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Wyprbuj now przegldark z automatycznym tumaczeniem stron.Pobierz Google ChromeZamknijTumaczTour participants had agreed that it would leave the city for seven versts the road leading south, staying near the Tatar duchanu, at the confluence of two rivers - the Black and Yellow - and they will be there to cook fish soup. They left immediately after the fifth. At the head rode a convertible Samojlenko and ajewski, followed by a carriage in three horses Bitiugowa, Nadezhda, Katia and Kostya; they were carrying with them a basket of eatables and utensils. In the second carriage rode His employer Aczmijanow Kirilin and the young son of a merchant Aczmijanowa which Nadezhda was guilty of three hundred rubles, and on the bench in front of them, slouching and podkurczajc legs, sat Nikodim Aleksandrycz Bitiugow - tiny, schludniutki, her hair combed to the temples. In all rode behind Von Koren and the deacon; became a deacon at the feet of the basket of fish.- On right! - Yelling at Samojlenko voice as he passed the two-wheeled car or Abchazczyk on a donkey.- For two years, once I have finished everything - and means, and people - go on an expedition - said Von Koren deacon. - I'll coast from Vladivostok to the Gulf of Bering, and later from the bay to the mouth Jenisieju. Draw the map, we will explore the flora and fauna, we will thoroughly geology and anthropological and ethnographic research. From you to decide whether you will go with me or not.- It's impossible - said the deacon.- Why?- I am not a man of independent, I have a family.- Diakonica you let go. Will provide it. It would be even better if you convinced her that for a good cause should enter the convent; then you could also be a monk, and go on an expedition as spiritual. I can get it to you.Deacon was silent.- Do you know well on your theology? - Asked zoologist.- Nienadzwyczajnie.- Hmm ... I can not give you any guidance in this area, because I myself am a poor theology oriented. Give me a list of books that are needed you, send them in winter from St. Petersburg. You should also read the travel diaries of the clergy; among them often get a good ethnologists and experts in oriental languages. When you know their methods, will be easier for you to get to work. But before you come to book, do not waste time, let you come to me, we will look at the compass, we will meteorology. This is all necessary.- Apparently so ... - muttered deacon and laughed. - I make efforts for a job in central Russia and my uncle protojeriej promised me support. If I go with you, it would look as if I was doing unnecessary inconvenience to people.- I do not understand of your variations. Performing the duties of ordinary still deacon, who is serving only on Sundays and holidays, on the other days resting on its laurels, Mr. and in ten years it will be the same as today, the most you will grow a mustache and chin, and after you return from the expedition after those the same ten years will be a completely different person, because enriched by the knowledge that something did.On the women's cries were heard carriage horror and delight. Carriages were going through etched in a completely perpendicular rocky shore and the entire association seemed that makes along the shelves attached to the high wall, and that the coaches immediately fall into the abyss.On the right side stretched the sea, on the left protruded uneven brown wall full of black spots, red veins and climbing up korzenisk, on top looked like fear and curiosity inclined shaggy hemlock. After a moment squeal and laugh again; had to pass under a huge overhanging rock.- I do not know when the hell I'm going with you - said ajewski. - What kind of stupid and trivial! I should get out of the north, run, save, and I do not know why I go on this stupid trip.- Look better, what panorama! - Said Samojlenko when horses veered to the left, revealing a view of the valley of the Yellow Rzeczki, then flashed river, yellow, cloudy, goofy ...- Nothing in this beautiful I do not see Sasha - ajewski said. - The eternal admiration of nature expose the poverty of imagination. Compared to that, what I can give my imagination, all the streams and rocks are simply muck.Carriages were going to have the banks of the river. High, mountainous edges progressively converge toward each other, the valley narrowed and more resembled a ravine; rocky mountain, near which they rode, mother nature sklecia of huge boulders, crushing one another with such terrible force that looking at them Samojlenko groaned involuntarily. Bleak and beautiful mountain places intersected narrow gaps and gullies, which blew the smell of damp and mystery; through gullies could see other mountains - brown, pink, purple, cloudy or bathed in bright light. Sometimes, when easily passed gullies, could be heard from somewhere in the high water and dippers falling stones.- Oh, those damn mountains! - ajewski sighed. - How they are an abomination to me!In this place, where Black Small River flowed into the Yellow and black ink like water get dirty yellow, rolling her struggle was far from the road inn Tatara Kierbaaja with the Russian flag on the roof, with a banner inscribed in chalk: ,, Pleasant Duchan "next door was small garden surrounded with a fence, where there were benches and tables, and among the thorny bushes miserable rose single cypress - a beautiful and dark.Kierbaaj, small, agile tartar in a dark blue shirt and a white lab coat, stood in the way and holding his stomach greeted compliments low oncoming carriages, and laughing, exhibited on top of all his white, shiny teeth.- Hello, Kierbaajku! - Called Samojlenko. - You will go a little further, you specify where the samovar and chairs. Quickly!Kierbaaj nodded his shaved head and mumbled something, but only those who were in the last carriage, heard of:,, We trout, Your Excellency. "- Come on, come on! - Von Koren told him.Carriages drove away about five steps and stopped. Samojlenko spotted a small clearing, where a lot of lay scattered stones here and there, comfortable seating and refuted by storm with the inverted tree, hairy korzeniskiem, with dried-, yellow needles. The banks of the river associated rzadziutki bridge beams, and on the other side, just opposite, stood on four not very tall stilts small shed - a fairy-tale-like corn drying hut on chicken legs; from her door ran down the ladder.The first impression gained was that never again will not leak out of here. Everywhere you look, and nawisay piled up on the side duchanu and dark cypress evening shadow glided quickly and so narrow, curved valley of the Black Rzeczki became even narrower, and the mountains higher. Could be heard murmured water and without interruption terkotay cicadas.- Delightfully! - Said Bitiugowa gave a series of enthusiastic sighs. - Children, look how beautiful! What silence!- Yes, indeed beautiful - nodded ajewski, who liked the view; when he looked at the sky and navy blue balloon, flying out of the chimney inn, he felt somehow sad. - So beautiful! - He repeated.- Let you describe this view, Ivan Andreyitch! - Maria Konstantinowna zawo said.- For what? - Asked ajewski. - The impression is more beautiful over any description. The richness of colors and sounds that each person receives from nature through experience, writers communicate in a way so verbose and ugly, they do not know.- Really? - Threw cold Von Koren, which set its sights on the biggest stone in the water and tried to climb up and sit on it. - Really? - Repeated ajewskiemu looking straight in the eyes. - A Romeo and Juliet? And, for example, the Ukrainian night Pushkin? Nature and belt should come to adore.- Maybe ... - agreed ajewski, who did not want to think and argue. - Anyway - he added - which is in fact the story of Romeo and Juliet? Beautiful, romantic, it's just pure love roses, which is trying to block the swamp. Romeo is the same animal as everyone else.- Anything talking with you, you: everything comes down to ...Von Koren looked at Katia and did not finish the sentence.- For what? - Asked ajewski.- Someone, for example, you say, "How beautiful is the bunch of grapes!", And you said: ,, Yes, but what it is ugly, when she eats them and remapped. " What to say? Nothing new at all and ... strange attitude.ajewski knew that Von Koren does not like him, and because he was afraid of him, and his presence felt as embarrassed as if everyone there was too tight, as if someone still lurked behind his back. Without a word, so walked away, wishing he ever drove.- Ladies and gentlemen, we're going after the brush on fire! - Ordered Samojlenko.We all split up in different directions except Kirilina, Aczmijanowa and Bitiugowa. Kierbaaj brought chairs, carpet spread on the ground, and gave a couple of bottles of wine. His employer Kirilin - tall, stately man who, regardless of the weather always wore a coat inserted on the uniform - with a proud attitude, stately gait, and a low, slightly hoarse voice like a provincial policmajstrw younger generation. Expression on his face was sleepy and sad, as if he had just awakened against his will.- What did you bring, bastard? - Asked Kierbaaja drawling every word. - I told you to give Kwara, and what you bring, Tartar Mordo? What?- We have a lot of wine, Jegorze Aleksieiczu - timidly and politely pointed Nikodim Aleksandrycz.- What? But I want to be here, and my wine. I participate in this trip, and I think I have a right to make a snack. U-wa-zam! Give ten bottles of Kwara.- Why so much? - Bitiugow surprised that he knew Kirilin no money.- Twenty bottles! Thirty! - Shouted Kirilin.- Does not matter! - Whispered Aczmijanow to Bitiugowa. - I'll pay.Nadezhda Feodorovna was inclined, cheerful and playful. She wanted to laugh, jump, scream, tease and flirt with everyone.Dressed in a cheap dress with the blue eyes perkaliku, the same as in the morning straw hat and red shoes, she felt a small, docile, light and flowing, delicate as a butterfly. At one point ran up the rickety bridge and leaned over the water until her dizzy, then cried laughing sped toward the other side of the dryer in a nice belief that all men, including the Kierbaaja, look at her with admiration. When the fast fading light the tree began to merge with the mountains, carriages with horses, and windows duchanu light flashed, Nadezhda climbed uphill path lost between the stones and barbed thicket and sat down on a stone. In the bottom of the fire has already burned. By the fire, roll up your sleeves, busied himself a deacon, his long black shadow circled around the flame; Deacon voiced brushwood and mixed in the boiler bucket tied to a long stick. Samojlenko his face red as copper thrashed out by the fire like in your own kitchen and shouted sternly:- Where's the salt, please state? Do not you take that? Sitting as the counts, and I have all the support?On a fallen tree, sat next to each other and Bitiugow ajewski looking thoughtfully at the fire. Maria Konstantinowna, Katia and Kostya took out the baskets cups and plates. Von Koren, crossed his arms and one leg resting on a rock, stood thoughtfully on the edge of the water itself. The red glare of fire wandered together with shadows on the ground around the dark human figures, shaking on a high mountain, trees, bridge, drying; steep, furrowed edge on the opposite side of the drowning in the light flickered and reflected in the river, and soon SHOOTING, turbulent water tore apart his reflection.Deacon went after fish that Kierbaaj scraped and washed on the shore; But halfway stopped and looked around.,, God, how beautiful! - He thought. - People, stones, fire, twilight, clumsy tree, nothing more, but what is beautiful! "On the opposite bank near the dryer appeared to some people. Because the light still flickered and smoke from the fire flew toward it, these people are not seen in its entirety, but you could see it and hairy blanket of gray beard, a dark blue shirt, the rags from the shoulder to the knee and dagger across the abdomen, the swarthy young face with black eyebrows, so thick and clear, as if they were drawn coal. Five men from the crowds of the wheel sat on the ground, and the other five went to the dryer. One of them stood in the doorway with his back to the fire, and assuming the back of the hand began to tell obviously something very interesting, because when Samojlenko planted the tree and fireplace rozjarzyo to bryzno sparks and clearly illuminated the dryer, it was seen as an open door wyzieraj Two quiet, full of attention as a bunch of faces and sitting in a circle watching and listening the story. After some time sitting on the ground, people chanted in a prolonged, melodious song, similar to Orthodox Lenten songs. Listening to them, the deacon began to dream of what it would be in ten years, when he returned from the expedition: this is a young religious-missionary, author loud with a rich history; Here is ordained Archimandrite, then at archirieja; here's devotion is celebrated in the cathedral council; Here comes the altar in a golden miter, with an icon on the chest and blessing the crowd of the faithful three-armed candlestick double arm and exclaimed: ,, Look down from heaven, O God, and behold, and haunt OWA vineyard, planted it because your hand! "And the children sing the angelic voices : ,, Holy God ... "- Diakonie, which desired the fish? - Samojlenki voice sounded.Returning to the fire deacon saw in imagination, like a hot July day procession goes dusty highway; on the front of the peasants carry banners and icons baby and wenches, followed by the boys of the choir and diaczek with obwizanym cheek with straw in his hair, then he in turn, deacon, pop him in mycce with a cross in his hand, and on the back of the crowd of peasants, bab , kids; among this cluster popadia and diakonica in handkerchiefs. The choir sings, children bellow, quail whimper, calling lark trills ... Here they paused, sprinkled holy water flock ... They went away and prayed, kneeling on the rain. Then some snack, talking ..."And it's a good ..." - thought deacon.VIIAczmijanow Kirilin and climbed to the top of the path. Aczmijanow left behind and stood and walked over to Nadezhda Kirilin.- Good evening! - Salute greeted her.- Good evening.- Yeah! - He said, looking thoughtfully at the sky.- What: yeah? - Asked after a moment of silence Nadezhda noticed that Aczmijanow watching them both.- Well - said slowly officer - our love withered, not having known, so to speak, flowering. As I understand it? Is this of you kind of coquetry, or thinks I'm the lady behind szaaputa, with which you can follow as you want?- It was a mistake! Give me a break! - Nadezhda said sharply, and this beautiful, wonderful evening looked at Kirilina terrified eyes, I was shocked myself asking whether there was really a moment when the man loved her, and even came close?- Yeah! - Repeated Kirilin; stood in silence for a moment, thought for, and said: - Well! We'll wait until you will be in a better mood, and yet I dare to assure you that I am an honest man and will not allow anyone to doubt it. You can not play me! Adieu!Odsalutowa and walked away, breaking through the bushes. After a while shyly approached Aczmijanow.- Beautiful tonight - he said with a slight accent Armenian.Aczmijanow was quite handsome, fashionably dressed, behaved with simplicity as well behaved young man, but Nadia did not like it for the fact that his father was guilty of three hundred rubles; annoyed her that she was invited to tour the shopkeeper, it also annoyed that he had to go to her just at the moment when she was just a pure heart.- Excursion generally went - Aczmijanow said after a pause.- Yes - Nadezhda and nodded, as if just reminded her that debt, she said carelessly: - Tell me in your own shop that Ivan Andreyitch fall one day and pay the hundred ... or, I do not remember how many there.- Gladly would add three hundred, if only you did not mention this every day. Why this prose?Nadezhda laughed; occurred to her funny thought that if he wanted to, and if it was not very moral, could at any moment to get rid of debt. For example, in order to seduce the handsome, young fool? What it would be, in fact, funny, wild, senseless! I suddenly wanted to enamor him inside her, to rob, to leave, and then see what happens.- Let me give you some advice - Aczmijanow said shyly. - Please, ma'am Kirilina beware. Everywhere says terrible things about you.- I'm curious to see what he says about me any idiot - said Nadezhda cold, but she was overcome by anxiety and funny thought of pobawieniu is very young, pretty Aczmijanowem suddenly lost its allure.- We have to go down - said Nadezhda. - Cry. At the bottom of the fish soup was already ready. Poured it on plates and eaten with the solemnity with which it is done only on the trips; all claimed that the soup is delicious, and that the house is never anything so delicious. As usual on the trips, all were lost in the mass of napkins, bundles, unnecessary swinging wind greasy papers seized people's glasses and others slices of bread, poured wine on the carpet and on their own knees, a sprinkling of salt, and around it was gloomy and fireplace already not burned so bright flame, because nobody wanted to get up and plant the brushwood. Everyone drank wine, even Kosti and Kati given half a glass. Nadezhda leaned one glass, then the other, got drunk and forgot about Kirilinie.- Delightful trip, glamorous evening - said ajewski rozweselony wine - but I prefer the winter than it all. Silvery frost ,, opylony his beaver collar shines. "- Tastes are different - noted Von Koren. ajewski felt uncomfortable: in the back blazed his heat of the fire, in the face and chest - hatred Von Koren; This hatred honest, wise man, perhaps in itself hides some fundamental reason humiliated him, I cut the legs, not feeling so adventurous face it ingratiating voice said:- Passionately I love nature and I regret that I am not a naturalist. I envy you.- And I do not regret it, and I do not envy - said Nadezhda. - I do not understand how you can deal with insects and robaczkami seriously when people are suffering.ajewski share her opinion. Absolutely not been versed in the sciences, and therefore could never be reconciled with the authoritative tone and solemn earnestness people who study mustache ants and cockroaches feet always annoyed him that these people on the basis of the mustache, feet and some of protoplasm (do not know why imagined wearing it as oysters) settle problems, including the origin and life. But in the words of Nadezhda sensed a false, so just to deny it, he said:- It's not about worms, but the conclusions.VIIIQuite late, because after ten, began to get in a carriage to leave for home. We all got in, the only thing missing Nadezhda and Aczmijanowa who raced across the river to loud laughter.- Ladies and gentlemen, it's time! - Samojlenko called to them.- There was no need to give the ladies a wine - he said quietly Von Koren.ajewski, weary trip, hatred Von Koren and his own thoughts, he went out to Nadiedie, and when she - happy, overjoyed, in his own opinion as light as a feather - grabbed him panting and laughing for both hands and held her head against his chest, took a step and said sharply:- Acting like a ... tart.It sounded so brutally that even he felt sorry for her. In his angry, tired face clearly she read hatred, pity, irritation, and immediately fell to the spirit. She realized that she overreacted, behaving too freely, and saddened, with an unpleasant feeling that is hard, coarse, vulgar and drunk, sat in the first edge of the empty carriage with Aczmijanowem. ajewski sat Kirilinem, zoologist with Samojlenk, the deacon with the ladies and the procession began to move.- I told you it was macaques ... - began Von Koren, covering the cloak and squinting. - Did you hear: she could not deal with insects and worms, because the people are suffering. So think about people like us all macaques. This slavish, self-righteous tribe of the ten tribes threatened with a whip and fist shaking, felt and ingratiating only in the face of violence, but let no macaque to any free areas where no one holds by the neck, and soon will expand and be known . Look how the macaque-tight image at exhibitions, museums, theater, or if it disposes of science: puffed up, rears, revile, writes ... always criticizes - a characteristic of slavery. Note: often beguile you from the honor and the faith of people with professions than rogues - it is because society is made up three-quarters of the slaves, of just such macaque. It does not happen to a slave gave you a hand and sincerely thanked for that work.- I do not know what you mean - Samojlenko said, yawning. - Bidulka in the simplicity of spirit wanted to talk to you about something wise, and you just pull requests. Are you angry at him for something, but what she blame you! After all, this noble woman.- E, come on. Ordinary utrzymanka, dissolute and vulgar. Listen, Alexander Dawidyczu, if you find a simple crone, who does not live with her husband, doing nothing, but still cha-cha-cha, its say, get to work. Why so now you're afraid to tell the truth? Is it because Nadezhda Feodorovna is the official mistress, not an ordinary sailor?- And what do I do with it? - Samojlenko became angry. - Break or what?- Do not indulge in debauchery. We all anathematize debauchery eyes only, and it reminds wagging his finger in the shoe. I am a zoologist or a sociologist, because it's actually all the same to you - a doctor; society trusts; should turn its attention to the immense damage, which threaten and his, and future generations such as Nadezhda Ivanovna damulki.- Feodorovna - Samojlenko corrected. - A society that has to do?- Society? It's his thing. In my opinion, the easiest and most reliable way to coercion. Military Manu wyprawi it should be her husband, and if her husband will not accept it at hard labor, or to any correctional facility.- Oh! - Samojlenko sighed; silent for a moment, then said quietly: - You said the other day that people like ajewski, it would take away ... Tell me, if ... say, the state or society the function entrusted to you, or ... you could?- Not to my hand move.IXAfter returning home ajewski and Nadia were in their dark, stuffy, boring rooms. Both were silent.ajewski lit the candle, and Nadezhda, without taking off the jacket and hat, sat down and looked at him with sad eyes contrite.He understood that she was waiting for an explanation; but to explain anything, it would be boring, pointless and tedious, and the most burdened his heart that could not stand and spoke to her after grubiasku. Touched his pocket he came across a letter that is still going to read it, so he thought that if it shows now, it will give her thoughts in another direction."It is time to explain our relationship - he decided. - I'll show her; what is to be, it will be ".He took out the letter and handed it to Nadiedie.- Read. It's about you.After these words, he went to his office and lay down on the couch without a pillow, in the dark, without turning on the light. Nadezhda read the letter, and it seemed to her that the ceiling is lowered, and the walls have raised directly at her. Suddenly cramped, dark, the wind blew the horror. Quickly crossed herself three times and uttered:- Eternal rest ... eternal rest ... I started to cry.- Vanya! - She said after a moment. - Ivan Andreyitch!No answer. Thinking that ajewski entered the room and standing behind her chair, sobbing like a child and said:- Why have I not told right away that he was dead? There would have gone on a trip, I would not dare be so terribly ... Men prawili trivial me compliments. What is a sin, what sin! Save me, Vanya, save ... I lost my mind ... Gina ...ajewski heard her sob. He was terribly stuffy and my heart was beating like a hammer. Anguished jumped up and stood in the middle of the room, he found the darkness chair at the table and sat down.,, As in jail ... - he thought. - I need to go ... because I can not stand ... "On the card game was too late, the restaurants in town were not there. Again lay down and covered his ears with his hands, so as not to hear the sobs, when suddenly reminded him that he might go to Samojlenki. Not wanting to pass by Nadezhda, got out of the window into the garden, clambered through a picket fence and walked down the street. It was dark. To port a ship docked, judging from the light - a large passenger ... clattered anchor chain. From the shore to the ship quickly slid the red light: it flowed from the custom boat.,, A passengers using our cabins ... "- thought ajewski and jealous people their peace.At home Samojlenki windows were open. ajewski peered into one of them, then to the other, the rooms were dark and quiet.- Alexander Dawidyczu if you already awake? - He cried. - Alexander Dawidyczu!There was coughing and fearful cry:- Who's there? The hell?- It's me, Alexander Dawidyczu. Sorry. For a little while, the door opened; flashed soft light an oil lamp and showed a huge Samojlenko all in white, in the nightcap on his head.- What do you want? - Asked, panting from his sleep and scratching. - Wait, just open.- Do not fatyguj out the window ... I ajewski climbed through the window and went to Samojlenki and grabbed his hand.- Alexander Dawidyczu - he groaned, his voice trembling - save me! I beg you, I beg, get me! My situation is terrible. If you take a few days even though, suffocated himself like ... like a dog!- Wait ... what is it exactly?- Light the candle.- Oh, oh ... - sighed Samojlenko lighting a candle. - God, God ... He is the first, brother.- Forgive me, but I could not sit at home - said ajewski felt considerable relief by the light and the presence of Samojlenki. - Alexander Dawidyczu, you're my best and only friend ... In you all hope ... Do you want or not want, save me, for God's sake. At all costs I have to get out of here. Lend me your money!- Oh, God, God! ... - Moaned Samojlenko scratching. - I fell asleep and I hear the siren, the ship came in, and now you ... much you need?- At least three hundred rubles. I leave her a hundred, a hundred for me on the way ... I'm you already owe nearly four hundred, but I will send ... all I will send ...Samojlenko seized with one hand his whiskers, spread his legs wide and thoughtful.- Yes ... - murmured thoughtfully. - Three hundred ... Yeah ... I do not have much. I'll have to borrow from someone.- So, for God's sake, borrow! - ajewski said, seeing the face Samojlenki that this would like to give him money, and certainly can. - Borrow from someone, and I, of course, I will turn. I will send to you from St. Petersburg after your arrival. Here is stay calm. You know, Sasha - he said excitedly - can have a drink of wine?- Well ... We can have a drink. They walked into the dining room.- And how Nadezhda Feodorovna? - Samojlenko asked, putting on the table three bottles and a plate of peaches. - Is she going to be?- I'll handle it, I'll handle everything ... - ajewski said, feeling a surge of joy. - Then I'll send her the money and she will come to me ... Then we explain our relationship. Your health, fellow.- Wait! - Called Samojlenko. - First a drink it ... With my vineyard. This bottle of the vineyard Nawaridze and Achatuowa That ... Try all three species and say honestly ... My though przykwane. What? Do not you think?- Yes ... Ales comforted me, Alexander Dawidyczu. Thanks ... Like I'm alive!- Przykwane?- The devil knows, I have not noticed ... You're wonderful, wonderful man!Looking at his pale, excited, good face, Samojlenko remembered the words of Von Koren, that would destroy these people, and it seemed to him that ajewski is a poor, defenseless child, that anyone can hurt and destroy.- If you leave, you just deal with his mother - he said. - Because not nice.- Yes, yes, of course.For a while both were silent. When they had finished the first bottle, Samojlenko said:- You could also combine and Von Koren. You are both honorable, wise men, and look at each other like wolves.- Yes, it is noble, wise man - nodded ajewski, who now wanted all praise and justify. - This is a remarkable man, but the friendship between us would be impossible. No!

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