types of groups and networks

UNIT 3: Insider/Outsider Chapter 6: Groups and Formal Organizations Chapter 7: Deviance and Social Control Standard: Students will explain and interpret the influence of social groups on individual/group behavior and assess how social inequalities may affect changes in society.

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UNIT 3: Insider/Outsider Chapter 6: Groups and Formal Organizations Chapter 7: Deviance and Social Control. Standard: Students will explain and interpret the influence of social groups on individual/group behavior and assess how social inequalities may affect changes in society. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Types of Groups and Networks

UNIT 3: Insider/OutsiderChapter 6: Groups and Formal Organizations

Chapter 7: Deviance and Social Control

Standard: Students will explain and interpret the influence of social groups on individual/group

behavior and assess how social inequalities may affect changes in society.

Page 2: Types of Groups and Networks

Types of Groups and Networks• A group is at least two people who have one or

more goals in common and share common ways of thinking and behaving.

• A social category is made up of people who share a social characteristic.

• A social aggregate is made up of people temporarily in the same place at the same time.

• A primary group are people who are emotionally close, know one another well, and seek one another’s company.

• Primary relationships are characterized by interactions that are intimate, personal, caring and fulfilling.

• Secondary groups are people who share only part of their lives while focusing on a goal or a task.

• Secondary relationships are characterized by impersonal interactions involving limited parts of personalities.

• A reference group is a group use for self-evaluation and the formation of attitudes, values, beliefs and norms.

• In-groups are exclusive groups demanding intense loyalty.

• Out-groups are groups targeted by an in-group for opposition, antagonism, or competition.

• A social network is a web of social relationships that join a person to other people in a group. A social network is not a group!

• Answer question 20 on page 198. Be prepared to discuss your answer.

• Read “School Violence and Social Networks” and answer the question on page 180. Be prepared to discuss your answer. We will watch a movie based on the Columbine tragedy at the end of this unit.

• Read “Bullies and Their Victims” and answer the questions on page 201. Be prepared to discuss your answers.

• Read “Group Pressure and Obedience” and answer the questions on page 189. Be prepared to discuss your answers.

• Watch “My Kid Would Never Bully” (Dateline) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032600/vp/41928090#41928090

Page 3: Types of Groups and Networks

Types of Social Interactions

Page 4: Types of Groups and Networks

Formal Organizations• A formal organization is a group

deliberately formed to achieve one or more long term goals.

• A bureaucracy is a formal organization that is based on rationality and efficiency. Characteristics of a bureaucracy include: – A division of labor based on the principal

of specialization. – A hierarchy of authority. – A system of rules and procedures. – Written records of work and activities. – Promotion on the basis of merit and

qualifications. • Informal organizations are groups within

a formal organization in which personal relationships are guided by norms, rituals and sentiments that are not part of the formal organization.

• The Iron Law of Oligarchy is the theory that power increasingly becomes concentrated in the hands of a few members of any organization.– Organizations need a hierarchy of

authority to delegate decision making.

– The advantages held by those at the top allow them to consolidate and increase their powers.

– Other members of the organization tend to defer to leaders—to give in to those who take charge.

Page 5: Types of Groups and Networks

Deviance and Social Control

• Deviance is behavior that departs from societal or group norms.

• Negative deviance involves behavior that underconforms to accepted norms.

• Positive deviance involves behavior that overconforms to social expectations.

• A deviant is a person who breaks significant societal or group norms.

• Social control is ways to encourage conformity to social norms.

• Internal social control lies within the individual and is developed during the socialization process.

• External social control depends on formal or informal sanctions.

• Social sanctions are rewards and punishments that encourage conformity to social norms.

• Read “Murder Among the Cheyenne” and answer the question on page 208. Be prepared to discuss your answers with the class.

Page 6: Types of Groups and Networks

Schools of Thought on Deviance• Functionalists believe that deviance can be both

positive and negative. • The negative effects include eroding trust,

inspiring deviant behavior in others and diverting resources from other aspects of society.

• The positive effects include clarifying norms and providing a safety valve when problems arise.

• An anomie is a social condition where norms are weak, conflicting or absent.

• Strain theory is a belief that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve these goals by legitimate means.

• Ways that individuals cope with strain include innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion.

• Control theory is a belief that compliance with social norms require strong bonds between individuals and society.

• Social bonds include attachment, commitment, involvement and belief.

• The symbolic interactionist perspective yields two theories of deviance.

• The differential association theory contends that the individual learns deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts they were exposed to.

• The labeling theory contends that society creates deviance by indentifying particular members as deviant.

• Primary deviance involves the occasional breaking of norms that is not a part of a person’s lifestyle or self-concept.

• Secondary deviance occurs when an individual’s life and identity are organized around breaking society’s norms.

• A stigma is an undesirable trait or label that is used to characterize an individual.

Page 7: Types of Groups and Networks

Crime and Punishment• Supporters of the conflict theory

believe that minorities receive unequal treatment in the criminal justice system.

• Victim discounting is the process of reducing the seriousness of crimes that injure people of lower social status.

• White collar crimes are job-related crimes committed by high-status people.

• Read “Look Out for Identity Thieves” and answer the question on page 228.

• Watch “The Madoff Affair” (PBS Frontline) for an example of white collar crime.

• http://video.pbs.org/video/1122731028

• Measurement of Crime– The FBI publishes Uniformed Crime Reports (UCR)

that track the number of murders, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson and hate crimes.

– The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) uses scientific methods to document underreported crimes.

• Juvenile Crime– Juvenile crime is a crime committed by a minor;

Juvenile delinquency includes deviances that are not crimes in the adult world.

– Juvenile crime has been decreasing, possibly because of less crack use, harsher sentences and efforts to reduce the number of guns in communities.

• Approaches to Crime Control– Does punishment discourage crime? – Do Americans believe capital punishment deters

criminals? – Why do attitudes toward the death penalty vary? – What is retribution? – Why does society keep criminals in prisons? – Do prisons rehabilitate criminals? – What are some alternatives to prison? – Will any of these alternatives work?