация наций»



Видео и аудио материалыСеминар



Составить презентации

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7 Американский образ жизни



Видео и аудио материалы

Практическое занятие

Доклады, проекты

Составить презентации, подготовить и представить проект

8 Американский вариант английского языка




Практическое занятие

тест Уметь различать фонетические ,лексические, грамматические особенности американского английского

9 « Моё открытие Америки»

2 Внеклассное мероприятие

Викторина, драматизации, проекты

Подготовить и представить драматизации и проекты


« Отправляемся в США? – Запомним!»

1 Практическое занятие

Дискуссия Знать особенности менталитета американцев


Обучение диалогической речиНормы этикета



Практическое занятие

Практическое занятие

Составление диалогов по темамРазыгрывание сценок, дискуссия

Знать типичные ошибки, чтобы не попасть в неприятную ситуацию


Путешествие в США по приглашению друга \ подруги по переписке

1 Практическое занятие

Просмотр учебного фильма. Обсуждение.

Снять учебный фильм по теме.

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IV. Заключение

Ситуация выбора, диалог, работа в парах, командах, группах, дискуссии, контакты с воображаемыми и реальными собеседниками - носителями иной лингвокультуры – всё это создаёт условия для формирования социально - значимых качеств личности учащихся и расширения их социального опыта. Создаются ситуации, благоприятные для формирования самосознания учащихся: сознания «Я» как субъекта деятельности, сознания собственных личностных свойств, социально – нравственной самооценки. Становление личности происходит в ходе конкретной предметно – практической деятельности в различных видах общения.

Курс построен мною как открытый, т.е. учителя могут пользоваться им не от начала до конца, а варьировать изучение тем, использовать материал для отработки навыков выполнения заданий в форме ЕГЭ и т. д.

Статья в журнале А.Н. Морозова « Воспитание культуры мира средствами иностранного языка» -Английский язык в школе, Титул, 2002, № 1

Статья в журнале Т.В. Починок « Формирование социокультурной компетенции как основы межкультурного общения » -ИЯШ, М.,2007,№ 7

Статья в журнале Н.Д.Гальскова « Образование в области иностранных языков: новые вызовы и приоритеты»- ИЯШ, М.,2008, №5

Статья в журнале Е. В. Милосердова « Национально – культурные стереотипы и проблемы межкультурной коммуникации»-ИЯШ, М.,2004, № 3

Статья в журнале М.А.Ариян «Технологии социально – развивающего обучения иностранным языкам на старшем этапе обучения средней школы»-ИЯШ,М.,2008, № 7

Статья в журнале А.Д.Вислова « Формирование толерантной личности – стратегическая задача образования»- Социально – гуманитарные знания, 2008,№ 4

Два автора, статья в журнале

И.В.Абакумова, П.Н. Ермаков « О становлении толерантной личности в поликультурном образовании»- Вопросы психологии,2003,№ 3

Статья в журнале Т.ВПоштарева « Формирование этнокультурной компетентности»- Педагогика, 2005, № 3В.С.Кукушин «Деловой этикет»- Новые технологии, 2006

Приложения и тесты « Деловой этикет», Март, Москва - Ростов –на- Дону, 2005Учебно - методическое пособие

А.Ю. Фролова « Английский язык. Тесты 10 – 11 класс»- М.,Дрофа,2005

Статья в журнале Р.Г.Борисова» Проектная деятельность учащихся в школе» -ИЯШ,М.,2007, № 8

Часть книги “ American life and institutions” – Douglas K.Stevenson, Ernst Klett Verlag, 1998

Статья в журнале Marina Tsehelska “ Teaching Politically Correct Language” – English teaching forum, number 1, 2006, Washington, USA

Статья в журнале “English – Speaking World – The American Character” – Speak Out, 2002, number 3

Пособие по страноведению

“ Country study : The United States of America”- Antonina Tufyakova, William Thornton, Syktyvkar,1996

Пособие по подготовке к экзаменам

First Certificate Star, Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2000

Пособие по страноведению U. B. Golytsynsky “ The United States of America”, St. Petersburg, 2008

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V. Список литературы


Приложение № 1

Тhе structure of the course:

Understanding the differences and similarities between people and their behaviour in different countries is the first step to bridging them.

1 Glimpses of geography of the USA. What do you know about the country ?

2 Glimpses of history of the USA:

- The three first discoveries- Native Americans- The first colonies , two stories- The Boston Tea party- The American revolution 1775- 17833 The Civil War 1861- 1865. Brother against brother: the tragic Civil War4 American people5 The “ melting pot”6 American character7 American holidays8 American food9 House and home10 Lifestyles

1 The Three First Discoveries

Who discovered America? Many books say that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. Other books – that a Viking, Lief Erickson ( the son of Eric the Red), did it four centuries earlier. Read the text and find out that America was discovered three times.

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In the 15 th century to bring goods from India to Europe you had to sail very far. Boats had to sail around the bottom of Africa, and the trip was very long and dangerous. If someone could find a way to get to the riches in India without sailing around Africa, that person would become famous. Chr. Columbus was a talented and brave sailor. Few sailors , if any, knew the Atlantic Ocean better than him. Columbus thought that the world was round – everyone else thought that he was crazy because they “knew” the world was flat. He was sure he could sail to India, in the East, by sailing West. He brought his idea to the kings and queens of Europe, hoping they would give him money for an expedition. Most of them laughed – if he sailed to the West , he would sail off the edge of the earth. Finally, Queen Isabella of Spain gave him money to buy sailors and three ships. The Nina ( Spanish for “ The Small”), the Pinta ( “the Point”), the Santa Maria( “The Saint Mary”). On August 3, 1492, he sailed westward. Columbus sailed for a long time without seeing anything but water. The crew was very nervous and decided to turn back- there was no land there and none of them wanted to find out if there was an edge of the earth to fall off. They gave Columbus three days to find land. The first day passed, and they saw nothing. The second day – nothing. Columbus was probably very nervous and disappointed. In the morning of the third day the lookout cried “ Land, Ho!” Columbus named this island San Salvador( Spanish for “ The Savior”). The island, he decided, was part of the West Indies, and the people on the island he called “ Indians”. He searched all around the region of the Caribbean, found many new islands, but never found India. He sailed there four times, each time looking for India, and never believed he found a new land. He died poor thinking he was a failure. He was the third “ discoverer” of America. A few years after Columbus’ discovery , Amerigo Vespucci sailed to Columbus’ “ India”. When he came back, he was the first to write that it was a new world. A German cartographer, working at a map of this new world, named it America in memory of Vespucci. Four centuries earlier Lief Erickson sailed to the northern part of North America and explored around the eastern coast of Canada and the northern coast of Maine. He and his family tried three times to make a colony there. They would sail there, try to clear off people living there, lose, and sail home. The people on the island fought the Vikings and won every time. Lief Erickson and his Vikings were the second “ discoverers”. So who were the first? When Columbus and Erickson came to America, who did they find? Native Americans were the first discoverers and they came there many centuries before the Europeans. 30 000 years ago Native Americans made their journey on foot… They walked from Asia across the Bering Strait into North America. Some continued on into Central and South America. Until 10 000years ago, between Ice Ages, there was a strip of land that connected northern Asia with North America. And so, long before the Vikings, and even longer before Columbus, people walked to North America. They were the real discoverers of America. Answer the following questions:1 Who were the three “ first” discoverers?

2 How did people get to North America from Asia?

3 Where did the Vikings sail to ?

4 Why did Columbus call the people on the island he had discovered “ Indians”?

5 In memory of whom was the new world named?

Native Americans

Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

On the Plains of North America, tribes such as the Sioux

Roamed on horseback, (1)___buffalo. The buffalo gave HUNT

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them everything they needed to live. They ate its meat and

used its skin and fur for (2) ___ and for their teepees. They CLOTH

also carved buffalo bones into knives and tools. The clothes

of the Plains Indians were (3) ___ with beads, and their hair DECORATE

with eagle feathers. These (4) ___ Indians were depicted as PRIDE

savages in TV dramas and films about the American West.

The Sioux gave (5) ___ for the wagon trains of settlers PERMIT

heading west to pass through their lands. But then the

whites began to settle in the Plains. At first, the Sioux made

treaties with the (6)___, giving up large pieces of their land. GOVERN

In return, the government promised them food, peace

schools, and fair (7)___ to all conflicts. It signed an SOLVE

(8)___ that the vast lands between the Missouri River and AGREE

the Rocky Mountains were to remain the Sioux territory, on

which the whites were (9)___ to settle. FORBID

Six years later came the (10) ___ of gold in the Black Hills DISCOVER

of South Dakota, a land the Sioux considered sacred.

The First Colonies, Two Stories

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1 Which countries sent their explorers to America ?2 What was the first colony in North America ?3 Why did the colonists have a lot of problems ?4 Where were the settlers of the Plymouth Plantation from ?5 Why were the Pilgrims successful ?6 What for did people come to America?

After Columbus, colonists came to the New World from England, Spain and France. The French explored and settled in the north, what is now Canada; the Spanish went to the south, along the Gulf of Mexico; the English took the land in – between. All three countries claimed the land was theirs, and sent people to build colonies. Some colonies were successful, others were not - why? Jamestown, located in what is now the state of Virginia in 1607, was the first colony in the New World. James, the King of England then, sent people to Jamestown to look for gold, silver and other treasures. The colonists there were lawyers, jewelers and bankers - not farmers, not carpenters. Because they had to look for gold, they had trouble building homes and raising crops. When winter came many died because there wasn’t enough food or shelter. Moreover, they had many problems with the Native Americans. In Plymouth, located on Cape Code in 1620, in what is now Massachusetts, colonists from England, called Pilgrims, built Plymouth Plantation. The Pilgrims, unlike the colonists in Jamestown,

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were farmers and builders, so they didn’t have trouble building their homes and planting crops. They also made friends with the Native Americans and they taught them to grow corn and showed where to hunt. Their colony was successful. In the fall of 1621 the Pilgrims and the Indians had the first Thanksgiving .The Pilgrims wanted to give thanks for their new land and to thank the Indians for their help. The first Thanksgiving was three days long. But in the years after the first holiday there were many problems between the newcomers and Native Americans. The newcomers killed the Indians, took their land and destroyed their way of life. Today many Americans feel ashamed about it. Some states celebrate Native American days. On these days, Americans honor Native Americans and remember the peace and friendship of the first Thanksgiving. Most of the immigrants to America were from the lower or middle classes; they were dissatisfied people who were hoping to find in the New World opportunities of carrying their religious faith in their own way. Emigration was also due to the serious economic changes that accompanied the early stages of large – scale capitalistic agriculture; impoverished peasants had to leave their farms to seek fortune overseas while at the same time beggars, vagrants and any other kind of “ idle persons” were transported to the colonies. In 1643 there were about 20 000 persons living in Massachusetts Bay Colony, helped by British investors and bringing them profits in return. All the people had brought with them their English ways of living and thinking.

The Boston Tea Party Say whether the statements are true or false:

1 By means of numerous taxes and laws the King of England made life of colonies difficult.2 According to the Tea act all companies had to pay a tax for their tea.3 Tea merchants were very angry and other merchants worried that the King would give other

British companies the same advantage.4 One night in Boston Harbor the cheaper tea was dumped into water. This event was called Boston

Tea Party.5 When the King heard about it he ordered to ban the Tea Act.6 The Boston Tea Party and the blockade around the harbor led to the Revolutionary War with


The King of England made life difficult for the colonists by many taxes and laws. But one, the Tea Act (1773), was especially bad for the colonists. All companies had to pay a tax for the tea, except for one. The East India Company was allowed to sell tea cheaper than any other in the colonies and didn’t have to pay the tax. The colonial tea merchants were very angry, and other merchants worried that the King would give other British companies the same advantage. One night in Boston Harbor a group of men dressed like Native Americans boarded ships from England carrying the cheaper tea. They dumped the tea into the harbor. ( Perhaps they should have thrown in muffins, so the fish could have something with the tea). When the King heard about the Boston Tea Party, he sent warships to Boston. The warships formed the blockade around the harbor. No ships could come in or go out until the tea was paid for. The Tea Party and the blockade led to the Revolutionary War with England.

The American Revolution 1775 – 1783 1775 Preparing to Rebel

After the Boston Tea Party King George III wanted to make life difficult enough for the colonists that they would behave - instead he made them angry enough to fight back. He sent the soldiers, called Redcoats, to the colonies. Everywhere militia were organized and weapons collected. In 1775 British

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troops and colonial militia clashed at Lexington and the first shots were exchanged. The second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. It appointed George Washington Commander - in – Chief of the Continental Army and voted Independence. The colonists created an official army of Patriots. The American Revolutionary War began.

1776 Declaration of Independence

Young Thomas Jefferson, then 33 years old, and Benjamin Franklin were appointed to write a document telling King George and other European countries why America wanted independence from England. The document gave the principles of a democratic government:

- All men are created equal- They have the right to life- They have the right to liberty- They have the right to search for happiness- People create governments to protect those rights, therefore governments should be the servants of

the people

1781 The Fighting Ends

After six long years of war in America the colonists and their ally, the French, the British surrendered. The British, though greater in number, had trouble with the sly fighting style of the Americans: the British fought from formations, usually two long rows of Redcoats; each would take turns firing while they marched ahead, but Patriots would shoot from behind trees, rocks, walls.

1783 The Peace of Paris

In the end England recognized independence of the 13 colonies and granted them a large territory between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River. Diplomats from England and America met in Paris to sign a peace treaty, officially ending the war. The Americans had the difficult task of forming a new government elected by the people. It had brought a new nation into the world.

Pick up the right answer among those given below:

1 In 1775 British troops and colonial militia clashed at

a) Boston

b) Lexington

c) Philadelphia

2 The second Continental Congress met in

a) New York

b) Washington

c) Baltimore

d) Philadelphia

3 The war for Independence began in

a) 1757

b) 1775

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c) 1577

d) 1777

4 The Declaration of Independence was drafted bya) George Washington

b) Thomas Jefferson

c) Samuel Adams

5 In the end England recognized the independence of

a) 30 colonies

b) 40 colonies

c) 13 colonies

Brother Against Brother: The Tragic Civil War BackgroundIn mid 19 th century, differences about slavery between the North and the South led to a bloody civil war. The South wanted slavery to be extended into new western territories. The South needed slaves for its large- farm economy, and it was afraid the North would try to abolish slavery in the South too. Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860. He wanted to keep the country unified. But eleven southern states seceded from, or left, the US and formed the Confederate States of America. The Civil war that followed tore the country apart. In some cases it tore families apart, too. This story is about two brothers from the southern state of Virginia, fighting on opposite sides at the Battle of Gettysburg. The story is in their letters written during the battle.From the Confederate Side

June 29, 1863My dearest Mother, I know we’re right. We must defend our homeland and our way of life. We have no choice. We are Virginians first, and Americans second. My dear big brother Jed does not feel this way. He does more thinking than I do. I follow my heart and my home. Oh, how I wish we were fighting side by side, instead of against each other. I miss him so. God be with him in this awful hour. Tonight we are sitting around our campfire cooking supper: beans, salt pork and hard bread. We are so sick of this war. We talk about home all the time. But we talk about food even more. Having enough food is our first worry. After food, the biggest comfort is coffee, at any time of day or night. Now my friends are singing “ The Girl I Left Behind Me.”It cheers us to sing about going back to a pretty girl. Thoughts of home and those we left behind keep us going. I hope to continue this letter tomorrow . Love from your son Beau.From the Union Side July 1, 1863Dear sister Rose, Will you and Mother ever forgive me for joining the Union side? I tried to explain before I left. Maybe I think about morality more than most men do. I cannot accept slavery. I believe with all my heart that it is immoral, and that is what forced me to join this side. I hope you can make Mother understand. We all fear the battle tomorrow. Still, the men sit around the campfire singing and writing letters.

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They’re singing a song about going back home “ The Girl I Left Behind Me.” WE need songs to cheer our weary hearts. The younger boys talk about their fears. They fear being separated from the unit; they fear dying alone; they fear not being identified if they die. A boy seeping next to me is only 15. Tonight he told me” as the bullets were flying over me today, I thought what a foolish boy I was to run away from home and get into this mess. I would be glad to see my father come after me now.” He said he marched off with 34 soldiers from his town, and now, two years later, only four are still alive. Many young boys joined to escape the boredom of farm life. They expected a good time, an adventure. Not much talk about glory or honor now. We talk about going home. Who would have thought it would last this long, two years. After this is over, I want to go home to Virginia. I hope you will accept me back. I will finish this letter tomorrow. Love from brother ImportanceThe battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the war. It weakened the Confederate side, but they still fought on for two more years. It was the war’s bloodiest battle, with 7,000 men killed and 42,000 wounded on the two sides.

The weapons in this war had 10 times the killing power of those in the Revolutionary War. On November 19, 1863, President Lincoln gave one of his most famous speeches, the Gettysburg Address. Here, dedicating a cemetery at the battlefield, Lincoln asked his countrymen never to forget the dead soldiers, who gave their lives “ that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from this earth.After Gettysburg, Joshua Chamberlain was wounded six times and rose to Major General, but went on to be Governor of Maine for four terms, and president of Bowdoin College.

From the Confederate Side July 2, 1863Dearest Mother, I’m lucky I can continue this letter. I want you to know everything, but I don’t want to frighten you. Today was the worst ever. It was the second day of fighting here at Gettysburg, a town in Pennsylvania. General Lee has most of our army here. We came so far north to bother Mr. Lincoln and to show those Yankees they must let us go. We have been marching since I started this letter. Before Gettysburg, our men were ready for a fight. Before this battle, those Union Yankees were running away more than they were fighting. Now we are deep in their territory and they are fighting harder. Today we fought on Cemetery Hill. We attacked going uphill, with the light in our eyes. They were hiding behind a stone wall and shooting down on us as we came through the trees. It was terrible to see so many men fall on that hill. My group charged, then fell back. For a while, the Yankees quit firing on us, so we thought they had retreated. But just as we went up through the trees, a Yankee officer yelled,” Charge! Charge!” And all those Yankees came down on us with bayonets. Half my regiment was killed, wounded or captured. I don’t know how I survived. Have you heard which regiment Jed is in? I pray he is not here. Love from the battlefield. Your son Beau.

From the Union Side July 2, 1863Dear sister Rose, We’re still camped outside a small town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg. We are on Cemetery Ridge, the hill we held yesterday. Tonight I feel the heaviness of this terrible war more than ever. I am so afraid brother Beau is across the field from me, camped in the trees. Instead of sleeping across this deadly battlefield. I can see the light of the Rebel campfires. They must see ours. It was bound to happen, that we

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would meet in a battle. Brother fighting against brother is wrong. I know his regiment, the First Virginia, is there. I pray I don’t see him tomorrow. I pray they don’t attack again. Do wonder which regiment I joined? Since I’m not from the North, I can join any one. We southerners are welcomed. I’m in a regiment from Maine. I have a spectacular commander, Colonel Joshua Chamberlain. He is a professor and a graduate of Harvard University, but he is as good a fighting man any West Point man. Before the battle, he talked to us and said “ All the men who have died in the past are with you today.” That was inspirational. During the battle, the Rebels kept coming, even though it was uphill. They’d appear through the trees, stop behind one and fire. We’d fire back, then re-load. They’d shoot again. Men were falling all around me. Finally we ran out of ammunition. Most commanders would retreat from the battle at that point, but not Chamberlain. He said, “Fix your bayonets, boys. We’ll charge on them.” And so we did. When they attacked again, we charged down the hill at them. They were so surprised to see us come charging with our bayonets, most of them ran away or they gave up and we captured them. That was a masterly thing for Chamberlain to do. Unfortunately, we lost half our regiment in the battle. When this cruel war is over, I hope to continue my studies. I’d like to be a college professor like Colonel Chamberlain. He gives fine speeches. He sounds like a preacher. I can see why women fall in love with preachers. A professor is something like a preacher. From your loving brother Jed.The next day, the Confederate charge ended in disaster for General Lee’s army. Jed searched the battlefield and found his brother Beau dying. Beau asked him to make sure his mother received his letters. Jed held Beau until he died.

Fill in the space with the best word from the list below.1 Eleven southern states_____ from the United States.

2 The Union Army was on a ridge named after the burial ground, the ______.

3 When soldiers run out of _____ they usually retreat.

4 After fighting for a year, a soldier didn’t think of war as adventure or _____

5 Jed said fighting against his brother was _____ happen at some time.

6 Jed _____ the Gettysburg battle, but his brother Beau didn’t.

7 Jed thought that Colonel Chamberlain was an amazing man, a_____ man.

8 Beau was glad he hadn’t been injured, killed, or _____.

Captured, seceded, cemetery, glory, spectacular, survived, ammunition, bound to

Match two parts to make a correct sentence

1 T two brothers fight2 Beau doesn’t know3 The two armies4 Chamberlain’s men use5 Jed is inspired6 Beau doesn’t write7 Jed’s conscience8 Jed finds Beau

A to his mother about the battles.B by Colonel Chamberlain’s words.C dying on the battle.D in enemy armies.E made him join the northern army.

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F bayonets to charge down the hill.G camp opposite each other outside Gettysburg.H what regiment Jed joined.

3 American People – “A Nation of Nations”

Read the texts carefully. Match the texts with the titles. One is extra.

A American people

B The British

C Hispanic - Americans

D African - Americans

E Immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe

F Immigrants from Northern and Western Europe

G The New England Yankee

H Native Americans

1 The first people came to America from Asia. Today there are about 1.5 million Indians in the USA, most of them live in the Western states- California, Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico. About one - third of the Native Americans live in reservations, the land that was given them by the government in the 19 th century.

2 Immigrants from Britain began setting in the eastern part of North America in the 1600’s. By the time of the American Revolution ( 1776 ) the culture of the American colonists was completely British. One could say that the British culture was the foundation of the new nation’s culture.

3 Different people use the word “yankee” in different meanings. For a person from the South of the USA it means a Northerner. For a foreigner the word means an American. But the exact meaning of the word “yankee” is a New Englander. They have a reputation for being honest but shrewd, realistic, practical, untalkative , thrifty and independent. The Yankees like to speak about the special role that New England has played in the history of the USA. New England Yankees led the fight against slavery in America.

4 Between 1620 and 1820 very large groups of people came to the USA not as willing immigrants , but against their will. They were from Africa. They were brought to America to work as slaves on the plantations of the South. The total number of the people brought to America within this period reaches 8 million. The Civil War in the 1860’s ended slavery and established equal rights for former slaves.

5 In the 1820’s many people in Europe , suffering from poverty , war and discrimination, began emigrating to the United States. They hoped for better opportunities there. During the first half- century, most immigrants came from the countries of north-western Europe – Germany, the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland, Ireland, Sweden and Norway. During those years the USA was expanding into what is now the Midwest. Even today, German and Scandinavian influence is felt in Midwestern foods and festivals.

6 Many immigrants came to the USA from the countries of southern and eastern Europe-Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia between the 1870’s and the 1930’s. The US was developing into a mainly industrial country. Much of the farmland in the Midwest had been settled, so the new wave of immigrants moved to cities and worked in factories.

7 Hispanics are people whose ancestors were Spanish or Spanish –Americans. Some Hispanics had lived in the areas which were under Spanish control, and found themselves living in the US when these areas became part of the United States ( for example California and New Mexico). Many other Hispanics immigrated to the United States from many different countries, mostly from Mexico, Puerto and Cuba.

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4 “The Melting Pot “

The USA is a land of immigrants. Between 1815 and 1914, the world witnessed the greatest peaceful migration in its history: 35 million people, mostly Europeans, left their homelands to start new lives in America. Why did these people risk everything by leaving their homes and families to see what the New World had to offer? How had the Old World let them down? There are both push and pull factors which we should consider. First, what forced emigrants to make the momentous decision to leave? One major cause of the exodus among European peasants was the rise in population which in turn led to land hunger. Another was politics. Nationalism saw increased taxation and the growth of armies, and many young men fled eastern Europe to avoid being conscripted. Also, the failure of the liberal revolutions in Europe caused the departure of hundreds of thousands of refugees. Physical hunger provided another pressing reason. Between 1845 and 1848 , the terrible potato famine in Ireland ended in the deaths of one million Irish people and the emigration of a further million who wished to escape starvation. Following the collapse of the economy of southern Italy in the 1860’s, hundreds of thousands decided to start afresh in America. Religion also encouraged millions to leave the Old World. We should remember that the Pilgrim Fathers had wished to escape the ungodliness of England, while the Russian Jews of the last century sought to escape persecution and death in their native land. In short, people chose to live their homes for social, economic and religious reasons. As a result, by 1890 among a total population of 63 million, there were more than nine million foreign- born Americans. But what were the attractions? First of all, there was the promise of land which was so scarce in Europe. Next , factories were calling out for labor, and pay and conditions were much better than back home. Men were needed to open up the West and build the long railroads, and settlers were needed to populate new towns and develop commerce. There was the space for religious communities to practice their faith and comparative isolation. This immigration meant that by around the 1850’s Americans of non- English extraction had started to outnumber those of English extraction. As we know, there were losers. To start with, there were those unwilling immigrants, the slaves who had been used as a source of cheap labour for the tobacco plantations of the South. Nor should we forget the equally awful fate of the American Indians. By 1860 there were 27 million free whites, 4 million slaves and a mere 488 000 free blacks. Nowadays, the USA is still seen by millions as the Promised Land. Gone are the days when you could buy US citizenship for one dollar. Yet , even though entry is strictly limited, refugees continue to find freedom and people from poorer countries a better way of life. As always, it remains a magnet to the ambitious and the energetic who are ready to commit themselves to the land that gives them a second chance. Choose the appropriate answers to these questions :

1 What is not given as a reason for emigration in the text?

A The search for religious freedom

B The search for adventure

C Avoidance of military service

D Economics

2 The lives of 19 th century European peasants were difficult because

A There was no shortage of land

B Of peace

C The population had gone down

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D There were too many of them

3 Which of these things was not an attraction of the USA ?

A Employment

B A healthy life

C Availability of land

D Business opportunities

4 Which fraction gives the closest estimate of the number of non-native born Americans in 1890?

A A third

B An eight

C A half

D A quarter

5 The story of the American Indians is

A Sadder than that of the slaves

B The saddest tale of all

C Not as sad as that of the slaves

D As sad as that of the slaves

5 American character

Task 1

Match the headings with the paragraphs

A The land of diversity

B The American dream

C “ Try it – you ‘ll like it”

D Typical American behaviour

E Where the car is king

F Rich and poor

G The American character

1 People like to feel that they, too, could be rich if they worked hard enough. They feel good about the future. To be free to do well, to be rewarded properly for honest, hard work- this, they say, is the real meaning of America. It was to this country, after all, that the poor of the world came to find a new life and a fair chance for their children, and many of them found it.

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2 There is great diversity in the ethnic makeup of America. Nevertheless, many writers ha-ve generalized about typical American values, attitudes, and beliefs. For example, Mortimer B. Zuckerman, editor-in-chief of U.S. News and World Report, sees his country as “ a culture of self- reliance, independence, resourcefulness, pragmatism and novelty.” He goes on to describe his fellow Americans in greater detail. “We are comfortable with change and with people who make things happen. In America, the new is better than the old; taking charge is valued over playing it safe; making money is superior to inheriting it; education and merit are favoured over family ties.”

3 Americans love to make a lot of money and spend it on themselves- to buy things that save time, give them pleasure, or serve as status symbols. However, Americans are also very generous and very willing to donate money to good causes.

4 The great American novelist and humorist Mark Twain described the typical Englishman or – woman as a” person who does things because they have been done before” and the typical American as a “person who does things because they haven’t been done before.” Americans love to try something new out of curiosity and a belief that newer may be better.

5 Today, only really poor families and those too old to drive do not own a car and their freedom is limited. But for the 87 percent who do have cars, there is hardly any need to use their legs. There are banks, fast-food restaurants, and movie theaters where you can withdraw money, eat a meal, or see a film without ever getting out of your car. There are even drive-in- churches. It’s surprising that some people remember how to walk at all.

6 The good result, though, is the confidence that many Americans have in themselves. They seem to feel that they can do anything, and get whatever they want if they try hard enough. It may take a lot of hard work to do well in America, but it’s certainly exciting.

Task 2

Read the text and choose from the sentences A – G the one which fits each gap 1 – 6.

There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A The desire to make a fresh start in a new place is still noticeable throughout the nation.

B Most are friendly, kind – hearted, eager to help visitors and immigrants.

C All these familiar sayings reflect the American obsession with promptness and efficiency.

D Americans admire what is practical, fast, efficient and new.

E They are direct and assertive.

F Americans are often accused of being materialistic, of valuing wealth and possessions above all else.

G However, Americans have moved in the opposite direction.

Watcting Americans in action, foreigners sometimes see behaviour that seems rude or just plain silly. Among them are the following traits.

Almost every American wears a watch, and, in nearly every room in an American home, there’s a clock.”Be on time.” “Don’t waste time.” “Time is money.”” Time waits for no one.” 1 ________________________ Students displease their teachers and employees displease their bosses when they arrive late. This desire to get the most out of every minute often makes Americans impatient when they have to wait. It also makes it difficult for Americans to relax.

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The desire to save time and do work more quickly and easily leads them to buy many kinds of machines – from office equipment such as calculators, photocopy machines, and computers to dozens of home and personal appliances, such as microwave ovens.

After visiting the U.S. in the 1830s, the French historian Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, “I know of no country…. Where the love of money has taken stronger hold…”2____________________ Money us valued both as a symbol of success and also for a more obvious reason- its purchasing power. Purchases are made in order to “keep up with the Joneses,” to show friends that one can afford a bigger house or a better car.

Also, advertising encourages people to keep buying things far beyond what they need. In the 19 th century, the American author Henry David Thoreau advised his countrymen ,”Simplify your needs!”3_______________________ Now, just as Thoreau predicted, many find that their possessions own them. They must work hard to earn enough money to buy and maintain the many possessions they consider necessities.

Americans believe that” honesty is the best policy”.4_______________________

They ask for what they want. Children often argue with their parents and citizens express opposition to actions of the government. If the soup is cold or the meat is tough, the diner can complain to the waiter. If a teacher is wrong or confusing, a student may say so. If the boss makes a mistake, an employee may politely point it out.

The extremely competitive nature of Americans is often criticized. Of course, competition isn’t always bad. But the desire to get ahead of others sometimes causes people to do things that are unkind and even dishonest.

5____________________________Sometimes they cannot understand cultures that prefer more traditional, leisurely ways of doing things. People from other cultures, on the other hand, may dislike the practical, hectic American life style.

Despite these traits, which many foreigners may view as faults, Americans are usually considered very likable.6___________________________ In this nation of immigrants, the foreigner does not remain an outsider for long.

Task 3Think of the word which fits the sentence in the best possible way. Insert missing words.

The most important characteristic of the U.S.A. can be stated in one word: 1)______. Most Americans take pride in the great 2)_____ found in the country’s geography and population. Covering 9.590.000 square kilometers, the U.S. is the fourth 3)_____ nation in the world . Within this 4)_____ country are tall mountains and flat fields, deserts and tropical regions, prairies and forests. The climate, too, covers all 5)_____. In southern Florida, visitors come to swim and 6)_____ in December. In northern Alaska, winter temperatures may 7)_____ to -24 C. With more than 275 million people, the U.S.A. is the third largest nation in 8)_____ after China and India. About 90% of the people now 9)_____ in the U.S. were born there. Some newcomers to the U.S.A. may be surprised by the varieties of skin colour they see, but Americans take it for 10)_____. Most Americans believe in the ideals of equality and 11)_____ respect. Regional variations also add diversity to the 12)_____ character. Travel around the country and you’ll notice 13)_____ in language, cooking styles, recreation and even character.

Task 4 For points 1-10read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line

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Americans are known for their easy way of 1__ money. Abroad, they often SPEND

stay in the 2____ hotels and go to the most expensive stores. An ordinary GOOD

American house has two bathrooms, a separate room for each child, a garage

and several TV sets. Kitchens are full of expensive electrical 3__ APPLY

Americans respect people who have become 4___ They enjoy watching MILLION

TV programs and reading about the super – rich, the big 5___ SPEND

In recent years, however, more and more people have become trapped in an

6__. These people seem to be unable to escape from bad housing , unemployment CLASS

and a life of crime and 7___. Politicians cannot decide on how to improve HOPE

the situation. Some ask for more 8__ for the poor, for better medical help, more PAY

free food, for better 9___.Others feel that the poor will only learn to help HOUSE

10__ if they receive no help at all from others. THEY

Task 5Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (V). if a line has a word which should not be there, write the word out .

_V__ 0 What’s your idea of a typical American teenager ?

_the__00 Typical American teenagers are in the fact very ordinary.

______1 They think their teachers make them work too very

________2 hard, they love their parents, but are sure they don’t

________3 understand anything, and their friendship is the most

________4 important thing in the their lives. Some of them do have a lot of

________5 money to spend, but usually they have earned it by themselves.

________6 Most young people take jobs while they are in a school. Maybe

_______ 7 perhaps this is what makes them so independent from their

________8 parents at such a young age. It isn’t always easy to keep up

________9 a job , and still do well at school. But American children

_______ 10 learn early that you to have to work hard to win. America doesn’t

_______ 11 not belong to young people anymore, in the way it did only

_______ 12 twenty years ago. Young people today have to have fight harder

______ 13 to get the kinds of jobs and homes they want. Maybe that is why

_______ 14 young Americans are more serious now than they did used

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_______ 15 to be. They have less time for fun and sun these days.

Now it’s all work, work, work….

6. American Holidays

After you have read the text, compare how Americans and the Russians celebrate the holiday. Find similarities and differences

“ Ring out the old, ring in the new,” wrote Alfred Lord Tennyson, the 19 th –century English poet. And that’s exactly what Americans do every December 31. New Year’s Eve is a time for merriment. At midnight bells ring, horns blow, and friends exchange kisses. Everyone stays up late to celebrate the arrival of another year.

At home or in restaurants most Americans spend the final hours of the old year and the first hours of the new year drinking and dining with friends. One popular New Year’s Eve drink is eggnog, a thick, yellow concoction made with eggs, milk or cream, and sugar. Champagne- the drink that traditionally symbolized a celebration- is often served for the midnight toast on New Year’s Eve.

One of the noisiest and most crowded of New Year’s Eve celebrations takes place in New York city at Times Square. Thousands of New Yorkers gather there, and millions of Americans across the country join them via TV.

After the new year officially arrives, most partygoers enjoy a hearty snack. New Year’s Eve festivities often continue until two or three o’clock in the morning. Many people travel from one party to another to celebrate with several different groups of friends.

Following a long, hectic New Year’s Eve, Americans spend a quiet, leisurely New Year’s Day. In most households everyone sleeps late, often enjoys brunch and TV with the family and friends. Two famous New Year’s Day festivals are televised for national viewing: the Tournament of Roses and the Mummer’s Parade. Both of these events have been American traditions for more than half a century.

The Mummer’s Parade, which takes place in Philadelphia, is a ten- hour spectacle. It was introduced in the US by Swedish immigrants. The Parade is colorful and highspirited. The men dress in lavish costumes. Some impersonate women since no women are allowed to participate. There are clowns, musicians, dancers, and floats- all lead by King Momus dressed in gleaming satin.

The Tournament of Roses takes place in Pasadena, California. Elaborate floats displaying roses and thousands of other California flowers depict a different theme each year. Prizes are awarded to the cities with the most unusual and attractive floral displays. After the parade, the Rose Bowl football game, a contest between two top-ranking college football teams, is played.

New Year’s Day has traditionally been the occasion for starting new programs and giving up bad habits. People talk about “ turning over a new leaf.” Many Americans make New Year’s resolutions, promising themselves and their families to improve their behavior. Typical resolutions are to spend less money, give up smoking, keep to a diet or control one’s temper.

From ancient times to the present, New Year customs have been connected with bidding farewell to the past and looking forward to a better future. Although the theme of the holiday has not altered much from one century to the next, the date of the celebration has been changed many times. The old Roman calendar contained only ten months, and New Year’s Day was March 1. In 46 BC Julius Caesar introduced an improved calendar containing two additional months, January and February. January was named for the Roman god Janus, whose name comes from the Roman word for door. Like a door, Janus looks both ways; he is usually depicted with two faces, one looking backward and the other forward. The Julian calendar was revised in 1582 by Pope Gregory 13. The Gregorian calendar is the one in use today.

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To Americans the closing of the calendar year and the opening of another is a serious, yet happy occasion. They review the past with nostalgia. They judge themselves and promise to improve. And they look forward to a new beginning with renewed hope.

7. American Food

The popular view outside the USA that Americans survive on cheeseburgers, Cokes and French fries is as accurate as the American popular view that the British live on tea and fish ’n’ chips, the French on red wine and garlic, and the Japanese on seaweed. America has got two strong advantages when it comes to food. The first is that, as the leading agricultural nation, the country has always been well supplied with fresh meats, fruits and vegetables in great variety at relatively low prices. This is one reason why steak or beef roast is probably the most “ typical” American food. But good Southern- fried chicken also should be mentioned as well as hickory- smoked or sugar-curved hams, turkey, fresh lobster, and other seafood such as crabs or clams. Such items as fresh grapefruit, oranges, lemons, melons, cherries, peaches, broccoli , iceberg lettuce ,avocados do not have to be imported. That’s why fruit dishes and salads are so common. Family vegetable gardens have been very popular , both as a hobby and as a way to save money , from the days when most Americans were farmers. They also help to keep fresh food on the table. The second advantage America has enjoyed is that immigrants have brought with them , and continue to bring , the traditional foods of their countries and cultures. The variety of foods and styles is simply amazing. There are four trends in America which have continued over a decade , and seem to be continuing. First , there has been a notable increase in the number of reasonably priced restaurants which offer speciality foods. Secondly , growing numbers of Americans are more regularly going out to eat in restaurants because they aren’t too expensive. Another reason is that many American women today do not feel that their lives are best spent in the kitchen. They would rather pay a professional chef and also enjoy a good meal. A third long – term trend is that as a rest of nationwide health campaigns, Americans in general are eating a much lighter diet. Cereals , grain foods , fruits and vegetables , fish and salads are emphasized instead of heavy and sweet foods. Finally , there is that ongoing international trend to “ fast food “ chains which sell pizza , hamburgers , Mexican foods , chicken salads , sandwiches , seafood , various ice creams. So – called American “ fast food “ has become , like so many other aspects of American culture , just another part of the normal landscape. To note , for example , that Hong Kong has Pizza Hut’s largest outlet and McDonald’s busiest , or that Kentucky Fried Chicken found a home in Japan over two decades ago and now has some 900 outlets is , at least for younger generations , not remarkable. What is new is that foreign visitors to the USA are sometimes surprised to see the familiar things they have at home: “ Oh , the Americans have KFC too!” Many young , middle – aged , elderly people , both rich and poor , continue to buy and eat fast foods. Read the text and choose the best variant 1 What is the reason why steak or roast beef is the most “ typical” American food?

a) Americans are great beef eaters

b) Meats, fruits, vegetables are relatively cheap

c) The country has always been well provided with different foods at reasonable prices

2 Why is the variety of foods and styles simply amazing ?

a) The country is the fourth largest nation in the world

b) Different national traditions have been mixed since the country was explored

c) People who come to the USA bring national foods

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3 Why don’ t many American women today fancy cooking?

a) They are piled up with work

b) Eating out is far more convenient and cheap

c) They dislike the idea of spending time in the kitchen

4 What is the reason why so –called American fast food has become extremely popular all over the world?

a) Nowadays we live in globalised world

b) There are a lot of Americans living in different countries who have brought the tradition with them

c) It’s fasionable

5 Why do many young, middle-aged, old people, both rich and poor, continue to buy fast food despite the fact that it is harmful?

a) It saves time and money

b) A lot of people consider it to be delicious

c) Some people are addicted to fast food

American Dinner Manners

Every land has its own peculiar dinner manners, and the USA is no exception. Americans feel that the first rule of being a courteous guest is to be prompt. If a person is invited to dinner at six – thirty , the hostess expects him to be there at six- thirty or not more than a few minutes after. Because she usually does her own cooking, she times the meal so that the hot rolls, coffee and meat will be at their best at the time she asks the guests to come. When the guest can’t come on time, he calls his host or hostess on the telephone, gives the reason, and tells at what time he thinks he can come. When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is customary for the men to help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them. The European keeps the knife in the right hand, the fork in the left. He uses both hands in eating. The American, on the contrary, may use just one hand when possible , and keep the other one on his lap. He constantly changes his fork to the left hand when he has to cut his meat. Between bites he lays his fork on his plate while drinking his coffee or buttering his bread. Since Americans lay their silverware down a great deal during the meal, certain customs have developed. It is not considered good manners to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cup or any other dish. It is put where it will lie flat ( on the saucer, on the service plate, etc.) By doing this, one is less likely to knock the silverware onto the floor or spill the food. Americans don’t use silverware for eating bread. They hold it in their fingers, usually breaking it first. Other things that Americans eat with their fingers are : corn on the cob, celery, radishes and olives. If for any reason a guest has to leave the table during a meal, he always asks his hostess,” Will you please excuse me for a minute.” After dinner, the guests usually stay for two or three hours, but the thoughtfull person is careful not to overstay. The host and hostess may ask him or her to stay longer in order to be polite, but most dinner parties break up about eleven o’ clock. Neither men nor women smoke at table. As the guests leave, it is the custom to thank the hostess for a very pleasant evening. One may say anything that truly expresses his or her appreciation. Common expressions are : “Good-bye. It’s been an enjoyable evening.”

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If one stays overnight, or in case of a weekend visit, it is customary in the USA to send a thank- you note. It is often called a “ bread – and –butter letter”. Quite often people later send a small gift such as a box of candy or some flowers as a sign of their appreciation. Flowers and a bottle of good wine is always welcome in any American home whenever you come for a visit.

After you have read the text, choose the best possible answer: 1 Americans feel the first rule to be a courteous guest is to

a) be polite b) look smart c) be punctual and respect time

2 The order of using numerous forks, knives and spoons is simple

a) do as you like it b) use them in the order in which they lie c) watch the guests and do what they do

3 It is not considered good manners to

a) put a spoon on the table b) leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cup or any other dishb) put a spoon on the saucer or service plate

4 For eating bread Americans

a) use forks and knives b) hold it in their fingers, usually breaking it first c) don’t use silver wear

5 When Americans eat soup they use

a) the tip of the spoon like the British b) the side of the soup spoon c) they put the soup spoon into the mouth6 After dinner the guests usually stay for

a) two or three hours b) an hour c) five or six hours7 When the guests leave it is customary to

a) say “ Good- bye” b) thank the hostess for a very pleasant evening c) say nothing8 A “ bread- and- butter letter “ is

a) a sympathy letter b) an invitation card c) a thank- you letter 9 Usually people later send

a) a bottle of wine b) a jar of honey c) a box of candy or some flowers as a sign of their appreciation

10 Whenever you come for a visit … is always welcomea) a chocolate cake b) meat or fish c) flowers and a bottle of good wine

8. House and Home

Some sentences have been removed from the text. While reading, complete it. One of the sentences is extra.

The lives of most Americans revolve around their homes and houses. The percentage of people owning the houses ( and apartments) they live in is one of the highest among western nations.(1…) Contrary to a common belief, only about 5 % of all Americans live in mobile homes. Most of America has a more or less four- season climate, and the rhythms of life around the house tend to follow the seasons. There is always something that needs to be done around the house, and most American homeowners do it themselves. Shopping , that is, the big food shopping, is usually done once a week at the local supermarket. One advantage of a service- oriented economy is that many businesses, with employees working in shifts, stay open late to provide services and possibilities for shopping. Most Americans, like most people everywhere, are always trying to keep their budgets under control, and always going over.

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(2…) They are assigned “ chores” which might include, for instance, vacuuming the rugs, washing and waxing the floors, cleaning windows, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, keeping the car(s) clean, looking after the pets, and so on. (3…) This might be working at the local supermarket or service station , mowing lawns, delivering newspapers, or baby- sitting. In fact, about 70 % of high school seniors work during the average school week. One effect on American society is that middle- class children can do mental work without losing face. Sometimes , in fact, it’s a way of gaining status. Americans feel that young people should appreciate the value of work and learn how to stand on their own two feet.(4…) The image that American teenagers “get whatever they want” from their parents comes from a time when the standard of living was much higher in the USA than it was elsewhere. Many high school students have their own cars. But most of them were paid for by the students themselves( along with the necessary automobile insurance which, by the way, is particularly expensive for teenagers).(5…) This varies in time according to family traditions and depending upon each member’s schedule. It’s usually the only time of the day when everyone is home. If parents work, all are off to school or work in the morning. Most Americans drive to work, and most children walk to school or take public transportation. Those yellow school buses serve primarily rural areas and schools with children from widely scattered areas. (6….) At the end of the 20 th century 30% of all employed Americans put in a work week of less than 40 hours. About 40% of all companies offered “flextime” or “ job sharing”. About 60% of all women between the ages of 20 and 44 were working. The availability of child- care centers and the fact that children attend school until three or four in the afternoon and eat lunch there has helped many women with children to take jobs outside the home. In the average American home there is an enormous amount of activity of coming and going, seemingly all happening at once.( 7…) The social life is often hectic as well. One child is off to the party, another to the library, another to see a film. Neighbors drop by, and the telephone keeps ringing. Messages remind one family member to do this or that. (8…)

1 Most Americans don’t associate a public display of patriotism with totalitarian systems.2 A lot of Americans still live in “ single- family dwellings”, that is houses which usually

have a front and backyard.3 Many adults and teenagers are involved in volunteer work.4 American children are expected to help around the house.5 Many American children take piano or other music lessons and just about anything else

that parents think will be good for their children.6 Middle class families expect their children to find part-time jobs.7 The common meal of the day is eaten in the evening.8 Most Americans today work eight hours a day, five days a week at their jobs.9 Most parents expect their children to leave home at an earlier age than do parents in many

other western countries.

9. Lifestyles

Read the text and insert the missing words

American informality recalls not only the frontier a)___, but also the heritage of immigration. Thrown together in a new world, most immigrants watched the familiar societal distinctions of the old world become blurred. The Revolution had abolished titles of b)___. As a result, there was never a hereditary aristocracy in the USA. A centuries-old class system in which people, high and low, “ knew their place” was essentially dead. Throughout the 18 th and 19th centuries, the differences between the new world and the old were considerable. Immigration, the Revolution, and the frontier experience broke down many traditional class c)__. As a result, Americans have always felt less constrained and more d)__ in their social and

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professional lives. In other words, they have had over two centuries to forget that “ you should only speak when spoken to”. The habit of informality, the ease with which Americans speak to people they’ve only casually met, still surprises foreign visitors. Among Americans of roughly the same age group and social status, e)__ are easily and quickly exchanged. The German or French visitor, however, who interprets this as meaning an instant du or tu relationship is making a basic mistake. This is assuming the Americans follow German or French sociolinguistic rules. Likewise, when an American says” if you’re ever in Chicago, stop by and see us”, he doesn’t expect the foreign visitor to take it literally and will not be f)__ to see him, unannounced, appear on his doorstep. Similarly, the customary “ bread- and – butter “ or “ thank you” letter sent to a host is an important and polite gesture. There are generally established and g)__ rules which parallel this informality. There are topics – income, religion, politics, for example- that many Americans feel are best avoided in casual conversation. Those who insist upon formal address or titles – in general, those who take themselves too h)__ are sometimes thought to be “ phoney” or pretentious. Not surprisingly, such people are often targets for humor.

Reading comprehension exercises

1 Choose the most appropriate answer to the questions:

Which do three American “ national characteristics” recall ?

A things , typical of the nationB American ways of life and attitudesC individual differencesD frontier experience

How should the casual friendliness of many Americans be interpreted ? A as superficialB as artificialC as a historically developed cultural tradition

What is being friendly for Americans ?A courteous conventionB individual interestC virtue

What does to be polite mean in the USA ?A not to say anything at allB try to be honest to tell the truthC tell what people want to hear

2 Match the parts of the sentences:1 Neighborliness2 Such casual coming and going, borrowing and lending, offering and receiving of help among

neighbors3 Today many people seem to be looking once more for4 In a land where people move frequently and freely, socially as well as geographically,5 Even where there are no physical barriers, 6 One is7 The other is to keep8 The line drawn is fine

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a is typical of most Americans b they have become adept at making new acquaintances and forming new friendships c to be friendly to your neighbor d it’s there, even when you can’t see it e your nose out of his or her business f the mental barriers are well- understood and respected g a way of life symbolized by the small town h has also been traced to the long period of settlement

3 After you have read a lot about the country, make up a plan to summarize the information. 4 Which facts from the life of the USA mentioned above can be applied to Russia?5 How different or alike do you think Americans and Russians are?6 What other examples of the Russian way of life would you give to an American to let him or

her better understand the Russians?

Keys to the exercises:

The Boston Tea Party 1 T 2 F 3T 4T 5 F 6 T The American Revolution 1b 2d 3b 4b 5c Brother Against Brother 1 1 seceded 2 cemetery 3 ammunition 4 glory 5 bound to 6 survived 7 spectacular 8 captured 2 1d 2 h 3 g 4 f 5 b 6 a 7 e 8 c American People – “ A Nation of Nations”

1 h 2b 3 g 4 d 5 f 6 e 7 c The Melting Pot1 b 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 d American character Task 11 F 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 E 6 B Task 21 C 2 F 3 G 4 E 5 D 6 B Task 31 diversity 2 variety 3 largest 4 vast 5 extremes 6 sunbathe 7 drop 8 population 9 living 10 granted 11 mutual 12 American 13 differences

Task 4

1 spending 2 best 3 appliances 4 millionaires 5 spenders 6 underclass 7 hopelessness 8 payments 9 housing 10 themselves

Task 5

1 too 2 v 3 v 4 the 5 by 6 a 7 perhaps 8 up 9 v 10 to 11 not 12 have 13 v 14 did 15 v

American Food

1 c 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 a

American Dinner Manners

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1 c 2 c 3 a, b 4 b 5 b 6 b 7 b 8 c 9 c 10 c

House and home

1- 2; 2-4; 3-6; 4-9; 5-7; 6-8; 7-5; 8-3;


a) experience b) nobility c) barriers d) informal e) first names f) pleased g) understood h) seriously

Keys to the reading comprehension exercises Ex 11 d 2 c 3 c 4 a Ex 21 h 2 a 3 g 4 b 5 f 6 c 7 e 8



Exercises for teaching politically correct English.


1. Ask your students to identify that people are especially sensitive to ( they may name gender, age, ethnicity or nationality, religion, physical appearance).

2. Show your students pictures of different people and ask them what these people are sensitive to, what language strategies they can use to avoid offending these people. Present examples and suggestions on the board. Identify patterns, e. g. , dropping –ess from authoress, manageress, actress, replacing –man/men with person/ people.

Task 1

The following phrases use sexist language. Rewrite them to make them inclusive

1. A teacher should be tolerant with his students.2. A child needs the love of his parents.3. An actress is usually nervous before the show.4. Mary is a camerawoman.5. The committee elected a chairman.6. Man is destroying our planet.7. Today man- made fibers are used for manufacturing stockings.8. This substance is not known to man.

Task 2

Although well known, the following proverbs are no politically correct. Try to change them.

1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 2. He who cannot obey cannot command. 3. A man’s home is his castle. 4. Every man has his hobbyhorse. 5. He is happy that thinks himself to.

Task 3

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Column A represents traditional names for different races and nationalities, and column B

gives the politically correct version. Match the names from column A with column B.


1. Oriental a. Native Australians2. Colored b. Native Hawaiians3. Australian Aborigines c. Asian 4. Torres Strait Islanders d. Caucasians 5. Whites e. African Americans Task 4 Many people are sensitive about their abilities, age, culture, appearance. Make the following phrases sound inoffensive to the persons being spoken about.

1. She is looking after her insane mother.2. The program offers long- term care for the elderly and immediate care for the

mentally retarded.3. A new clinic for the care of geriatrics is being proposed.4. He is as blind as a bat.5. My neighbor is as deaf as a post.6. Jane is an emotional cripple.7. Fat people need to go on diets.


На втором этапе работы можно предложить проработать рекомендации из брошюры для выезжающих в США “ Going to the USA? – Remember.”

Make space! Always maintain enough distance between you and someone you are talking to, even a friend! Personal body space is very important to Americans!

It is NOT usually acceptable to call someone before 9 am or after 10 pm. Never ask for someone’ s personal information such as age or salary details . It is

considered very rude! Don’t cut ahead in a line . “ Cutters” are not tolerated! Yawning or sneezing without covering your mouth or burping are considered very

gross! Americans have very high hygiene standards. Unexpected visits aren’t really ” the done thing” in America! Telephone

beforehand. Remember to knock before entering a room. Maintain eye contact when speaking to someone. Not looking someone in the eye can

be taken as a sign of dishonesty. Always try to be on time. Punctuality is extremely important for Americans. Never forget to say “ please” and “ thank you”. Not doing so means that you

have bad manners. Names: it’s often OK for young people to call adults by their first names. It is

not considered impolite or disrespectful. Rather, it is taken as a sign of equality , a highly valued American ideal!

Eating before others are ready to begin, is considered very impolite. Remember always to tip waiters, doormen, taxi drivers, hairdressers. It’s a highly

important social convention in the USA! Switch off your mobile phone when at the movies or at a restaurant with others.

Затем целесообразно предложить обучающимся попрактиковаться в разыгрывании сценок и составлении мини диалогов по следующим темам:

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« Приветствия », «Знакомство», « В аэропорту», « Прохождение таможенного контроля», « На дне рождения», « На вечеринке» и т.д.


How tolerant are you?

1 You think you’ ve got an interesting idea, but it wasn’t supported. Are you disappointed?a) Yes b) no2 You are spending the time with friends and somebody suggests playing a game. What would you

prefer?a) Let play the people who are good atb) Let play everybody even those who don’t know the rules3 Do you perceive unpleasant news calmly?a) Yes b) no4 Do drunk people in public places irritate you ?a) If they don’t violate the rules, I don’t care at all b) People who can’t control their behavior have always been annoying5 Can you easily get into contact with representatives of other professions, age , social status,

customs?a) It would be difficultb) I don’t pay attention to such things6 How do you react on a joke about you?a) I don’t like either jokes or jokersb) If I don’t like the joke, I’ll respond in the same way7 Do you agree with the statement that many people don’t suit the positions they get and the

business isn’t theirsa) Yes b) no8 You take along a friend of yours into the company and he\ she draws much attention to himself \

herself. How would you react?a) You are dissatisfied that attention is paid not to youb) You are happy for your friend

9 You meet an elderly person who criticizes contemporary young generation and worships gone days. What would you do?a) Would leave under pretenceb) Would join the argument

The key: 0 – 4 pointsYou are inflexible and stubborn. It’ s difficult to be on friendly terms with People , who think differently.

6 – 12 points You are capable of firmly defending your ideas , but you can carry on a dialogue. Sometimes you are a bit severe treating your interlocutor with disrespect.

14 – 18 points Firm conviction of your ideas is combined well with respect to your counterpartner, you can change your mind, if it turns to out to be mistaken


Для совершенствования навыков толерантного поведения можно предложить выполнение следующих упражнений:

1 We Are Very Much Alike

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The initiator asks any participant to stand up or come out of the circle, because he\ she and the initiator have a certain common feature. This feature can be real or supposed. For example, Ann, come out here because we have the same haircut ( colour of eyes, hair) or we both like ice – cream, or pop music. Then Ann welcomes somebody else to come out explaining why they are alike and so on.

2 Compliments

The initiator starts and then the participants Join the game. They may throw each other a ball or any suitable object with some compliment to the partner who is catching the ball: Paul, you’ re very intelligent and loyal! Paul catches the ball and continues to pay compliments. The partner should thank the thrower for the compliments.

3 The Logo of Tolerance

First , every participant should draw a logo that could be placed on the cover of a book, magazine or flag. Then everybody should explain why they have chosen this kind of logo to express the idea of tolerance.

4 Give Me a Treat

One of the participants is having a birthday party ( the initiator may start and take this role first). Everybody should give him a birthday present . It could be a valuable thing, a round - the world trip, a good knowledge of English , mathematics or other subject, or something even more unusual. The “ birthday “ person who is treated should say whose gift was the most valuable to him \ her. He\ she may express his \ her gratitude by giving a smile, handshake or kiss to one who proposed the best treat.


Задание, направленное на развитие социально – значимых качеств личности старшеклассника, позволяющих добиваться позитивной самореализации.

Цель: выработать способность к преодолению трудностей в нетиповых ситуациях.

Teacher: There are occasions in our lives when it is difficult to stand up for ourselves or for others: it is hard to put aside feeling timid and to risk what will happen. Think of a time when you overcame feeling timid.

Класс делится на группы по 4 – 5 человек, учащиеся по очереди предъявляют приготовленные в качестве домашнего задания ситуации, каждая из которых обсуждается в группе. По ходу обсуждения предлагается ответить на следующие вопросы:

How did you feel as you listened to these stories?

Did your group tend to laugh while hearing these situations? If so , why?

In what kinds of situations did members of your group overcome feeling timid?

When is it wise to put aside feeling timid and to act strongly?

What helped you to act strongly even though it was difficult in your situation?

Задания, направленные на интеграцию приобретённого социального опыта, его активное использование для решения социально- коммуникативных задач

Молчаливая дискуссия

Цель: научиться задумываться о глобальных проблемах человечества, сформировать личностное отношение к ним, ориентируясь на общечеловеческие нравственные нормы.

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Учащиеся садятся, образуя круг, внутри которого на полу лежат листы ватмана. На каждом листе написано одно из следующих слов: Racism, Anti- Semitism, Intolerance, Xenophobia.

Teacher: Write down everything what comes into your mind or what you associate with the word. You can also respond to something that has been written by somebody else. You can give counter – arguments, make links, ask questions, etc. The rule is: nobody speaks.

В течение десяти минут учащиеся молча пишут то, что считают нужным, на плакатах. После молчаливой части урока наступает время дискуссии: задаются вопросы, высказываются просьбы прояснить написанное, аргументировать утверждения, привести пример. Делаются общие выводы, если группа нашла консенсус.


Цель: Учиться понимать точку зрения взрослых, развивать готовность выслушивать и понимать собеседника, проявлять терпимость к чужим взглядам, нести ответственность за свои слова и поступки.

Учащиеся объединяются в группы по 4 – 5 человек. Группа получает набор карточек, на каждой из которых Высказано одно из утверждений, приведённых ниже:

Young people, as a rule, take more from society than they give back. Young people think talking to adults about life is a waste of time. You need to love yourself before you can love anyone else. You cannot expect the world to look after you. Young people can make a big difference to the world. Young people cannot influence anything in the adult world etc.

Учащиеся по очереди берут карточку и читают утверждение вслух. Затем кладут её на воображаемую линию между двумя полюсами: «Согласен» и « Не согласен». Другие члены группы высказываются, согласны ли они с расположением карточки или считают нужным её передвинуть, приводя при этом аргументы. Это приводит к общей дискуссии, в ходе которой обсуждаются также следующие вопросы:

С какими мнениями большинство группы согласилось с \ не согласилось? Почему? Легко или трудно было достичь согласия в группе? Всем ли в группе хватило времени для того, чтобы высказаться?


На завершающем этапе изучения материала целесообразно провести внеклассное мероприятие “ My discovery of America”.

Участники: учащиеся 10 –х классов

Цели:- практическая – систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме « США» - образовательная - расширить кругозор , продолжить формирование интереса к культуре народа страны изучаемого языка- воспитательная - создать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению языка - развивающая - совершенствовать у учащихся память , воображение, внимание, логическое мышление.

Оснащение мероприятия:- карта США, флаг, цветные иллюстрации достопримечательностей страны, портреты известных американцев

План игры:

1 Вступительное слово ведущего2 Представление команд и членов жюри, ознакомление с правилами игры3 Содержание игры :

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Викторина о США Мимический спектакль - представление традиции или праздника страны Презентация проекта по теме “ My discovery of America” Подведение итогов игры Заключительное слово ведущего

Ход игры:

1 Вступительное слово ведущего

Well , friends , attention, please. You are all fine today, aren’t you?

We’ ve gathered together today to hold a game called “ My discovery of America”, which will be devoted to the USA. That’s why the walls of our classroom are decorated in this way today. You see the geographical map of the country, the flag and symbols of different parts of the country, the colorful pictures and posters demonstrating some historical places of interest and the portraits of outstanding people. I do hope that you’ ve learnt a lot of interesting facts about the USA during our English lessons. I’ m sure you’ll certainly get some more useful information today as well.

2 Представление команд и членов жюри, ознакомление с правилами игры

Let me introduce the teams. Well the leader of the first team is … Let’s greet the members of the first team. Applause, please. Meet the members of the second team with their leader…. Let me introduce the third team. The leader of the team is… The members of the jury today are…. The task for the teams is to get as many points as possible. The team with the highest score will be the winner. You are to respect your groupmates and not to shout. Undoubtedly, winning is the aim, but it’s a game. We wish you good luck.

3 Содержание игры The first round of the game consists of 30 questions about the country. Each team will be asked a certain number of questions , 10, to be exact. You’ve got 30 seconds to think over a question and give the answer. Each correct answer will be awarded with one point. Your aim is to get as many points as possible.

To begin with, let’s decide which team will be the first to start the round. Leaders, will you come here and roll the dice? The leader with the greatest number will get the right to begin the game. While one of the teams will be participating in the quiz, two others will take part in the game as well, but they will be given a chance to answer after the leader and get points for correct answers. Are you ready ?

I1 How many stripes and stars are there on the American flag ? ( 13 stripes and 50 stars )

2 Give the name of the most famous American chess player of the 20 century ( Bobby Fischer)

3 Which is the biggest state of the USA? ( Alaska )

4 Which town or city was the Declaration of Independence signed in? ( Philadelphia )

5 Which American rock’ n’ roll star lived in Memphis, Tennessee ? ( Elvis Presley )

6 Name the largest library in the USA ( the Library of the Congress )

7 Which kind of sport is considered to be the national pastime of America? (baseball)

8 Which American state was the last to acquire ‘’ state ‘’ status? ( Hawaii )

9 Who designed the Statue of Liberty ? ( Bartholdi )

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10 What was the first “ talking” film in the USA ? ( “ The Jazz Singer” ( 1927) )

11 Which event led to the Revolutionary War in America ? ( Boston Tea Party and Blockade)

12 Which rights were proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence ? ( freedom, life,..)

13 Why do Americans celebrate the 4 th of July ? ( national holiday )

14 In which city is Hollywood situated ? ( L A )

15 What do the terms “ melting pot’’ and ‘’salad bowl ” mean to American society and culture ? ( US is a country of immigrants who work together as Americans while retaining their ethnic identities )

16 Which is the oldest public building in Washington, D.C. ,having the most famous address in the USA – 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ? ( the White House )

17 In which famous location do people in New York City celebrate New Year’s Eve ? (Times Square )

18 Give the name of the country which presented the US with an icredible birthday gift ? (France )

19 Name the smallest US state and its nickname ( Rhode Island – Little Rhody )

20 Who was the youngest elected President in the history of the USA ? (John F. Kennedy)

21 Which major city in the state of Florida has the name as a Russian city ? (St. Petersburg)

22 Give the names of the three ships on which Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to America . (“ Nina”, “ Pinta”, “ Santa Maria” )

23 Name the American science fiction writer born in Russia who wrote “ I, Robot” ( Isaac Asimov )

24 In which mountain are the faces of four American presidents chiseled ? (Mt. Rushmore (SD)

25 Which American silent film star is called “ The Little Tramp” ? (Charlie Chaplin)

26 Name two political parties in the USA and say, which animals symbolize each party ? (Democrats – donkey, Republicans - elephant )

27 At which island did most European immigrants to the USA arrive ? (Ellis Island )28 Which is the tallest building in Washington, D.C., and the most famous in the USA because this is where laws are made ? (the Capitol )

29 In which city and state is Disney World located ? (Orlando, Florida)

30 Which 19 century American writer is said to be the founder of detective genre ? (Edgar A. Poe) IIPerformance presenting traditions or holidays of the country .

The task was given beforehand and is considered as a home one. The teams are allowed to use miming, video films, music but they are strictly forbidden to speak. The rivals are to guess which tradition or holiday is being presented.

IIIPresentation of the projects on the topic “ My discovery of America “


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That’s all ! And now we’ll hold a game for those who support the contestants. You can get some additional points for your team. The round is called “ Hurry and See!” We’ll show you several colorful pictures of some places of interest in the country. You have to name what they are and give some interesting information about them. Any member of the team can add something if they want. Photos for the first team 1 Mount Rushmore 2 the Niagara Falls Photos for the second team 1 Times Square2 Five Great Lakes Photos for the third team 1 The statue of Liberty2 Lincoln Memorial

4. Подведение итогов игрыWell ,Jury, it’s time to declare the names of today’ s game. Congratulations to all the members of the…. team. You were the best. But …. teams , there is no need to worry.You were also great. Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part in our game.

VII.На втором этапе работы целесообразно проработать отрывок из брошюры для выезжающих в США “Going two the USA? REMEMBER…”

Make space! Always maintain enough distance between you and someone you are talking to, even a friend! Personal body space is very important to Americans!

It is NOT usually acceptable to call someone before 9 am or after 10 pm. Never ask for someone’s personal information such as age or salary details. It is

considered very rude! Don’t cut ahead in a line. “ Cutters” are not tolerated ! Yawning or sneezing without covering your mouth or burping are considered very gross!

Americans have very high hygiene standards. Opinions: it’s OK to have them!! This manner of direct speaking is often interrupted by

foreigners as rude, but it isn’t! Unexpected visits aren’t really the “ done thing” in America! Telephone beforehand. Remember to knock before entering a room. Maintain eye contact when speaking to someone. Not looking someone in the eye can

be taken as a sign of dishonesty. Always try to be on time. Punctuality is extremely important for Americans. Never forget to say “ please” and “ thank you”. Not doing so means that you have

bad manners! Names: it’s often OK for young people to call adults by their first names. It is not

considered impolite or disrespectful. Rather, it is taken as a sign of equality, a highly valued American ideal!

Eating before others are ready to begin, is considered very impolite. Remember to always tip waiters, doormen, taxi drivers, hairdressers. It’s a highly

important social convention in the USA ! Switch off your mobile phone when at the movies or at a restaurant with others.

Для работы на практическом занятии можно предложить составление и разыгрывание мини диалогов по следующим темам:

“ At the airport “

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“ Going through the customs” “ Greetings “ “ Getting acquainted “ “ In a café ” “ At the party “ “ At the birthday party “

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Приложение № 3 На завершающем этапе следует, на мой взгляд, снять учебный фильм, состоящий из нескольких эпизодов и включающий типичные ошибки, которые совершаются с точки зрения этикета и менталитета. Фильм просматривается поэтапно с обсуждением и исправлением ошибок. Затем к просмотру предлагается версия фильма, отражающая реальные события.

Предлагаемый сценарий фильма:Десятиклассница Анна успешно проходит три отборочные тура Flex и получает право на годичное обучение в США. Конечно, подготовка перед поездкой была серьёзной, но от ошибок и всевозможных неожиданных моментов в повседневной жизни никто не застрахован.

Эпизод №1(прохождение таможенного контроля)

Аня на таможне. Офицер таможенной службы как обычно задаёт дежурный вопрос « Есть ли у вас что- либо, подлежащее обложению таможенной пошлиной?» Аня отвечает, что нет. Затем её просят открыть вещи для досмотра и оказывается, что в чемодане есть вещи, запрещённые к ввозу в США.

Эпизод №2(знакомство)

Аня в принимающей семье. Это: отец, мать, старший сын и младшая дочь. При знакомстве Аня спрашивает у главы семьи, сколько он зарабатывает, а у его жены – сколько ей лет. При разговоре она стоит очень близко к собеседникам и смотрит по сторонам. Один раз даже позволяет себе зевнуть, не прикрыв рот, чем ставит себя в неловкое положение и обескураживает своих собеседников.

Эпизод № 3(День рождения)

Получилось так, что День рождения у Ани выпал на период пребывания в США. Хозяевам хочется сделать ей приятное и они организуют для неё вечеринку. Аня получает подарок, но не благодарит за него и не разворачивает, чтобы, оценив, сказать приятные слова тем, от кого она его получила. Семья садится за стол, чтобы попить чай с тортом, и Аня, не дождавшись никого, начинает есть первой, т.к. проголодалась. Звонит мобильный телефон, она выскакивает из – за стола и начинает громко разговаривать.

Эпизод № 4(Визит в семью друга)

Аня понравилась старшему сыну, и он решает взять её с собой в гости в семью друга. Предварительно позвонив, Билл и Аня договорились встретиться в пять часов вечера, но Аня задерживается на полчаса, и они приходят в гости с опозданием. Ещё одно огорчение - она забыла купить букет цветов и коробку конфет, которые очень хотела вручить хозяйке. Опоздавшие гости вызывают неловкое молчание, хозяйка расстроилась - еда уже остыла. Но Билл, будучи обаятельным юношей, скрашивает неловкость уместной шуткой. Время близится к десяти часам вечера, почти все гости ушли, но Ане нравится в семье и она не хочет уходить…

Эпизод № 5 (благодарственное письмо)Ане настолько понравился визит в семью, что она хочет написать письмо со словами благодарности. Через неделю она покупает письмо (sympathy letter) и отправляет его по назначению

Вывод Использование идей и упражнений, предложенных в методической разработке, позволяет создавать ситуации, «проживая» которые учащийся в большей степени осознаёт себя как личность.

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I Введение стр. 1 – 3

II Основная часть стр. 4 – 8

1 Содержание курса стр. 9 -11

III Заключение стр. 12

IV Список литературы стр. 13

V Приложения

1 Приложение 1 стр.14 -34

2 Приложение 2 стр. 35 – 42

3 Приложение 3 стр. 43