twilight dictionary

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  • 8/3/2019 Twilight Dictionary



    bristle one of the short, stiff, coarse hairs of certain animals, esp. hogs, used extensively in


    disarray disorder; confusion

    aloof cool, detached; distant, standoffish; snobbish, haughty, disdainful.klutz 1.a clumsy, awkward person.

    2.a stupid or foolish person; blockhead.

    moot to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: a moot point.


    a breakfast food consisting of rolled oats, brown sugar, nuts, dried fruit, etc., usually served with milk.

    token something serving to represent or indicate some fact, event, feeling, etc.; sign: Black is a token ofmourning.

    2.a characteristic indication or mark of something; evidence or proof: Malnutrition is a token of poverty.

    3.a memento; souvenir; keepsake: The seashell was a token of their trip.

    wrist the carpus or lower part of the forearm where it joins the hand.

    slender small in size, amount, extent, etc.driz-zle=to rain gently and steadily in fine drops;


    dusk the state or period of partial darkness between

    day and night; the dark part of twilight.

    crooked not straight; bending; curved: a crooked path.

    alleviate lighten, diminish, abate, relieve, assuage.

    gloat to look at or think about with great or excessive,

    often smug or malicious, satisfaction: The

    opposing team gloated over our bad luck.

    nausea sickness at the stomach, esp. when accompanied

    by a loathing for food and an involuntary impulseto vomit.

    marble metamorphosed limestone, consisting chiefly of

    recrystallized calcite or dolomite, capable of

    taking a high polish, occurring in a wide range of

    colors and variegations and used in sculpture and


    coven an assembly of witches, esp. a group of thirteen

    chime apparatus for striking a bell so as to produce

    a musical sound, as one at the front door of a

    house by which visitors announce their presence. produce a musical sound by striking a bell,gong, etc.; ring chimes: The doorbell chimed.

  • 8/3/2019 Twilight Dictionary


    sieve instrument with a meshed or perforated bottom, used for separating coarse from fine parts of loosematter, for straining liquids, etc., esp. one with a circular frame and fine meshes or perforations.

    2.a person who cannot keep a secret.

    curfewa regulation requiring a person to be home at a certain prescribed time, as imposed by a parent on a


    1.Usually, leftovers. food remaining uneaten at the end of a meal, esp. when saved for later use.

    2.anything left or remaining from a larger amount; remainder.

    limp to progress slowly and with great difficulty; make little or no advance: an economy that limps along at alevel just above total bankruptcy.

    loiter to linger aimlessly or as if aimless in or about a place: to loiter around the bus terminal.tad a very small amount or degree; bit: Please shift your chair a tad to the right. The frosting could use a tad

    more vanilla.

    haze an aggregation in the atmosphere of very fine, widely dispersed, solid or liquid particles, or both, givingthe air an opalescent appearance that subdues colors.cub the young of certain animals, as the bear, lion, or tiger.beanpole

    1.a tall pole for a bean plant to climb on.

    2.Informal. a tall, lanky person.


    happy, lighthearted, breezy, jaunty, sunny.

    bane 1.a person or thing that ruins or spoils: Gambling was the bane of his existence.2.a deadly poison (often used in combination, as in the names of poisonous plants): wolfsbane; henbane.

    3.death; destruction; ruin.

    4.Obsolete. that which causes death or destroys life:entrapped and drowned beneath the watery bane.


    an onset, assault, or attack, esp. a vigorous one.

    perk o become lively, cheerful, or vigorous, as after depression or sickness (usually fol. by up): The patients allperked up when we played the piano for them.shudder

    to tremble with a sudden convulsive movement, as from horror, fear, or cold.

    muffle to wrap or envelop in a cloak, shawl, coat, etc., esp. to keep warm or protect the face and neck (often up): Muffle up the children before they go out.wary alert, vigilant, guarded, circumspect, prudent.lure temptationgush pour, stream, flood.fern feriga

    hemlock cucuta

    dwarf DWARF, MIDGET, PYGMY runt, miniature.brake halt, arrest, stay, restrain; curb, curtail. frana

    fit as a in perfect health; very fit: The doctor told him he was fit as a fiddle. Also, as fit as a fiddle.

  • 8/3/2019 Twilight Dictionary



    crutch carja

    russet yellowish-brown, l ight-brown, or reddish-brown.reek 1.a strong, unpleasant smell.

    2.vapor or steam.

    whoosh a loud, rushing noise, as of air or water: a great whoosh as the door opened.choking

    (of the voice) husky and strained, esp. because of emotion.

    torso the trunk of the human body.leech lipitoarecopper a metallic reddish brown.utter to give audible expression to; speak or pronounce:unable to utter her feelings; Words were uttered in myhearing.Throb(throbbing)

    to beat with increased force or rapidity, as the heart under the influence of emotion or excitement;palpitate.

    bait Momeala (food, or some substitute, used as a lure in fishing, trapping, etc)sophomore

    a student in the second year of high school or college.

    eerie uncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird: an eerie midnight howl.quench to slake, satisfy, or allay (thirst, desires, passion, etc.).stiff rigid or firm; difficult or impossible to bend or flex: a stiff collar.frantic desperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear, pain, etc.; frenzied.ghoulish

    strangely diabolical or cruel; monstrous: a ghoulish and questionable sense of humor.


    tending to float in a fluid.


    displeased and discontented; sulky


    a syndrome seen most frequently in schizophrenia, characterizedby muscular rigidity and mental stupor, sometimes alternating withgreat excitement and confus


    a dog of mixed or indeterminate breed.
  • 8/3/2019 Twilight Dictionary
