two men are md >aaaa*i a … · char-les...

M ^ WIM S j FUNERAL SERVICE i Mark A, Croaier , IWgr, I A COMMUNITY ! INSTITUTION SINCE ' 18 74. ¦ l I I 170 Main St, Tel. Sayville 81J h, ¦ . , : , I Hl inH1IIIMMIIMIIII -.Wia.all ' I mini I ¦ II,fl >AAAA*i a- . A.AAAAAAA.Ia.A.AA.^AAAaAAAAAJkAA^ by Charlotte Jones who lives on Patchogue road , Holbrook. Ambitiou-3 young lady al w ays on tho alert for items for her column. Her telephone number is Ronkonkoma 95F23 MRS. A. Bennett and daughter Audrey and son Richard of As- toria are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. William Hohn of Ellis ave- nue. Helen Greenko , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greenko of Lin- coln avenue , had a very eventful fi z-st birthday last Tuesday, when during celebration festivities at her home, electricity was turne d on in that vicinity for the first time. Poles had been erected on the northern end of Lincoln avenue recently , extend- ing a little south of the Greenko home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanley and daughter Dorothy Ann of Flushing have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Egl e at their home on Coates ave- nue. Edward Peters , son of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Peters , who has been in college at Tuscaloosa , Ala., returned to his home Monday, having complet- ed his courses and qualified for a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering. Ab out 500 persons spent the day at Mazanek' s Sunrise farm Sunday, comprising for the most part the Elmhurst Construction company on their annual outing. The organiza- tion came in eight large excursion buses and also private cars. Dinner and supper was served to the group and during the day games and races were fe atured. A Gunning club of Long Island City will spend next Sunday at the hotel. The Misses Marjorie and Dorothy Ann Jones are spending several days in Brooklyn tbis week visiting- friends. Mrs. Jerome Schlotman will enter- tain her bridge club tomorrow after- noon at her home. The Ladies ' Auxiliary of the Com- munity clu b will meet at Community hall this evening. The group will hold a card party at the hall Satur- day evening, September 11. The Com- munity club met at the hail last night , Adam Ritter , who has been spend- ing a two-week vacation at his home on Coates avenue , returned to his work with the New York Li fe In- surance company Monday. The local school will convene Wed- nesday, September 8. Mrs. Alfred Steiger and Mrs. Georg e Miller are holding al card party, at Wild' s Bar and grill this evening, starting at 8:30 , for the ben- efit of the Mother ' s club of the local school . A bam dance scheduled hy the Democratic club for September 4 , has been postponed indefinitely. A dance will be held by the South Holbrook Development Civic associa- tion at the Civic hall on Grundy ave- nue Saturday evening. This is the first dance to be held in the hall. Mrs. G, L. Wild will bold a game party at Wild' s Bar ancl grill tomor- row evening, starting at 8:30. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heine and fam- ily and Mrs. Charles Baack attended a " get-together dinner , held by Met- lahatka chapter , Order of Eastern Star , of Sayville at Jack Yerk' s pa- vilion , Lak e Ronkonkoma , last night. Mrs. Arthur Skidmore of East Islip, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Heine , is the matron of the lodge. Mr. and Mrs. John Novinski of Bay Shore are the parents of a son born last Wednesday at the Holbrook hos- pital. Mrs. William Rrownleu of New York is spending several days with Mrs. David Ogilvie and family at their summer home here. Allen Heine , who with his family, is a summer resident here , is enjoy- ing several '-weeks ' vacation , following the completion of summ er courses which he took at Columbia university. Joan Worzel returned to her home Monday after spending a week in Copiague visiting her grandfather and a ixn t. Fred Gick and a party of friends from New York visited . here Sunday. Char-les Hansen of Bay Ridge has been visiting his uncle , Ole Hansen of Benjamin street. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Bedell and Miss Rose Morgan of Bro oklyn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Be- dell Sunday. The Mother ' s club will resume its meetings the first day of school , Sep- tember 8. Mrs . Anthony P. Cuccia and. Miss Bertha Prochazka of New York are spending- this week at Mazanek' s Sunrise farm. Two Men Are Md Ota Ihidleg Still fcierYille Farm TWO brothers were arrested and a still of about 1 ^ 500 gallons capacity was confiscated last Tues- day morning, when Federal agents raided a farm on East Mori ches road , Manorville. The brothers , Henry Neuhoff , aged 35, who lived on the farm , and Jaci; Neuhc-ff , 34, of 178 East 88th street , New York , were latei ar- raigned in Brooklyn before United States Commissioner Martin C. Ep- stein on a charg e of possessing an unregistered still. They pleaded not guilty and were held in bail of $1 ,500 each for hear- ing Tuesday. Assistant United States Attorney Harold O'Daugh- terty told Commissioner Ejstein that ' the still was built in the open air , shielded from view of pa-ssersby on a nearb y road only by a copse of oaks and. evergreens and a. tall stand of corn. tya.ry Hahn records the doings in Coram : each ' week. If ; you have news for her see her at Rovagna' s store. MR. and Mrs. Walter Wycherl ey and family " are spending two weeks at the home of Walter Wy- cherley. Albert Prager , who has been tak- ing, treatments at the Jamaica hos- pital for diabetes , was taken there last Tuesday to be operated on for an abscess in his ear. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeSanto and family spent Monday in New York visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. P. Smith and son Wesley of Blue Point were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs . Michael De- Santo Thursday. The evening was spent in music with Mrs. DeSanto at the piano , Wesley Smith playing the piano accordion and Michael DeSanto at the drums and xylo- phone. The firemen will hold a dance Sat- urday evening in the firehouse and music will be furnished by I*arry Hodkin ' s orchestra . Mi* , and Mrs. Frank Hagen enter- tained over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. William Stevens of Brooklyn , Mr. and Mrs . Bernard Noll and Mrs. Anna Noll of Mineola , Mrs. Howard Marshall Smith of Yonkers , Mo* , and Mrs. William Scarlet of Far Rock- away, Mrs. A. G. Hagen of Wood^- haven and Charles Hagen of Rich- mond Hill. On Saturday they all attended the funeral of Charles Bohle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaber and daughters , Veronica and Marjorie , were guests of M:r. and Mrs. Rudy Hahn. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeSanto en- tertained over the week-end Mr . and Mrs. Develo Brown and daughters , Shirley , and Katherine , of S yracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyon and sons , Charles and Thomas; enjoyed a day ' s outing at Montauk Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rupolo en- tertained the following relatives from. Brooklyn over the week-end : Mr. and Miis. Joseph Pellegrino and children , Ida , Lulu and Michael , Thomas Debole , Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent Pellegrino , Nino Alvaro and Louis Leonini. Frank Lyon attended a sales meet- ing and buffet supper at the Ken- sington hotel in Sayville last Wed- nesday evening , sponsored by the Gulf company. Parents of their children wlio will attend Port Jefferson school are urg- ed not to forget ' to send them to register ' at the local school this Sat- urday from 1 to 4. o' clock. This will be the last chance tc- register . Miss Kate Lyon spent a few days last week visiting relatives in Brook- lyn'. . Mr. and Mrs . F. Hei merle and a r party: of friends from the city were at their bungalow on Swezeytown road over the week-end; Mr . and Mrs. Wilbur Blydenburgh spent Tuesday visiting friends ancl relatives in- Mattituck. Miss Thelma . Mills has roturned to lier home in Huntington - after spending the past few weeks witlv her grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Blydenburgh. The weekly horseshoe pitching contest between Medford and Cor- am took place at the home . of Theo- dore Bell of Wellington Farms Sun- day. The Medford team consists of John Condon , ''Uncle Henry, " Ted Muller , John Gautier and Ernest Blacsar , manager. The Coram team includes Dr. H. Goldschmitt , man- ager ; Theodore Bell; . John Koder and, Paul Bonk. The score was 4-to- .3 in favor of Coram, and the prize was a set of horseshoes of which the- Cora m contestants are very proud; There were man y in- terested " spectators , at the game. , Miss Helen Butts: has returned to her home' inABrooklyfii after spend- ing' ten days with ; her. uncle and aunt ,. Mi* , and!'Mrs. R . Lyoai , Sr, Invitations are out for ' ; tli e wed- ding, of Miss Lena Rovagna arid George Weber on Sunday; Septcrri- bar; 19j at St. Sylvester ' s church in MeiifordA ¦PpMt. and Mrs, Carl ' Heinnchs , p i. , ancMMrv and' * Mrs. ' .Carl , Htohrichs, Jr., of Richmond Hill spent Sunday at their bungalow in Swezeytown. Miss Isabel Hobart of Latirelton was in Coram over the week-end. Dorothy D. M. Still MR. and Mrs. John G. Erhardt and s?ms, Davis and Richard , arrived in New York on the S. S. Washing- ton Thursday afternoon. Th ey left Hamburg on August 11 and stopped at Havre , Southampton and Ireland. Mr. Ei'hardt, who has been Vice- counsul to Germany for several years, has recently been appointed an inspector and he and his family will make their home in Washington , D. C. Mrs. Erhardt is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt and their sons will be the guests of her parents for sev- eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Edwa rd s and Mr. and Mrs. William Joline were guests of Mrs. Fred Booth of Green- port Sunday. Miss Dorothy Dewar of East Or- ange; N; J., - was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis. The annual fair ancl supper given by the Ladies ' Aid of the Presby- terian church of Middle Island will be held tomorrow. Pressed chicken suppers will be served from 5 to 9 m, MR. and Mrs. George Edwards and Mrs. Edwin Edwards and son Billy and Christian Krabbe were guests of Mi's. George ! H. Furman of Patchogue on Judge * Furman ' s yacht last Tuesday, Mrs. George Toder ancl children , George and Doris , Mrs. George Kempster and Mrs. Wallace Mott and. son were guests of Fred Mott at his home at Montauk Point last Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. William Joline and Mr. and Mrs, Leon Edwards and son Leon spent last Tuesday in Jamaica. The Bridgo club were guests of Mrs. John Wolf of Wheatley ridge last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Mailer , John and Lester Davis and Morvvin Still are among those from this place who have entered vegetables and livestock in the Suf- folk County fair which is being held at Riverhead this week. Mrs. David Goodfellow will be hostess to her bridge club tliis even- ing. Mrs. Carl Holschuli and daugh ter Suzanne and Mrs. Raymond Still and son Raymond, have returned jt' rom a few clays' visit with Mrs. James Suy- dam in Cape May, N. J. Mr, and Mrs. MacDonald arc now residing in ' the. small bouse; on Les-: ter Davis! farm. Mr. and' Mrs. William Richter spent tho weelc-eiftl' at their bunga- low on the Mt, Sinai road, ' Mrs. Mamie La Rij o and son Henry of Roosevelt are spending some timo withr, Mr, and Mrs. Sidney., Ballanee. PATCHOGUE MERCHANT FINED FOR HAVING SLOT MACHINE Pleading guilt y to a charge of possessing a slot machine , Jos- eph Brody, stationery store pro- prietor , of j 296 East Main street , Patchogue , was- fined $50 yesterday by Justice of the Peace Willard B. Mbnsell. The charge was pre- ferred Thursday, when Brookhaven Town police confiscated the machine in the Brody store. Well-knowTi Sayviliite "Capt. Frank" Rogers , Dies HENY FRANK ROGERS of Can- dee aveiiue , S ayville , affection- ately known as "Captain Frank" to residents in that locality, died at his home a week ago Sunday. Mr. Rogers , during his lifetime , had broken nearly every major bone in his body, even to breaking his neck . at one time. At the time of his death he was dockmaster for Islip town at the Sayville dock. He had fallen from a bicycle May 14 and fractured his hip and spent a num- ber of weeks in the Southside hos- pital and though making a 1 good re- covery, succumbed to heart failure. He was born June 22, 1866, in Say- ville and at an early age entered the building trade. Mr. Rogers was ac- tive in Fire department activities and other organizations and always had a boat on which he took his friends and strangers for fishing parties. 17 RECEIVED INTO CONVENT Seventeen young ladies were re- ceived into the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in the Sacred Heart chapel at Brentwood on the feast of the Assumption , Sunday of last week. The young women , dress- ed as brides entered the chapel for the ceremony carrying bouquets of white flowers and were attended by a cross-bearer , a graduate of the academy, ancl two small trainbearers . PATRONIZE MID-ISLAND MAIL ADVERTISERS STANDARDS I SPSfef Determined by i|8§2 j WmJ Experience \Sltf I todj&f wSsSvi ! lytirj 3 ' v' * c;e!; - performed V»f) i LwJw ky O- B - Davis are w7r) i IWl f set . apart from or- \&$S I if ff i dinary funeral di- tori j ! [jjf reetion by the sym- ¥fl J \W path y and under- V | jj l standing of every Vj j|\ member of our /jj , tin sta ^' ' r " , ^ e, ' v ex P cr- ./n f Ilm ience ancl training W M \ J rS\ is guided by the /* W| iWlk finest of P ro:fcs " A wtf ( iraf * s *- onn l standards at ff jjrll [<gm all times. Mg W § !lW=Snl Lady Assistant ifSsAJ l I M^ tiQTft^ ¦* iHWrfVP^ <»l ¦ 1 MHK2$ 1 '" Attend'tHc 0 ^S ^mtnx 1 Mtvi n Ofllce P. J. 285—Kealdenco P. J. U4 | - . ' ¦ ] rimornl Homo P. J, 300—E8ti.bll8.icil 18BS 5 I 0„ B. Davis , IncM FUNERAL HOME Sl J fcORT JEFFERSON, N; Y, |$ " «^»ll«l»(l*MWl«»llW|«l«<l«l»(»«WI<M»OMW )«l»««l«aV(l«»0 , a»!! ¦(

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Page 1: Two Men Are Md >AAAA*i a … · Char-les Hansen of Bay Ridge has been visiting his uncle, Ole Hansen of Benjamin street. Mr. and


I A COMMUNITY! INSTITUTION SINCE ' 18 74 .¦ l II 170 Main St, Tel. Sayville 81Jh, ¦ . ,: , IHlinH1IIIMMIIMIIII -.Wia.all' I mini I ¦ II,fl


byCharlotte Jones

who lives on Patchogue road, Holbrook.Ambitiou-3 young lady always on thoalert for items for her column. Her

telephone number isRonkonkoma 95F23

MRS. A. Bennett and daughterAudrey and son Richard of As-

toria are spending a week with Mr.and Mrs. William Hohn of Ellis ave-nue.

Helen Greenko, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Michael Greenko of Lin-coln avenue, had a very eventfulfiz-st birthday last Tuesday, whenduring celebration festivities at herhome, electricity was turned on inthat vicinity for the first time. Poleshad been erected on the northern endof Lincoln avenue recently, extend-ing a little south of the Greenkohome.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanley anddaughter Dorothy Ann of Flushinghave been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F.Egle at their home on Coates ave-nue.

Edward Peters, son of Dr. and Mrs.Frederick Peters, who has been incollege at Tuscaloosa , Ala., returnedto his home Monday, having complet-ed his courses and qualified for aBachelor of Science degree in civilengineering. •

About 500 persons spent the dayat Mazanek's Sunrise farm Sunday,comprising for the most part theElmhurst Construction company ontheir annual outing. The organiza-tion came in eight large excursionbuses and also private cars. Dinnerand supper was served to the groupand during the day games and raceswere featured. A Gunning club ofLong Island City will spend nextSunday at the hotel.

The Misses Marjorie and DorothyAnn Jones are spending several daysin Brooklyn tbis week visiting-friends.

Mrs. Jerome Schlotman will enter-tain her bridge club tomorrow after-noon at her home.

The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Com-munity club will meet at Communityhall this evening. The group willhold a card party at the hall Satur-day evening, September 11. The Com-munity club met at the hail lastnight,

Adam Ritter , who has been spend-ing a two-week vacation at his homeon Coates avenue , returned to hiswork with the New York Life In-surance company Monday.

The local school will convene Wed-nesday, September 8.

Mrs. Alfred Steiger and Mrs.George Miller are holding al cardparty, at Wild's Bar and grill thisevening, starting at 8:30 , for the ben-efit of the Mother 's club of the localschool .

A bam dance scheduled hy theDemocratic club for September 4,has been postponed indefinitely.

A dance will be held by the SouthHolbrook Development Civic associa-tion at the Civic hall on Grundy ave-nue Saturday evening. This is thefirst dance to be held in the hall.

Mrs. G, L. Wild will bold a gameparty at Wild's Bar ancl grill tomor-row evening, starting at 8:30.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heine and fam-ily and Mrs. Charles Baack attendeda " get-together dinner , held by Met-lahatka chapter , Order of EasternStar , of Sayville at Jack Yerk's pa-vilion , Lake Ronkonkoma, last night.Mrs. Arthur Skidmore of East Islip,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heine , isthe matron of the lodge.

Mr. and Mrs. John Novinski of BayShore are the parents of a son bornlast Wednesday at the Holbrook hos-pital.

Mrs. William Rrownleu of NewYork is spending several days withMrs. David Ogilvie and family attheir summer home here.

Allen Heine , who with his family,is a summer resident here, is enjoy-ing several '-weeks' vacation, following

the completion of summ er courseswhich he took at Columbia university.

Joan Worzel returned to her homeMonday after spending a week inCopiague visiting her grandfatherand aixnt.

Fred Gick and a party of friendsfrom New York visited . here Sunday.

Char-les Hansen of Bay Ridge hasbeen visiting his uncle, Ole Hansenof Benj amin street.

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Bedell andMiss Rose Morgan of Brooklyn wereguests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Be-dell Sunday.

The Mother 's club will resume itsmeetings the first day of school, Sep-tember 8.

Mrs. Anthony P. Cuccia and. MissBertha Prochazka of New York arespending- this week at Mazanek'sSunrise farm.

Two Men Are MdOta Ihidleg StillfcierYille Farm

TWO brothers were arrested anda still of about 1 500 gallons

capacity was confiscated last Tues-day morning, when Federal agentsraided a farm on East Mori chesroad, Manorville.

The brothers, Henry Neuhoff , aged35, who lived on the farm, and Jaci;Neuhc-ff , 34, of 178 E a s t 88thstreet, New York, were latei ar-raigned in Brooklyn before UnitedStates Commissioner Martin C. Ep-stein on a charge of possessing anunregistered still.

They pleaded not guilty and wereheld in bail of $1,500 each for hear-ing Tuesday. Assistant UnitedStates Attorney Harold O'Daugh-terty t o l d Commissioner Ejsteinthat ' the still was built in the openair, shielded from view of pa-ssersbyon a nearby road only by a copseof oaks and. evergreens and a. tallstand of corn.

tya.ry Hahn

records the doings

in Coram : each

' week. If ;you have

news for her see

her at Rovagna's


MR. and Mrs. Walter Wycherleyand family " are spending two

weeks at the home of Walter Wy-cherley.

Albert Prager, who has been tak-ing, treatments at the Jamaica hos-pital for diabetes, was taken therelast Tuesday to be operated on foran abscess in his ear.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeSanto andfamily spent Monday in New Yorkvisiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Smith and sonWesley of Blue Point were dinnerguests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael De-Santo Thursday. The evening wasspent in music with Mrs. DeSantoat the piano , Wesley Smith playingthe piano accordion and MichaelDeSanto at the drums and xylo-phone.

The firemen will hold a dance Sat-urday evening in the firehouse andmusic will be furnished by I*arryHodkin 's orchestra .

Mi*, and Mrs. Frank Hagen enter-tained over the week-end Mr. andMrs. William Stevens of Brooklyn ,Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Noll and Mrs.Anna Noll of Mineola, Mrs. HowardMarshall Smith of Yonkers, Mo*, andMrs. William Scarlet of Far Rock-away, Mrs. A. G. Hagen of Wood^-haven and Charles Hagen of Rich-mond Hill. On Saturday they allattended the funeral of CharlesBohle.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaber anddaughters, Veronica and Marjorie,were guests of M:r. and Mrs. RudyHahn. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeSanto en-tertained over the week-end Mr. andMrs. Develo Brown and daughters,Shirley , and Katherine, of Syracuse.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyon andsons, Charles and Thomas; enjoyeda day's outing at Montauk Thurs-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rupolo en-tertained t h e following relativesfrom. Brooklyn over the week-end :Mr. and Miis. Joseph Pellegrino andchildren, Ida , Lulu and Michael ,Thomas Debole, Mr. and Mrs. Vin-cent Pellegrino , Nino Alvaro andLouis Leonini.

Frank Lyon attended a sales meet-ing and buffet supper at the Ken-sington hotel in Sayville last Wed-nesday evening , sponsored by theGulf company.

Parents of their children wlio willattend Port Jefferson school are urg-ed not to forget' to send them toregister 'at the local school this Sat-urday from 1 to 4. o'clock. Thiswill be the last chance tc- register.

Miss Kate Lyon spent a few dayslast week visiting relatives in Brook-lyn'. .

Mr. and Mrs. F. Hei merle and arparty: of friends from the city wereat their bungalow on Swezeytownroad over the • week-end;

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blydenburghspent Tuesday visiting friends anclrelatives in- Mattituck.

Miss Thelma . Mills has roturnedto lier home in Huntington - afterspending the past few weeks witlvher grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-bur Blydenburgh.

The weekly horseshoe pitchingcontest between Medford and Cor-am took place at the home .of Theo-dore Bell of Wellington Farms Sun-day. The Medford team consists ofJohn Condon , ''Uncle Henry," TedMuller , John Gautier and ErnestBlacsar, manager. The Coram teamincludes Dr. H. Goldschmitt, man-ager ; Theodore Bell; . John Koderand, Paul Bonk. The score was4-to-.3 in favor of Coram, and theprize was a set of horseshoes ofwhich the- Coram contestants arevery proud ; There were many in-terested " spectators , at the game. ,

Miss Helen Butts: has returned toher home' inABrooklyfii after spend-ing' ten days with ; her . uncle andaunt,. Mi*, and!'Mrs. R. Lyoai , Sr,

Invitations are out for '; tlie wed-ding, of Miss Lena Rovagna aridGeorge Weber on Sunday; Septcrri-bar; 19j at St. Sylvester 's church inMeiifordA¦PpMt. and Mrs, Carl ' Heinnchs, p i.,ancMMrv and'* Mrs. '.Carl , Htohrichs,

Jr., of Richmond Hill spent Sundayat their bungalow in Swezeytown.

Miss Isabel Hobart of Latireltonwas in Coram over the week-end.

Dorothy D. M. Still

MR. and Mrs. John G. Erhardt ands?ms, Davis and Richard , arrived

in New York on the S. S. Washing-ton Thursday afternoon. Th ey leftHamburg on August 11 and stoppedat Havre , Southampton and Ireland.Mr. Ei'hardt, who has been Vice-counsul to G e r m a n y for severalyears, has recently been appointedan inspector and he and his familywill make their home in Washington,D. C. Mrs. Erhardt is the daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Davis. Mr.and Mrs. Erhardt and their sons willbe the guests of her parents for sev-eral weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Edwards andMr. and Mrs. William Joline wereguests of Mrs. Fred Booth of Green-port Sunday.

Miss Dorothy Dewar of East Or-ange; N; J.,- was the week-end guestof Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis.

The annual fair ancl supper givenby the Ladies' Aid of the Presby-terian church of Middle Island willbe held tomorrow. Pressed chickensuppers will be served from 5 to 9P« m,MR. and Mrs. George Edwards and

Mrs. Edwin Edwards and sonBilly and Christian Krabbe wereguests of Mi's. George ! H. Furmanof Patchogue on Judge* Furman'syacht last Tuesday,

Mrs. George Toder ancl children ,George and Doris , Mrs. GeorgeKempster and Mrs. Wallace Mott and.son were guests of Fred Mott at hishome at Montauk Point last Tuesday.. Mr. and Mrs. William Joline andMr. and Mrs, Leon Edwards and sonLeon spent last Tuesday in Jamaica.

The Bridgo club were guests ofMrs. John Wolf of Wheatley ridgelast Tuesday.

Mr. • and Mrs, Andrew Mailer ,John and L e s t e r Davis andMorvvin Still are among thosefrom this place who have enteredvegetables and livestock in the Suf-folk County fair which is being heldat Riverhead this week.

Mrs. David Goodfellow will behostess to her bridge club tliis even-ing.

Mrs. Carl Holschuli and daugh terSuzanne and Mrs. Raymond Still andson Raymond, have returned jt'rom afew clays' visit with Mrs. James Suy-dam in Cape May, N. J.

Mr, and Mrs. MacDonald arc nowresiding in ' the. small bouse; on Les-:ter Davis! farm.

Mr. and' Mrs. William Richterspent tho weelc-eiftl' at their bunga-low on the Mt, Sinai road, '

Mrs. Mamie La Rij o and son Henryof Roosevelt are spending some timowithr, Mr, and Mrs. Sidney., Ballanee.


Pleading guilty to a charge ofpossessing a slot m a c h i n e , Jos-eph Brody, stationery store pro-prietor, of j 296 East Main street,Patchogue, was- fined $50 yesterdayby Justice of the Peace WillardB. Mbnsell. The charge was pre-ferred Thursday, when BrookhavenTown police confiscated the machinein the Brody store.

Well-knowTi Sayviliite"Capt. Frank" Rogers, Dies

HENY FRANK ROGERS of Can-dee aveiiue, Sayville, affection-

ately known as "Captain Frank" toresidents in that locality, died at hishome a week ago Sunday.

Mr. Rogers , during his lifetime,had broken nearly every major bonein his body, even to breaking hisneck . at one time. At the time ofhis death he was dockmaster for Isliptown at the Sayville dock. He hadfallen from a bicycle May 14 andfractured his hip and spent a num-ber of weeks in the Southside hos-pital and though making a1 good re-covery, succumbed to heart failure.

He was born June 22, 1866, in Say-ville and at an early age entered thebuilding trade. Mr. Rogers was ac-tive in Fire department activities andother organizations and always hada boat on which he took his friendsand strangers for fishing parties.


Seventeen young ladies were re-ceived into the Congregation of theSisters of St. Joseph in the SacredHeart chapel at Brentwood on thefeast of the Assumption, Sunday oflast week. The young women, dress-ed as brides entered the chapel forthe ceremony carrying bouquets ofwhite flowers and were attended bya cross-bearer , a graduate of theacademy, ancl two small trainbearers .


S T A N D A R D SI SPSfef Determined by i|8§2j WmJ Experience \SltfI todj&f wSsSvi !l y t i r j S°3'v'* c;e!;- performed V » f )i LwJw ky O- B - Davis are w7r)iIWlf set . apart from or- \&$SIif f f i dinary funeral di- tori j![jjf reetion by the sym- ¥fl J\W pathy and under- V |jj l standing of every V jj|\ m e m b e r of our / j j ,tin sta^''

r",^ e,'v exPcr- ./nfIlm ience ancl training WM \J rS\ is guided by the /*W|iWlk finest of Pro:fcs" Awtf •( iraf *

s*-onn l standards at f f j jrll[<gm all times. Mg W§

!lW=Snl Lady Assistant ifSsAJlI M tiQTft^ ¦* iHWrfVP^ <»l ¦

1 MHK2$1 '" Attend'tHc0 S ^mtnx1 Mtvi n Ofllce P. J. 285—Kealdenco P. J. U4 | -.'¦

] rimornl Homo P. J, 300—E8ti.bll8.icil 18BS 5 I

0„ B. Davis, IncMFUNERAL HOME Sl

J fcORT JEFFERSON, N; Y, |$"«^»ll«l»(l*MWl«»llW|«l«<l«l»(»«WI<M»OMW )«l»««l«aV(l«»0,a»!! ¦(