
4 watch?v=uxjNDE2fMjI

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Post on 08-Apr-2016




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Twilight is an American romantic and horror (hybrid) genre, which is based on the novel by Stephanie Meyer. The plot movie relationship between the two characters Bella Swan, a human teenager and Edward Cullen, who is a vampire. The film focuses on Edward and his family’s efforts to save Bella from an evil coven of vampires.

The purpose of the film trailer is to set up the basic narrative and tease the audience without giving away too much of the action and plot away. In the Twilight trailer it is revealed that the male protagonist is a vampire as you see in the start of the trailer he saves her by using his supernatural powers of running fast to her and the female protagonist is distress. As the trailer progresses we see the couple run into trouble with nomadic vampires, where the main antagonist James wants to hunt Bella for sport, being so intrigued by Edward’s protectiveness over her. It is revealed that there is a final death struggle between Edward and James. Also, there is mention but no visual inclusion of the Cullen family in the trailer, which adds to the mystery and suspense of Edward and his vampire family.

The narrative of the story is about Edward and Bella both fall in love, from the moment he saves her from the almost accident involving the van in the car park.

Conventionally, the ending is not exposed within the trailer that Bella survives the attack and returns home to attend her high school prom with Edward; where at the end Victoria (James’s mate) stands watching Bella plotting her revenge for James’ murder.

The structure of this film trailer is conventional in that it contains a three-part structure including the beginning, in which the basic narrative is set, followed by the disruption and then we see a montage of clips that build up to the climax, generating excitement and tension.

SettingsGenre reveals thorugh the location as it showed from the first setting established is in the car park of a high school, it is conventional for teen films to be set in and around areas of the characters educational institution. This shows that target audience will be teenager since its set at a school and it aiming to their audience. On a wider scale, the film is set in a rainy continent in the United States, a small town called Forks that is near the Washington coast. This setting contains forests and vast areas of shrouded woodlands, which is a conventional location for films of a supernatural substance, as they encapsulate the atmosphere of a frosty, mystical and moistened haze.The trailer features a range of additional settings such as the restaurant in which Edward takes Bella, the cafeteria in their school where we see the two characters engaged in conversation and in the forests where we see them both climbing trees, it is often used in heroes because it gives a tense of something happening in this type of genre. Other settings include Bella’s bedroom, inside the car or an abandoned studio (in which we see Edward and James’s brawl.)

IconographyKey uses of iconography within the trailer include sprawling forest landscapes, crystallized woodlands and small shadowy monotonous towns. It is conventional for films of a gothic nature to be set in such places that exhibit an air of secrecy and obscurity. The conventional appearances of characters within this genre maintain pasty complexions combined with distinct and dark features, which adds to the mystery of their persona. The common uses of colour within Twilight include a palette of blues, blacks and greys; wintry cool shades that signify death are extremely conventional of gothic films. There is a shot of the moon at night

which features in the trailer as it dissolves into a shot of Bella and Edward in the meadow, this close-up shot of the moon further indicates the gothic genre, having association with night-time. Combining these elements together, the audience can interpret the film’s genre.Representation Edward has been represented as a traditional stereotype, being the stronger and more powerful sex. The narrative is based upon Edward being the heroic male, striving to extreme lengths to protect and to save Bella. She is vulnerable in the sense that she needs physical protection, however she is an emotionally strong character, who is brave and courageous which is a positive representation of females in today’s society. She defies stereotypes and expectations by not taking on the predictable role of the ‘damsel in distresses. It is conventional for hybrid genre to have an ordinary woman who is weak in strength to also maintain a strong and wise exterior.

It is conventional for hybrid genre to integrate a story in which an ordinary human falls in love with the monster with a heart. Twilight brings the old fashion genre back from the dead, making vampires stylish again. It symbolises the love of youth, as it enchantingly encapsulates the feeling of sexual tension and alienation through its scenes of exhilarating action and the aches of adolescent passion.

Trailers use straps to correspond with the audience, informing them of the basic plot-line, building up excitement and suspense as well as working to persuade them to watch the

movie. The straps used in this trailer read:

“On November 21st”“Nothing will be the same”

“SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT”“From the worldwide best seller”



The straps establish the date of release, the film production and that this film has been adapted from a worldwide bestselling novel. For those who have read the book and have

seen the trailer, it becomes obvious which film is being promoted before the title is revealed. As for the target audience who are unaware, they are informed that this film is based on a novel that has been a huge global success. This acts as a powerful and alluring tool in setting up a lively curiosity to see what the big attraction is. The remaining straps

build up a sense of excitement and anticipation, urging the audience’s need to go and watch the film.