twk il l s , daiily fs^ w...

Y our' TWK ---------- -- .701* L j«>, 223. (M itW BAPAUME IS -CONMED Guillemont and ' ' GindKy Also in ....Hands of the "British Forces LOiroOU, A ng^ a9.— BapaTuse/.QInd^ w d G l^- m oot h»ve l)ee& oaptoi^it, i t . was learned here t^^ren*.- tae.' ■■ , Olfiol;/ ttiid OoiQeisoat * are west ot Oombles. Cagture of Noyon Also Confirmed MmxM, Jutm Tnsdt liftTt Mptend U070& tad HotUneoBrt,- *« iwuid to- nl«W. LilfflBl 1 iWlHESS; flirera/t Director ■ Ryan. De-1 dares Allied GQvemments- I Clamoring far It I ' wAairaaTOS, Ausut-t»,-«» IJbcft/ motor li » rwd saeean, weord; * ' ing to Airtraft Plwetor By«L_ To proTB bla claimB he bu pointcO ont . Jbflt tbo allicil goTcraooot* Jim claai- . oriaff for thl» typo of cnjina In qUM- (itiei boyooa Amcrlca'f proaont po*er * (if prodnetion. ' , ilowDvcr, Kyaa tli«t fBgko pro- iliiclloa la now boomlDj enA-that eon- (ot l!-cyll«J«i labtrtji- tavo •' < moTO-thwi bowi tiouMee, ® at 50,000. ‘ • (' „. h. ';-i^ '''K aW ‘«S]iB4et LtUftfUcs and Hlipano •" .?Si»(rnirc:-lc!ng.flon.trnelod alao. TOo « yoIlaviJMd pJane of Jwprovcd ttodeJ ^ ' baa eofflfl to quantity produeUon, bnt I« If haa boea fonnJ ncccwary to acmp «" tli'o'Briitol 0* uasflfo and of wall mil- oi Ilary advantapo. Pronch aid li) oak* .. ing It poaaJblo to havo ttreo typoi 0 ! J‘ piano uilng tho Liberty 12. Italian aid , i« dovlBlag neWmodOn. ^ federation FOR ' ' MIKAN PEOPIE (In Qonoral.PIan pi Amerieaa Oov- u crtimcttt Urged by leftderB of OpproBSod Baoo . by WABHINQTON, AnpAt 89.-Eatab- lUhmcnt of fl aoutbam 0Uv federation , wolded oa. tho aehcmo of tie United Slates ta befng nrRCd 6r leaflora of tha .. oppressed Balkin pcoplpa now scatter- “fd acrou aereral n»Uon»l-l)onnanTle8. , Olhon, howover, ara orglag a strong- Iv ccntraliiod alnlo, tliid»aUB8 di- - vWona tfltween tho.Croata, 8crba and r r BlMCTM , 'Who tomiftsa the wutheru .‘Jfar race- . aerman nnd Auatrlnn propatcandlats nttfflaklajr efforU t&dWido the threo Sto bi^ichca of thft race. inquestI eld ON ACCIDENT VICTIMS o.. \ ' ' ' Hop Espleslon la Mln* of Padflc Ooast * j ' Ooal Oompany to Bo In- Wftttatod ^ 'TAOOMA, Wash, Augnit 29.—An ' iaqoent will he.heU.tti» nfloniooa onx / the bodlea of.tho twel*# mlnen.killed TlomeU, thirty ailei sontheast o! hfrc, yfrtorday when on exploilon oo- «Ttfd (J«.p In the talae o< t t i PatifSe j . Ooart Coal company. BeTon men «fro m,j, klUcd outright und one o« the four 5 ^41 ; lonsly Injnred died In * Taeom* hospl; tal nfter hating, been brought hero on n'apeclnl train. Little hope ia held for tbe roeoTory Of three rem^filn; in- jam). - HU The ciploalon oeeorwd 800 foot ho- ' 'AJ fnw. the iurfaeo and Its eauso la nn- Mem jmown. Tha shock wu ot terrfflo plied "ifom and:ahook tho towa of Bnmatt food, and cQiToandlng lillacBB. ' CaH< for Hn a lulp wcte m t U aw -ty alsvl»i tpwa» Th nnd aoTaral phyalelana hmriea to the lion »e«6e of'the acelflcnt. . , • ' potl t p V o te G atjn o t B e “S : FOBi) m /m Michigan . '.DEMOCRATKrPRIMAfilE S ' lAsai. B^bUcan WnBlaiUca 1 Haaty Veto—HoWhonr Wlaf— . Ford Xa' B»«md D PETROIT, Uleh.,, Augoit £».—K| ures today ahowod no ^oUtive eJtaaj In tho Unitod States aonotorlat primar mee, Henry Pord bapjoff ejuHy »o the DemDemtic nomleatlon and loitth a Dcpubllran nomination hy a haay vote. lioports /rom 1 ^ 9 proelneta out 0 tho toW of bam lA tho^at»te Ford 68^73, Nawbury 100^00, tad Oi ^ bom 40417. ■. . ' ' RUSSIANS SIGN MORE ' TREATIES WITH HUNS flav^uisBkai7 AitlciM X>«al vttt •piindtl^ OjT«l*ir JW , , . Ma'ttMt It . OOPENHAOENTTujMt .. fuppleweatary peaeo treitiei, fttfard- ing fbuU flU ^d elril law, wera sign- ed by Orrmw and BnsiitB deh««tea at ♦ . tbe foTolga offite ToMdiy, atcertog to aa offieial dlapaUh Keelved from Berlin* today. AMERICAS! LEAGUE PARK IS SELECTED FOli GAMES \ ■ Qedes Begins In OUeago and lst«T- ' tst in BrA t Bonnlst BIfti' CniCAOO, 'Aagijt fiOAPwjdd«it Woeghroon, of tho ^ileago Cuhs'aa- noDoeed tbat the world'a. aeries to lu bold here bftflnnlng Bepteaber 4 ^U1 he play«a la'the.Ainot(tan league ? « k S waa W «n to me'ttn oioro thno-tha ot- pcoled inlerfiJk hns been «aplayed by /nns. White Sox park wUl aecbmmo- <la|« Ifrgcr crowd*. Secretary Oralg- ' h e ^ anAouAced that advance demanda for'.tldtaU'juatiflod .preparations for !- Jjandlin’ i: the patbai prwddont Oo- miskey, of tho.^ 1 ;^ Sox offered the uw of'.the pirt'W lhont remuneration- MANUFACTURER PRAISES BRDOMCORN FROM FILER o.'TfoiiroS^'iSaaM i ' W ith TInlllQ# Oiop—W B . _ Exhlhrt at Ito ' Ope of thp interrttlng exhiblta at tho I '* Twin Falla eounly fair thia yenr will i bo'.a dltplav of btootntitn tbowa- Uy J, 0. Ueggh iiom his field o w Filer, 1 . Mr. Nogglo raised hrooncora last year i I and the buyer of hla crop, nn oxpeil- r f oneed broom maker, declares that there ( it no finer (jroomeora jrown.In Okla- i horon or Xnnsas. „It ia of.tho Joiietta c , vnrlely and prodncej^rl^Jr.'Noggle.iaya, one tn 'IH 'tb h i, worth i$100. per ton, n per acrc. Be tt offering through tho . farm bureau to «Jve seed fJM to any b (Kp who will pay posugc. ^ . j| JEANETTE RANKIN’ LOSES 1' ______ <1 Early Primary Eetnma. ftom Mont^_ Indlato Opponent Will.WUr' 5.000 TOaa^ty HinT>i M«b^ AiijfU«t l/fi.—A llb o u ^ SUsN .Iranptte llnnkin refused m iy *o- ilnylntontitdt' hc’Vilofcnt .l'V Dr. C. M. U'lirtniin Ul Ihtt rnfo for tbe RtpuUltan - nomlnafion /ar-lM u-d BtiUri Senator, othpr* prpilietPil Uncltum wmiU wlu • bv votM.’ W ’ MIm Itnnkln B.idp ami 811- W t How hy’^1— f LniiMnmi will Jippo!>p 8<‘rintur Wnl"b In the final lOeftlon. Wilh Rankm rliminntofi, it .’is prpiliclcd' tbu no-called I.ronrcjuivi-'rlenicnl will nupjHjrt Walih who will nl5o bnvfl’the'i<iippnrt of I’ron- iiicrit Wilion. WftUh #li"> i" roimtinR oil {hf Idlior vote. |g. GOVERNOR VJ]n S OVER "; SAN-FRANCISCO MAYOR »b ____ . •• om Stovens Wins Bhpttblleaa Komlnatlos .Jo hr plnnlity of Awod 10,000 Votes to^ SAN FBANCMOoi August 2I>.- uni Qovernor Stephens haa been oomlnjitod 00( Itpiniblicnn candidate for gOTe'nior by I a .jiliirallty of approxlmotely; 16,000 fin vol<» ovvT Jm t» Bolph, mayor of Baa exj J'raneisco.- ‘ ' .............................. - J t e t u Eua trnm 4,5111. p r c clnBlJL n f fi^SOa Ing itl tho etale gave Stephens 140,1(13; poi IWph 134, 317. ' ■ *an ’Fhe D«m<veratlc nawlnation probably U i trill go to Franfl* J. Heney, althou^ tlolph haa previonriy beaten Heney on tho-face of the retnnis by » plnralltr Jf 18,000. Tho sUto law which pro- Ublta a candidato aeeeptisg the nom- ination of nnotber party nnlesa ho »lna bis.own party’s aomlnation pTob- ibly .wlil present .Bolph ftpm running m tho Ucmo'craUa ticket . m m TSA2TOto5v87S^M TAILS 'ASfflT^aDAM.-'ArsgOst £9.—Coring .lenday’a fighting Oerman d n m np- . lUeJ thflr llnei with ammnnitioa and ood, a efmI:offIeral dlipaUh from Bei- In stated today.’ ^ Thia may be arceptA aa an indie*- , ion of failuro of the Qerman trans- ort'ayatem in *omr regiooa. S w o rn In " a t ■ t h e E l iLLS TWIM TJdXa, n>AHO, TE M f = in p d i fluul a n OP VHPmsOH flIEfitlll irCT . ' ird- . / • -------- '•Ji Total of. Gemian Troops Cap* tured SftiOB July .First Esfi- mated Ope Hundred and TVielve Thousand =s '■ Br OA^ a asoAT «• fUnited Pratt ataff CoJrespondoot) : WASniNQTpN, A u ^ 29.—Twen-. tyithoaaand t« tireoty-firo thonsand Greman prisoners eonstitnto Ameri- ?■ enr’fl poriion eftho griat allied haul J* of 112,000 capUvei alaeo July 1. ^ f s e figure* sro 'haaod -.on -ea>ofaJ' cstitm'ote*'of Importjint war depart- '*■ nent officlala today. The la<t otilelai figures po Amoripan. totals woro 17,- OOO towards tno end of the Soissons- Itheima struggle. After that time “* several sliable l>aga weto taken, uid the Amerleana htiYe continued to toko ^ pctsonera otcc »iece the laaia figh^sg died down. What ratio the ptlsoneu the <^ead nnd wonnded Ja somewhat doabt- , ful. One hl«h ■ officer etUtmated to ' R tho UnlUd Proas tbat the Taoton dead and wounded eortalnly nm moTo than , cttpCMOfl. • - Buss bsa SMTUy , On'the-whole thore.Ia tuf laelinatJoa . to boUoVp that tho Oomaa casualties,’ ,0 including' prieonerai run a half mllUoa U or more tinee Jnly 1. . y floraany wa| reported’ b Mai^ p, ri'id^’ to sscrifie© a aJlUoa or moro ,T men.lo neeompllsh her alma. The Oe^ I- man mernlo -sow Is ot a lower obb than « ever. Oflleora aay tMa 1« proTod by I- tho Inereaslugly largo nombot of prj^- a onora the B rit^ hate takea. 1 , ^ 5fany of thtso have shown a rema»k- 1 , ftWe wlUlogftoM to bo taxfa. 0 . Whether softo. plan will bo pade for . f brlnirtn* Qorowi ptlwnota to America Ja a subject wnr dopnrtnont author^ ^ tfe« deellQo to dWaaa. It Ja knoira, 1 iiowevor, that tho matter hna been' an- der acrious dlacusaion- ClSTllffl J ' 1 SMBIiUP= W ar Bills This-M onth Estim at- ed at Nearly Twice That of a Year Ago, ! ----------- ( .WASHINGTON, Anguat .29.-W nr , hllla thia month will approilmato II,- 021.000.000, nearly twlco the amonnt— " ♦870,000,000—expended during Auguit a year ago. Thus-the war toll la now mnnJng aboot n day or oror #S,- 01)0,000 an hour, a slight iaercaae o»or •JoJy. - „li Auguit figures-bring tho total<oit , to America of the war to date to over ' 115.700.000.000 and tho cost aince 'uary'l this year to ovef •10,600,000,- iooo. ' , K AM{pj»t'a a^prorimaUaa pro»«» finally accurate, this wUl bo the moat *• expeaBl?# month jdaco Amorica got ^ info tho fftmg^o,-tite nort larjrert tre- » lnR_Jnac.jtliciL_IW12.00!yiD0_:Bna poured' Into the war maw. Aad the aami figurea'show that tho cost today ‘’j’ U jost double that of a yoar ago. --------------------------------- il 1*0 GEM STATE’S t. HONORROLL “i —I alos icttlft* la Actioa whi< -ii- - nnLMP KiBK - . - j :. _ , Idaio ^ • wowded Bererely ' Qpn, WtAWOlfl OILBBtT rleai , arangirm Idato - v BAPT. B. BALDWDT , Hairt«a. Xdabs ■68 blbbbt p . Bioa ___ ^ ^ jretome, Idalt» E lection*—Y o u M ttsi , , DAII , TnnBSDAT, AUQUST 20, 1018. ji¥ lOl AbLES CON^ PRESS^ “ Cbmbli^ Rl in ed'by British—Javif III Are Fighting, Re : Entire Gernian i ^ ALLIES PRESS FOR AT ALL POIN md ------------ PARIS, August 29. (4:1C luitc d(!clnre.H it imdcrflfaiidH i)oen dcfinitel.v vanquished. PrpvioiiH reports (ho HtrootH of Noyon, but tlio' anrt Frcnch wore liiHt reported fivi! eri- miles «f l^auJ, whirb ik the ““1 inost' importmit railway ocnter svltW n Ujft «\!iont. jrt. Tho-^allieH- are known to bc 0*1 withiii: Tour miles of Poroano, IV ^liih! the British aile 911 flie out«kiftK of Piipaiime. Tho four 5S large,';ktownn thus remainini' Iko withiliUhe lii^ piickot aro thus lag appnwntly ’doonied. , Albert, Montdldier, 'Ghauln.e?,:..^^GHlG, Royv; i»u\ linvo nil to hwn rcoccupiod., 4d • Back to Hew SOQoe IJaa u . Tlift aennaaa aO itadrhaT ftlW - toiwStliack-to t»« « « te r part of,, tiielf nSw BetJune defeailT# Uae be- °.B tw»ea Pom M and .Koyoo. Near; (*>' . l7 tw^tlilnlj of th« tuighul Tie- ardy salient hia been ellmlnato^, • Tho oaly Inrporiaot tm nk lino raU> Bh itiu temalnlns la Oetoan » bands are those ftom 'ifoytm to Lafero and Hasi, ‘from Elam to ^ Pertmsa and St.' Qneatin aod fnm * Bapaome to Peroaoe, St. QMntla and 'OahnL ' The Oetmaas a n now fighting vlth thalr hacks to the Soaime. * Admce.Sfi: m itt JJ ' In' tbeir ailvante yesterday^ the ^ Frcnch awept forward an nditloqttl alx , mllei on a front of about S5 miles, capr ,! turing forty villageo nml rearhiBg the now Oermnn defenses on tho Sommo from'CiMncourt, five mile* aouth of iV'foDOff to tho vicinity ot'Soyoa. Ptrt <if thU lino ts fotmod by tho Sommo mill Iho remainder by tho nnrth canal. .foi»in(( this operation on the north I tlio. BritSih mwlo an ^ppieciaWe ad- vance on bolh sides of tho dumme, where it flows in a wealorly illroetion— cnjiturlng Curlu, four mile* west of i'oronne, oad TVoiaei, five miles aouth Ilf Ucrbecourt oad south of tho rlrer. Qaaadlaas Near Bnlleconrt The OaaadUns are withia aboat a mlio of Bdlleconrt (a mUo aim a half aoatheast of Orolselles and ' Elndecomt (two'mllea east - of OrolsUlaa). { Thep'apont_tho night cleaning out a - inn»* ot dBROWl*’anil pockot* fiHeil in ' Iiv tlio Oermana, incluillnn tfiO fnmous ' :;,<i00 ynrd cuncrctc tunnel running wc"t frum Bullocourt tu thu Benico river. . Frcnch troops ore fighlity in Noyon, nreordlng to repnrta rccoived from the bnttle froat early today. Tbe town whi'rli now formii tho ftpex of a sharp salient j« hoavily d«f«ado<l by machine gnnn. J t ia alro'oily outflnnked fromj Iho northwest. |K , Noyon la enTebJpod from the He northeast aad southeast aia tloa to the prossnre from the aoDth b and northwest Fighting U going ret oala ths oorthvestorosuhorbft. j/. Oerman irtlllcry la ly ing .down a Tiplent barrage and .gaa bom b^m eat tbo 01. tho nttacking French but Qenoral I Hombwt's army la cwiylng-out Ita lioj iflflnking. moTemont - toWard , 0'Vi'’^ > lo f - ! two mllea north of Noyooj aceontnating' do* ,llio enemy retreat toward Oniicarf,]dij, five mile* northeaat of Noyon, or|,t«n Chauiiy, ten mllea east of Noyon. |xh( The Oennana nro rosiatiag fiercely aat nlon^f Ibe dry bed of the jprib ea«M which they haxo ttanafcrwed lato ‘ Dl voritahlo citadel with numeronii' , cblno_guns. -Botweefl (ho Ailetto aad tbo 01ii«h : " Opneral Mfngin’e nrmy la Tigorocsly P fieaniag oot the area o u t of Ma^eaap, tora four miles southwest of Chaoaoy. darl ' Pxmcb Tllhtffi Qrup and ‘'speeding up thelr adirance tio ®"* French haro enlarged their held on tho ^ (Ooatlased m p«C* ^ 0; »t R e g iste r I f Y o u 'Sy< LY fs Iff len MTiNUE TO . :iERMANS BACIc _________ Railway Center, Outflanli vigny, Where Americans Reported Captured— m Line Endangered ')RWARD RAPIDLY INTS ON LONG FttONl i:10 ]). m.)—Tho Joiimal Doh De ids' tlm t Iroth Novoii and Ham havi i. Iho Pr(*n<-li won* finUUng in the tho --------------- ------------------------------------- Yankees Smash Huns ,to Near Chavigny ' ”'*■ Br.FEBD a PHramoK he (United Pretts BUff Correspondent) no, WITH THB AMEEIOAN AB-, tlio u n is' ZN FBANpE,’August 80.— Tho Americana holding the impor . lant sector northwest of Ohartgay, ‘‘‘t cooporatlng with the Fiaocb troops lUa ttade* Oeawsl Kaagls. » irt, sQuhlng attack on the Oertuiii' supported by taaka. •li • The, flrat resulU wore reaU»d' within a fowl mlantos after the I troops w (^ optered.~thtoDg|L A j jinnber of pHMaea wew_Ukea_- g- hot these luiTB'ab't yet-beeoi'eonat'- raVrtad and aM in the ravines | nufllag thzvsgli the enm y Use^^ . . bet tbe tanki rQsh^'f()nnrd and quickly orercame thaio, the ac«aa- 1 paayiag lAfaotry rapidly cleaalag ) thea up. i Combles Outflanked , ’ ' By British , , MOTOS, AMVM 20. - B:1S p. IB.—Ootablea,’ the Important rail- way town'jMuthwest of Feronae has boisn batfOLnk'ed'by the British, he ■acordlng to reports received this Ax evening.. Tho town Is practically ' >Pr eodfclsd. BzJtlih Ueopt tn o n th a I I'O oataklits of U uopu, a nUe and a ' RO half south Of Oomblc^ while patrols of hava entered Lea Boiiefa, two mllea rt north of. Oomblea, and Uorral, a I'O mUe and a hair aorthoaat of Com- \ ll. bio^ . ; th - The Freflch aro reported to haro ^ d captured Jovlgny, whero Ameri- j e, cans are flghtiag. j jB S iiiiif; I I B Pli: ifiNLOK; I : .N ,, Investigator Confident that th e !. ; Kaisijr Has Already Chosen j’ f Successor to Nicholas ]“ ‘i NKW <YOBK,” "^mru»t 29.-JamM **J I Keeley, former oJltor of the, Chicago ncralil, believes Oermany will won mako on effort to rejtore a monarchy lo Ituuia and that tho kaiser has al- ready ehosen tho suecejsor lo Njeholas .. II. - K teier hna' jo rt Toturticd- from a ‘ tripJoJ^aropr aadn atJho-rixjUMt-of — the cammitteo on publlo Information. Keeley nlao declared it to bo hla bo- K lief that from ono qnarter to a third « of-tho 'Bussian workinj; pooplo _«in V doomed to'dedth from starvation'and ; ^aeaae before noxt anmmor, duo -lo tbo po; terrible' coniUliooa In that nation, fu I Thero Is no Ind'uatry and no food. Tho ae| ^nation'a gold reeerro haa beeo stolen, ^o Down Twenty Planes " PAHis, Aoguit 2S.—Americnn avia- _ tors bronght down SO' Oorman pianos daring the first two we<k> of Aogbti aad probably aceounted for eleven oth- F ora, the Uetlt Parislen declawd today, tiei During tho aame period thoy mado In 904 flij^ts, eagagedjU ,S4 fights mod trs^ droppe^. 18,000 ponn^Tof' bombJb^ ■, thei Syould V o te i m M , PEIOB trVB'OOTTB'. ip P ffl ' uur 0 1 a ip ii * fllSlESS . . ■■ - Genera! CalielHnfoniiS'Consiil at Nojales tfiat U 'n te -ITiey B e h a v e .H e J in i a k e Every-., D o :' tiling He Has Across the Line' liavc - ' _____ • ■ .. J NOOALeS, Arlrow, August 80j-0no' ^ round of 18 ahota from nn American . mafhloe gun wa»-tlTed-ntTM»*the bor- iS dor 'about 10 o'elock lost night as the* Amorienn answor to Mexican ahots. It wu'noiiounced hero today.' During tlir night i» total of aboot IW) ahot* t) were fireil. The Americana did not ^ ' reply uotll .abouj.^ ahota had come "* rtppoM the ItiiyfrM the Uexlcan aide. Thl* morBlBg <ratiro fiulot prevailed' during the hours imm;)diatoIy folloW'* ^ ing daybrenX doe to Ooneral Cabell’s *_ uHimatum that if the uexleam did . not cease their ' ‘foollthneu" he woold I't*ke evtrytwog I have” w taa'thn Uno and''“ takc evo/7 tblBf» you haw • * over there."' ,_That.-Ultlsiatum waa deUvtte’i last ^ght-;o'thQ UexIcao'^pBsnl fronviNo-- j " ' ^Ies,^8o'nor«. ' ,-f- •' j'-- * Uexlcaa troopa hiro entrea«hft<l , ^ , Ibemielves In the hills''soiith of Ko ^ gales nnd ot daybrealc this momlng " . tho indications were that a consIde^ K able force was aecdmulatlng. ' AdiUtUaal Mexican troops bave ar- • rived from tho Interior of Moxleo, Ip- . pnrehtly under Carranza’s orders to {'ttien-o tho peaee. T}wrs la anead- J nem, howovor, In Nogales. What the 'Mexicans propose tb do J wm d putde to the peopta ot Koplm today. At almost tho.'moment the Mexicans wero entrenching aerois the , bordor'tbeir represeotatlves wero In No- I gnl^.eon/arring with Amoriua mOl- tary nnd tivll aathorltle*. ' Talk U OvtJ ’ A# a resilll of (biii eoatmaee, it was promlnod thnt ihero shonld bo bo more hottiUttes and tho civilian’ otfielalft agreed to tho opening of tbo border nufficiontly to permit thonianda'of Mexican workmen to-^TISa to tho Amar- leaa side, whoro they aro employed each day. While tho ronferonco apparently wsa. devoid of any hostUllles, It waa anid thnt lasl nSght’*' negotiation leaving ffce eariy Jn ifonbt na to tho next devclopmont. Many bellovo that the closing of tho border In playing tbo Ug part Tn the outbreaks. * Mexican C ivilly to Blame I «rew that Mexican • elvlirnns will be mainly blarhed for the Nogales nVlrinlsli. While representa- tions may be mode to PrMldont Car- e rnnka, it now oppesM unlUic^y Jbat tho inrUleat wlU become » jjravo ono- ^ Tbo Mato depnrtment propones to with- hold ftO)-/ jioasibio netloh until tho mil- llnry xJliorltlei on buth aMes. the tine have hnd an opportnlty to lovostl- "ignto fully. With tbfl borderpa)wl' “ Mmigthcned at Nogales, thero la ao doiifit whatever nf the Amerloaa ability ^ to copo with whatever ^ontlngtntlM tbnt might arisa. Continuntloh of the *• J liring-Iw^night-appoaroa to lio-cif ao- Report Of Further O utbreaks Denied NOOABE8, Ari.., A uja.l porta tha’ t thoro had boea tetowod ont-* iS'reaks today at Nogalos and that a negro trooper had killod a Jfoleu worn denied by military aathoritie* bero this oftemoon. Tboro wasjatlro quiet along tie boh. tier throngbout tbo day and no-shots ha^ beea' flrod. Mn.TC OOKDHKSOBS 8HUT DOWIf OH FOTUBB ORWIBa POBTLAND, Oro., lAcgnst 8fl.~Prao- tleallv all tho loaiUng tailk eondoosoti in the Pieifie eoast have notified tho tradff Jiey w)5) fH) no ordflrt artO far- thor noUeo. It waa' learaad-today.

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Page 1: TWK iL L S , DAIILY fs^ w d G l^ - moot h»ve l)ee& oaptoi^it, i t . w as learned here t^ ^ren * .-tae.' ,

Y o u r '

T W K---------- - -

.701* L j« > , 223.


- C O N M E DGuillemont and

' ' GindKy Also in....Hands of the

"British Forces

L O ir o O U , A n g ^ a 9 . —

B a p a T u s e / .Q I n d ^ w d G l ^ -

m o o t h » v e l)ee& o a p to i^ i t , i t .

w a s l e a r n e d h e r e t ^ ^ r e n * . -

ta e . ' ■■ ,

O lf io l ; / t t i id O o iQ e i s o a t *

a r e w e s t o t O o m b le s .

Cagture of Noyon Also Confirmed

M m x M , • J u t m T nsd t liftTt Mptend U 070& tad HotUneoBrt,- * « iwuid to- nl«W.

L i l f f l B l 1 i W l H E S S ;

flirera/t Director ■ Ryan. D e -1

dares Allied GQvemments- I

Clamoring fa r It I

' w A a i r a a T O S , A u s u t - t » , - « » IJbcft/ motor li » rwd saeean, weord; *' ing to Airtraft Plwetor By«L_ To proTB bla claimB he bu pointcO ont . Jbflt tbo allicil goTcraooot* Jim claai-

. oriaff for thl» typo of cnjina In qUM- (itiei boyooa Amcrlca'f proaont po*er * (if prodnetion. ' ,

ilowDvcr, Kyaa m » tli«t fBgko pro- iliiclloa la now boomlDj enA-that eon-

(o t l!-cyll«J«i la b t r t j i - tavo • '< moTO-thwi bowi tiouMee, ®

at 50,000. ‘ • (' „. h. ';-i '''KaW‘«S]iB4et LtUftfUcs and Hlipano •" .?Si»(rnirc:-lc!ng.flon.trnelod alao. TOo «

yoIlaviJMd pJane of Jwprovcd ttodeJ ^' baa eofflfl to quantity produeUon, bnt I«

If haa boea fonnJ ncccwary to acmp «" tli'o'Briitol 0* uasflfo and of wall mil- oi Ilary advantapo. Pronch aid li) oak* .. ing It poaaJblo to havo ttreo typoi 0! J‘ piano uilng tho Liberty 12. Italian aid

, i« dovlBlag neWmodOn. ^

f e d e r a t io n FOR ' ' M IK A N PEOPIE „

(InQ o n o ra l .P Ia n p i A m e r i e a a O o v - u

c r t i m c t t t U r g e d b y le f t d e r B ■

o f O pproB S od B a o o . by

WABHINQTON, AnpAt 89.-Eatab- ■ lUhmcnt of fl aoutbam 0Uv federation ,

wolded oa. tho aehcmo of tie United Slates ta befng nrRCd 6r leaflora of tha

.. oppressed Balkin pcoplpa now scatter-“fd acrou aereral n»Uon»l-l)onnanTle8. ,

Olhon, howover, ara orglag a strong- Iv ccntraliiod alnlo, tliid»aUB8 di- - vWona tfltween tho.Croata, 8crba and r r BlMCTM, 'Who tomiftsa the wutheru .‘Jfar race- .

aerman nnd Auatrlnn propatcandlats nttfflaklajr efforU t& dWido the threo Sto bi ichca of thft race.

inquestI e l d ON ■ACCIDENT VICTIMS o..

\ ' ' ' HopEspleslon la Mln* of Padflc Ooast * j '

Ooal Oompany to Bo In-Wftttatod • ^

'TAOOMA, Wash, Augnit 29.—An ' iaqoent will he.heU .tti» nfloniooa onx / the bodlea of.tho twel*# mlnen.killed

TlomeU, thirty ailei sontheast o! hfrc, yfrtorday when on exploilon oo- «Ttfd (J«.p In the talae o< t t i PatifSe j

. Ooart Coal company. BeTon men «fro m,j, klUcd outright und one o« the four 541; lonsly Injnred died In * Taeom* hospl; tal nfter hating, been brought hero on n'apeclnl train. Little hope ia held for tbe roeoTory Of three rem^filn; in- jam). - HU

The ciploalon oeeorwd 800 foot ho- ' 'AJ fnw. the iurfaeo and Its eauso la nn- Mem

jmown. Tha shock wu ot terrfflo plied "ifom and:ahook tho towa of Bnmatt food,

and cQiToandlng lillacBB. ' CaH< for Hn a lulp wcte m t U aw-ty alsvl»i tpwa» Th nnd aoTaral phyalelana hmriea to the lion »e«6e of'the acelflcnt. . , • ' potl

t ■

p V o t e G a t j n o t B e “ S

: F O B i) m / m M i c h i g a n .

'.D E M O C R A T K r P R IM A f ilE

S ' lA sa i. B ^ b U c a n W nBlaiUca 1 H aa ty Veto—HoWhonr W laf—

. Ford Xa' B»«md

D PETROIT, Uleh.,, Augoit £».—K | ures today ahowod no ^oUtive eJtaaj In tho Unitod S tates aonotorlat primar

mee, H enry Pord bapjoff ejuHy »o the DemDemtic nomleatlon and lo it th

a Dcpubllran nomination hy a haay vote.

lioports /rom 1 ^ 9 proelneta out 0 r» tho to W o f b a m lA th o ^ at» te

Ford 68^73, Nawbury 100^00, ta d Oi ^ bom 40417. ■. . '

' R U S S IA N S S IG N M O R E '


flav^uisB kai7 A itlciM X>«al v t t t • p i i n d t l ^ O jT « l* i r ’

JW, , . Ma'ttMt

It . OOPENHAOENTTujMt . . fuppleweatary peaeo tre i tie i, fttfard- ‘ ing f b u U f lU ^ d e lril law , wera sign­

ed by O rrm w and BnsiitB deh««tea a t♦ . tb e foTolga o ffite ToM diy, a tc e r to g

to aa offieial dlapaUh Keelved from Berlin* today.


IS S E L E C T E D F O l i G A M E S

\ ■ Qedes Begins In OUeago and lst«T- ' t s t in B r A t B onn lst B Ifti'

CniCAOO, 'Aagijt fiOAPwjdd«it Woeghroon, o f tho ^ ileago C uhs'aa- noDoeed tb a t the world'a . aeries to l u bold here bftflnnlng Bepteaber 4 ^U1 he play«a la 'the .A inot(tan league ? « k

S waa W « n to me'ttn oioro thno-tha o t- pcoled inlerfiJk hns been «aplayed by /nns. White Sox park wUl aecbmmo- <la|« Ifrgcr crowd*. Secretary Oralg-

' h e ^ anAouAced th a t advance demanda fo r'.tld ta U 'ju a tif lo d .preparations for

! - Jjandlin’i: th e p a t b a i prwddont Oo- miskey, o f th o .^ 1 ; ^ Sox offered the

• uw of'.the p ir t 'W lh o n t remuneration-



o . 'T f o i i r o S ^ ' i S a a M i' W ith TInlllQ# Oiop—W B

“ . _ Exhlhrt a t I t o

' Ope of thp in terrttlng exhiblta a t tho I '* Twin Falla eounly fa ir thia yenr will i

bo '.a dltplav of b too tn titn tbowa- Uy J , 0. Ueggh iiom his field o w Filer, 1

. Mr. Nogglo raised hrooncora la st year i I and the buyer of hla crop, nn oxpeil- r f oneed broom maker, declares th a t there (

i t no finer (jroomeora jro w n .In Okla- i horon or Xnnsas. „It ia o f.tho Jo iie tta c

, vnrlely and prodncej^rl^Jr.'Noggle.iaya, one t n ' I H 't b h i , worth i $100. per ton, n per acrc. B e t t offering through tho . farm bureau to «Jve seed fJM to any b (Kp who will pay posugc. ^ . j|

J E A N E T T E R A N K IN ’ L O S E S 1'______ <1

E arly Prim ary Eetnma. f tom M o n t^ _ In d la to Opponent W ill.W U r'

5.000 T O aa^ty

H in T > i M«b^ AiijfU«t l/fi.—A llb o u ^ SUsN .Iranptte llnnkin refused m iy *o- ilny ln to n titd t' hc’V ilofcnt .l'V Dr. C. M. U 'lirtn iin Ul Ihtt rnfo fo r tb e R tpuU ltan - nomlnafion /a r- lM u -d BtiUri Senator, othpr* prpilietPil U ncltum wmiU wlu • bv votM.’ W’ MIm Itnnkln B.idp ami 811-

W t How hy’^1— fLniiMnmi will Jippo!>p 8<‘rintur Wnl"b

In the final lOeftlon. W ilh Rankm rliminntofi, i t .’is prpiliclcd' tbu no-called I.ronrcjuivi-'rlenicnl will nupjHjrt W alih who will nl5o bnvfl’the'i<iippnrt o f I ’ron- iiicrit Wilion. WftUh #li"> i" roimtinR oil {hf Idlior vote. |g .

G O V E R N O R V J]n S O V E R " ;

S A N -F R A N C IS C O M A Y O R »b____ . •• om

Stovens W ins Bhpttblleaa Komlnatlos .Jo h r p ln n li ty o f A w o d

10,000 Votes to^

SAN FBANCMOoi August 2I>.- uni Qovernor Stephens haa been oomlnjitod 00( Itpiniblicnn candidate for gOTe'nior by I a .jiliirallty of approxlmotely; 16,000 fin vol<» ovvT J m t » Bolph, mayor of Baa exjJ'raneisco.- ‘ ' ..............................- J te tu Eua trnm 4,5111. prcclnBlJL nf fi^SOa Ing itl tho etale gave Stephens 140,1(13; poi IWph 134, 317. ' ■ *an

’Fhe D«m<veratlc nawlnation probably U i trill go to Franfl* J . Heney, a lth o u ^ tlolph haa previonriy beaten Heney on tho-face of the retnnis by » p lnralltr Jf 18,000. Tho sU to law which pro- Ublta a candidato aeeeptisg the nom­ination of nnotber party nnlesa ho »lna bis.own p a rty ’s aomlnation pTob- ib ly .wlil p resent .Bolph ftpm running m tho Ucmo'craUa t ic k e t .

m m T S A 2 T O to 5 v 8 7 S ^ M TAILS 'ASfflT^aDAM.-'ArsgOst £9.—Coring .lenday’a fighting Oerman d n m n p - . lUeJ th f lr llne i w ith ammnnitioa and ood, a efmI:offIeral dlipaU h from Bei- In s ta ted today.’ ^

Thia may be a rc ep tA aa an indie*- , ion o f failuro of the Qerman trans- ort'ayatem in *omr regiooa.

S w o r n I n " a t ■ t h e E l

i L L STWIM T Jd X a , n>AHO, TE

M f= i n p d

i fluula n OP VHPm sOH

flIEfitlllirCT . ■ 'ird- . / • --------'• J i T o ta l o f . G e m ia n T r o o p s C a p *

t u r e d SftiOB J u l y .F i r s t E s f i-

m a t e d O p e H u n d r e d a n d

T V ielve T h o u s a n d

= s '■

Br OA^ a asoAT « • fUnited P ra tt a ta f f CoJrespondoot) :

W ASniN Q TpN , A u ^ 29.—Twen-. ty ithoaaand t« tireo ty-firo thonsand Greman prisoners eonstitnto Ameri-

? ■ enr’fl poriion e f th o g r ia t allied haul J * of 112,000 capUvei alaeo Ju ly 1. •

^ f s e figure* sro 'haaod -.on -ea>ofaJ' cstitm 'ote* 'of Importjint w ar depart-

'*■ n e n t officlala today. The la< t otilela i figures po Amoripan. to ta ls woro 17,- OOO towards tno end o f th e Soissons- Itheima struggle. A fter th a t time

“ * several sliab le l>aga w eto taken , u id the Amerleana htiYe continued to toko

^ pctsonera otcc »iece th e la a ia f ig h ^ sg died down.

W hat ratio the p tlso n eu b c a r .to the <^ead nnd wonnded Ja somewhat doabt- , ful. One hl«h ■ officer e tU tm ated to '

R tho UnlUd Proas tb a t th e Taoton dead and wounded eortalnly n m moTo than ,

cttpCMOfl. • - B u ss b s a SM TUy

, On'the-whole thore.Ia tuf laelinatJoa . to boUoVp th a t tho O om aa casualties,’

,0 including' prieonerai run a ha lf mllUoa U or more tinee Jn ly 1. .y flo raany w a| reported’ b M a i^ p, ri'id^’ to sscrifie© a aJlU oa or moro ,T men.lo neeompllsh her alma. The Oe^I- man mernlo -sow Is o t a lower obb than « ever. Oflleora aay tM a 1« proTod by I- tho Inereaslugly largo nombot o f prj^- a onora th e B r i t ^ h a te takea .1, 5fany of thtso have shown a rema»k- 1, ftWe wlUlogftoM to bo ta x fa .0 . Whether softo. plan will bo p ad e for . f brlnirtn* Q orow i p tlw nota to America

Ja a subject wnr dopnrtnont author^ tfe« deellQo to dW aaa. I t Ja knoira,

1 iiowevor, tha t tho m atter hna been' an- der acrious dlacusaion-

ClSTllffl J ' 1 SMBIiUP=

W a r B ills T h is - M o n th E s t im a t -

e d a t N e a r ly T w ic e T h a t

o f a Y e a r A g o , !----------- (

.WASHINGTON, Anguat .2 9 .-W n r , hllla thia month will approilm ato II,-021.000.000, nearly twlco the amonnt— " ♦870,000,000—expended during Auguita year ago.

Thus-the war toll la now mnnJng ‘ aboot n day o r o ro r #S,-01)0,000 an hour, a slight iaercaae o»or•JoJy. - „li

Auguit figures-bring tho to ta l< o i t , to America of the w ar to da te to over '115.700.000.000 and tho cost aince

'u a r y 'l th is year to o v e f • 10,600,000,-iooo. ' ,

K AM{pj»t'a a^prorim aU aa pro»«» “finally accurate, th is wUl bo the moat *•expeaBl?# month jdaco A morica go t ^info tho fftm g^o,-tite n o r t larjrert tre- »lnR _Jnac.jtliciL _IW 12.00!y iD 0_:B na ‘poured' Into the w ar maw. A ad the aam i figurea'show th a t tho cost today ‘’j’U jo s t double th a t of a yoar ago.

--------------------------------- il 1*0

G E M S T A T E ’S t .

H O N O R R O L L “ i—I alos

icttlft* l a A ctioa whi<- i i - - n n L M P K iB K - . -j :. _

, I d a io ^• w ow ded Bererely ' Qpn,

WtAWOlfl O IL B B tT rleai, a r a n g i r m Id a to - v


H a i r t« a . Xdabs ■ 68b l b b b t p . B io a ___ ^ ^

jretome, Idalt»

E l e c t i o n * — Y o u M t t s i ,

, D A II, TnnBSDA T, AUQUST 20, 1018.j i¥ ■ lOl

A b L E S C ON^ „ P R E S S ^“ Cbmbli^ Rli n ed'by British—JavifIII Are Fighting, Re

: Entire Gernian i


m d ------------

P A R I S , A u g u s t 2 9 . (4:1C lu i tc d(!clnre.H i t im d c rflfa iid H i)oen d c fin i te l .v v a n q u is h e d .

Prpvio iiH r e p o r t s (ho

H trootH o f N o y o n , b u t tlio ' anrt F r c n c h w o re liiHt r e p o r t e d fivi! eri- m i l e s w « f l^ a u J , w h i r b ik th e ““1 in o s t ' im p o r tm i t r a i l w a y o c n te r

sv ltW n Ujft « \ ! io n t .jr t. Tho-^allieH - a r e k n o w n to b c 0*1 w ith i i i : Tour m i l e s o f P o r o a n o ,I V ^ l i ih ! th e B r i t i s h a ile 911 flie

o u t« k if tK o f P i ip a i im e . T h o f o u r5 S la rg e ,';k to w n n t h u s r e m a in in i ' Iko w i th i l iU h e l ii^ p i ic k o t a r o th u s lag a p p n w n t ly ’d o o n ie d . , A lb e r t ,

M o n td ld ie r , 'G hauln.e?,:..^^G H lG , R oyv; i» u \ lin v o n il

to h w n r c o c c u p io d .,4 d • Back to H ew SOQoe I J a a u . Tlift aennaaa a O i t a d r h a T f t l W

- to iw S tliack -to t»« « « t e r p a rt o f ,, tiielf nSw BetJune defeailT# Uae be-

°.B tw»ea P o m M and .Koyoo. Near;(*>' . l7 tw ^ tliln lj o f th« tuighul Tie-

ardy salient h ia been ellmlnato^, • Tho oaly Inrporiaot tm n k lino raU>

Bh i t i u tem alnlns l a O etoan » bands are those ftom 'ifoytm to

Lafero and Hasi, ‘from Elam to ^ Pertm sa and St.' Q neatin aod f n m *

Bapaome to Peroaoe, St. QMntla and 'OahnL '

The Oetmaas a n now fighting v lth tha lr hacks to th e Soaime.

* A d m c e .S fi: m it t JJ ' In ' tbeir ailvante yesterday^ the ^ Frcnch awept forward an nditloqttl alx , mllei on a fron t o f about S5 miles, capr ,! turing forty villageo nml rearhiBg the

now Oermnn defenses on tho Sommo from 'CiM ncourt, five mile* aouth of iV'foDOff to tho v icinity ot'Soyoa. P trt <if thU lino ts fotmod by th o Sommo mill Iho remainder by tho nnrth canal. .foi»in(( this operation on the north

I tlio. BritSih mwlo an ^ppieciaW e ad­vance on bolh sides of tho dumme, where i t flows in a wealorly illroetion— cnjiturlng Curlu, four mile* west o f i'oronne, oad TVoiaei, five miles aouth Ilf Ucrbecourt oad south of tho rlrer.

Qaaadlaas N ear Bnlleconrt The OaaadUns are w ith ia aboat

a mlio o f Bdlleconrt (a mUo aim a half aoatheast of Orolselles and ' Elndecomt ( tw o 'm lle a east - of OrolsUlaa). {Thep'apont_tho n ight cleaning out a -

inn»* o t dBROWl*’anil pockot* fiHeil in ' Iiv tlio Oermana, incluillnn tfiO fnmous ' :;,<i00 ynrd cuncrctc tunnel running wc"t

frum Bullocourt tu thu Benico river. .Frcnch troops ore f ig h lity in Noyon,

nreordlng to repnrta rccoived from the bnttle froa t early today. Tbe town whi'rli now formii tho ftpex of a sharp salient j« hoavily d«f«ado<l by machine gnnn. J t ia alro'oily outflnnked fromj Iho northwest. |K ,

Noyon la enTebJpod from the He northeast aad southeast aiatloa to the prossnre from the aoDth b and northw est Figh ting U going ret o a l a th s oorthvestorosuhorbft. ‘ j / . Oerman ir tll lc ry la l y in g .dow n a

Tiplent barrage and .gaa b o m b ^ m e a t tbo 01. tho nttacking French bu t Qenoral I Hombw t's a rm y la c w iy ln g -o u t Ita lioj

iflflnking. moTemont - toWard , 0'Vi'’ > l o f - ! two mllea north o f Noyooj aceontnating' do* ,llio enemy retreat tow ard O niicarf,]dij, five mile* northeaat of Noyon, or|,t«n Chauiiy, ten mllea east of Noyon. |x h (

The Oennana nro rosiatiag fiercely a a t nlon^f Ibe dry bed of the jp r ib ea«M which they haxo ttanafcrw ed la to ‘ D l voritahlo citadel with numeronii' , cblno_guns.

-Botweefl (ho A iletto aad tbo 01ii«h : " Opneral M fngin’e nrmy la Tigorocsly P fieaniag oot the area o u t of M a^eaap , tora four miles southwest o f Chaoaoy. darl

' Pxm cb T llh tff i Q ru p and ‘ 'speeding up the lr adirance t io ®"*

French haro enlarged the ir held on tho ^

(Ooatlased m p«C* ^ 0;

» t R e g i s t e r I f Y o u 'S y <

L Y fs



Railway Center, Outflanli vigny, Where Americans Reported Captured— m Line Endangered


i : 1 0 ]). m . ) — T h o J o i i m a l D o h D e id s ' t lm t Iro th N o v o ii a n d H a m havi i . ■Ih o Pr(*n<-li w on* f in U U n g i n th e

t h o --------------- -------------------------------------

Yankees Smash Huns ,to Near Chavigny '”'*■ Br.FEBD a PHramoKh e (United Pretts B U ff Correspondent)

n o , W ITH TH B AMEEIOAN A B -, tl io u n i s ' ZN FB A N pE ,’August 80.—

Tho Americana holding the im por . la n t sector northw est o f Ohartgay,‘‘‘t cooporatlng w ith the Fiaocb troops lUa ttade* O eaw sl K aag ls . »ir t , sQ uhlng a ttack on the O e r tu ii i '

supported by taaka .•li • The, flrat resulU wore reaU »d '

“ w ithin a fowl mlantos a fte r the I troops w ( ^ optered.~thtoDg|L A j jinnber o f pH M aea w ew _ U k ea _ -

g - ho t these luiTB'ab't ye t-beeo i 'eonat'-

raV rtad and a M in the ravines | n u f lla g thzvsgli th e e n m y Use^^

. . b e t tbe ta n k i rQ sh ^ 'f( )n n rd and quickly orercame thaio, the ac«aa-

1 paayiag lA faotry rapidly cleaalag ) th e a up.

i Combles Outflanked , ’' By British, , M O T O S , AMVM 20. - B:1S

p. IB.—Ootablea,’ the Im portant rail­way tow n'jM uthw est o f Feronae has boisn batfOLnk'ed'by the British,

he ■ acordlng to reports received th is ■ Ax evening.. Tho tow n Is practically ' >Pr eodfclsd. BzJtlih Ueopt tnon tha I I'O oatak lits o f U u o p u , a nU e and a ' RO half south Of Oomblc^ while patrols of hava entered Lea Boiiefa, two mllea r t north of. Oomblea, and U orra l, a I'O mUe and a ha ir aorthoaat of Com- \ ll. bio^ . ;th - The Freflch aro reported to haro d captured Jovlgny, whero Ameri- j e, cans are flghtiag. j

j B S i i i i i f ;I I B P li:

i f i N L O K ;I ■ — : . N

,, I n v e s t i g a t o r C o n f id e n t t h a t t h e !.

; K a is i j r H a s A lr e a d y C h o s e n j ’

f S u c c e s s o r t o N ic h o la s ]“

‘ i NKW <YOBK,” "^mru»t 29 .-Jam M **J I Keeley, former oJltor of the, Chicago

ncralil, believes Oermany will won mako on e ffo rt to rejtore a monarchy lo I tu u ia and th a t tho kaiser has al- ready ehosen tho suecejsor lo Njeholas .. I I . - K te ie r hna' j o r t Toturticd- from a

‘ tr ip Jo J^ a ro p r a a d n a tJho-rixjUM t-of — the cammitteo on publlo Information.

Keeley nlao declared it to bo hla bo- K lief tha t from ono qnarter to a third « of-tho 'Bussian w orkinj; pooplo _«in V doomed to 'd ed th from sta rvation 'and ; ^aeaae before noxt anmmor, duo -lo tbo po; te rrib le ' coniUliooa In th a t nation, fu

I Thero Is no Ind'uatry and no food. Tho ae| ^nation'a gold reeerro haa beeo stolen, ^o

Down Twenty Planes "

PA H is, A oguit 2S.—Americnn avia- _ tors bronght down SO' Oorman pianos daring th e f i r s t tw o we<k> o f Aogbti aad probably aceounted for eleven oth- F ora, the U etlt Parislen declawd today, tie i

During tho aame period thoy mado In 904 f lij^ ts , eagagedjU ,S4 figh ts mod trs^ droppe^. 18,000 ponn^Tof' bombJb^ ■, thei

S y o u l d V o t e i


i p P f f l 'uur 0 1

a i p i i

* fllSlESS. . ■■ -

G e n e ra ! C a l i e lH n f o n i iS 'C o n s i i l

a t N o ja l e s t f i a t U ' n t e -ITiey

B e h a v e .H e J i n i a k e E v e r y - . ,

D o : ' t i l in g H e H a s A c r o s s t h e L i n e ' liavc - ' _____ • ■ ■ ■

. . J NOOALeS, A rlrow , August 8 0 j-0 n o '^ round of 18 ahota from nn American . mafhloe gun wa»-tlTed-ntTM»*the bor-

iS dor 'about 10 o'elock lost n igh t as the* Amorienn answor to Mexican ahots. It w u 'noiiounced hero today.' During t lir night i» tota l of aboot IW) ahot*

t ) were fireil. The Americana did not ^ ' reply uotll .a b o u j.^ ahota had come "* rtppoM the Itiiy frM the Uexlcan aide.

Thl* morBlBg <ratiro fiulot prevailed' during the hours imm;)diatoIy folloW'*

^ ing daybrenX doe to Ooneral Cabell’s *_ uHimatum that if the uex leam did .

not cease their ' ‘foo llthneu" he woold ’ I 't* k e evtry tw og I have” w t a a 't h n

“ Uno a n d ''“ takc evo/7 tblBf» you h a w •* over th e re ." '

„ ,_That.-Ultlsiatum waa deUvtte’i la st ^g h t-;o 'th Q UexIcao'^pBsnl fronviNo--

j " ' ^Ies,^8o'nor«. ' •

, - f - • ' j ' - -

* U exlcaa troopa h ir o entrea«hft<l ,^ , Ibemielves In the hills''soiith o f Ko^ gales nnd o t daybrealc th is momlng " . tho indications were th a t a consIde^K able force was aecdmulatlng. '

AdiUtUaal Mexican troops bave ar- • rived from tho Interior of Moxleo, Ip-

. pnrehtly under Carranza’s orders to {'ttien-o tho peaee. T}wrs la anead-

J nem, howovor, In Nogales.What the 'M exicans propose tb do

J wm d p u td e to th e peopta o t K oplm today. At almost tho.'moment the Mexicans wero entrenching aerois the

, bordor'tbeir represeotatlves wero In No- I gn l^ .eon /arring with Amoriua mOl-

ta ry nnd tiv l l aathorltle*.

' Talk U O v tJ ’A# a resilll of (biii eoatmaee, it was

promlnod thnt ihero shonld bo bo more hottiUttes and tho civilian’ otfielalft agreed to tho opening of tbo border nufficiontly to permit th o n ia n d a 'o f Mexican workmen to-^TISa to tho Amar- leaa side, whoro they aro employed each

■ day.

While tho ronferonco apparently wsa. devoid of any hostUllles, I t waa anid thn t la sl nSght’*' negotiation leaving ffce eariy Jn ifonbt na to thonext devclopmont.

Many bellovo th a t th e closing of tho border In playing tbo U g p a rt Tn the outbreaks.

* Mexican C i v i l l y to Blame

I «rew th a t Mexican • elvlirnns will be mainly blarhed for the Nogales nVlrinlsli. While representa­

tions may be mode to PrMldont Car- e rnnka, it now oppesM unlUic^y Jbat

tho inrUleat wlU become » jjravo ono- ^ Tbo Mato depnrtment propones to w ith­

hold ftO)-/ jioasibio netloh until tho mil- llnry xJliorltlei on buth aMes. the tine have hnd an opportnlty to lovostl-

"ign to fully. W ith tbfl b o r d e r p a ) w l '“ Mmigthcned at Nogales, thero la ao

doiifit whatever nf the Amerloaa ab ility to copo w ith whatever ^ on tlng tn tlM

tbnt might arisa. Continuntloh of the *•J liring-Iw ^night-appoaroa to lio-cif ao-

■ R e p o r t O f F u r t h e r

O u t b r e a k s D e n i e dNOOABE8, Ari.., A u ja .l

porta tha’t thoro had boea te tow od o n t- * iS'reaks today a t Nogalos and th a t a negro trooper had killod a J f o l e u worn denied by m ilitary aathoritie* bero th is oftemoon.

Tboro w as ja tlro quiet along t i e boh. tier throngbout tbo day and no-shots ha^ beea' flrod.


POBTLAND, Oro., lAcgnst 8fl.~Prao- tleallv a ll tho loaiUng tailk eondoosoti in the Pieifie eoast have notified tho tradff J ie y w)5) fH) no ordflrt a rtO far- thor noUeo. It waa' learaad-today.

Page 2: TWK iL L S , DAIILY fs^ w d G l^ - moot h»ve l)ee& oaptoi^it, i t . w as learned here t^ ^ren * .-tae.' ,

J ..-PAOB t w o - . ' .

f f e o B i f f

^ 1 - f l l g S S I: . C o n f lre s s P r a c t i c a l ^ i i e a d ;

! S e n t) M a if c P o w e r B ill t o

‘ ■ ■ .P res i ile n t f o r t i l s 'S i jn ’ai

' P E N R O S E A M E i i D t a T

; R E M A IN S F O R D iS P O !

aad' Bonato Opnfci ■ ' Xaie 'ffpHiit'tot Today

_ W c i i h t j n a AoHoipj. '^ ro V d o r Takes a Han

■ " By t . 0 . Ma u TIN f O o i to a .h w f lu f f CprtMpoflde, WAfiTTINOTON, SO.-

•. , K tm J!Mf>o*Ba,’ta iODiJ tbo man p . WH to: PrkJl^flRt* Wllaon to,l«y.

' 1 "moolh ou t Jo. ’ I'i!nro»e fltnonilmBn. , , Ucvlu^ r r i r . t r a i . t . o f iho seed

1 oieaiplloB. Tho h o w, ".'""'“ •o coofohjt* BDnOUDPOij )/Ut J

« h b y .lia a ,^ p o td , b n t Jotor ama . fh li n tito o w t , l i j p „

nmenament lita to bo thrcthod oot V ■ •-------^ ^ - l% V o i t . , .> J a n h a r 'Ooneml Cro

"M to fijjht out th li guPatioo tho conf«h!acfl tb li ferooooB. •

M n« B oili P r tp m U o M '

->»O J t o United Prew in » d v „ ^ too ftrj{utn«nt hn wod to thB 'ronfran pritt!e»l]y t i u j : '

Tbo' prOfCDt d raft In «n omorg — nj»h orflor fo r ne ji. -^.Tbojr.rmol

alMBod np ld jy , If the <,000,000 , I’rogtoffi Uj Juuo t* to bo flecompji

J , and victory it to bo. whlovod And I f tbo }p>vor»mtnt h

rxunlno iato all quottlonaalren asi tcrm lM « t» p H b » l l » l f tbo J9)9

■ - tory i» likely to bo delayo.l. In « n i p la te C row Jer'i ty»)em m: i» cortain tha t a va«t oumbsr o f fo r t \ m 1, th a t i i r> » no t c )a ]a b emptlon, and oot ill vital b d u i w m bo laiiBo.llBl«).- flvallflWo tor vieo.

F o r thow nho <?)a3nj oxomptif wHl bo necM m y ouly to e n m lw !^a*o ot the qvetUoshalTf, tbo i irn a t’j ground. _ for exeiopiion c

On tbo p tio r haod, i t the gvrero had to dttbrraino t i e oiotnpUo

_ _ would, aisount to wajn'ialDif r t j attttemenu of oil thp rcgU tranti, a of 'unuiuaJJj w t ' proportJon* woold nccotMrily defeat the »nee fluen t il) the fcjjj.

• W ia t A m «ato«ai KOlod Crowder and bl* frlondn worked

ftH A y yortwdBy to bavc the an mtrtt killed. ToJay ho'tooR the "llroft to thu cnaferenco »od It peara'llkely that the anioiidment *

lu any cam-, (hero ira i «o di tha t th li ijUMtion would ilolay pr

. ialion of tho bill to the houao ncnntfl noon n ftrr they moot todaj

The work or fight ameDdmont Ii io tbo blM. Honae eontercoa abaoli rofueed to accept. Boiiate.couforee fusc3 fo r two looaoiia: becauao 'did not want to 'd eJ iy the^inny Rrom and l>eeeuao tbo prcneot d low coDlalni> a proviilon tha t no ro

■ cxoroptlon shall continue n f to r ' cauao for whieb It wa» g r a n ts

............loBRer o*rat*. T hat eoofoteo»'aj;to«.•learly a work or flgjit proWaloo,

An lanudaw n t wa» ag to« l to vidinjf tba t the gorernnent mnit vX*\. offlcew UQlfoTRsi at, tinX, If

rflcoff requeat it. Tho Treadway am m eal p to v U b s for TetotoWng of

' ..ferred cItMe# waa utrJckcn out on Rioimi r t a t U mlglii ewibarTa>»' ( e ral Crowder' aplaaa.

Tho )i6i»e ameadment mi vuf»t5i Irainiof; wa* «ub*tituted for t h o ' a to iiTovSrioB. - Tbo difference )*

.tho houao amoDdment makei tho tr <v Snjr «ffoctiTO BOW wbilB tba 'an

ph»B waa to bejrln it when the meo low SI who are drafteU return, to I’o u n t^ . •

, E N G L IS H S E E I N G O M P E R


•B e U m A m e ^ L abor Loader ’ B t lp to Solidify OontUtlo&a

In S n tiu id........ ... W NDON, AujiiHt 20,—Prom pu

-------- BtatcioBBl«_af_aaamel_Uoaiporf,_pident of tho Amftiean Pfileratloa J-abor, aiBto he arriVBd In Loadot '« tcfjarded ax rertalo that bo loti

, lo rontlnue a itrong nui-pyrt o f nllled f-ovBttmenla’ nttltoile toward war nniJ priee. Ho will. It la belle vnfa'blikli thtfyelogftil relation* with' nrthtfdo* 'pnvwar nsion len.lew In ••ouBtry. ■ '

I t 'i * experU l, however, th a l (3 pern ifill have «osie eonfereneea i tliu McratUi and moto e itw rn* \t m u p a , w i t r t h o effort of ponvertbcra to a,»troBKer w aj spUM. Rni* fcrta in tba t If a n , ' compromla.

tffai-.i, ,wlU be a i vb, rtquM' the ,l4J,tflr,vd , not .Oomper^ .

U ,J» , A aerifan U•loader »»1I dpdaro hU detailed po ''h e n ho ,«p«alu aV, U,e »eri)y li

l i j v h:.OB|ROUCHEI

i i T ^ \

i Min'ature

POSAL•Oen. K. M. Oberouehaff- fe '’” '

■ pr«mlno«t Ruaaian commander. I >nO th a t 'h # »*’' « « '" * pedltlon to fluaala to reatoro the

IT a n d fw n t ■nd p“ »f'. . era) Oberoucheft ,waa for SO y t

d p a t e d Ruaaian rovolutlonlat

land -------- . -----------

T O D A Y ’S

. G A S U A L T I Kn power _■ —

' i . .» ■ M O E i r a t O B B J ’O B Tmont r*. xi,o followinR ca«unltlc» aro re] eod for t.y tho CoBiraWidlnR. Ooneral o 0*0 and American K ipodltloniry ForewJr t n ljb t m iled ia Action' --------- --amandod Miaaing In A c tio n --------------------Penroee Woumwd Sevoroly/........

oo t th li Md'0tlTe7c»wu„ 1, W o d 'o f » l» e n « ------------- r — -Croirter v^ounded, Degree UndatcrmiBed on irith p ritoD tn

■ ' -Total . -------)B| to I t , • g n J .B P IK AOTION nee « d ‘■on/eroea w nber S tuart Bowell, Teonllo, 0:

BoM^d VftTBt atm A n'uatnorgOBcy.. . • - '-O o rp o r tta 'n w lt 'b * D . Adame, Whiteatonc, \00 * ro y L-arl A. Everett. McKcBaport, Pi n p U iitd Jam e. D. titewflrrt. BlVb", W. > od nex t F r i n t wt b u to j'roDk Dennett, Indlanapolii. Io and de- I ra E. Bonnell, Coltry. Okla.

*it- D enry Bralim; Canieron. Tox.In tbe in tb o r Drownlmr. Hlgln. Okla. - T l I t Sbad Carlton, Croek«tt, Tex. o f Bna Oeorgo CoHam, S i l t Lnko City, tl . Cb»»les C. Gurry, 8lmj»oH. MJni

mlng ex- Oaly York. .iduatrUa, g. D am pPolaak i, r aor- Nelaon Dube, WaahlBgton. Vt.

OrrJn H. Edwnrd*, Antrim, N. 1 iptJon I t ( 'rank Joboaon. l*lio«nixvlHa, P a nlM one Pbllii) K irk. OJialtii, hr, reirfi. W lllim U oBard, flrnnltovllle n eWm

Vaol I'Bwrok, Grand Rapldi, .ernDOnt ^ IUiod«>,-Eaat Providonc^pUon- U ^ lo e r t BoberU, n o w o W W * -

U>8 fleo. K. Scbmid*. OaJvoaton, Te I, a U lk Alplut Thifnxn. U alltrille , K . 0 . n t tb a t W ard C. TJmlerwood. Grand ipecil ol* Colo. .

Mareellus W hite. Portago. Win. Ueacbem 'W. Vi'mouKWtT. H ono Ii

^ Ky-ked hard p iB D OF W O0KD8. EECBITX1 amend- • AOUOH,he figh t j,t. .lobn.C . Ckamx>agnj, I.«|te C I I t ap- L a.Bt would Sgt- Baall “ Earl Myern. Indian B danger InJ-■ BTMW- Ooiporala •inB and 1 Beiid.-r, Boyn« Oity, >Hc“day. F-rank J . W hitfield. ^•Ilfa, la not .laolutelr FJoy>l Qi«, Mokaao. « « « i. W llhun Oravea. ChicA^o, HI.

- . w Klch'if* Hnrvey. •Boyneao tio y

P ? " Cfcil J . Hutton, Now York, - ,t a i i f t Jno. U n k h eo t, Yoeland, Micb. ■0 nian'a Willie Leo MeOoliock. Duncan. Aj tor the ltdbort A. U odden, IsiUaoapoUii,

00 nalph K- Mooney, Prloeetos, Ind. fftoad I t Irfula Balaer, Kew OtUana, La.^ John A. Toicb, Voaper. Mlei'. to pro-Bit fnr- ■ ■ •. \ f ol- ElVoii B . »ar\\i)g, Onttfora, T . •mead- Kdward TaogeB, Batler, Minn, o f d»- ' S IB D FB O U AOOIDBHT AHl o a th # OIHBBOAXJaBS- •

M-Oen- ' "Gilbert H . Jocome, Kew l U m ,

ratlooal W alter B .-B cltaffer, Ottumwa, I he ‘aon- (•’oT' W ilfred 0 . Byram, fianta Ana

v i ^ t r . W 0 train- W Oim D ED BBVHBBIY 'agnate LleutenaBta

mea be- W alter & Datei/'PBlladelphln,' Pa to thla Bobert T. Clarl^ L ioeol^ Mo.

A lbert j . Lykaeett.'H odion, Wia. Jobn B . Boberta, Madlaon, WU.

- „ f , Petor e ^ K n a a c h e r/S r t-n W M o - . ■ B « * 4 W « ;

IC A T E Joha Bcia, Y.D aose O ibora/ SacinaW, Uleb.

— J o b s B. Tr«m U ,'W & tC& K f.“ G««ts6 0 . V oijs#, P i tta lid d , M^as ^ Michael W itt, .W oro«iter, M^aat.

............— - C e 4 « t » i * '—' - p « a i ti&ynid Hln lf l^ J f fh i tf l t

tlon of O tto M, Morklo, Moaroo, M Jo^ jdoa. i t Bobert J . BU U , D ^ v l U v ^ l a . iBtenda W ward 'Coanel^ T n j, N . *- o f tho Mlehacl BdmiB, CUeopee, Maaa.

rard the Valentine, Boebeater, V . T. ■eUCTod,' ' W f» tM . ■ ritb the Vernoa Abablre, Liek Creek, Ky. In thU . . M ' ......... —

' 4 0 A c r < i s T v

* ertlB« *'* **' rlnvcrjim l.alf,R nl \ t 1 *n nlfalfn. lluuio, Barn, eial

mlac Is • PRICE' ilofil of j

IR R IG A TF lrr t K .U .B U J B 1 J , .

trado H, ■ „ ■

rtE F P . ■


I pr r o s

the ea tt.en^ 'f len . ' • ■a w a i t

J Capayreporleil W i t h N o r m a l C

‘ - ■ 'J '.'i'a f o r I t w l f i r

‘i r “ - i2 ■ C a p ^ y S a n o h o , th o B j gpiiBT i . o f t b e m o s t l i i g h l y d e v t

a i n g s e o t io iu i n O a l lfo n led . . . 70 a j ,o o t a y e a r a n d a h a i — gj j i j g { jjg g p r a o t l o a

SSI ^ a n t h a s b e e n s o ld tj"...... a n d ,a o w j r e s i jH ta - 'a n

v o lo p m e n t.P r o s p o r i t y I s ' jjim nifl

iWr;;, I'a . f o r n T v n a iB bo im tU B ] T h e U n d iB r e a d y f(

I), Va. w o o d e r f o l l i e ld s. Pa. o t l i e r g r a in s o n a l l s ld?, Va. h a v e 'g o o d r e a s o n t o *<

‘ c r o p s o n y o o r l a n d . > Ind. A b d 't b i s i s a m a rv e l i

o ( t h e ( i n e e t o r a a g « a i s t a t e a r e n e a r b r . Oil p o a r s , a lm o s t a U varl<

-, Utah. r e c o r d o r o p s h e r e .

■' Clip a

1 : ..CalifflllB. Waah. HOME C, Wl*. ■ : Htnc^, R. I. *ieK Tex.

lian.poli.. ^ 9 ^ ^ ford, 134

U BendHlch.' • P- ‘ ... _ J I a i a t f ....

O y . 0 . . . ' 'N . a i j t , _

‘■no City, _______________________________

Ohariea D,' Argenia, Boiton, Uasi fia'auel I<. Baker. Enoxvllle, Tem

.A r i l j „ „ | , B, 1,1,1,, N „ u , U nm t, M« , , Moyd J . Booae, Brufijwlek, Mo.

■ Mftlvin 0 . Broome, Oreonwood, 8. Joaeph J . Corcoran', PIttafleld, Ui Floyd E. Com, Itbaea, Uleb. Andrew Benn, Albany, N . Y.Wyn A. Geraw, Flint, Uleh.

T Tranria Ollbort; O ra a g e r ^ , Idah ' Oharloa Bobert H ag en tro a , C

' Bapl da, Wla.George Iiawkfnii, St. Loale. Mo.

■ : Edward H. Hawley, Oreenleaf, Ki Keuben £ . liopkina, Eldorado, HI.

in, Oann. Wtn. Jordan. MUford, Maaa., la . Oeotge A . lAtVey, I ’lalLville, Cw

& ,tK 0 , K ItJ. Ill HaroW T . U oyd, SomervHle, U at

. ' Daole) A. MeDoaald, Bntte. Uont * Toribo KartlM*,- Cuba, K . M.

W v. £ . Mill, Jr ., SchoylklU Haves Pa. ' Sam U iller, Chicago, OL

. A bJrea U oatanoro, Long la tan d . 71a. N. Y-•- Clarence ^ewman, BlooaiJngtou,*0- U r t in A. Noen, Lake Prealoa, 8.

Charlea A. Petera, Cambrldw, U j Edward A. - Belnlaador, Baerem

CaL •.BuaMll Bonaard, Detroit, U ich.

faaa. tta>-ia K , Bice. Eaalon, Ta.I. Baymond H . Bodgen, Piltaburg, .. . . 1 . Joia-TutbJkltkif.ABgarB, Mieb..-

W alter P . Slaughter, Lawreneo, U ilflwatcr, i>i„^4-u.->punierrBakkinBtidge,-;

David J . Wllllama, CreeneriUo, T Charlea Woodward, B ryw . 0. JoMph*A. flalUnt, Ipnriek , Maaa Lonii Qatbera, Qarlon, Pa.

\ Prcdorieo O a v l ^ P ^ p p la o lal W alter f . QlUlgaa, W. Spring

Uaaa.Hy. Barney, Olenn, Walnnt Bldge, A

T w o M i l e s F r o m f i l e ralfalfa. Ia partly Tn grain 'tb ia ) ear, balOBf elalern, outbnUdlnga,.et<:. '

IE' #155,00 PER ACBE

I T E D L A N D S C O .■ Twin P.U

' A U i S P A l L Y m w S - -.

s p e r i t ]t s ' ' a

y Ranch<Crops ti e Liemd S^ou in T w o o r T h ree Yea

longh looated in the very heart of c leveloped agrionlliiral and fomia, was held^'niArKiit tu half v..Jo a liy 'a i of this - -g^aat d to ^ustrioB s (anaws^v^ S t\ - !a n 'in te n s ire '5 ta te :^ d e ^

intng a t high pltoh here,..i!nl and o e s sire.high'. Af for immediate cropping'. f l ds of alfalfa,' barley and sides tell yoo what yoa

to'expeot k 'th e way of Clec(i

velons fm lt conntry. Some .!** » asd lemoB groves is the Olives, almonds; peaohos,

arietifis of fndts produce ^

• and Mail the Coupon Toi

o r n i a f a r t i i i5 OFFICE CAPAY RAN HAMILTON CITY, CAL.Local BeprwenuUn ’ --

a U. BBADFOBO 34 Blghtiv A-reau* Himh, ^ FalU. Idaho

Up and n a i l thla eoopon to OaUfonUa F a n 134 B l ^ t h Avenoe Kortl). Twia FaUa. Idal end ma free lU nstiated Uteratore a te n t Oapa

Uaaa. [Frod Oravcllne, M o o ^ i, Conn.Jobn B. OrothoBg. WbltoTater.

Uaaa. J- HannTgan.i Stony' K . Y.

« Clarence Ilartahora, Tacony, Pa. *t O' Arthor n . naytiK Wataon, Uo., Uaaa. Ralph C, Hntto,/l/o»ria, La.

Ben Jam et, Union O ity, Tenn. U orida Judd, Eimbrell, E y . JVank Kallnowikl, W yandott, li

Idaho. etophen L. King, Greenville, a < , _ G rana joh^n y . MeOratb, Wakefield, U a

Avory B. Markbais, 'O km i^ee , ( .. Prod B. Uehli, Niagara Palla, N.

^ Kan. B. Baldwin, Harriaon, I & bIU. ' OveU Bcauehamp, Pointmilla, »

, J . U . BoUn, Walt*, 0U »:. po“ - BerlpI BonlaoUI, Blovaa, Pa.

A rthur n . ' DIcm, WilUmanUc, Cot H arry J . Oibree, Worceater, Maj AdlaJ a Kyle, UobUe, Ala. •

„ Camlllo Lobnino,.<Jphaetlo, i ’a. aven. P a . T. UflDanleJi Kelly, La.

, John J . MeOarrlgle, PbSlaflelpbla, md .(.lly, M arflaei, f ta g e , K. M.

MtTTyttaa, 'A Si, Okla. uu, Ind. Roy, 0 . Moore, B n u b to ^ N . Y.:. a D. Angelo P lam n o , Kew Y ork, H . . UaM. Jam ea T. fibaw, J e f f e r a o n , '^ eremento, A naand Tourangean, Weatboro,

Joaeph Prank 'U rieb, ClovBland, ( I- ^ John P. Verdak, CUca^o, n i,

WOTOBBD, DBOBEB 'JNDK iL - . ' - iCKHDe. Mam. Capt. Loula T.' ’ ^ b e 'rta, Extg e ,-N - J : —«p rtn R * rU « r-------B, Tean. L t. Jnm m A. Miller, Biehmond,

• S c isw sta ‘“ “ *• Clifford Pearl, Grand lUplda, Mi,

lalanda. Q^^S'oy, BUckatone,rlngfield, Oorporals

Bay E . Annatrong, Coahlng, Wla. I, Ark. Thomaa J . Carroll, New York, N. — . 11— Joaepb Fanelll, Cbieago, BU

3 Charlea L. Heather, Borllngton, ' Pe ttua \V. U tU ugbU n. N ornan. Tbomaa V. Sherldno, Fhlladelphlt Wm. L. Turner, Anadarkao, q k lt


A lbert C. Anderaon, Clariasa, Min Fred 'B . Boynaea, Council Blnffa, Geoigp A. BoM tolt, P h t ib n » b , ( Q areoee J. Berrv, B rahan, Minn Asgeto-Di Ludo, r)ddyttoQe, Fa.* Charie*‘W; E d w ard » ,-^ io B tI,'H i

laland. U ld t • - Alvla Eoge, Wert Port, 0 ^

fXL \

;ya t

ouldears fo f o n ef« 6 w .* a c r f ia jh a i . : i t t f : . '.o w i w e l l , • t n n t l l . " 'f s ''£ d o iM e d m th e p r ic e 0V . . . " . ' a t t d " i i '^ ^ l e c t r l c 0 ! % ’. o p «

______________ _. T h e l a n d ■i _ - r - r w i t h ’ s im i la r

' i f e l s e w h n t f i n- .....S I J S I t i s a d e l

^ b i o : v o a r m

An Acreh o m e s ; e leo ti

(ac lttd to lS ,' 'ChQ

'cw c«iiy O f ' f 4P a n p l o g P l a n t W d w i B g i

' o h ' e r s r i g h t i n '3

8 0 A c r e s

______________ - J su g g flB t y o tt


IS Co. : &IANCHO , ;; iih■'* ‘ ' i \ <’f l

^ J

b h I S m

iH 3 3 m « p

Oapay Baacbfl.**

in. ■ liayaond J . Ilah . Caatloton. V t ter, Wia. Ch»rle* n o r iaa , Chicago, III. ly Point, Henry G. Qenlrv, Manltou, Okl^

Buck Girty, We^berafalla, Okla. Pa. A lbert J . Godbont, Borlington. V

Io. W alter W. Held, Lfocb'burgi Pa.SlaalBy' P. Hunalc. Cluveland. 0 .

m Hoary H utto , B jton , Oa.Jno, JBmea. Nftwiy, a C. •

t, Mlaa. ‘ Wm. E. Jamea, lliRhgate, M o., a 0 . Bmil 0 . Johnaon. Oregon. HL

, Maaa. WIU Joaet, Evifautar Okla. ee, OUa. H anj Jergunon, Fairdalo. N, D. t, N. Y. John L M artin, Salem, Maaa. • ia^Q. jBllo Morialdi. Italy. iT iU ih . AloMO A. U iller, I'hMnlx, A tli

Uleahel F~ Parehlmovlieh. Bro N. Y.

, Conn. eimon E. I'biHlps, Nowr>-, ■». C Maas. Ouineppe P riacr, Altoima, Canafl

Jacob Theaes, MadUon, Ind.>*0- Oea;W . Tledema2 n. Oakland, CalLa. Johfl DIatowaki, ByrBcunc, X. \ pWa. Va. KlBior L..V«nncn»row, ITileago. ; M. . Harold W aljon, Woaatehco,. Wa<

Ifc. Deanie T, Webber,. Tumwater, WJaoonln-A rdalz, San Pedro, Ci

K . Y . 'W aller W. A rt i, tW , 111- ^ Thoedoro" B e ^ , Coleraine, Mlar>ro, Uaaa. PiaqaalftBiaseeo, lU ly ., id , 0 . WUilan Blaakenhurg, Qeveland, I' Tkomaa B naaor, Bra.&don, Vt.rDSTBB- Herbert & Briatol, Portland, Or<

ExeelaloT ~

T H R E S l, Mich. 'I :

N o S l a c k , A l l I

r s .v , — --------- $ 8 .£on, Waah.a a i. Okla. P lIjiWa, Pa.

Westerjn Co

j L . . T H R E S ]

• TrmiiSDAY. ATO1IBT 29,1918.

S'1ff'Tinn*tf<tTiy:'Allf%ptlii%r‘ Every 8& bU, with snjerabnhiance -of w ater le of tho land, $176.00, an acre. - iporated planti aU'of WhichA'd'is pilQed way nnder ‘what lsod’ ih r advantages can be' boBght fo r y in Oalifomia."delightfni place for a home, agreea- ronnd climate;'grand so«ner7,'goaf riving noor.h7 towns* schools,'s^ea<^I of. neighbors, -attcaMive' m M era eotridty.. -kcramento river bounds i{te property- ishes delightfni boating, swinuning- jflg. - . ' . ’I gladly refer yon to snocessfnl fann> in'yonr community who bave booght very little of the land left. We Ott act a t onoe.


Vt. Bori E. CoalM , O.eeola, N. Y.i t , Mlebaelo E Degen. U ttflcnry. IILOkl^ Albert W. Derr, E l« a , iC

t.. DiccBM, Ironwood. Mich,n. \ t . OldeoB Do.tlo, U w laton, MaUe.Pa. Zee Pouga. Baaile, U .0 . John W. Earhart, SaiUborg, pa.

Wa demer E jJ\)r.\)erg, SnecLen.

uSlL. 'Aubrey Haydou. Owenaboro, K'y. U n k e ^ J- Seloncaux. Chanberlln,

D. Jo in B. Scott, Eddyatono, P*. a. • H arry W. 8egolk«, 6U Lonla, Mo.

, ,1 Now York. ' NBrooklyn, Erneat flnow, ReldavHle. N. C.

i I- • H auing, MleKJ. C. ^ ’>1',^ Tappe, Chafletlon; Waah. wads Amon Waaton, Muldroi^, Okla.-’ •- . uiflsmo m AonoK'k*. Y. ' McWvccu. Latrobe.go. I l l ' F rlratea

r'^-^b U t t* '1. Cal. U o w J f i Darbct, M oattvlala, Colo

Jack Brody, Camdeo N. J • ' Mlon, 0 . 1 « t4 r , Baa bleao . CaU

J rt ^ 'D onald . Denver, Colo.'ind, 0 . Oeorgo T. UcNeoly, WlBdridge, P a .

. Of®' _ .............._ '(C m ^ n e a ,o a P a ^ T k r # ^

5H I N 0 C O A LII C l e a n K e f o m e r e r N u t

J . 5 0 P e r T o iv — -

PHONfc SpP ■loal and Coke Co.f o u t l l i A v e n n e S o u t h '

f f l l N G C O A L

Page 3: TWK iL L S , DAIILY fs^ w d G l^ - moot h»ve l)ee& oaptoi^it, i t . w as learned here t^ ^ren * .-tae.' ,

THUBSCAY, august » , IS

: m l i

. M F O L l i

■ - B i m iu p r i s i n g s in B o iie m ia P r o b a b ie

O u tc o m s o ( E n g la n d 's A c ­

t i o n — iVlust P r e p a r e f o r O u t -

■ b rea l< , W a r n s G e r m a n P a p e l-

^4i„,ASI6TEriDKM, AuRUnt SD.-As A ta- ,«uH of B ritiih .recojtaltion of ths OwfhB, •omcthiiiK liko Rcnoral mobll- lu tlo n la prococdiiiK in tho PoUab,

■Cieeh aad wuthorn' Slav district*, ac- rordlsR t« a Vloiinn ditpsteh to tho

. WflMf Zcltuaff.Hoptiilties botwpcti thcw peoplo and

tho (i:drrrnmont ore rzpaeloA (h o rtlj. U ’5« M le rw J wcogultlon maao i’oulbto the eo-ordlnatlon of these ele­ment*. _■ i ' - , ■

lot Ttiiibl* . most-reckon wltii.iut organlxa*

tion fompriitlnK all .the W th em * 8 1 » r tlUtrict*,’’ dtelMcd the Womt Z oV-

"Sbrioug tb lng i are belDj pfoparctl (u Botiomla.' I I In «it;nlfUant \h a t st- multaneouiljr.wHh BriH»h recoynltlon the' CMch national eonnoll sppealad to

; the population tb a t It wa* tjtoe* they xhoutd pass <rom wortU to deeda.^ Tbo [ a r o tb p a t Laibach can bo intorpretod n*. a n o n ife ^ tlo Q of Slav conmuBlty intercut*. ' —

5ipDAY’8 O A sijA X tni’fl

r (Continued fro n IJngo, Two) .

Jimn- B; M atllni'r. W rnt'k.' K. Mex. Willinm J - Miller. Elnn, Pn..Io»eph P. MorRno. PitlMmrff. Pn.A lb e rt ' Nearhood, Keiilnvilte, Pn.Hi'nry TL.Nu)!. OreeiiHlnirif. Pn.Willie O'Connor, nummerford, Pn.

. Antonio .Olivo, Phll3dnl|>hia, Ps- , . . . J ' n iiprlct^PofftrnoB, New P nlti, N. Y r

ftnorh P. Proctor, Mfliid, Okla.Marvin J . RodBem, Po«ti. Okla. Oe'orBT Vf. 8auer». Dfrry. Pn. ' IJpnTKi" OftjJor, lloovemvlHe, Pn. Dlyde H. Bhi'rtw r, Coliimbin, Pa. Wiliam Ujrron Simpnoii, Erie, Po., Ohcstcr Stacy, W ost Cliff. Colo.Snmuel N. VSTirplcr, Jr.. Grand' .Iiinc’-

llhn.'Colo.PrljKmen •

I.t. Jiimes E . flfi-, MonlinRaliola, P*.. -^yf. .lohn RodRPrN Phitndplphla, P n .'

. AFTERNOON EEPOETKilled In action................................. UMljnJpg Ja action __ ______ 8SWoiuidod Mverelv ................ MDied of w ound*_________________ 19Died of dlKuuo .............. 7Wounded, dejjree undrtermlned^__77

- KILLB D m A O nO K ..Lt. M andem n Lebr, Albion, Keb.8(;t. lifia*. Vltovee, Blonx City, la . Co2>. Oeorjjo A. Luther, Ia Cre«cent,

—^w ^-o rpT jileph - Nlcxyporek, Chicago, Dl. ^ r o o t ?em a ld 0 . Howard, Bomenrillo,

■ Mm *--F rtra t«a .

n th a Ti. Downey, KnRhun, Mont. CInmrnt B. Parroll, Breman, Kao.F rank A. K tldor, B ru it, Ind.

T laronee W, McCormick, Doanybrook, N. D.

(ieo. P . MattlBon, lUdcrrllle, Ala. Tlol)ert A. C. Peter*, AuRugta, Mont. Amedeo Poirier, Now Bedford, Mas*. Austin T. needy, Libby, Moat.Rudolph M. atnmpb, Soattlo, W a*h., 8ezcpaa J^akrewlki, Poland,

^ Edward Charlc" PrlnV, Mt. Clemen*, Mlch.

OrvlUe Ham lllon, MHc» City, Mont.■ Irf’e L. Kre**lor, Buckley, Waab."

Allwrt n . Hector, Reetor, Pa.. Oeorw.Roaon, Bnrjrettrtown. Pa.

Prank StrMleeJd, Morince, Wla; Ctareneo W alker, Bomcr, Mich..Tohn L. Oowon, Pearwftia, Okla. n a ro ld P . Pw vort, Athol, 3 ia * t

D IED OF WOTTKDS . Ideutonasta

<lto. il. H oward, Malone, N . Y,. Kenneth Panl Murray, M t. Vemon,

N. T .Mercer M. PhilUp*. Acworth, Oa. E<lward J . Veaney, Lima, 0 .Seraeant Ilaro ld 0.„Qoodwln, Ka*h-

- vlllft, Tenn. ,R.-rjfcant Wm. Bourke'. Eljrin, 111.Corp. W a lte r 'P . Matthra, Bhorldan,

Oro.Cnrp. Horman C. Morroale,' Brooklyi),

j i . Y.Mechanic Tem Grime*, P redrlei, Okla.

. ■ Wnimnor Marahall H. Coleman, Toga,

.P r tn t e # .- ' i• • David II. Adam*, Leoi.enmmU, U o ^

Emmot M. Caaoy, Maywood, Dl. llaTTOond Farlay, nolbyrU le, lad .

' Charles 0 . Jonea, Nooiho Bapld*, Kan. Henry L* Man, Boaneld, DL

- -Cha*.-n. E«o*fl,-Jobn*on.-Kab. . . . TMward Btekaby, 0 \a FoTRt, Pa.

— •■■ riu l f“ Pn^I^OT■6Iaoey;— MUwankeop Win. .

BamucI 11nk»y,’Clayton, Iowa. D IE D O P DtSBASB

• P rlT a ta i.^ - . ^ o .A t f o r d , Wlnaakn, Toi. -

■ Jean B. Chapart, Bon Pranchco, Cal. John DahUieltner, Pnrtm outh, 0 . Gcorgo n . Ja m e^ Chatham, UL Oiliea J . a trU n , Oakley, la .Jo lm T . Pryer, New York, K .y .Willlo E. W arren,' Topnot, N . 0.

WOTJHDBD flBVHBELY Capt. Myron 0 . West, Beloit, WU. .

Llastnia&ta >Adrian B. Bhodc», Wilmington, N. C. Leland 0 . Sleraaaon, Newark, 0 . ■ Allan V. Clarke, A ugmU, Oa. •

F j fe k Berry, 81. Loula, ilo .

* .

I9i8. " . V ■


L ‘ r\ MHi]leic -

J t -





u)dH7- . .ado , ('liorli-n Suvjii (on tlif riKhO. (h tie- pruHliIrnl’B tflctntlon Nliu't* Mr. WII*or

■ .perwmnl MemjCrapher tu J«iwpti P . ' JolnM ltlH 'nnny.' &wi*ni. whn hnn n w

l{g. Aorvln', n 'lilte-Jnhnwjtr tvlll Im- nKNls bi'eu nnxloiix fur i>oui» tlnii' to t(Ot lal

SoV-Harold B. Borerl, Scbeaeetady, N. Y.

red LouU Cohon, New York, N. T . at- Frank Dlrrigle, P a tk Falla, Wla. -

Ion Ootflwall B.-Lester,-Kew York, N . Y. to W alter A . Loaan, Stoaebam, Masa.

Patrick A. BulUvaa, Bluepolnt, L. I . — i ! / A lfred A. Oa*longuay, W a J e i r m e ,^

Benjamin P . Deer, Shenandoah,/ItU' . >0 Dickran Dlran, Wrcntham, Maaa.Ity Henry Behwcgler, Brooklyn, K.

•f Leo T. Maaol, East H artford, Odan,, etcphea J . Phllbln, N«w Oeltana, I * .

Harold 0 . Woodruff, Bnrinjrfleld, Maaa, Anthony W. Zeltor, PhlUdelpbla, Pa.

— WnMrmnr Erickson, Pitchbutfr, Masa, DewUt E. Paraham, Bparta, ‘Wis. Lawruiifc Edwin F rits, Toledo, 0 . . Frank JT O i^ m a n , Beading, P a . ' Henry' L. Lamb, Woreciter, Maas. - Ghnrlo* G.' Nolco, Syracuse, N . T. Otmunccv Bt. Clalr, Brooklyn, N . Y. W aller Henry Sands, Sparta, Wis. .

r Perry BeaRn*, OWtown, Ky#Cook Audro SInchak, Tronton, N. J.. .

- i r V M n t a

Riid»l()li M. 'Bocli',' Wnlilona,-Kan.■ Ocorjfp L. Briant, New Orleana, La.

A ll'crt J . Chabot, Ban Francisco, Oal. Wm. J.'OhrfsUan, New E ra, Mlch.

n f Jacob Ciepluch, Mllwankee, Wla. JoHopti H. CbiU, Albany, N. Y. linymohd C. C r o ^ Oshkoab, Wla. Bor«t E . Davit, WoTte*tct, Maaa.

- John Delnero, Pateraon, N. J .• ' A rthur D. Femey, W eatherby, Ore.

Jean Fontenot, Vlllo P latte, La. Nnpoleon A. Oeno, Driagpwaler, V t.

. Ronald A. Olnder, JamcBon, Mo.2 f Thoa. E . H anrlght, Wakofleld. Maaa. 85 B iirtoniC .’Hleka^ Francisco, N. 0 - . .v « EriMiit n . noflfiin., flanU B .r b a r . ■ ; C l . . _ ...1 P « i n . H o » . r a , A ll.n lom i.P a ." K « » , P*.

Andrew 8. Koua*, Bocky Ford, Colo. Edw ard a Loder, N e im rt , B. I. Emll Monnot, Pittsfield^, Mass.Jnm es Moore, liOdysaltb, Wla.Joseph J . Mullin*. Yonkera, N. Y.

n t Timothy J . 0 'Connor, W onentor, Maw.Lawrence M. Peter*. Ottomwa, In.

Dl QeorBO 0 . Pllllkfla, Polaoa, CaL Ho’ Wm. Reaveley, Boek Springs, Wyo.

’ Benjamin L. Qulek. PhUllpsburg, N J . Uoaty M. 1' icIwb, Mlddtetowo, l i . Samuel Cesh: Laneaiter, Pa.F r a n t E . Reynold*, South Browaivlltc

Pft.E llio rt F . Rlre. Jerome, Idabo.John Sproch, Slreator,- HI.Edward W .'T ufaty, Bouston, Tex. Orton II. WatsoD, Iliraesdale, Pa.

• Mamirl Apodoca, Oullare. Colo.“ • Androw Appelhan*, St. Petor, Kan.

Aednr Bondar, BuMia.» ChjuL Bftnnet, W ortertot, Masa.

A rthur P . Brownell, Roxbury, Maas. E arl D. Bordue, Manchester, Okla. Jobn W. Capes, Ohicago, 111.Lioon d a y s , Newloayllle, Maas. .


yn. j P i ' ' - i . i

(la. ' '* ' i

lecr — —


A Vote for A tharton for OoTtnuor -la ’ a. 'Vole ApLlnst the D lrlslon of Twin FaUs Oonnty, ^ for Ccooomy w itb Effl-

c . ;

~ T O T I P i l X 8 )

r a S E J O B ^ TO FIGHT

, (be only iiicnnfcmptivr wlio |in« tnken Ibe iHon was f lm clK tod, unit W nrren JolinBon, >. Tumuiry, tbe nrenidcnfH seeretnry. baro n Trtff and n cbHd. will go Into Ihe nvluDoo KNlcned Id i^imc other branch, llolti havo lalo.unlforiDK.

r . Tho*. F . Corcoran, Oates, M ont Edward DfOrott, D M relt UJeh. B lthard Dclaey, Dcnvot, Colo.

, Y. Ciarcneo A. DIxobT Amsterdam, N . Y. Reuben Dobson, Worcestor, Mas*.Jock, Dybilkowikl. W yandotte, Mieh. Abelio Oakland, CaL

. Paul E. Erb,-Englewood, Colo.W alter Finder, Lake MUls, Wla.John W. Foreman, St. L aadyrl«<~. Edward J . Forgot, Worcester, M an. Edwin P . ’Fraaer, Coloradt) Spring*,

IL. Coto.^ m m w B D IN •A o n o N , d b q b s b^ tIHDBTEBMINSDass. Lt. Julian M. Aahley, ValdesU. Ga.

SeifeaBtaOlande 0 . i la r t in . Chattanooga, Tonn. Oeorgo Stanton, U ontreali Canada. BdRat A. Paul, Jr., N tw OrltMB, La.

„ Arthur W. W arner, Tongnnoxle, Kan. Loonard W endel,'Kirkwood, Mo.

~ 'g o tp o n la. Ju llu i Becker. North BerRdn, N .^^T I

Morley R. Carney, Cedar Bapldi, Li. Prederick P . Clmmberlaln, Alton, N. Y. Oerrot J . Damveld, llollan'd, MIob.

■, W alter J . Jablonski, Detroit, Mieh. Samuel R. Lake, Dancy. Wla.F.ugca® A. M tCall, B otberter. N . Y . •' Joseph Mack, Jr ., D etroit, Mlcb., . Bnico E . Mankenson, P le re e te n ,-In ^ - James Plant, Ohicago,' n i. • • Coraollu* Bellty, Ban Francisco, CoL Charlea H. Simmon*, Lima, 0 .John P. Walsh, Dorchester, Maaa. V lneeua A annca, I taly . • 'Elmer E . Braramer. Baplda, la .Lewis K . LltUe, l ^ t s r , 0$. -

*• John F. Loessla. MeLoud, Okla. •V O ustaf-A .-'L u lbcrs.-SkauM , U le K r >

Mnckelrey McDoanold. YoWBll, Tox • F rank W. Sebooppe, Lo* AbroIo*, OaL

' Mechanic D ewitt. Cftvott, Clyde, Tex. Mechanic John -Ar-fimver, Mllwaniefl,

o- Wla. /F d n t M

Vergil F . AUen, A toka, Okla.Bnijam in A. Armer, E ffinR han, DL

. . . John T. Arnold. F lin t, MUL “ *• Tommie- Bell, Brookolaad, Tax.

Folio* K . nm lB , 8Mi\FTtmcl*oo, Cal. Joseph Blnochl, W atertown, Maaa.

« T Bay H . Boynton, Blpton, V t PMquale Cardoae, Italy .Pm nk J . Dark, D e tro it Mieh.

■„ Bobert T. Dickerson, Ileathm an, Mlaa. CInrencc A. Dougina*, P ittsford, V t TlUman Dye, Idnbel, Okla.Willlrim II. Edward*, Leflore, Okla. Homer F. Elllolt, Eckert, Qolo. nm o thy n . Farrell, Dalbury, Conn., Banliago Kontale*, V tm em y, Te't. Jnmes A. Qrlfflth.-O uy, Aik.

*• Robert C. Hall, Mlnoola, Tor. , LinMrd G. Howe, Moorhead, Minn. John J . Ivlo, Paynesvllle, Mieh.

“■ Pmncla A. Lnrln, Bennlngton, V t• Patrick McCnblo, Canton, Mass.- ' Michael Metagmno, Chicago, H I

Frank E . Mnrebland, Monroovllle, Ind Wm. B. Bichard*, Boms, tJft.Oita W. Bancerman. Sotherlln, Oro.

. ' U atlhew Behula, Chltogo, CLEdward M. Hursley, Paylsbo, Wash. Peter Kasminikl, Cicero, 111.Adam Kloirt, Stockton, Cal Clemens Krygter, H elraetta. N . J . Vincent KopewlBhft*, na iofton . Pa. W nlter H. Labnr, Ithaca, N. Y.

T ■ William Clinton Loguo. Galosburg. Dl ! Witlie B. McCluakey, Maagun, Okla.

Jame* Mntinovaky, N e i ^ r k , N . Y. Ernest Mill*, Mnry Eatner.'ITa.JoliR Moy»ek, acv slM fl, 0 .^ .Nikiforo Naboraky, Now York, N. Y. Paaqnnlo NotomnRolo,-Chiengo, BL

■ Roy D. Pnrker, Modeito, CaL Win. a Potter, Eaton, Ind.I Pm nk BnlcBP, Monntvllte, Pa.

W alter S . B torsai, M insolt, Tox. Rtanlev Tifj:ka, Chlcai-o, HL B saaQ 0 . I lm m ost. Colfax, Ind.

' • Edward C. Tirlno, >:aat Boston, Maaa Oeorgo Tomko, ClMralaa4, 0 .

, Jnhn 7,tll, B o ttlv t M i ^ ^ a m A o n o M •i L t NoUon’W. Perlno,PhlIadcIpGla','Pa.I r r i r a l e iJ Llslo L. Cnfie, Fresno, Cal.I Ni£k KantmoQs, Qreseo.

BenvsTd McDonald, W aahlnglen, D. 0Elrie E. McOrew, D ayto^ Waah,____

I iiee mTA oI*, B anT fanelieo , Cal.Mathew L. Nledorlforn, Donrer, OoL

I Josepli O.'fllinw, Soulh'Berlin, N . Y,-1 Edward P. Bpickler, Oolambla, Pa.

Gomcr Sykes, Phlladolpbla, Pa. W aller B. Wehre, Unlan, La.Calvin n . Byer, Llttleatown, Pa.

• Arthur U. Hoffman, Now Britain, Conn.jOeorge Monrer, DolvaMc, Tax.Georgo M. MacIntyre, Lanalng, Mieb. Tra B. Malinin, Sharon, N. D.Domenlk Mnncuso, lU ly .Charlea D. Moser, Ottomwa, la . - Wm. Nordling, B ro r ta , C at

' A ston Petry , PUladelpiiia, Pa.' Thomas F . PUske, Stevenaport, Uooa.

Ralph Poloto, W hitabmnob, N . Y. Clamnca B. Smith, Forrcat, Mt a .

ThrWt by W. B. 8 .'

a b i ^ Y i n i W B

'OlPLiiTSlD-K T i r

M i l1 E v e r y .E f f o r l to B e n ja d e to

L W eW C o n l l ic t in g _ F a c t io n s

R T o g e t i ic r in S i b e r ia a n d A s-

H s i s t A rm y P ro g l-a m

B H q V A R T H ’S F O R C E S T Q ■


K Ponotratloa Ecgaxdod as Nol H Difficult Upon EBtdbliabmonl

of Ootammdoatlou (ron ,Bon* Vladivostokla w . - — ^

S “ ' W A8I1ISQT0N, a 4 . .1 '': » . - A I U . i dlplomalir presJuro a t Vladivostok wll be_«xerted to w old-together theU on fllctlnj-fnctiopB In Siberia and expo dito tbe eutente peaclmtion from thi east, diplomat* here declared today. Establishment of a central governainl for Siberia by the Czeeho-Sloraks w ill

ih, headqoaiter* a t Irkntak was reported b soml-efflflal cAbles. I t is hsld thal tbe posiihlr inrorporation of General H orvnrth's forres into tho allied movC'

■ tnent, will rWc' the marooned 'Caeeho Io n Blovik* In tho west almost immedlatt

a id from Manchuria. Whon tho line* ol ■ tommunicntlon from VliuUvostok'h&vt

“ lieen firmly oilabtlshed,. m illtafy- ox- I)crt« doclare, the pcnetmtlon will not

!• not bc difficult.Prepara for A cttra W arfa n

Tho nation of the Crucho-Slovaka in foltiug U[i tho govormnoat a t Irkutsk

in, 1« hold Iiv diplomattf lo injlicnto- that tho Ctfcrhii-Slovftkji nro' orj'nniaing for

_ nn fxtoudi'd «ii-Ro in the wido territory ocrujiy.' Tfie rci«rls named For-

-mor--;W5r-.Mlntgter..Ooulchko/f of the r. Y. iiovernmeut as tho prospective

president of Ibe Rovorumenl.I. . Enouragomcnt for tho entonto's planii

ip Rusaia nnd Siberia atso .lii neon In ? . •• th« ttprl^ tR ngalnst the Oonanns and

tha Bolshcvikl In Ukraine and the re- fa»al of |>euanlg in.tho Pelrograd.nnd tho Riga, •.Uslritla to join Irgloaa tofight tho CMchO'Blovaka.

A dvartii- iria liV C Iai« ifle.J eolumu.

U,-.i - -

Afl EssenL

‘ 7%\ [ PR Ef[

Idaho Ilu i.

------- — ----TII P l a n N o .

(Cash Paymen^ * .Undor this plan yon m

UL as mony sharoB of Pi k Stock aa yon deslro, tlY. boih? SlOO per eharo, ]

crncd dividonda to date Y, mont;1- ■ Under Plan No. 'a intore

• paid quattw ly by tho c Btook on this timo payni paym ents (inolndingr ni w m ) ou ;on days’ notl the othor hand, yon mn payment period.7 o n r stoeic certifloato- c

,.p ' ,_doUvorod to yon whon

Dividends Pa

f ^ W H ^ eYou may secure fa or you may make yc oui-offices,'in all c< pany will be glad tc

ieb. “Paasod by tho Oapital lai oat, t}at withont approval i

“ I d a h o :I

i o n t

P rices and M eat TUlied ; will

A i V i e R I ^

w ith I iiiMiii ' ■'

‘S B U H L M E li Q U A L IF Y .

? .riu f o r a r m y Y . M . C . a . W 0RI<iiove- -echo* 0 . 'O . UanniDg.- Sopcriittasdtat o:dlato seheoli, and B. B. Kendrick*B* of Pom BxainlaaUon 'h&ve-ox* (Spoeial to Tha Nawa)1 not BU H L—C. 0. M anning,‘ snperlnten

llent of Bnhl lehoali, and E . B. K«n drieks, in Boise last week passed ex

. . aminnlioiis, fnr. admission into arm} lutuk applltatlonitha t *he Nationa

, \V[ir Wnrk I'Otinpil In New York,

itory ' '. ■ ■For- ' ^ c r Unusual Experience,

t to Mrs. Trutti'r—'T liIs worlil la ao etlve ttnn]! n plnn> afti-r nil! Why. while

■ ImTcllDg In Australln. I ran aero*!- plan* two of my rh1Idren''ln chnrgiM>f( their n In govenjcsa r —Bofllon Glohe. and -

®* ®'» **"••' - *Tf de consclenre fuml p j t all di * money d a fs due IL" *aM Uncle Eben

“d a f 'wouldn’ be no need of collectla in,B» ao iDCome t a t " ' ’

fllial IndustnO F F E R S Y O I

m mERRED I— ^O F THE------

Power CF E R M S O F O F F E R I

». 1 P la nlent) (Time1 m a y b n y U n d e r t b l s p l a n y o t ' P r e f e r r e d s h a r e s n p . t o 2 B , p a >, t b o p r i c o a n d $ 1 0 p e r s b a r o ro, p in s a o - o b a a o p r io e o f $ 1 0 0 a t e o f p a y - f in a l 'p a y m e n t t o 1

, . i f r o g i t h o l a s t p ro o e

t o r e s t a t t b e r a t e o f -€ p e r c o n t p e r i 10 c o m p a n y t o y o n o n a l l p a r t l i p i a y m o n t p l a n y o n h a v e th o o p t io n o X n n p a id i n t e r e s t t h o r o o n a t t h o r; n o t lo o a t a n y t im e p r i o r t o t h e d a m y p a y n p y o n r s to c k In f iU l a t i

t o c a r r y i n g th o r o g n la r - 7 p e r j i e n t p i o n f i n a l ' p a y m e n t is m a d e .

Payable Feb. 1, May 1, Ai

i T o i j C a i T B u yfull information I'egardiii I your actual purchase of t 1 communities, served. Anj 1 to give you all the inforn1 I s s n o s O o m m lt to e a s n o t in c o m p a l r a i o f l e g a l i t y , v a l id i ty , w o r t h o r bo<

P o w e r C

' w o a j t k B a a - . ' -

• W e h a v e j u s t r e c e i v e d

a s u p p l y o f f i s h t h a t ,

w i l l m a k e y o p , 'w a n t - ] B

a g o o d o l d - f a a h i o n e d | g -

l i s h d i n n e r t h e m i n - - h '

u t e y o u s e e i t . . H

t e r g e t y o u r o r d e r i n

l y e v e n i f y o u c a n ’t g e t

y o u r s e l f . r r W e w i l l n u i e

l e l e c t i o n f o r y o u i f y o u _ _ _

jH ;. ■

t o r d e r , e a r l y ,

t T h a t M eet Y our F avo r

V N M A R K E T ,u w f c D U K ir .

- 3

’I s E L E C T t V E S E R V id iV M lE N ^ ’'


‘ QnerU W U oi L rfI Her# v im iv ' gritfh i T h k o ta to 'lW O reii

to d ^ U W B S ' '

"ten- “ ■Appreciation o r thp firewoll demon* Keo- rtrntlon nn,V.lo6aWons glTon bv Tfw.ltt I «*• P n llB c lliM nsto them cnw trained “ “ y hero Mondny entering the ojlltarjr serv. tlons a t Oamp Lawla, la exptCHed la Sk, lonal telegram' recolved this mnrning by E.

. .1.. Mneh, Becretary o f 'tho local -boord, which .waa dlipatcbed onrouto tX La Qrande, Oregop, by Raymond U e, ad-.

„ ju ta n t of the p a r iy . ' Pqllowing la tho (hill’ tP*l of the mcBsago:Tcw« 'T he Twlu Falls luo ttt of August 20 heir t i th e s to thank the Red Croaa aod p«o-

pig of Ttfin Fall! and vielnlty, for_th9... , splendid lunch, candy, c5fan,.ele.,,anrt

for th a liberal donation of monoy. Tho boya are a' mighty fine bunch and are- nU cn joybg tbeniMht*. ■

tben, ,. .. -1- .J )o n 't you V a s t U l . A dv jrtla i U m- iha CUaslfled Calnno a sd { r t r id ot I t

ry of Idaho> U

™ e

STOCKCompanyR.INQ-—— — — . i n N o . - 2l e P a y m e n t )

y o n m a y b n y a n y n u m b e r o f , p a y in g $ 1 0 p e r s h a r e d o w n f o e a c b m o n th n n t i l t h o p n r*1 0 0 p o r a h a r o ia p a id n p ; th o0 I n o ln d o a c c m o d d iv id e n d s ‘o o e d in g d iv id e n d d a to , ,

le r a n n n m w i l l b e a l lo w e d a n d1 p a y m e n t s . I f y o n p n r c b a s o n o f w i th d r a w in g a l l p a r t i a l 0 r a t e o f 6 p o r c o n t p o r a n - d a t o o f f i n a l p a y m e n t . O n

a t a n y t im e d a r in g th o t im o - .

Qt p o r a n n n m d iv id e n d w i l l b o —

A u g . 1 a n d N o v . 1

y t h e S t o c Kl i r i g P r e f e r r e d S t o c l c — .

f t h i s s t o c k — a t a n y o f

. n y e m p l o y e o f t h e c o m -

r m a t i o n y o u w i s h .

ip a t lb lo w i t h t h e c i a t i o ^ i n t e r - B o o n r ity . O p in io n K o . A 1 1 6 7 . ’.’

C o m p a n y ;

Page 4: TWK iL L S , DAIILY fs^ w d G l^ - moot h»ve l)ee& oaptoi^it, i t . w as learned here t^ ^ren * .-tae.' ,

■: , THE 'TWIN FAUS DAILY HE'^ Piibliibed.bjr.Ttie T»tn-riU*M>>wf I

' lil ting 0 « . Intx. a t Tv Id .FfcUi. H ah#

u , ~ ■■ __________' ' 'At 'if^COOB BSW^I

^ « X M p t ‘. ■' 80Bd*y

. A. KBAD_____ I.... :.............PuWIp>■ .m iiv V ’ i i a b v k t .:..-...... ,N «w i E-l, M, ....... ...... . . .M m b

■ .T d e p b eB .M -

'; .T 0 D A Y 'S ira W 8 ’T 0 D A \

SIW O B IPTIO N BATBS '. M*ll . . O tn

. •K '" ....... :.....’Oof ------ ¥••J.M ............,t I) rn o n lb i.................*J

....... . 3 n o o lh i.......... . |]1 moDfh...........

^ '^ ilv/rtUlna Ralra^ iipo'o app llritl

'vRatsred u *«<^08i1-<laii'matter A] -• '.''i.tfllfl. a t Ibr po ito ffir t a t Twio Pa

■ I'Ubn. uaafr^tbe Aft o f Mareh .3. 1«

• * W HT OBskAW B S n O KDolJj roportj:of ti>e KecPMtn a t :

. ’ Allied am ii which btloK reaMursDee nil 0)0*0 who t^oxara tbe eanio of I man rlfh tJ , da not dlBtraet fhe a(ti

r ■ , ti&D e£ tl»o jJlfiiI,p» i> !e from tbo fi tha t 'the war I i not yot won and' tl

■ _ il eoDBOt ,b« won iaeee*rfuJly M d I •world i ^ « “ '»afe fo r dem ocrae/" i

til (be Oomao ia praetlpally oxterin •t«d. ' - „• Tbo O erasn ia fiffhtlsi;, atabbon for wbat ba belterea la r lg b t -Peo{

' will flgbt eqaall}' hard for the ir belli whether, thbie bel[efn a re ' right wroog, 8o long aa tbe (lomiaaa’ cre rentera tipoo tbeir fa ith in the eiap<

. orY nd ths Inipiorial ^ a tr m . 'tb e eo Moation o t bUjidly obedient human as

'• putting all Ihelr triiat In a aet o f ’u »erupulou*ly ambltlouA leader*, w pontinue to be a danger to the node of nationa. And their faith will not I

, Rhftkrn until the failure of th'o milllaIitle .autoerat i t domonalrated.. bx tl defeat of hU annleL

/ ...♦ . . • • •The Qerman i* ligh ting not o n t/ (i

* . . bia belief bn t io r bi* job.. I r a l i eoQBtriea, to a g ro iter or lei

'V f ix t |n t , '‘0Bljr' th4 few c u p 't o smuo .i;/phonee«i iB«tiB m atter o f earaiDg » li'

ing. Ths mao)' . ^ f e r a ture .thin^ Imperial goreram ent and the 'a ta t

agendei of Oemany. o ffer an a u u rc livelihood to mlllloBi of clUie;iB. Tbs.

• own in Mflio eaeea partly , and in other cn(irol)-, tlie n llw ayt, eaeala, telegrap

• and telephonei, foreila, e o d mine*, iro: . itiinrii.gtecIworkiitohBrenandporeolali feetorlei, banki, lo tte r ic j,. raodiclne liathi, brewerloB and new*papera. Thu mlllloD* of Oennana who havo i»a*jfl' the Dece«UT7 examinations and'H curei a “ iiiro thing,” con l>o depended upoi lo support the ozlntlng form of gov rrnmpnt.

Tho tleniiau''bellovei tb li lo bo thi proper order of tbinpi, and hi' ha i I'on vi^iced a good innn7 .]«opte In oihe rou tilrln tha t bi* 1* tho zenith of ocon omic efficiency. .

A* an exponent of w hat ho regards a. the highent I'fi human deyeldpraent tn* efficiency, the Oerman feel* elnccrelj tha t ho in of tbe one race worthy oi ruling tho world, and he baa sot about ilellbentely to attain tb tlt end. H e iJ not to 'b « d irerled-from hla puri>os< until he I* tn sbed .

The teachings which have knitted tRV German people into a fanatic unit undei the rule o f the war mad Pm 'uliin* wai never t>etter upre**ed than in - th e 'Ie l le r of a Orrman schoolgirl, which hai been re p r in t^ widely ifi Kurope. Here is the Iclcr.

•‘J'runkforton-Oder, Ju ly 20, 1911 " M y Dear L o o ie e - ^ b contenta of

, ^our last leter wonld have bort me triiil I not knowB tha t yuur thoughU nt our glorious wnr remiUcd from sheer

■ ■ignoronee. *“ You nre in a rountry ro&dered ef*

fcminate by the Influence' nf old-foah* luned 1 d m of liberty, a country whlc]i is a t least two centuries bgblnd_op^

“ i'ou are In need of a good dow of Pna»- . sian coltoro. , -

" I t 1* evident that you, a 6w ln girl, wilh your French sympathies, cannot iintlcritaBd how my heart., tho heart dt

« a young German gir),'p»«ionat«ly-dfrt• sired Ihls -WTir. 6 |r t l i c f n j » ^ i f some

years ago, my father said td us: 'Chil-' ilren,'Oermany la getting too im all fo r• us; wo ahall have to g(\ to France again lo find' Is I t oo r 'fan U th a t Franco will not understand that more money and land is neceKsary foru f

• I "A n d you reproach us tb a t onr lol- •dier* have been very, e rud to .lhe Bel-, ginn people, and yon-*peak alio of th'e dcstnietloa of Bheima and of the bnrn-

' •


in P n b J .

< i7*po


— f ; - J P a p i i

.. 11.60 — - " -------

,.'.1.' If You Would Vote ] — , H e re h a L hI Fall*, Slate lawn riTjiiirc tha t every I, 1B70. oii''Tuesdav, Bcj'tembrr shall har • ' I ■ . of tbe’registration bobkii in each |n

for the priiiwry election are not rci oral elcclioii. rcrsons who will b

:_____ general election, may resU ter and. Following is’thtt list o f registi

county: ' ' of t i e 1—Ouy Swope,,

lo avenuo e as tNo. 2 . - i I r s . Mary E.

le tt. .146 Main avenue north.Btten- . Twin Palls -No. 3 .-B . 8 , Broln;

10 foct 427 Third avenue west or o t tbe ,of d' th a t Leonard Smllh.

1 «},. . Twin Falls No. 4 . - l l r s . T. B. E " drioks, 630 Main avenue *outb.

' “ • Twin Falls Ntf. St-W . J . Smith, ermin- Main avenue south.-

Twin Falls No. 5 - W . J . Smith,b onJy *” “« « " “ »• p / ; Twin Falls No. ft-M nu K ate Tal feopie ggj g*;ond avenue north or *t the belief* ficB of (be Fidelity A bstract A Ti 'h t or compaay.creed -T w in Falls N a 7 -M rs . H . P . Wi:

iBDer- avenue, third honse to 1going e as t


i f ’un- 0^ Tillages and towns. Well, t jj. I* war. As In every otber undertakl

we aro pa it Riasteni o f wnr."Y ou have • g reat deal to lei

lot bo before you can come up In our uln ill la r ' u d s , and I ean M o ro you th a t w] _ has been .lone so f a r is a mere ba

lello comparc'd'wU.b what will follow ' . " As n niBttec of fae t there 1* f

pno race .worthy of ruling tho woi y fo r and which has already attained I

highest degree of civilltatlon. Tt race'is. ours, tbo PruM lans;.for althou

’ *** wo Qermans In general arp lords of ( u u n e the I>russlan* «ri):'nndfiabte<% liv> lords pnr exrcllcnce ameag tbo Q hing. man*. . , v. , “ All other nations, and ftnong the

, unfortunately, the Bwlu. on: degem ate, and of inferior worth. T h a t '

They pthy 1 luive olw iys bw n sn prond thor* Icing a true Prussitin. .

."Yesterday, again, our pnKtur explal Iron us,convincingly th a t our fii

pkrents, Adam abd 'Kr(<,.werr also P rt Siam. T hat 1s .quite easy to undi

clooi slnnd, because the Bible tells os, th Thus Ibv Qerman Qnd, ereatcd us a ll oft

his own im age.'' If then nil men nro d , sri'iidcd from Adnm ancl',hl» wife,

fiillowx tha t only Pruiiiliiiu, o r at Icni »Po» nnly Oermlns, .ought lo je x ls t i n ' i gov- world, % id tha t all w ho'push «n ni

prosper ought lo belong lo us. Yi the **dmlt tha t th is 'l t logic, and th

is why oiir jp'otto is 'O od with us; 0« manv above e v e ry th in g .'■

liber . ly o u know now why wo w isb rd jh >con- s»Br. Is it not nhameful th a t o th e f s

Hons, ■who hnve no rlgbt lo. ezistoa , ou tho earth, wish lo diminish liur be

itagol Wo are Ihe divine f ru i t oi the^ther»ftre only.weods. T bat 1* wl

’rely our g reat emperor bos decided to pu t i f of end to a ll .these injustices and to t boat ‘ho weed*. Rn you iindersUr

that nowf “ , " 1 remain vour ..rh.Hil friend. •

I«>M ■ ■ KATIE HAMEU"D aughlcr of the S tale Councllli

of Archilecliire.”

H E M P C U L T I V A T I O ^ ■

™ ■ T O E p p i C A T E W E E D !

ha* Oonnty Agont Offers New Boggestlc le ro .U F a m tr s In U » e ^ Serl*

. o t u Problem 1 ---------I o f T hat tho growing of hem p'la an e:

fective mean* o f eradicating weed* 1 the suggestion of the eounty agon who quotes tbe following ‘from a di

e f. partm ent of agrieultnro bolletin fo r tb uh* informatioa of Twin Fall* e o u n ty 'fu »lel» merar %vn,— Verrfow-of-tlin-commDmvDodltTOl

blesomo on the farm_ u n snrriTe th dense shade of a good crop of hem;

rirl, I f tho hemp, make* a abort, weal not jfTDwth, owing to nninltable soil o f drought, o r other uiusei, i t will havi

little effect In chcckbg tho ffrowtl ime of weeds, b u t 'a good, de&Bo crop, < bii- foet or more ia height, will leave ,th i lo f groUnd practically free from wood* al

harvest time. In W isconsb, Canadi >.uU thistle has been eompletely kUled ani hat quack-grus severely checked by ont

erop of hemp. In qne *-*er^ field li Vernon county, Wi*.,. whore~ Canada

lol* thlstlea were ve ry 'th lek , fully OS pei lel;, cen t;o f Ihe'thU tle* were killed where th'e tho hemp' attained a height o f 6 feet re- or more, bilf on"a-d ry , gravelly hill-

’Mef domlns \

| ; r = s ^ ;

W v ^

I ] / \

s You Must iRegister; lliat af Registrars in Coun!ry voter taking part in thi- primary ciccti have rcglitered prior tn the time of the clo'« 1 precinct on Saturday, August 31, Begistri required to register again for the ensuing.(

il bo qualified as electors on tho dato of nd take pa /t in tbe primary election*.' ist^nrs for the several preclnctB of Twin F

pe,, 412 Hahl No. 1 -M r* . William Schark, j , Rvbl No. £ -M rs . Thomas F riU ha

E . O il-1. F iler-M rs. D ora Shaffner. „I K im berly-0 . 0 . Zoclt.,

alnsrd, I Hansen—0 . D. Wilson.< office I Murtaugh—Lew' W. BawUngs.

I Ilo llis ter-R . E. Moore.''I. Hen-1 Rogerson-M rs. J . & Langford.

. r Amsterdam—Dale D. KonkeL th, 320 Berger-C . W. Simpson.

Roek.Crcek—Mrs. Mary D oarow. th, 320 CoaUeford-Mra. John Noble.

Clover—Mrs. E . L . Van Biper. Taber, B a tle -M rs. P rank O lirk. ' the of- Deep Creek-M r*. W. M. Sehriver

T m st L ucern-W . B. Morrison:M aroa-M rs. Jesnle I* Moieley.

W irth, I Thometr—Mrs. Fannie .T. Graves. ;o le ft j Bhniilinnr H fisln-Fred Bailey, Bog

I, thal side in this same field where U gr Jiking, only S to 3 feot high, the th l^ e a wi

ehcckcd nn more than th iy wbiild hi learn been in a grain erop. Bome vln

ulnnd- like the wili'l moraing glory and bii w hat weed, climb np the hemp tto lks a baga- ■ecure ligbt enongh fo r growth, I

low. lowgrowing-weeds ean n o t live in la Sut hemp field.

I^ 'tho ^ BzhoSft SoUAn ohuDdant supply of p lan t food

hongb « q “>«d by homp, bo t m oit o f it of the ‘"'•fely borrowed during developms btedlv rclurned to tbe soU a t t£b close

Qti. t i e s ^ n . Tbe u nonn ti o f 'th e pr cipal fiTtllizing elcmerita contaioed

them, mature crops of -hemp, aa compared wl j jn j , . ' other eropa, are ahown In the aeeoi m t' Is I'^nyloK l*We. ,• nd of .........-------------- — .........

ph in . T O P L A T E T O G L A S S I F V

WANTKIV-Woman for housewor . Apply Mrs. P. M. Kendall nt Sheriff

office. Twin PoU i

'a fter ' i " ' ' ■re d0‘ ■- ' —fe, if ,

F o r 'that J f c, flcr-

^ .


=■* I■ T i l -

gentf ‘‘W , de- r tho ', f « .

c r o u r -------y y U B ~ N cw Toifc~b tiyBrrMPthe ^ A. Jacobs, h u Just le ft

““ P- Now T ork, where she wilmain for the nex t three monthi lectlng and tending d iU j ths

iwtb e tt creaUons of N n r T ork pnh 0 t l o k tbe

I at lada



_____ .TWntFAI.

^ WAB T IU E OOOSEBT '' , m .

^ H 1 + TWIN 'FALLS; B3T0HBN8-

^ r j . l oonterratlon Bedpes Tested on ^ + Bccommended by Local Wome

^ ^ m b s ; HYEUM PICKETT ■ 8 DIVI8^ ; M urtaugh......— ' W heaUeu Short Oake'.': ■ ' r, ' Uiio rup oat flour; 1-2 rup rice fl

4 fab1e<.iM.on* fo t; n teaspoons ba r ; powder. Mix ax short rake.—

'. ! V -Qoo. W. Jensen. .

.' J ^ ' Oatmeal Drop Oakes '• -f ' Ono-lhird cup Crisco; 1-2 cup su

jj 1-2 cup raisins; 1-2'cup nu t meat* I . n ip rollci) oats; 1 egg.and 1 yolki

: w cup sweet milk; 1 ru p barley flour; tr'- toa»jioon Mda.— Mr*. T. D. Nash.

J-. • !' Drop Oakes ..> .Onc-bnlf cup butter; 1-2 cup 1.

'£•1 '' 1 cup (Ugar; 1 cu]> raisins; 1 tcas'i foda dissolved in 0 tablcsiuons ri

. . — wntcr; 2 eggs; 2'1-2 cup* rolled o I rup barley flour; I cup wheal fl — Mrs. Cha*. A. Dillory.

untg oooki™I'*- > ' "1' **f“i

1 tablespoons cocoo; 1-2 cup walnnb istraata ''“ I’ *“l’ flo” -—!ng.gen- ” • ^ Wllllama. of ‘>'0 Barloy O ookl« .

in Falls Three rups brown sugar; 1 cup li 1 cup awbet milk; 3 tcax}>oons bal

lark. pow.Icr; 4 iggs. Add barley ftoui tcher. ranke drap i-opij^«lctiPi.—M nt I

^ strom.Oookles • ...

' Ono'half cap shorlealng^ l-'i cup gar; 2 tablespoon molnwcK; 2 eggs; c up milk; 1-S teiujwon soila; 1

d. spoon baking powder; I rup raisiw I cupA oatmeal; 1 cup rurn flour.—}

Alfred Hoover.’**• ■

T .T t t »T ♦ f i- *-

• P AT T B B aOTBLSriver. J .

BOOF.BSON—TJ. J . Colopy, V>» • Roger- A n d e a n , Salt Lake; Ji

R. Points, Bolt Lake; H. E., Taeki Balt Lake; A. Boch and w ife. Jeroi

--------- Jno. McKown and w ife; Bobert( grew nioir, Pocatello; B. P . A therton, d ■* were 0 . Mel^'an, Lam ar, Wyomlag; T . Bl d have Denver; E . H. StcntoflrPocatello; J . vines, Peterson, Salt Lake; Mrs. B o b t Pi

I blad; ell. Salt Lake; Leo Pitman, Boger» u and J . B. fflce, Hollister; Oladys Emera h, bol Ontario, Oro.; B. J . McMillan, Tri » in a dad, Oolo.; M. A. MeWllUam, Trinld

Colo.; L. D. W est, Buhl; J . A. Devi Pocatello; D. B. Tboma^ OasUefo:

. , , Arley D. W ard, Caatleford- 0 . 0 . Ca " well, Bogcrson; A. 0 . Nelson, Buhl)

. . - . i f e : Betser, Castleford; B. 0 . Neill, D.ver; Kenneth M cK eatle,'Idaho Pol

‘®“ Chas. F- Draher, Id fho Fall*; L. B. T M®**® F o11»5 J /T . Allshle, Co(

d w iS I>- B- Thomas, Castleford^E E E B IN B -^ . J . MeElery, Chicai

Carl blaen. Twin Springs; 0 . C.Dall M. S. Collinson, Salt Lake; Mr. a

-------- Mrs. R '-C . Maynard, Rupert; Mrfc;p Y Beoton, Dorcastor, Kan.; Oeo.!_____ Thompson, Rogeraon; C. W. Whlffiswork. Boiso; M .-W ."8mith, W endell;-W . ' o riff's Potts, M ltsou rir-n . P . QIanflcld,-S

Loke; A. H . Nelson, Salt Lake; Jo

F a l l aT u e F uH liion S hop !

m .v n f tlio m«wt I

I'liDsoti I'lir F n l l 11

liiiH -sonr t o t i s tho .c lm ioo i

g g D re s s e s , S k i r t s , W n iR ts

= S . ' m n s t ii l liir ih frl.v n t t n u ’l r

\ y o a r a o x p e r io n c e . ' ■ • ■'*;

^ T h n p ln ( n ta i lo r w l ;

)■ ,voar— r e a l itiitim lH li n m l

\ n r p ft H tt lo lo n p c r t l i n n In

HtylpR th n n th e p ln in on i

lllfc, t n i l y r f im n rk n l t le in j h e i

b S i ly o r to n o .'i . S e r c c f l . 'S n r i

Y n ti H honlil hi!ji*-ew

ohhriilifip in v e r y h n n ! to |;

lin y jii f i t w h n t w I l F p l f t l ^

O u r prifO K n r e low c

p o ln t r a e n t n f h a v in g y o n t

f i t , o f c h e n p n in te r in lH a n

2SQ sassaa ' ^ o f t e n t h e cnrn; w i th ini

“ “ 'I'T I t im e y o a r e t u r n I t th e te n

“" t in n o f n e w i ip p a r e l n t tiiile ft for

, v i l l re- C om 'c lu u l le ( uh Kho\

inths, B u r lo y , t h e iiew ^'S t n ty lcH - th s new-, ^yeH K incked , a

■ o v e ry r i'K p e c t. ,

- ■ S p e c ia l o r d e r s w il! r



l I D e l “ I E lb e r ta- H - H - ' trviBioN • Freestone, large

perfect co.ndition ' . C o m e i n d r t e l e p l

. " b S t h e y a r e a l l g o n e .Mm, j

$ 3 . 5 (

s i n G ro t< tr \H k , 1-4l o u r j M ' 'isb. . j m

up In rd i ' Idaho Dep- Tw i"

!od OBts;al flour. " ' ..


F O R T H E H A N S E N BRICsirup; 3ilnnla; U industries Board C lean W oj ir.—Mrs. Bnlldlng of Span Acroas

. - flnaks B lre r

up lard; A 'rerliflc jtc .o£ priority Imuc‘1 bjI baking prloritiea division of tho war Indus flour to board, perm itting tho purchase nf i i. Eng- tor, the suspension bridge ^ i

Snake river n n y o n north of wns recciveil \lhi» morning by E

cun SUi r^oeh, secretar}- of thr-IIansen b*r , j-.g commission, which Is composed of

, commissioners of Twin Falls countA’ ll, J . .. of the Hillsdale highway d istric t r —Mrii! of the •rcrtificale wa*

dieted in a tolegrnm rev lvM Balui by Mr. Finch from Ropresentnlivc dison T. Btnilh, who has heen nctlv

{»W *+ the furtherance of the bridge p ^ before the war industries board.T D. J . Caviinagh, representing the }

. , . T >«od Bridge rompanv which bolds contract fo r eonstniction of the s|

[>os ~An- stated ')iore Su tarday 'tha t ba'rring e; John foreseen contingencies, th e ' b r 'a ekra ll,:’"O'lld be complcted wiihin six moi Jerome; ^f^er Ihe m aterial'w as. oh ttie groi lort T. ■ , •n, d ty ; FILBBT. Bide, F IL E R .-^ r» . C. I Johnson o; J . L.' dmighler, Botly, n f ‘Topeka, Kan t Pow- were in tho c ity Monilay enroule igerson; Rogerson to"s]>(’nd a week wilh teerson, and Mra. B. W. Lutr., Trinl- R. W. Lutx, manager o f Ihe Roger rlnld'sd, dcpartmi'nt store-, wa* transncting.b Devine, nesa in Twin Palls nnd vicinity Thi Ueford; ''".v and Friday. '•J. Card- ^If"- <’■ I. -lohnsoii and dniighcr. I uhl) B. *>'. *i*ei't ■ Moi'ilny wilh Mm. R, 11, Den- I^rwin., P i llj ; --------------------------.------------- :-----------B- Tal,- W. Graham, Boiae; W. P. Ooodwall, ] , Coour Miton; H. W. Bryant, Haxelton; 0. 'o rd ^ Homcman, Burley; B. M. McCnwk hicogo; Roise; Carl Bee, Boise; Orith Ohl D ally; city ; Thos. 0 . Raker, "H earts of [r. and W orld"; John T. Clifford, Son }\ Iti. H. cisco; Miss Helen Meyers, San Fr }co. B. rl*ro; MrB. nuntlogton Davis, Los j Tilffen, gclcs; 0. R. Lewi*, Pocatello; X W. W. Owen Sheridan, U tah; Miss Mary St d,-Salt idnn, U tah; Jnmcs Bune; James ; John Deni. . _ .

a n d WImps are ro.s])leiidant with a fnll ai i.<<t beautiful oreutlnnR Fasjiroii lmII nu<1 W inter wcnr. Danu* FnKhin >ioo«t «>f hor fnvorit<‘K In Coals, Sniti ifils, Blouses nnd H ats. Truly th iK’livo wo hnvo known in nnr mnn

w] snitfl nro oxroodin{;ly sniarl thi mil nre fnyorites overywliere. Coat n Inflt. sonBon. ThoHo who favor ntho ono we hnve n dpliptfnl atwirtnion

their hennty of color nnd doslym, ii Jorilln .nnd Broadrlnth.

-effriy tliifl yoilr for dosirnhlo mor to ifct nndjivhilo w ohnve on hnnd to « l^ ^ i f^ T v m ? iy 'l) 0 ''p ;o n o - to in o r rn w .

owciit—<ld not rink the keen dlnnp ronr suit or coat como to you a pool i and nltogother nnsntififactory as i> I mail order merchandino, for hy thr tenHon is half over nnd the nntr8fao-

t the right time is totally spolloil.

show you either n t Twin F uIIk of at Icfl—it ^\ill be n pleasure to us. Bolli d, anil we [.nmrantoi* satlHfnciiiin in

1! receive our prom pt nttenti<ia.


ilid o u s a P e a c h e s:ge and yeliow fleshed, in m for eating or canning, jphone' your order beforele.

5 0 a B u s h e l

f r f f p h o n e N o . I

t h e Qrieater

partment Store>ln falls,-Idaho

;d ' / - .n


Way for 1 ^ ) 1 t f i l l P H o t f f c *

The Justamcre Inn .Tuesday oveni; waa the sceno of a pleaaant and n cessful social o««aaion « lraa b / ‘ i

a**"*” resident women of the- Inn for t benefit of the Bed C rosi - A' mnslc

^ '. f rog ra^ '-w ith .dandng u d cards we I* tffe-fMtaTc'a o f the affair. 'Tho'eolU. ”1 T t Uon for the Bed Oross am onnt«l , ' tSSjBO*. Vocal numbers waro g lren 1

^ Mrs. T . 'J . Wood*, Miss Mlnnio S a d r

irtlve in r*^^®ents were played by K ra .ifo T lL Datley, Miss Omco Bryant, Mrfc EmnJ P' L. Warren anH Mrs. A. T. B o a t B . ':to m a . f v . •• ^ o lta » lo , u d u<„1,1. th« dame* Beat aqd W arren gave a plai10 span. ^-iu y g 'in o r of tho "horse ra te ," which wi

bridge ' enjoyable events of tlmonths .

^ Tbe Missea Constance and Laui Whire entertoiaod dellghtfally Tne

iin’ anil evening a t their home. W hite S Hannas honor of the M isses'Elenor a ioule to Chambers of CaldwelL The e ilh Mr

followcd'by dainty refreshments. Thi :ogorso» gce»ts wera ,

Thxir*- Popular)JaM nese Flowers. -Ten of till* niMt pn'puIar dowera ll

rif(. Japan n re : Apricot, cherry, chryteoj R, V. themura, Iris, lily, momiog glory, -zi

Oliy, piom. quince ond tho «Te^pre8ea ______ wisteria.

all, Ha- ■ ■ ------- ^ • 1

I IVan- .I Fran- To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, o: vOs An- B.->turdny, August 24, a boy.; Mrs. To Mr. nnd Mrs. W alter I^nnoU ; y Bhe^ Tuesday, Atigust 27, a g ir l nes P . To Mr. nnd Mr*. Ja rr la J . Jollel

Ruarlny, August 28, a boy.


Oiion ':


Hap- I *'

)o o r I

■ It h e Illll j

t U t '■io lh ] ) A \



Page 5: TWK iL L S , DAIILY fs^ w d G l^ - moot h»ve l)ee& oaptoi^it, i t . w as learned here t^ ^ren * .-tae.' ,

' 5 3

^ F a c u l ty L in e -U p f o r Y e a r

d u d e s S e v e n N ew

I n s t r u c to r s

AM'iftnment of tonclicni >ii the 1 Kalln Ugh Khnol h u |>rnrt|c (■nmpIelM by PrlncipBl M. C. Mi

. fll, nnd tlio faculty line up, wbieh - - ■ fluJrfl wvsn now in»tnielor*, for

L .._<‘ominj; scbool yeat U O" follow*: -7|> MIm ' Aliro. Jobnxon, oMiiitnnt p

fijuil and Engli»h initruclor.MIm Crotb Chile*, KoRll.b.Misa n d e n Doncelco, EnRllsh.

— ^ { iw Betb Btoytn, EBRllih.'__ — M lu CoRitAoco PflRO, Encllsb.

Midi Byrd WbII, b ltlory and eeon Ift.

Miss E1)«b Oocbol, Prcttfh and Sj Ub. •. M iH 'H au l n i ^ ' , Letln.

' MIh U ary Beston, mathemBtUi. Mil* Nelle Jonei, mtttbomatlen.

■ ' ' T Mi«* Dolllo Hftffan, aelonpe.MiM AdeJilde Nlchol*, wlcnee

maUiemitlu.. • MIm Edith Oraoft, *elonee.'

D. A. H ilei, commorcinl. •M ill Ulidred T oud;t. domentif

. fnei>—cooklnjf. / . ’,M ln lu sn lU BnUllff, ilomeitir

enc<t—Mwlnff. r*.'- •—MIm Anlt<- K(neftfd, .manual. ,tri

JnfT- ■■ ■ • ,MIm J m iIo Simpoon, mutie.

. }St. MItebell, In addition lo hU t i n a t prioclpal, wlii Icarh riaiMM United Slntea hiitory.

D b»et UUIU17 In stncU on ' u n ita ry tactic*, lotroduccd lato

' Twio Fa lli high Kbool, will bo dlree • by Dr. P . a Bebee and 0 « a r W. N

mnnn, a 'm em ber o f tbo in n io r 'c l wbo aro ecw in attendance a t a tn

- inj; tamp a t tho .Ban Franclaco prcalAinonir the newcomer* .to 'tho faeii

D. A. Hllo* comc* hore from Onta Oregon; MIm Nichols from Eatberrl .lowaj U Ih 1*180 from Corrretlonvi Towa; U lia najtan from Clinton, Io

•' M in Byrd Wall, daURblrr o f Mr. t M n. n . J. Wall o f Twin Fall*, wa member la»t,year of Ih r Klmhcrly h nfhool faculty.


(Continued from page orio)

went bank of the Bommr cannl ovc wldfl front south of Peronne. Tbo (

. man retreat is reported to hnvc b prMlpitate a t (wmo point* lant bI| There l i over}- Indlratlon thn t th r omy' rclrcal will nol halt heforo rcttcbt* Ibe enllre litnd^nbiirK \lnc IhouRb the boches nro rciistinR ton n'unly in the vicinity of Nnynn. Fall tha t tirwn, oxpectod hourly, will rom the last »tronj( clcfeii»e, hefnrc Q

'Card, five m lln to the north, it is lievi'd., A lonU 'the 'canal enst of

»- N > le tho flublinjf w«« oxtromrly hen \ A huRp'nmount nf matorial wn* r

tHTfil in IhnI icRiftii..N'orUi of Robxnm thi’ German*.

iiIitiKlni; In •IcinilnatiMR' puaition*• 'iiffipii nnd Juvny (whero Aiperi troopH nre o|K’rnllni{). .

Tlio Oermnn* nro n'porleil, lo. urently slrenKlhenlni; Iheir poxition H t . 'a o h n ln _ ^ s t (lietwocn tbo C nhd the A ilm T w blcb nro rofjardo! already- amoaR tbe liest defenses the weat front.

• . , B r llM Forgo AheadBritiab .troops nlao conlinuod tl

umjtram hetwccn napaiimo nnd Searpe, caplurint; Orolselles imd

^ vnnclng to VauU-Vraumurl, five m Rortheaat of Bapaume. More than miles,of tho. H indenburg lln e j* now tfieir fiandi.. ' ,, J h o Treflfb operation. nbiiR the 0 i[aptnred Suioy Pon I / ’Exi'cq, Bucho nnd Porqnerieourt, approaching to w. in nearly a mile of Noyon on tho w

Betw een. the < Oiso anil tbo Ali Americaif troops repiilaed several eo le r attack*,' near JuvlRny, (nnr m

' norlh' of Soissons.

' A m nlc tn i Break Up A ttacksTbo aories of local opernllon* init

ed by both aides on the famoua Ai battle field baa 'resu ltc il in viol

' flRbtlRg'alonRlbB Vesle. •'Moro tban hundred Oermans b

been captured, t ' A eoUBtor attaek ajrnln«l tbe- Ati

'ica tu ' lata yostirday. afternoon b r down comploteiy in the face of h&

■ artillery and machine Run fire. Apparontly, there was llltlo fight

na a (rwat portion of the great ba front last' night; po«i>lblv becatisc'

--------------tho-reeent-he^vj^rain*.-------------------FiRhtlnjt in . the Somme area 1

night w ai limited to arllllery engt ment*, ti.B IVeneb war offico nnnoun totlay. nalding operalion" Trrrr:T<yW on other fronts. . •

| i ' . "O n the Bomme fnm t last night t iwere violent bombnrdment",” the e

.inunl<iuo said. “ In liorralne, Qerr raids were nnsurcessful. In Ihc Cbi paghe, two Frenrh raid* resulled

. .fifteen prisoners! I t wa« enlm 0 w here."

BrlUah W ar SUt«m sotSlrang (lorman .'iMinler attack* at

the Searpe were repulsed yentcn evening and last nlglit. Ihr^ n r itu h ’ office announced to.lay.

“ SoDth of Ihe Somme wo mnintaipressure ncalnft th r rnrm y during



^ : $ FEAJIK E. OOODnra

a r l n - | ^


licb inHfor the

.t prin ' j

iconoD'l . ■■

] Bpan-i Id ibo Fuel A dm bilitn tor wbo r a podtlon to ent«r r tce for UQ

I Statas Senator oa t to BepaU l it i . ' tiekrt.l c . I -

„ . r t !G O O D IN G R E S IG N S A S


Mrcoanrwt, O liaw tot criadim " 1 OopaBctloa with 0«ldlilM7 t e

lio '. c i . : " . l l i B m i UI ______

tr jlt ,. In tendering to D r.'G arfield hi* lignatlon a* federal fuel adminlatr I for tha i^ a to ^ f Idaho, lo be effec

h ll d'u- September 1, ez-Qovernor Frank ssoa In Oooding, enndidato for the Hopubll

: nomination for United Statea ^ena imake* the following atatement:1 My tandiaacy for United B talt* i

ato th e j j to r W Impelled me to take ■ **r«tod'course, aa I have feared tba t th» 1• ing might ho aroosed.ln aome a l • ' c laaa,jjh ji j endeatorlng to makeI t ^ n - , i n | j j i yipUai 0/ my connection 1 realdio. (i,( adralniitmtlon of the h e l p

m ° ' cannot leave tbs work withont lending my hcartle il thunk* aud pr

onvllle,J,o {hose who have beon aasocli , Iow a .j^ ith 'm e in the work, and to the ni

paper frsternlty . Whatever irac “ haa been attained ihould be ered

j to the local admlnlatrator* nnd I newspaper*.i During a long publie life I have 1

'9** '« r had a publie duty to porfonn Iwhlch'I took greliter interest and isfactlon than In tho fuel admtnia

1 Ition. Ono of the princpal factor* 1 “ ~ ! l i a s brought nbout th* feeling i*. Q better underslanding and appreela

, ’ n f t l i e newipapormen of my state, -U M * >>•” ‘‘i® ^Mling tha t during ,

. * ■■ liine of ■erIsta',"outsldo'‘of tSoio who offering tholr llvoa on Ihe battlefl

‘‘ nnd elsowhere for tho aafety »f ' world, that no class of citizens In

I '" ''? '* h“ve been and nro

romovo. as thono belonging lo tho newipj ‘ fralernlty. Mnro than any nthor

y It,*- •*''')■ " “'5® "'irresii poss in.thls struggle.

1 .10 not feel that it would be 'ri for me to retire from tho work of

in« a r o ^ “'' ' without expresi‘ - in the most piiMte manner my s<

of nliligntion to yourself nnd Ibe ni Konllemrii o f’the press.

ifiiT.f TiiTiitiiTi I iitiiTMl iiTiiI.f t iiTiifii tion in ^

Oise ^ PRODUCE MABKEW ' ;'le.i as ^ - j j j F A l t S»o» on J t

; Below are given provalllng .pr 1 their p jja by Twin Falla dealon for 1 id tho[j|7(iin and other produce. Quotat id n d 'ia r t corrected daily and aro aa ae 0 mile* ate a« i t ia humanly poaalble to xr lan ten them:now in ■ Hay

'. I Alfalfa (baled), ]« r ton ...............lle Oiae, I . bm a ' •.chollos'Alfalfa, per lh..._..... ...............0 w ith. Bed eiovor, per Ib. _____ ______24@».w o » t-;m ito elovc^r, por lb__________ iS&Alane.l ijgiiie, 1|,_____ ..............

1 eoun-1 elover, per l b . _________10|^• m iles '. on tin

tW heat,.per buahel ------- ♦1.95@' Oata, por c w t ___— ____ iZ£6;D .,l .y , p .r — — CM ,

, ' Prodncavioleat P«^ ----------------« «

Ranch butter, per lb. --------- £oe

,, have -----------------

't»Mke " ‘ff’’*’ advancing eastw ard.” the *1 . .ment aald,

"N orth of the Bomme, ns far as ' k '« i' nelghborhod of Fontaine-Ijes-Crols '* ia iflr mile and a hnlf northeast o f Cro

_ - lea) the night passed in romparn• ,f)ulel.r- --------

u T l ’ 'A stride 'the'SeoTpo'the 'enem yn strong counter attaek* yesterday o'

•ngage* and fOi^ ^ c a M . , o f fiolry nnil In tbo vicinity

• f h ey-were repnlaed w ith

®^=SM T'advatrtd-ro»l* oilablishod 1 le com' I Mutheast o f Vli^ ^ “".w err^ifllhdraw n slightly Inst nIghI

,a™' (||,p rrsnlt of repeated hostile altack ‘'L tb lfm cnt said.

" 0 " T h r prisoner* tnkou sinro the ttM m d e d 20,OW titid o ter

(■uns bnvo lircu tnken. s along "Tn th r rci'ent fighting suiilh ■terday north of Ihe Bomme, tniikii too t |«h war arlivo part nn all posniblo occnsion*

rendered very valuable and gnllant utained vire in rooperation with the infai Ing th r and other arms.”

P 29,1918. ' ■'

®9 1 i ll i F I O i l l lp i . ■ _______ ,

S I C a p ta in J o h n T . H e n d e r s o n f

r o j 1 2 5 f ro m H e re in C m tip a ij:

0 ; a t C a m p F r e m o n t ' ^ '

m i — ,D B ! Kxprrssiug plrUKvre over tho aas H R Imflnl to his ooinjicinv al Oamp ]

^mnnl o f 125 of tho Twin Falls rou r a m ’'m en who enlrainrd bero entering i S B I military scrvirn on July 20, CapI S h 9 j-lohn T. neadenmn, rommnnding C

I pauy A, SlxJf'Somnd infltinLry r ;ment, pays a high trilu 'to lo the 1

R B 'h o men. Coptain Ilendersun wns n E n jrlvillan, a civil englnoer, aod 'resl

; nt Twin Falls and Areo, Tdaho. He • ■ |H an officer of the machine gun romp

of tho Idaho regimen] on thn Mezl B B l | border iu lUlO, and transferred a t t

timo to the regular army, r a l s tu n i l letter in regard to the Twin F U U ted (ioldlera follow*: ,aUlcaa Co. “ A ,” 02d Infantry, Camp 1

mont. California, August 21, IBIB. Tho E.litor, Twin Fnlls New*,Twin FalU, Tdahn.Dear Sir:

A T O R pleasure wheheard Uiere wero a large number

■iwm In Idaho men assigned io Camp Premi

for i I! Ihey were coming' fo fjll up my n ^ menl, But wben 1 heard 1 had

men, praclieally pll o f whom wero'fi hia rea; Twin Fall* County,. I really ' latrator pleased. However, I oaly gol 125 'fective these men, ih r others being nssig »nk B>['el»owberc.ubllcan I t has beeu Ihe talk o fflh l* ca lenator, the appearance of these men. T

I aro *0 fa r auporlor In every w ay, tl ta S e a - a n y olbor b u iir t of rcerull* orer :e th i i celved here. Every' one spoke and ‘la feel- deratood 'Engllih jierfectly, whicli

mind* very unusual as d raft recruits go. J«e po-i Whilo the work Is new to pmellci n w ith 'a ll , 1 can now aee that tboy nro lak1 prob-:It up twice a* faat aa any othor

jerulta I have over handled. ,• ont e i- j Aa I uaed to live in T w in ,Fnll* ,; I p r i lw U a a andculand the pleasure ll gi oclatodjme In being ablo to »ay Ihe above, n nowB-1 only regret being thnl I will soon auceeaa I relieved hero and sent eliewborc. V redlled I trnly,

the: JOHN H E N nE ll80^Captain 02d Infantry, Commdg.

v e n e v ,- " A .» , tonn in I ■ ' — . .

e a t - ; -------- --------------------tnia tn- ra tha t -i* the i w r o

relation; l e l H b ^ t ^ n r a H f S S g i l T Oate. IBg ,th ls | ™rbo aro'l F1B8T PB ESB tTEBIAN OmiBl leflelds. Aaher Ilnrlan Brand, mlnlater. Mom »f tbe;worahip a t 11 o ’elock. Berman tb« In tho “ Communion M editation .'' Tho Bl

aro do-.Bchool opona a t 10 o 'ckck. Tho T. llbcrJy 'B . C. E; meeta a t 7.:15 o'clock, ripapor. At the momlng aorvice tho aai lor onu;m ent of tho U r d ’a Supper will bo lossihlr'served.

' Tbe congregation, will meet in o 'righ t park n t 8 o'clock and Join In the of tb n ; Ion aer\-ico for the ovonlng meetlnt

dressing; The following rnualcal program ' sense 1 be given a t tbo momlng aervicea un

0 n iherjth i’ diroctlnn of Miaa Zelm a,ijirm ' jivho wiil aubatltuto for Mr.

,jduriiig hi* abaonco:Organ ^ rolade, "Prelude In F

J i j o r " (Smart)." v | Anthem. "N earer Mv God to Thi

2 '(B cb illi'ng l,• r Offertory: Organ aolo, " P

Fourth Sona ta" (Mendelaaobn). .pricc» Organ postlude (aelected);

3T hay, Clioir rehenraal fi p. m. Friday, itatlons ‘ ----- a ^ r . I W - W - I - l - W - W - r t - I - I - I - I - H -


,,■♦18.00..m - h - I - I - H - H - H - I - I"! " ! " !"I OMAHA U 7 B S T 0 0 E

SOUTH OMAHA, August 2I),-h tlo -n c fc lp l« , •l.mOi markot, Mr to Ifl ei.nts higher:-ateor*, «10.00 18.00; cow* and heifers, «8.7.'j to 1C

10(^130 ,fn,|(orR ftnd feeders, $7.00 to 10 rnlvrs, $7,00 lo 13,70| bulls and sl

15^^98 ^ 12.QO.■ • Hogs—neceipts, C.OOO; market, 11

2.'!.eonts higher; bulk of sale*, | ] lo 10.00; top, »10,46. \ -

• . Sheep-R ecoipls, 21,300; mar steady; yearlings, IIS.OO to 13.25; w

I crs, $11.35 to 12.2.'!; hm bs, JH,00 _____17..'iO; ewes, ffl.CO to 11.25, •

’ ; CHIOAaO L m iB T O C KCHICAQO, August 2 fl.-H ogo-

rolsllles '■'■'r*'- •" h'SCrolsil- i l-'attle—Ilcreipls, 15,000. Sheep,


y-madfl^...... - N Bw ’ YOEK-STOCKS -I- even-1 NEW YOIIK,^ Auguat 29.—Pr -fonth* w 'cre-fm rtlo’iflllly-lrrcgulBr - when nlty of- slock mnrket opened today. TI.'S, B llh lots oprnrd a t 11(1 and llf l 1-R, up 1-8

[I-'l . Mnrlno prefonod waa ap 3-8 id w est, IOS 7'H and Baldwin waa 3-8 up Vimy) ;0< .1- f Anaconda opened a t OS H

[ght a * : ' ' -------la ck a ," ' POBTLAND LITOBTOOK

! PORTLAND, Aufoat 29,—CattI ® Z ' -<*■ ■To'"' '"«k '^ t, airt

unchan_g_ed. ling*—I ^ r lp l a ’328. Tone of o

J k r t - ' a t r o n g , unchanged.“ ■ 8beci>-Refeipts, .103. Tom' ot n

gfantn- Advertiae It In tT>» ciSMiflHof Tbe Nowa. Sooebody wiQ v a s t

■T i m s r u

LLS :in H a s F; la riy .

i The neawiRn-' men are

ip Frc-, rounty '

Ing tbo,Captain, g Com-.>■ « g i- ; be Ida-

■reslded ,ne w B j,

r e f l e c t t l

" ' • ‘ ■‘ l s k i l l f u l !

I" W ll" ' t h e s e f a r

np Fro- o b s t a c l e sIIB. •

You ai i n s p e c t i o

aber of • ' ,VemoDt,I beardly rejd-, . .

I O n

H ii’ .. ^’ ' S ’ / ~ wy, than .................. ...

and on- '

^ —elleallylaking

her r#- Li _______I__-

I 'V ™ " •!• + + ■!• + + ■!• + -I

I Misv'n Klenor nnd Dori* Chamber dg. Co. Oai,i„MI. wbo have l*eon visitl'ng t

sistor, Mrs. J . I I . Detwiler, rotui himii. this morning,

1^ ■ Misn Nona Finley of Bubl, who r/M ft bcrii visiting friends hero fo r lev I j M dnvs returned bomc Tucaday.

llfl A-i y ami children left'W ednesday men

t s for Clarendnii H ot Bprinff* a t Ha

lijBOILlom ing Mr. nad Mrs. Leonard Wood* theme, Mm. A. J . Woods hnvo gone to 1

0 Bible eniini.' vniiiiy nn n romping trip.0 T . P . O. D. Harward, manager, o f t i e ’

I gery lefj -WednoKday for Baoal ' aacrr-i wberij bis iirother, E. U iliarw arilj

be ob-;iindergo an operation.I i l r . and Mra. K. C. .Maynard of

In the ..|„.rt niot<itcl to Tw ln'F all* Wednea the un- Tiiompson nf Itogoraon^ttag.»m w lllv " . " ■a under 1 1 1 i . . ^ —arm ore ,. .

: : T H E 0 1

: : : : w i l

ly- • _- t “ T H E ,» t

market, f


-P r ic cs • William S. H art,icn the

2 - H I P P O D R O W3-8 nt

battlo— H ABirong, ,


Coaling Monday “XHI "f mnr: An ExtraonU naiy D raauU c B-:

fled flaeceaa rropfTSTery Pol Msxlr^of aU t ^ t Make* a Ti

It- L I.— . , . . .


"all Styles Rn e w A u t u m n s t y l e s f o r m

r e n o w o n d i s p l a y . T h e s e


i '

t t h e s p i r i t o f t h e d a y a n d

l l a n d e f f i c i e n t m a n n e r t l i

f a m o u s c l o t h e s h a v e o ' f e r c

: l e s . ■ .

a r e c o r d i a l y i n v i t e d t o m

t i o n . B u y c l o t h e s o n l y i f y

O N E - P W i C E C L O T H i e

*'T/ie Kuppenheimer Hotisf in Tiv

In Twin FalU Tufi-day and Wet^ ‘lay-4* ' M- >^mith nf Wendell waa a I 4* FnlN vlsil'or Wedneaday.

■ l-I-I-I' \v. F. floodwoll aifd H. W. Bryai tnbera (if dlaxellon motored lo Twin Pal]» 'ng tboir business Wednesday, returned c. U. llomomau of Burloy lookm

tiir business hero Wudnesday. wbo baa 'M rs. ('rancia Bybee of Mabo F«] ■ aeveral iho guest nf hor slsler. Mr*. J . B. V

nnd Misa Treaala Dennla hero.W. Koba Mral * R. D. (Irlffon is vlaltlni morning Tuoele, Utnh.Hailey, 5,5 . a . Boi« of .Icromc

Ited hare Wednesday. - oda and l<.o I’iinam of Kogoraon transt to Ha«- Ui<t- Wednesday.

J. D. Rico o f ’UonUtOr Bponl a tlie !l'og- |,uura in Twin Falla Wednesday, iaoahono j . daugblcr, 1

motored to Oalenu Summit V odne. • where they -will i-pend a woek e.

1 of Ru- i„jj, ■dneaday. Mias (llndya Kmis^J o f Ontario, aan wsa gon, i^ visiting frirm ls here.


: . L I A M S .l a a 'W estern 6-Part F a a tu n E i

, D A W N,— A Oroat Story of the M lihi ' Northwest

‘'■ J v i ': ■ HANDSOME

I f jj « B I L L ” D E S M 0 Ni*'- , ' A ppoan In th s tnppoTtlns ca«t b -j I tw * P lrtnre , a O ra it T n g ic &

I; o f a D itam sr of M ighty D iw' - ' ! i wbo U akea tb r V t ln and P a th

ic-ED deavor to U plift U i B't ' Brotbon. A B e sattfn lP rodoetl

-v' T n t m North.

i W ILU A M HABT PU ys the t t of the Noble Indian Quarl Breed, fltmgjUog V aln lr to t3

; . ^ r ______U fl.hla.Boce.

9 M E C IR C U IT A C T S - ;

W E L L S a n d F i i. Tbe B igh t OS Deck Oomedy Du

A R L E Y a n dA New Comedy AcrobaUc Norel


HE PRICE OF A GOlc B-Part Prodnelloo, PO IS W EB ER'S fam e

Poljit of View In B rc ry Thaatre th a l h u a Fine, Snjoyhble Plcttire. "B e Sure a k


■ I ' ■ ■ ■ . , '

leadym e n a n d y o u n g

s e n e w ■


i d s h o w i n w h a t

t h e m a k e r s o f

i r c o m e w a r - t i m e

m a k e a v i s i t 0

f y o u n e e d t h e m .

0 1 1 %I E R s ] , X

Tw in .F a l/j"


g “ * ; ' Jndgo W.' A. Eabcook Se A s ld ^ B l t t y ' c f E z e o tt t io n

c kodnf- ^ g a i n s t T im cB

1 f« lla la ■ ' •B. W atta D iatrict Judge W. A. Bobcoek

ebambera hero tU a moreisg 'd g s ^ lUlns in ovcrrnllng tb'e moUoa of t

plainU ff fo r a new tria l in the «____o£ tbo Twin Falla T ia e i Printing

rome via- p g b U ^ s g ^ m p u y , a fa ln it HaroM Sima, form er m a ^ r of t i e {dltst

•nnsaetcd corporation, and aoting, aiUdo an der for atajr of execQtioa lo r daouj

It a few awarded to Slm i agalnat tbe Ti* r. company.ur, Irene, - " ........ .idneada;y, . A. ¥J Painter, aupcrlritendcnt o f i ik camp- rity w ater worka coaatrsctlon ,

Twin >'alla onliualacM. ' rio, Orfr ' • ' '

i;taaalfi*J Ada are cheap—«f/eeUT


. H A R TI EnUUed

M A K E R ”a ighty , '

IN D 'a r t of icE ole )r«M u »athet-J Bed ' 'inctlon • •

' ^ 1

e B o le ’ ' '

= : j i j


I S H E R•Du#


i O O D T I M E "'amona F aadnatlng Foto P lay " A a UaqoaU' - h u p U y e d t t . " Tba Bndoraed High W ater a k s w l t . "

'■, , p ios.'nr

Page 6: TWK iL L S , DAIILY fs^ w d G l^ - moot h»ve l)ee& oaptoi^it, i t . w as learned here t^ ^ren * .-tae.' ,

" " i i f l E

: : O f F r a i GV 1 0 1 III

H it a n d R u n T a c t ic s o f Eni

; , 'A r m i e s K e e p th e G e r r

G u e s s in g a n d . ^ e s s c s

G e n e ra l ly W ro n g >

;? C E N E S A R E C H A N G E D

’ f r o m H O U R T O H

il - ' ' • .tS toadf Forward Uovomoo Lioo as a Wbole Qontinoi ' Evoxy Point Alony khe

! ' " lira Lino,j ] _____ ' .

• ■; LOWELL M EU iBX ,,( O a lttd P m ie u f fC o rr s 'f ti rd A

t W T H TITE BRITIBII A E K n ^'flANOB, Aujnut 2!t, (NIrJ.0 . - ■fttur t J unffBrrtjinil why the Qi

, U eorjfaMrt by the katcl(I»rvenla lo tbe e o u tu il} ’ cha

,floiamoI<IghHn({ Ilnr wHfh toda.v' nttock borth of the eca/pc mabpi

:jo n r tr^ tn i le i loejf. il The B r itish meHiod o f ' ''h i t

' , '^ u “ M th modlfieatlooa-rtbit n y /n iji i f the niaalng: Is go<4; I

, o lU tJjtbt or drop baek and hit j »hcro d ie —la bound to ' ksop Roehe I gueaalnj:. ITc often g rronjr while the ateady forw w l

I iiont o ( the Ilnr Oi t whole com ll < ; Kop(<|ta of today’i liattel ar? IV

•|n)t cnouRh wlieo rediirrd to ciM .'iThere Ihloffa alwoya arcm iniitfi jilcr than they oetually arc. Tlic 'tMrta Inclndei] the fa it lh a t (ho .|idlAna bail roaebod tbe Bt. Itoba 1,'Br factory, tho farthcat jnjlat traril olon(; tho Oarahrai rond aim fterraan in\‘AtloB.;i., • , , i,

'The d om ian ’d^enaD la 'i t iffm l »li6 tegioB of XJiolaallU#. Our I t(o t;Ja to .V anlx-Trtnevurt ojfour BootbftMt' 6t'. C td w U w , And, the ilIitflDdti'•'northeaat of .nap&umA) {|t&bb«d ISOiplM saen, Inelndlo;! nfflcera,, be/ofe they \V.tV fnm withdraw. Othera had the «am Ixrleaee.M uth of.Bapaumo, (Akli

other .woMi, Thi . faD(ri^'hiaTeVi>een,'jpDiia(] and iti

rhjna I'jfvai iJn’pTirMiod.-- DoWJll'J (tWit. lailea' nortnweiFt of OorqMni liirM Blghk w ith k Buultor ol i i n o « ) V 'i M t '• O 'J then n-lc

' Kivp mienty dlvlalosa weru Idea npp«^(r tlip wood u d 'tnMhIn?

. woM\dli»6*rer6d «n over. Iho field O e'iW aa rtiihed relaforcfmepti' train fcaterday In the defenat Chrelaay (tw o o llea north aii'J ea Orobelleg). Two rrKlncitA got aetion a f t^ a t t the Cao.-idlana and almoat iriped out. 'Element* |if f lc rm u divlaiooa were fountl lu 7

’ wooi] (two a l le ^ e a t r ! Com while alonoata o f . alxtoen batb were fouad on a three-allc frvnt nhere. Qandaaieua laborera and nlaccU upoua troopi wen* foum Ihe fron t line.

B u u P n c tle « Baeaplni I l la rumored tho t ardara wero

on mombera of the 87th ilWalo toetlni; tbem to pruU co actlona. I olao heard a " a to r / a « rtn u a wer« wocertcilly w handkerchlefa u d aurrenderlojr I xUl&Uy of St.C jef6i <» mils t n l i P..iit)iWuBt 'ol<CroUiUo*)i

The AnatralUaa m w jw rtM to peacofnlly jrnetra tod I 'l l t t te 'n a r wood the SoesRi^.

Hali'ir>ni farm, aear (Horhir 'a u d » half ooTthwMt of CorabU'%' takea u d the eaplurs of lilnr (fottT tftlloi aottlhwcat o t Com()lo* <'aay.

8t6T{ei,of g m t atorta of Gt munltlona capturod a t Mlrauuon Uio Ancte) botog toniM German Unn aro now alao truo of ilit mualUons w hith weio tr.pVflii Iho Bo:Vc» laat apring. Tl>ew wc fovtiftA a t Poxloits a n i Moytn

SltuntloQ O rovln j ffTorae The Germana ore atlll enrtuavori

htiffen thi'.Uefroao about Boi’i who.-) tlicl/ ailua'tiim la slflodtly Ihj: vnriK-.

.‘iii,ni(d up, It la n j)w an r lU.t .'•irmniia arc fig h tln j hatilcr. a l'l ;i .‘fm ii tc mo they aro only fig Ut timi.'. Uno df th-.' :^matln); ex rcporl2:l Ioday iiro)inllr •'■itinl" thiiii; ttie troll-worn lam ias ilelda j-otT 'iri.. A 'youthful oilman all. twelu* f.iDca which w on nn: -l.'s to retur-j hla flro n a l fled. Ilo foughi. an inconcluU o i-npsui

p w ilh u Fokkor tri-pl.iiie To wi tip liu t.aa la turn attark i-i li I'okkeri, twolvo abovd oud righ

• low. llo hnrled his mor.hino Itil flrat, w ttltig i t » fire, .f lo w ai w t-d, but'111* obaerver bri)U}(lit thi chlno back aafely.

LOB£B OBAIM ZN JTOS ■ (Bpceitl t« Tbo Nawa )

U U H I^ -A ai>ork from the lhr« ( -n ^ B >Q opemtlon" lajit woek o furm 'of W Ham Blngcrl nrar C /o rd , JD t.firo lo the-KraiB nkii;l nil deJtroyed excopt for a tew d l . Tho loa* ia reported to bo a 1 oiir.


lili r ^ ii s JE n g lish

ie rm a n s

Cs A re .

o ' ■


Qont of j iaoB a t. U n fsWlltlJMiCl, UlilllMUl, Ua’l il■ne c n * ,,,rf,-niinn for lb« i-imvalHK'i’iii

\ Aun’df'ttH" wUu li»(t ho«o woutV'' nn* Jiuving: k"'*^ Hoi« *

U tlr »it them l« nhown r td ln t bur

i i n rs H i i S P m - wu t ftndI tt I* to , ------ !—

h i t 'I .™ : s t a t e m e n t A t t r i b u t e d t o \

t ! .p , n . S a v a g e R e s u l t s In A t t :RUl'»*M .

m l',” " ' 'r? I' jnfuj -. — :—ild print, UudornluillniJ W. B. Bavage; 1 111th aira- nKod nbout 00, realdlng near T liw ^ro ; Faila, to »ay lu a ttowd hero V Iho Oan- , | jy afternoon thdt lie’ hnd 1100

lobart au- to b \iy |O tm an war bot>lat M il- sa l.borry , 3fl, carpentor’a o»alat£ ainee Iho fam i. lal)ut«r, rcaiding in Twin ' . , ' , ■ for two yi-ara paat, chiiked Bava

ntnirli him twice, Raahlng hla I frnlii); in inflietlng brultca abniit thu faci ur troops ilcnlna taak ii^ tho atatemc 9ur .sniles tHbuted' to him by Baltburry. the aamo • diatorbanro took plaeo a t ;mn) aatl C o 'elock on Maiu oveuuo aouth, lloff five erowd coUeeted a fte r Bavage rnrred to driven bla car Info Dr. J . B. Mo some <x- parked thi-rc, hreaking hb lakloR .■!« wheel.Thllloy’* 8»lib#rt7 ‘s BU taneat

Its ilia- Bolibury ia uaablo tn give ')ll‘.> road' rBg<''s remarks preliminary to i blea] rn[h legnt u ttu ra n e^ o f the atatcmcn -r o tp rlo - lie ,.w aa wilHutf lo Oennan n-lcaken. “ He aaid ho hod IIOOO to buy C Identified Vond* with a n d i grappled him,' In? giiBS berry aold Imraodiately a fte r I le ld . Tha oiirrcnee. “ I let^hlm go a minu BPtjf "by be 'ropcatt-il the atatement. 1 W ' o f h it him. I would have h it tn. J eaat ,of father ur iirother If ho bod mad got Into stalenii'iit, and even If I am pnii and wi-TP my coiiMienco ia c lea r," he nddi I |if flvu The men woro aeparoled by Cl lu Trone* llco Offlcor H. A. Oraliom. '.Na. Combles), wen- mnde. latlAlIoaa ■ > i ,

™ i ,1 .. a r m y c a l l s f o r L A W


g ' ’ ^ n o g n p b e iB Q nallflsd -foe 1 ^ . Serrtce M ay’-B* OlVen 0pp. tro foumt jj,lalon, di-M guard Ripnographew who h»ve b'od n / th a t irnlning and who/are qualified o;

limited or special-mllilary servle Jjf ia the Hpportunltv to volunteer for . n i i h a l ! the doporlmonta of the judg(

ente general and of fho provoa ' • ahal general, oecording lo o foleg nomob'M (

Crowder .and fruam ilfed Ba ' “ tbrouR h-the offico of Adjotao'

erol C. 8 . Moody to fhe local Maric.ourt j..oHow|ng Is the telegram. ' h\t*) WM

Hhort tlmo a eall for a largo nuff yejiuao jinnngraphefa who h'ave had

T " )Z “ ■‘ ‘" ‘"K- O nly-while men ia g;J n •. »l*«‘*) nr H nt- J ,„,fv|pp will be accepted und

"> , . i i . ■ ■“"'1*' ‘hls «

ftn \W\. be aiuigned fo the jud^ vocnte gi-nnral and^^irovnit nvorinu lo gi-jieral’* dcparfmenti, ood fhe Roi'nume, bd re/julrcd to roport court i lly gron- cak-.i nnd attend to other nintle

talninK to mllilary law In the lla i tliv The work i* interesting aad wl al'bn<i)<!i liivulunble oxperlence lo the for figlitiri),' applicanta.

' explulta Qiinliflcd regialranta ahould be inl» any i to preaent thcmaeivcs to th d r sld* hovo boarda and tiave, th'HT* name* ftltacKil fo r' Ih is 'sorv lce; " L o c a l 'td a S i .i;‘J bo cautioned alao not to porm Ilo (hen registratita to be lilted who a

psui'mi'iit fully’ qimli/Ied fo r this servlciI wind it not fo iadoct men until Ynrfhor •i by y'< nro received. Local boordi aho eight he- cautioned also not to make anyitilo-tho lie p roo ifes of u a lg o ao n t afl

II wound- dudioa .tho ma- 'On Auguat 31 loeal board*

I iintlfy your offico of the numb r(Bolifie4 men wbo hove volun

® ■ Your o ffice • shonid eotapilo thi ' tn m i and adrlco this offlee bo

thresh Dg Beptember S tbe nomber av k oa U # your aU te. Upoa roeelpt o f I

f o r a a t lu th is office wlU,mako ■hli;h ww .u a ta c n ts u d give fn ll mi :ow buih-) a heavy ,

T ktlv« by tti r i r t -b n y W. 8. I

. T W i N ' F ^


» ■ , A ■

¥ / m /i k ' y

* iimuifumtcd 11 wivvuii- iti j>vhvUIu IwlfiJu)' [vtit Ainerlcuii Kuldlcra. - Tliu tlrat coatiogi lutidwi aad wvn- neat to SastlipoTt U> coav nl DO exp«Qi«, fe r «Ttr7fUAff to t iM ta Ui« burro* aa tUo-aoodo.

" j r I s o B U S H E L w h e a t CRO

] [ _ ' R E P O R T E D A T K IM BE

I I I L Fcrniay Tbrvthes y is ld t n I R l A c m ATeraglag 07 1-3 BoatU I I I «l*-AmiB u ik e a fiO

(Bpeelal to The New*)0 W . E . K lilR E E R L Y .-r. Fonlev- bu:

i»!«'d l»5« whv-at trojitta C k • overoRCd AT i'2 I:

per acre tvftd tho teal vraa Cl pou g re Ihe'biichel. A fow ocre* mode fl]

c l l iiut tUo enVin' nvfrBj{t wn* t ' «vhli-h' in one of fhe.bent iTopi-re

;e larm er, .'"•“t.'or Twin Ilev. A. W. .InincK, pastor o f tin0 Wednea- l.i’rh- Methoilial church, i* in Po 1000 V ith tbi* .week nltoniliii(» the confere bond*, t t the M. K. church. Mr. .lame ilitant oad been a vory aatlnfnctory pastor li win Falls ln'rly ond hla many friend.i woi avagi'and glnd to hnve liim rpliirn' fdi- a ia Up and year.face. Bov- a numbtr of Kimberly'citir<.n> ement at- iu t Bunday and hdpod th rob 7- Hi'i>aons wheat crop. Mr. Uecsi1 a l about i.pcn laid -up for a year with r? ith, wboro tism ond h is frlendu helped hi 'ogo 'h a d by tbu* debating a few.hoiim o Morgan’s to ti good i-nuno. It la hoped tl hla le ft will recover noon.

• I* a Wnlden, .V. W. Sn't'oringt .1. W. Swearingen and.familiea hi

ive ■ Sav- turned from a week'* I'Otnplng I10 bla al- Wood rivor.raent Ibat. The Epworlh Lengiie will give i^n bond*, trldlii' jirogmm In the high achoo y Qennnn loriuDf Thurtdny evoning-al wl im ,"'Bala- ntnall ndmiaainn.will be ehnrged. r Ihe (h:- proceeda witl be donated lo' tl ilnule ond pnrling soldier boys ffom Ihia ph

Then I Albert B. Blono le ft Tuetday my own inj; j^or BeaUle, whore he g()<a t

made tha t the na^-y.Iirtiiecuted K .CIaiborn liaa rented hlx fti idded. P. R. Brock for next yenr and I r City Po- Ihe tbiblren will leave Sfion foi S’a, arre-ata fnrnia,-..where the Intter will

• nehool. ■ , ■I'. J. Pringle boa renlcd hl> pl

yi/ ■ Ntr. K Idnalaber for n e it ym r nnd ■TCCOC^e/t the Adan^a fa.n1 1 C t : n 5 Sehool dectidn will he hdd Ti

Heptembor .1. nf which lime two . Llmlt4d ora will be elected to succeed • >PPOr- . Mund and I I . . a Tnylnr. Sebot

open on the aamo date with Pn Cnernii of Bt. Pauf na auperint

b'od legal nml a fn ll'co rp i of traehora. d only for ir> the fact thnt three trachera hi rvlce have <i|>ui-d. Ihelr plnci'a will hnve 'or aorvleo filli-cl the next /ow daya. idge advo- — ' —ivoal' mat'- ' A GOOD PIO Tim B tlegram ls* Of unquestioned inlcreit to

Oeneral play-gocrs Is the announcemeni Bafurdar I). .W. G riff ith ’s now apee'taelc

tont Oen* loleronce," which m n over alx t cat boani. In Nvw T ork ,. la eomlng to tb ' ph'eum Iheatro soon,wiihin a ' ‘ In to lerance" fd ls the atoi aumber 6f love’s atruggle throughoat tho lad Ixgal by menns of four contraatiag X group 0 Uvea, tbo acenca of which a n 1 leial, mill* ancient Babylon, Judea when under tM* was on earth , nediaevol Parla'

modem Ameriean city, a rail will Tho produelion, whieh I* aaid Judgo nd* the moat magnificent one of all

marahal coat over two millloa dollars. ] they will tli.ree yeara In tbu.m aking u d 1 I martial people took p a rt in It. Judginii itliT* per- if* long and highly suceeasful o the field, ments lo Chicogo, Philadelphia, will givo burgh, San Franelaco ond Los fortunate lea, its popularity will moro thai

tha t o f “ Tho Birth of a Nation, I be urged •d r local *--------- -----------------------------—ie« Hated jj ................ .......

i p S othm ti U

A l l H E P A IR W ORK • I S A B S O l U T E i r

d* should

O L A R A I N T E Ethese re-« . i U to o i l A ND A C C E S SO H IE

' ovailablssf th is in- ' I . .*ko defla*

m obi|lia- C . R A N O A t l3 3 SECOND S T B E n S O llT I

A t ^ D j u L r i t ^

“ l i i s i E s s t

, IIFMIIlllly i F i i i iH ^ - W p o r ' a l T u r lo c k W a k e

B u r le y , T e l l? o f S u r r o

: In g s o f C o m ra d e s o f - 1

I A r t i l l e r y in F r a n c e

S | ID A H O G U N N E R S j lR E

W E L L A N D C O M F O R T /

■ —

|ls Dotailod A fter Eight Bn

f\iu)H itw\ O h a tea n * T I]iiog(.>at of ' t o B e to r n t o U n ite d 8

— - Bringing homo meitogea of iiD ftD frota tho Idaho mea> n U r batflefrent in .France,. C o rp o ^ IR tT R l Y ^nrt«y. a oem ber'I O t :n L I Ona Hundred Forty-aixth «e7<i

le r ; regiment, who has beeo d f n a 60 as. an instnielor n f heavy artlll

Bnift.. Camp Jaekaon, Boat'll Carollfla, s n fow honra Tueaday w ith 'frie:

Twin ?Bll*.Ordor# Tak# H lo f ro a Otti

bus fin- 'Wako received notrm, of flt inatruetor0 Bouth Corollna training camp 0.

wunfl* to ^•5’ ”\I r i Z X "■“ ‘" ‘I tho .iltU a t Chateau-T

He waa firing 0 IM Bm ilm eter:

i. T.poneJ • '‘ Uuna n t tho time. Qa. was’ giv honr’a notice to 'jirepare for dej ‘0 •*'« United. States, b o rotur

1 locatello ti,p v n te rlu d , formerly 1n a n v m i l , u d c .m r l .M t o ’

lame* hni j„

o n 'th a t trl^ 350 wouaded would bo jjnn w idiorj retum lng to the

)r niiolber

A ro 'a t in “ B « l a ’ to-Oo”irena wvot . coypoja; U w e Q .u ^ trub C. A. j y j j mtecnuu hM mtmbMa of beadquartors-eoh rhouma- y , „ g in e n i, Which nnit w«1 him .out Y) coniiiBny of the Second” regiment. Ho bringii from the•'* word thn t thoy aro comfortablo I

ptvdfiona a t , the .front, u d thoiringen nml „nd living eondlHoos ore af* have ri- 1,0 d e s ire l They aro »Ung trip to health and “ ra rin ’ lo b>

' aay*. *

K a i d T ^ OOThliutlwI which n ^ doc lara tb a t th s cotalrged. The o f 8“ ^o' the dc- Afflerlcaa gunner la 4Iis ons wa ploci-. u .now u d will contlnns to 'piilay ev(«* <Uu>traus U> the B tu u ib ltlc)<a to Join Idabo B u d W ins la o n ls

Tiie basd of tbo One UundrcdK fnrm to regim ent,' known aa thond he an<l ujidw the direction ofI for Cali. T to rp of Twin Palls, Is rj*gar.will enter ,oa ono of tho be*t ir

, band* In tha, Corporall> t t e 1(1 T i . ' i a i t a ,o , k ,' nnd 6. W. i,a,j an opiKirlunlty fo givo coaef«.rm.- a , bns the Mootnna bond

ri Tuesday, a groat n 'pufalion, buiwo direct- orgBnliatloa Is rogardfa b>ed n . W. tho dv illan u d .military poptIchool will wherever i t ha* apjwared, aa fu. Profeawr pquai of any of the Amoriean bi'rintendent _


«>■' .» b . ' S C H O O L A T A R T E

j ’ BM id A wards Oonatztctloa of

10 t a l ' m . . . M

iLx^mnnfh* contract fo r conairuelion> the Or. "®“‘ Artcsiai

according to plans draw n,by Ar a tarr n# Burton E . Morae of Twin Foil

let Monday to 8. A ;'B rew er ol

iag n m a -iXo laid lu excluilvo of plin n Chriit “"•* •y«tema, fo r wbicirl* 'anil a

purpoaed to complole the build aaid t> ’^ 'tbin the next 00r nil HrtiA I School in thia <liatrict Is now act L i t wn.: " '“ ' ‘1 in a frame building,, whl „ j io.;nnnP«*‘“ *'* ‘’t®* ‘^ . h ; ° J lin g of one-half block in tho tow

ul rniwM 'hla n t t illm'ensloiLos’ Angu bo 23x72 feet.

Boads voted for tbo construct tho now sehod were purcha«d a ta te . .

-1, .. . J e n y Bonard ia chairman and 1,. Btiifk Secretary of the Arfoais

'f^hdol (U ltrle t........ . ..................

i h a memori^ serv ic es l y C SUHL HEBO- l

J4an7 Join la ^TWbate to -M k A Koaco, First i a Ja D froaY Oooponjr E

; c r | liU U I<.~U rgcly attended m< r i l acrvicea were held hcro.SuiiJBy

ing on th(. I 'rank II. Buhl achoc D IF C Mark J. Xoaco, th

memlM'r o f the Bahl unit of tl nad Idaho regiment wbl(}i bai converted Inlo a machine gut

I I I I paay, to fa ll ia ACtioa in F r u e a H I L M. M. VonPatteo, paator of th I'lItH Presbyterian rtu rch . delivered I

ilVi'»» "lul npcrlnl tni'»> Hni- I’i'

S i Special iftb l l m

a k e , o f

i r r o u n d - .

E ' m ' J B p i i B

R T A B L E 7 I K

; B a y f t i n W mmi - T I i le r r y | | | W m ^

i S t a t e s l l v B M

of eaconr* Plen o t tbe . . . t - -m |wral -Tme* \ W hnber o f 'tb o * T r a 1 (field ♦ rtu - U J f •!o dotailod H iR sir; W icKwifirtlllery a t B« su r i o « t l u « b«J

Odr faU c*p«i Jirieya, n

o tm •notice o f ■

etor to the . ' ^np on Ju ly« regim ent A 'lau-Tblerry. ■ > 4iter French ^


S i "(Wllrly 0 , ber-’ 110 Moln Ave. Korththe vow go • ___________■ -Bboord'thls ided Affler*

; ” llOTllliS«[3 i m m i

them tbo \bio In th d rtk«t ti» ir C lu b G o e s o n R e c o rd in

it<r oil thntn u i n , « . l u t i o n A g a in s t C o u n tlo go,”/ he

D iv is io nnHftti . . , _ . . . .

w d '^ 'S o ' “ w-’olulion nilojitcil Wi-d na which •h‘'\T w in Fall* Rotary viub t to'pniTBiblUons. condemns aa unnecessar>' a

friirrant«i].by exl^fing cnndifiot Following Ih the text of the

ired F o r ty tlon:tho Idaho WIIGREAB, rounty dlviaion i

of Jnek fln i„uo iii Twin Fnlla County, 1 j«gardod in WHEnRAB, ii,ci-rtnin group t mllilary, idem* of tbu rity of Buhl nnd 'oral Wako Weal, «nd of fho rounly have urn I saya, hos tlu. prnmulgntion of n definite concerts In ilwlgncd to brisg about a illvl imnd, which Twin Palla County, on.l

but fhe WHKllf-IAB, witbin the bi-n ifc by bolh nii'iii o f tbi- mi’mbi’fublji of tbi population, I iniiividually nnd collcclivdi la fully the t movement looking lo Ibt' furt in handa. jo f this design In Inlmlnil lo t

iiitori-alu o f a uiajorliv of the nN E W ’ Folia Cnunty.3T C 0IH W THKRRFORU BK IT KK8C l l b b l A N that the Rotary Club of Twi

hereby rnndemiia a t unm-ceaaa 1 of 16,000 unw arranted by exlati^g roi iwer '• any movement having for ita

a division of the nren now cr w itbin Twin Fnlli County and

elloii of A nny nud nil ngilaliim in favor ■csian City, movement na ilbadvlacd .md c y Archltcet fi> the beat intereata o f Twit Folia, WM couiit>- na n whold; and tbal i

L-r of Oaa- ila view* In tbn premlaea. on t 0* 15,000. lhal a t a tim» when tbe Amerli r plumbing linn, la engaged In a atrugglo ol wbich bids Ihc oponomir aidn ia not the Ic turo. I t i l purtonf aide, Ibi doubtful beni }ullding, If thn realdi'nta nf Ihu Weal 'end

00 days, county nro not auffieient ti> ui r accommo- tin- dirttdvanlngea to the people whieh haa Ii:>biiico o f 'th e cnunty, mid fhi

ilo, conslat- expunnc of catabllibing niid ma townaitc. Ihc.* two foiinll.-« where there*

rooma will but one.mslona will l ‘nte.l Tiviii J-’nllN. Iilalm. Au(

11918.truetlon o fi ■ —. . . . ,« d by tho I M A SB U O B 1I0BNBB8

! A iiwrrio^e llccnae wa* i»»»i and Mrs. 1. .wcini-adaj- nflcnioon to Koy .1 f o a iu C ity la u d Slolia Beer, both o t n U t ."

i --------- —--------- U■ FOil llX C llA N OB -JoV pnniS monjy. Our work la like vour n0 - D E A D '*=• Twin F•,^s>tfw •,;

• -M a rk J . — ” - r . 'ss:; := '==: froin

L : ; t r , SHEIKhool h w n 800-01uJlce Per# Brwl VLta \ t \« Mst&. r « m u infctnutt'oBof Ibe B«c-

T \ - n rgun com- 1 1 , V V

u e fc D er. • ^

" I'''*’"- L ■ .

■ T H p a P A Y; A T O PST 29', 191.8

lilslo rtip A in lB o ys1 y ' = i N = = =

' Socieiy Bfad I System anS Hirsh-lficlfflire

. —Stills tor FalWfl bavo sto lled tb

m ^I lW “ boy and havo pnxOTod


ond satUfy tha careft

^ T bero.b real ta ltie I

W L } m ^ k & t r ^

l m[Ayil W a W ^ ^ tl£ln< *coacimx, b<U M caoM bo .ls g a ttlsc 10

H ' \ b c«at» T O t i. n 'm ■ DolUi bs spendi. Tb

' new modtla. X ib tt^A n | ^ . B«cnilt, AerlAl u

U o u tm a t , 'Win ^ 4Ii play tb« l it a s t In U

. .CWIRE Co.I b«^on buying tho &«« tehool nilt. s, *w « t« r e o att and wiw macklnawa or# oil 10. A akto I t * tha & » 8ta*7U.

o t h e r smBErracioniis*

Opp. Idaho SUC« Ban

r n r r o c k c r e e k g i h l - .tnt ■ 'S B IT T E N B Y I

I f l T Srroral ^tltebei I I OloM Wotmda of LltU# Vlr- l i I glnla L aisw

(Bpedal to The Nows). _ HOCK CREEK.—While playingjn RGSO* a dog Bt the home of U r. ond.U i

I’ol'eraen Sutiilnv. Virginia, the 1 U n ty , dauRbler of Mr.- Vemn U raen

bitten in Ibu fare. .A phyaliian railed from. IlnuaBU lo take 0

' — otifebca ,ltr‘fie-lareraflon«,-flnchnt time «)ie'is iloing tdcclv.

Wi-dnejdoj-.. — U ttlo Juno, the Ibree'yoar old di ih goej, on M r..ond Mm. L. P. U ra wialon wbieh {],o niisforfune to cul her thumb

and un- bodly on a Un cnt» M ondy.‘tiona. Kdwird Adama of Twin Falls,Ibc resolu- |,-,vntklnR uu the Ilowani U rnes i

received ordera toire]iorf for dui on ia Bgaiu navy wUUlu the n e st ten day lly, and • ', i{„i)„.nd left Mtmdny to ouji of rea- the contlnRent which eiittained a t ■ nnd of.tbe ynn i (jj,,,,, ffemont.

• announced Suaaa Oray went to C^j inito pdiey Saturdny for a viait with divlnion of daughter, Mta. -Uorbtrt Brown. '

Mrs. Mnrj" V. N’ortou nnd tbcHt judg- Nort,in of Twin FMi* *iwnt 8u

• tbla body, nl the home of Jaa. Walker, Ively, aay Mr. and U n. L. P . U raen and furtherance ,\ffa mode n trip lo, Ilagi-rmaB 8u lo the beat fof wafernieion*. Th«.v btongkl he real.lenis „ {„„ |,uf ,hn .ndona nro ripenfng

alowly this year. 'lK80i,VKD, ___________ : •Twin Fall* U A fiO niS BZPEOT TO SAU reaaary and {Special lo The ^ w s }

ronditiona BUIIL.—Word h a s ' Boon tec. Ita objset bero lhal .Paul U'cCufclVon tind H

V embraced Ifntfield, wbo enliste'd recently It and reganla Marino corps, nro en ronto from vor of auch fornia fo Qoanfieo, VirgCala', id contrary wbieh point tboy expect to m bar: Twin, Fall* foreign service. 'lal it bnaca . . . --------- - '■ —jn the fact ' O ut of S l jh tnerican Na- When u KofKl-looklng girl nfnllc lo of which t num he ttlwoya fo rg d s th a t I le least im- .carrying bln wife's picture la benefits to ir a tc tL r^ n c la Q a tl EatjolttT. end of fbrII uiitweigh — ______________ 7 '-■oplo of the ____I fbp 'cx trn •' j™®*™!* k .I mnintaing u m ia to uB / \ 1 ^ ^ ere* Is now / \

Auguit Boldbr § ' \ i K m

/GOAT ^= 0 ..,.<iy_.T. I,yon[ /

. ■ § lit«T»}ail-wheflUi«b4ti|'1g huo>Uc--lieaaiw’»Bllke»B. ’

l-rinliug tor /M. trr CmI Milk rou wlS o tm B lur m onrj— g bMtu.n«oiatobyfoo«U

E P F O R S A L E^ p s b l n Ewes, b o a B e a r e d u d Vttr«gi i t l n » ( » ~

iV. J E N K I N SBoom'7 Baagb Bldg.

Easldaaca f b o u GG3-

Page 7: TWK iL L S , DAIILY fs^ w d G l^ - moot h»ve l)ee& oaptoi^it, i t . w as learned here t^ ^ren * .-tae.' ,

u : '—


' BITSZNSSS CARD RATESOa# Iniflrtloo, per U o o ____

■ Ona waek, per Una _______ :On# month, per Uae J___ _________ '


^ ‘ o a e S e t ^ m a S F * "' M O W tE O P . phono 2li ''

t e a k s f Bs ~' ( m o z i m f&AKSFBB 0 0 . Pboaa f



JOHK TlflBBB—IdUiD Power Bl • f e l M 3.

ATTO&mSYB- ' v T ^ lS S s b jf -^ e B B ra j "prMtl

Bwmi fl M d 7 Idaho Power Qldg.

iW B B U nr b S W E B L £ Y - A t t^ t t Law. P n e tle e i r All Cou: Twin P iU i, Idaho.

MOBTB ft STEFBAK, D. i T. Bldg

............... J.-H.-WIBB—U w je r .- ? n llf orotniCollecUon DejnrtmeBt. 0 » i( Boomf e and 7 Over Twin Falle & A T m it Co., Twin Folli, Id tb a

B. U . W O L rB -U w jre r,. Room# 5 i 0, over Idaho Dflpartmont titofe, Ti r a n , Idaho.

A m r o B. T O a O H -J* w y « r .

ENaXNEBBJ. 0. m T B E I O T i ) - C i v n , H jd rti

u d Mlaing £oB)cMr. Tw)b ? i Idibb.- Pbone 184J.

, ' AOOOUNTANTfi’ W O IF B im aff * C ^ O D - ^ m

Pow er'Bldj. Telephone £01 and «


Hainioii Franklin G. H, C. T ic

^ —

intoKlcjted by Freedom. JtaclHtrati— "rriHonfr. Hit' r>vrdoi

riiowa thnt n fter bi'lnj: n‘ nimlcl h banil for twenty .vfiim. ymi Hirrw yi wife not of tlie IjoiMo nml m n omu attrmi^Hnj: tn iw ank't PVPTrhoilj j m f(." Drl’endniit (^Hhwplshly)—’I t v only tt pcnccftil rcvoluUou a t ' i piintt. yoor honor. Imt n fter I t oTrrthrown thp nutocmcy I toel : hM d/'-Pucfc.

Th# Allotted epan.The “aUo\ffiil Bpan" o( lltc U. <3

elally, thrccKMre yM rs nnd te a i hnuw n diKtor Tjtio iloclnrcd that wc llTcd (irnRll)»y wc nhould not i till we wtTc IBO. Unfnrtunntcly, he

, e rer, we cancot refer yva to this t tlfm an p rn o M 'ly for hin prwctlpU #8 h e died a n sta ra l death tw o yo affo. ot the ob# of thlrty-olz.—Lorn: Tlt-Blt*. '

.Common F tlltey .•■Dar Ifl always n •innjrcmus temp

Uon." u id Uncle Ehcn. “to unfpcct i a n u n ta takln ' lifo raay If be does

'h appra to be doin' fie aame IdnA hard work yoa la."

P e im k a m Solomon'a Day*. jAittOtis llic iiuluml nrwlocta of < i n d of Tarahlsli 'vhlch SolomoD'a fi ^roDfibt to J m fa le ro n rn tlo n la mi o f p rtne lca (I E J n p 10:33, aod C hrw w Pia ),

" D o m o s O F 1 W B

i . ,

I ^


V H E R E 1----- 1 EI.EOTEIOAL WIRINGY TWDf .FA L L S BLECTEIO " W ? ! ' O O ^L alley I,ight offlej, ^18 8oe

aTCnuo N. Phoae MfiW.I ■ — ..................... ' -


Moon: Bhop. Pkooo 21.

G E N E JW B L A O E Sm rAUTO* AKB T W O K S P B I N a ^ S

bodle*. O. H. Belf, 2 « 2d g. Ph aa UB. 62i.

— 7 PIANO IN S ^ u d x iO N'•1 EBLUA LABUOBB>-Cotllllao

. trosee. ^Pbone 310W.

--------- H B L ^ ALLMBNDINOEB—CModel &boe Store. Pbooe 7507.

^ o H m o m c T O B sD. i JO HNBOS;" b . 0 .V i ^

■ ^ r p ' JohB»OB, D. a Palmer Behool grJ atM .- J81 Bhoihone N . Phoae'41


M . „ . m s T E D M E N T A L I B 8 T E t ; r ■ T I O B

Bldg.' WM. A. B P A iniP Z ira .~F (raerly ]------- . iU al Q l m t o Otlo. ChavUmriDlxad Boiilder PhaSkm oale Boelety. T «

« of VloUa,-M»a4#lia t a i Otsi' „ " A pt 08, E ai-A nnj Apta. Oreh« _____ mnalfl fnmlabed for «U oeeaaltM.' 5 aad ........— -------- --- ■■

■-ATITO BZEAIEA tJT O ''B B F A IB »-A B torF epilM 4 '

—i l l , ', W ortar'a H#T#By'ak#y.

S S 5 A P O H O S B B H S

^ iU O IK I !I B B » -Z . a B m « a , 1 ■ Uonwr. 8 t « k or raaeh o U a % '

oialty. t5 yoar* ozperieacn w lUat Uneolo, Nehraako. Now a t otQee

Mm B, K . Bboehoae. Pbone 710 of SSL T ad B76. m i . Idaho.


I P a i | 6 ; J h e v i ^ i s

■idcnc* M IC K IE S A Y S’1 bu»* ------;------------------ - - ■ —IV your r COO\-t5 6 t timuck, 9 k ? £ R S l FEEDIs you W lO 6\<i V M S S .'N tW t I t waa R£M .»Z6 tH N 't E^'UN PA9ER. , t ' th# f to a s iK-To haI had VJHERB REAO 6N ALL tW E '■t my MENtfiERC OF -THE ,

6 A S \ \ 6UESS "THi At) V E tttU B W 'W oyuo AUL OE S tA N O IN 'm UNC

. COPS VIUEN t OPEKl U P “• \ ; ^ E MORNm’ , \ C B tC H fta\

h a t If y yOt die \

i;X: Vipuoa, /

' I w v. ■^ ndon )

« t dat

a.Of t h f y■a firet / &im kd# /

i w / /

y A w t o o n s

2&/1918. , *'■


PTJBUOATION l a the Judicial Court of tho Pou

Judicial D istriet of tho ^ t o of Id i In aod for tho Coanty o l Twin Pallj , Twin' FoUa- Nqrth Side ln » e ita

Company, Limited, a Oorporati P lain tiff, Ta. Emil A. Po tenon i

. Mre. EmU A. Petonon, hla wifo;_____uaknown bclra and devisees of EITH A. Peterson, deeeosod, dofendanti

— -• Amended Snnunone for PoWlcallon -T i^ek T be-S talo of Idaho eflad*.groetl I aon# ^ tbo ft^oTO named doftnianla.

Y ou'are. b « r^ 7 'notified tba t arCi ■- pUdnt beia h«ea fUod a g i ia i t yoa

- the D istriet tJourt of tho Fourth Ji ciol D istrict of tbe Btato o f Idaho

I En. nad for tbo County bf Twin Poili, tbe above named pla intiff, and ;

______ aro h ireby directed to apjMOr and--------- swer the sold eonplaint w ithin tw#)H days of tbe serrlee of tU i smnmom — ■— served w ithin said Jodieial Dlitz —<Jt«T ir itU n forty dnys If serTed e OW. wbere; and you are /o rtber notlf

' th&t Q&lees yoa so appear and a a r aaid complaint w ithin tbe timo bet

--------- speeified, the p la in tiff wUI take jotBLBM ment agidnst yon aa prayed in i gr»<3n- e o ap U in t

» 477B. Tho action ia broogbt to ii ! = T = r eloio the . Uen of one eertaia mort£ DTT(J: mado by and between Twin T

K orth Bide Investment Compa Limited, and EinU A . Peterson, os

\j M o' 30th day of April, 1910, duly roeo^ Itnqoa, in_BooV I6 .o { .l(o T tg aa^ *X pas* 9,

tbe records of' Twin Falls county, I te ta U . to , o a 'th e M day of Jane , IfllO. ohestn I 'A lso to foreelote the lien of two • n s , tain mortgaces mode by and betw______ Twin Falls Korth Bide Invests)

Company, Limited, and EmU A. Pel son, <$a tbe Sftb day o f Jono, 1010, i recorded in Book IB of Mortgages, pages 8# and »0, respoethely, of. records of Twia Falla O ona^, Id i on th e 17th day of September, 1»10.

Tbo amounts now dua >uader 'i »ort8»gta.ftW as.foU ow sj P tind ;

L aoe- 11,070.00; U toreit on p iisd p a l, WM, X tpo. to ta l, 4S,1U.02, w ith ia tere ft oa Uagsat p r ia e ir il 'IE irM f 'A t th B 'ra t# of lee U 7 pe r.cen t per aannm from the 1st i , Twin of July, 1918. • '

T ie p'renJses affeeted by this Uon are described aa followsi "1

— — « Klao (0), Ten (10) aad Elevea (1 “ H la Bloek Ulnety-one (M ), Honii

Townsite, Twin Falla Oonnty, Ida! i m u im n y hand and th# fieal

said Distriet-<Jottrt, tb ia-Sd iK Augait, U18(Beal) E . J . FlNCH, Clerl

- ^ 0 . L .^ ( d |« c e ? p B tr Oleri

~~=: NQ tlf lE i-Tff O Tm CTO Bfl'TIH a lo 'o fT o S h P . Okleberry, Decea

— Not i ce is hereby givon by the aorsigntd, Sarah J . O kiobeny, adi

_ J ia tratrix Of tbo estate o f Jobo P. 0 betry, dcccased, to tho croditor* of

' oil person* having claims againstsaid deeeaaed, to exhibit thom with DCceasary'.TODcbers, w itbln ten (

— ... wonlhs a fte r tho first'pub lica tion ^ I this notice to tbo eald adminlatral

\ a t her farm in u id Twin Falls coui In Soetioo Thirty-five (35), Towni

ER ( Ten (10) Boutb, Range Twenty, ( E ait ol tho Bolso M eridian, or a t

ME \ offiee of her attorney, Ooorgo Herri N , / in the Twin PaUs Bank 4 Truat « At>- / pany building, In the City of T L S FalU, Idaho.'HEIRJ Dated tb ls 10th day of Aogost, 1 t ( Date of f irs t poblltatlon the esd I r o f August, 1018. •

. SABAH J . OKLEBBBBY, AdministmtrlX of tbe E state of J

P.’ Okelberry, Deceased.

Crime and Dreamlnu. M nrdcrrni iln-nm. whifh

cMCtly cnnlmrj- lo ihu. Idea Him mnn with n crim e on b is mind wo twonlly have tiad n lshironrtJt 0{ . mardercrs cflrefnlly .wntcbed nnd sjntocd. OO seldom o r never dcrao

V a t alL Tbe g rea ter th e criminal y y i m h t dreamed.

, ■ . Daily TbouQht Many men Inillil as cnihwlnils \x

^ built, the po t\ n ro n ^ t Ib i' RT«uml' lsh(H); ba t (hnt part which soars

heaven.' tho tu rre ts and 1 / aplrea, forrver iDcoreplete. — Hei

/ / W ard Beecher. ' ' -

' M

IM !


) W H A T


• OLASdlFIED BATBSPallaBstmcnt l“«rtJon . p e r word ............. .

y One week, pe r word .........................on and nonth (20 ln8ertlonB)„.T..._....jg . tiij .Mlalmum charke 'fo r any clussl

Ejnij ad, 16 cents. Ads m nst m o fe r a s t j u i t s _ period of-tlme.

lUon. PB O N B '83-

B^om* r ~ • — f

h°Lt Our Special foi 10 Days Only

nd you n « A ^ m of F ln^ Land V “ “ “ ■ I mill' frojn liOA'liog Station an tw # n ^ 8,h()ol. HO afr.'* In AlfaUa. 5

^ I House, Stable, Oorago an }lstzl^t, I jiinrkgmith abop w ith large b u i

/n.'Bl. W airr plpwJ in Hou* lotlfied »nfo<l with'woven '" ire, no roel

no waste lan.l, Inys the beat, $20 pcm cre.

? . If j-ou nrn looWnff for a No.“ picfo of land you-should a<« thl

» fore- , .


«# t ^ - ------------ — -■

r t f l , Ol ^ ----ty, Ida. POE SALEI. _______________________________wo eer. FOB S A L E -H H 7 podel Ford t tetwoen ing car la A l eondltisa . Coa be < BStneat onstra ted 'any U uo a fte r 0 o'elocl , P e U ^ 314'Tblrd nve. W .'10, duly ^ ^ ---------------------------->«#•, * t TUB canning iK'arhr« ore now i o f the 'C om o aad bring vour boiea, to’ Crj L W o , Sprinfta Orchnrd.'

i m _________ ■ ---------- ---------------------r aald FOR S A L B -ieo ,ae r.'» j. two n

loutb, ono we*t. W et^ W 1-2'of N I snd 8B '1 -J o f N E 14 , 23.10-J5.

oa tna acres, ndjolnlng c ily T w ia Falls , B “ of NK H of 8W lU.JB-lO-17., 10 a<

la t day; [jdraoeland subdivision. Ry. t r ^ k

^ **• lot 7, blk. 1 « . F o r prices aud t.write T. I. Boblnaon, owner, 401 1

“ (“ )» 20lh Street north, Portland, Oregot lo B ls te r________________|

PAEM BABOAIN IN THB BC “ VALLEY— 80 aerw , 'twalv# i

^ from* Boise and 'f iv e i ^ e a : U eridlan; 40 acres a lfa lfa , 80 i if te a t, 10 M res ' B o ^ -lfl- enltiTa 7013 0? New Y ork watar. A r a l

II, "O T - gain. IUS.OO aa aerfc Terma. BK. ¥Vltfchmag, Bols«, Id«h&

flMiaaa. SA LE-OaaoU ae stove. ^the an-admin- * — ~

P 0 I „ |. POE S i L E - lD U , B i» .k c»t L af nnd ffood condition. 1200. Call on o n L , t ^ 0 Frank R. Bamhill, bo r 822,.Klmb

vitb tho _________________ 1 _____

1, FOR SALB-Threo-room honse, well bu ilt; f ro ^ t and baek j

M n n if ’ »««oned; good'loentlon. Apply>to Jeasoa a t E ine liir 's .

ownahlp __________ ;____________________ty, (20) f o r aA L F /-Y onng leam , hai ; and wsgon. 402 H eybum s t .le rrie tt, _____ . __kal tom- K on fiALIi— » r->oni mndcrn i if Twin with jjfepiDg porch. 844 Foorth

unui^ north, phone 448 J .rt, 1918. __________ ______________________2£d day OOOD OOOEINO A PPLES for

I1.S0 per box, a t tbe Anchor BY, Orain A Feed Co., 240.201 Bixth of John aue W. Telephone 23.

_______ FOB B A L B -Fonr shaeks, fara----------nnd eblekens. W rite box S0O or ei

comping gnmad. .

h lfh Is - ■ = =llint a In Advance of His Age.

I would Tbe name of Bucou Iioh Inn’a 0{.'\2.'> Tonndrd la E ndnnd by legcndao’ '

unit ex- of blaek m afic nnd w itchcraft. T cmmed m o boos* about Wnt, nnd Iip bni nal the ways been n figure of mystery.

to hla m odem ' Intcrprpter*. **i Wlxard." a s be w ar cullftl. Know mnch for hla age.' Hn m tt to exlet studies on the ii>nMlr«ctlon of

Is wero scopes. The first mi'nifim-of gun mil 1\o* i , found In hin IiooIch. onil It a rs to* i5o wtio sugkwl'-il Its usn fo r pun ^ o t w a i^ a rt ■ H en rr . ,

- Tlwlv* bv « r l f t —bay 1?. 8 . B.

l t l i

^ 1 KH >


Y O U W .------- . FOE SALE

I FOit two-ton Itcpi11-Q truck a t n bnrjfain. J-l 0 . Cab,11 a Fourth ave. W.

I lX)It 8A U > -830 lic-ncl fiill-b ' 100 y<}a.tUni! v«<s«,

•—— - Jfiycnr-i'lil uwca, 2C0 3, 4, aail 5-yta: ......... 'ICO Fcbrnary ewi' lamljs, - lO c j-v iroa ry huck Iambs, ao 1 and 2-j:lus lflcd |f llj l)iirlca;'all good unes. Must sol a statw j'Scpt. 10.. W rite W. H McMaater, 1


I I 'O R '-S A I.B -F iv o 'riiuin mo OB p m tcnn». fWW Onwn

■n balaiifo b f ’n ir ponth or ttfrm’s lo • • I jmrcliascr. A. M-, ew e News.

I fX)R 8ALS>-Cood milk cows. I l y I m ils, Berger, Idaho:

' ' j f'OR SA l-EJ-tituacbaker Bix Ii ? ““ “ ster, good a*'now , phenp, opply (

, brill);.' rooBis, 8ho»bone nnd Thlrt

baae- . ____________ ___________________

3ou«, I 8ALB_5(,0 white-faee o Soo E .0.0aln,_6M >Fqarth*

No 1 BAT-JV-Twrn-eyllnilfr U btM . Davidson mniorpvflo In excelleat

- dltloi.. Call a t f.02 Third avenue i

r n FOB S A L E -S tee! i^ange U exeo* condition. 128 E lgbth a re . E

= J FOB B A L B -Pnre-bred Lir r = r r z : nufls. . P . B. Bell, Boom 2, U rs t

tional bank building.

- I FOB -SA L E -* 1-C aeres laad ’« “ “ '- iK Io b srly w ith throe^room hi

Prie# •1200, easy -toma. Call oi Block a t a . Barnhill, box #22, ]

berly, Id tho .

low rl[>e. ^}' Crystal ’ . —

_____ FOR RENT ^

f*NB *]” B E N T -^U rgo fnmlabed rt).J5 * '« 0 •>**‘0^ " 0 “ *P p r i« t e fao ily j ils, B 1*210 acres, ' ’ ■ ________ !___I and 8 , --------------------- :----------------.,^koge, FOR BENT—A fine rooiaing-1 id U nas and hotel, tho beat la tho eityj 101 East, rooms, bot and cold w ater la eaeh i regon. steam beat; a money-maker. I f i

' eited address Thomas Clinton, ! 9 BOISE ,'* ■es t n m ---------------------- --------------------------


i.” h ^ WANTKD—lA jaiijif ITW) a t 1( fc’n t for one y c a r^« n 'r<«4 city

- crlv, inti're«t-quiirtrr)y._ Annwer,, . T, cara of New*.

________WANTEH— AU kinds clover »ear in r<'il, niaike, w hitr, sweot. T ho '^

or write plckinaon Co., Chicngo. Local ( Clmberly, n l Twin Knlls Feed &, Ieo Co. 1

Irft, Twin Falls, Idnho. Pbone OOil

o»w. W A I^ D ^ 'o n ip o te n l girl for ek poreh jra i i,o,ii.owork. I'hoi.o 031.r> to J e n s _________________:_____________

W ANTED-Becond-hnad b sth-----------condition.

harness Box 176, BuM, Idaho.

------------ .MONEY W A N T E D -W o havern honse fy, private■innuBy n» toUow.: eilS lortb ttv. 411 ,ij|5u o(, so a ,re i, 5 yen

N jicr ceot, firpt raortgage; also *5----------- J corner luts and InilMing a t lifo r sale valuation 40 to 51) per rent.

0 ' “ “7: or write Rlj.lev * ' Timin, the II Ixtb ave- 1^ 0.

------------- W ANTED-Alwaya in the ' mfaraitn re for baled alfa lfa hay. Anchoror eaB a t Oraln t Feed Co. Pbone 23.' We

' tbe b s le n If you w sn t them.

e. Garrison Flag.WQ f a ^ The gnrrlwin flag of the Ua’o ' tnie* States nrmy Is mndr> of huntlnc.ft. There SO.fcct Ily and 20 fee t lioist, IS n tr hns nl- and In tbo upper qunrtor next the'Ty. even Is th r Held or "iiiilon" of stnrs, i

“F riar to the n«ml>er of s la tw , on Wae(new too oTvr oni^lhlnl leiiuth o f flog, exextensive jng to the lowt-r « lc e n t tlio fourt

of in i'- stript’ from (he top.Kunp<iw- __________________‘‘ '*“• Daily Thouflhtpuriwsos yipp stings uk.'B t r n in oor j

ores, bu t Ttrtne consoles ns eri oor paln*r-C . G Coltoa.

' W ell, perhap

K K e f t E . H A Z C i. e x c u s e VT DO YOU m e a n P A F A IM W ^iN a 5 0 Mi»cH V o u w e i5 6 . EADOy A < u s . et R . Y l N 5 T 0 D o V V. MS.'Won.K‘ J /


' A N T '. ( __________ _____________


' W AVTKI)^M an'or'^tM m s to aell cleetrlft waM^Kiv In U.S, te n

aln, 000 flalurv and eummlsalon. Appl_____ O ititrna’ Ktflct.-ic Co.

iill-blood WAJ^TBH—A» ex|ierienfcd girl i<I, ^^0 ^ ^DDptn) bniinoiTorK. IDO SiiOh aveni•ycar-old, 1 6 0 -----------------------------------— -------------1 2-year- W ANTKD-Young maji and « lf r f,I sell by " ‘‘nf Jerome by aon t|i eV yeaer, Roek O- Nows. •

_______ W A N T B D -E j^ rie n tcd ^okkeejvmodern Co.

own ani\ W AN TED -^Exp«icpcai‘*‘^ I t ~ 'b e» lo ault to bogin„ work abonl B epteater 1

•' Kari F m it Oe.

^ W A N T E fr-N orsety goveraesa, a onder 2 j years o f age. Oood salai

----------- room and board. Addrtas D, 0 . , t*'? N m . ■ • ■ ■ ■ ’ • ■ ily Cam. __________________ . .rhlrd at. W AN TED -Threo '.thousand' peoi

tu oak for the. prem ium 'liat of t----------- TVia FoHa County FWr. J . K MarI owes; , 1 Hocrrtary, Filer, Ida.rth W .- ■! !■■ I .1- I

" i i ^ s w a n t e d : TO BBBTlent con- ~W A NTED ’‘ T O ''K B N ^ 't o ’ o'ro« iu« w e*t furnlihed houw ot bouukeeplng roon

___ ,1'heno 802.

WAOTED TO lli lN ^ B iJM f l 8o| j___ 4, a C to 7 room houie. rhone 802.

Lioeob =■" T ‘ = - = : Irit-N a - - - X Q 'I ^ g X ------------

----------- TO LliX—The moaagemeat, of tu d near Ground Cafe a t Filer, Ida., f

honse. the period of the I’a ir , October 1, to J- 'M- Secretary, Filer. Ids.

__________________, L O A N S ,


: _ INSOBANCE.' Arthur L.'B wto.

i rtsam- STBAIOHT .1 ^ A 'B LOANs” ! ly j hot MONTHLY i>AYMENT LOANB Seveath ‘modem Twin ’ Fails dwolUngs s t i

t r a e t lv ^ n te s . A rthur I* Bwim.

~ ~ T “ PAYMENT LOANS. £ Jo .* " *«“ » '

“ 7 1 ” fared beretofor#.' A rthnr L Swim-l e h w o a ,___ ^________________. ■I f la t« ^ BUILDINQ LOANS a t lower » B, Bnhl, than have been offgr^d tiefo

Bepayablo a t aoy timo a fte r . n o n th i - ' A rthur L.-Bwim... .-.r.


________ B U l^ I N O LOANS, A. U Bwlai.

It 10 per L O A K S -P rivattf party b u money Ity prop- }o«B. AdSreM a , e a n « t M m . .ver, ............................. . — ■'.I - ................ -| \

- P I A N p T U ^ O . ,

PIANO T tm iN O -P h o o e 108. U l lo 'A lben ? 'n sls Co.a l offiee ■' ' ' j -•«-:o. build- “ F O U N D1 ood, __________ ■ _ . • . -— ------- FO U N D -T a ll ligh t and' license ntfor geu- ber near Rock Oreek bridge. Owi

ran bavo by paying for tbla ad.- . qairn a t Nowa.'

Ith lub. ■ I— .— — - .......—Hlnle ■ I, ' “ .

T O T A A D E ,

ave loan. y o B D -C pnaaongw .to tradeeilSOO 01. ■ pjortgage o(ite»—will give differei

1 yeara ai Hnaxto*jUi>-od n j j t t j pire atation.' t in [>cicut. Call WOTTLD L IK E TO TBADS a f ie Ilesles «-roola tosidfine# w ith, two lets f« r <

' tie or dioep. l? ri t« fo r pu tte ah:--------r Box 7, lU e r, Mah#.

msrksi * • *______________ ' .:bor Say, , TAOOUA property to trade for Ti We have Falls property. P. 0. Box 812. Pb< •‘ 93.

! United Inc. wllh


extend- • ___ou rU ittd OF TH B D H L ^ O U WAN!


D I S A P P O I N Tor pleas- ' ' TH B »S W 8

•Ten In Job FrUtlDg Department

laps F athe r is a good sleepor

s e .I TH O L »fiH -T/

Page 8: TWK iL L S , DAIILY fs^ w d G l^ - moot h»ve l)ee& oaptoi^it, i t . w as learned here t^ ^ren * .-tae.' ,


D o n (■ p A T T j I


' StorriinddirKtxnifJOfEPH HEMABECW,

i l - ' ^ 'S L E M W ^a iA M S

S a v iy o u r■ ■ A n A B T C B

Thursday ■jFriday and *' Saturday ■■'

SdcAi htU o^tj- i t o t t to g 'f t^ T O TftTw l{a tho v«lno fo r tbe n la n k of • <i*Jt marked ea (he traek horn h u d le ir lth » a / * t , " d i o p d U to M " A .'* I t U -n laod for i^ lk U o B .

Vote for

D. W. DAVIS.... ouidldAte for Oorenur on ’

- ■ EepnU Ictn P r t o w T id r tt '

7ou Host' Beglster If Tod ; Wurt to Vote ]



II Dircct part of the caah n |fl y”“r .J . . .II “ succcss /wnd"— your I a savings account here, a j W There it rcmaifw a cash ffl J‘W ^ ''j l c o m m a n d , mcamohilc |( '

iH spent, i t gocf

Jb ever.- Command somo • || cash to work fo r you.

• I T W I N F A L L S D A N K & y T B U ^ r C O M P A N r II J: rwoc rAuit ZDABO

. , ' l ^ i

________ ■■■■ ■ - — i . ________:

f i i r , I I

2 8 8 ^ ^ —*

in^ fe l lo w ":n?AFTi>[dure .


j | f lOOAL BEIEFS I u f + + + + + + + + |

^ ' Back from B acaapm est—George W.Bleo h a t re tunod a fte r ntteodia{i:.the

n 0 . A. K.’coe'ampmoat a t Portlaail.

- FaUent & t t o u H oaa—llr t . , E lde I Baiabo, vho bas boea a paU eat 'ln tho

Bojrd hospital fallowiag an operation I fo r apposdleUig, retnraed home ThtiRi-


I On Oamplns t d p —Mr. and M rt. F.I H. WlniJor mul iloughter, M rt. John

OIood; of Beattie, who. I t v laitlog them,I toft Thiirtday momiag for a neo k ’a

camping trip n rar H alle;.

Called lato B etTlce-iM w ard F. Ad- amn, who enliitod tome time ago la tbe aavx, haa reeelved. hla eall to report in tea ilayi a t Bremertoa, W aihington, for duty.

Jodge HapMn V b ltf t-Ju ilge Law­rence UuiMn ot naaaea , eandidate lo t the Domoeratio nomination for eenator from Twin i ’alla cotint}',-waa a vlaitor

- .In Twin I'alla Wednetday-

B ick f ro n O n tlng-flborlff F . ' M. KendaU, D. E. M offa tt and W . 0 . Thompton aad familiea rotumed thla momiog nltoT a lOTonl daya' onting in tho upper Wood rlTer diatriet.

A ttending Confetesc*—U. H Sounda,' 11. J . K iagibory and B. ll. Yoong lo ft tliia BornlBg for Jdaho Falla, where; thoy will attend tho Idabo conferonee of the Mothodlit eburch. .

= Breaka W rlat .a t P lay—\Vbilo romp- |g iug wllli a party of young folka Wed-I neidny evening, M iu M argery Thomp-i non foil from a low porch a t tbo bomoI i t Mita LilUo Wlaeman, breaking tbe|| bonoi in ' her right w rlit.

I Hotel H an Hero—U. J . Uolopy, mnn-. y HKor of tbo Hotel lialU m vro-of Loa a iCiKolea, California, Wtn. Andoraon, i ]irvpri«tor of tho. Novr Oraail Hotel of

Halt Luka and Jo b n 'll..i’oiDtii, manager of tho lat(c*r are in Twin Falla view­ing Twin i'alla aeenory.

” B e tom B "tb ' M Ichigta—Mlaa Fredajfi ‘OaiJoy, formerly a teaehor in ' tho Twina Falie aohoola, returned Tueiday to her^ humu in Orand Baplda, Miehigaa,^ wliere the will Uach thla year. She4 waa accompanied aa f a r aa'P ocateUoI by M in Cretb Ubllejk

I Q atxm atotlal Oandldata E er»—For- SS[ m tr BeprcaenlalWe E obert IL Me-

Cracken of Bolao, tondidate for tbe Kepubllcoa nomination for governor, waa in Twin Falla W edneaday-in tho Intoratta o f his candldaey. Ho declar­ed b ^ l f woll aatlalied w ith his proa- poct 'for political locceaa.

O aaUdata B a ta n a —'Senator 8 . P. Atherton ia homo aflor completing « vjgorouj campaign of the tta to In t ie in tereit of hla' caadldaey for the Ro-

1 publican nomlDation for governor. He attfiiilcU Ibo 0 .' A. U. eneampaBat a t rortlaaO , taking a prominent p a rt in tbe Botta of V oterani' eneampmeat, rep-


S Huns w m Try forPeace in Americi

E o tu r n e d W a t O o rrc sp q n d c T

.W a r n s P a b U o o f I n s ld lo n s

I K a t u r b o f Q o r a a n F l a n s'■* - - - - ■

r NI2W YOBK, Auguit SO.-Tho cot iug winter will witneaa the grcate Qprtnan jwaco o f fc ia lv e . thna fi Iniinchcfl, neconllng to Ployd Qibbgt \rar correspon<Icnt, trho nddresAcd tl Np«' York press eluli here.

"T h e next Oermnn poaco offenili will bo pu t' out in most a ttrac tn fonii,” Oibljona aald. “ I t will I plaualbli' ond Insidious. Tbe offensiv will not bo launched through dipli Tntktic'eVanneia. Tbe Oormana w ill t t to create 'a aentitaent in th li countr fo r poaee^”

tn Bottom “Whero can I (n*t n New Englam

boI1e<l d in n e r r •'N cvfr hcar.1 o f It tnlalcr. You cnn eet cik«1 gooln«l oviT yoDtlor, onrt hen-'n n 1'hnp.nucj lolnl."—Phllndrlphin BuHotln.

ri'senting the slate ot Mnho In tb buiinenn wulnnii n f th a t order.

' Ll5ts DeUsqaant B a g ls tn n t i-T b local board i t certifying today to thi ad ju tan t general the nanea of the fol lowing registranta o f the clast' o f lOll in tbls eoonty w ho'bave failed to re tu m their qnestionairei: George Fran] Colllos, Eogone, Oregon; A lbert Fou Portland, Oregon; Joha Ja a e a Phar ney, UeAllUter, Oklahoma; Ed. Deck

' er. Twin Falla.

N e V j l a r k foT^Local Board—Olar enco' S t^ew o ll Jaekaon of Twin Fall

— - th is-aom ing -eato red -D pon 'h i^ dotie Aa a iili ta o t elork to the local board fa n i l l la r i i in g 'h ^ io lf w ith the worl before ’ sncceedlag Chief Olerk Clyde W. Simpson, who h u beon Inductet

'x into tbo m ilita ry 'ao rrttB , and Is t< leave next week for''W asU ngton, ,D C., to report to tho ndjntant genera of the n m y . Mr. Jaekaon cono ben abont two monthi ngo from Son Frau ciaco ond ha s 'b e en employed 1>y thi Idnho Department Store.


^ .(P a id A dvertising)

. FOB oouirnr o o m u is s io b e b

TO THB PBOFLE 0 7 TW IN PALLS COUNTY:'I d n iro te a a n a n e a s iy eaadldaey

fo r eoonty com m ittlonir froo i'the tU M district, sabjeet to t^ e wlU o f the.vot- e n 'l n the Democratic primaries, Bept

ion . H . P : LABSEN,■f*- • Bock Oreek, Idaho,

F . I WISH TO ANNOUNOB MY CAN- ilin didacy -for /o-eloctlon fo r Ceunty Su- (flj, perintendent'of Public Instruction, lub- Ic’a jee t to tbe R epibllfan Primaries, held

B ep t 3, 1018. I(SlRnoil) BRITTOUAUT W O L F t I

id- ------------Ibe To the Voters of Twin FalU County;^ - I hereby annonnce oyse lf as a candi-

da te for tho SU to Legislatore, subject to the Bepubllcan primaries, September 8,1910.

>w- Youra faltkfolly ,for . MBS. CABBIE HA BPEft W HITEtor ;______


„ F o r the past two y e an I ba re servad ' as yenr aaaaasor, darU g whieh t ia u 1

, 7 bave tried to fs lf ill tho duties o f the 7 office td th s best of my ability." My in terett baa been dirM ted solely

to the affairs of the office and I bave - itr iv tn t t all times U bsso my as-

^ sessmenl^ fairly and eqnlUbly on aU claases of property.

I annonnce myself" a candlJita for re-eTeetian to the office of Connty As­sessor, snbjeet U the will o f the B«- publiean vo U n a t the primariei Bep- tomber 3, 1018.

Sincerely y onn , 'GBO. W. WILCOX.


OOUNTT:in- F o r tbe past term 1 bave aervad Twin M FaOa connty-as eonnty ceam iislooer on, from tbe tblrd d is tr ic t I have endeav- o f ored a t all times to the beet o f my aUl- ;er Ity to look a fte r tbe interea>i' aad IW- welfara o f tbe eoanty.

I hereby aanonnce nyse lf s s a can­d id a te ,fo r tbe'elae<

da tion to the offlee o f connty /cmmla- rin aloner tU rd dlstrie t, snbjaet to tV ler Democratle primaries, Septamber 8, (a, 1018. Y onn rap eetfn lly ,;he • W. P . BBEWfcB.Uo -------—

PBOBATB JUDOB I hereby annonnee n y candidacy for

le- r- — ' ■ --------bo — — . ■ .

S DELCG-UGHTH » c o a p l « t * E l « : t i k l i » l i » a l

**■ Pew ar PU atPlenty of bright, lofo, clean electric lig h t No more hot, smoky lompa.

i f r . d . WATSON 0 0 , Twin FaUasp-

U B P m Y H B W B ,

- I H l i l i

■ f e j h a iU' -V N -

■esteit . N I far .bbgn»,l j f 'd . tb o '

Bwlvo ; '■ vjV active

" ’f insive

M 5 '? ? ^ H A L L E N G E c ilnHb J- i p r th o w n tc h W o n i

i j f V ' ' l tV.>j c o u T 'te ra lp t f • nw rlc. I f 0 tin

____ 5 I t is a frio.nd.

1 the ^ I t v ;ill g lvo y o a fu l§ . p u tto th o n a tlo n - 'W ld e R

' B m e asu re d u p to th o Got-T h e S • -

i i ' - GOIr I . T E S T EPhar- [j Deck- [J , '

^ T h e r e is n o r isk w i_ Is / “T E S T E D ," fo r n o w eo

;;i I tse lf .d u r in g th e m o n th ■h?‘T « « C n r F l » t s .

w oA I S II .V E IIT O W N C O :P ch iillen scd A m tir ic a 's r t

lated Is fou g h t sa n d , g rav e l, one lg to . “ d de fe a te d ^ c tn L Th«I, ,D. ^ s to o d s ta u n c h a g a in s t t tnoral f l c lo se-c lu tch , c ro5S>barrcbero 21 th e te e th o f d e s e r t a n d i

rrau- ntho » D em an d th la j^ossv

k yoi] w ill g e t - t h o duro l« th e tir e s w h ic h th o ro a d

^ “ "A iDM ictf 8 T e s te d T i m

^ S T H E a F ~ G d O I

S i S a l t L a k e C i ty B ra n c h

iK ^ e .A v ^ < > X ’A \k«»uw 4ftvei»«


I U yV e s e l l G o o d r i c h T i r e s

J i g C o m p l e i e S i o c k A I



AI,'. Telephoaa U 6 180 ISu-inb- TW IN FALLS, ZDleld

^ tbe nomlnatSon to sncceed p jyad l u Probate Jndge of Twia Falls eonnty, subjeet to Republican prlmariaa S e p t 8.

Bdl- a P . DUVALL.j « i ------------iber I ANNOUNCE ^fY SELF A S A CAN-

dlilate for the offlee of County Treas­urer. lubject to tho Democratic Pri-

T E mnry.P .H . OBOW.

■JS ------------COUNTT A U D H O B .

vad I annoanes my eandidaey fof tb a ef* a 1 fice e f G erk of tbe Coart a sd «x-offl- tbe elo Becorder aad An41tor. D esM ra tU

prlmariea September 9. lely J . M. MABKEL, FUer, Idibfc ave

^ I HEBEDY ANNOUNCE IrCYBELF a eandidale for SU te B saator from

fgr Twln Falls eonaty snbjcct to tbe w in ef t - the Bepubliean ^ im aries.B ,. JO SEPH H. SEAVEB. Jep- t _ -

T a the People of Twin a lls OouBty: - y aonoance my candidacy fe r tha

C. nomination to soeceed aiyself as Prose- cuting Attorney of Twin Falls Connty,

’ subjeet to the will o f tbe Bepnbllcaa primaries SapUmber 3. - . ‘

. ' FBANK L. STEPHAN, win ________

' 1 hereby aaaonnee m y'eandidaey fer ’„ V tbe offiea of Oonnty Connalarioner,

Precinet No. 8, snbjM t to tbo wiD ef the Bepnbllcan priauriea.

^ . W . W . P A tt lf ln .T*>, __ ____ _________ ___ %---------

OEORGE 8. MeGRAW FOB SH ERIFF ^ I huteby ansouDce candidacy for ‘ T the office of Shorlff of Twin Falls

County Kubject lo the will of the Dem- > ucratic- voton a t tbe Prim ary to ba

held on S e p t S, 1018.J f . nominated aad elected, I pledge

my bcit afforU for aa eeonoaical ad- for m iniitratlon .and the im partial and rig­

id enforeeneot of tho law. •— QFX)ROB a McGBAW.

I WISH TO ANNOUNCE M Y a ^ ias a eandidate for the nomlaatlon of j Coroner of Twin T ails Connty, Idabo,

.1 linbjoet to tbe action of tbe Bepnbll- ^ can Primaries, Bept S.

? .E . DBAKB, IH a r , Ida.


1 hereby annonnee myielf r candi­date fo r Ute nomination o f She riff of Twin FaUa eoanty, snbject to tb a v tn

. of the Bepnbliean prlaurlM .J • A. H . SpaA Q UB .


J E e v e ry tiro before! y o u b u y . M ako It gi ^-ord o f tire q u a lity . T e s te d . M ake I t ehi

o f tins s u p re m a c y , t h s G o o d rich tra t I tiro a n sw e rs “ G oodrich T e s te d ," b u y

1 fu ll a n d la stin g sc rv lce b e c a u se i ts se rv i Je ro o d t i s t o f G oodrich T e s t C or F lee ts , i G oodrich s ta n d a rd o f tire s ,' th e T e s te d ol

lODRICH■ E D ^iT IR E Sc w ith th e t i r e th a t dm . g ive ^ p u s w o w ea k n ess , n o s tru c tu ra l f iiil in ^ co u ld h i n th to rooo th , s e a so n to seasoo i '.te s ting

C O ^ D S , a n d B U C K S A F E T Y T R l ^ 's ro a d s , a n d lu id e r lig h t a n d h » v y ca , a n d r o ^ ia ra in , xnud , sn o w , a n d slua T h e a p k a l - w r a p p ^ , caW c-co rd l i r e bo< s t th e h a m m erin g o f m o u n ta in tra ils . Tl iarrcd ,.noa-sk id black s a fe ty trea d , bofSi n d p ra ir ie p a th s .

o ssw o rd o f on tir e s boforo y o u b u y , a i [urability , dependab ility , a n d econom y i tn d s o f e v e ry r e ^ a o f o u r la n d p r o d ^

iODW CH k t r e B E R ‘‘GOMPAii : h : 4 2 E .4 th S o o th S t . ,S a l tL a k o 0 it7 ,i ;

c i T Y * * o r ' o o o D R i c H ‘ ^ ? ; Rei»w atw w sisn*s» '.arsktijuun»iaetuc«ss''.M

r e s a n i l T u b e s ;

; A l l S i r e s - ,


180 Beomd At«. tfortb• PhOMTOJ


............. -------------------------------! as

I horoby announce myself a candi >t 8. dfljj for the nomination of Shorlff ol **• ' Twin Falls county lub ject to the wll

of the Democratic primaries.IAN- J . B. FITZSIMMONa

. • IPri- . .

I hereby -ttwohnte myselt .-a ■tiaiil Jf; date fo r sU te represenUtlve, subjeel

to tha Bepnbliean primariea.- OABL J . M ILLEB

I of- •offl. I QEBEBY ANNOUNOB my eaadl- ratle tor tbe nomination for Coronei

on tbe p u b l i c a n tleket, anbject tc 10. the primary eleeUon. o f Septomber 8


ELpfromH o f ;____________'

B. , '

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f tR O N ,*s''i«n*usstw iiX M isW iV tf< '> ^ i» !M W > S

Ddrlch Tires and Tubes

Sizes, Complefe Stock

IL AUTO COMPANY120 Becond St.-W est

_____________________ r ______________

I desire to annonnce my eandidaey mdi- tor county commissioner In the Demo- !f of «n>Hc primaries. I have provloualy , will eerved two Urm s in th a t capacity !n

Twin Falls county, and I cas promise l a supportors my best e ffo rtt In the , county in toroit in ^ a event of ~tbe

succeu of my eandidaey. wdi- 0 . a T A Y W ibject -------- r

. STATS I 'announco my q u d ld a i^ for. sond-

nation fo r repreaenUtive from TwU ladl- Falls eonnty, snbjeet to the prlaiary ■oner election Beptember 8. t to A B. OONOVEB.• 8 ■.------------ .N . Bead tha




IS , AND FINAHOIALm E ” 0 F n 0 E B a ~ A M ---------- ---------------tB ND TH E BBKETITS BOAD AND OOUFBE-;NKDTO SEBVIOB.