typhoon yolanda in philippines

Download Typhoon Yolanda in Philippines

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Typhoon Yolanda in Philippines
  2. 2. Typhoon Thyphoon Haiyan or Yolanda made landslides at 4:40 am local time on Friday morning. The tropical cyclone had a storm level equivalent to a category 5
  3. 3. Areas The most affected province was Leyte. In the Bohol area there were winds of 200 mile per hour.
  4. 4. People There were more than 10 000 deaths, more than half of them were produced in the province of Leyte. More than 3 800 people were sent to a evacuation.
  5. 5. Damages There wasn't electricity, phones, internet or other types to comunication. There wasn't public transports. In most impacted areas we could only reach by helicopter. Some cities disappeared completely.
  6. 6. Helps Other countries sent helps to Philippines but the governement couldn't give help to the victims because the airfield was blocked.
  7. 7. International Help USA: sent 5.000 marines, more than 80 planes and 20 million dollars Spain: sent 2 planes with 15 tonnes of food
  8. 8. Vatican: sent $ 3 millionsJapan: Tokio sent $ 10 millionsEuropean Union: sent $ 10 millions
  9. 9. We can do more