twenty fourth critical bibliography of the history and philosophy of science and of the history of...

Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928) Author(s): George Sarton Source: Isis, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Dec., 1928), pp. 404-568 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society Stable URL: . Accessed: 14/06/2014 23:27 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . The University of Chicago Press and The History of Science Society are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Isis. This content downloaded from on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 23:28:00 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Page 1: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of theHistory of Civilization (To May 1928)Author(s): George SartonSource: Isis, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Dec., 1928), pp. 404-568Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science SocietyStable URL: .

Accessed: 14/06/2014 23:27

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The University of Chicago Press and The History of Science Society are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize,preserve and extend access to Isis.

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Page 2: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the

History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization

(to May I928).

This Twenty Fourth Bibliography contains about 887 items, some of which have been kindly contributed by the following scholars: R. C. ARCHIBALD (Providence, R. I.) E. KREMERS (Madison, Wisc.)

T. L. DAVIS (Cambridge, Mass.) J. NEEDHAM (Cambridge) J. DRECKER (Dorsten, Westphalia) J. STEPHENSON (Edinburgh) L. GUINET (Brussels) H. WIELEITNER (Munich)

J. K. WRIGHT (New York).

This bibliography includes a complete analysis of volume 9, and the sixth series of addenda and errata to Volume I of my Introduction to the History of Science (Baltimore, I927).

An authors' index will be found at the end. For general information on this undertaking see the Prefaces to the Sixteenth, Eighteenth and Twenty First Bibliographies in Isis VII, I7I-I74, I925; VIII, 526-528,

I926; IX, 49I-92, I927.

Papers and books sent to the Editor are entered into this bibliography if they are relevant to its purpose. They may be the object of analytical notes or longer reviews ,if this seems sufficiently necessary and the services of competent scholars are available. It is obvious that only a small number of publications can be adequately reviewed and that it is not even possible to give a brief description of each and every one. However, our classifica- tion is so comprehensive and so minute, that even if we do nothing but give the accurate title of an item and put it in its proper place, we are already rendering a real service to the author, the publisher and the learned public. It should also be noted that there is no relation between the importance of a publication and the length of the note devoted to it.

The ultimate aims of this undertaking are: (i) to establish the History of Science as an independent discipline; (2) to demonstrate inductively the Unity of Knowledge and the Unity of Mankind; (3) to serve as a center of information and rallying ground to the scholars engaged in our studies.

Harvard Library, Room I85. GEORGE SARTON.

Cambridge, Massachusetts. May 3I, I928.

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Page 3: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

ixth TO viith CENT. B. C. 405



IXth Century B. C.

(Homer). SAMUEL BUTLER'S books on the Odyssey ought to have been at least mentioned. BUTLER claimed that the Odyssey was written by a woman. (( I know that the classical scholars do not take this theory seriously, but ordinary people gifted with common sense find it most interesting and ingenious.)) JOSEPH NEEDHAM.


Rodd, Sir Rennell. HOMER'S Ithaca; a vindication of tradition. Map. London, ARNOLD, I927. ISIS

VIIIth Century B. C.

Smith, George Adam. The book of ISAIAH. New and revised edition. Two vols. London, HODDER and STOUGHTON, I927. ISIS

VIIth Century B. C.

Thompson, R. Campbell. Assyrian garidu ((beaver )). Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 723, I926. IsIs

This note is at once so short and so important that we reproduce it in extenso: ((In my Assyrian Medical Texts (I923; Isis, 7, 256), 4I,I,29, one of the ingredients of a medicament which consists altogether of eighteen drugs and is called a (( Royal Treasure )), is (( 1/2 su S I R (testicle) sa ga -ri -di )). Garidu, which, as far as I know, occurs here only, is philologically the same as the Syr. (( beaver )), and so we have in this Assyrian recipe of the seventh century B. C. the inclusion of the famous drug castoreum, the secretion of the beaver, supposed by the ancients to have come from the testicles of the animal, but actually coming from pouches near the anus. According to HERODOTUS (IV, IO9), the European beaver inhabited a large lake in the country of the Budini on the upper Don, and its testicles were used for affections of the womb. PLINY (who also says that the drug came from the testes) says that the best castoreum came from Pontus and Galatia (Nat. Hist., XXXII, 13). It is unnecessary here to say more of its celebrity as a drug among ancient physicians. What is chiefly interesting is that its fame should have spread to Assyria at this date, and that it was evidently an article of commerce brought in by caravans presumably from the region of the Black Sea. ))

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Page 4: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

406 vith TO ivth CENT. B. C.

VIth Century B. C.

(Alcmaeon of Crotona). The following work ought to have been mentioned, J. WACHTLER: De Alcmaeone Crotoniata (Leipzig, I896). More should have been said of his embryological interests, for which see e.g. PLUTARCH'S De placitis. JOSEPH NEEDHAM.


Dubs, Homer H. Did CONFUCIUS study the (( Book of changes))? T'oung Pao, 25, 82-90, 1927. ISIS

(Lao Tzu). LAO chieh LAO (Lao explained by himself). By Ts'AI T'ING-KAN. 14-21-I64-12 fol. Shanghai, Chung-hua Press, 1922.ISIS

Reviewed by A. C. MOOULE, yourmal Royal Asiatic Society, I52-3, 1926.

Loria, Gino. I1 cosidetto (sTeorema di Talete )). (Note sulla storia della matematica greca, z). Bollettino di Matematica, 24, p. III-V, I928. ISIS

Vth Century B. C.

Focke, Friedrich. HERODOT als Historiker. 58 p. (Tubing. Beitrage zur Altertumswiss. hrsg. von W. SCHMIDT, J. VOGT, und 0. WEIN-

REICH, H. i). Stuttgart, W. KOHLHAMMER, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by WILLY THEILER, Deutsche Literaturzeiturg, 172-5, I928.

Hippocrates. With an English translation. Volume III., edited by E. T. WITHINGTON. XXVII + 455 p. Loeb Classical Library, London, HEINEMANN, I927. ISIS

For Vols. I and z, see Isis 6, 47-48; 7, I75. Volume 3 contains surgical works: On wounds in the head; In the surgery; Fractures, joints, mochlicon. A fourth volume will complete the Loeb HIPPOCRATES. G. S.

Maspero, Henri. Notes sur la logique de Mo-TSEu et de son ecole. T'oung Pao, 25, I-64, 1927. ISIS

IVth Century B. C. (whole and first half).

Bury, J. B.; Cook, S. A.; Adcock, F. E. (editors). Macedon, 40I- 30I B. C. (The Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 6) xxIIi + 648 p. Cambridge, University Press, 1927.


Reviewed by W. S. FERGUSON, Americani Historical Review, 33, 366-369, I928.

Plato. The Epinomis of PLATO. Translated with introduction and notes by JOHN HARWARD. I46 p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I928. ISIS

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Page 5: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

ivth TO iiird CENT. B. C. 407

Wright, Jonathan. Around generation in the Timaeus. Annals of Medical History, 9, 347-55, 1927. ISIS

IVth Century B. C. (second half).

(Aristotle). Aristotle selections. Edited by W. D. Ross. xxxii + 348 p. Oxford, University Press, 1927. ISIS

Breloer, Bernhard. Kautaliya-Studien, I. Das Grundeigentum in Indien. 135 p. Bonn, K. SCHROEDER, 1927. ISIS

Lulofs, H. J. ARISTOTELES over eugenese. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 7, 694-701, 1927. ISIS

Mansion, A. La genese de l'ceuvre d'ARISToTE d'apres les travaux recents. Revue neo-scolastique de philosophie, 28, 307-44, 423-66, 1927.


Yuan, Chaucer (Yuan Tcho-ying). La philosophie morale et politique de MENCIUS. (Jgtudes et documents publies par l'Institut Franco-chinois de Lyon, t. 2). 324 p. Paris, P. GEUTHNER, 1927 (8o frs.) Isis

etude approfondie des idees philosophiques de MENCIUS pr6ced6e par une biographie. Un chapitre consacr6 aux contemporains de MENCIus nous permet de le placer dans son milieu. L'auteur consid6re successivement les notions suivantes: ciel ou nature, nature humaine, cceur humain, 6duca- tion, destin6e, amour de l'humanit6, justice, urbanit6, prudence. Dans les chapitres suivants, il discute l'homme ideal, l'utilitarisme, les principes politiques, le probleme des denominations ou la theorie dite tcheng ming, les relations entre le peuple, le prince et les ministres, le systeme agraire dit tsing thyen. Tcheng ming est la theorie confuc6enne selon laquelle la pro- priet6 des mots a une importance capitale dans la vie intellectuelle, morale et sociale. Le fond de la pensee confuc6enne 'a ce sujet c'est que " connaitre la signification des tnots aide chaque homme 'a se bien conduire; une pens6e claire et exacte est capable d'engendrer des actions droites, le mal vient en grande partie de l'ignorance et de la confusion des id6es. Le tsing thyen est un systeme de distribution des terres que MENCIUS, s'il n'en fut pas l'inven- teur, fut le premier 'a exposer clairement. Un stade carrd de terre est divis6 en neuf parties 6gales et donna par l'etat 'a huit familles; celles ci cultivent separ6ment 'a leur profit personnel huit parties; elles cultivent ensemble au profit de l'6tat la neuvieme plac6e au centre. Cet ouvrage est compl6td par des bibliographies chinoises et europ6ennes et par un index des mots chinois.

G. S.

IlIrd Century B. C. (whole and first half).

Schnabel, Paul. BEROssos und die Babylonisch-Hellenistische Litera- tur. 275 p. (no index). Leipzig, TEUBNER, I923. ISIS

Reviewed by T. G. PINCHES, Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 546-7, 1926.

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Page 6: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

408 iiird TO ISt CENT. B. C.

ITIrd Century B. C. (second half). (Asoka). ASOKA texts and glossary. By ALFRED C. WOOLNER. Parts I,2.

(Punjab University Oriental Publications). Oxford, University Press, I924. ISIS

Reviewed by JARL CHARPENTIER, Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 13 5-47, I926.

(Asoka). Corpus inscriptionum indicarum. Vol. 1. Inscriptions of AsOKA. New edition. By EUGEN HULTZSCH. CXXXI + 26o P., 55 pl. For the Government of India, Oxford, Clarendon Press, I925. Isis

Reviewed by JARL CHARPENTIER, Journal Royal Society, I37-39, I926.

Czwalina, Arthur. Eine physikalische Prazisionsmessung des AR-

CHIMEDES. Archivfiir Geschichte der Mathematik, IO, 464-466, 3 Abb., I928. Isis

Measurement of the angular diameter of the sun. ARCHIMEDES said that it is included between 27 and 32.9 minutes, which is true, the real value being 32 minutes. G. S.

Loria, Gino. ARCHIMEDE. La scienza che domino Roma (I curiosi della natura). 72 p., illustr. Milano, GIACOMO AGNELLI, I928. ISIS

Beautiful little book written by a master of the subject. G. S.

Loria, Gino. Segmento e settore sferici in ARCHIMEDE. (Note sulla storia della matematica greca, I). Bollettino di Matematica, 24, p. I-II, I928. ISIS

Tropfke, Johannes. ARCHIMEDES und die Trigonometrie. Archiv fur Geschichte der Mathematik, IO, 432-463, I3 fig., I928. ISIS

((Echt wissenschaftliche Astronomie und Trigonometrie ist nicht von Babylon zu HIPPARCH, sondern umgekehrt von Alexandria zum Euphrat geflossen. Erst der griechische Geist hat - wie auf anderen Gebieten der Mathematik - die konkret-praktischen Leistungen Babylons, sein fleissiges und umfangreiches Beobachtungsmaterial, das seit dem Alexanderzuge zuganglich geworden war, zu abstrakter Wissenschaft ausgebaut. Und was HIPPARCH in der Trigonometrie geleistet hat, weist zuriick auf das Genie des ARCHIMEDES. )

lInd Century B. C. (whole and first half).

Montgomery, James Alan. A critical and exegetical commentary on the Book of DANIEL. (International critical commentary). Xxxi + 488 p. New-York, SCRIBNER'S, I927. ISIS

Ist Century B. C. (whole and first half).

(Lucretius). T. LUCRETI CARI de Rerum Natura libri sex. With notes

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Page 7: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

Ist CENT. B. C. 409

and a translation by H. A J. MUNRO. Fourth edition, finally revised. Vol. 2: Explanatory notes. With an introductory essay on the scientific significance of LUCRETIUS, by E. N. DA C. ANDRADE. XXII + 424 P. London, G. BELL, I928. ISIS

Reviewed by D'ARCY W. THOMPSON, Nature, 12I, 565-567, 1928.

(Theodosios of Bithynia). Les spheriques de THE'ODOSE DE TRIPOLI.

CEuvres traduites pour la premiere fois du grec en fran9ais avec une introduction et des notes par PAUL VER EECKE. LIV + I22 p. Bruges, DESCL1E DE BROUWER, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by P. J. RICHARD, Revue gn. des sciences, 38, 58I, I927.

(Theodosios of Bithynia). THEODOSIUS TRIPOLITES Sphaerica von J. L. HEIBERG (Kopenhagen). (Abh. d. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Gdttingen, phil. hist. Ki., Neue Folge Bd. I9, 3). XVI + I99 S. Berlin, Weid- mannsche Buchh., I927. (RM. i6.) ISIS

Im gleichen Jahre I927 erschien etwas friiher als das obige ein Buch Les spheriques de TH#ODOSE DE TRIPOLI, Oeuvres traduites par PAUL VER

EECKE, aus dem man die erstaunliche Tatsache erfuhr, dass der Verfasser nach einem neuen kritischen Text, der von J. L. HEIBERG schon fertig gestellt und ihm tiberlassen worden war, hatte uibersetzen konnen. Als ich nun anfangs dieses Jahres von dem freilich bei dem Alter des Gelehrten begreif- lichen, aber doch ungemein bekiagenswerten Tode HEIBERGS erfuhr, glaubte ich nicht, dass ich die kritische Ausgabe des THEODOSIOS noch wiirde er- scheinen sehen. Aber siehe da, die Sache war schon weiter gediehen, als ich annehmen konnte, und diese kritische Ausgabe liegt jetzt vor mir. Sie durfte wohl das beste an Text bieten, was gegenwiirtig geboten werden kann. HEIBERG ziihlt zuerst die zahlreichen verglichenen griechischen Codices auf, dann erwahnt er kurz, dass die Sphairik des THEODOSIOS schon im 9. Jahrh. von den Muslimen ins Arabische tibersetzt wurde, und dass im 12. Jahrh. zwei lateinische Uebersetzungen aus dem Arabischen vorhanden waren, die heute verschollen sind, waihrend eine andere, anonyme Uebersetzung aus dem Arabischen ins Lateinische in mehreren Codices erhalten blieb. Von zweien wird der Anfang mitgeteilt. HEIBERG hat seinem griechischen Text eine eigene Uebersetzung beigegeben. Die Scholien sind (von S. i66 an) nur griechisch wiedergegeben, und uiber die dabei beniitzten Codices ist auch in der Einleitung Rechenschaft gegeben. In den (( Corrigenda)) (S. xvi) ist (ohne Begriindung) verlangt, dass die Bezeichnung "( Tripolites iuberall zu streichen sei.

Man erfalhrt aus VER EECKE, dass STRABON Bithynien als des THEODOSIOS Heimatland angegeben habe, und dass der Beiname des Tripolitaners viel- leicht davon herruihre, dass THEODOSIOs spaiter in einer der Stadte, die Tri- polis hiessen, lebte. Er diirfte ein Zeitgenosse des SOSIGENES von Alexandria gewesen sein, dessen sich JULIUS CAESAR zu Kalenderreform bediente. Auch dies erfaihrt man nur aus VER EECKE, dessen Werk, wie schon aus den Seiten- angaben hervorgeht, eine grosse historischbibliographische Einleitung enthailt. Wer die Einleitung zum III. Bande der 2. Aufl. der Archimedes- Ausgabe von HEIBERG kennt, wird es sehr bedauern, dass HEIBERG selbst

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Page 8: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

4IO Ist CENT. B. C. (2) TO ISt CENT. (2)

seine Ausgabe gar so nuichtern in die Welt gehen liess. Vielleicht hat ihn aber sein Ableben gehindert, mehr zu geben. H. W.

Ist Century B. C. (second half).

Billiard, Raymond. L'agriculture dans l'antiquite d'apres les Geor- giques de VIRGILE. 540 P., illus. Paris, E. DE BOCCARD, i928. Isis

Segre, Mario. Le cognizioni di GIUBA Mauritano sulle Isole Fortunate. Rivista Geografica Italiana, 34, 72-80, I927. ISIS

PLINY gives a detailed account of the Fortunate Isles, or Canaries, on the authority of JUBA II of Mauretania (50 B.C. -23-24 A.D.). By comparison with other fragments in the writings of ancient geographers SEGRE reconstructs JUBA's account of the islands, ageograficamente esattissimo n. J. K. W.

Ist Century (whole and first half).

Drews, Arthur. Le mythe de JEsus, traduit de l'allemand par ROBERT STAHL. Paris, PAYOT, I926. Isis

For a discussion of the author's views see J. RUSKA in Isis, 7, I58-62. G. S.

Holmyard, E. J. An alchemical tract ascribed to MARY THE COPT. The letter of the crown and the nature of the creation by MARY THE COPT, of Egypt. Arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, i6i-8, I927. ISIS

La lettre ici traduite, avec commentaires et notes, provient d'un vol. de Mss. alchimiques arabes, de la bibliotheque royale du Caire, oju elle voisine avec une version arabe de quelques trait6s de ZosiMos; elle constitue un resum6 des principales theories des chimistes d'Alexandrie. L. G.

Robertson, John Mackinnon. JESUS and JUDAS: a textual and historical investigation. London, WATTS, 1928. ISIS

Ist Century (second half).

Feine, Paul. Der Apostel PAULUS. Das Ringen um das geschichtliche Verstandnis des PAULUS. VIII + 628 p. Giitersloh, C. BERTESLMANN,

1927. ISIS

Reviewed by ERICH SEEBERG, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 6-io, I928.

Foakes-Jackson, Frederick John. PETER: prince of apostles; a study in the history and tradition of Christianity. XVII + 320 P., illuS. London, HODDER and STOUGHTON, I927. ISIS

Henderson, Bernard William. Five Roman emperors: VESPASIAN,

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Page 9: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

iind CENT. 411

TITUS, DOMITIAN, NERVA, TRAJAN, A. D. 69-I17. XIV + 357 P. Cambridge, University Press, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by M. ROSTOVTZEFF, American Historical Review, 33, 626-7, 1928.

Nicomachos of Gerasa. Introduction to arithmetic. Translated into English by MARTIN LUTHER D'OOGE. With studies in Greek arithmetic


IX + 3 I8 p. New York, MACMILLAN, 1926. ISIS Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, I20-I23, I927.

Pieper, Karl. PAULUS. Seine missionarische Pers6nlichkeit und Wirksam- keit. (Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen herausgegeben von M. MEIN-

ERTZ, 12. Bd., Heft i). iv + 266 p. Mfinster i. W., ASCHENDORFF,

1926. ISIS Reviewed by P. FEINE, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 657-9, I928.

(Pliny the Elder). Admirable English translation of the Natural History by PHILEMON HOLLAND (1552-I637), in i6oi.


(Plutarch). Admirable English translation of PLUTARCH'S Morals by PHILEMON HOLLAND (London, HATFIELD, I603). JOSEPH NEEDHAM.


Rendall, Gerald H. The epistle of St. JAMES and Judaic Christianity. 147 P. Cambridge, University Press, 1928. ISIS

Tho ma, P. J. The South Indian tradition of the apostle THOMAS.

Royal Asiatic Society, Centenary Supplement, 213-223, 1924. ISIS

Ilnd Century (whole and first half).

Drecker, J. Das Planisphaerium des CLAUDIUS PTOLEMAEUS. Ueber- setzung. Isis 9, 255 - 278, I927. ISIS

German translation of the text lost in Greek but which has been trans- mitted to us through Arabic and Latin translations. A critical edition of the xiith century Latin text was published by J. L. HEIBERG in the Ptolemaei Opera, vol. 2, 227-59. The present translation was made from HEIBERG'S text. I4 fig., and a few explanatory notes. G. S.

Larsen, Sofus. Har vi PTOLEMAIOS' geografi i dens oprindelige skik- kelse ? Geografisk Tidsskrift, 30, I63-202, 1927. (Summary in English).


Argument that the Geography, as it now stands, is a combination erroneously made by copyists as early, perhaps, as the beginning of the 4th century


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Page 10: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

412 IInd CENT.

((of two different works, uniform to a certain extent, but totally different with respect to plan and purpose. )) J. K. W.

McCrindle, John Watson. Ancient India as described by PTOLEMY: being a translation of the chapters which describe India and Central and Eastern Asia in the Treatise on Geography written by KLAUDIOS PTOLEMAIOS, the celebrated astronomer. Edited with introduction, commentary, additional map and index by SURENDRANATH MAJUMDAR SASTRI. 431 P. Reprint. London, KEGAN PAUL, 1927. ISIS

Ptole'm6e. Composition mathematique. Traduite pour la premiere fois du grec en fran9ais sur les manuscrits originaux de la Bibliotheque imperiale, par NICOLAS B. HALMA (avec le texte grec), et suivie des notes de JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH DELAMBRE. Reimpression fac-

simile de le'dit. de 1813-I6. 2 Vol. LXXVI + 476 + 50 et VIII + 448 + 40 P., J. HERMANN, Paris, 1927. (200 fr.) Isis

L'edition-traduction de I'Almageste de NICOLAs HALMA etait devenue introuvable. L'6diteur J. HERMANN en donne une reimpression phototypique sur beau papier. Bien que PTOLEWMEE eut et6 un assez mediocre observateur, les raisons que donnait HALMA en I813 pour justifier son edition n'ont pas cesse d'etre valables. PTOLEMEE nous a rendu en grande partie l'ceuvre d'Hip- PARQUE, tant pour l'astronomie que pour la trigonometrie (Isis, 4, 301 ff.), et nombre d'observations, de dates, d'6poques astronomiques auxquelles il faut encore avoir recours. On peut discuter sur la valeur astronomique propre de PTOLEM3E, son ceuvre est la, vWritable somme des connaissances acquises 'a son 6poque; elle marque une borne sur le chemin de l'histoire de la science.

Evidemment une autre edition que celle de HALMA serait possible actuelle- ment, plus exacte, et bas6e sur le texte critique publi6 par J. L. HEIBERG

(Syntaxis mathematica, 2 vol. I898 et I903); un savant allemand, KARL

MANITIUS, l'a fait en sa langue (Isis, I, I46, 295); le fameux Catalogue (6dit. HALMA, II, 32-83) a et6 6dit6 avec commentaires par C. H. F. PETERS et E. B. KNOBEL (lsis, 2, 40I); on pourrait profiter des remarques de J. L. E. DREYER dans son History of the planetary systems from Thales to Kepler (Cambridge, I906; voir aussi Isis, 4, 13i), de celles de TANNERY dans ses Recherches sur l'histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, de DUHEM aux vol. II, III, IV du Systeme du monde. Mais 'a son defaut, il faut savoir gr6 'a l'editeur HERMANN de nous donner une r66dition de 1'aeuvre de lFabb6 HALMA.

C'est sur les conseils de DELAMBRE que HALMA entreprit la traduction de PTOL1M]E et des commentaires qui y sont attach6s. Son ceuvre comprend douze volumes: deux pour l'Almageste, deux vol. consacres 'a la Chronologie des regnes et a l'hypothese des planetes, et oiu sont inser6s d'importants memoires de C. L. IDELER (1766-I846) sur la chronologie des anciens; deux vol. pour les Commentaires de THEON sur les deux premiers livres de l'Alma- geste; trois vol. pour les Tables annuelles et leurs commentaires; deux pour les Phenomenes d'ARATos et l'ceuvre d'ISAAC ARGYROS (mathematicien byzantin du XIve S.); et un pour la G6ographie (le premier livre seulement).

L. G.

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Page 11: Twenty Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1928)

iind CENT. (2) 4I3

lInd Century (second half).

Couissin, Pierre. La critique du realisme des concepts chez SEXTUS EMPIRICUS. Revue d'histoire de la philosophie, I, 377-405, 1927. ISIS

Meyerhof, Max. Les versions syriaques et arabes des ecrits galeniques. Byzantion, 3, 21 pages, 1927. ISIS

Chiefly based upon the famous treatise of HUNAIN IBN ISHAQ upon the translation of Galenic writings into Syriac and Arabic, treatise of which the author published an elaborate analysis in Isis, 8, 685-724 (see also 9, 501.) G. S.

(Oppianos I.) JOSEPH NEEDHAM of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, says rightly that OPPIANOS ought to have been included in my Introduction.

'O7tavvo's. Born at Corycos, or Anazarba, both places in Cilicia; composed c. I77-80, a poem on fishes and fishing ('AAtEV-rlKa') in five books (c. 3500 hexameters). In books i and 2, he describes various kinds of fishes and their habits; the following books deal with fishing. This is by far the most important ancient work of its kind. A poem on hunting which accompanies the Halieutica in most editions seems to have been composed by another OPPIANOS

whom I call OPPIANOS II, who flourished in the first half of the third century.

Text. First Latin edition, De piscatu libri V, L. Lippius traduxit (64 leaves, Colle, 1478). First Greek edition, Halieutica de natura seu venatione piscium, by MARCUS MUSURUS (I40 p., Florence, 15I5). First edition of both Greek and Latin texts, De piscibus libri V; de venatione libri IV (i68 leaves, Venice I5I7); De venatione is in Greek only. Etc.

Greek and Latin edition of both poems with many notes by CONRAD

RITTERSHAUSEN (2 vols., Leiden 1597). Elaborate Greek and Latin edition by JOHANN GOTTLOB SCHNEIDER (I750-I822): De venatione libri IV, de piscatione libri V (Strassburg, I776; many times reprinted).

F. S. LEHRS: Greek and Latin edition of both poems in Poetae bucolici et didactici (vol. 2, i-io6, 185I).

WILLIAM DIAPER and JOHN JONES: Halieuticks translated into English with an account of OPPIAN'S life and a catalogue of his fishes (Oxford, I722).

Italian translation, Della pesca e della caccaia, by ANT6N MARIA

SALVINI (528 p., Florence 1728). Enlarged edition (Milano, I864). French translation of the Halieutica by J. M. LIMES (396 p,.

Paris, 1817); of both poems by E. J. BOURQUIN (245 p., Coulommiers, 1877).

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4I4 IIlrd CENT.

Criticism. J. G. SCHNEIDER: Proben von der Fischkunde der Alten Mag. Naturkunde (Leipzig 1783, 62-98). T. H. MARTIN:

1Studes sur la vie et les cnuvres d'OPPIAN de Cilicie (Paris, I863). THOMAS WESTWOOD and THOMAS SATCHELL: Bibliotheca piscatoria (London, I883). MAURICE CROISET : Histoire de la litterature grecque (vol. 5, 62I-622, I899). WILHELM BAUMANN : Quaestiones de ani- malium historia Aelianae et Oppianeae. (77 p., Marburg, I912).

GEORG BUjRNER: OPPIAN und sein Lehrgedicht vom Fischfang (Progr., 48 p., Bamberg, I9I2). WILLIAM RADCLIFFE: Fishing from the earliest times (New York, I92I; Isis, 4, 568). E. W. GUDGER:

Bibliography of fishes (vol. 3, 295, New York, I923; Isis, 6, 456). ISIS

Sudhoff, Karl. Anatomietexte in den lateinischen Galen-Handschriften des XIII. und XIV. Jahrhunderts und in den Fruhdrucken. J'anus 3I, 294-303, 4 fig-, I927. ISIS

Walsh, Joseph. GALEN visits the Dead Sea and the copper mines of Cyprus (i66 A.D.) Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Phila- delphia, 25, 93-IIO, 5 illus., i plan, July 1927. ISIS

GALEN visited the Dead Sea ((for the purpose of procuring asphalt for medical uses. )) He also gives interesting notes on the chemical properties of certain ores in the copper mines of Cyprus. J. K. W.

IlIrd Century (whole and first half).

(Oppianos II). Author of a poem on hunting, KVnyEtKa', in four books (c. 2IOO hexameters). He was apparently born in Apamea or Pella in Syria, and flourished under CARACALLA (emperor from 211 to 2I7). He is said to have written the Cynegetica in his youth and to have dedicated them to CARACALLA. The style of this poem is inferior to that of the Halieutika. For all of these reasons, we are obliged to conclude that these poems were written not by one OP- PIANOS, but by two homonyms. The Cynegetica are divided as follows: Book I, Qualities of the huntsman, dogs, horses; II, Cattle; III. Wild beasts; IV. Various kinds of hunting.

A poem on fowling (with birdlime), 'IeEV7-LKa', is also ascribed to one OPPIANOS. This poem is only known through a prose paraphrase by one EUTECHNIOS; it is thus impossible to decide its authorship.

For bibliography, see my note on OPPIANOS I (second half of second century). PIERRE BOUDREAUX: La chasse, edition critique (Biblio- theque de l'1Gcole des hautes etudes; I54 p. Paris, I908). ISIS

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iiird TO ivth CENT. 4I5

IIlrd Century (second half).

Bortolotti, Ettore. Le opere di DIOFANTO, tradotte da PAUL VER EECKE. Periodico di Matematiche, 7, 42-50, I927. ISIS

Jackson, A. V. Williams. The ((second evocation )) in the Manichaeen system of cosmogony. Royal Asiatic Society, Centenary Supplement, I37-155, I924. ISIS

(Lactantius). L. CAECILIUS (or CAELIUS) FIRMIANUS, called LACTAN- TIUS. Latin Father of the Church, the (( Christian Cicero. )) Born C. 230-250; died a very old man, probably at Treves. The Introduction ought to have contained a note devoted to him. In his De opificio Dei, I think, it looks as if he had opened eggs during incubation for he refers to it saying that the head is the biggest part.


(Pappos of Alexandria). According to the VIth book (unpublished) of his Commentary on the Almagest, PAPPOS was still living on October I8, 320. Private communication kindly made by the Abbe ROME of Louvain, about whom see Isis, 9, 499. His argument, based upon the consideration of eclipses, has been communicated by him to the Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles in April I927 (see below). G. S.


Waldschmidt, Ernst; Lentz, Wolfgang. Die Stellung JESU in Ma- nichaismus. Abhandlungen d. Preuss. Akademie d. Wiss., Jahrgang I926. Phil.-hist. KI. Nr. 4. I3I S. Berlin, W. DE GRUYTER, I926. isis

Reviewed by ANTON BAUMSTARK, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 3 I 9-3 26, I 928.

Zacharias, M. Bemerkungen zu der Mitteilung ((Ein falscher Satz des PAPPOS) von A. CZWALINA. (Diese Mitteilungen 26, I927,

233-34). Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, I-2, I928. ISIS

IVth Century (whole and first half).

Bell, H. Idris. Jews and Christians in Egypt. The Jewish troubles in Alexandria and the Athanasian controversy, illustrated by texts from Greek papyri in the British Museum, with three Coptic texts edited by W. E. CRUM. I40 p. London, British Museum, I924. ISIS

Reviewed by HENRI GREIGOIRE, Byzantion I, 638-647, I924.

La Vallee Poussin, L. de. L'Abhidharmakosa de VASUBANDHU. Traduit et annote. 225 p., XI + 30 p. Quatrieme chapitre, I924.

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4I6 ivth TO vth CENT.

Cinquieme, ...., neuvieme chapitres, I925. Paris, GEUTHNER, I925.


Ro me, A. Sur la date de PAPPUS d'Alexandrie. Annales de la societe scientifique de Bruxelles, serie A (math.), 46-8, I927. ISIS

Le Commentaire de PAPPUS sur l'Almageste date des environs de 320. L. G.

IVth Century (second half).

(Gregory of Nyssa). Greek father of the Church, born c. 330, died c. 400. The Introduction ought to have included a note on GREGORY OF NYSSA. I thought when I read his De opificio hominis in MIGNE'S Patrologia that he gave a perfect account of DRIESCH'S (( dynamic teleology )) in patristic language. JOSEPH NEEDHAM.


Mayer, Franz Claudius. Der Oribasius-Codex des Ungarischen Nationalmuseums. Orvosi Hetilap I925. Nr. 43. ISIS

Reviewed by F. VON GYORY in Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, 55, I928.

Randle, H. N. Fragments from DINNAGA. XII + 93 p. (Prize Publication Fund, 9). London, Royal Asiatic Society, I926. ISIS

Valdenberg, Vlad. Discours politiques de THE1MISTIUS dans leur rapport avec I'antiquite. Traduit du russe par H. GRE'GOIRE. Byzantion, I, 557-580, I924. ISIS

Zellinger, Johannes. Studien zu SEVERIAN von Gabala. (Miinsterische Beitr. zur Theologie, H. 8). VIII + i82 p. Miinster, ASCHENDORFF, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by FRANZ DREXL, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 6I2-i6, I928.

Vth Century (whole and first half).

Fuchs, Harald. AUGUSTIN und der antike Friedensgedanke; Unter- suchungen zum neunzehnten Buch der Civitas Dei. (Neue Philol. Unters. hrsg. von WERNER JAEGER, H. 3). 258 p. Berlin, WEIDMANN, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by R. REITZENSTEIN, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2203-04, I927.

Law, Bimala Charan. The life and work of BUDDHAGHOSA. XII + I83 P. (Calcutta Oriental Series). Calcutta, THACKER and SPINK, I923. ISIS

Reviewed by L. FINOT, Bulletin de l'Ecole franfaise d'Extrbme Orient, 25, 485-89, I925-

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vth TO viiIth CENT. (2) 4I7

Weller, Friedrich. Yojana und li bei FA HSIEN. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenldndischen Gesellschaft, 74, 225-237, 1920. ISIS

Vth Century (second half).

Lowe, James H. Tutorial preparation for Mishnah and Gemoro or

Talmud without a master. A specimen of easy Talmudic dialectics.

66 p. (Tutorial preparation for Rabbinics, no. i) London, Hebrew Compendium Publishing Co., I926.

Moyse, Gabrielle. Le Talmud de Babylone. Ses lois morales et sociales.

XII + I37 p. Paris, E. LEROUX, I926. Isis

Reviewed by MOSES JUNG, J7ewish Quarterly Review, i8, 439-40, I928.

VIIth Century (whole and first half).

Mookerji, Radhaku mud. HARSHA. (Calcutta University Readership Lectures, I925). 203 P., 2 pl., i map. (Rulers of India). Oxford, University Press, 1926. Isis

Reviewed by PAUL PELLIOT, T'oung Pao, 25, I69-174, 1927.

ViIth Century (second half).

Krusch, Bruno. FREDEGARIUS SCHOLASTICUS - OUDARIUS ? Nachr. d. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen. Phil.-hist. Kl. S. 237-263, I Taf., 1926.


Moreau, Edouard de (S. J.) SAINT AMAND, apotre de la Belgique

et du nord de la France. XII + 367 p. Louvain, Edition du Museum

Lessianum, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by C. W. D., American Historical Review, 33, 428, I928.

VIIIth Century (whole and first half).

(Virgilius of Salzburg). Introduction, volume I, 5I6. See LYNN THORNDIKE in Isis, 6, 369. ISIS

VIIIth Century (second half).

Cheikho, Louis ( -I927). La version arabe de Kalilah et Dimnah

d'apr'es le plus ancien manuscrit arabe date. 2de edition revue et

corrigee. 76 + 260 p. Beyrouth, Imprimerie Catholique, I923. ISIS

In Volume I of my Introduction I forgot to mention (on p. 540) Father CHEIKHO'S critical edition of the Kalila wa-Dimna. This edition is based upon a Ms. dated I339, which the author found in a Greek Melchite mona- stery, Dair al-shir near Beirut. Says he (( En parcourant cette version nous

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4I8 viiIth TO ixth CENT.

ffimes frappe de sa r6daction sobre, de son style archaique, et parfois raboteux,

qui nous rappelait si bien le style caract6risque d'IBN MOQAFFA' connu d'ailleurs. En la comparant aux plus anciennes recensions de l'ouvrage, celle-ci nous semblait un echo plus fidele de la r6daction primitive. Aucune autre recension ne se rapproche autant du Pantchatantra et des deux versions syriaques, l'une anterieure a la version arabe, l'autre post6rieure faite sur l'arabe au xe siecle et 6dit6e par W. WRIGHT. C'est ce qui nous a d6cidd

a l'offrir aux Orientalistes, et a la reproduire telle quelle avec ses incorrections

et ses passages obscurs, dans l'espoir qu'elle pourra leur servir de base et de point de comparaison avec les Manuscrits si nombreux et si differents

que l'on connait. )) This edition has been apparently prepared with consi-

derable care, but unfortunately the critical notes (50 p.) are printed all together

after the text, than which nothing could be less convenient. G. S.

Furlani, Giuseppe. Di una presunta versione araba di alcuni scritti di POPFIRIo e di ARISTOTELE. Rendic. dell'Accad. dei Lincei, sc. mor., 205-2I3, I926. Isis

Ms. 338 de la Bibliotheque de l'Universit6 de Beyrouth; du XIXe S.; version arabe de l'Introduction de PORPHYRE, des Categories d'ARIsToTE, avec le commentaire de PORPHYRE, du De Interpretatione et des Analytiques du meme philosophe. Le traducteur serait MUHAMMAD IBN ABD ALLAH AL- MUQAIFA. L. G.

I assume the translator meant by the author is 'ABDALLAH IBN AL-MUQAFFA', see my Introduction, volume I, 540. G. S.

IXth Century (whole and first half).

Achmetis. Oneirocriticon. Edidit F. DREXL. XVI + 270 p. Leipzig, TEUBNER, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by P. GRAINDOR, Byzantion, vol. 2, 487, 1925. ((L'Oneiro-

criticon d'AcHMET n 'avait plus ete republi6 depuis I'dMition de RIGAULT, parue A Paris, en I603 . ..... La personnalit6 d'ACHMET reste enigmatique. M. DREXL renonce a l'identifier, comme il l'avait propos6 dans sa dissertation (Achmets Traumbuch, Munich, igog) avec l'interprete des songes du calife MAMOUN (8I3-833). Ce qui est scur, c'est que l'Oneirocriticon a 6t6 6crit entre 813, date initiale du rdgne de MAMOUN dont il est question dans cet

ouvrage, et 1176, ann6e oii LEo Tuscus le traduisit en latin. De plus, il parait certain qu'en d6pit de son nom, ACHMET 6tait un grec chr6tien, qui cite plus d'une fois les 6vangiles et utilise les sources arabes. Se servit-il aussi d'ARTr- MIDORE et d'autres sources grecques originales ou traduites en arabe, c'est

une question encore 'a 6lucider. Grace 'a M. DREXL, nous possedons maintenant

un texte d'AcHMET scientifiquement 6tabli. Trois indices (nominum, rerum

et verborum potiorum, grammaticus) en facilitent l'utilisation. Dans l'index

verborum, on ne releve pas moins de 139 mots qui ne figurent pas dans

les dictionnaires d'ESTIENNE, de Du CANGE, de SOPHOCLS, de KOUMANOUDIS et de VAN HERWERDEN. S

('Ali ibn Isa). 'ALi IBN 'Is,, das Astrolab und sein Gebrauch. Ueber- setZt von CARL SCHOY. ISiS 9, 239-254, 1927. ISIS

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ixth CENT. 419

German translation of the treatise on the astrolabe of which the Arab text was edited by Father CHEIKHO in Al-mashriq, I913. See SARTON'S In- troduction" vol. I, 566, and Isis 5, 211. Short prefatory note by J. DRECKER.

G. S.

Dvornik, Frantisek. Les Slaves, Byzance et Rome au Ixe siecle. (Travaux publies par l'Inst. d'etudes slaves, IV.) vi + 360 p. Paris, CHAMPION, I926. Isis

Reviewed by PERCY ERNST SCHRAMM, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 139-I43, I928.

Farmer, Henry George. ((The horn of ALEXANDER THE GREAT )). Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 500-503, I926. ISIS

The earliest reference to an organ in Arabic literature, i.e. to the so-called ((horn of ALEXANDER )), is found in the Kitab al-siyasa which YfYHANNA

IBN BATRfQ is supposed to have translated from the Greek. The relevant text is here edited, translated, illustrated and discussed. G. S.

Gandz, Solomon. On the origin of the term (( root )). Second article. American Mathematical Monthly, 35, 67-75, I928. ISIS

((In a recent number of this Monthly, the writer suggested that the term 'root' goes back to the Arabic jadhr, a word originally meaning a concrete number designating a geometric magnitude, as contrasted with an abstract number. He further referred to some passages of the algebra of AL-KHOWARISMI which clearly defined jadhr as the side of a square multiplied into a square unit, and proposed that jadhr should not be translated as 'root' but rather as 'basis' or 'foundation'. It is the purpose of this paper to inquire further into the same problem, to examine fully the algebra of AL-KIJOWARISMI, and to see how he understands this term jadhr in those numerous passages of his book in which the above definition cannot be applied. In connection with this special question the writer will attempt, in a short and necessarily incomplete sketch, to comment on the origin of the Arabic terminology of algebra in general.

Guillaume, Alfred. A debate between Christian and Moslem doctors. Royal Asiatic Society, Centenary Supplement, 233-244, I924.


Mujadala (disputation) between THEODORE ABE QURRA, bishop of Harran (long known to patrologists as ABUCARA), who lived from c. 740 to 820, and a Muslim doctor, initiated by the Caliph AL-MA'MON. G. S.

Mor, Carlo Guido. Lex romana canonice compta. Testo di leggi romano-canoniche del sec. IX pubblicato sul ms. parigino Bibl. Nat. I2448. Con introduzione e due tavole delle fonti. (Pubblicazioni della R. Universita di Pavia, Facolt'a di Giurisprudenza, tomo 3I)

ziz p. Pavia, Tipografia Cooperativa, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by FEDOR SCHNEIDER, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 26 I 8-26 I 9, I 927.

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420 ixth TO xth CENT.

Preisendanz, Karl. Die Entdeckung der Handschrift WALAHFRID STRABOS. Forschungen und Fortschritte, 3, I54-I55, I927. ISIS

IXth Century (second half).

Finkel, Joshua. A risala of AL-JAHI. J'ournal of the American Oriental Society, 47, 3II-334, I928. ISIS

This is the English translation of AL-JAHIZs' Reply to the Christians which I analysed in Isis when the Arabic text was published by the same author (Cairo, 1926; Isis, 10,494). The translation (p. 322-34) is preceeded by a biographical introduction and a brief commentary (I2 p.) G. S.

(Ibn Qutaiba). 'UYUN AL-AKHBAR, Dar al-kutub al-Misriya. Vol. I, I8-344 P. Cairo, I343 (1925)-

Reviewed by F. KRENKOW, J7ournal Royal Asiatic Society, 542-4, 1926.

Monnier, Henri. Les Novelles de LUON LE SAGE. Introduction. Droit public. Droit penal. Les personnes. Les biens. (Fascicule I7 de la Bibliotheque des Universites du Midi). vii + 226 p. Bordeaux, FERET et fils, I923. ISIS

Reviewed by PAUL COLLINET, Byzantion, I, 6I7-6I8, I924.

Xth Century (whole and first half).

Krenkow, F. The beginnings of Arabic lexicography till the time of AL-JAUHARI, with special reference to the work of IBN DURAID.

Royal Asiatic Society, Centenary Supplement, 255-270, I924.


Stapleton, H. E., Azo, R. F. and M. Hidayat H7usain. Chemistry in Iraq and Persia in the tenth Century A.D. Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 8, 3 17-4I8, I927. ISIS

1Gtude critique et traduction du Madkhal at-ta'lilmi (Introduction pratique), le premier d'une serie de douze traites d'alchimie de AL-RAzZ (Isis, 5, 47, No 152). (Ce traite est non seulement traduit, mais le texte arabe en est publi6 en appendice); des deux chapitres d'introduction du Kitab al-Asrar (le Livre des secrets) du meme auteur (Isis, 5, 47, No I64); du ge chap. de la 2e partie de Mafatih al-'ulum (les Clefs de la science) de AL-KI{W2ARIZMf, dont la source est probablement le Madkhal et oii se trouvent des extraits des autres traites alchimiques de RAzE; d'extraits de JABIR, lequel est pro- bablement la source originale d'AL-RAzi. (Isis, II, I28-34). L. G.

Yeldham, Florence A. The alleged early English version of EUCLID.

Isis 9, 234-238, I927. ISIS

Disproving the story that EUCLID's Elements were already introduced into England during the rule of the Saxon king AETHELSTAN (C. 894-940).

G. S.

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xth (2) TO xith CENT. 421

Xth Century (second half).

(Ibn al-Qutiya). Historia de la Conquista de Espafia de Abenelcotia el Cordobes. Colleccion de obras araibigas de historia e geografia, que publica la Real Academia de la Historia. xxxii + i86 + 232 P. Madrid, I868-1926. ISIS

The text of the Ta'rikh al-Andalus was edited from the unique Paris Ms. by PASCUAL DE GAYANGOS Y ARCE (I809-97) and printed in i868 but not issued. Don JULIAN RIBERA Y TARRAGO has now added a translation, introduction and textual emendations. G. S.

Strzygowski, Josef. Der Norden in der bildenden Kunst Westeuropas. Heidnisches und Christliches um das Jahr IOOO. Unter Mitwirkung von BRUNO BREHM, ERNST KLEBEL, JOHANNES SCHWIEGER, FRIEDR. WIMMER. Quart mit uiber 300 Textseiten und 356 Tafeln und Ab- bildungen, Wien, Krystall Verlag, 1926. Isis

XIth Century (whole and first half).

Asin Palacios, Miguel. El Cordobes ABENHAZAM, primer historiador de las ideas religiosas. Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia de la Historia en la recepcion publica del Sefior D. MIGUEL ASIN PA- LACIOS, el dia i8 de Mayo de 1924. P. 5 -58. Madrid 1924.

ISIS This inaugural discourse contains a short biography of IBN HAZM and

an analysis of his history of religions. Don MIGUEL explains why the interest in the history of religions developed so late in Christian Europe and why it appeared earlier in Islam. Don MIGUEL had the great pleasure of being welcomed into the Academy by his old master and friend D. JULIAN RIBERA Y TARRAGO. G. S.

(Ibn laz m). Los caracteres y la conducta. Tratado de moral practica por ABENHAZAM de Cordoba. Traduccion espafiola por MIGUEL ASIN. (Junta para ampliacion de estudios e investigaciones cientificas, Centro de Estudios Historicos.) xxiii + I37 p. Madrid, I9I6. ISIS

Spanish translation of the Kitab al-akhlaq wal-siyar fi mudawa-l-nuffis (or Qualities and conduct or the medicine of souls) with a brief introduction (21 p.) and indices of subject and proper names. G. S.

Pinczower, Ephraim. Ueber den Kanon des IBN SINA. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von MORITZ SCHAEFER. Philo-Verlag, I59-I72, Berlin, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by M. MEYERHOF in Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin, 26, 325, I927.

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422 xith TO xiith CENT.

XIth Century (second half)

(Hermann the Lame). To the editions of his works should be added, the following. BERN. PEZ: Thesaurus anecdotorum novissimus (6 vols., I72I-29). MIGNE: Patrologia latina (vol. I43). J. DRECKER.


Meyerhof, Max. Eine unbekannte arabische Augenheilkunde des ii.

Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 63-79, I928. Isis

Important ophthalmological treatise ascribed to 'ALI IBN IBRAHiM IBN BAXHTYASHV' of Kafr Tab (In Syria, between Aleppo and Ma'arra), who flourished c. Io67. This particular member of the famous I3AKHTYASHO' family (a family of Nestorian physicians attached for centuries to the 'Abbasid caliphs, see my Introduction, I, 537) was hitherto unknown. He practiced at least for a time in Egypt,and was probably a Muslim. His treatise,entitled Kitab tashrilh al-'ain (Anatomy of the eye), is here analyzed on the basis of two Mss. of the middle of the twelfth century. G. S.

Psellos, Michel. Chronographie ou histoire d'un siecle de Byzance (976-Io77). Texte etabli et traduit par EMILE RENAULD. LXXXVIII + 308 p. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, I926. Isis

Reviewed by HENRI GRITGOIRE, Byzantion, 2, 550-567, 1925.

(Rashi). RASHI on the Pentateuch. Genesis. Translated and annotated by JAMES H. LOWE. (No. 2 of Lowe's Series of (( Tutorial Preparations for Rabbinics ))). 64 p. London, Hebrew Compendium Publishing Co., I928. Isis

Yeldham, Florence A. Fraction tables of HERMANNUS CONTRACTUS. Speculum, 3, 240-245, 1928. Isis

((The Cathedral Library at Durham possesses an unnoticed early twelfth century manuscript of English provenance of a work, hitherto unrecorded, of HERMANNUS CONTRACTUS. It contains the multiples, products, and quotients of the duodecimal fractions. )) In this Ms. and also in another (St. John's, Oxford) these tables are said to be the work of one HERMANNUS. The ascription to HERMANN THE LAME is plausible but not certain. G. S.

XIIth Century (whole and first half).

Banerji, Haran Chandra. Colebrooke's translation of the Lilavati. znd edition. vii + 201 p. Sanskrit text, ii6 p., printed as appendix. Calcutta, Book Company, I927. ISIS

Bernard of Clairvaux. Select treatises S. BERNARD of Clairveaux De diligendo Deo; De gradibus humilitatis et superbiae, edited by

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xiith CENT. (2) 423

W. W. WILLIAMS and B. R. V. MILLS. XXIII + I 69 p. Cambridge, University Press, I926. ISIS

Reviewed in Speculum, 2, 494-96, I927.

Duthuit, Georges. Byzance et l'art du xIIe siecle. (La culture moderne, I). ii6 p., i6 pl.Paris, STOCK, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by M.S., Byzantion, 2, 540-I, I925.

Jeanselme, E. et Oeconomos, L. La satire contre les Higoum6nes. Poeme attribue 'a THIODORE PRODROME. Essai de traduction fran9aise. Byzantion, I, 3 I7-339, I924. ISIS

Krenkow, F. IBN ASH-SHAJARI. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 96-IOO,

I926. ISIS

Famous philologist who flourished in Baghdad and died in II48. G. S.

Loomis, Roger Sherman. GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH and Arthurian origins. Speculum 3, i6-33, I928. ISIS

Soothill, W. E. The two oldest maps of China extant. Geographical Jfournal, 49, 532-555, 2 plates, I927. ISIS

The two maps in question were engraved on stone in II37; they are pro- bably copies of ((the oldest and most accurate maps of which we have any knowledge )). Professor SOOTHILL suggests that one of the maps may have been based on CHIA TAN'S map of A.D. 8oi (see SARTON, Introduction, I, 536), and that the other (( was made and used entirely for pedagogical purposes, its object being solely to enable students preparing for examination to visualize and understand )) the ancient geography of China. J. K. W.

XlIth Century (second half).

Beck, jean. Les chansonniers des troubadours et des trouveres publies en facsimile et edites, texte et musique. Vols. I and II. XXXIII + 282 P.; LXXVI + 343 p. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1927.


Reviewed by C. H. GRANDGENT, Speculum, 3, 255-258, 1928. (( The two majestic, handsome volumes now before us are but the beginning of Professor BECK'S grandiose plan. In his Corpus Cantilenarum Medii Aevi he intends to make accessible every surviving thing non-liturgical that was sung in western Europe in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Something less than 20,ooo musical compositions are known to exist; the fundamental principles were established before the end of the twelfth century, and a rapid development ensued in the thirteenth. For text, there are extant some 5,ooo poems of trouveres and troubadours, contained in about ioo manuscripts of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. A comparison of these song- books is essential for the tracing of literary and melodic relations; and such comparison is now to be made possible for all. We owe a debt of gratitude

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424 xiith CENT. (2)

to Mrs. MARY LOUISE CURTIS BOK, founder of the Curtis Institute of Music, whose generosity made the great enterprise possible. ))

Cohen, (Rev.) A. The teachings of MAIMONIDES. XIV + 339 p. London, ROUTLEDGE, 1927. ISIS

A summary of MAIMONIDES'S views in systematic order. As this summary is largely made up of quotations (in English translation), this book may be considered a Maimonidian anthology. It is divided as follows: God; constitution of the universe; attributes of God; worship of God; prophecy; Torah; divine providence; reward and punishment; eschatology; psychology; ethics; obiter dicta; notes; index. G. S.

Ferrand, Gabriel. Le Tuhfat al-albab de ABU^ HAMID AL-ANDALUSI

AL-GHARNATi, edite d'apr's les Mss. 2I67, 2I68, 2170 de la Biblio- theque nationale et le Ms. d'Alger. 7ournal Asiatique, vol. 207, I-148,

193-304, I925- ISIS

This is the first critical edition of this important geographical text; which ABEY JIAMID MU.[AMMAD AL-MAZINi (Granada, Io8o-8i; Damascus, II69-70)

wrote at Mosul in II62. It is not a complete edition, for the editor has not been able to avail himself of all the Mss., and the text has many lacunas, witness the numerous passages quoted by QAZWINI which could not be found in any of the Mss. used by the author. Yet it is a very elaborate and careful edition, to which the editor has added QAZWINP'S fragments above-mentioned. The Arabic text is followed by an analysis with partial translation, notes and indices. Two series of complementary notes, additions and corrections (p. 277-9I) make the study of the text somewhat awkward. Eight plates reproduce curious illustrations, e. g. fishes, from the Mss. While one must be grateful to the author for the pains he has taken, it seems a pity that he did not make the additional effort which would have completed his job, instead of leaving it half-done; for example, that he did not use the Copen- hagen Ms. supposed to be the best. G. S.

Grundmann, Herbert. Studien fiber JOACHIM VON FLORIS. (Bei- trage zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance hrsg. von WALTER GOETZ, Bd. 32) VI + 2I2 P. Leipzig, TEUBNER, 1927.

ISIS Reviewed by PAUL PIUR, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2349-2352, I927.

Hempel, Heinrich. Nibelungenstudien. I: Nibelungenlied, Thidriks- saga und Balladen. (German. Biblioth. hrsg. von W. STREITBERG, Abt. II, Nr. 22). V + 274 p. Heidelberg, C. WINTER, 1926. Isis

Reviewed by E. GIERACH, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2098-2104, 1927.

Lacombe, Georges. La vie et les ceuvres de PRIVOSTIN (mort vers I210). X + 251 p. Kain (Belgique), Le Saulchoir, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by PIERRE BATIFFOL, Journal des Savants, 85-87, I928.

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xiith TO xiiith CENT. 425

Marinesco, Constantin. Le pretre Jean. Son pays. Explication de son nom. 40 p. Bulletin de la section historique de l'Academie roumaine, Bucarest, 1923. ISIS

Reviewed by CHARLES PERGAMENI, Byzantion, I, 6o6-6io, 1924. ((Partisan convaincu de la these ethiopienne, qu'avait deja entrevue YULE, dans 1'edition qu'il nous donna du voyage de MARCO POLO; je suis heureux de signaler au lecteur la savante monographie de M. MARINESCO qui me parait avoir demontre, de la maniere la plus decisive le bien fond6 de cette opinion.

(Salisbury, John of). The statesman's book of JOHN OF SALISBURY.

Being the fourth, fifth and sixth books, and selections from the seventh and eighth books, of the Policraticus. Translated into English, with an introduction by JOHN DICKINSON. XC + 410 p. London, KNOPF, 1927. ISIS

Schrofl, Aloys. Der Urdichter des Liedes von der Nibelunge Not

und die Losung der Nibelungenfrage. 352 p. Miinchen, J. B. HOHE-


Reviewed by ANDREAS HEUSLER, Deutsche Literatzurzeitung, I 954- I 955, I 927.

Sudhoff, Karl. Salerno, Montpellier und Paris um I200. Ein Hand- schriftenfund. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 5I-62, I928.


Sudhoff, Karl. Die vierte Salernitaner Anatomie. Archivffir Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 33-50, I928. IsIs

Text of the ((fourth Salernitan anatomy )), beginning ((Morbo ocii meo languente animo, ne ipsius torpor in deterius molesceret, poculum con- petentis medicaminis propinaui. )); ending ( Funes sunt uenae in brachiis intricatae, splenetica inter medicum et auricularem, ualens spleneticis incisa, reliquae ad membra cetera fouenda diffunduntur, )) from a fourteenth century Ms. in the library of count SCHONBORN in Pommersfelden. It was composed by a younger contemporary of MATTHAEUS PLATEARIUS, who, the editor

suggests, might be URSO OF CALABRIA. G. S.

XIIIth Century (whole and first half).

Asin y Palacios, Miguel. El mistico murciano ABENARABI. Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid, 1925-I926. Isis

Three parts of this important memoir have appeared: I (tomo 87, 96-I73, I925) Introduction containing the biography of IBN 'ARAB? (born at Murcia, II65 (not II64); died at Damascus I240) the greatest representative of the Illuministic school founded by IBN MASARRA of Cordova (q. v., ASIN'S study I914, Isis xI, i68). This elaborate biography is derived from IBN 'ARABS'S own writings, especially from the Futuh1at. Two double plates represent his tomb in Damascus. - II (iio p., I926). This is a continuation of the

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426 xiiith CENT.

autobiography derived from one of his unpublished writings, the Risalat al-quds (Letter on sanctity), Escorial Ms. 741, itself a summary of another work of his entitled Al-durrat al-fakhir (The precious pearl). This Risalat contains (i) a brief account of spiritual life in the East; (2) a scrutiny of his own religious feelings, (3) fifty five biographical sketches of the men who influenced his thought. This third section is the largest and most important; it fills 8o pages of AsfN's second memoir. All of the men with whom IBN 'ARAB? dealt were westerners. He was anxious to oppose the examples of virtue and perfection which his masters and brethren had given him during the forty years he had spent in the West, to the corruption and decadence which he was now witnessing in the East. - III (57 p., 1926). Exposition of IBN 'ARABI'S doctrine: syncretism, esoterism, mystical scepticism. This is concluded by very suggestive comparisons of IBN'ARABf with DESCARTES and NEWMAN. G. S.

Haskins, Charles Homer. Latin literature under FREDERICK II. Speculum 3, I 29-I5I, I928. ISIS

(Ibn Tumlu's). Introduccion al arte de la logica por ABENTOMLT4S de Alcira. Texto arabe y traduccion espaniola por MIGUEL AsfN. Fasciculo I. Categorias. Interpretacion. (Junta para ampliacion de estudios e investigaciones cientificas, Centro de Estudios Historicos). XXX + I54 + IIO p. Madrid, I9I6. IsIs

ABP-L-HAJJAJ YOSUF IBN MUEAMMAD IBN TUMLDS was born in Alcira, and died there in I223-24. He wrote a treatise on logic of which the first part (Categories, Interpretation) is here edited and translated into Spanish. Don MIGUEL has added a brief introduction containing the little that is known about this Hispano-Muslim philosopher. The text is edited from th.e Escorial Ms. 649. It is difficult to judge the logical knowledge of IBN TUMLOS and his originality until the whole work is published. It is probable that his originality was not considerable. G. S.

Lamb, Harold. GENGHIS KHAN, emperor of all men. Illustrated. London, THORNTON BUTTERWORTH, I928. ISIS

Meheimmed-Ali-Alni. La quintessence de la philosophie de IBN-I- ARABI. Traduit par AHMED RWCHID. I05 p. Paris, PAUL GEUTHNER,

I926. ISIS Reviewed by JOsEPH SCHACHT, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2342-2343, I927

Paetow, Louis J. The crusading ardor of JOHN OF GARLAND. The crusades and other historical essays presented to DANA C. MUNRO by his former students, p. 207-222, New York, CROFTS, 1928. ISIS

Thorndike, Lynn. Some thirteenth-century classics. Speculum, 2, 374-383, October 1927. ISIS

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xiiith CENT. (2) 427

XIIIth Century (second half).

(Aquinas, St. Thomas). God and his works: being selections from Part I. of the ((Summa Theologica )). Arranged, with an introduction, by A. G. HERBERT. (Texts for students, no. 40). XXIV + I04 p. London, S. P. C. K., I928. ISIS

Davis, Tenney L. BACON's De mirabili potestate (Query 6). Isis, 9, 425, I927. ISIS

Harris, Charles Reginald Schiller. DUNS SCOTUS. Vol. i : The place of DUNS SCOTUS in medieval thought. Vol. 2 : The philosophical doctrines of DUNS SCOTUS. IX + 380 P.,; 40I p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I922. ISIS

Reviewed by ERICH HOCHSTETTER, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2538-2546, 1927.

Lehmann, Hermann. Zu NICOLAUS MYREPSUS. Archiv fiir Geschichte der Medizin, I7, 299-306, I925. ISIS

((Also falIt das schone Marchen von der angebl. tlbersetzung des Dynamneron des N. MYREPSOS durch NiCCOL6 DA REGGIO in sich selbst zusammen ! Lo PARCO hatte es nur noch einmal zur Bluite bringen wollen und auch AMMONIUS ist entlarvt ! Denn er gibt eben keinen NICOLAus ALEXANDRINUS, der nur von AMMONIus hervorgezaubert worden war. Auch werde ich in meiner grossen Arbeit noch zeigen, dass er uiberhaupt nur einen einzigen NICOLAUS, niimlich SALERNITANUS gegeben hat, wenn NICOLALTS niclitbloss der Name eines Arzneibuches uiberhaupt bedeutet wie bei CAEL. AURELIANUS acut. morb. I 17, S. 65 eines solchen des HERAKLIDES TARENTINUS. NICOLAOS der Byzantiner mit dem Beinamen MYREPsos ist eben weiter nichts als unser NICOLAUS SALERNITANUS, stark erweitert und vermehrt und ins Griechische iubersetzt.

Lull, Ramon. The book of the beasts. Translated from the Catalan by E. ALLISON PEERS. IX + 90 p. London, BURNS, OATES, I928.


Muyldermans, J. La domination arabe en Armenie: extrait de l'histoire universelle de VARDAN. Traduit de l'Armenien et annote. I76 p. Louvain, J. B. ISTAS, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by R. P. BLAKE, American Historical Review, 33, 428, I928.

Peers, E. Allison. A life of RAMON LULL. Written by an unknown hand about I3II, and now first translated from the Catalan, with notes and appendix. 86 p. London, BURNS OATES and WASHBOURNE,

1928. ISIS

(Polo, Marco). Le livre de MARCO POLO, citoyen de Venise, haut fonc-


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428 xiiith TO xivth CENT.

tionnaire 'a la Cour de KOUBILAI-KHAN, generalissime des armees mongoles, gouverneur de province, ambassadeur du grand khan vers l'Indo Chine, les Indes, la Perse et les royaumes chre'tiens d'Oc- cident. Redige en frangais sous la dictee de I'auteur en 1295 par RUSTICIEN DE PISE, revu et corrige, par MARco POLO lui-meme, en 1307, publie par G. PAUTHIER en I865, traduit en fran9ais moderne et annote d'apres les sources chinoises par A. J. H. CHARIGNON,

T. i, V + 268 p.; t. 2, 275 p. Imprime 'a la chinoise, d'un seul c6te du papier. Pekin, A. NACHBAUR, I924-I926. IsIs

Reviewed by PAUL PELLIOT, T'oung Pao, 25, 156-I69, I927.

Steele, Robert. Luru vopo vir can utriet. Nature, I2I, 208-og, I928.


((Every now and then a fresh attempt is made to solve this cipher attributed

to ROGER BACON in the (( Epistola de secretis operibus artis et naturae et de nullitate magiae )) (see for example, Nature, Sept. 4, I926, p. 352). These words have no manuscript authority whatever; they appear for the first time in an edition of the (( Epistola )) printed in Paris in I542 from a poor Ms., and seem to be due to an attempt to reproduce the text before him by the editor, ORONTIuS FINE. The passage reads thus: 'Sed tamen salis petrae LVRV Vo Po Vir Can Vtriet sulphuris et sic facies tonitruum... ' (f. 52). "...

Stephenson, J. The classification of the sciences according to NASI- RUDDIN Tusi. Isis, 5, 329-38, 1923. ISIS

Important correction to p. 333, kindly suggested by the late professor E. WIEDEMANN of Erlangen (d. January I928). Sama'-i-tabi'i is the oVa&K' aKpoaa&S (Physica auscultatio) of ARISTOTLE; and Sama'-o-'alam (wrongly printed in the original, with 'ain at the end of the first word instead of hamza) means Coelum et Mundus, probably the 7rep' ot3pavoi3 and 17ep' K0c'a7oV of

ARISTOTLE. I must confess to having failed to recognize these titles in their Persian disguise. J. S.

Tallgren, Oiva Johannes. Un point d'astronomie greco-arabo-romane. A propos de I'Astronomie espagnole d'ALPHONSE X. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 29, 39-44, Helsinki, 1928. Isis

XIVth Century (whole and first half).

Bigongiari, Dino. The text of DANTE'S Monarchia. Speculum, 2, 457-462, October 1927. ISIS

Browne, Edward Granville. The Tajaribu's-Salaf, a Persian version of the Arabic Kitabu'l-Fakhri, composed by HINDUSHAH IBN SANJAR AS-SAHIBI AL-KIRANI in 723/1323. Royal Asiatic Society, Centenary Supplement, 245-254, X924. ISIS

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xivth CENT. 429

Gaudio, Antonio del. DANTE letto da un medico. Fisiologia della ge- nerazione umana nel canto XXV del Purgatorio. Arch. di storia d. sczenza, 5, 101-II3, I924; 6, 12I-I38, I925; 8, 176-I99, 1927.


Examen de la theorie de la generation exposee par DANTE, et comparaison de cette th6orie avec celle de STATIUS en particulier. L. G.

Gui, Bernard. Manuel de l'Inquisiteur. Igdite et traduit par G. MOLLAT,

avec la collaboration de G. DRIOUX. 2 vols. (Les Classiques de l'histoire de France au Moyen Age). Paris, CHAMPION, 1926-27. ISIS

Reviewed by VINCENT FLIPO, yournal des Savants, 134, I928.

Guilland, R. Essai sur NICIPHORE GRIGORAS. L'homme et l'ceuvre. XI + 308 p. Paris, GEUTHNER 1926. Correspondance de NICEJPHORE GR1GORAS, texte edite et traduit. i vol. XXII + 392 p. Paris, Les Belles-Lettres, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by Louis BRFIHIER, yournal des Savants, 35-40, I928.

Lippmann, Edmund 0. von. Zur Geschichte des Schiesspulvers und des Salpeters. Sonderabdruck aus der Chemiker-Zeitung, Nr. i, I928. ISIS

(In der Sitzung vom I I. Februar I3 26 gab der Florentiner Rat nach Iingerer Besprechung, mit 55 gegen 33 Stimmen, also durchaus nicht einmiitig, seine Einwilligung kund, dem RINALDO DI VILLAMAGNA (dem Orte dieses Namens bei Florenz ?) auf fiinf Jahre hinaus 30 Goldgulden (= 364 heutige Goldlire) Monatsgehalt, ferner Ersatz bestimmter pers6nlicher Unkosten, und einige sonstige Vorrechte zu bewilligen, wogegen er mit seinen Gehilfen fuir die Stadt metallene Kanonen sowie eiserne Geschosse und Kugeln zu giessen, und die notigen Vorraite an Schiesspulver herzustellen habe. Dieser Beschluss ist nach DAVIDSOHN (Geschichte von Florenz, 4, 487) ((die erste sichere urkundliche Bezeugung )) solcher Art...))

Pelliot, Paul. Note sur la carte des pays du Nord-Ouest dans le King che ta tien. T'oung Pao 25, 98-IOO, I927. ISIS

Bibliographical note on a map of Central Asia dating from I329-I332.

J. K. W.

Schuster, Julius. Secreta Salernitana und Gart der Gesundheit; eine Studie zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und Medizin des Mittelalters. Mittelalterliche Handschriften. Festgabe zu HER- MANN DEGERING, Leipzig, 1926, P. 203-237, 2 p1., 6 textfig.


Apropos of an illustrated French herbal in the Prussian National Library, Berlin (Hamilton 407). It contains 2IO illustrations of plants, with names in French or Latin. The legends are very brief: aloen, ase puavae, ache ravin, apium emorradium, armoise moienne, etc. These illustrations are

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430 xivth CENT. (2)

placed at the end of the Ms. (fol. 229-82). The rest (228 fol.) is divided as follows:

Die Handschrift ("hebt an: Cy commence le livre que Maycoes et Ypocras furent et les aultres maistres qui cy apres sont nommes qui extrahuent de phisique pour congnoistre la force des herbes (87 Blatt). Sodann folgt eine lange Heilmittellehre (Blatt 88-i85) mit Kapiteln, z. B. pour l'opilacion du foie; contre le mal d'ydropisie, pour mal de la rate, contre jaunice, de la pierre etc. Das Explicit bezeichnet es als das unter dem Namen Thesaurus pauperum bekannte Medizinbuch des maistre JEHAN SAUVAIGE. An dritter Stelle (Blatt 147-I85) findet sich eine Diaitetik. Als vierter Teil (Blatt i86 bis 204) erscheint Tractatus qui dicitur flos medicine compilatus in studio Salerni a magistro JOHANNE DE MEDIOLANO instructa medicali doctore egregio. Den Beschluss (Blatt 204-228) bilden Verordnungen von Arzneimitteln. Und hier steht nun: Ce sont les receptes des omguemens et experimens lesquels fuient apris et enseignes au roy PHILIPPE LE BEL et a monseigneur de Valoys. )) The last sentence gives the date. Monseigneur de Valois is PHILIPPE VI LE HARDI (born 1293) who became king in 1328; this Ms. was thus written some time before I 328. SCHUSTER compares this herbal with later ones, reaching the important conclusion: ((Die Fruihdrucke Herbarius zu teutsch, Gart der Gesundheit, Ortus sanitatis, Arbolayre, Grant Herbier, Great Herbal sind nichts anderes als nachplatearische Fassungen des salernita- nischen Simpliciariums. X This is an important contribution to the study of botanical iconography. G. S.

(ShunjIo Hoin, fl. at the beginning of xivth cent.) H6NEN the Buddhist saint. His life and teaching. Compiled by imperial order. Translation, historical introduction, explanatory and critical notes by HARPER

HAVELOCK COATEs and RYUGAKU ISHIZUKA. XCIV + 956 P., 4 loose pages of errata, many large plates, one of which is colored., CHIONIN, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 365-7, I927.

Willard, J. F. Inland transportation in England during the fourteenth century. Speculum : A journal of mediaeval studies, I, 36I-374,

October I926. Isis

Transportation of goods by highway and riverway, according to Professor WILLARD, was neither as slow nor as dangerous as is often supposed. ((The most vivid picture is that of a large amount of movement along the roads and streams and with it the lack of isolation of mediaeval towns and villages.

J. K. W.

XIVth Century (second half).

Curry, Walter Clyde. CHAUCER and the mediaeval sciences. XXII + 267 p. New York, Oxford University Press, I926. Isis

Reviewed by ROBERT K. ROOT, Speculum, I14-xI6, I928.

Galbraith, Vivian Hunter. The Anonimalle chronicle, 1333 to I38I;

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xvth CENT. 43 I

from a Ms. written at St. Mary's Abbey, York, and now in the pos- session of Lieut.-Col. Sir WILLIAM INGILBY, Bart., Ripley Castle, Yorkshire. XLIX + 2i6 p. (Publications of the University of Man- chester, I75; Historical Series, 45). New York, LONGMANS, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by W. E. LUNT, Speculumn 3, I20-I2I, I928.

Lint, J. G. de. Representations in the Utrecht manuscript of GuY DE CHAULIAC of instruments for the reduction of the uvula. Annals of Medical History, 9, 408-410, I927. ISIS

Thomson, S. Harrison. Three unprinted Opuscula of JOHN WYCLIF.

Speculum, 3, 248-253, I928. ISIS

XVth Century (whole and first half).

Feis, Oswald. Gesuch eines mittelalterlichen Arztes um Wiederan- stellung. Archivffir Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 178, I928. ISIS

Letter from Dr. CONRAD VON BONTENBACH, city physician of Francfort, to the council of the city, dated I436.

Feis, Oswald. Empfehlungsschreiben des Bischofs von Mainz fur seinen Arzt Meister PETER LANG aus dem Jahre I439. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, I79, I928. ISIS

Fischer, Her mann. Eine Bliuteperiode der pharmakognostischen Literatur im I5. Jahrhundert. Archiv fur Geschichte der Mathematik, IO, 397-404, I928. ISIS

(Ibn laiar al-'Asqalanl). Lisan al-Mizan. Six vols. 492, 514, 448, 494, 440, 868, I2 p. Haidarabad, Da'iratul Ma'arif, I329-3I (I9II-I3).


Reviewed by F. KRENKOW, yournal Royal Asiatic Society, 541-2, I926.

Sarton, George. A sidelight upon geographical knowledge in the first half of the fifteenth century. Isis 9, II8-II9, I927. ISIS

Showing that in I440, the people of Ghent did not know and could not determine the respective distances between Ghent and Amiens and Ghent and Liege (some I75 km. versus I45). G. S.

Stehlin, Karl, and Thommen, Rudolf. Aus der Reisbeschreibung des PERO TAFUR, I438 und I439. Basel, Verlag der historischen und antiquarischen Gesellschaft, I927. ISIS

(Tafur, Pero). PERO TAFUR, travels and adventures, I435-I439. Trans- lated and edited with an introduction by MALCOLM LETTS. (The

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432 xvth CENT. (2)

Broadway Travellers). xv + 26I P., 2 maps, 7 ills. London, RoUT- LEDGE, I926. ISIS

PERO TAFUR (I4I0-c. I484), a Spanish nobleman, traveled widely in the Near East, Italy, and Central Europe, and recorded his experiences in con- siderable detail. While at Mt. Sinai he met NICOLO DE' CONTI, who was on his way home from India. TAFUR'S narrative includes a detailed description of Venice and many observations of interest on commercial matters. J. K. W.

XVth Century (second half).

Birkenmajer, Alexander. MARCO DA BENEVENTO (I465-I522) und die angebliche Nominalistenakademie zu Bologna (1494-1498). Philos. Jahrb., 38, 333-335, I925- ISIS

Champion, Pierre. Louis XI. Deux tomes. 236 P.; 408 p. Paris, Champion, I 927. ISIS

Reviewed by RICHARD A. NEWHALL, American Historical Review, 33, 635-6, I928.

Connolly, James L. JOHN GERSON, reformer and mystic. (Universite' de Louvain, Recueil de travaux publies par les membres des Conferences d'histoire et de philologie, 2me serie, i2me fasc.) XXII + 408 p. Louvain, Librairie Universitaire, I928. ISIS

Reviewed by A. HYMA, American Historical Review, 33, 684, I928.

Drecker, Joseph. Ein Instrument, eine Karte und eine Schrift des Niirnberger Kartographen und Kompastmachers ERHARD ETZLAUB.

Annalen der Hydrographie und maritimen Meteorologie, Juni I917;

2 I7-224, I Taf. EHRHARD ETZLAUB became a citizen of Nuremberg in I484; he died there

in I532. According to AUGUST WOLKENHAUER, he made a map of Nuremberg in I492, and two other maps of the Empire in I492 and 150I. DRECKER shows ( Dass zwei Instrumente von der Hand ETZLAUBS erhalten sind. Dass ERHARD ETZLAUB schon in den Jahren I51 I und I5I3 ZU seinen Karten sich der Darstellungsart bedient hat, die wir gewohnlich Mercatorprojektion nennen. Ferner soll ein Manuskript ETZLAUBS (oder eine Abschrift eines solchen) bekannt gegeben werden, dass einzige, was wir ausser den kurzen Legenden auf seinen Karten von ihm besitzen. )) G. S.

Gould, R. T. The landfall of COLUMBUS: an old problem re-stated. The Geographical Journal, 69, 403-429, May I927. ISIS

Argument in favor of Watling Island as the landfall of COLUMBUS I492.

J. K. W.

Hassinger, H. Deutsche Weltkarten-Inkunabeln. Zeitschrift der Ge- sellschaftfiur Erdkunde zu Berlin, 455-482, I plate, 1927. ISIS

In the Morgan library in New York there is a German woodcut map of

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xvth CENT. (2) 433

the world printed by HANS ROST, a reproduction of which was published by LUDWIG ROSENTHAL in I924 (Isis, 8, 544). RtYST'S map so closely resembles two maps by HANS SPORER, one in the city library at St. Gall and the other in the university library at Wurzburg; that there is little doubt that all three were derived from the same original. HASSINGER dates them between I475- I482; hence they are among the earliest printed maps extant and are probably the very earliest of German origin. They are typically medieval in content - somewhat resembling the Ebstorf map (I284). HASSINGER gives a detailed description of all three maps with a reduced photographic facsimile of the one at St. Gall. J. K. W.

Klebs, Arnold C. and Sudhoff, Karl. Die ersten gedruckten Pest- schriften. A. C. KLEBS, Geschichtliche und bibliographische Unter- suchungen; K. SUDHOFF, Der Ulmer Stadtarzt und Schriftsteller HEINRICH STEINHOWEL. 264 S., mit Abb. in Text, 24 Tafeln, und Faksimile von STEINH1WEL 's Buichlein der Pestilenz, Ulm 1473.

Miinchen, Miinchner Drucke, 1926. IsIs

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 430-33, I927.

Kornaus, Jan. JOANNES DLUGOSZ, the Polish geographer of the xvth century. Prace Geograficzne, 5, 8i-I26, 1925. (In Polish with an En- glish summary). ISIS

On the geographical work of the historian DLUGOSZ (14I5-I480), who was also ((the first original and conscientious worker in the field of Polish geography )), several monographs have been written by Polish scholars. In the present work DLUGOSZ'S meticulous care in gathering data on his native land for his Chorographia Regni Poloniae is demonstrated by a detailed examination and comparison with existing geography. J. K. W.

Larsen, Henning. The vocabulary of the old Icelandic medical Ms.: Royal Irish Academy 23 D 43. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 26, 174-197, 1927- ISIS

For the contents of this Ms. see note published in Isis IO, I39-40. Further studies were published by LARSEN on the same subject as follows: Ms Royal Irish Academy 23 D 43, Modern Philology, Chicago, May, I926. Nok et Harpestraeng Handskrift, Danske Studier, Copenhagen, I924 (This deals with Ms L-2-27, Trinity College, Dublin, which is a copy of the Academy Ms.) G. S.

Maldonado de Guevara y Andres, Francisco. El primer contacto de blancos y gentes de color en America: Estudio sobre el diario del primer viaje de CRISTOBAL COL6N. (Universidad de Valladolid, Publicaciones de la secciodn de estudios Americanistas, Serie i, no. 5.) ioo p. Talleres tipograficos (( Cuesta )), n. d. (I924 ?). - ISIS

Marsh-Edwards, J. C. The first voyage of AMERIGO VESPUCCI, I497.

The National Review, 5I7, March 1926, I30-I37. ISIS

Brief argument in support of the authenticity of the first voyage. J.K.W.

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434 xvth CENT. (2)

Pfeilsticker, Walther. Eine wiirttembergische Hebammenordnung von ca. 1480. Ein weiterer Beitrag zu GEORGE BURCKHARDS (( Hebam- menordnungen )). Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 95-98, I928. Isis

Ribeiro, Patrocinio (1882-1923). A nacionalidade portuguesa de CRISTOVAM COLOMBO. The Portuguese nationality of CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. The much discussed problem of his actual nationality at last disposed of through the conclusive decifration of his hiero- glyphic sign. Portuguese text, followed by English translation by ANTONIO CRUZ. Lisboa, J. CARDOSO, 1927. ISIS

Scalinci, Noe. L'opusculo De podagra et de morbo gallico di ANTONIO

GALATEO, ed una sua epistola dedicatoria al Re FEDERICO D'ARAGONA. Bollet. dell'Istituto Storico Italiano dell'Arte Sanit., Anno 7, 151-157 1927. ISIS

Sumien, N. La correspondance du savant florentin PAOLO DAL POZZO TOSCANELLI avec CHRISTOPHE COLOMB. X + 113 p. Paris, Societe d'lditions Geographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1927. ISIS

Argument in favor of the authenticity (called in question by the late HENRY

VIGNAUD) of the famous correspondence in which TOSCANELLI set forth

for COLUMBUS' benefit his theory of the practicability of reaching the spice

islands by sailing westward from Spain. J. K. W.

Thorndike, Lynn. Some minor medical works of the Florentine renaissance. Isis, 9, 29-43, 1927. ISIS

The works dealt with are the following: JOHN OF AREZZO: De procutratione

cordis (or De valitudinis cordis procuratione) before 1464, in 3 books, the

third being called De venenis; BERNARDUS TORNIUS (I452-I497): De tuenda

sanitate; GIOVANNI MARTELLINI (I464-1512) : De decretoriis diebus (critical

days). ((It may be admitted that our three treatises are works of minor im-

portance, yet they probably reflect fairly enough the general character of

the ordinary run of medical thought and literature at that time. Although

written in the period commonly designated as the High Renaissance, in

cultured Florence, and under the Medicean Maecenate, they are in the main

compilations and continuations of the medical thinking and literature of

the preceding medieval centuries. And a broad streak of what we should today

pronounce superstition - occult virtues and bits of sympathetic magic,

physiognomy and astrology - runs through all three. They contain nothing

to suggest that the members of the MEDICI family (despite its auspicious

name) had an unusual interest in promoting medical knowledge or exercised

any enlightened patronage in that direction. Indeed, what JOHN OF AREZZO

has to say in another treatise of the prevalence of medical quacks and

impostors in fifteenth century Florence and their acceptability to magnates as

well as to populace, gives us the impression that its medical standards

were, if anything, somewhat below the medieval average. )) THORNDIKE'S

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xvth CENT. (2) 435

paper is followed by the table of contents of the first treatise, and by two extracts from it, one of them being a very interesting discussion of mushrooms. G. S.

Tolman, Mayo. The origin of syphilis. 7ournal of Social Hygiene, 9, 546-55I, New York, 1923. ISIS

Ulloa, Luis. CHRISTOPHE COLOMB catalan: La vraie genese de la

decouverte de l'Amerique, avec un appendice sur les COLOMBO et COLOMO castillans et sur le passeport donne a COLOMB, en avril 1492, pour se rendre aux Indes. 404 p. Paris, Librairie Orientale et Americaine, 1927. ISIS

Wright, John Kirtland. The LEARDO map of the world, 1452 or 1453. With a note on the reproduction of the map by A. B. HOEN. American Geographical Society, Library series, no. 4). v + 90 p., io fig. New York, American Geographical Society, Broadway at 156th Street, 1928. ($ 15; text alone, $ 2). Isis

((In I906 ARCHER M. HUNTINGTON presented to the American Geographical Society one of three known maps of the world signed and dated by the Venetian, GIOVANNI LEARDO. Of these, the oldest, as well as the crudest and simplest, is preserved in the Communal Library at Verona and carries the date I442.

The second (I448), somewhat more elaborate in design, belongs to the Civic Museum at Vicenza. The Society's map, the largest of the three, bears the signature in the lower right-hand corner : JOHANES LEARDUS de Venetteis me fezit abano domini 145 (?). The last digit in this inscription is partly mutilated; the date, however, is probably either I452 or I453. )) The American Geographical Society has now made this rare treasure available to the world by publishing an admirable full-sized facsimile reproduction. This involved nine superimposed colored printings which were executed with considerable care. WRIGHT'S lucid explanation and discussion of the map is published in a separate volume, which I am glad to say, is of a handy size (there is nothing more annoying than to handle and read folio editions.) This map, drawn on a piece of parchment (724 x 594 mm.) is of the circular type, with Jerusalem in the center, east at the top and the ocean all around. The seas are uniformly blue, except the Red Sea, which is red. Mountains, rivers and lakes are also represented. A lake called Sandy Sea lies in the midst of the Sahara. There are less pictorial elements than on many other medieval maps, yet this map is very decorative. The sources are mainly classical and patristic, yet some names betray the influence of MARCO POLo and perhaps of other travelers, and the drawing of the shore lines is derived from the portolani. In particular, this map is closely related to the Catalan map of C. 1450 which is in the Este Library of Modena. There are also a few traces of the new Ptolemaic influence which made itself felt in Italy in the first half of the fifteenth century, e. g. the rivers Indus and Oechardes. WRIGHT gives a very detailed description, which can be easily followed by refering to the seven key maps. Each of the three LEARDO maps is encircled by a calendar. The calendar of the map under discussion consists of ten concentric circles, devoted, the first or innermost, to the dates of Easter from I453

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436 xvth TO xvith CENT.

to I547; the second to the names of the months, beginning with March (this remained the first month of the year in the Republic of Venice until 1797); it also tells the day, hour, and minute when the sun enters each of the twelve signs of the zodiac; the third to the sixth, to the phases of the moon; the seventh, to the dominical letters; the eighth and ninth to the lengths of the days in hours and minutes; the tenth, to the saints' days and religious festivals. G. S.

Leonardo da Vinci.

Blascke, Wilhelm. LEONARDO und die Naturwissenschaften. (Rede).

(Hamburger math. Einzelschr., H. 4) I5 p. Leipzig, TEUBNER, I928. ISIS

McCurdy, Edward. The mind of LEONARDO DA VINCI. 360 p. London,


Popp, Anny E. LEONARDO DA VINCI: Zeichnungen. 90 p. Munich, R. PIPER, I928. Isis

Taylor (Mrs.) Rachel Annand. LEONARDO the Florentine; a study

in personality. XXXI + 580 p., plates. London, RICHARDS Press, I927. ISIS

Vaccaro, Leopold. LEONARDO DA VINCI, precursor of modern medicine. Medical Life, 35, 59-66, I928. ISIS

XVIth Century (whole and first half).

A. - Mathematics.

Copernic. NICOLAI COPERNICI Torinensis de Revolutioiiibus orbium coelestium libri VI. Norimbergae apud IOH. PETREIUM. Anno M.D. XLIII. Reproduction en facsimile, 406 p., J. HERMANN, Paris,

I927 (250 fr.)- ISIS

Tres bonne reproduction, sur beau papier, ornee du portrait de COPERNIC grave par NICOLAS DANDELEAU d'apres un tableau du cabinet de DE LALANDE, et d'une reproduction du tableau du grand peintre d'histoire de la Pologne JOHANN ALOISIUS MATEJKO (Cracovie, I838-I893): COPERNIC dans son

observatoire i Frauenburg (conserve 6 l'universite de Cracovie), de la premi6re edition de l'immortel ouvrage de COPERNIC, ecrit entre I507 et I5I4, parachev6 jusqu'en I530, qu'il ne se decida a publier qu'en I539 sur les instances de ses amis, et dont le premier exemplaire put lui etre apporte quelques jours avant sa mort, mai I543. Cette reimpression fait honneur 'a 1'editeur J. HER- MANN. L. G.

Rey Pastor, J. Los matematicos espafioles del siglo XVI. (Biblioteca scientia 2,) I64 P., Madrid, I926. ISIS

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xvith CENT. 437

J. REY PASTOR, qui dirige la Rivista matemdtica hispano-americana, consacre un travail fort interessant aux mathematiciens espagnols du xvIe siecle, travail qui s'ouvre par un coup d'ceil rapide sur l'etat des mathematiques au xve s. I1 groupe alors sous trois chefs, qui correspondent d'ailleurs en meme temps a trois epoques, les mathematiciens espagnols, auxquels il joint PEDRO NUNEZ A) les arithmeticiens, parmi lesquels il etudie PEDRO SANCHEZ CIRUELO (voir Isis, IO, 363-6), JUAN MARTINEZ SILICEO, dont il situe la naissance en 1477 (Arithmetica theorica et practica, 1514), JUAN DE ORTEGA (Tractato subtilissimo de Arismetica y Geometria, 15iz), et ALVARO TOMAS (Liber de triplici motu proportionibus..., I509) - B) les algebristes MARCO AUREL

(Libro primero de arithm6tica algebratica, I552), PEmREZ DE MOYA (Arithme- tica practica y speculativa, I 562), ANTICH ROCHA (Arithmetica, 1564), et P. NUNEZ (Libro de algebra en arithm6tica y geometria, I564) - C) les g6om6tres: MOLINA CANO (Descubrimientos geometricos, 1598), JAIME FALC6 (de circuli quadratura, 1587). Les renseignements biographiques sur ces savants font a peu pres completement defaut. La bibliographie, s'6tendant jusqu'a la suppression de l'Academia de matematicas en I624, cite les ceuvres principales des mathematiciens etudies dans le texte. L'absence d'un index dans un ouvrage de ce genre est tout a fait deplorable. L. G.

C. - Natural sciences.

Canano, loannes Baptista (I5I5-I578). GIROLAMO DA CARPI (I50I-

I556). Musculorum humani corporis picturata dissectio (Ferrara, I54I ?). Facsimile edition annotated by HARVEY CUSHING and EDWARD C. STREETER. (Monumenta Medica, IV, under the general editorship of HENRY E. SIGERIST). 98 p. Florence, LIER, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 433-4, 1927.

Caraci, Giuseppe. GIACOMO GASTALDI, ENRICO ZELL e la cartografia piu antica a stampa della Germania. Archeion, Arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, 377-400, I927. ISIS

Examen d'une carte d'Europe, datant de I535, en huit feuilles, decouverte a Florence en 1923 par L. BAGROW, et due i HEINRICH ZELL (Isis, 9, 157).

CARACI n'admet pas I'attribution faite a ZELL par BAGROW, de deux autres cartes anonymes d'Allemagne, ni le fait que GASTALDI aurait tir6 de ces cartes les elements de sa carte d'Allemagne (I 552). I1 parle enfin d'une carte de I542, de la Prusse, due 'a ZELL (R. Biblioteca Marciana), et qui n'a pas encore ete decrite. L. G.

Delabarre, Edmund Burke. Dighton Rock: the earliest and most puzzling of New England antiquities. Old-Time New England, 14, 2, p. 51-72, ills., October 1923. ISIS

The Dighton rock in the Taunton River, Massachusetts, on account of its mysterious markings has excited the interest of scholars at least as early as i68o. The inscriptions have been asciibed to ((inhabitants of Atlantis, lost tribes of Israel, Egyptians, Libyans, Scythians, Chinese, Romans, Druids, Catholic missionaries, pirates, and even pre-glacial men. )) DELABARRE,

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438 xvith CENT.

reading among other things the words (( MIGUEL CORTEREAL, A.D. I5II ))

believes he has found a clue to the fate of the Portuguese explorer who set sail from Lisbon in I502 but failed to return. J. K. W.

Leroux, Desir6. La vie de BERNARD PALISSY. I29 p., 8 pl. Paris, CHAM- PION, 1927. ISIS

Mufioz Maluschka, Dora. Cartografia primitiva americana: Memoria de prueba para optar al titulo de Profesora de Historia y Geografia. Revista chilena de historia y geografia, 55, 311-344, 1927 (to be con- tinued). Isis

This study will consider the following points: (A) the principal carto- graphic schools: (i) Sevillian cartography; (2) Lusitano-Germanic carto- graphy, and (B) cartography as reflecting discovery and cosmographic hypo- theses; it will be concluded with (C) a (( chronological study of the principal extant maps constructed between ISoo and 1535. )) J. K. W.

Nufiez, Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar. Schiffbriiche. Die Unglicksfahrt der Narvaez-Expedition nach der Siidkiiste Nordamerikas in den Jahren 1528 bis 1536. tYbersetzt und eingeleitet von FRANZ TERMER.

(Klassiker der Erd- und Volkerkunde). VIII + 143 P., 2I facsimiles, 2 pl. Stuttgart, STRECKER and SCHROEDER, 1925. ISIS

Piri Re'is. Barhije. Das tiirkische Segelhandbuch ftir das Mittellan- dische Meer vom Jahre 1521. Herausgegeben, iibersetzt und erklart von PAUL KAHLE. Band I. Text. 4 pp., IV + 64 PP. printed on one side only, maps. Band II Qbersetzung. XLVIII + 88 p., maps, tables. I. Lieferung, Kapitel I-28. Berlin, W. DE GRUYTER, I926. isis

The Bahrlye of PIRI RE'iS gives a very detailed account of the Mediterranean coasts probably based on earlier sailing manuals which have not come down to us. The present work is to consists of three volumes: i) text; 2) translation; 3) commentary. To date the text and translation of parts covering a limited portion of the Aegean have appeared. Bd. II, Lief. I, also includes a general introduction. J. K. W.

Sabbatani, Luigi. Se LUCA GHINI abbia studiato a Padova. Atti del III Congresso Nazionale d. Soc. Ital. di storia delle scienze mediche e naturali (Venezia, 1925), Siena, 176-178, 1926. IsIs

Taylor, E. G. R. The earliest account of triangulation. Scottish Geo- graphical Magazine, 43, 341-345, 1927. ISIS

On the method of triangulation described in the Libellus de locorum describendorum ratione etc. (1533), of GEMMA FRISIUS (I5O8-I 5). J. K. W.

D. - Medical sciences.

Feis, Oswald. Empfehlungsschreiben fur den Arzt Dr. PETER WILD

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xvith CENT 439

vom 10. Juni I520. Archivffir Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 98, 1928. ISIS

Gundolf, Friedrich (eig. Gundelfinger). PARACELSUS. I35 P. Berlin, GEORG BONDI, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by K. SUDHOFF in Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 26, 327, 1927.

Knetsch, Carl. Landgraf PHILIPPs Leibarzt Dr. JOHANN MECKBACH

(1495-1555) und seine Sippe. Zeitschrift der Vereins fur hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde, 55, 124-174, 1927. ISIS

Lejeune, Fritz. De geest der geneeskunde in de i6de eeuw. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, 71-74, 1928. Isis

Lejeune, Fritz. Zur spanischen Anatomie vor und um VESAL. Janus, 31, 413-22, 1927. ISIS

L'auteur met surtout en avant HERNANDEZ MOREJ6N, 'a qui est due l'im- pulsion que re9ut en Espagne, au XVIe siecle l'etude de l'anatomie, et ALONSO RODRfGuEz de Guevara qui fut le premier professeur d'anatomie en Espagne, aI l'universit6 de Valladolid (fl. 1559). L. G.

(Paracelsus). Sieben Defensionen. Facsimile reprint of the original edition, Cologne 1564. VI + 52 p. Published by HENRY E. SIGERIST, in 300 copies. Leipzig, Talstrasse 38, 1928. ISIS

Editor's postface: (" Die Defensionen sind vielleicht das personlichste Werk von PARACELSUS. Drei Jahre vor seinem Tode, I538, hat er sie ge- schrieben aus einem tiefempfundenen Bediirfnis heraus, sich zu rechtfertigen, vor sich selbst und der Welt. Es ist nicht nur sein arztliches Handeln, nicht nur seine theoretischen Vorstellungen, die er verteidigt, sondern auch sein Charakter und seine Lebensweise, die so manchen befremdlich erschien. Gerade dieser pers6nlichen Note wegen duirfen die Defensionen nicht in Ubersetzungen gelesen werden. Sie verlangen die kernige Sprache, in der sie gedacht waren. Dies war der Beweggrund zum vorliegenden Neudruck der den Text der ersten Ausgabe getreulich wiedergibt. )) This charming booklet was distributed by Prof. SIGERIST to the friends of the Institut fur Geschichte der Medizin and his personal friends as a New Year's gift. G. S.

Power, Sir d'Arcy. The birth of mankind or the woman's book, a bibliographical study. 58 p. (The Library, vol. 8, no. i). London, the Bibliographical Society, 1927 (not seen). ISIS

Spunda, Franz. PARACELSUS. I80 S., i Faksimile und 3I Abb. (Men- schen, Vilker, Zeiten, eine Kulturgeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, hrsg. von MAX KEMMERICH, VI). Wien, KARL K6NIG, 1926. ISIS

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440 xvith CENT. (2)

E. - Alia.

Choisy, Eugene. CALVIN educateur des consciences. 2I6 p. Neuilly, La Cause, 1926. Isis

Reviewed in Revue de synthese historique, 44, I84-5, I927.

Mackinnon, James. LUTHER and the Reformation. Volume z. The breach with Rome (1517-21). London, LONGMANS, 1928. Isis

More, Sir Thomas. The dialogue concerning TYNDALE. Reproduced in black letter facsimile from WILLIAM RASTELL's Edition of MoRE's English Works (I557). Edited with a modern version of the same and an essay on the spirit and doctrine of the dialogue by W. E. CAMP-

BELL. With an historical introduction and philological notes by A. W. REED. Portraits. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1927. ISIS

Plattard, Jean. JGtat present des etudes rabelaisiennes. ize cahier des Jtudes franSaises fondees sur l'initiative de la Soc. des professeurs franSais en Amerique. 92 P. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, I927. ISIS

La fondation, au printemps de I903, sur l'initiative d'ABEL LEFRANC

de la Societe des etudes rabelaisiennes (Rev. des eludes rabelaisiennes, 1903-I 2,

devenue depuis Revue du Seizieme siecle) a suscite de nombreux travaux relatifs 'a la vie de RABELAIS, et 'a son ceuvre (textes, sources, interpretations, etc.). PLATTARD note le chemin parcouru, marquant aussi les points qui restent encore obscurs ou incertains. L. G.

Prezzolini, Giuseppe. Vita di NICOL6 MACHIAVELLI, Fiorentino. Milan, MONDADORI, 1927. ISIS

Valdes, Juan de (d. I541). Dialogo de doctrina christiana. Reproduc- tion en fac-simile de 1'exemplaire de la Bibliotheque Nationale de Lisbonne (edition d'Alcala de Henares, 1529), avec une introduction et des notes par MARCEL BATAILLON. Coimbra, Imprensa da Univer- sidade, 1925 . ISIS

XVIth Century (second half).

A. - Mathematics.

Bortolotti, Ettore. Sulla rappresentazione simbolica della incognita e delle potenze di essa introdotta dal BOMBELLI. Arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, 49-63, 1927. ISIS

Discussion d'une etude de H. WIELEITNER au meme p6riodique vol. 7, 29-33 (Isis, IO, I52) avec une courte reponse de WIELEITNER: Erwiderung zu vorstehenden Aufsatz (p. 64). L. G.

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xvith CENT. (2) 44I

B. - Physical sciences and technology.

(Brahe). TYCHONIS BRAHE Dani Opera omnia. Edidit I. L. E. DREYER

(ob. 1926). Tomus 8, 47I p.; Tomus I2, IV + 488 p.; Tomus 13, IV + 398 p. Hauniae, Libraria Gyldendaliana, 1925-26. ISIS

Reviewed by J. K. FOTHERINGHAM in Nature I20, 578, I927.

C. - Natural sciences.

Beltran y R6zpide, Ricardo. America en tiempo de FELIPE II seguin el cosmografo-cronista JUAN LOPEZ DE VELASCO. Boletin de la Real Sociedad Geografica, 67, 35-77, I727. ISIS

Synopsis, with maps, of the various administrative divisions of Hispanic America together with a list of the principal settlements founded by the Spaniards before I575, as described in JUAN L6PEZ DE VELASCO'S Geografia y descripci6n universal de las Indias. J. K. W.

Bry, Theodore de (Liege I528 - Francfort I598). Voyages en Virginie et en Floride. Traduits du Latin par L. NINGLER et confrontes avec les textes anglais, fran9ais ou allemands. I.-Description merveilleuse et cependant veritable des mceurs et coutumes des sauvages de la Virginie (en I585), ecrite d'abord en anglais par THOMAS HARIOT. Illustrations en taille-douce par THJODORE DE BRY, d'apres les images prises sur le vif par JOHN WITH, envoye dans ce but en I585 et 1586. II. De trois voyages en Floride. L'un sous JEAN RIBAUT, en I1562; le second sous RENA DE LAUDONNIERE, en I564; le troisi'eme sous DOMINIQUE DE GOURGUES, en I567. Illustrations en taille-douce par THEODORE DE BRY, d'apres les dessins de JACQUES LE MOYNE, qui a tout vu par lui-meme. xv + 3I7 p., 65 planches. (Collection illustrie des grands voyages en Amedrique au XVIe si'ecle). Paris, Du- CHARTRE et VAN BUGGENHOUDT, I927. ISIS

Clerk, Charly. Le voyage au Bresil de JEAN DE L]RY, I556-I558. Avec une introduction. 3I9 p. Paris, PAYOT, I927. ISIS

The principal interest of the Voyage of LtRY, who took part in the Huguenot colonial enterprise in Brazil under the Chevalier DE VILLEGAGNON, lies in the fact that here we find worked out in detail for the first time the legend of ale bon sauvage )s that was later to play such an important part in French literature and political theory. J. K. W.

(Drake, Sir Francis). Sir FRANCIS DRAKE's voyage round the world 1577-I580: two contemporary maps. Printed by order of the trustees, sold at the British Museum, and by BERNARD QUARITCH, Oxford University Press, and KEGAN PAUL, London, I927. ISIS

Reviewed in Geographical Review, 340-I, I928.

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442 xvith CENT. (2)

Fordham, Sir H. George. Some surveys and maps of the Elizabethan period remaining in manuscript: a paper read in section E at the Leeds meeting of the British Association. The Geographical Journal, 71, 50-60, January I928. IsIs

On plans and local maps by CHRISTOPHER SAXTON (C. 1542/44 - c. I6IO), PHILIP SYMONSON (d. I598), and JOHN NORDEN (I548-I625 ?) J. K. W.

Genovie, Lina. Le due carte della Toscana dipinte nel I589 da Don STEFANO BUONSIGNORI nella R. Galleria degli Uffizi in Firenze. L'Universo, 8, 595-632, 5 maps, I927. ISIS

The magnificent maps of the Florentine and Sienese dominions on the walls of one of the rooms in the Uffizi gallery were drawn not merely for decorative purposes; they (marked a notable advance in the progress of the geographic representation of Tuscany. )) The wall maps are enlargements, with additional names and details, of two printed maps of BUONSIGNORI of 1584, which, in turn, owed much to a map of GEROLAMO BELLARMATO, Chorographia Tusciae, 1536. BUONSIGNORI'S work was drawn on by G. A. MAGINI in his Italia nova, i6o8 (Isis, 6, I64). J. K. W.

(Gerard, John. I545-I6I2). GERARD's Herball: or generall historie of plantes. The essence thereof distilled by MARCUS WOODWARD from the edition of TH. JOHNSON, I636. xix + 303 p., illustrated. London, GERALD HOWE, I927. ISIS

GERARD'S Herball was first published in London, 1597. It was largely plagiarized from other works, but such was the custom of those days, and we must not be too severe, nor does it detract from the sweet Elizabethan flavor of his compilation. A revised and enlarged edition was prepared after GERARD'S death by THOMAS JOHNSON, a London apothecary (London I633, I636). The present work is an abridgment of JOHNSON's edition of I636, illustrated with reproductions of the original wood cuts. MARCUS WOODWARD'S introduction contains some brief information on GERARD and his Herball.

G. S.

Gudger, E. W. GUILLAUME RONDELET'S pug-headed carp. The earliest record, I554. Natural History, 28, I02-IO4, 2 fig., I928. Isis

Hunger, F. W. T. CHARLES DE L'ECLUSE (CAROLUS CLUSIUS), I526- I609. Janus 31, I39-I5I, portr., I927. ISIS

Discours prononce a l'universit6 de Leiden, le I9 octobre I926.

Hunger, F. W. T. CHARLES DE L'ECLUSE (CAROLUS CLUSIUS), Neder- landsch kruidkundige. I526-I609. XXIII + 445 P., i map, 4 portraits, 2 p1., I99 fig. 's-Gravenhage, MARTINUS NIJHOFF, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by H. MARZELL, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, 3', 1928.

Leclerc, Henri. Un naturaliste irascible: P. A. MATTHIOLE DE SIENNE. Janus, 31, 336-45, portr., I927. ISIS

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xvith CENT. (2) 443

PIETRO ANDREA MATTIOLI (Sienna, 1500, 03, 23 - Trieste, 1577). Courte biographie et examen des Commentarii in libros sex PEDACIi DIOSCORIDIS Anazarbei de materia medica (Venise, I56o), au point de vue des critiques violentes adress6es par MATTIOLI 'a tous les (( simplistes seuls, DIosCORIDE, PLINE, GALIEN, trouvent grace devant lui. L. G.

Mecha m, J. Lloyd. ANTONIO DE ESPEJo and his Journey to New Mexico (I582-1583). Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 30, II4-I38, October I926. ISIS

Robertson, John W. FRANCIS DRAKE and other early explorers along the Pacific coast. 290 p., maps, illus., index. San Francisco, Grab- horn Press, i927. ISIS

Reviewed in Geographical Review, 340-I, I1928; and by JOSEPH SCHAFER, American Historical Review, 410-411, I928.

Wagner, Henry Raup. Sir FRANCIS DRAKE'S voyage around the world: its aims and achievements. XII + 543 p., maps, ills., index. San Francisco, JOHN HOWELL, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed in Geographical Review, 340-4I, I928.

Waldman, Milton. Sir WALTER RALEIGH. (The Golden Hind Series). XI + 255 p. London, JOHN LANE, 1928. ISIS

D. - Medical sciences. Chaumartin, Henry. Les idees d'un medecin de l'abbaye de Saint

Antoine de Viennois sur le feu Saint Antoine au XVIe siecle. Bul. Soc. Fr. d'Hist. Mid., 2I, 277-8i, I927. ISIS

.< II s'agit de l'1tpitome de Guy DIDIER, imprime 'a Lyon, chez JEAN DE ToURNES, en I56o. ))

Chaussade, A. La methode scientifique d'AMBRoISE PASR. Revue de Synthe'se historique, 44, 35-50, I927. ISIS

Clemen, Otto. Ein unbekanntes Pestregiment, Dresden 1566. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, I75-I78, 1928. ISIS

Apropos of a German treatise on the plague by JOH. NEEFE (Chemnitz I499 - Dresden I574) published at Dresden in 1566. G. S.

Favaro, Giuseppe. GABRIELLE FALLOPPIA, Modenese (MDXXIII- MDLXII). Studio biografico (con ritratto e figure). vI + 254 p. Modena, Tipografia Editrice Immacolata Concezione, 1928. ISIS

This is a very elaborate biography of the great anatomist FALLOPPIA, born at Modena in I523, professor in Ferrara, Pisa, and finally I551 in Padova where he died in I562 (not I563). This is apparently exhaustive as far as the biography itself is concerned, the author having taken considerable pains

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444 xvith CENT. (2)

to collect all the documents, printed or unprinted, throwing any light on the subject. A number of the documents, including many letters, are printed at the end (p. 203-38). Moreover the author has had the excellent idea of publishing a list of all the letters extant in chronological order (I548-62), and a chronology of all the known facts of FALLOPPIA'S life. This is very helpful. The only thing which I missed - something essential - was a clear summary of the discoveries which may be ascribed to the great Modenese anatomist, but it is possible that the author reserves this study of FALLOPPIA'S work for another volume. The present volume is adorned with a beautiful portrait, autographs, etc. By the way, the three autographs of the anatomist here shown, prove that he wrote his name GABRIELLE FALLOPPIA (the final letter is a not o; 4 1, 2 p); however his father signed: IERONIMO FALOPIA.

After reading the rich record of so short a life, one can not help repeating with A. FABRONIUS, a former biographer: (( Quid non sperari potuisset a tante viro, qui decessit in flore aetatis, si vita illi diuturnior data fuisset ? )) The author of this book is the son of our much lamented friend, the great Galilean scholar, ANTONIO FAVARO (I847-1922); he is himself well known to our readers by his many studies on LEONARDO DA VINCI and GIROLAMO FABRICI D'ACQUAPENDENTE; he is director of the anatomical institute of the University of Modena. G. S.

Roth, Friedrich. Dr. GEORG AGRICOLA Ambergensis (I530-I575),

Schiller und Freund MELANCHTHONS, Schulmeister, dann Stadt- physikus in Amberg. (Einzelarbeiten aus der Kirchengeschichte Bayerns, hrsg. vom Verein fur bayrische Kirchengeschichte. Bd. 5) VII + IO2 P. Gunzenhausen, Selbstverlag des Vereins, I927. ISIS

(Stromayr, Caspar). Die Handschrift des Schnitt- und Augenarztes CASPAR STROMAYR in Lindau am Bodensee. The Lindau Ms. (P. I. 46), dated July 4, I559; with an historical introduction and evaluation by WALTER VON BRUNN. 364 p. Berlin, Idra-Verlagsanstalt, 1925.


Reviewed by STEPHEN D'IRSAY in Isis 9, 367-370, 1927.

Teixeira de Mattos, E. Een geval van ahet booze oog)) met duivel- banning, a. I598 te Antwerpen, bij eene gehuwde dame met typisch hysterische aanvallen. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, 62-7I, Iz928. Isis

Wilson, F. P. The plague in SHAKESPEARE's London. xii + 228 p., i6 pl. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I927. ISIS

Reviewed in Nature I2I, 368-9, 1928.

E. - Alia.

Olschki, Leonardo. GIORDANo BRUNO. (Biblioteca di cultura moderna). Barn, LATERZA, 1927. ISIS

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xvith (2) TO xviith CENT. 445

(Scaliger, Joseph). Autobiography of JOSEPH SCALIGER. With auto- biographical selections from his letters, his testament, and the funeral orations by DANIEL HEINSIUS and DOMINICUS BAUDIUS. Translated into English for the first time, with introduction and notes, by GEORGE

W. ROBINSON. I28 p. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1927. ISIS

Schoell, Franck Louis. IVtudes sur l'humanisme continental en Angle- terre a la fin de la Renaissance. Avec une preface par EMILE LEGOUIS.

(BibliotheIque de la Revue de litterature comparee, 29). VI + Z6i p. Paris, CHAMPION, 1926. ISis

I. Les emprunts de GEORGE CHAPMAN (C. 1559-I634) a MARSILE FICIN.

II. Les mythologistes italiens de la Renaissance et la poesie elisabethaine.- III. GEORGE CHAPMAN et les Adages d'lRASME. - IV. Le Plutarque latin de XYLANDER en Angleterre. - V. L'JPpictete latin de HIERONYMUS WOLFIUS.

en Angleterre.-VI. L'hellenisme frangais en Angleterre a la fin de la Renais- sance. Ce qui paraitra sans doute le plus original dans ce volume, c'est l'im- portance toute nouvelle attribuee a HENRI ESTIENNE, et a deux humanistes allemands de marque, G. XYLANDER et H. WoLFIus, comme inspirateurs de la poesie et du drame anglais erudits vers la fin de la Renaissance.

XVIIth Century (whole and first half).

A. - Mathematics.

Bortolotti, Ettore. I progressi del metodo infinitesimale nell'opera geometrica di EVANGELISTA TORRICELLI. Periodico di Matematiche, 8, 19-59, 1928. ISIS

Brunschvicg, Leon. Mathematiques et metaphysique chez DESCARTES.

Revue de mitaphysique et de morale, 34, 277-324, 1927. ISIS etude critique de l'6dition donnee par RTIENNE GILSON, du Discours

de la methode (512 p., VRIN, Paris, I925). L. G.

Cairns, W. D. NAPIER'S logarithms as he developed them. American Mathematical Monthly, 35, 64-67, 1928. ISIS

Cajori, Florian. The earliest arithmetic published in America. Isis 9, 391-401, 2 pI., 1927. ISIS

Analysis and discussion of the earliest arithmetical treatise published in America, namely the Arithmetica of PEDRO DE PAZ, in Spanish (Mexico City, I623). The earliest arithmetic in English, JAMES HODDER'S, appeared only 96 years later (Boston, 1719). CAJORI concludes: (( as an elementary text book for beginners, PAZ'S book ranks well among early seventeenth century arithmetics. While it possesses no originality of treatment, it exhibits good judgment in the selection of topics for beginners. It omits the pro- gressions, also square and cube root, finger reckoning, and computation

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446 xviith CENT.

with (( contadores )) (which is by dots and lines, or (( auf den Linien )) as the Germans called it.) All these topics were treated by PEREZ DE MOYA

in the arithmetical part of his work. Numerous illustrative solutions render Paz's presentation concrete. His educational philosophy is teaching by example. G. S.

Duclaux, Mary (A. Mary F. Robinson). Portrait of PASCAL. 232 P. London, FISHER UNWIN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by F. S. MARVIN in Nature I2I, 449, 1928.

Maire, Albert. Bibliographie generale des CEuvres de BLAISE PASCAL. T. i. Pascal savant, XVI + 331 p.; t. 2. Pascal pamphletaire. 2 vols. II + 398 P., X + 510 p. Paris, L. GIRAUD-BADIN, 1925-1926. ISIS

Reviewed by L. GUINET, Isis 9, 370-2, 1927.

Roth, Leon. Correspondence of DESCARTES and CONSTANTYN HUYGENS, I635-I647. Edited from manuscripts now in the Bibliotheque Na- tionale, formerly in the possession of the late HARRY WILMOT BUXTON. LXXV + 351 p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON. Isis 9, 434-37, 1927.

Soltau, Roger H. PASCAL: the man and the message. XIV + 2I6 p. London, BLACKIE, 1927.


B. - Physical sciences and technology.

Horwitz, Hugo T. Ueber FAUSTO VERANZIO und sein Werk (( Machinae Novae. )) Arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, I69-175, 2 portr., 1927. ISIS

VERANZIO, d'une famille slave (Veranci6) etablie des le XIVe siecle en Dal- matie, est ne en 1551; etudes a l'universite de Padoue; tient differents postes officiels aux cours de Vienne et Prague; entre dans les ordres en 1594 apres la mort de sa femme; c'est pendant un sejour a Venise qu'ilpublie son Machinae Novae, un des plus importants ouvrages de technique du XVIIe siecle. De I'autorisation d'impression et de trois lettres conservees au Mus6e national de Budapest, et qu'il publie, l'auteur conclut que l'ouvrage parut entre le 15 juin I615 et le i6 juillet i6i6. L. G.

Kittredge, George Lyman. Dr. ROBERT CHILD, the remonstrant. Transactions of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts for 1919, 21,

1-146, Boston, 1920. ISIS

Reviewed by TENNEY L. DAVIS ISis 9, 440-445, 1927.

Laemmel, Rudolf. Untersuchung der Dokumente des GALILEI'schen Inquisitionsprozess. Archiv fur Geschichte der Mathematik, 10, 405- 419, 1928. ISIS

((Wir schliessen also mit WOHLWILL, GERHARDI, GEBLER entgegen EsPINOIS,

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Xviith CENT. 447

FAVARO und anderen folgendes: das Schriftstuick vom 26. Februar I6I6 ist eine Mystifikation. Es ist insofern eine (( Falschung )) als es i6I6 sicher nicht geschrieben war und an jenem Tage auch sicherlich nicht danach gehandelt wurde. Sehr wahrscheinlich war die Notizauch I630 noch nicht vorhanden, als GALILEI fur sein neues Werk a Ober Ebbe und Flut)) die Zensur einholte. Sehr wahrscheinlich ist die Notiz vom 25. und 26. Februar i6i6 im Jahre I632 ins Protokoll von i6i6 hineingeschreiben worden. Seien wir uns klar, dass eine solche FalIschung in jener Zeit, da man missliebige Personen durch gedungene M6rder aus dem Wege zu raumen fur alltaiglich hielt, keine gar zu unglaubliche Methode war.... Auf diesen Ausfiihrungen ergibt sich kein Anhaltspunkt fiur die Frage nach der Folterung. Doch habe ich hier nach genauer Durchforschung des Manuskripts - ich habe sorgsam alle Blaitter durchleuchtet - keinen Anlass, zu glauben, das auch die Akten von i633 eine Unterschiebung oder sonstige formelle Unregelmassigkeit aufweisen. Da aber in den Akten von der Tortur nur insofern die Rede ist, als man die Folter dem GALILEI ((androhen solle, so als ob sie auch aus- gefiihrt wiurde )), so erscheint es mir, in Berucksichtigung vieler anderer Momente, die noch hinzukommen, dass GALILEI nicht gefoltert wurde. Diese Meinung wird auch von WOHLWIILL und den meisten neueren Schrift- stellern vertreten und diirfte als gesichert angesehen werden .D

Magrini, Silvio. II ((de magnete)) del GILBERT e i primordi della magnetologia in Italia in rapporto alla lotta intorno ai massimi sistemi. Archivio di storia d. scienza, 8, I7-39, I927. ISIS

Sur le De Magnete de WILLIAM GILBERT (Isis 3, I07; 4, I42) et la lutte 'a laquelle se livrerent en Italie les partisans et les d6tracteurs de GILBERT; l'auteur examine en particulier les travaux sur le magnetisme de G. B. DELLA PORTA, de P. SARPI, de G. BIANCANI, N. CABEI, etc., et la position prise par GALILEE. L. G.

Olschki, Leonardo. GALILEI und seine Zeit. (Geschichte der neu- sprachlichen Wissenschaftlichen Literatur, Bd. 3). VIII + 480 p. Halle/Salle, MAX NIEMEYER, I927. ISIS

Les deux premiers volumes de l'ouvrage de L. OLSCHKI ont &6 analyses pr6cedemment (Isis, 4, 209; 7, I28-9). Celui-ci, plus specialement consacre a GALILEE (plus de 350 p.), s'ouvre par deux chapitres dont l'un est r6serve a GIORDANO BRUNO, le second a NICCOL6 TARTAGLIA. GALILE'E, ainsi fixe par rapport ai la philosophie et aux mathematiques de ses preddcesseurs, est etudie surtout au point de vue litteraire et au point de vue philosophique, aussi bien en ce qui concerne ses decouvertes astronomiques qu'en ce qui touche a ses commentaires du Roland furieux, de la Jerusalem d6livr6e, etc. Voir compte rendu par HANS LUDENDORFF, Archiv fiur Geschichte der Mathematik, IO, 47I-2, 1928. (lsis, IO, 499-50I). L. G.

Wohlwill, Emil (I836-I9I2). GALILEI und sein Kampf fur die Coper- nikanische Lehre. I. Band, bis zur Verurteilung der copernikanischen Lehre durch die romischen Kongregationen, Hamburg und Leipzig, I909. xx + 646 p. II. Band, nach der Verurteilung der Copernika- nischen Lehre durch das Dekret von i6i6. Aus dem Nachlass her-

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448 xviith CENT.

ausgegeben mit einem Portrat und einer Tafel. XXII + 435 p. Leipzig, LEOPOLD Voss, 1926. Isis

Reviewed by HUGO DINGLER, Isis 9, 437-9, 1927.

C. - Natural sciences.

Fruin- Mees, W. PIETER FRANSSEN'S Journaal van zijn Reis naar Mataram in I630 en eenige wegen naar de hofplaats. Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 66, 395-422, 1926. isis

Lescarbot, Marc. Nova Francia: a description of Acadia, i6o6. Translated by P. ERONDELLE, I609. (The Broadway Travellers, edited by Sir E. DENISON Ross and EILEEN POWER). XXXI + 346 P. London, ROUTLEDGE, 1928. ISIS

(Manrique, Fray Sebastien). Travels of FRAY SEBASTI1N MANRIQUE, I629-I643: a translation of the Itinerario de las missiones orientales, with introduction and notes by Lt. Col. C. ECKFORD LUARD assisted by Father H. HOSTEN. Vol. I. Arakan. LXVI + 450 P., 6 maps, 3 plates, Oxford, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1927. ISIS

MANRIQUE (C. 1587-I669) was a Portuguese missionary whose principal labors were carried out in Arakan (Burma) and Hindustan. His book, here translated and edited with extensive notes, gives a picture of life and travel in India at the time of the Mogul Empire. J. K. W.

Neuburger, Max. WILLIAM HARVEY. Gedenkworte anlasslich seines 350. Geburtstages. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, Nr. i6; I2 P., 1928. ISIS

Pelsaert, Francisco. JAHANGIR'S India; the Remonstrantie of FRAN- CISCO PELSAERT, translated from the Dutch by W. H. MORELAND, and P. GEYL. XVII + 88 p. Cambridge, W. HEFFER, 1925. ISIS

Reviewed by L. D. BARNETT, J7ournal Royal Asiatic Society, 158-I60, 1926. A report to the Dutch East India Co., written in i626.

(Staden, Hermann von, editor). ADAM OLEARIUS. Die erste deutsche Expedition nach Persien (I635-I639). (Alte Reisen und Abenteuer, 20). 159 p., maps, ills. Leipzig. BROCKHAUS, 1927. ISIS

Brief introduction followed by excerpts from the book of OLEARIUS, who served as secretary and counsellor of an embassy sent to Persia by Duke FREDERICK III of Holstein-Gottorp. J. K. W.

D. - Medical sciences.

Celli-Fraentzel, Anna. Die Malaria im I7. Jahrhundert in Rom

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Xviith CENT. 449

und in der Campagna, im Lichte zeitgen6ssischer Anschauungen. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 101-119, 1928. ISIS

Apropos of ANGELO CELLI'S memoir (Rome, 1925) reviewed in Isis, 9, zi i. G.S.

Mercier, Raoul. Presentation d'un calcul vesical enleve6 en i6io, par GIRAULT, au Marechal ALPHONSE D 'ORNANO. Bul. Soc. Fr. d'Hist. Mid., 21, 3I6-320, 2 fig., 1927. ISIS

Papillault, G. L'origine de REN1 DESCARTES, de son orientation me- dicale et de ses tendances philosophiques. Bull. Soc. Fr. d'Hist. Mdd., 21, 377-393, portrait, 1927. ISIS

E. - Alia.

(Bacon, Francls). The essayes or counsels civill and morall of FRANCIS, Lord VERULAM, Viscount St. Alban. I98 p. London, Cresset Press, 1928. ISIS

Boutroux, E. Des verites eternelles chez DESCARTES. These latine, traduite par CANGUILHEM. (Bibliothe1que de Philosophie contemporaine). XL + 146 p. Paris, ALCAN, 1927. ISIS

Ca ori, Florian. ROBERT BURTON'S horoscope and the date of his birth. Popular Astronomy, 36, 3 p., I pl., January 1928. ISIS

Concluding from the study of BURTON'S horoscope and its comparison with others that the author of the Anatomy of Melancholy was born in 1577

(not I576, 1578). G. S.

Collett, Henry. Little Gidding: and its founder. An account of the religious community established by NICHOLAS FERRAR (1592-I637)

in the seventeenth century. 63 p. London, S. P. C. K., 1925.


Guibert, Joseph. Le cabinet d'estampes de la Bibliotheque nationale, histoire des collections, suivie d'un guide du chercheur. 270 p., illustr. Paris, M. LE GARREC, 1926. ISIS

JACQUES DuPuY (I586-I656) fut le cr6ateur du cabinet d'estampes vers I650, en faisant etendre aux estampes l'obligation du d6pot legal institue en 1537 pour les livres. L. G.

Gurvitch, Georges. La philosophie du droit de HUGO GROTIUS et la theorie moderne du droit international. Revue de mdtaphysique et de morale, 34, 365-91, 1927.

Hale- White, Sir William. BACON, GILBERT, and HARvEy: being the

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450 xviith CENT.

Harveian oration, delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London, October i8, 1927. 54 p. London, BALE, SONS and DANIELS-

SON, 1927. ISIS

Kienast, R. JOHANN VALENTIN ANDREAE und die vier echten Rosen- kreutzer-Schriften. (Palaestra, 152). VIII + 248 p. Leipzig, MAYER und MULLER, 1926. ISIS

This is an elaborate study, which is so important that I think it worth while to reproduce vetbatim the conclusions relative to the earliest Rosicrucian literature.

(( i. ANDREAE bekennt sich nur als Verfasser der Hochzeit; er hat also seinen Anteil an der Rosenkreutzerei zugegeben und sich dadurch den m6glichen iiblen Folgen, die auch nicht ausgeblieben sind, ausgesetzt. Dass er den Rosenkreutzer-Schriften als Wissender gegenuiberstand, geht aus seinen iubrigen Ausserungen iiber die Bruderschaft hervor. Ein Grund, die Verfasserschaft von Fama und Confession zu verschweigen, wenn sie den Tatsachen entsprach, lag nicht vor. Sein Schweigen iiber den oder die Verfasser kann also nur die Riicksicht auf einen oder mehrere Freunde sein. Das stellt ihm ein sehr ehrendes Zeugnis aus und passt auch sonst zu dem, was wir von seinem Charakter wissen.

2. Die Untersuchung von Sprache und Stil ANDREAES, die ihre ausge- sprochene Eigenart haben, liess zwischen der Hochzeit und den uibrigen RC.-Schriften so wesentliche Unterschiede erkennen, dass mit Sicherheit zu behaupten ist, ANDREAE habe nur die Hochzeit, nicht aber Fama und Confession verfasst.

3. Der Ideengehalt der drei echten RC.-Schriften ist so gleichartig, dass derselbe leitende Gedanke iuberall klar zu Tage tritt. Die Interpretation hat im einzelnen diese gemeinsamen Zuge aufgezeigt. Der Kern der Rosen- kreutzer-Idee ist: Vereinheitlichung der neuen naturwissenschaftlichen Weltanschauung und der Religion im Sinne eines papstfreien, verinnerlichten Christentums. Kampf gegen die alchymistischen Auswiichse dieser Welt- anschauung. Erkenntnis der Notwendigkeit innerer Umkehr zu frommem und gerechtem Leben. - Dazu kommt fur die Confession: tberzeugung vom baldigen Eintritt des Weltendes. - Diese Idee wird gepredigt in dem anregenden Gewande einer mystischen Bruderschaft, die jedermann ohne Unterschied des Standes zum Beitritt auffordert. Die Personen der fruheren Ordensmitglieder sind fingiert; der Frater ROSENKREUTZ ist ganz offenbar Andreaesche Erfindung. Eine seiner himmlischen Visionen ist die (( Chymische Hochzeit CHRISTIANI ROSENKREUTZ anno I459 )).

4. Die Abfassung der Hochzeit fillt nach Vita p. io und dem im Anhang I, 3 mitgeteilten Breviarium vitae in das Jahr I605; fur die Abfassungszeit der Fama haben wir als terminus ad quem das Jahr I604.

5. ANDREAE geh6rte in dieser Zeit einem Tiibinger Kreise an, dessen geistiges Haupt CHRISTOPH BESOLD war.

6.. BESOLD ist der Ubersetzer von TRAjANo BOCCALINIs General-Reformation. Die Tendenz dieser Satire ist: alle aiusseren oder von aussen herangetragenen Reformen scheitern; nur die innere Umwandlung, die Wiedergeburt, kann helfen. Also eine Tendenz, die zu der esoterischen Einstellung der Rosen- kreutzer-Schriften trefflich passte.

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xviith CENT. (2 ) 451

7. Diese Schriften haben noch vor ihrer Drucklegung in 6sterreichischen ULndern handschriftlich kursiert.

8. Im Jahre I614 erscheinen zu Cassel: Die General-reformation, die Fama und die Antwort HASELMEYERS.

9. Im Jahre i615 erscheinen bei demselben Drucker: Die Fama und die Confession, diese lateinisch und deutsch.

io. Der Frankfurter Druck von I615 ist offenbar ein Nachdruck, der (aus geschaiftlichen Griinden ?) alle drei Schriften zusammen verdffentlicht. Ihm folgt der echte Casseler Druck von i6i6.

iI. Von der Chymischen Hochzeit erscheinen 3 Drucke im Jahre i6i6 zu Strassburg.

I 2. Damit sind die Veroffentlichungen der Bruderschaft zu Ende. Es fallen gelegentlich Andeutungen ANDREAES und BESOLDS ilber die Sache, die so weite Kreise gezogen hatte: aber nie mehr tritt eine Rosenkreutzer- schrift des ehemaligen Tilbinger Freundesbundes auf den Plan.

I3. Was ausserdem in 17. und in der zweiten Hailfte des i8. Jahrhunderts unter der Flagge der Rosenkreutzer segelt, hat mit der alten echten Rosen- kreutzerei nichts zu tun. Es bleibt ausserhalb des Rahmens unserer Unter- suchung.)) G. S.

XVIIth Century (second half).

A. - Mathematics.

Bos mans, Henri (S. J.) ANDR1 TACQUET (S. J.) et son traite d'(( Arith- metique theorique et pratique. )) Isis, 9, 66-82, 2 P1., 1927. ISIS

ANDRA TACQUET (n6 et mort a Anvers, i6I2-6o) fut professeur de math& matiques 'a l'Universite de Louvain. C'6tait un esprit profond et original qui publia plusieurs ouvrages. Le (" Trait6 d'Arithmetique )), ici analys6, parut en I656; il contient un th6oreme int6ressant sur les progressions infinies, qui fut publi6 la mrme ann6e par WALLIS dans son Arithmetica infinitorum. Sur TACQUET voir une autre etude du P. BOSMANS (I925; Isis 8, 550) et I'article de F. CAJORI (A curious mathematical title page, 1922;Isis 5, 228). G. S.

Bosmans, Henri (S. J.) Sur un exemplaire de la premiere edition de l'Arithmetica theoria et praxis, d'ANDRIM TACQUET, S. J. (Lovanii, Cyp. Coenesteniusa, I656). Annales de la Soci6te'scientifique de Bruxelles, 47 (sc. mathem.) 39-42, 1927. ISIS

Bosmans, Henri. S. J. (1852-1928). La ((logistique)) de GILLES-

FRANSOIS DE GOTTIGNIES, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Revue des Questions scientifiques, 215-244, mars 1928. Isis

GILLES FRANCOIS DE GOTTIGNIES naquit 'a Bruxelles en I630; eleve d'ANDRfi

TACQUET (Isis, 9, 66-82) a Louvain; admis dans la Compagnie de J6sus en qualite de novice en I653; professeur de math6matiques au College Romain, a Rome; il mourut 'a Rome en i689. Son premier ouvrage fut Astronomiae epistolae duae (Bologne, I665) en collaboration avec DOMINIQUE CASSINI;

il 6crivit plusieurs autres ouvrages consacr6s a l'astronomie et aux math6ma- tiques. Le pr6sent travail est consacre a ses quatre ouvrages sur la logistique,

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452 xviith CENT. (2)

notamment: i. Logistica minor (Rome, I675); 2. Arithmetica introductio (Rome, I676); 3. Clavis logisticae (Rome, I679); et Logistica universalis (Naples, I687). (( Du haut d'une des chaires de mathematiques les plus celebres, il s'attacha 'a faire triompher cette these: que l'Algebre - n'epiloguons plus sur le mot Logistique - tait une science independante, qui devait s'edifier sur ses propres fondements, en ne supposant connus que les principes de l'Arithmetique elementaire: principes qu'il resuma, pour atteindre ce but, dans son Arithmetica introductio. )) G. S.

Brasch, Frederick E. Report of the meeting and exhibition com- memorating the bicentenary of the death of Sir IsAAc NEWTON. Popular Astronomy, 36, 14 p., Jan. 1928. ISIS

Apropos of the meeting organized by the History of Science Society and other scientific societies in New York, Nov. 25-26, 192'7. G. S.

Brasch, Frederick E. Sir ISAAC NEWTON'S bicentenary. Isis 9, 427, 1927. ISIS

Announcing the New York bicentennial celebration of November I927.

Broad, Charlie Dunbar. Sir IsAAc NEWTON. Annual Lecture on a master mind. Henriette Hertz Trust of the British Academy. 32 p. London, MILFORD, 1927. (2 S). Isis

Brief account of NEWTON'S life and of his scientific achievements, sub- divided into optical (4 p.) and non-optical (i2 p.) G. S.

Brodetsky, Selig. Sir IsAAc NEWTON: a brief account of his life and work. xii + I62 p., I map, IO diagr., portrait. London, METHUEN, I927. ISIS

L'auteur de ce charmant petit livre a rdussi 'a marier une bonne biographie de NEWTON, Oil sa personnalitd est nette, et un exposd clair de son activite creatrice. Livre parfait pour les etudiants, meme s'ils n'ont qu'une vague teinture scientifique. L. G.

Cajori, Florian. Madame DU CH'ATELET on fluxions. Mathematical Gazette, 13, 252, December 1926. Isis

Mahnke, Dietrich. LEIBNIz als Begriinder der symbolischen Mathe- matik. Isis 9, 278-293, 1927. ISIS

Completing CAJORI's article in Isis 7, 412-29, 1925. LEIBNIZ must be considered the founder of symbolic mathematics. Very elaborate demonstra- tion partly based upon unpublished Mss. See also Isis 9, i6o. G. S.

(Newton, Isaac). Frontispiece to vol. 9 of Isis, 1927. ISIS

Portrait of IsAAc NEWTON to celebrate the second centenary of his death at Kensington on the 20th of March, 1727. Reproduction of a mezzotint by JAMES MACARDELL (Dublin, c. I729 - Hampsread 1765) after the painting by ENOCH SEEMAN (Dantzig I694 - London, I744). This reproduction was

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xviith CENT. (2) 453

made after the admirable copy in the collection of DAVID EUGENE SMITH, New York.

Pullin, V. E. Sir ISAAC NEWTON: a biographical sketch. (Benn's Six- penny Library, no. 140). 8o p. London, BENN, 1927.

Snow, A. J. The r6le of mathematics and hypothesis in NEWTON'S physics. Scientia, 42, 1-10, 1927; trad. fran9., id.,suppl., I-IO. iSIS

B. - Physical sciences and technology.

Allen, H. S. JAMES GREGORY, JOHN COLLINS, and some early scientific instruments. Nature, 121, 456, 1928. ISIS

Davis, Tenney L. KUNCKEL and the early history of phosphorus. Journal of ChemicalEducation, 4, 1105-1113, September l927. ISIS

In his posthumous Laboratorium Chymicum, 17I6, JOHANN KUNCKEL gives a racy narrative of his adventures with BALDUIN, who had discovered the phosphorescence of calcium nitrate, and with BRAND of Hamburg, who had prepared phosphorus from urine but had refused to disclose the method of its preparation. KUNCKEL proceeded to discover the method for himself, and in the following year, I678, published an Oeffentliche Zuschrifft von dem Phosphoro Mirabili, etc., in which he described the astonishing properties of phosphorus but did not tell how the material could be made. The pre- paration of phosphorus seems first to have been made public by ROBERT BOYLE in a paper deposited with the Royal Society in I68o but not published until i682. T. L. D.

Green-Armytage, R. N. MILES BLOMEFIELD, English alchemist (I525-

I574). Answer 4, Isis 9, 112, 1927. ISIS

Kle mm, Friedr. Die Friihgeschichte der barometrischen H6hen- messung. Opt. Rundschau, 17, Nrn. 14, i6, 17, I8, 1926 (not seen).


Rosenfeld, L. La theorie des couleurs de NEWTON et ses adversaires. Isis, 9, 44-65, 1927. ISIS

Cette etude des controverses auxquelles la th6orie des couleurs donna lieu est d'un grand int6r6t, non seulement du point de vue historique ou biographique, mais aussi du point de vue m6thodologique. Elle est bas6e sur les sources. G. S.

Thorndike, Lynn. Measurement of mountain altitudes. (Query 7). Isis, 9, 425-6, I927. ISIS

C. - Natural sciences.

Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso (I608-79). Die Bewegung der Tiere. Ueber-

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454 xviith CENT. (2)

setzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von MAx MENGERINGHAUSEN.

70 S., 28 Fig., auf 2 Taf. Ostwald's Klassiker, No. 221. Leipzig, Akad. Verlagsgesellschaft, 1927. ISIS

Dans son De Motu Animalium (I679), GIOVANNI ALFONSO BORELLI tente le premier essai d'explication des mouvements des membres, des mouve- ments respiratoires et circulatoires, par les lois de la mecanique. C'est dire l'importance de ce texte. L. G.

(Chardin, Sir John). Sir JOHN CHARDIN'S Travels in Persia. With an introduction by Sir PERCY SYKES. XXX + 287 P., ills. London, Argonaut Press, 1927. ISIS

Handsome reprint of a two-volume edition of the travels of Sir JOHN

CHARDIN (I643-17I3) hitherto little known to bibliophiles. This edition was published in 1720 and contains only a portion of CHARDIN'S complete works. It includes, however, much data of historical interest on the Persian court of the period, as well as a detailed description of the country and its people. J. K. W.

Daulier-Deslandes, Andre, (Vendomois, fl. i664), The beauties of Persia. 41 p. London, Persia Society, c. 1927. ISIS

Translation of a French work originally published in Paris I673 Les beautez de la Perse ...par le sieur A. D. D. V.

Deherain, Henri. Le voyage de FRANyoIs LEGUAT dans l'Ocean Indien (I690-I698), est-il imaginaire ? Buclletin de la Section de Geographie, Ministere de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux Arts, 4I, 159-I77,

1926. Isis

On the basis of documents preserved in the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope DEHERAIN establishes the authenticity of LEGUAT'S voyage, which has been disputed by GEOFFROY ATKINSON. See also VIVIELLE, below J.K.W.

James, T. E. MARCELLO MALPIGHI (I628-I694). Nature, 12I, 358-9, 1928. Isis

Steck, Francis Borgia. The JOLLIET-MARQUETTE expedition, I673. (The Catholic University of America, Studies in American Church History, vol. 6). xii + 325 p., bibliography. Washington, The Catholic University of America, I927. ISIS

(Teonge, Henry). The diary of HENRY TEONGE, chaplain on board H. M.'s ships Assistance, Bristol, and Royal Oak, I675-I679. Tran- scribed from the original manuscript and edited, with an introduction and notes, by G. E. MANWARING. (The Broadway Travellers.) x + 3I8 p., 8 pl. London, GEORGE ROUTLEDGE, 1927. ISIS

Original edition, London I825.

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xvIIth CENT. (2) 455

Vivielle, J. L'1enigme du voyage de FRAN9OIS LEGUAT ' l'Ile Rodrigues. Bulletin de la Section de Giographie, Ministere de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts, 41, I47-158, 1926. ISIS

GEOFFROY ATKINSON in ((The extraordinary voyage in French literature from 1700 to 1720 )), Paris, 1922 (Isis 9, i62), attempts to prove that the Voyage et Avantures de FRANgOIS LEGUAT et de ses compagnons en deux isles desertes des Indes Orientales, first published in 1708 and hitherto accepted as an authentic record, is pure fiction. On the basis of documents not known to ATKINSON, Commandant VIVIELLE argues that the narrative is based on historical fact. See also DEHARAIN, above. J. K. W.

D. - Medical sciences.

Carvalho, Silva. La liqueur stiptique de WEBER. Bul. Soc. Fr. Hist. Mid., 21, 282-286, 1927. ISIS

Koerbler, Georges. L'origine de GIORGIo BAGLIVI. Bul. Soc. Fr. Hist. Mid., 21, 321-322, 1927. ISIS

D'apres son propre temoignage, il est ne 'a Raguse en i668. G. S.

Razzauti, Alberto. FRANCESCO REDI e la scoperta della patogenesi della scabbia (con documento inedito). R. di storia d. se. med. e natur., i8, I 67-:192, I1927. ISIS

Dans 1'histoire de la decouverte de l'agent de la galle, REDI n'a eu que le m6rite d'etre l'excitateur des recherches; l'honneur de la d6couverte doit aller concuremment a DIACINTO CESTONI et G. CosIMo BONOMO. L. G.

Ries man, David. THOMAS SYDENHAM, clinician. 52 p., New York, PAUL B. HOEBER, 1926. Isis

Sonnie-Moret, P. La marquise de SEVIGNA, une amie de la m6decine, ennemie des medecins. I626-I926. I24 p. Paris, BAILLiRE, I926. ISIS

E. - Alia.

Baratono, Adelchi. L'unita di SPINOZA. Riv. difilosofia, i8, 205-I6, 1I927. ISIS

Le fascicule entier de juillet-septembre I927 de la Rivista di filosofia, qui porte en sous-titre: BENEDETTO SPINOZA, nel CCL anno dalla morte (MDCXXXII-MDCLXXVII) est consacr6 a SPINOZA. II renferme, outre l'ar- ticle ci-dessus mentionn6, les etudes suivantes: LUIGI FOSSATI: SPINOZA e la critica moderna della Bibbia (2I5-32); - CESARE GORETTI: II trattato politico di SPINOZA (233-47); - PIERO MARTINETTI: Modi primitivi e derivati, infiniti e finiti (248-6I); - RODOLFO MONDOLFO: SPINOZA e la nozione del progresso umano (267-66); - ANNIBALE PASTORE: I1 principio del metodo sperimentale nella filosofia di SPINOZA (266-72); - ADOLFO RAVA: Le opere di SPINOZA (273-3 I6); - GIOLE SOLARI : La dottrina del contratto sociale

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456 xviith (2) TO xviiith CENT.

in SPINOZA (3I7-53); - GIUSEPPE TAROZZI : La necessita spinoziana e il determinismo contemporaneo (354-60); - EMILIO VILLA: La conversione di SPINOZA (commento alle prime pagine del (( De intellectus emendatione ))) (36I-9); - ADOLFO RAvA : Bibliografia delli scritti italiani relativi a BENEDETTO SPINOZA pubblicati fino al 250 anniversario della sua morte (55 Nos, 370-5).

Brown, John (1830- ). JOHN BUNYAN (i628-i688); his life, times, and work. The tercentenary edition revised by FRANK MOTT HARRISON.

With marginal notes, addenda and appendices. XXIV + 515 p. London, Hulbert Publishing Co., 1928. Isis

Original edition, London i885.

Hubert, Rend. Revue critique de quelques ouvrages relatifs 'a la philo- sophie de MALEBRANCHE. Revue d'histoire de la philosophie, I, 269-93, 1927. ISIS

Examen des travaux de VICTOR DELBOS: Etude sur la philosophie de MALEBRANCHE, XXX + 340 p., Paris, BLOUD et GAY, 1924; de J. VIDGRAIN:

Le christianisme dans la philosophie de MALEBRANCHE, XXX + 429 p. ALCAN,

1925; et des ouvrages de H. GOUHIER signal6s in Isis, 9, 522. L. G.

Jordan, George Jefferis. The reunion of the churches: a study of G. W. LEIBNITZ and his great attempt. VIII + 252 p. London, CON- STABLE, 1927. ISIS

Schlesinger, Ludwig. SPINOZA und EINSTEIN. Scientia, 42, 253-62,

1927; traduc. fran~., id., supplem., II5-122. ISIS

XVIIIth Century (whole and first half).

A. - Mathematics.

Pasquier, L. Gustave du. LIONARD EULER et ses amis. x + 126 P., avec un portrait d'EULER. J. HERMANN, Paris, 1927 (22 fr.).


GUSTAVE DU PASQUIER, qui prend une part active 'a l'edition des Oeuvres

completes D'EULER entreprise par la Soci6t6 helv6tique des sciences naturelles (Isis, I, 244-5; 2, I65-6; 23 vol. parus de I9I0 oa 1927 sur 69 que doit com- prendre l'ensemble : 28 vol. pour les math6matiques pures, 27 pour les travaux de mecanique et d'astronomie, 7 pour la physique, 4 pour la corespondance et 3 pour les ((divers ))), nous donne ici une bonne biographie, et un apercu extremenemt condens6 de l'ceuvre de ce savant, un des plus grands savants de tous les temps. Bonne biographie certes, mais malheureusement un peu confuse, a cause pr6cis6ment des details qu'elle renferme sur les amis d'EULER, les BERNOULLI (DANIEL, NICOLAS II, JEAN II), MAUPERTUIS, d'ALEMBERT,

FREDERIC II, etc. - on a presque une biographie pour chacun d'eux - et des digressions sur JACQUES HERMANN, CHRISTIAN GOLDBACH, sur 1IAcad6mie de Berlin, la Grande CATHERINE, etc. La vie d'EULER commandait l'ordonnance

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xviiith CENT. 457

du livre : i. EULER a BAle (I707-27); 2. Le premier s6jour 'a Saint P6tersbourg (I727-4I); 3. EULER 'a Berlin (I74I-66); 4. Second s6jour i Saint P6tersbourg (I766-83); 5. Le caractbre de LeONARD EULER; 6. Apergu de l'ceuvre scienti- fique d'EULER. L. G.

Petronievics, Branislav. Sur les nombres infinis de FONTENELLE.

Rendiconti d. R. Accademia deiLincei, sc.fis., 26, 309-I6, 1917. ISIS ((Le premier essai d'une th6orie rationnelle des nombres infinis a 6te

fait par B. FONTENELLE dans ses 1le'ments de la G6ometrie de l'Infini (I727).

Que cette th6orie soit pleine de contradictions, la critique l'a bientot relev6. Mais qu'elle possede une valeur historique incontestable, compar6e avec les deux th6ories modernes des nombres infinis, celle de G. CANTOR et celles de G. VERONESE, c'est ce que je me propose de montrer dans cette Note.))

B. - Physical sciences and technology.

Lippzmann, Edmund 0. von. Bibliographische Berichtigungen, I. Die Deutsche Zuckerindustrie, S. IO98, 1927. ISIS

Niemand wusste vor MARGGRAF (1747), dass in der Riiber Zucker vorhanden ist. G. S.

Metzger, He1ene. La theorie de la composition des sels et la theorie de la combustion d'apres STAHL et ses disciples. Isis, 9, 294-325,

1927. ISIS

(( Les deux parties les plus importantes de la doctrine de STAHL, celles qui ont symbolise aux yeux du XVIIIe siecle l'apport original de la nouvelle ecole de chimie allemande, sont la th6orie des sels et la th6orie de la com- bustion. Ces theories, comme toutes celles qui concernent la philosophie de la matiere, ne se pr6sentent a nous ni comme un d6calque pur et simple de l'exp6rience ainsi que le voudrait 1'empirisme, ni comme le developpement de principes rationnels pos6s a priori ainsi que l'exigerait le cart6sianisme; elles r6sulteraient plut8t d'une r6flexion de l'intelligence sur 1'ensemble de l'exp6rience, en sorte que, bien que leurs cons6quences soient v6rifi6es dans les grandes lignes par les observations faites au laboratoire, elles ne puissent jamais directement 8tre soumises 'a la demonstration brutale des faits; l'anecdote suivante, en meme temps qu'elle met en lumiere ce caractere souvent inaper9u de la m6thode employ6e par STAHL, montre que la th6orie du phlogistique semblait, d6s 1'6poque de sa formation, beaucoup plus satis- faisante que la th6orie des sels... )) 4 plates.

C. Natural sciences.

Burpee, Lawrence J. Journals and letters of PIERRE GAULTIER DE

VARENNES DE LA V]RENDRYE and his sons: with correspondence between the governors of Canada and the French court, touching the search of the Western Sea (Publications of the Champlain Society). XXIII + 548 p., maps, bibliogr., index. Toronto, The Champlain Society, 1927. ISIS

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458 xviiith CENT.

The French texts (with English translations, notes, and a scholarly intro- duction), of the documents relating to these important eighteenth century explorations to the northwest and west of Lake Superior. Mr. BURPEE thinks it probable that (( the mountains sighted (on the expedition of 1742-I743)

were the Black Hills rather than the main range of the Rockies... )) J. K. W.

Bushnell, David I., jr. Drawings by A. DE BATZ in Louisiana, 1732-

1735. 14 P., with six plates. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 80, no. 5. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1927. ISIS

Drawings of Indian life. ((The work of DE BATZ in the lower Mississippi Valley compares with that of JACQUES LEMOYNE DE MORGUES in Florida, and of JOHN WHITE in Virginia, during, the latter part of the i6th century. And although the drawings were made by DE BATZ at a much later day, the natives with whom he came in contact were no less primitive in their manners and ways of life; consequently the three groups of pictures are of equal interest and importance. The six pictures now reproduced are in the private collection of the author. ))

Defoe, Daniel (I66I-I73I). A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain. With maps by HERMANN MOLL. Introduction by G. D H. COLE. Two volumes. London, PETER DAVIES, I927. ISIS

First edition, London, printed and sold by G. STRATHAM, 3 vols., I724-27.

Hutton, C. A. The travels of 'Palmyra' WOOD in I750-5I. The 7Jurnal of Hellenic Studies, 67, IO2-I28, I927. ISIS

ROBERT WOOD (17I6-I77I) witli two Englishmen made a long tour in

the Levant in 1750-I75. (( This paper deals only with the contents of the diaries and sketch-books, the value of which lies... in the careful records of the ancient sites visited. )) J. K. W.

Neander, Gustav. LINNE1 und die Lungenschwindsucht. Janus 31, 387-404, I927. ISIS

Neves, Hermano. 0 livro de BERNARDO SANTUCCI, e a ((Anatomia corporis humani)) de VERHEYEN. Contribuicao para o estudo da obra do anatomico cortonense. Arquivo de Anatomia e Antropologia, fundado e dirigido pelo H. DE VILHENA, IO, 3 I5-346, 6 fig., Lisboa, I926, I927. ISIS

Apropos of SANTUCCI'S Anatomnia do corpo humano published in Lisbon, I739, which the author shows was largely derived, not to say plagiarized, text and figures, from VERHIEYEN'S Anatomia corporis humanis (Naples edition, I734). SANTUCCI'S figures are similar to those of VERHEYEN's as they would

be seen in a mirror. G. S.

Reaumur, Rene Antoine Ferchault de. The natural history of ants. From an unpublished manuscript in the Archives of the Academy

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XviiIth CENT. 459

of Sciences of Paris. Translated and annotated by WILLIAM MORTON

WHEELER. XVII + 28o p., portrait. New-York, A. KNOPF, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, IsiS 9, 445-7, I1927.

D. - Medical sciences.

Baragar, C. A. JOHN WESLEY and medicine. Annals of Medical History, IO, 59-65, I928. ISIS

(( ...Few, even of medical men, know that in the midst of a busy itinerant life he wrote and published a treatise on medicine, a booklet couched in such simple language as to be easily understood by the unlettered poor and yet in the treatment prescribed in accord with that of the foremost physicians of his day and in some of its definitions delightfully succinct and clear. The great number of editions and reprints published between I747 and the middle of the nineteenth century are ample evidence of its popular success. )

Boerhaave, Hermann. Briefe an JOHANN BAPTISTE BASSAND in Wien. Ausgewahlt und eingeleitet von ERNST DARMSTAEDTER. Mit Bild und Brieffaksimile. Muinchen, Miinchner Drucke, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by F. M. G. DE FEYFER, Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis der genees- kunde, 8, I04-5, I928.

(Boerhaave). Wallach, Emil. HERMANN BOERHAAVE 's Abhandlung iuber eine zweite todliche und sehr seltene Krankheit (Geschwulst der Brusth6le) ((Atrocis rarissimique morbi historia altera conscripta ab HERMANNO BOERI-IAAVE Lugduni Batavorum 1728)) ins Deutsche iibertragen .Janus, 31, 152-i69, 1927. ISIS

Voir Isis, 8, 56o, pour une pr&ccdente traduction de WALLACH.

Boldrini, Boldrino. Per la storia della medicina legale italiana: FRANCESCO EMANUELO CANGIAMILA e la sua Embriologia sacra. Riv. di storia d. sc. med. e natur., i8, 237-44, 1927. ISIS

FR. E. CANGIAMILA (Palermo, 1702-I763). L'Embriologia sacra ..... libri quattro est de I745 (Palermo). L. G.

Feyfer, F. M. G. de. Overheidszorg bij hondsdolheid in de achttiende eeuw. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, 109-I I I, 1928.


Hoffmann, Friedrich. Wie man manche schwere Krankheit durch Massigkeit und Fasten kurieren kann. Mit einem Vorwort von SCH6NENBERGER, neu herausg. von RICHARD KAPFERER. VIII + 44 S. Bad Harzburg, Jungborn-Verlag R. JUST, 1926. Isis


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460 xviiith CENT.

Jenkins, E. H. JARED ELIOT, a pastor-physician of the eighteenth century, Annals of Medical History, IO, 25-33, I928. ISIS

JARED ELIOT was a grandson of JOHN ELIOT, an Englishman who came to Boston in I63I, was minister for fifty years in Roxbury and apostle to the Indians. JARED was born in Guilford, I685; he died in 1763. G. S.

Koerbler, Georges. Un merdecin de Raguse 'a la cour autrichienne. Bul. Soc. Fr. Hist. Mid., 2I, 303-o6, I927. ISIS

I1 s'agit de PETAR BIANCHI, mort en 1747 'a Vienne. G. S.

Martin, Alfred. Experimentelle tbertragung der Pest im Jahre I722.

Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 98, I928. ISIS

Miranda, Joao Cardoso de. Prodigiosa lagosa descuberta nas Con- gonhas das minas de Sabara, que tem curado a varias pessoas dos achaques, que nesta Relaqao se expoem. Reimpressao deste raris- simo opu'sculo precedida por um estudo bio-bibliografico sobre a abra e o seu autor, pelo AUGUSTO DA SILVA CARVALHO. XXVIII +

30 p., Imprensa da Universidade, Coimbra, 1925. ISIS

Cet opuscule, publi6 'a Lisbonne sans nom d'auteur en 1749, et qui traite de l'eau naturellement min6ralis6e d'un lac dit Lagoa Grande, assez voisin de la ville de Sabara, dans l'etat de Minas Geraes, et des effets curatifs de cette eau, est attribu6 par CARVALHO, qui en donne une r6impression, 'a JOAO CARDOSO DE MIRANDA, recu chirurgien 'a Lisbonne le 27 mai 1722, et que l'on trouve 'a Bahia des 1726. L. G.

Schevensteen, A. C. F. van. Une consultation de la faculte de medecine de Louvain au sujet de la lepre a Anvers au debut du xvIIIe siecle. Janus 31, 286-293, I927. ISIS

Schotten, Heinrich. CHRISTIAN ANDREAS COTHENIUS (I708-89). Leo- poldina, 2, 199-222, 1926. ISIS

E. - Alia.

Bila, Constantin. La croyance 'a la magie au XVIIIe siecle en France dans les contes, romans et traites. i6o p. Paris, GAMBER, 1925. ISIS

Physionomie g6n6rale du xvIII0 siZecle. Definition de la magie. Le proc6d& magique. La variEt6 de la magie. Doctrines. De la divination. La discussion sur les ph6nombnes magiques. Le mal6fice. Alchimie. Astrologie. La magie dans les romans et les contes. La magie et la Franc-maconnerie. Conclusions. Le fait de la croyance i la magie. Ses causes. La lutte contre cette superstition. Bibliographie.

Croce, Benedetto. Die Philosophie GIAMBATTISTA VIcoS. Nach der

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xviiith CENT. (2) 46I

zweite Auflage iibersetzt von ERICH AUERBACH und THEODOR LUCKE.

XI + 266 p. Tuibingen, J. B. C. MOHR, I927. ISIS Italian edition, Bari, 1922; English translation, New York and London, 1913.

Hadjibeyli, Djeyhoun bey. Un historien azerbaidjanien du debut du xviiie siecle: ABBAS KOULI AGHA BAKHIKHANOFF. Journal Asia- tique, vol. 207, I49-I57, I925. ISIS

XVIIIth Century (second half).

B. - Physical sciences and technology.


Archeion, Arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, 35 I-63, I927. ISIS

VOLTA et SCARPA furent tous deux professeurs a Pavie; l'auteur evoque le voyage qu'ils firent ensemble i Vienne et en Allemagne en 1784, donne des extraits de lettres de l'un et de l'autre, et traite des applications de la pile voltaique A la medicine. L. G.

Carnegie, Andrew. (I835-I9I9). JAMES WATT: die Lebensgeschichte des Erfinders der Dampfmaschine. tYbersetzt von JOSEPH GRABISCH.

(Wege zum Wissen, Band 87). I23 p. Berlin, ULLSTEIN, I927. ISIS

Cau, Giovanni. ALESSANDRO VOLTA; luomo; la sua scienza; il suo tempo. 2i6 p., i6 pl. h. texte; AGNELLI, Milano, I927. ISIS

Ouvrage de vulgarisation publie a l'occasion du centenaire de VOLTA (1745, 02, 18-1827,03,05). Trois parties: 1'6lectricit6 avant VOLTA [des erreurs historiques, dont certaines sont de taille: l'auteur confond par ex. p. 17

en une seule personne VON KLEIST qui decouvre en I 745 la condensation de l'e1ectricite par le procede de l'induction, et CUNAEUS qui fait, indepen- demment, l'annee suivante, la meme experience a Leyde (bouteille de Leyde)]; - VOLTA et son temps: jeunesse heureuse; maturit6 illustre; vieillesse noble; les decouvertes de VOLTA avant la pile; la pile; depuis la pile; - l'lectricite depuis VOLTA. - Des portraits de GALVANI, P. VAN MUSSCHENBROEK sont

bien inutiles dans un ouvrage consacr6 a VOLTA. Aucune indication biblio- graphique. L. G.

Cau, Giovanni. ALESSANDRO VOLTA et son temps. Rev. scientif., 27-08-I927, 48I-7. ISIS

Doublet, E. Le baron de MARIVETZ (I728-94). Proces-verbaux des seances de la Socijte' des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux, Annee I924-25, I5-I8, I926. ISIS

Fabietti, Ettore. ALESSANDRO VOLTA. 256 p., i8 pl. Milano, A. MON-


Livre populaire, plein d'un souffle ardent, ccrit a l'occasion du centenaire

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462 xviiith CENT. (2)

de la mort de VOLTA par un poete qui n'a pas voulu autre chose que faire revivre devant nous la personne physique et morale d'un des savants dont l'Italie est le plus fiere. Il y a r6ussi. L. G.

Janet, Paul. Discours prononce au Congres international des physiciens tenu en commemoration du centenaire de la mort de ALESSANDRO

VOLTA, associe etranger de l'Academie des sciences, a Come, Lom- bardie, le dimanche, ii septembre 1927. 9 p. Paris, Palais de l'In- stitut, I 927. ISIS

Lewton, Frederick L. SAMUEL SLATER and the oldest cotton machinery in America. Smithsonian Reportfor 1926, 505-51I, 3 plates, Washing- ton, 1927. ISIS

((The machines now in the National Museum, a carding engine and a spinning frame of 48 spindles, are two of the five machines built by SAMUEL SLATER and started in operation by him on December 20, I790.))

Menschutkin, B. N. A Russian physical chemist of the eighteenth century. (MICHAEL VASILIEVIc LoMONOSOV). Journal of Chemical Education, 4, I079-IO87, September I927. ISIS

The scientific attainments of LoMONOSOV (I7II-I762) were first made generally known to students of the history of chemistry by the same B. N. MENSCHUTKIN who has written this article, who collected and published LoMONOSOV'S surviving notes in a book in the Russian language on ((M. V. LoMONosov as a physical chemist,)) St. Petersburg, 1904. A large part of this work was translated into German by MAx SPETER and published as No. I78

of Ostwald's Klassikel der Exakten Wissenschaften, Leipzig, I910. MENSCHUT- KIN'S book and his article in the Annalen der Naturphilosophie, 4, 203, supplied material for ALEXANDER SMITH'S article on LoMONOSOV in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, 34, I04-II9 (I9I2). A beautifully illustrated biography by MENSCHUTKIN was published by the Imperial Russian Academy in I91 T in commemoration of the two hundredth anniversaly of LoMONOSOV'S

birth. Another biography by MENSCHUTKIN was published in I925 at Moscow as one volume of the pamphlet Biographical Library issued by the Soviet Government.

The present article is illustrated with a vivid portrait. It recounts briefly the essential facts of LoMONOSOV'S life, and contains valuable quotations from his writings. It makes us wish for more in English on the same subject.

T. L. D.

Volpati, Carlo. ALESSANDRO VOLTA nella gloria e nell' intimit'a. XII +

328 p., I2 pl., FRATELLI TREvEs, Milano, I927. Isis

Livre extremement vivant, qui n'a rien d'un pan6gyrique, mais presente vraiment un portrait physique et moral d'un ( homme )) dans son milieu, avec ses habitudes, sa faconde, sa jovialite, ses travers, son amour pour une chanteuse, nous montre ses relations, ses rivalit6s parfois avec ses amis et ses collegues, en particulier avec GIULIO CESARE GATTONI, PAOLO

GAMBA, LAZZARO SPALLANZANI et C. BARLETTI. Nous suivons les travaux

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xviiith CENT. (2) 463

scientifiques de VOLTA, fils de son temps; nous ddcouvrons sa mdthode de travail, pendant que nous le voyons s'intdresser aux questions th6ologiques ou se teinter de jansdnisme. Enfin nous suivons VOLTA au milieu des boule- versements politiques de son temps. De tous les livres publids a l'occasion du centenaire de VOLTA, si celui-ci n'est pas celui qui nous fait le mieux mesurer l'importance de la d6couverte de la pile, c'est vraiment le seul qui nous fasse connaitre et aimer l'auteur de cette ddcouverte. L. G.

Volpati, Carlo. Amici e ammiratori di ALESSANDRO VOLTA in Germania. 40 pp. estr. d. Nuova Riv. storica, II, 1927. ISIS

Indication des traductions en allemand des travaux de VOLTA faites du vivant de l'auteur; des relations personnelles entretenues par VOLTA en Alle- magne; parmi ceux qui en furent l'objet, VoLPATI met en avant C. E. PFAFF, A. DE HUMBOLDT, et G. C. LICHTENBERG, et publie quelques unes des lettres

dchang6es avec VOLTA. L. G.

Volpati, Carlo. ALESSANDRO VOLTA e I'aeronautica, 12 pp. estr. d. Riv. d'Italia, fasc. 10, 1927. ISIS

L'auteur montre l'intdret que portait VOLTA A l'adrostation dbs les expdrien- ces de I783 (J. ET E. MONTGOLFIER, Annonay, 5 juin I783; J. A. C. CHARLES et les fr6res ROBERT, 27 octobre I783 et surtout ier decembre I783, Patis).

L. G.

(Volta, Alessandro). L'opera di ALESSANDRO VOLTA. Scelta di scritti originali raccolti ed illustrati dal Pr. FRANCESCO MAsSARDI, pubblicati a cura della Associazone elettrotecnica italiana nel I0 centenario della morte. LxvIII + 580 P., 26 p1., ULRico HOEPLI, Milano, 1927

(45 1.). ISIS Ces extraits de VOLTA, que MASSARDI a heureusement group6s par ordre

de mati6re, et non pas simplement chronologiquement, sont tirds de l'Wdition nationale en cours de publication (6 vol. chez le mOme 6diteur), ou de l'6dit. de I9I6. On y trouvera les fragments essentiels sur l'dlectrophore, le conden- sateur, la pile. Ces extraits sont pr6c6d6s des a Effemeredi Voltiane X publies en I899 A l'occasion du premier centenaire de la pile voltaique par FRNCESCO FOSSATI, et mis A jour jusqu'au 5 mars 1927, centenaire de la morte de VOLTA, d'un extrait du discours prononce par AUG. RIGHI le 23,09,99 sur VOLTA et la pile. Chaque extrait de VOLTA est accompagne d'une courte notice. -

On est surpris de voir plus de 6o p. du vol. occup6es par des monographies ayant trait aux vol. de l'6dition nationale; il eut 0t6 plus convenable d'ins6rer quelques feuillets de nature franchement plubicitaire. L. G.

Volta, Alessandro. Scritti sull'aria inflammabile, sull'eudiometro e sopra i fuochi di Pietramala e Velleja. (Collezione Universitas Scripto- rum, 14-15). 123 p. Roma, Leonardo da Vinci, 1928. Isis

Volta, Luigi. La figura di ALESSANDRO VOLTA, un secolo dopo. Bollettino di Matematica, 24, 1-19, 1928. Isis

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464 xviiIth CENT. (2)

Winderlich, Rudolf. Die ersten Schmelzversuche mit einem Sauer- stoffgeblise. Archiv fur Geschichte der Mathematik, IO, 427-431,

I928. ISIS

C. - Natural sciences.

Bolton, Herbert Eugene. ESCALANTE in Dixie and the Arizona strip. The New Mexico Historical Review, 3, 4I-72, January I928. Isis

Professor BOLTON in the summers of 1926 and I927 followed the route taken by Father S. V. DE ESCALANTE in northern Arizona and southern Utah in I776. The present article is a translation with notes of the portion of ESCALANTE'S journal narrating this part of his journey. J. K. W.

Bushnell, David I., Jr. Drawings by JOHN WEBBER of natives of the northwest coast of America, 1778. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collec- tions, vol. 80, no. iO) I2 P., 12 plates. Washington, D. C., Smithso- nian Institution, I928. ISIS

JOHN WEBBER, English artist, born in London, I752; accompanied Captain JAMES COOK on the latter's third and last expedition; died in London I793.

Dahl, Maria. GOETHES mikroskopische Studien an niederen Tieren und Pflanzen im Hinblick auf seine Morphologie. Jrahrb. d. Goethe- Gesellschaft, I3, I72-I83, 1927. ISIS

Haecker, Valentin. GOETHES morphologische Arbeiten und die neuere Forschung. vi + 98 p., 28 fig. in text. Jena, FISCHER, 1927.


Hermannsson, Halld6r. EGGERT OLAFFSON. A biographical sketch (Islandica, vol. I6). 56 p. Cornell University Library, Ithaca, N. Y., I925. ISIS

Icelandic geographer, historian, poet, born at Svefneyjar in Breithafjord in 1726, died at sea with his young bride in 1768. His main work Reise igiennem Island (published by the Danish Academy, 2 vols., Soro, I772) was the first

authoritative and comprehensive description of Iceland and its inhabitants. It was based upon materials collected throughout Iceland by EGGERT and by

BJARNI P.LSSON, who died in I779. He translated from the French into

Icelandic, a part of the Oraculo manual of the Spanish Jesuit BALTHASAR

GRACIAN (I584-I658). G. S.

Keith, Sir Arthur. The bicentenary of JOHN HUNTER. Nature, 12I,

2I0-2I2, 2 illustr., I928. ISIS

Moebius, Martin. Eine Pflanzenmissbildung und GOETHES Beobach- tungen daruber. Bericht d. Senckenberg. Naturforsch. Ges., 57, 241- 247, 1927. ISIS

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xviiith CENT. (2) 465

Schuster, Julius. LINNE' und FABRICIUS. Zu ihrem Leben und Werk. Drei Faksimiles mit einem Nachwort fiber das natuirliche System. 32 S., 7 Abbildungen, 70 S. Faksimile. Mulnchen, Miunchner Drucke, 1928. ISIS

Inhalt: JOHANN CHRISTIAN FABRICIUS. Einige nahere Umstainde aus dem Leben des Ritters VON LINNE (I780)./ Introductio ad ordines naturales e manuscripto GISEKII/ Introduction ad ordines naturales e manuscripto FABRICII (1792)/ Autobiographie des Naturforscher FABRICIUS (I8I9)/ Biblio- graphia Fabriciana.

Variot, G. Le cervelet de BUFFON au Musee d'histoire naturelle. Bul. Soc. Fr. Hist. Mid., 21, 463, 1927. ISIS

Wade, Mark Sweeten. MACKENZIE of Canada; the life and adventures of ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, discoverer. With illustrations. Edinburgh, BLACKWOOD, 1927. ISIS

Wrong, Humphrey Hume. Sir ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, explorer and fur-trader. (Canadian men of action, 4). 171 p. Toronto, MACMILLAN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed in American Historical Review, 33, 708, I928.

D. - Medical sciences.

Goulard, Roger. Lettres de maitresse sage-femme (1780), de maitre- chirurgien (1786), de maitrise d'apothicaire (1788). Bul. Soc. Fr. Hist. Mid., 21, 467-471, 1927. ISIS

Graves, Charles B. Dr. PHILIP TURNER of Norwich, Connecticut (1740-1815). Annals of Medical History, IO, 1-24, portrait, 1928.


Henneguy, Felix. Ceremonie du centenaire de la mort de PHILIPPE PINEL, membre de la section d'anatomie et zoologie de I'Academie des sciences, a la Sorbonne, le lundi 30 mai 1927. 6 p. Paris, Palais de 1'Institut, 1927. ISIS

Muller, Martin. (ber eine Malariaepidemie zu Mannheim im Jahre 176I. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 137-149, 1928. isIs

Royer, B. Franklin. The great sickness at Harrisburg, 1792, 1793,

1794. Medical Life, 35, 23-35, 1928. IsIs

Tischner, Rudolf. FRANZ ANTON MESMER als Vorliiufer DARWINS. Archiv fur Geschichte der Mathematik, 10, 476-7, 1928. Isis

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466 xviIIth CENT. (2)

E. - Alia.

Anderson, H. B. ROBERT BURNS, his medical friends, attendants, and biographer. Annals of Medical History, IO, 47-58, 6 portraits, 1928.


Aulard, (Fransoois) Alphonse. Christianity and the French Revolu- tion. Translated by Lady FRAZER. London, ERNEST BENN, I927. ISIS

Published in French under the title: Le christianisme et la revolution

franqaise. Paris I925 (Isis, 8, 56o).

Badolle, Maurice. L'Abbe JEAN-JACQUES BARTHI1LEMY (17i6-95) et

l'hellenisme en France dans la seconde moitie du XVIIle siecle. Preface de FERNAND LAUDET. I5 + 414 P., portrait. Paris, Les Presses Universitaires de France, I926. IsIs

Gottschalk, Louis Reichenthal. JEAN PAUL MARAT; a study in radicalism. xv + 221 p., portrait. New York, GREENBERG, C. 1927.


(Kant). Uebergang von den metaphysischen Anfangsgriinden der Naturwissenschaft zur Physik. Query no. 5 by HE1LENE METZGER, answer by ERICH ADICKES, Isis, 9, 424, I927. ISIS

Korff, Hermann August. Geist der Goethezeit; Versuch einer ideelen Entwicklung der klassisch-romantischen Literatursgeschichte, Teil I. (Die schwarzen Biicher, 4/5). II7 S. Leipzig, J. J. WEBER, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by JULIUS SCHUSTER, Archiv fur Geschichte der Mathematik,

10, 480, 1928.

Lenoir, Ray mond. Le mesmerisme et la philosophie du monde. Rev. d'hist. de la philosophie, I, 192-218, 294-320, 1927. ISIS

Palou, (Fray) Francisco. Historical memoirs of New California. Translated into English from the manuscript in the Archives of Mexico. Edited by HERBERT EUGENE BOLTON. In four volumes. I: xcvi + 33 1P.; II: XII + 390 P.; III: XI + 399 P.; IV: Xv + 446 p.

Berkeley, University of California Press, 1928. ISIS

(Rousseau, Jean Jacques). A project of perpetual peace: ROUSSEAU'S essay. Translated by EDITH M. NUTTALL, and printed in French and English. With an introduction by G. LOWES DICKINSON. XXV + I4I p. London, COBDEN-SANDERSON, I928. ISIS

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xviiith (2) TO xixth CENT. 467

Schonebaum, Herbert. Der junge PESTALOZZI 1746-1782. IV + 234 P. Leipzig, 0. R. REISLAND, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by WALTER FEILCHENFELD, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2096, 1927.

Stephanides, Michael. Science in Greece before the Greek revolution. An educational revolution. 78 p. Athens, SACELLARIOS, 1926 (in Greek).

Showing that the intellectual movement which occurred in Greece between 1750 and I82I was a real revolution in favor of scientific teaching. This was the natural repercussion of the enormous scientific and philosophic development which had taken place in western Europe, and chiefly in France, during the first half of the eighteenth century. G. S.

Tischner, Rudolf. FRANZ ANTON MESMER. Leben, Werk und Wir- kungen. Mit Bibliographie aller Ausgaben seiner Schriften. 176 S., 9 Abbild. Miinchen, Miinchner Drucke, 1928. ISiS

Inhalt: Einleitung. Die Vorlaufer. MESMERS Leben. Die Werke. Seine Per- sdnlichkeit. Die Wirkungen: Mesmerismus, Hypnotismus, Psychotherapie, Okkultismus, Neu-Geist-Lehre, Christian Science. Bibliographie. Register.

Variot, G. Le cerveau de VOLTAIRE. Ce qu'il en reste dans le musee de la Comedie Franvaise. Bul. Soc. Fr. d'Hist. Med., 21, 260-276, 1927. ISIS

XiXth Century (whole and first half)

A. - Mathematics.

Agostini, Amedeo. Contributo alla storia della teoria delle serie. Esame di una corrispondenza inedita tra PAOLO RUFFINI e GIULIANO FRULLANI. Arch. di storia d. sczenza, 7, 209-15, 1926. ISIS

Les lettres dont il est ici question chevauchent sur les anndes 1817-21; elles ont trait A une poldmique entre RUFFINI et FRULLANI sur la ndcessitd qu'affirme RUirrINI de n'employer dans le calcul que les sdries convergentes.

L. G.

Gauss, Carl Friedrich. Werke. XI. Band., erste Abteilung. Heraus- gegeben von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu G6ttingen. IV + 518 p. Berlin, SPRINGER, 1917. ISIS

Gauss, Carl Friedrich. Bestimmung der Anziehung eines elliptischen Ringes. Nachlass zur Theorie des arithmetisch-geometrischen Mittels und der Modulfunktion. Uebersetzt und herausgegeben von HARALD GEPPERT. (Ostwalds Klassiker, 225). 208 S. Leipzig, Akad. Verlags- ges., 1927. (RM. 11,20) ISIS

GAUSS selbst hat tiber seine tiefgehenden Untersuchungen zum arithm.-

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468 xixth CENT.

geom. Mittel und dessen Zusammenhang mit den elliptischen Funktionen und der Modulfunktion nur eine Abh. veroffentlicht. die hier an erster Stelle wieder abgedruckt ist (aus Comm. Gott. 4, i8i8). Die anderen Untersuchun- gen (S. 27-I86) sind in den ((Werken )) (hauptsaichlich Bd. X) zwar veroffent- licht, aber ungeordnet und in verschiedenen Bezeichnungen. Der Herausgeber hat es nun uibernommen, daraus ein einheitliches Ganzes zu schweissen. Das ist meines Erachtens etwas ganz Neues, wenigstens in dieser Sammlung ! Sehr dankenswert ist auch eine beigefiigte Bibliographie,die alle an die Gausz- schen Arbeiten in dieser Richtung ankniipfenden Abhandlungen bis zur Gegenwart umfasst. H. W.

Jacobi, C. G. J. Theorie der elliptischen Funktionen aus den Eigen-

schaften der Thetareihen abgeleitet. Herausgegeben von A. KNESER.

(Ostwalds Klassiker, 224). 64 S., Kart. Leipzig, Ak. Verlagsges., 1927. (RM., 3,20) Isis

Die hier veroffentlichte Vorlesung (deren Text selbst 48 S. beansprucht) wurde von C. W. BORCHARDT im jahre 1838 ausgearbeitet, von JACOBI

durchgesehen und mit Anmerkungen begleitet, schliesslich in dessen Ge- sammelten Werken I, S. 497, im Jahre i88i veroffentlicht. Da diese Vor- lesungen jetzt nur mehr in vollstandiger Reihe verkauft werden, ist der Abdruck der Vorlesung, die immer noch aktuell ist, bes. fur Studierende von Bedeutung. H. W.

Junge, Martha Elisabeth. Eine neue Auffassung der natiirlichen Geometrie K. CH. F. KRAUSES (I835). Ber. uiber die Verh. d. Sichs. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Leipzig, Math.-phys. Kl., 79, 124-133, I927. ISIS

Klein, Felix. Vorlesungen fiber die Entwicklung der Mathematik im I9. Jahrhundert. Teil I. Fur den Druck bearbeitet von R. COURANT

und 0. NEUGEBAUER. 385 S., 48 Figuren. Berlin, SPRINGER, 1926.


Reviewed by H. WIELEITNER, Isis, 9, 447-9, 1927.

La me, Gabriel. Examen des diff6rentes methodes employees pour resoudre les problemes de geometrie. XII + 124 P., 2 P1. de fig.

Reimpression fac-simile. J. HERMANN, Paris, I927. ISIS

Reimpression d'un ouvrage fameux, depuis longtemps tres rare, ecrit par GABRIEL LAME (Tours, 1795,07,22 - Paris, 1870,05,0I), alors qu'il avait vingt deux ans. (L'editeur actuel a modifie la page de titre pour y mettre son nom a la place de celui de son precedesseur: Vve COURCIER, 1813); de plus, la couverture porte: Expose des m6thodes pour r6soudre... au lieu du titre exact reproduit ci-dessus, et que donne bien la page de titre int6rieur). On v trouve en particulier (pp. 89-IOI) une nouvelle maniere de calculer les angles des cristaux. Mais le vrai titre de gloire de LAM1, ce sont ses travaux sur l'6lasticit6: Propagation de la chaleur dans les polyedres et 6quilibre interieur des corps solides (I828), et Le9ons sur la th6orie mathematique de l'elasticit6 des corps solides (I852; 2e ed. i866). En meme temps qu'un math6maticien 6minent, LAME 6tait un ing6nieur remarquable. L. G.

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xixth CENT. 469

Ocagne, Maurice d'. Souvenirs sur quelques mathematiciens fran9ais du xixe siecle. Revue des questions scientifiques, 4e S., 12, 257-83, 1927. ISIS



B. - Physical sciences and technology.

Cajori, Florian. Briefe von C. H. SCHUMACHER und W. STRUVE an F. R. HASSLER in Amerika. Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenhunde, 47. Jahrgang, Heft II, S. 532-536, I927. ISIS

This is an interesting supplement to CAJORI's biography of HASSLER (1921;

Isis, 4, 4I9). FERDINAND RUDOLPH HASSLER, born in Switzerland, 1770, came to the United States in I805 and founded the United States Coast Survey in I807; he died in i843. The letters now published, date from I832- 41. G. S.

Darmstaedter, Ludwig. OTTO UNVERDORBEN and the discovery of aniline. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, News Edition, vol. 5, no. I9, page 9, October I927. ISIS

UNVERDORBEN'S ((Krystallin)) (i826), RUNGE'S ((Kyanol)) (1837), FRITZ-

SCHE'S " Anilin)) (I840), and ZININ'S ((Benzidam)) (i842) were shown to be identical by HOFFMANN in I843. OTTO UNVERDORBEN, the first discoverer of aniline, was born October I3, I8o6, at Dahme, in Brandenburg. His father died while he was still young, and his mother continued the family's banking and general merchandise business. He studied natural science with a private tutor and acquired a special interest in chemistry at the high school in Dresden. (( In 1824 he entered a pharmaceutical school at Erfurt, and under the direction of JOHANN TROMMSDORF he began a series of chemical studies on a wide variety of materials. Among these were gums, especially guaiac and benzoin; hydro- fluoric acid and its salts; manganic acid; oil of turpentine; oleic acid, etc. Destructive distillation was a favorite mode of attack at that time and in this way UNVERDORBEN obtained from DIPPEL'S oil, four alkaline liquids, which were lated identified by ANDERSON as pyridine bases. The dry distillation of indigo and the isolation of (( krystallin ) were logical consequences of this work)) (c. f. Neues journal der Pharmazie, Oct. I826) UNVERDORBEN studied for a time with HEINRICH RoSE in Berlin. (( In I828 he returned to Dahme and took over the management of his mother's business. He built a small laboratory and much of his spare time was spent in continuing his chemical investigations. He was a successful business man and was also recognized as an authority on agricultural matters. In I848 he purchased a large estate and profitably worked the large marl beds on this property. He died at Dahme on December 27, I873. )) T. L. D.

Hartmann, Ludwig. Aus GEORG SIMON OHMS handschriftlichem Nachlass. Briefe, Urkunden und Dokumente. 255 S., 7 Tfln. Miun- chen, Bayerlandverlag, I927. (RM. 5.40) ISIS

Durch den vom Herausgeber geschriebenen verbindenden Text erhalt

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470 xixth CENT.

man ein vollstanndiges Lebensbild des so lang verkannten bedeutenden Gelehrten. (I789-i854). Ein sehr sch6nes und billiges Buch. H. W.

Horwitz, Hugo Th. Aus HERBERT SPENCERS Ingenieurzeit. Geschichts- blatter fur Technik, Industrie und Gewerbe, II, 24I-259, 4 fig., I927.


Jackson, George Gibbard. The ship under steam. Plates. London, FISHER UNWIN, I927. ISIS

Lewis, Charles Lee. MATTHEW FONTAINE MAURY. The pathfinder of the seas. XVII + 264 p., 19 pl. Annapolis, Md., The United States Naval Institute, I927. ISIS

Biography of one of the greatest American men of science, the Virginian MAURY (i8o6-i873), the founder of marine meteorology, one of the founders of oceanography. The author is associate professor in the United States Naval Academy. The book is partly based upon letters and other Mss., which were presented in 19Iz by MAURY'S only living child, Mrs. MARY MAURY WERTH, to the Library of Congress. Thus it is necessarily valuable and in- teresting. Yet it is very poorly written and composed, and quite urncritical. Some of the many illustrations were hardly worth reproducing, but others, including many portraits, are most interesting. TI'he work is divided as follows; i. His early years; 2. His three cruises; 3. He resorts to the pen; 4. His astronomical work; 5. His wind- and current charts; 6. His physical geo- graphy of the sea; 7. His extra-professional interests; 8. His treatment by the ( Retiring Board )); 9. Shadows of coming troubles; io. As his friends and family knew him before the war; i i. His part in the Civil War: in Virginia; I2. His part in the Civil War: in England; I3. With MAXIMILIAN in Mexico; I4. Reunited with his family in England; IS. His last years in Virginia; i6. His posthumous reputation. G. S.

Liebig, Justus von. Experimentalchemie I848. Faksimile des Kolleg- heftes KEKULI&S. Berlin, I. G. Farbenindustrie, I927. ISIS

Lippmann, Edmund 0. von. Vor hundert Jahren. (VII.) Die Deutsche Zuckerindustrie, S. 20, Jahrgang I928, Nr. I. Isis

Apropos of CHANDELOT: Art du raffineur (Paris i 828).

Lippmann, Edmund 0. von. Bibliographische Berichtigungen, II. Die Deutsche Zuckerindustrie, S. IO98, 1927. ISIS

MITSCHERLICH konstruierte (vor I847) den ersten praktish brauchbaren Polarimeter. G. S.

Lorenz, Borislav. AMPERE und KANT. Kant-Studien, 32, 3IO-3I3,

1927. ISIS

Marshall, C. F. Dendy. Two essays in early locomotive history. London, Locomotive Publishing Co., I928. IsIs

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Xixth CENT. 47I

((The first of these two essays consists of an account of the history of the first hundred railway engines, based on a careful research of all the material available. Much of the existing information on the subject is unreliable, having been supplied by people either lacking in technical knowledge, or seeking to claim all the glory for one particular pioneer, or worse still, both.

The author is under neither of these disadvantages, and has spared no pains in studying all the contemporary evidence that is known, and gives references for all his statements. He has succeeded in unearthing several engines which have hitherto been unknown to historians. Illustrations are given of one or two which have not previously appeared in books on the subject; such as WILSON'S (( Chittaprat and BURSTALL'S ((Perseverance )); the latter being one which has been wrapped in mystery down to the present day. The story is one of which we have good reason to be proud, because, out of the hundred, which number was attained in the middle of 183I, it is shown that ninety were British, two German, one or two French, and six or seven American. Moreover, only half of the ten foreigners were of any practical use, and none of them had any influence on the evolution of design.

The second essay gives an account of British locomotives in North America, and also contains some illustrations of great interest. Down to the year I836 about I20 engines have been traced which were supplied to railways in the United States, after which the demand ceased altogether, and they built their own. Engines supplied to Canada are also dealt with. ))

Matignon, Camille. JEAN BAPTISTE DUMAS. Revue scientifique, 4I7-24, portrait, 23 mai I927. Isis

Mayer, J. Robert. Beitrage zur Dynamik des Himmels und andere Aufsatze. IO4 S. (Ostwald's Klassiker, 223) Leipzig, Akad. Verlag- gesellschaft, I927. IsIs

La publication des Beitriage zur Dynamik des Himmels in populiirer Darstellung (1848; pp. 1-59 de la presente id.) complete heureusement les textes (No I8o de la meme collection) ohi, pour la premiere fois, MAYER suit l'6volution des formes d'6nergies chimiques depuis le soleil jusqu'a l'activitd animale. Les autres travaux ici reproduits, par les soins de BERNHARD HELL, sont les suivants Ueber notwendige Consequenzen und Inconsequen- zen der Wiirmemechanik (I869); Ueber Erdbeben (I870); Ueber die Er- nahrung (I871); Ueber Auflosung (1876). L. G.

Picard, Emile. La vie et lc'unvre de JEAN-BAPTISTE BIOT (1774-1862). Lecture faite en la seance annuelle du 12 decembre I927. 39 P., portrait. Paris, Academie des Sciences, 1927. ISIS

Robinson, Victor. JONS JAKOB BERZELIUS (1779-I848). Medical Life, 35, I65-185, I928. ISIS

Tilden, Sir William A. Sketch of BERZELIUS. Medical Life, 35, I87- 209, I928. ISIS

Reprinted from Famous Chemists, I921.

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472 xixth CENT.

C. - Natural sciences.

Baer, Carl Ernst von (I792-I876). First series of papers dedicated to his memory. Publications of the Commission for the History of Science, no. 2. 72 p. Leningrad, Academy of Sciences, I927 (in Russian). Isis

Contents: W. VERNADSKII. To v. BAER'S memory; M. SOLOVJEV. Correspon-

dence between v. BAER and the admiral I. KRUSENSTERN; E. RADLOV. C. E. VON BAER as philosopher. G. S.

Barkley, A. H. CONSTANTINE SAMUEL RAFINESQUE. Annals of Medical History, I0, 66-76, portrait, I928. ISIS

Biography of the American naturalist RAFINESQUE, born at Galata, Con- stantinople, I783, died in deepest poverty at Philadeplhia, I840. G. S.

Garbett, L. G. Admiral Sir FRANCIS BEAUFORT and the BEAUFORT

scales of wind and weather. Quarterly 7Jurnal of the Royal Meteorolo- gical Society, 52, i6i-i68, I926. ISIS

BEAUFORT (I774-I857) after ((much active service afloat in the early years

of his career )) served as Hydrographer of the British Navy from I829 to

his death. The famous scales, details regarding the origin and adoption of

which are here given with constructive criticism, were first mentioned in

BEAUFORT'S private log in I8o6; they were officially introduced in the navy

in 1838 and are now employed throughout the English-speaking world.

J. K. W.

Hare, Rosalie. The voyage of the Caroline, from England to Van Diemen's Land and Batavia in I827-28. With chapters on the early history of Northern Tasmania, Java, Mauritius, and St. Helena, by IDA LEE (Mrs. CHARLES BRUCE MARRIOTT). XIV + 308 p. London, LONGMANS, I927. ISIS

(Henderson, James). HENDERSON'S narrative of an expedition to Lake Frome in I 843 . Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, 26, 85-I28, illus., I926. ISIS

Hitherto unpublished journal of JAMES HENDERSON who accompanied

Captain C. E. FROME as surveyor on the expedition in the course of which

Lake Frome was discovered. J. K. W.

Morris, Ralph C. The notion of a great American desert east of the Rockies. The Mississippi Valley Hist. Rev., I3, I90-200, I926. ISIS

(( Le d6veloppement de cette partie des ltats-Unis, qui se trouve comprise

entre le iooe m6ridien et les Montagnes Rocheuses, aujourd'hui partie de

la region grande productrice de grains, a 6t6 retard6 par cette id6e fausse

que c'6tait un desert. Des voyageurs de la premiere heure, comme LEWIS

et CLARK, LONG, PIKE, donnerent, 'a leur retour, des descriptions du caractere

d6sertique du pays, et il fut admis qu'il y avait la un (( Great American Desert

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xixth CENT. 473

comparable au Sahara. Cette erreur persista jusque vers i88o, mais disparut peu a peu, grace au mouvement vers l'Ouest de la population. Voir aussi F. C. SHOEMAKER, Traditions concerning the Missouri Question, Missouri Hist. Rev., 253-262, Jan. 1922. )) E. T. PLATT, in XXXVIP Bibliographiegeographique I926, 521, Paris, I927.

Smith, Edgar F. ROBERT HARE (178i-i858), an early American chemist. Archeion, arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, 330-5, portr., I927.

ISIS Des I8o i, ROBERT HARE experimente la flamme oxhydrique et fond le

platine. Nomme professeur de chimie a l'universite de Pennsylvanie, il imagine l'emploi du Hg. comme cathode pour l'electrolyse des solutions salines; synthese de l'ammoniac au moyen de l'dponge de Pt comme catalyseur, etc. L. G.

Staszic, Stanislas. Carta geologica totius Poloniae, Moldaviae, Transil- vaniae et partis Hungariae et Valachiae. Inventa per STANISLAS STASZIC anno I8o6. Milles d'Allemagne I5 au degre. Icole des mines, Dabrowa Gornicza, 1926. ISIS

Reprint of the first geological map of Poland on the occasion of its centenary. Analysis of the oriainal: R. DANYSZ, 1gtude critique d'une carte ancienne de Pologne dressee par S. STASZIC. Paris, JOUVE, 1913.

Villani, A. Licheni ritrovati nel Polesine dal Cav. G. GRIGOLATO,

Rodigino. Nuovo G. botanico ital., 34, 533-7, 1927. ISIs GAETANO GRIGOLATO (Rovigo, 1799, id., I884,) pharmacien, chimiste.

Wisniowski, Thade. STANISLAS STASZIC, le pere de la geologie polonaise. Arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, 42-8, I927. ISIS

STANISLAS STASZIC (0755-I826), auteur du premier travail d'ensemble sur la g6ologie de la Pologne, (I8I5), de la premiere carte g6ologique de la Pologne, organisateur de l'industrie des mines de Pologne. L. G.

D. - Medical sciences.

Chance, Burton. Dr. RICHARD BRIGHT. An ophthalmologist's appre- ciation. Annals of Medical History, 9, 332-336, 2 fig., I927. ISIS

Christian, Henry A. Kidney disease as described by RICHARD BRIGHT

in the light of the knowledge of a century later. Annals of Medical History, 9, 337-346, 8 fig., 5927. ISIS

Hauser, Hilde. JOSEPH SERVATIUS VON D'OUTREPONT, Professor der Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde in Wurzburg (I775-i845). WiirzburgerInaugural-dissertation, I927. ISIS

Heine, Bernard (I8oo-I846). Versuche uiber Knochenregeneration.

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474 xixth CENT.

Sein Leben und seine Zeit. Bearbeitet durch VOGELER, REDENZ,


Keen, W. W. The beginnings of clinical teaching in the United States. Isis, 9, 363, 1927. ISIS

Clinical teaching in an United States Medical school was begun by GEORGE

MCCLELLAN at Jefferson Medical College, founded by him in i825. G. S.

Laennec, R. Theophile H. Documents in6dits publies 'a l'occasion de son centenaire. Paris, MASSON, I926. ISIS

Menetrier, P. CRUVEILHIER (I79I-I874). AESCULAPE, i82-7, 212-6, portr., I927. ISIS

JEAN CRUVEILHIER (Limoges, 1791, Sussac, pres Limoges, I874). Etude de l'ulcere simple de l'estomac, des corps fibreux de la mamelle, de ia paralysie progressive. Anatomie pathologique du corps humain (i828-42); Anatomie pathologique generale (I849-64). L. G.

(Muller, Johannes). tiber die phantastischen Gesichtserscheinungen. Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von MARTIN M{YLLER. (Klassiker der Medizin, Bd. 32). IOI P. Leipzig, J. A. BARTH, 1927. ISIS

Meyerhof, Max. A short history of ophthalmology in Egypt during the xIxth century. Bulletin of the Ophthalmological Society of Egypt,

20, 33-52, 1927- ISIS

Neuburger, Max. ROMBERG consults PETER FRANK. A neurological

consultation in I8I7. Medical Life, 35, I9-22, 1928. ISIS

Translation by JOHN FALLON, from Wiener Med. Wochenschrift, n0. 37, 1912.

Robinson, Herbert Spencer. WILLIAM MACMICHAEL (1783-I807).

His life, his works, and his editors. Medical Life, 34, 467-488,

I927. ISIS

E. - Alia.

Kern, Hans. Zur CARUS-Renaissance. Archiv far Geschichte der Mathe-

matik, 10, 478-9, I928. ISIS

Apropos of the rediscovery of CARUS'S philosophy. CARL GUSTAV CARUS

(1789-I869) German physician, physiologist, and psychologist, may be con- sidered the founder of the psychology of the unconscious (rather than EDUARD

VON HARTMANN). Many of his works have been recently republished and various publications devoted to them. G. S.

Pineau, Leon. SOEREN KIERKEGAARD (I813-I855) et la Norvege. Revue germanique, I8, 209-I4, 1927. ISIS

Voir sur KIERKEGAARD, Isis, 6 i68.

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xixth CENT. (2) 475

Pitollet, Camille. LIBRI, voleur de livres et professeur en Sorbonne, d'apres son dossier ministeriel inedit. Revue des bibliothetques, 37e annee, 152-170, 1927. ISIS

I1 est uniquement question des d6m6l6s de LIBRI avec l'administration au sujet des conges qu'il s'octroyait. L. G.

Rjazanov, D. (editor). MARX-ENGELS Gesamtausgabe, im Auftrage des Marx-Engels-Instituts, Moskau. Erste Abteilung, Band I., erster Halbband. LXXXXIV + 628 p. Frankfurt a. M., Marx-Engels-Archiv., I 927. ISIS

Reviewed by HENRI RAYMOND MUSSEY, American Historical Review, 33, 689-90, 1928.

Se'e, Henri. Remarques sur la philosophie de 1'histoire de HEGEL. Revue d'histoire de la philosophie, I, 32I-34, I927. ISIS

XIXth Century (second half)

A. - Mathematics.

Archibald, Raymond Clare. BENJAMIN PEIRCE'S linear associative algebra and C. S. PEIRCE. American Mathematical Monthly, 34, 525-529, I927. ISIS

Haton de la Goupilliere, Julien. Funerailles, le jeudi I3 janvier I927.

Discours de MAURICE D'OCAGNE, membre de l'Academie des sciences. 4 p. Academie des Sciences, Paris. ISIS

Weierstrass, Karl. Vorlesungen iiber Varationsrechnung. Bearbeitet von RUDOLF ROTHE. (Mathematische Werke von KARL WEIERSTRASS herausgeg. unter Mitwirkung einer von der Preuss. Akad. der Wiss. eingesetzten Kommission, Bd. 7) VIII + 324 p. Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by C. CARATH1EODORY, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 57-58, I928.

B. - Physical sciences and technology.

Armstrong, Henry E. MARCELIN BERTHELOT. Nature, 120, 659-663, portrait, I927. ISIS

The English original of an appreciation contributed to Chimie et Industrie in connexion with the centenary celebrations of MARCELIN BERTHELOT.

Ashdown, Avery A. MARCELLIN BERTHELOT. Journal of Chemical Education, 4, 1217-1232 (October 1927). ISIS

Biography with bibliographical note on earlier biographical articles. T. L. D.


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476 xixth CENT. (2)

Berthelot, Marcelin (I827-1927). Essays by D. KONOVALOV, S. VU- KOLOV, I. KABLUKOV, B. MENSCHUTKIN (in Russian). 156 p., i portr. Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, 1927. ISIS

Blake, G. G. History of radio telegraphy and telephony. Illustrated by the author. XIX + 425 p. London, CHAPMAN and HALL, 1926.


Reviewed by E. E. F. D'ALBE, Nature, 120, 868, 1927.

Cannizzaro, Stanislao (I826-I9IO). Scritti vari e lettere inedite nel centenario della nascita. (Associazione italiana di chimica generale ed applicata). vII + 486 P., 5 tavole fuori testo. Rome, Tip. Leonardo da Vinci, 1926 (L. I50) ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGF SARTON, Isis, 9, 372-374, 1927.

Coissac, G. Michel. Histoire du cinematographe, Preface de J.-L. BRETON. XVI + 604 P., 136 fig. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, I925.


Reviewed by L. GUINET, isis, 9, 125-127, 1927.

Estreicher, Tadeusz. CHARLES OLSZEWSKI et la liquefaction des gaz. Publie en 1'honneur de la huitieme Conference Internationale de la chimie pure et appliquee 23 P. Cracovie, ]Edition du Comite d'Organisation, 1927. ISIS

Freeth, F. A. H. KAMERLINGH ONNES, I853-I926. Smithsonian Report for I926, 533-535, Washington, 1927. ISIS

Reprinted from Nature, I17, March 6, I926.

Gheury de Bray, M. E. J. The velocity of light .Nature, I2o, 602-604, 1927. ISIS

Gibbs, Josiah Willard (I839-1903). New edition of WILLARD GIBBS'S works and proposed commentary. Letter to the Editor of Nature by JOHN JOHNSTON, WILLIAM F. G. SWANN, and RALPH G. VAN NAME. Nature, 121, 245-6, 1928. ISIS

Guillaume, Ch. Ed. La creation du Bureau international des poids et mesures et son aeuvre. Ouvrage publie 'a l'occasion du cinquantenaire de sa fondation. 321 p. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, 1927. ISIS

Hertz, Heinrich. Erinnerungen, Briefe, Tagebiicher. Zsgest. von JOHANNA HERTZ. VI + 263 P., IO pl. Leipzig, Akademische Verlags- gesellschaft, 1927. ISIS

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xixth CENT. (2) 477

Mieli, Aldo. I1 centenario di uno storico della scienza. MARCELIN BERTHELOT. Archeion, Arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, 336-43, portr., 1927. ISIS

Moureu, Charles. Le centenaire de BERTHELOT. Revue des deux mondes, 912-34, 15 octobre 1927. ISIS

Oesper, Ralph E. KARL FRIEDRICH MOHR. Journal of Chemical Edu- cation, 4, I357-1363, November 1927. ISIS

Biographical. T. L. D.

Painleve, Paul. Lkoeuvre scientifique de MARCELIN BERTHELOT. Revue de France, 577-90, I5 octobre I927. ISIS

Picard, E mile. Le cinquantenaire de la convention internationale du metre. ii p. Annuaire du bureau des longitudes, Supplement B, 1928. ISIS

Discours prononce dans la s6ance extraordinaire de l'Acad6mie des Sciences, le 5 octobre 1927.

Pickering, Spencer ( -1920). The scientific work of the late SPENCER PICKERING. By T. M. LOWRY and Sir JOHN RUSSELL. With a bio- graphical notice by A. HARDEN. IX + 247 p. London, HARRISON

and SONS, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by HENRY E. ARMSTRONG, Nature, 121, 48-51, I928.

Ranc, Albert. Le centenaire de MARCELIN BERTHELOT (1827-1927). Revue generale des sciences, 38, 529-32, 1927. ISIS

Recouly, Raymond. MARCELIN BERTHELOT; l'homme politique et le philosophe. Revue de France, 59I-603, I5 octobre I927. ISIS

Seidell, Atherton. The celebration of the centenary of MARCELIN BERTHELOT. Science, 67, I80-I85, 1928. Isis

Wiedemann, Gustav Heinrich und Franz, R. Ueber die Wiirme- Leitungsfahigkeit der Metalle. 40 S., 4 Abb. (Ostwald's Klassiker, 222). Leipzig, Akad. Verlagsgesellschaft, I927. ISIS

R6impression, et notes par les soins de ARTHUR WEHNELT, du m6moire sur la conductibilit6 6lectrique, tir6 des Annales der Physik und Chemie vol. 89, no. 8, 1853.

C. Natural sciences.

Barreiro, P. Agustin Jesus (editor). Diario de la expedicion al Paclfico lievada a' cabo por una Comision de naturalistas espafioles, durante

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478 xixth CENT. (2)

los afios i862-i865, escrito por D. MARCOS JIM1NEZ DE LA ESPADA,

miembro que fue de la misma. Boletin de la Real Sociedad Geografica, 67, 26I-304, I927 (to be continued). Isis

((The object of this Commission was the study of the countries of America

and principally the collection of all kinds of specimens from the three natural

kingdoms for our Museo National de Historia Natural. )) J. K. W.

Bateson, Beatrice. WILLIAM BATESON, F. R. S., (I86I-I926). naturalist. His essays and addresses, together with a short account of his life. IX + 473 P., 4 P1. Cambridge, University Press, I927. ISIS

Bertrand, Marcel (I847-I907). CiEuvres geologiques. Recueillies par EMM. DE MARGERIE et publiees sous les auspices de I'Academie des Sciences. Tome I. XXII + 709 P. I84 fig. dans le texte, I2 P1., i port. Paris, DUNOD, I927. (frs. ioo) Isis

Les geologues n'ont pas ete aussi bien partag6s que les mathematiciens et les physiciens; jusqu'ici il n'y en avait qu'un dont les ceuvres avaient et reunies. - LEOPOLD VON BUCH. Nous saluons avec d'autant plus de plaisir la publication des ceuvres de MARCEL BERTRAND, que celle-ci a e confi6e a EMM. DE MARGERIE. Nous pouvons etre scurs qu'elle sera bien faite. I1 y aura en tout trois volumes, contenant I63 articles ou m6moires. ((Pour le classement de ce volumineux dossier, il a semb1l que, tout en respectant strictement l'ordre chronologique, il y avait avantage 'a grouper sous autant de chefs distincts les travaux se rapportant 'a une rneme region ou 'a une meme serie de questions. Nous avons ainsi obtenu sept parties, consacrees respectivement au Jura (i), 'a la Provence (2), aux Alpes Frangaises et Suisses

(3), au Nord de la France et aux bassins houillers fran9ais (4), 'a des regions diverses (5), aux probl6mes d'ordre g6neral ou th6orique (6), enfin aux Notices necrologiques, Allocutions et Rapports (7). )) Ceci representera l'ceuvre complete de BERTRAND, sauf les feuilles de la Carte geologique detaille de la France, et deux longs ouvrages publies dans les M6moires de l'Academie des Sciences (I889, I908). Les cartes g6ologiques et coupes en couleurs incluses dans la nouvelle edition ont ete preparees avec beaucoup de soin. Le premier volume contient la notice redigee par BERTRAND lors de sa presen- tation 'a l'Acad6mie en i 894, et les deux premieres parties. Ce beau monument contribuera 'a immortaliser la memoire du grand maitre de la tectonique fran9aise (Isis, 6, 96). Esp6rons qu'il sera rapidement compl&t6, et remercions l'6diteur consciencieux et les amis d6voues qui l'ont rendu possible. G. S.

Boischot, P. GUSTAVE ANDRE'. Revue scientifique, 439-40, portrait, 23 juillet 1927. ISIS

GUSTAVE ANDRI (I856-I927). Chimie du sol et chimie des veg6taux.

Darwin, Charles. The origin of species by means of natural selection. (From the sixth edition). (Everyman's Library, no. 8ii). XXIV +

488 p. London, J. M. DENT, 1928. ISIS

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xixth CENT. (2) 479

Eigenmann, Carl H. Ichthyologist (I863-1927). Obituary by GEORGE

S. MYERS, Natural History, 28, 98-IOI, portrait, 1928. ISIS

Haeckel, Ernst. Himmelhoch jauchzend... Erinnerungen und Briefe der Liebe. Hrg. und eingel. von HEINRICH SCHMIDT. 336 S. Dresden C. REISSNER, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by R. ZAUNICK, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, 29-30, I928.

Morgan, Tho mas Hunt. WILLIAM BATESON. Smithsonian Report for 1926, 521-532, Washington, I927. ISIS

Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward. History of the Physiological Society during its first fifty years, I876-I926. IV + I98 p. Cambridge, University Press, I927. ISIS

Reviewed in Nautre, I2I, 49I-2, I928

D. - Medical sciences.

Bois-Reymond, Estelle du; Diepgen, Paul. Zwei grosse Naturforscher des I9. Jahrhunderts. Ein Briefwechsel zwischen EMIL DU BoIS- REYMOND und KARL LUDWIG. XVI + 240 P., 4 port. Leipzig, BARTH, 1927. ISIS

((Die sch6ne Menschlichkeit,die diese Dokumente der Gelehrtenfreundschaft atmen, bestimmten die Herausgeberin in erster Linie, sie der Oeffentlichkeit zu vermitteln. Ihr grosser Wert als Quellenmaterial zur Kenntnis der ge- schichtlichen Entwicklung der Medizin im I9. Jahrhundert, zu deren ob- jektiver Wiurdigung nunmehr die Zeit gekommen ist, veranlasste sie auf Anregung SUDHOFF'S zu ihrer Bearbeitung, zumal in Rede und Gegenrede manches Problem eine neue Beleuchtung gewinnt, und wir zwar an Briefen von gelehrten Aerzten und Naturforschern aus dem I9. Jahrhundert vierlerlei besitzen, aber an Briefwechseln bisher nicht reich sind. So hoffte sie zwei Aufgaben gerecht zu werden, dem allgemein menschlichen Interesse eines weiteren Leserkreises und dem Fachmann zu dienen, fur den sich ein gutes Stuck der Physiologie des I9. Jahrhunderts in zahlreichen Einzelheiten aufrollt. ))

Dewey, Richard. Early days and experiences in psychiatry, I870-1900. Medical Life, 35, 97- IO6, 1928. ISIS

Dudley, Emilius Clark. The medicine man; being the memoirs of fifty years of medical progress. XII + 369 p., portraits. New York, J. H. SEARS, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by WILLIAM R. NICHOLSON, Annals of Medical History, 9, 421, 1927.

Friedenwald, Julius. Note on the discovery and early use of the sto- mach tube. Medical Life, 34, 639-644, 1927. ISIS

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480 xixth CENT. (2)

Galdston, lago. CARL LUDWIG SCHLEICH (1859- ). Medical Life, 34, 489-499, 2 portraits, I927. ISIS

Inventor of the infiltration anesthesia method in I894. G. S.

Haberling, Wilhelm. ARTHUR SCHLOSSMANN, sein Leben und Werk. Sonderdruck aus Auf neuen Wegen zu neuen Zielen. Festschrift zum 6o. Geburtstag von ARTHUR SCHLOSSMANN i6. Dezember 1927

mit Unterstiutzung zahlreicher Freunde und G6nner herausgegeben. 42 P., 38 fig. Dusseldorf, SCHWANN, 1927. ISIS

Well illustrated biography of the great Dusseldorf pediatrist, born at Breslau in I867.

Hulburt, Ray G. A. T. STILL, founder of osteopathy. Missouri Histo- rical Review, Columbia, Mo., 12 P., Oct. 1924. ISIS

ANDREW TAYLOR STILL was born near Jonesboro, Virginia, in i828; he died in 1917. ((Dr. STILL always considered June 22, I874, as the birthday of osteopathy. It was on that day that all the different lines of investigation and of thinking, which he had been following for so long, converged and he saw clearly the truths which he was to champion from that day forth with his very life. )

Johnsson, Charles Beneulyn. Sixty years in medical harness or the story of a long medical life (I865-1925). 333 p., illus. New York, Medical Life Press, I926. ISIS

Laignel-Lavastine, M. EDMOND-FELIX-ALFRED VULPIAN. (1826-1887).

Bul. Soc. Fr. Hist. Mid., 21, 287-303, 1927. ISIS

Lane, Michael A. ( -192I). Dr. ANDREW TAYLOR STILL, (I828-

1917), the founder of osteopathy. x + 2I8 p. Chicago, Osteopathic Publishing Co., I9I8. ISIS

Larsell, 0. The development of medical education in the Pacific northwest. Pamphlet of 48 p., 7 pl. Eugene, Oregon, no date. ISIS

Read at the meeting of the University of Oregon Medical History Club February 2i, 1924.

Larsell, 0. JOSEPH HENRY WYTHE I822-190I. Pamphlet of 20 p., with portrait. No place or date. ISIS

Read before the University of Oregon Medical History Club, Portland, January I6, 1925.

Lacroix, Alfred. Ceremonie du centenaire de la naissance de ALFRED VULPIAN. (1826-1887). (Academie des Sciences). 7 p. Paris, Palais de l'Institut, 1927. ISIS

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xixth CENT. (2) 48I

Monteiro, Arlindo Camillo. Un sabio-portugues, o professor VIRGfLIO MACHADO. Archeion, Arch. di storia d. Scienza, 8, 344-50, 1927.

ISIS VIRGILIO MACHADO (Queluz, i859 - Lisboa, I927), m6decin, physiologiste,

physicien,. chimiste, et historien de la m6decine; Sci6ncia antiga vista A luz da moderna sciencia (I885); Quadros hist6ricos da sciencia (19I7-23) Hist6ria de arte electroterapeutica (1917); etc. cours d'histoire des sciences a l'Instituto Mainense, dont il enrichit la bibliothZque. A succomb6 A trente ans de pratique radiologique. MACHADO 6tait member fondateur de la H. S. S.

L. G.

Reichle, Herbert S. EMIL NOEGGERATH (1827-i895). Annals of Medical History, IO, 77-79, 1928. Isis

Siebel, Johanna. Das Leben von Frau Dr. MARIE HEIM-V6GTLIN' der ersten Schweizen Aerztin (I845-I9I6). 275 S., 8 Autotypien. Leipzig, RASCHER, i928. ISIS

Villemin, Jean Antoine (1827-I892). Brochure publiee a l'occasion du Centenaire de VILLEMIN. 34 P., i port., reproductions en facsimile. Paris, MASSON, 1927. ISIS

Waldenmaier, H. Mit Freuden hindurch! ALBERT- ZELLER (I804- I877), der Arzt und Seelsorger. Stuttgart, Well-Verlag, I927. ISIS

Willkomm-Schneider, M. CARL VON HEINE (I838-1877), weiland Professor der Chirurgie an der Prager Universitiat. Archiv fuir Ge- schichte der Medizin, 20, 99-IOO, I928. ISIS

Young, Archibald. Lord LISTER'S life and work. Janus 3I, 318-35, I927. ISIS

Oration, held at the Lister centenary exhibition, Wellcome Museum, London (See Isis, 10, 2o6).

E. - Alia.

Artigas, Miguel. MENINDEZ Y PELAYO (I856-1912). 310 P. Madrid,

Editorial Voluntad, I927. ISIS Reviewed by H. PETRICONI, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 224-226, 1928.

Blondel, Ch. La psychologie selon COMTE, DURKHEIM et TARDE. Journal de psychologie normale et pathol., 24, 38I-399, 493-519,

59I-6I0, I927. ISIS

Gunther, Robert Theodore. The DAUBENY laboratory register, I849- I923. Complete in one volume. A history of the DAUBENY Laboratory.

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482 xixth (2) TO xxth CENT.

Magdalen College, Oxford. To which is appended a list of the writings of Dr. DAUBENY, and a register of the names of persons who have attended the chemical lectures of Dr. DAUBENY from I822

to I867 as well as of those who have received instruction in the Laboratory up to the present time. With a preface by the President of Magdalen. xxv + 532 p., plates. London, HENRY FROWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, I904-I924. Isis

The third (final) part of this volume (p. 297-532) was reviewed in Isis, 7,

56i. The first part contains a portrait of CHARLES GILES BRIDLE DAUBENY

(I795-I867), a preface by T. HERBERT WARREN, a brief history of the laboratory and five appendices: A. The meteorological record; B. Researches conducted in the laboratory in recent years; C. Additions to the collection of apparatus; D. Bibliography of Dr. DAUBENY; E. Register of names of persons who have attended the lectures of Dr. DAUBENY, and courses of instuction in the DAUBENY laboratory at Magdalen College. The second part, published in I9I6, includes abundant material of the same kind, all of which is of very great interest to Magdalen men, but perhaps of less interest to others. I shall quote only the following: biography of EDMUND CARTWRIGHT (I743-I823);

additions to the bibliography of DAUBENY; obituary of CHARLES MARTIN;

list of Belgian boys. G. S.

Hamelin, Octave. Le systeme de RENOUVIER. (Publie par P. MouY). VI- + 456 p. Paris, J. VRIN, I927. ISIS

P. Mouy, a qui on doit une etude sur (l'idee de progres dans la philo- sophie de RENOUVIER, (These Paris, 208., J. VRIN, I927), vient de publier le cours professe a la Sorbonne par HAMELIN en I906-7, et qui etait tout entier ecrit de la main de son auteur. Mouy s'est contente d'y ajouter quelques notes bibliographiques et un index. Voir aussi sur RENOUVIER

l'6tude de GASTON MILHAUD, (Isis, to, 210) et celle de LOUIS FOUCHER (Isis, I0, I96). L. G.

Ocagne, Maurice d'. Inauguration d'une plaque commemorative du sejour a Paris de DOM PEDRO II D'ALCANTARA, Empereur du Br'sil, Associe etranger de l'Academie des Sciences. 4 p. Paris, Palais de 1'Institut, I927. ISIS

XXth Century.

A. - Mathematics.

Bernays, Paul. OYber NELSONS Stellungnahme in der Philosophie der Mathematik. Die Naturwissenschaften, i6. Jahrg., I42-I44, I928.


Meyerhof, Otto. Zum Gediichtnis des Philosophen LEONARD NELSON.

Die Naturwissenschaften, i6. Jahrg., I37-I42, I928. ISIS

NELSON, geb. ii.VII. 82, Berlin, gest. 29.X.27 G6ttingen. H. W.

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xxth CENT. 483

(Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 1887-I920). Collected papers. Edited by G. H. HARDY, P. V. SESHU AIYAR, and B. M. WILSON. XXXVI + 335 P. Cambridge, University Press, 1927. ISIS

B. - Physical sciences and technology.

Courtines, Marcel. La lumiere, principe du monde, a propos de JEAN PERRIN, prix Nobel de physique I926. (Cahiers de la quinzaine 4e cahier de la i8e serie.) 6I p. Paris, Artisan du Livre, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by P. J. RICHARD, Revue generale des sciences, 39, 24, I928.

Curie, Marie. Conf6rence Nobel. Medical Life, 34, 560-572, I927,


The same number of Medical Life, October I927, contains various other articles on radiology, and its medical applications by HENRY SCHMITZ, HARRY H. BOWING, HERMAN GOODMAN, GEORGE PANEBAXER. G. S.

Geiger, Hans. Quanten. (Handbuch der Physik, herausgegeben von H. GEIGER und K. SCHEEL, Bd. 23). X + 782 p., 225 fig. Berlin, SPRINGER, I926. ISIS

Reviewed in Nature, I21, 7-8, 1928.

Lippmann, Edmund 0. von. Fortschritte der Riubenzucker-Fabri- kation 1927. (Nr. 36). Fortschrittsberichte der Chemiker-Zeitung iiber die wichtigsten Gebiete der Chemie und der chemischen Indus- trie Nr. i Beilage zur Chemiker-Zeitung, Nr. II, I928, I2 P. ISIS

Sarton, George. MOSELEY. The numbering of the elements. Isis, 9, 96-III, I927. ISIS

Biography of HENRY GwxN JEFFREYS MOSELEY (I887-19I5), with portrait and bibliography. G. S.

Spaight, James Molony. The beginnings of organised air power; a historical study. London, LONGMANS, I927. ISIS

Describes othe events connected with the creation of the British Air Ministry and Air Force in I9I8 n.

Turner, Major Charles Cyril. The old flying days. London, SAMPSON

Low, 1927. ISIS

C. - Natural sciences.

Amundsen, Roald. My life as an explorer. 282 P., front., map and facsimiles. Garden City, N. Y., DOUBLEDAY, PAGE, 1927. ISIS

Borel, Emile. Inauguration du monument eleve a la memoire du

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484 xxth CENT.

chanoine HIPPOLYTE COSTE ( -I924), botaniste, 'a Saint-Paul des Fonts, Aveyron, le mardi i6 aout I927. ii p. Paris, Palais de l'In- stitut, I927. ISIS

De Filippi, Filippo. Relazioni scientifiche della spedizione italiana de FILIPPI, nell'Himalaia, Caracor'um e Turchest'an Cinese (I9I3-

I9I4). Series I, Vol. I. Astronomia geodetica, geodesia e topografia, by G. ABETTI, A. ALESSIO, C. ANTILLI, J. A. SPRANGER, N. VENTURI

GINORI, H. WOOD, XXXV + 423 p., maps, plates, diagr., graphs, ills. Series II, Vol. III. Studi sul glaciale, by GIOTTO DAINELLI.

2 vols. VII + 659 p., maps, graphs, plans, tables, bibliogr., index; and I77 plates incl. photos, maps. Series II, Vol. VIII. Le condizioni delle genti by GIOTTO DAINELLI, VII + 420 P. maps, plates, photos, plans, tables, bibliogr. Series II, Vol. IX. I tipi umani by R. BIASUTTI and G. DAINELLI. VII + 332 P., maps, plates, photos, plans, tables, graphs, bibilogr. Bologna, NICOLA ZANICHELLI, I922-I925. ISIS

Owing to the extraordinaily comprehensive nature of the researches carried out by the DE FILIPPI expedition and to the success which attended their completion, this expedition may be regarded as a genuine landmark in the history of modern scientific exploration. The published results will be presented in thirteen magnificently printed and illustrated volumes. The volumes yet to appear will bear the following titles: Series I: Vol. II, Geofisica gravimetria e magnetismo; Vol. III, Geofisica; meteorologia. Series II Vol. I, Storia dell'esplorazione. Itinerari e ricerche; Vol. II,, La serie dei terreni; Vol. IV, Le condizioni fisiche attuali; Vol. V., I fossili del Paleozoico; Vol. VI, I fossili del Mesozoico e del Terziario; Vol. VII, Le rocce; Vol. X, Raccolte di piante e di animali. Indici analitici. DE FILIPPI gives a popular narrative of the expedition in his Storia della spedizione scien- tifica italiana nel Himalaia, Caracoriim e Turchestan Cinese (19I3-19I4) con capitoli aggiuntivi di GIOTTO DAINELLI et J. A. SPRANGER. XIII + 54I P., col. front., illus., plates, maps (part fold. in pocket), plans, index, Bologna, N. ZANICHELLI, 1924. J. K. W.

Haug, Emile (I87I-I927). Funerailles de EMILE HAUG, membre de la section de mineralogie de l'Academie des sciences, 'a Niederbronn- les-Bains, Bas-Rhin, le mercredi 3I aoCut 1927. Discours de M. EMMANUEL DE MARGERIE. 6 p. Academie des Sciences, Paris, I927.


Krebs, Norbert. Die Entwicklung der Geographie in den letzten fiinfzehn Jahren. Frankfurter Geographische Hefte I. Jahrgang, 19 p., I927. ISIS

A broad review of geographical progress throughout the world. Stress is laid upon the stimulus given by the World War to exploration; cartography, the dissemination of regional knowledge, and, particularly in Germany, to the intensive cultivation of economic and political geography. J. K.W.

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xxth CENT. 485

Ncbile, Umberto. In volo alla conquista del segreto polare. 500 p., I3I fig., maps, plans. Verona, A. MONDADORI, 1928. IsIs

D. - Medical sciences.

Bassler, Anthony. A chapter of American gastroenterology. My experience with the gastroenterology section of the American Medical Association, and a forecast into the future of -the specialty. Medical Life, 34, 654-662, 1927. ISIS

Fosseyeux, Marcel. Les historiens de la medecine en France. Archeion, Arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, 305-I2, I927. ISIS

Indications sommaires sur l'aeuvre de L. DUBREUIL-CHAMBARDEL (Isis, 2, 438; 3, 279 et passim) P. DELAUNAY (id., i, I63, i66, 305, 317, 559; 9, 515; et passim), E. JEANSELME (id., 3, 270; 4; 214, et passim), H.P. RENAUD

(6, 174, 200), E. WICKERSHEIMER (voir entre beaucoup d'autres references 3, 144; 4, 435; 5, 226, 537; 6, 152; 8,75I), M. LAIGNEL-LAVASTINE (2,277; 6, i66; 7, 207, 28I, 594; 9, i66), P. MENETRIER (4, 399, 434; 5, 204; 6, i6o; 7, 2i8, 221). L. G.

Osborne, Alfred. Ophthalmic development in Egypt during the last 25 years. Bulletin of the Ophthalmological Society of Egypt, 20, 53-6i, I927. ISIS

Oulmann, Ludwig. PAUL GERSON UNNA. Medical Life, 35, 75-84, 1928. Isis

Riesman, David. Address on the history of gastroenterology, i897- I927. Medical Life, 34, 630-638, I927. ISIS

E. - Alia.

Bulic, Franciscus. Strena Buliciana. Commentationes gratulatoriae FRANCIsco BULIC ob XV vitae lustra feliciter peracta oblatae a disci- pulis et amicis, xi + 735 p. Zagrebiae, ASPALATHI, I924. Isis

Reviewed by PAUL GRAINDOR, Byzantion, I, 621-630, 1924.

Sainte Croix, Lucien de. Un grand historien de I'art au moyen age. EMILE MALE. Mercure de France, I97, 324-350, I927. ISIS

Voir Isis, 6, 52-56.

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Including only the items which could not be included in Part I - the funda- mental (centurial) classification. Hence a student of Muslim science, for example, should not peruse simply the notes collected below under the heading ((Islam )), he should examine as well those included above under the headings VIIth century, VIII century, etc.


I. - Antiquity: i. Antiquity (generalities); 2. Egypt; 3. Babylonia and Assyria; 4. Greece; 5. Rome.

II. - Middle Ages: 6. Middle Ages (generalities); 7. Byzantium.

III. - Oriental Science and Civilization: 8. Asia (generalities; Western Asia; Central Asia; Eastern Asia); 9. India; io. China; ii. Japan; I2. Israel; I3. Iran; I4. Islam.


I - ANTIQUITY (generalities).

Baglioni, Silvestro. L'alimentazione degli antichi. Archivio di storia d. scienza, 8, 9-I6, I927. ISIS

Baumann, E. D. Die heilige Krankheit der Skyten. Janus, 3I, 447-63, I927. ISIS

Baumann, E. D. Psyche's lijden. Studien over de ziekten der ziel in de oudheid. 24I blz. Rotterdam, NIJGH en VAN DITMAR, 1927.

ISIS Reviewed by M. A. VAN ANDEL, Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde,

7, 705-706, 1927.

Cumont, Franz. Fouilles de Doura-Europos (I922-I923), avec un appendice sur la ceramique de Doura, par M. et Mme. FELIX MASSOUL

(Haut -Commissariat de la Republique franSaise en Syrie et au Liban, Service des Antiquites et des Beaux Arts, Bibliotheque archeologique et historique, tome 9). LXXIII + 533 p., 63 fig., Altas de I24 P1. Paris, PAUL GEUTHNER, I926. Isis

Reviewed by VICTOR CHAPOT, yournal des Savants, 23-31, 1928.

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Evans, Sir Arthur. Essays in Aegean archaeology. Presented to Sir ARTHUR EVANS in honour of his 7sth birthday. Edited by STANLEY

CASSON. IX + I42 P. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1927.

Hennig, Richard. Die Frage des Lastrygonen- und Kimmerierlandes: eine Kenntnis hochnordischen Erscheinungen bei HOMER? Petermanns Mitteilungen, 72. Jahrgang, I64-I66, I926. ISIS

HENNIG places the Lestrygons in Africa and the Cimmerians in Cornwall. J. K. W.

Kammerer, A. Essai sur 1'histoire antique d'Abyssinie. Le royaume d'Aksum et ses voisins d'Arabie et de Meroe. I98 p., avec 45 pl. hors texte et 4 cartes. Paris, GEUTHNER, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 449-50, 1927.

Meinecke, Bruno. Consumption (tuberculosis) in classical antiquity. Annals of Medical History, 9, 389-402, I927. ISIS

Niederle, Lubor. Manuel de l'antiquite slave. t. II. La civilisation. (Collection de manuels publiee par l'Institut d'1Ttudes slaves, i). 360 p., I44 fig., 3 p1. Paris, CHAMPION, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by MARCEL BLOCH, Revue de Synthese historique, 44, I68-9, 1927.

O'Brien-Moore, Ainsworth. Madness in ancient literature. 228 P. Weimar, WAGNER, I924. ISIS

Reviewed by OTTO WEINREICH, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2297-99, 1927.

Peake, Harold, and Fleure, Herbert John. Priests and kings. (The Corridors of Time, 4). 208 p. Oxford, Clarendon, Press, I927. ISIS

Reviewed in Nature, 121, 375-6, 1928.

Schiaparelli, Giovanni. Scritti sulla storia della astronomia antica. Parte 2a. Scritti inediti. T. III, XVI + 340 p., I ritr., fig., N. ZANI-

CHELLI, Bologna, I927. ISIS

Avec ce volume se ferme le monument eleve par LUIGI GABBA et ATTILIO

SCHIAPARELLI a la memoire de GIOVANNI SCHIAPARELLI (Isis, 8, 503-6; 9, 544). Voici la nomenclature des notes qu'il renferme: Sul modo di narrare la storia dell'astronomia (pp. ix-x) ; Cenno autobiografico di G. SCHIAPARELLI (xv-xvi) ; Principio di una storia delle matematiche (7-15) ; (des I855, SCHIAPARELLI avait forme le projet d'ecrire une histoire des mathematiques, dont nous avons ici le programme et l'introduction); Principio di una storia dell'astronomia antica (23-6I); Studi sul calendario degli antichi Egiziani (67-105); Sulla relazione del calendario degli antichi Egiziani col fenomeno della precessione (IO9-II9); Osservazioni ed effemeridi babilonese sui feno- meni del pianete Venere scoperte fra le rovine di Ninive ed oggi conservate nel Museo britannico (I25-233); Sull'origine dell'era di Nabonassar (237-239);

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II calendario cappadoce (243-56); Studi su alcuni punti dell'astronomia antica in relazione col fenomene della precessione (26I-77); Studi sopra IPPARCO, frammenti (28I-6); Di un'antica ipotesi eliodinamica sul movimento dei pianete, frammenti (289-98); La settimane lunare dei Peruviani (303-4); Cenno sulla nautica astronomica dei Fenici (306); Origine delle nundinae (31I-2); Sopra il Poeticon astronomicon d'Igino e analoghi scritti derivati da ERATOSTENE (315-2I).

Certains de ces fragments devaient vraisemblablement s'incorporer 'a l'his- toire de l'astronomie ancienne (jusqu'f la fin du xve s.), dont nous n'avons que le programme general, la pr6face et trois chapitres sur les origines et l'astrono- mie primitive, 6crits vers I90I. Son histoire de l'astronomie (( dev'esser leggibile, come quella di BAILLY... Deve rendersi interessante con acconcia varieta di materia, saper intercalare l'aneddoto e le notizie biografiche, non sprofondarsi in recerche teoriche fuor di proposito (che e il pifi grosso difetto di DELAMBRE), ma neppure contentarsi di schizzi superficiali, come fa troppo spesso BAILLY )) (P. X). - Les fragments groupes comme etudes sur le calendrier des anciens ltgyptiens, 6crits en I871, devaient faire partie d'une histoire de l'astronomie chez les lgyptiens. - Le long memoire sur les ob- servations et les eph6merides babyloniennes date de 1905 Ou I906; il constitue essentiellement une traduction, un commentaire et une etude critique de la tablette cun6iforme K. I60 du British Museum. Et si SCHIAPARELLI ne l'a pas publi6e, c'est vraisemblablement, selon GABBA, qu'il eut connaissance, apres sa r6daction, d'une autre tablette cun6iforme dont le contenu &tait 6troitement connexe a celui de la tablette sur laquelle etait fonda tout son travail; tout 6tait 'a refaire, et le temps a manqu6. - Le travail sur la pr6cession des- quinoxes, anterieur a 1874, preparait le m6moire sur les spheres homo- centriques d'EuDoxE, de CALIPPE et d'ARIsToTE. - Les fragments sur HIP- PARQUE, notes jet6es sur le papier de I89I a i1908 devaient servir 'a une &tude complkte, dont nous avons le programme, de l'ceuvre de cet astronome.- Les autres fragments sont moins importants.

Cette publication des in6dits de SCHIAPARELLI est int6ressante surtout au point de vue psychologique; elle nous fait p6ndtrer dans I'6laboration meme de son oeuvre; nous sommes au milieu de ses projets; nous sentons mieux qu'il ne livrait 'a l'impression que des travaux longuement 6laboras, mfrement rdfl6chis. Si la connaissance de l'astronomie ancienne, en soi, n'en tire point profit, la personnalit6 de GIOVANNI SCHIAPARELLI, dont un beau portrait orne le volume, s'en trouve grandie. L. G.

Tafrali, 0. (Professeur 'a l'universite de Jassy). La cite pontique de Dionysopolis. Kali-Acra, Cavarna, T'eke et Ecrene. Exploration archeologique de la c6te de la mer Noire entre les caps Kali-Acra et Ecrene faite en I920. Recherches d'histoire. 8o p., i6 pl. Paris, GEUTHNER, 1927 (frs. 40). ISIS

Tannery, Paul (I843-1904). Memoires scientifiques. Publi's par J. L. HEIBERG. Volume VII. Philosophie ancienne, I880-I904. Preface de FEDERIGO ENRIQUES. XXIII + 380 P., 3 pl. Toulouse, EDOUARD PRIVAT, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Iszs, 9, 127-130, I927.

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Turayev, Boris Aleksandrovich (I868-I920). Russian investigations

on the classical East published until I9I7. Publications of the com-

mission for the History of Sciences, no. 3, I9 p., portrait. Leningrad,

Academy of Sciences, I927 (in Russian). Isis

z. - EGYPT.

Bevan, Edwyn. A history of Egypt under the Ptolemaic dynasty.

XXI + 409 p. London, METHUEN, I928. IsIs

Blackman, Winifred S. The Fellahin of Upper Egypt: their religious,

social, and industrial life to-day, with special reference to survivals

from ancient times. Foreword by R. R. MARETT. With many illustra-

tion from photographs taken by the author. 33I p. London, HARRAP,

I927. ISIS

Bourdon, Claude. Anciens canaux, anciens sites et ports de Suez.

(Memoires de la Societe' Royale de Geographie d'Egypte, 7). XVI +

I57 P., 7 p1., maps, Le Caire, Societe Royale de Geographie d'Egypte,

I925. ISIS

The aim of the rulers of Egypt from ancient times into the middle ages was to maintain communication with the Red Sea by a canal leading from the Gulf of Suez to the Nile. The Arabs were the first to ((express explicitly the idea of a direct canal )) from the Mediterranean to the Gulf of Suez. Lieutenant BOURDON'S volume is divided into three parts: i) French trans- lations of ancient, Arabic, and epigraphic texts; 2) discussion of the texts; 3) discussion of the region through which the canals have run and of the remains of ancient canals. The work is illustrated by large scale maps and plans. J. K. W.

Dawson, Warren R. Pygmies, dwarfs, and hunchbacks in ancient

Egypt. Annals of Medical History, 9, 3I5-326, 53 fig., I927. ISIS

Erman, Adolf. Eine agyptische Quelle der Spriuche SALOMOS. IO p.,

2 p1. Berlin, Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften, I924. ISIS

Lexa, Frangois. La magie dans l'Sgypte antique, de l'ancien Empire

jusqu"a 1'epoque Copte. 3 vols. Paris, GEUTHNER, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by LYNN THORNDIKE, Isis, 9, 450-2, I927.

Lint, J. G. de. De bezwering in de geneeskunde van het oude Egypte.

Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, I7-28, I928. ISIS

Moret, Alexandre. The Nile and Egyptian civilization. XXIX + 497 P., 24 pl. 82 text ill., 3 maps. London. KEGAN PAUL, I927 (issued I928).


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Petrie, Sir W. M. Flinders. Ancient weights and measures: illustrated by the Egyptian collection in University College, London. VI + 5I p., 54 pl. London, Department of Egyptology, University College, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by W. H. MATTHEWS, Nature, 121, 3II-3I4, 1928.

Porter, Bertha, and Moss, Rosalind L. B. Topographical biblio- graphy of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, reliefs and paintings. Vol. I: The Theban necropolis. XVIII + 2I2 P. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I928. ISIS

Steindorff, Georg. Aegypten und der Sudan. Handbuch fur Reisende. 8. Aufl. ccII -F 480 P., 2I maps; 85 plans, 56 fig. Leipzig, KARL


Reviewed by HEINRICH SCHAFER, Deutsche Literaflurzeitung, 676-9, I928.

Wieleitner, Heinrich. War die Wissenschaft der alten Aegypter wirklich nur praktisch? Isis, 9, II-28, I927. ISIS

(sIch mochte nun im folgenden zu zeigen versuchen, dass die Frage des Titels dieser Abhandlung mit Nein zu beantworten ist. Damit stelle ich mich in einigen Gegensatz zu den meisten Aegyptologen, wenigstens zu allen europaischen, die sich mit der Frage iiberhaupt befasst haben. ) .... (( Die Geschichte der Wissenschaften muss eben letzten Endes doch von den Wissenschaftshistorikern beurteilt werden, nicht von den Philologen. Auch habe ich schon Helfer, die mir in meiner Ansicht vorangegangen sind, einen Aegyptologen (J. H. BREASTED) und einen Mathematikhistoriker (L. CH.

KARPINSKI), der den Aegyptologen mit beeinflusste, beide in den Vereinigten Staaten.s

Wulff, Oskar; Volbach, Wolfgang Fritz. Spatantike und koptische Stoffe aus agyptischen Grabfunden. XIII + I59 P., I35 p1. Berlin, E. WASMUTH, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by R. BERLINER, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2107-2II01, I927.


Ehelofl, Hans und Lansberger, B. Der altassyrische Kalendar. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenldndischen Gesellschaft, 74, 2I6-2I9,

I920. ISIS

Hall, H. R. and Woolley, C. Leonard. Ur excavations. Vol. I

Al-'Ubaid: a report of the work carried out at Al-'Ubaid for the British Museum in I9I9, and for the joint expedition (British Museum and the University of Pennsylvania) in I922-23. With chapters by C. J. GADD and Sir ARTHUR KEITH. XII + 244 P., 78 pl. London,

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Published for the two Museums by the Oxford University Press, 1927. ISIS

Hoppe, Edmund. Die Entstehung des Sexagesimalsystems und die Kreisleitung. Arch. di storia d. sc., 8, 449-458, 1927. ISIS

((Die itlteste Zeiteinheit bei den Sumerern war I/6 Tag = suissu, begruindet durch die Richtungsmessung beim Gnomon, und durch die Wahl des gleich- seitigen Dreiecks zur Feststellung des Richtungsunterschiedes... Die Unter- teilung wird nach zwei Richtungen volIzogen: erstens die Halbierung zu einen kasbu (I/I2 Tag) und spater zu einem halben kasbu; zweitens die Einteilung der Einheit in Io Teile nach Anleitung des Dezimalsystems. Resultat: eine Stunde - I/24 Tag und die Ebene - 6o Teile. Damit ist das Sexagesimal- system ( praeliterarisch )) begriindet. In der Schriftsprache folgt die systema- tische Auspriigung mit den Potenzen von 6o, und ebenso den Potenzen von i/6o ... Erst unter der Assyrerherrschaft erfolgt die weitere Einteilung des Tages durch Teilung der alten Einheit sussu in 6o Teile zu einem us, dementsprechend die Teilung des Gnomonebene in 360 Teile, und so die Kreisteilung in 36o Grad. >

Jean, Charles Francois. Sumer et Akkad; contribution a l'histoire de la civilisation dans la basse Mesopotamie. II + I65 p., 92 PI. Paris, GEUTHNER, I923. ISIS

Reviewed by E. BURROWS, 3ournal Royal Asiatic Society, 32I-322, z926.

Langdon, Stephen. Babylonian penitential psalms, to which are added fragments of the epic of creation from Kish in the Weld Collection of the Ashmolean Museum. Excavated by the Oxford-Field Museum Expedition. (Oxford Editions of cuneiform texts, edited under the direction of S. LANGDON, 6). xvI + IO6 p., 37 pl. Paris, GEUTHNER,

1927. ISIS Reviewed by BRUNO MEISSNER, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 363-4, I928.

Musil, Alois. The Middle Euphrates: a topographical itinerary. xv + 426 p., 57 ills. in text; 2 maps in pocket. American Geographical Society, Oriental Explorations and Studies no. 3, New York, American Geographical Society, 1927. ISIS

See Isis, I0, 249. In the appendixes of this volume there is much material on the historical geography of Mesopotamia in ancient and medieval times based on an elaborate study of the writings of historians and geographers in comparison with the results of explorations in the field. J. K. W.

Schoch, Carl. Die Ur-Finsternis (eine Hypothese). 2 p. quarto. Berlin-Steglitz, 3I Dezember 1927. ISIS

To this privately printed publication was added a typewritten page giving the chronology of the Dynasty Ur III according to the author's astronomical computations. The dates quoted are astronomical, thus -2282 equals 2283 B. C. G. S.


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Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Le syllabaire accadien. xii + 68 P. Paris, P. GEUTHNER, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed by BRUNO MEISSNER, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, ooo0, 1927.

Virolleaud, Ch. Babylone. Revue generale des sciences, 38, 535-541, 1927. ISIS

4. - GREECE.

Bick, Edgar M. The cult of Asklepios. A critical study. Annals of Medical History, 9, 327-33I, 1927. ISIS

Buck, Carl Darling. Introduction to the study of the Greek dialects. Grammar, selected inscriptions, glossary. Revised edition. XVIII + 348 p. Boston, GINN and Company, 1928. ($ 7.50) ISIS

We did not review the first edition of this work (19o9) as it appeared before Isis's birth. The new edition differs in many ways from the first. Indeed, the revision ( has been effected by numerous plate corrections in the body of the work, the addition of a few new inscriptions of especial importance, and a completely rewritten and much augmented Appendix and Glossary. But few pages of Part I, the grammar, have escaped some change, while longer additions have been placed in the Appendix. )) The purpose of the work is to give within a relatively small compass, that is, as briefly as is con- sistent with completeness and accuracy, a comparative study of Greek dialects, not only the few literary dialects but also the many others represented epi- graphically. It is divided into two main parts almost equal, a grammar and a collection of inscriptions. Half the grammar naturally deals with phonology. The following dialects are represented: Ionic, Arcadian, Cyprian, Lesbian, Thessalian, Boeotian, Phocian, Locrian, Elean, Northwest Greek KOCVq,

Laconian, Heraclean, Argolic, Corinthian, Megarian, Rhodian, Coan, Theran, Cretan. Of course the average historian of science is but seldom obliged to consider inscriptions; it is amply sufficient for him to be familiar with the characteristics of the four literary dialects: Attic, Ionic, Aeolic, Doric, and of the KoWv; yet he may need occasionally to refer to this very useful compendium. The larger work of F. BECHTEL: Die griechischen Dialekte (3 vols., Berlin, I921-24) is posterior to the first edition of the present work, but the author has taken full advantage of it in the preparation of this revised edition. This revision is completed by an elaborate glossary-index, a biblio- graphy, charts illustrating the distribution of peculiarities and a dialectic map of Greece. A work which has already become a classic, in Europe as well as in America, needs no special praise. It sufficed to indicate the additional merits of the new edition, as I gladly did. G. S.

Enriques, Federigo. L'evolution des idees geometriques dans la pensee grecque: point, ligne, surface. Traduit sur la 3e edition italienne par MAURICE SOLOVINE. (Fasc. I des Questions relatives

aux mathematiques elementaires, reunies et coordonnees par F. ENRIQUES.) VIII + 48 p., Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, 1927. ISIS

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4. GREECE. 5. ROME 493

Esquisse 6crite a l'usage des futurs professeurs, oti I'auteur donne l'histoire des r6sultats et de 1'6volution des id6es g6ometriques chez les Grecs. La 3e 6dition italienne est de I924. L. G.

Jacoby, Felix. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, II. T i. Zeitgeschichte, Lfg. i.: S. 509-828; dazu Kommentar S. 341-542.

Berlin, WIEDEMANN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by U. VON WILAMOWITZ- MOELLENDORFF, Deutsche Litaratur- zeitung, 2596-2598, I927.

Oder, Eugenius; Hoppe, Carolus. Corpus Hippiatricorum Gracco- rum. Vol 2. Hippiatrica Parisina, Cantabrigensia, Londinensia, Lugdunensia. Appendix. xxix + 358 p. Leipzig, TEUBNER, 1927.


Reviewed by K. SUDHOFF, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, 53-55, I 928

Sechan, Louis. 1:tudes sur la tragedie grecque dans ses rapports avec la ceramique. viii + 642 p. Paris, CHAMPION, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed by PAUL MAZON, 3ournal des Savants, 49-57, I928.

Stephanides, Michael. IVaLOyVWaTLK ,uv6oAoyci (Natural mythology). 'Ava-Tvrcoors EK To5 'HCHepoAoy[ov r-s MEya's 'EAAaos,, vol. 7, 331-37, 1928. Athens. Isis

By natural mythology, the author means the myths which symbolize physical phaenomena or prehistoric traditions. A number of examples are quoted. G. S.

Sticker, Georg. Fieber und Entziindung bei den Hippokratikern. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 150-174, 1928. ISIS

5- ROME.

Ashby, Thomas. The Roman Campagna in classical times. 256 p., 48 fig. London, E. BENN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by CH. HUELSEN, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2i6i-2i63, I927.

Beloch, Karl-Julius. Romische Geschichte bis zum Beginn der Piinischen Kriege. Berlin, W. DE GRUYTER, 1926. Isis

Reviewed by A. PIGANIOL, yournal des Savants, 104-II3, 1928.

Collinet, Paul. Histoire de l'Igcole de droit de Beyrouth. (Jtudes historiques sur le droit de J_ustinien, t. 2). 333 p. Paris, Societe du Recueil Sirey, 1925. ISIS

Reviewed by R. MOUTERDE, S. J., Byzantion, 2, 5IO-5I3, I925.

Duff, J. Wight. A literary history of Rome in the silver age. From

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494 5. ROME.



Feldhaus, F. M. tVber hohle romische Roststabe. Geschichtsbldtter fur Technik, Industrie und Gewerbe, II, 259-26I, 2 fig., 1927. ISIS

Hauptmann, Carl. Grundsaitze der romischen Erdvermessung als Hilfswissenschaft der Archaologie dargelegt und an Beispielen er- Ilutert. (Letzter Teil von (( Die romischen geodaten am Rhein))). 2 + 30 P. maps, plates, plans, diagrs., illus. Bonn, Rhenania Verlag, 1925. ISIS

Hohl, Ernestus. Scriptores historiae Augustae. (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.) 2 vols. xv + 305 p.; 304 p. Leipzig, TEUBNER, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by J. HASEBROEK, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 563-5, 1928.

Howald, Ernest and Sigerist, Henry E. ANTONII MUSAE De herba vettonica liber. PSEUDO-APULEI Herbarius. Anonymi de taxone liber. SEXTI PLACITI Liber medicinae ex animalibus etc. XXIV + 347 P., 2 pl. Leipzig, TEUBNER, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by JOH. MEWALDT, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 222-224, I 928; and by KARL SUDHOFF in Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 26, 323, 1927,.

Mattingly, Harold. Roman coins from the earliest times to the fall of the Western Empire. (Methuen's Handbooks of Archaeology). xx + 300 p., 64 pl. London, METHUEN, I928. ISIS

Piganiol, Andre. La conquete romaine. (Peuples et civilisations, histoire generale, edited by LouIs HALPHEN and PHILIPPE SAGNAC).

520 p. Paris, ALCAN, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by TENNEY FRANK, American Historical Review, 33, 372-3, I928.

Randall-Maclver, David. The Etruscans. v + I52 P., ii pl. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I927. ISIS

Randall-Maclver, David. The iron age in Italy: a study of those aspects of the early civilization wich are neither Villanovan nor Etruscan. xv + 243 P., 48 pl. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I927. ISIS

Rostovtsev, Mikhail Ivanovich. A history of the ancient world. Vol. 2, Rome. Translated from the Russian by J. D. DUFF. XIV +

387 p. London, Oxford University Press, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by CLIFFORD H. MooRE, American Historical Review, 33, 369-71, 1928.

Sinalski, Vasili. Les XII tables au point de vue de la chronologie

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de Rome et de son calendrier. I46 p. Acta universitatis Latviensis, XV, Riga, I926. Isis

Discussion de la chronologie de la fondation de Rome, de ses premiers rois, et de la creation des XII Tables. L. G.

Sinaiski, Vasili. Das zehnmonatliche Jahr in der r6mischen Historio- graphie. Epistolae et logistorici, No 6-7, i-ii, Riga, I927. ISIS


6. - MIDDLE AGES (generalities).

Corner, George W. Anatomical texts of the earlier Middle Ages. A study in the transmission of culture with a revised Latin text of Anatomia Cophonis and translations of four texts. II2 P., 3 pl. Washington, Published by the Carnegie Institution, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 452-56, 1927.

Coulton, G. G. (editor). Life in the Middle Ages. Vol. i: Religion, folk-lore and superstition. (The Cambridge Anthologies). xv + 246 p. Cambridge, University Press, I928. ISIS

Coulton, G. G. and Thurston, Rev. Herbert. Roman Catholic and Anglican accuracy. A public correspondence. 3I p. London,, SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, I927. ISIS

Degering, Her mann. Mittelalterliche Handschriften. Paliographische, kunsthistorische, literarische und bibliotheksgeschichtliche Unter- suchungen. Festgabe zum 6o. Geburtstage von HERMANN DEGERING.

VII + 327 P., I7 P1., portrait. Leipzig, KARL W. HIERSEMANN, I926.

Of the many memoirs contained in this splendid Festschrift, one by JULIUS

SCHUSTER: Secreta salernitana is of special interest to our readers; it is analyzed above in the section devoted to the first half of the fourteenth century. The Festschrift was edited by ALoIs BOMER and JOACIJIM KIRSCHNER; it contains I 7 plates the first of which is a portrait of DEGERING. G. S.

Des Marez, G. Le probleme de la colonisation franque et du regime agraire dans la Basse-Belgique. I93 p., cartes, plans et figures. (Extrait des Mdmoires publids par la Classe des Lettres de l'Acadimie Royale de Belgique; Deuxieme s6rie, t. 9) Bruxelles, M. HAYEZ, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by FRANCOIS L. GANSHOF, J7ournal des Savants, 113-123, 1928; and by C. W. DAVID, American Historical Review, 33, 380-382, 1928.

Doring-Hirsch, E. Tod und Jenseits im Spitmittelalter zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Biirgertums. (Stud. zur

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Geschichte der Wirtsch. und Geisteskultur hrsg. von R. HAPKE, Bdo 2) XV + I I5 p. Berlin, K. CURTIUS, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by PIILIPP STRAUCH, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 1563-1566, 1927.

Drecker, Joseph. Ueber Zeitbestimmung nach Sonnenuhren im Mittel- alter. Archiv fur Geschichte der Mathematik, IO, 420-426, 5 fig., 1928.


Lipp mann, E. 0. von. Petroleum im fruihen Mittelalter. Archivio di storia d. scienza, 8, 40-4I I 927. ISIS

Le petrole 6tait connu en petites quantites en Perse au VlIe siecle; au xe,

les gisements voisins de Baku sont exploites, et le p6trole exporte en Egypte. Les fameux incendies du Caire de 1077 et II69 sont, en grande partie, des incendies par le petrole. L'ecole de Salerne conseillait les bains de Puteoli (Puzzoles). L. G.

Male, Emile. Art et artistes du moyen age. 328 p., 8 pl. Paris, COLIN, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by HENRY LEMONNIER, Journal des Savants, 97-103, i928.

Pirenne, Henri. Les villes du moyen age, essai d'histoire economique et sociale. 203 p. Bruxelles, MAURICE LAMERTIN, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by A. COVILLE, Journal des Savants, I5-22, 72-80, 1928.

Prado, German (0. S. B.) Mozarabic melodies. Speculunm, 3, 2i8- 238, 2 pl., many musical illustrations, I928. ISIS

Ribera y Tarrag6, Juliain. Historia de la mu'sica airabe medieval y su influencia en la Espafiola. (Coleccion de manuales Hispania). 355 p. Madrid, Editorial Voluntad, 1927. ISIS

This volume explains the conclusions of Don JULIAN's deep studies; it is beautifully written in a lighter vein and without the critical notes which would discourage the educated reader who is not a scholar. As for the scholar, he will find all the information he needs in Don JULIAN's earlier works, La mu'sica de las Cantigas (Madrid, 1922) and La mu'sica andaluza medieval (3 parts, Madrid 1923-25; see below). As is well said by EMILIo GRACIA

GOMEZ in his preface: ((La musica popular medieval, espafiola y europea, fuente de la que aun corre en boca de les gentes del pueblo; la musica ficta que los cantollanistas juzgaban invencion del diablo, delatando con su re- pugnancia el origen musulmain de las fascinadoras melodias, es, pues, la misma que excuchaban, fuera de si por la emoci6n placentera, a trav6s del velo o citara que ocultaba a los musicos, los califas de las Mil y una noches. Y la misma que los airabes tomaron de Bizancio y Persia, como estos de Grecia y Roma. La cadena transmisora se ha restablecido. Asi, mientras la conciencia cientifica se satisface con la unica explicacion posible, el gusto por la historia pintoresca se complace en ver al moro y al cristiano - como en la vifieta del codice alfonsi que exorna el frontispicio de este libro - tafiendo acordes, en identicas vihuelas, las mismas antiquisimas tocatas. )) This volume ought

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to be translated into English. The DUKE OF ALBA AND BERWICK, thanks to whose generous initiative the work of Don MIGUEL ASfN on DANTE and the Divine Comedy, was made available to English readers, would increase our debt to him considerably if he would encourage the translation of Don JULIAN'S volume. Both works (this one and AsfN's) complete each other. Both explain the influence of Islam upon medieval civilization through Spanish channels; both reveal the vitality of modern Spanish scholarship.

G. S.

Ribera y Tarrago, Julian. La mu'sica andaluza medieval en las canciones de trovadores, troveros y minnesinger. Fasciculo Io.

I30 Canciones transcritas (I2 armonizadas) de el Cancionero del Arsenal, el de Saint Germain des Pres y el del no. 844 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Paris. 32 + 74 p. Madrid, Revista de Archivos, 1923.

Fasciculo 20. 136 canciones transcritas (12 armonizadas) del manu- scrito nu'm. 846 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Paris. 40 + 62 p. Madrid, ESTANISLAO MAES1RE, I924. Fasciculo 30. 90 canciones de los minne- singer del codice de Jena (25 armonizadas). 64 + 68 p. Madrid, ESTANISLAO MAESTRE, 1925. ISIS

The great Spanish Arabist, Don JULIAN RIBERA, is already well known to students of music by the monumental work, La Mdsica de las Cantigas, published in 1922 by the Real Academia Ezpafiola. He now considerably increases their debt to him by this rich collection of melodies which the trouveres and troubadours borrowed in Andalusia. Whence did these An- dalusian melodies come ? They came undoubtedly from Islam. Don JULIAN'S

work completes and corroborates the independent investigations of HENRY GEORGE FARMER (I925; Isis 8, 508-5II; 9, I89, 500). The first three parts of Don JULIAN'S work contain 356 canciones, 51 of which are harmonized. They are elaborately discussed and compared in the introductions and briefer notes deal with the particularities of each. The melodies here reproduced are derived from various Mss.: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, nos. 844 and 846; Chansonnier de l'Arsenal; Chansonnier de Saint Germain des Pres; and the Jena Ms. of Minnesinger. I am not yet able to give our readers an analysis and discussion of this very important work, but I wish to indicate some of the topics dealt with in the introductory chapters: History of the so-called musica falsa or ficta in Andalusia and its spread throughout Europe. Interpretation of troubadour music in this light .Comparison between the Cantigas and the troubadour melodies. How is their rhythm determined ? The method of interpretation is more fully discussed in part 3, p. 10-21.

Andalusian characteristics in the text and music of the Minnelieder. As I am unqualified to discuss this work, I will gladly give my copy to any competent scholar willing to prepare a review and discussion of it for Isis and thus more worthy than I to own it. G. S.

Salzman, Louis Francis. English life in the Middle Ages. v + 287 p., ill. London, Oxford University Press, i926. ISIS

Reviewed by K. G. T. WEBSTER, Speculum, 2, 485, I927.

Saxl, Fritz. Verzeichnis astrologischer und mythologischer illustrierter

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Handschriften des lateinischen Mittelalters. II. Die Handschriften der National-Bibliothek in Wien. (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, I925-26,

2). 254 p., I7 P1. Heidelberg, CARL WINTER, I927. (RM. i8). isis The first part of this elaborate investigation inspired by the much lamented

FRANZ BOLL (i867-I924; see Isis, 9, 476) dealt with the Roman libraries and appeared in 19I5 (Isis, 5, 277). The present volume is devoted to the treasures of the National Library of Austria; it is richly illustrated. It is divided as follows: Einleitung. I. Die Aratea; 2. Die Scotus-Gruppe; 3. Die orientali- sierten Sternbilder-Darstellungen; DURERS Himmelskarte; 4. Mikrokosmos- Bilder; 5. Astrologische Genrebilder des spiiten Mittelalters; Der Salone in Padua. Codices Vindobonenses. Tabellen. Indices. A total of 28 Mss. have been investigated and compared, I4 of the xvth century, 9 of the xivth, and 5 of the ixth to xiith century. The following remarks (on p. 7) will help the reader to appreciate the kind of material to be found in this volume. (" Unsere Traktate und deren Miniaturen lassen sich je nach ihrem Verhialtnis zu der griechisch-r6mischen und hellenistisch-orientalischen Wissenschaft in folgende vier Gruppen gliedern: Die erste Gruppe bilden die Handschrif- ten, die das in der rdmischen Antike in den sog. Aratea-Handschriften auf- gezeichnete Allgemeingut an Wissen vom gestirnten Himmel dem europiiischen Mittelalter iuberliefern. Die zweite Gruppe umfasst die Scotus-Handschriften, welche Elemente der Aratea, also der autochthoneuropaischen Bildung, mit solchen Elementen vermischen, die aus der hellenistisch-orientalischen Tradition stammen. Die dritte Gruppe wird von den Handschriften gebildet, die - neben orientalischen Lehngut - im wesentlichen nur jenen antiken Wissensstoff kodifiziert enthalten, der den nachantiken Kulturen des Westens erst auf dem Wege iuber den Orient vermittelt wurde. Zu dieser Gruppe gehoren die Abschriften der Sterntabellen des ALFONSO, die SfCFi-Handschrift usw. Zu einer vierten Gruppe endlich gehoren die BoNATTI-Handschrift, die mit kleinen Genrebildern geschmuickt ist, welche die Fragen an das Schicksal verbildlichen, die Handschrift mit den Genrebildern der Planeten- kinder und die KYEsER-Handschriften mit den im i 5. Jahrhundert neu- modischen Bildern der Planeten zu Pferde. Die Handschriften die-ser Gruppe sind dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in ihren Darstellungen keine Bildtradition von der Antike hier nachwirkt, sondern dass ihre Bilder neue Erfindungen des spatmittelalterlichen Geistes darstellen. )) G. S.

Studer, Paul, and Evans, Joan. Anglo-Norman lapidaries. xx + 404 p. Paris, CHAMPION, I924. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SArTON, Isis, 9, 123-4, 1927.

Sudhoff, Karl. Anatomietexte in den lateinischen Galenhandschriften des XIII. und XIV. Jahrhunderts, und in den Friihdrucken. Janus, 31, 294-303, I927. ISIS

Sudhoff, Karl. Harnglas und Harnglaskorb. Etwas aus dem A B C der medizinischen Realienkunde des Mittelalters. Archiv fuir Ge- schichte der Medizin, I7, 292-298, 2 pI., I925. ISIS

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Thorndike, Lynn. Sanitation, baths, and street-cleaning in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Speculum, 3, I92-203, 1928. ISIS

... ((No very positive position, then, would yet seem possible as to the sanitary condition and care of the streets in times past, and the Middle Ages in especial. What we need is less mud-slinging and more facts. If the foregoing discussion serves to check the former somewhat and to encourage the pro- duction of more of the latter, it will have achieved its purpose. ))

Thorndike, Lynn. The survival of mediaeval intellectual interests into early modern times. Speculum, 2, I47-I59, I927. ISIS

This is a very stimulating article which will do a lot of good. It would have done more good still but for some overstatements. It is clear that anatomy and physiology did not begin with VESALIUS and HARVEY, but their activity was nevertheless of the most revolutionary nature. And ORESME'S use of coordinates was hardly an anticipation of analytic geometry. In fact DESCARTES owed infinitely more to the Greek geometers than to ORESME or to any medie- val mathematician. G. S.

Thurston, Herbert (S. J.) Some inexactitudes of Mr. G. G. COULTON: a sheaf of criticisms and rejoinders arising mainly out of Mr. COUL- TON'S volume ((The mediaeval village.)) 86 p. (The Twelvepenny Series). London, SHEED and WARD, I927. ISIS

Yeldham, Florence, A. Notation of fractions in the earlier middle- ages. Archeion, Arch. di storia d. scienza, 8, 313-29, 1927. ISIS

L'emploi de fractions a base I2 (ou multiples et sous-multiples de 12)

est trds ancien. On les trouve chez VOLUSIUS MAECIANUS (ca. 146 A.D.); BALBUS, au commencement du Iie S. de notre ere, les emploie. En Europe occidentale, leur introduction est posterieure: VICTOR D'AQUITAINE (ca. 457), BADE (673-735) ne se servent que des expressions employees par VOLUSIUS. Au milieu du xe s., a l'epoque d'ABBO DE FLEURY, vingt cinq fractions de cette nature sont employees. Aux XIe et XIIe s., ces vingt cinq fractions sont etudiees longuement dans les travaux sur l'abaque. L'auteur reproduit quelques pages du Ratio regularum abaci (Ms XVII de St John's College, Oxford), datant de i I IO. L. G.


Andr6ades, A. De la monnaie et de la puissance d'achat des metaux precieux dans l'Empire byzantin. Byzantion, I, 75-II5, I924. ISIS

Diehl, Charles. Choses et gens de Byzance. (Collection d'etudes d'his- toire et d'archeologie). iII + 248 p. Paris, BoccARD, I926. Isis

Reviewed by PERCY ERNST SCHRAMM, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2459-

2464, 1927.

Fuchs, Friedrich. Die h6heren Schulen von Konstantinopel im

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Mittelalter. (Byzantinisches Archiv, Heft 8). VI + 79 p. Leipzig, TEUBNER, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed by Louis BRfHIER, J7ournal des Savants, 132-4, I928.

Gay, Jules. Notes sur l'hellenisme sicilien de l'occupation arabe 'a la conquete normande. Byzantion, I, 2I5-228, I924. ISIS

Iorga, Nicolae. Medaillons d'histoire litteraire byzantine. Byzantion, 2, 237-298, 1925. ISIS

Millet, Gabriel. Monuments de l'Athos. T. I. Les peintures. Album de 264 planches. (Monuments de l'art byzantin publies sous les auspices du Ministe're de l'Instruction publique et des Beaux Arts, 5). 74 p., 264 pl., Paris, LEROUX, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by 0. WULFF, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 91-95, i928.

Peeters, P. (S. J.) Sur la necessite d'un Onomasticon de l'Orient byzantin. Memoire presente' a la section byzantine du V1 Congres International des sciences historiques, 'a Bruxelles, avril 1923. By- zantion, I, 485-499, 1924. ISIS

Schlumberger, Gustave. Byzance et croisades. Pages medie'vales. V + 367 P., 24 planches hors texte. Paris, PAUL GEUTHNER, 1927C

(6o frs.) ISIS Ces scripta minora du grand byzantiniste frangais GUSTAVE SCHLUMBERGER,

a qui l'on a consacr6 recemment un admirable Festschrift (1924; Isis, 10, 228), meritent amplement la belle reedition que nous en donne le maitre 6diteur PAUL GEUTHNER. D'ailleurs, il ne s'agit pas simplement d'une r6impression. Par exemple, cinq de ces etudes avaient paru dans la Revue des Deux Mondes (de 1902 a I9I6), mais elles ont ete considerablement augmentees pour la pr6sente edition; l'une d'elles, le voyage dans les Abruzzes et les Pouilles (1914) est devenue au moins trois fois plus longue. Cette 6tude est l'une des plus int6ressantes du recueil; elle contient des d6tails precis su1 les chfiteaux de FR1DERIC II: Lucera dei Pagani, oiu il entretenait une arm6e de Sarrasins, Castel del Monte, Firenzuola, olu il mourut; sur les lieux qu'il aimait, par exemple, Foggia; sur ses me'nagesies, etc. Toutes ces etudes sont admirable- ment illustrees, ce qui n'avait pas et6 possible lorsqu'elles furent originalement publiees. Le seul d6faut de ce livre a la fois erudit et charmant, c'est le manque d'un index. I1 contient les etudes suivantes: i. Une r6volution de palais en l'an 1042 a B3yzance; 2. Le tombeau d'une imperatrice byzantine a Valence, en Espagne; 3. Un empereur de Byzance a Paris et a Londres; 4. Voyage dans les Abruzzes et les Pouilles (3-17 mai 1914); 5. Fin de la domination franque en Syrie. Prise de Saint-Jean-d'Acre, en l'an I29I,

par l'armee du Soudan dNRgypte; 6. JEAN DE CHATEAUMORAND, un des prin- cipaux heros frangais des arriere-croisades en Orient a la fin du xive siecle et a l'aurore du Xve; 7. Une prise de possession chr6tienne de la ville de J6ru- salem, en l'an 1229. La ville sainte et l'empereur FRIEDPRIC H1 DE HOHEN-


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S6terios, Georgios A. Guide to the Byzantine Museum of Athens (in Greek). I42 P., IO P1., 37 fig. Athena, MACRIS, I924. ISIS

Reviewed by HENRI GREfGOIRE, Byzantionz, 2, 571-77, 1925.

Stephanides, Michael. MoVutK'q Ka2 XpVc07TOdta (Music and chryso- poeia). 'EVrE-rqpt.s T-qs ETacpEcasL -lo-iv Bvcavrtvov or7Tov8&v, vol 4, 39-45, Athens, I927. ISIS

Explaining the relations which the Byzantine chymeutes (alchemists) established between alchemical transmutations and musical syntheses. Their main source of inspiration was the Timaeos. G. S.

Uspenskij, Feodor. Notes sur l'histoire des etudes byzantines en Russie. Traduit sur le manuscrit russe par H. GRIGOIRE. Byzantion, 2, 1-53, I925- ISIS


8. - ASIA (generalities).

Bouvat, Lucien. L'Empire mongol (Deuxieme phase). (Histoire du

monde, editee par E. CAVAIGNAC, tome 8). 364 p. Paris, BOCCARD,

I927. ISIS

Reviewed by ALBERT HOWE LYBYER, American Historical Review, 33, 68I-2, 1928.

Buxton, L. H. Dudley. The peoples of Asia. xiii + 27I P., ills.,

bibliog., indexes. (The History of Civilization Series). London, KEGAN PAUL, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by C. W. BISHOP, The Geographical Review, I69-171, January I928.

Howorth, Sir Henry Hoyle (1842-1923). History of the Mongols from the gth to the igth century. Part IV. Supplement and Indices. IV + 378 p. London, LONGMANS, GREEN, I927. ISIS

Contents: i. A general view of the geography, ethnography, and biology of Central Asia; 2. The character, home life, and surroundings of the Mongols; 3. The religion, ritual and magical practices of the Mongols; Indices: to Vol. i. The Mongols proper and the Kalmuks; to vol. 2. The so-called Tartars; to vol. 3, The Mongols of Persia. These indices appearing half a century later than the work itself, fill a gap which had been felt by many scholars; they are very welcome. Our thanks to the compiler, Mrs. MAUD


Western Asia.

Dussaud, Rene. Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et medie-

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502 8. ASIA

vale. Haut Commissariat de la Republique Franvaise en Syrie et au Liban. Service des antiquites et des beaux-arts. (Bibliothe'iie ar- cheologique et historique, t. 4). LII + 632 p., i6 maps, Paris, GEUTHNER

1927. ISIS Reviewed by E. BICKERMANN, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 585-9, I1928;

and by VICTOR CHAPOT, Journal des Savants, 84-5, ?I928.

Central Asia.

David-Neel, Alexandra. Voyage d'une Parisienne 'a Lhassa. XII + 327 P., 28 photographs, I map. Paris, PLON, I927. ISIS

Evans-Wentz, W. Y. The Tibetan book of the dead, or the after- death experiences on the Bardo plane, according to Lama KAZI DAWA-SAMDUP's English rendering. With foreword by Sir JOHN WOODROFFE. XLIV + 248 P. Oxford, University Press, I927. ISIS

Godard, A.; Godard, Y.; Hackin, J. Les antiquites bouddhiques de Bamiyan. Avec des notes additionnelles de PAUL PELLIOT. (Mi- moires de la Diligation archeologique franfaise en Afghanistan, vol. z). I20 P., 48 p1. Paris, G. VAN OEST, I928. ISIS

Gompertz, Major M. L. A. ((( Ganpat ))). Magic Ladakh: an intimate picture of a land of topsy-turvy customs and great natural beauty. 291 p. London, SEELEY, SERVICE, I928. ISIS

Muller, Reinhold F. G. Die Krankheits- und Heilgottheiten des Lamaismus. Anthropos, 22, 956-99I, I927. ISIS

Stein, Aurel (editor). Serindia. Detailed report of explorations in Central Asia and Western-most China carried out and described under the orders of H. M. Indian government. Indian Archaeological Survey. 5 vol. Vol. I: XXXIX + 547 P.; vol. 2, VIII + 54I P.; vol 3, XI + 49I p., with 59 maps and architectural drawings; vol. 4, I75 plates; vol. 5, 96 maps. Vol. I to 3 contain 345 illustrations. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I92I. ISIS

Very elaborate review by VICTOR GOLOUBEW, Bulletin de l'1cole franFaise d'Extr,6me Orient, 25, 496-541, 1925.

Trinkler, Emil. Through the heart of Afghanistan. Edited and trans-- lated by B. K. FEATHERSTONE. 248 p. London, FABER and GWYER, I928. ISIS

Trinkler, Emil. Afghanistan: eine landeskundlich Studie auf Grund des vorhandenen Materials und eigener Beobachtung,. VII + 8o p., 4 pl. Gotha, JUSTUS PERTHES, I928. ISIS

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8. ASIA. 9. INDIA 503

Eastern Asia.

(Including works relative to the whole of Buddhist Asia, or to India, Central and Eastern Asia combined)

Krause, Friedrich Ernst August. Geschichte Ostasiens. Vol. i, 400 p.; vol. 2, 488 p., 2 maps; vol. 3, 80 p., 3 tables. G6ttingen, VANDENHOECK und RUPRECHT, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by PAUL PELLIOT, T'oung Pao, 25, I49-155, I927.

9. - INDIA.

Chalmers, Lord. Further dialogues of the Buddha. Translated from the Pali of the Majjhima Nikaya. Vol. I, XXIV + 37I p. London, Oxford University Press, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by W. STEDE, journal Royal Asiatic Society, 569-572, I 926.

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Yaksas. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous collections, vol. 8o, no. 6). 43 p., 23 p1. Washington, D. C., Smithso- nian Institution, I928. ISIS

((Dr. VOGEL in Indian Serpent Lore (I926; Isis, IO, 234) has very recently and very admirably studied the old Indian (or perhaps we ought rather to say, the Indian aspect of the wildespread Asiatic) cult of Nagas or Dragons, guardian spirits of the Waters. In the following pages I have attempted to bring together, from literary and monumental sources, material sufficient to present a fairly clear picture of an even more important phase of non- and pre-Aryan Indian ((animism )), the worship of Yaksas and Yaksis, and to indicate its significance in religious history and iconographic evolution. n The Yaksas are Hindu jinns, also patron saints or guardian angels, etc. Ela- borate study, admirably illustrated. G. S.

Dasgupta, S. N. Die Medizin der alten Hindus. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 80-94, I928. ISIS

Davids, T. W. Rhys (I843-I922). Ein Nachruf von W. STEDE. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenldndischen Gesellschaft, 77, I37-I42, I923. ISIS

Goloubew, Victor. Documents pour servir a l'etude d'Ajanta; les peintures de la premiere grotte. (Ars Asiatica, vol. IO). 48 p., 66 pl., ill. Bruxelles, G. VAN OEST, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by MARCEL GRANET, Journal des Savants, 42, I928.

Iyengar, T. R. Sesha. Dravidian India. With a foreword by C. RAMA-

LINGA REDDY. Vol I, XIII + 254 P. Madras, India Printing Works, 1925. ISIS

Reviewed by L. D. BARNETT, yournal Royal Asiatic Society, 155, 1926.

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504 9. INDIA

Jacobi, Hermann. Einteilung des Tages und Zeitmessung im alten Indien. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenldndischen Gesellschaft, 74, 247-263, I920. ISIS

Keith, Arthur Berriedale. The religion and philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads. Part I, XIX + 312 p. Part 2, VII, 3I3 - 683 p. (Har-

vard Oriental Series, 3I and 32). Cambridge, Harvard University Press, I925. ISIS

Kincaid, Charles Augustus; Parasnis, Rao Bahadur D. B. A history of the Maratha people. Vol. 3: From the death of Shahu to the end of the Chitpavan epic. XII + 254 P., 8 p1. London, Oxford University Press, 1925. ISIS

Reviewed by L. D. BARNETT; Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 158, I926.

Maju mdar, Girija Prasanna. Vanaspati: plants and plant-life as in Indian treatises and traditions. (Griffith Memorial Prize Essay). XX + 254 P. Calcutta, The University, 1927. ISIS

Mazumdar, Bijay Chandra. Orissa in the making. With a foreword by Sir EDWARD A. GAIT. XII + 247 P., 9 pl., map. Calcutta, University

of Calcutta, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by L. D. BARNETT, J7ournal Royal Asiatic Society, 156-7, I926.

Mukhopadhyaya, (Bhisagacarya) Girindranath. History of Indian medecine. Containing notices, biographical and bibliographical, of Ayurvedic physicians and their works on medicine, from the earliest ages to the present time. Vol II. XXI + 5I8 P. University of Calcutta, I926. ISIS

Prasad, Ishwari. History of mediaeval India, from A. D. 647 to the Mughal conquest. With a foreword by L. F. RUSHBROOK WILLIAMS.

XXXIX + 602 p., 2I pI., 5 maps. Allahabad, Indian Press, I925.


Reviewed by WOLSELEY HAIG, Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 780-783, I926.

Rawlinson, Hugh George. Intercourse between India and the western world. 2nd ed. vi + I96 p. Cambridge, University Press, 1926.


First edition appeared in I9I6. Reviewed by E. WALDSCHMIDT, Deutsche Literatur.zeitung, 23IO-23I2, I927.

Saksena, Ram Babu. A histbry of Urdu literature. With a foreword by TEj BAHADUR SAPRU. VI + 379 p. Allahabad, Ram Narain Lal., I928. ISIS

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9. INDIA 505

Samaddar, J. N. The glories of Magadha. With foreword by A. B. KEITH. (Patna University readership lectures, I922). II + x + I65 P., i p1. Patna, Patna University, 1924. ISIs

Reviewed by L. D. BARNETT, Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 154, I926.

Schierlitz, Ernst. Die bildichen Darstellungen der indischen Gotter- trinitat in der alteren ethnographischen Literatur. 94 P. Miinchen, H6FFLING, I927. ISIs

Reviewed by HERMANN GOETZ, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 388, I928.

Senart, Emile. Les castes dans l'Inde. Les faits et le systeme. Nouvelle edition publiee sous les auspices du Musee Guimet. VIII + 245 P. Paris, PAUL GEIJTHNER, I927. (40 frs.) ISIS

La premiere edition de cette etude magistrale parut il y a plus de trente ans, et cependant elle est 'a peine vieillie. L'ouvrage est divise en trois parties: le present, le pass6, les origines. Je cite une partie de la conclusion: (( La langue classique de l'Inde se distingue des langues cong6neres par une singu- larite frappante. Le verbe fini a peu de place dans la phrase; la pensee s'y d6roule en composes longs, de relation souvent indecise. Au lieu d'une con- struction syntaxique solide oii le dessin s'accuse, oii les incidences se detachent elles-memes en propositions nettement arretees, la phrase ne connalt guere qu'une structure molle oii les 6lements de la pensee, simplement juxta- poses, manquent de relief. Les croyances religieuses de l'Inde ne se pr6sentent guere en dogmes positifs. Dans les lignes flottantes d'un panth6isme mal d6fini, les oppositions et les divergences ne se soulevent un moment que pour s'e6crouler comme un remous instable dans la masse mouvante. Les contradictions se r6solvent vite en un syncretisme conciliant oiu s'enerve la vigueur des schismes. Une orthodoxie accommodante couvre toutes les dissidences de son large manteau. Nulle part de doctrine categorique, liee, intransigeante. Sur le terrain social, un ph6nom6ne analogue nous appara't dans le r6gime de la caste. Partout le meme spectacle d'impuissance plastique. Quelque seve qu'il ait empruntee aux circonstances ext6rieures et historiques, c'est bien le fruit de l'esprit hindou. L'organisation sociale de l'Inde est '

la structure des cites antiques ce qu'est un poeme hindou 'a une trag6die grecque. Aussi bien dans la vie pratique que dans l'art, le g6nie hindou se montre rarement capable d'organisation, c'est-'a-dire de mesure, d'harmonie. Dans la caste, tout son effort s'est epuis6 'a maintenir, 'a fortifier un r6seau de groupes ferm6s, sans action commune, sans r6action reciproque, ne re- connaissant finalement d'autre moteur que I'autorite sans contrepoids d'une classe sacerdotale qui a absorb6 toute la direction des esprits. Sous le niveau du brahmanisme, les castes s'agitent, comme les episodes se heurtent d6sor- donn6s dans la vague unit6 du r6cit 6pique. II suffit qu'un systeme artificiel en masque th6oriquement le decousu. )) G. S.

Shcherbatskii, Fedor Ippolitovich. The conception of Buddhist Nirvana. VI + 246 p. Leningrad, I927. ISIS

Thompson, Edward. Suttee. A historical and philosophical enquiry

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506 9. INDIA. TO. C-IINA

into the Hindu rite of widow burning. 165 p. London, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1928. Isis

Trevaskis, Hugh Kennedy. The land of the five rivers: an economic history of the Punjab from the earliest times to the Year of Grace I890. xx + 372 p. Oxford, University Press, 1928. ISIS

Viswanatha, S. V. International law in ancient India. x + 214 P. Bombay, LONGMANS, GREEN, 1925. ISIS

Reviewed by L. D. BARNETT, yournal Royal Asiatic Society, I55-6, i926.

Woodward, F. L. Some sayings of the BUDDHA. According to the Pali Canon. Translation. Xi + 356 p. London, H. MILFORD, 1925. ISIS

Reviewed by Mrs. RHYs DAVIDS in Yournal of the Royal Asiatic Society,

346-49, T9z6.


Adolph, William Henry. Synthesizing a chemical terminology in China. Journal of Chemical Education, 4, 1233-I240, October 1927.


Describes a successful effort to build up from the ancient Chinese characters a language adequate for the needs of modern chemical science. T. L. D.

Bagchi, Prabodh Chandra. Le canon bouddhique en Chine. Les traducteurs et les traductions. Vol. I. (Sino-Indica, publications de l'Universite de Calcutta, I). LII + 436 p. Paris, PAUL GEUTHNER, I927. (I25 frs-) ISIS

L'auteur de ce travail important est un 6leve de SYLVAIN Lviv qui a vecu longuement avec lui 'a Santiniketan, dans la vall-ee du Nepal, en Extreme- Orient et finalement en Franee. Son livre ne remplace pas le (( Catalogue of the Chinese, translations of the Tripitaka )) de BUNYIU NANJIO (i883), mais il le complete. En effet le catalogue de NANJIO 6tait bas6 sur l'6dition des Ming, mais depuis une nouvelle edition du Tripitaka a 6te publiee a Kyoto (I882-85) et a r6v6l6 des textes nouveaux. De plus de tr&s nombreux travaux ont et6 consacres a la litterature bouddhique depuis 1883. L'auteur se propose de nous donner un inventaire complet du Tripitaka chinois class6 principalement par 6poques, secondairement par r6gions. Cette seconde subdivision 6tonne au premier abord mais elle s'explique par les consid6rations suivantes "Le d6veloppement du Bouddhisme au sud du Fleuve Bleu semble s'6tre poursuivi d'une fagon ind6pendante durant les 6poques des (( Trois Royaumes )) et des ((ttats du Sud et du Nord )). C'est la periode de la consolidation du Bouddhisme sur le sol chinois. Les textes traduits dans le Sud y avaient 6t6 g6neralement apport6es par la voie de la mer et ceux traduits dans le Nord par les routes de l'Asie centrale. De m6me qu'on a d6ja' constate que les textes apport6s par la route de l'Asie centrale n'etaient pas toujours d'origine purement hindoue, peut-etre pourra-t-on 6galement montrer un jour que les textes apport6s des iles de la mer du Sud (Nan-hai)

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I0. CHINA 507

etaient quelquefois d'origine locale. C'est la coutume de Nan-Hai et non pas de l'Inde que YI-TSING etudia pour fournir les regles de la vie monacale des Chinois )). Ce premier volume s'arree vers la fin du vIe siecle; un second volume continuera l'inventaire jusqu'~ la fin de la p6riode mongole. II est malheureux qu'un ouvrage contenant un aussi grand nombre de noms propres et de titres d'ouvrages ait &t6 imprim6 sans caracteres chinois, mais l'auteur nous promet d'y remddier dans l'index. EspArons que ce second volume ne se fera pas trop attendre. G. S.

Bishop, C. W. The bronzes of Hsin-Cheng Hsien. Smithsonian Report for I926, 457-468, 9 plates, Washington, 1927. Reprinted from The Chinese Social and Political Science Review, vol. 8, April I924. ISIS

(( One of the most significant archeological finds of recent years - perhaps the most significant, for the amount of new light which it throws on a highly important but hitherto little known ancient civilization - is that made at Hsin-ch8ng Hsien, in Honan, last summer (1923) ..... In all, about ioo (bronze) vessels are known to have been discovered, although it is thought probable that the workmen stole a great many, particularly of the smaller pieces..... While opinions appear to differ as to the precise date of this most noteworthy interment, the prevailing view seems to be that it is of the latter part of the Chou dynasty, or, roughly, between 40o B. C. and 250 B. C ..... The thought suggests itself in this connection (it is not original with me but has been in the air for several years) - can there not be established a school of Chinese archeology, supported by Chinese and foreign institutions alike, both for the training of a force of competent field workers and for the undertaking of a systematic study of the still remaining traces of man's former existence in this country ? Few things would do more, either to extend the general sum of human knowledge, or, more specifically, to enhance among occidental nations the appreciation of a great civilization, destined to exercise in the centuries to come, such a profound influence upon the destinies of mankind.

Fonahn, A. Chats on medicine, myths and magic from Chinese classics and historical works. Janus, 3I, 395-4I2, I927. ISIS

Forke, Alfred. Geschichte der alten chinesischen Philosophie. xvi + 594 p. Hamburg, L. FRIEDERICHSEN, I927. ISIS

Graham, David Crockett. Religion in Szechuan province, China. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous collections, vol. 8o, no. 4) 83 p., 25 P1. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1928. ISIS

i. Introduction; 2. The ancestral cult and demons; 3. Birth, marriage, death, and burial; 4. Yinyang and fengshui; 5. Incantations, charms, and amulets; 6. Public ceremonies and religious festivals; 7. Divination, lucky days, vows, prayer, religious offerings, and worship; 8. Temples and sacred places; 9. The gods in Szechuan province; io. Summary and conclusion. Bibliography ((Religion in Szechuan is exceedingly practical. Every phase of it, every rite and ceremony, every god or temple, has to do with the satis- fying of some human need that is felt to be important. They are the techniques that have been worked out and used during the past centuries by the masses


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5o8 I 0. CHINA

of untutored people as a means of securing satisfaction of the primary needs of man - food, sex, protection from enemies, from the forces of nature, and from disease, and play. To these people in their environment, such techni- ques have seemed and still seem most natural and reasonable. )) G. S.

Ma, C. C. The origin of the term ((root)) iln Chinese mathematics. American Mathematical Monthly, 35, 29-30, 1928. ISIS

Mallory, Walter H. China: land of famine. With a foreword by JOHN H. FINLEY. (American Geographical Society, Special publication no. 6). XIV + 199 P., I03 fig. New York, American Geographical Society, 1926. ISIS

An elaborate study by the secretary of the China International Famine Relief Commission. It is divided into eight chapters as follows: Causes of famine : economic, natural, political, social; Cures for famine : idem. G. S.

Moule, A. C. A Western organ in medieval China. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 193-21 I, 726, 1926. ISiS

(( It is well known that the Chinese have had a little organ called sheng or yiu for many ages, made with bamboo pipes which are fitted with free reeds, and played by suction. The words shtng and huang, the reed, occur in the Odes which date from before 500 B. C,, and are traditionally explained as referring to an instrument like that which is still in use. But attention has not, -I think, been called to the fact that a reed organ from the West was brought to China in the thirteenth century, and created so much interest at the time that it was reconstructed to play the Chinese scale. Ten or twelve of these instruments seem to have been made and to have been used in the Imperial orchestra during the Yuan dynasty (1280-I368), but I cannot find that they were used after that period. Three descriptions of the Hsing lung shUng, as the organ was named, have been found in books of the fourteenth century, and translations of these are here given, with explanatory notes very kindly contributed by the Reverend Canon F. W. GALPIN. )) See H. G. FARMER'S paper (ibidem, 495-499) quoted below under Islam.

Paotchin, Lin. L'instruction feminine en Chine, apres la revolution de I9II. These. i88 p. Paris, JOUVE, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by JOHANNES WITTE, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 145-6, I928.

Pelliot, Paul. Les Yi nien lou. T'oung Pao, vol. 25, 65-81, 1927. ISIS

Les Yi nien lou ou Rdpertoires des anndes douteuses sont des repertoires contenant les annees de naissance et de mort de personnages connus. Le plus ancien est celui compos6 par TS'IEN TA-HIN (I728-I804), publiH apres sa mort en 18I3. PELLIOT en cite huit autres qui se corrigent et se completent. Tous ces ouvrages ont 6t6 rtcemment refondus en un seul par un erudit de Wou-tsin (Kiangsou), nomme TCHANG WEI-SIANG dont PELLIOT analyse et discute assez longuement l'ceuvre, Yi nien lou houei pien (Collection re- class6e des Yi nien lou, 1925). G. S.

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Read, B. E. and Partington, J. R. Chinese alchemy. Nature, I20,

877-878, I927. ISIS

Schmitt, Erich. Die Grundlagen der chinesischen Ehe. Eine historisch- ethnographische Studie auf Grund des Gesetzbuches der T'ang- Dynastie und Mandschu-Dynastie sowie ausgewiihlter klassischer und philosophischer Literatur. 223 S. Leipzig, BROKHAUS, I927.


Reviewed by A. FORKE, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2295-97, I927.

Swingle, Walter T. Chinese and other East Asiatic books added to the Library of Congress, I926-27. Report of the Librarian of Congress for thefiscalyear ending June 30, I927, 245-278, 2 plates, Washington, 1927. ISIS

For SWINGLE'S previous report, see Isis IO, 239 f. The present report is as interesting as usual. The Library has acquired i8 more official gazetteers, and many other geographical works, 2o new ts'ung shu (bringing the total of such collections up to 454, containing some 23000 works), many herbals. (( Of the very rare first edition of the PMn ts'ao kang mu published in 1590

the Library of Congress now has a nearly complete copy, the lacking preface, list of compilers, and several folios deliberately changed in the spurious I640 reprint being supplied by photographs, the text of books I to 5o and two books of illustrations being printed from the original blocks in the I640 reprint. This first edition contains the earliest known mention of the American cereal maize growing in China. It reached the wild regions of western China less than a century after the discovery of America. Li SHIH-CHEN'S detailed description and crude figure given under yii shu shu leave no doubt as to its identity with maize. )) (( The Library of Congress now contains 8 editions of this great Chinese materia inedica and also photographic copies or reprints from the original blocks of almost all of the first edition, making 9 editions in all. One other Japanese reprint is in the library of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, making Io editions available for study in Washington. A noteworthy addition to the collection of Chinese herbals is the Shao Hsing chiao ting ching shih ch'fng lei pei chi pen ts'ao compiled by WANG CHI-HSIEN,

CHANG HsIAO-CHIH, Tzu YUAN, and Kuo SHAO-KUNG in 1159 A. D. )) ((The outstanding feature of this herbal supposed to have been the standard work of its class during the Southern Sung period is the size and excellence of its illustrations, far better than those of any other ancient herbal that has been preserved. )) More versions of TS'AI HSIANG'S monograph on the lychee

(for which see my Introduction, vol. I, 766) have been obtained: <e The Library of Congress now has about 20 texts of the Li chih p'u, 5 of them in photographic copy, I a manuscript copy, and the rest printed copies or rubbings made from stone or wood carved in the style of inscriptions. Every one of these differs from all of the others in some point and it is only by a study of all of them that a reasonably correct text of this great agricultural classic can be restored. )) The Libiary has also a complete copy in 36 books of WANG CHEN'S Nung shu (Book of agriculture). This copy ais especially valuable because of its beautiful illustrations, showing agricultural implements and machinery in use in China in the early part of the fourteenth century )). Four additional

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volumes of the Yung lo ta t'ien have been secured. It is to be hoped that the Library will be able to obtain a complete set of photostat or manuscript copies of all the volumes in existence. The Korean collection has also been considerably increased, I03 works in 557 volumes being acquired, of which works 54 are not listed by COURANT. G. S.

Teng, Shu-chun. The early history of forestry in China. J7ournal of Forestry, 25, 564-570, 1927. ISIS

The history of forestry in China may be divided into three periods: (i)

The ((Ancient )) Period, prior to about I IOO B. C., during which the clearing of the land for agricultural purposes was often followed by disastrous floods; (2) The ((Golden)) Period, which coincides approximately with the Chow Dynasty (I I22-256 B.C.), during which two governmental commissions and a special corps of forestry police were maintained and ((the Government actually realized the need of forest protection and attempted to carry out a conservative forest policy, without being forced to do so by wood shortage; (3) The (( Dark )) Period (about 250 B.C. - I9II A.D.), (( during which many factors worked together to bring about a steady destruction of the forests.

J. K. W.

(Wieger, Leon). Bibliographie methodique des ceuvres du Pere L1ON WIEGER. Par HENRI BERNARD (S. J.). T'oung Pao, 25, 333-345, I927.



Batchelor, John. Ainu life and lore. Echoes of a departing race. x + 449 p., 95 illustrations, I5 in full colour, portrait. Tokyo, Kyo- bunkwan (Christian Literature Society), (no date; received in I928).


This book is valuable because it represents first hand and intimate know- ledge. The author, the Ven. Dr. JOHN BATCHELOR, has been in contact with the Ainu for over half a cenitury. He was made an honorary member of the Hokkaido government and is in receipt of a pension in recognition of his work among the Ainu race. His extensive record is of great ethnological interest; it contains abundant illustrations, many of them in color. G. S.

Chamberlain, Basil Hall. Things Japanese, being notes on various subjects connected with Japan, for the use of travellers and others. Reprint of the I905 edition (fifth edition revised) with the addition of two Appendices. 59I p., portrait, map. London, KEGAN PAUL,

I927. ISIS

First edition, Tokyo I890.

Ohasama, Schuej. Zen, der lebendige Buddhismus in Japan. Aus- gewiihlte Stiicke des Zen-Textes, iibersetzt und eingeleitet. Hrsg. von AUGUST FAUST mit Geleitwort von RUDOLF OTTO. XVIII + I97 P. Gotha, PERTHES, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by ERICH SCHMITT, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 127-8, 1928.

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Sansom, G. B. An historical grammar of Japanese. 364 p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I928. Isis

(( The chief object of this work is to provide material for study of the affi- liations of the Japanese language, and, in so far as philological evidence is of value, for inquiry into the origins of the Japanese race; but it has been so planned as to be, I hope, of interest to students of general linguistic theory. I trust also that advanced students of Japanese, especially those who wish to read early or medieval texts, will find it useful as a work of reference; and even those who are concerned only with the modern spoken and written languages, will, I believe, find many of their difficulties removed by gaining some knowledge of the development of grammatical forms and the growth of common idioms.))


Baynes, Norman H. Israel amongst the nations. An outline of Old Testament history. 328 p. London, Student Christian Movement, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by JoH. HEMPEL, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 42-48, I928.

Bousset, Wilhelm. Die Religion des Judentums im spithellenistischen Zeitalter. 3. verb. Aufl. hrsg. von HUGO GRESSMANN. (Handbuch zum Neuen Testament, hrsg. von HANS LIETZMANN, Nr. 2I). XI + 576 p. Tiibingen, MOHR, I926. Isis

First edition I 903, second edition i 906. Reviewed by ERICH FASCHER Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2I40-2I43, I927.

Cohen, D. E. De vroegere Amsterdamsche joodsche doctoren. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 7, 625-64I, I927. ISIS

Friedlander, Arthur M. Facts and theories relating to Hebrew music. Royal Asiatic Society, Centenary Supplement, 87-IO2, I P1., I924. ISIS

Gaster, Moses. The Asatir: the Samaritan Book of the ((Secrets of Moses)) together with the Pitron or Samaritan Commentary and the Samaritan story of the death of MOSES. Published for the first time,with introduction,translation and notes. 352+59 p. Oriental translation fund, n. s., vol. 26). London, Royal Asiatic Society, I927.


Ginzberg, Louis. The legends of the Jews. Vol. V. Notes to volumes I and II. From the Creation to the Exodus. XI + 446 p. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society of America, I926. ISIS

Goulven, J. Les mellahs de Rabat-Sale. Preface de GEORGES HARDY.

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Dessins de HAINAUT; couverture de JABIN. XII + i65 P., 32 pI.

Paris, GEUTHNER, I 927. ISIS

1Dtude fort bien illustr6e et qui parait fort bien documentee sur les Juifs de Rabat et de Sale. G. S.

Gress man, Hugo. Altorientalische Texte und Bilder zum Alten Testament, gesammelt und beschrieben. Zweite, v6llig neugestaltete und stark vermehrte Auflage. 224 P., z6o pl. with 678 fig., i map. Berlin, W. DE GRUYTER, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by JOH. HEMPEL, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2089-2095, I927.

First edition, Tiibingen, igog.

Halper, Benzion. Post-biblical Hebrew literature. An anthology. 2 vols. xx + 300 p., 25I p. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society of America, I92I. ISIS

Excellent anthology which illustrates admirably the continuity of the Hebrew language. It contains extracts from representative authors in many fields (except Halakah and biblical exegesis): Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash, liturgy, poetry, philosophy, ethics, history, geography, folklore, travel, philology, epistles, ethical wills, etc. The preparation of this work involved considerable work for ait may justly be said that of all medieval literature Hebrew books are the most studied but the least edited. X Thus many of the texts here published had to be edited from imperfect editions and even from Mss. The first volume contains the Hebrew texts, with notes, a glossary of non- biblical words and an excellent preface; the second volume contains the English translation. To illustrate the chronological range of this anthology, it will suffice to say that it begins with the Wisdom of BEN SIRA and ends with NAPHTALI HIRZ WESSELY (d. I 805), - a range of two millennia. G. S.

Hoschander, Jacob. The Book of Esther in the light of history. Ix + 3i8 p. Philadelphia, The Dropsie College, I923. ISIS

Reviewed by H. HIRSCIFELD, Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 58o-582, I926.

Marx, Alexander. Mr. BAMBERGER'S donation to the Seminary Library. United Synagogue -Recorder, vol. 8, I3-15, New York, 1928. ISIS

Apropos of a gift of c. 6o Mss. made by Louis BAMBERGER of Newark, to the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. I copy the final paragraph, of special interest to our readers . ((The medical Mss. greatly add to the Seminary's particularly rich store in this field. They include several hitherto unknown treatises, the most important of them being a new translation of HIPPOCRATES' Aphorisms by SHEM TOB BEN IsAAc of Tor- tosa. This well-known translator started this work in his seventieth year in Marseilles and finished it in Tarascon. This is the fifth Hebrew translation from the Arabic of this famous medical work, which evidently was of very great interest to the Jews. Three translations have been known for a long time, and a fourth one by a certain JACOB IBN ZABARA was discovered among the manuscripts of the Seminary, which thus can boast of two unique copies. What increases the value of the new translation is the fact that it combines

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I 2. ISRAEL 513

with the text a commentary by PALLADIUS, hitherto known only through a few quotations. One of the medical works of GALEN translated from the Arabic and accompanied by a commentary by a famous Arabic physician is extant only in very few Mss. There is further a part of AVICENNA'S great medical work, the Canon Book IV, in a German handwriting of the fifteenth century in which the chapters are not counted, an unusual and inconvenient arrangement, and also several volumes containing various smaller medical treatises by Jewish and non-Jewish authors, some of them entirely unknown.

Marx, Alexander. Reports of the Librarian published in the Registers of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 53I West I23rd Street, New York; I2I-I40, I924; I24-I40, I925; I24-I45, I926;

I29-I59, I927. IsIS

I owe to Dr. MARX'S courtesy reprints from his reports included in the Registers for the years 5686 to 5688. They are very interesting. The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary is already very rich and its wealth is increasing fast. At the time of the Seminary's reorganization in 1902, it contained C. 5000 books; in 1927, it contained c. 77,000 printed books and pamphlets and c. 6ooo Mss. It has gradually absorbed a number of valuable private libraries and collections, namely those of DAVID CASSEL, S. MORAIS, MAYER SULZBERGER, S. J. HALBERSTAM, EPHRAIM DEINARD, MORITZ STEIN- SCHNEIDER, E. KAUTZSCH, MARX and MOSES OTTINGER, SOLOMON SCHECHTER, ISRAEL SOLOMONS, MAURICE HERRMANN, ELKAN N. ADLER. It is particularly rich in Hebrew editions of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, books printed in the Orient, in Russia before I840, in America, Judeo-Persian and Judeo- Spanish editions, Anglo-Judaica, documents on the Inquisistion. To give here a more detailed account of this Library, which will soon be one of the greatest centers of information on Judaica and Hebraica, is obviously out of the question. I shall simply quote by way of illustration, two items of the Register for I926: ((An important medical manuscript on vellum, written in Spain in the fifteenth century, contains four medical treatises, among them the Digestiva et Purgantia by ARNOLD DE VILLA NOVA in ABRAHAM

ABIGDOR's Hebrew translations, the Antidotarium of NICQLAUS PRAEPOSITUS and AVICENNA'S rhymed book on medicine in a Hebrew translation, which seems to differ from those enumerated by STEINSCHNEIDER)) ..... (( A xvth century Ms. of a medical traetise on diets and the medical value of plants, written in Spain, incomplete and not yet identified. )) Further reports will be mentioned in Isis as they appear. G. S.

Moore, George Foot. Judaism in the first centuries of the Christian era, the age of the Tannaim. Two volumes: XII + 552 p.; VIII +

486 p. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by SAMUEL SCHULMAN, the Jewish Quarterly Review, i 8, 339-3 55 I 928.

Reisner, George Andrew; Fisher, Clarence Stanley; Lyon, David Gordon. Harvard excavations at Samaria, I908-I9I0. Vol. I -

text, 4I7 p.; voI. 2 -XXII p., plans, go pI. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, I924. ISIS

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Reviewed by T. G. PINCHES, j7ournal Royal Asiatic Society, 548-550, 1926.

Scheftelowitz, J. Alt-Palastinenischer Bauernglaube in religionsver-

gleichender Beleuchtung. III + i8i p. Hannover, HEINZ LAFAIRE,

1925. ISIS

Reviewed by D. S. MARGOLIOUTH, journal Royal Asiatic Society, 568-9, I 926.

Scholem, Gerhard. Bibliographia Kabbalistica. Verzeichnis der ge-

druckten, die jildische Mystik (Gnosis, Kabbala, Sabbatianismus,

Frankismus, Chassidismus) behandelnden Biicher und Aufsaitze von

REUCHLIN bis zur Gegenwart. Mit einem Anhang: Bibliographie

des Zohar und seiner Kommentare. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte der jiudischen Mystik, Bd. 2). XVI + 230 p. Leipzig, W. DRUGULIN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by E. DARMSTAEDTER, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, 44, I 928.

Smith, William Robertson. Lectures on the religion of the Semites.

The fundamental institutions. 3rd edition edited by STANLEY A.

COOK, LXIV + 718 p., portrait. London, A. and C. BLACK, 1927.


Reviewed by JOH. HEMPEL, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 42-48, I928.

13. - IRAN.

Fisher, B. Irrigation systems of Persia. Geographical Review, 30Z-

306, 1928. Isis

Explaining the system of subterranean canals (qanat) as described by POLYBIOS and as it is to-day. The author, Commodore FISHER, is principal of the American Boys' School, in Hamadan. G. S.

Hertel, Johannes. Die Sonne und Mithra im Awesta, auf Grund

der awestischen Feuerlehre dargestellt. (Indo-Iranische Quellen und Forschungen, Heft 9). xxviii + 3I8 p. Leipzig, HAESSEL, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by REINHOLD F. G. MOLLER, in Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, 49, I928.

Saussure, Leopold de (d. 1925). Note sur l'origine iranienne des

mansions lunaires arabes. Journal asiatique, 207, i66-8, 1925. ISIS

14. - ISLAM.

Abdou, (Cheikh) Mohammed. Rissalat al-Tawhid. Expose de la

religion musulmane, traduit de 1'arabe avec introduction sur la vie

et les idees du Cheikh MOHAMMED ABDOU. Par B. MICHEL et le

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14. ISLAM 515


1925. ISIS Reviewed by D. B. MACDONALD, Isis, 9, 456-7, 1927.

Andrae, Tor. Der Ursprung des Islams und das Christentum. iv + 2o6 p. Uppsala et Stockholm, ALMQUIST et WIKSELL, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by GAUDEFROY-DEMOMBYNES, Journal des Savants, 135-7, 1928.

Brunel, Rene. Essai sur la Confrerie religieuse des 'Aiss aoua au Maroc. (The'se). XVI + 258 p. io pl. Paris, GEUTHNER, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by R. HARTMANN, Deutsche Literaturzeituizg, 2151-2153, 1927.

Castagne, Joseph. La latinisation de l'alphabet turk dans les replu- bliques turko-tatares de 1'U. R. S. S. Revue des ttudes Islamiques, 321-353, 1927. (published 1928). ISIS

Chevrillon, Andre. Les puritains du desert (Sud-Algerien). 273 p. Paris, PLON, 1927. ISIS

Farmer, Henry George. The organ of the Muslim kingdoms. Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 495-99, 1926. ISIS

Apropos of A. C. MOULE'S study, A western organ in medieval China (ibidem, 193-211) for which see this bibliography under China.

Furlani, G. Astrologisches aus syrischen Handschriften. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenldndischen Gesellschaft, 75, I22-128, I921. ISIS

Apropos of the Syriac Ms. British Museum 4434 (MARGOLIOUTH's List, I899, P. 42) containing astrological texts translated from the Arabic. G. S.

Goldziher, Ignaz (1850-192i). Ein Nachruf von RICHARD HARTMANN.

Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenldndischen Gesellschaft, 76, 285-290,

1922. ISIS

Goldziher, Ignaz (I850-192I). Vorlesungen fiber den Islam. Zweite, umgearbeitete Auflage von FRANZ BABINGER. XI + 406 p., port. Geleitwort von C. H. BECKER. (Religionswissenschaftliche Bibliothek, I). Heidelberg, CARL WINTER, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by ALFRED GUILLAUME, Journal Royal Asiatic Society, 3 53-4, I1926.

Jacob, Georg. Arabische Berichte von Gesandten an germanische FUrstenh6fe aus dem 9. und IO. Jahrhundert. Ins Deutsche uiber- tragen und mit Fussnoten versehen. (Quellen zur deutsch. Volks- kunde, hrsg. von V. VON GERAMB und L. MACKENSEN). 50 p. Berlin and Leipzig, W. DE GRUYTER, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by R. HARTMANN, Deutsche LiteraturzeitUng, 52I-3, 1928.

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5I6 14. ISLAM

Macdonald, Duncan Black. Continuous re-creation and atomic time in Muslim Scholastic theology. Isis, 9, 326-344, 1927. ISiS

((The Muslim peoples have viewed creation, or the origin of the visible world in time and space, in, broadly speaking, three different ways. )) The present paper deals with the third way, which may be called the Atomistic, and of which the best description may perhaps be found in MAIMONIDES's Guide of the Perplexed. This description is here analyzed and discussed. The paper ends with a suggestive comparison with similar views in Buddhist, Santrantika, philosophy. G. S.

Miller, Konrad. Mappae arabicae. Arabische Welt- und Lander- karten des 9. -I3. Jahrhunderts in arabischer Urschrift, lateinischer Transkription und Uebertragung, in neuzeitliche Kartenskizzen, mit einleitenden Texten herausgegeben. Selbstverlag der Heraus- gebers, Staffelnbergstrasse, 54, Stuttgart, I926 (et seq.) Isis

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 458-62, I927.

Pernot, Maurice. En Asie musulmane. 243 p. Paris, HACHETTE, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by J. CANTINEAU, Revue des arts asiatiques, 4, 236-7, 1927.

Ribera y Tarrag6, JuliAn. La ensenianza entre los Musulmanes Espafioles. Bibliofilos y Bibliotecas en la Espafia musulmana. (Publi- caciones de la Real Academia de Cdrdoba). 3a edici6n. I2I p. Cordoba, La Comercial, I925. ISIS

Welcome reprint of two memoirs which first appeared more than thirty years ago. The earliest and longest (io8 p., closely printed), dealing with Muslim education in Spain, was originally read at the University of Saragossa in I893. I have not seen it in the original form, but imagine that the present edition is considerably larger as it is much too long for a single lecture. Various Arabic documents are printed in appendix (p. 89-96). The second memoir (22 p.) on the Booklovers and libraries of Muslim Spain, was originally a thesis presented to the same university shortly afterwards. The value of this reprint is materially increased by a biographical introduction with a portrait. Don JULIAN was born in I858 at Carcagente, province of Valencia; his father wanted him to study law; he became a bachelor in Valence and a doctor in Madrid. He was attracted by the austere teaching of FRANCISCO CODERA Y ZAIDIN and this determined the course of his life. He became assistant and collaborator of Don FRANCISCO and in I887 was appointed to the chair of Arabic in Saragossa. Thanks to his activity and enthusiasm, Saragossa thus became the nursery of Islamic studies in Spain. Practically all of Spanish Arabists now living are his pupils, the foremost of these being Don MIGUEL ASfN Y PALACIOS whose work has often been discussed in Isis. May Don JULIAN'S generous activity be continued, and his influence be felt, for many years to come. G. S.

Rif'at Pasha, Ibrahim. View of the two sanctuaries (mir'at al-haramain In Arabic. 2 vols. 514 + 395 p. Misr (Cairo), I344-I925. ISIS

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Reviewed by MAX MEYERHOF, Isis 9, I30-I33, I927.

Rihani, Ameen. IBN SA'OUD of Arabia: his people and his land. XVII + 370 p. London, CONSTABLE, I928. IsIs

Ruska, Julius. Zur geographischen Literatur im islamischen Kultur- bereich. Geographische Zeitschrift, 33, 5I9-528, 589-599, I927. ISIS

A useful summary and appraisal of the outstanding achievements of the medieval Moslems in the field of geographical science and description.

J. K. W.

Ruska, Julius. CARL SCHOY (Geb. den 7. April I877, gest. den 6. Dezember I925). Isis, 9, 83-95, I927. ISIS

Biography of our much lamented friend with bibliography and portrait. SCHOY was at the time of his death, the leading student of Arabic astronomy and trigonometry. Many of his very valuable papers appeared in Isis.

G. S.

Schwarz, P. Fanld und Verwandtes, ein sprachlicher Beitrag zur Geschichte des Zuckers. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenldndischen Gesellschaft, 74, 238-246, I920. ISIS

See on the same subject J. RUSKA'S article sukkar in Encyclopaedia of Islam (vol. 4, 509, 1927). G. S.

Seabrook, W. B. Adventures in Arabia among the Bedouins, Druses, whirling Dervishes, and Yezidee devilworshippers. Illustrated with many photographs and with pen drawings by A. G. PECK. 3I3 P. New York, HARCOURT, BRACE, I927. ISIS

Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. The Islamic world since the peace settle- ment. xvi + 6ii p. (Survey of international affairs, I925; Vol. I). London, Oxford University Press, I927. ISIS

Reviewed byPHILIP K. HITTI, American Historical Review, 33, 659-6i, I928.



Including only the materials which could not be included in Parts I and II. Hence studies on Japanese astronomy or on XIIth century astronomy are not classified below under astronomy, but above, respectively under Japan (in Part II) and XIIth Century (in Part I).

The sections forming Part III are classified as follows I. Science in general: I5. Bibliography; i6. History; I7. Organization;

i8. Philosophy.

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II. Formal sciences (Knowledge of forms): I9. Logic and Theory of Knowledge; 20. Mathematics; 2I. Statistical methods.

III. Physical sciences (Knowledge of inorganic nature): 22. Mechanics; 23. Astronomy; 24. Physics; 25. Chemistry (Physico-chemistry, In- dustrial chemistry); 26. Technology.

IV. Biological sciences (Knowledge of organic nature): 27. Biology (Gene- ralities, (Natural history)); 28. Botany (Agronomy, Phytopathology, Palaeobotany); 29. Zoology.

V. Sciences of the earth (implying knowledge of both organic and inor- ganic nature): 30. Geodesy; 31. Geography and Oceanography; 32.

Geology, Mineralogy, Paleaontology, Mining; 33. Meteorology, Cli- matology and Terrestrial Physics.

VI. Anthropological and historical sciences (Knowledge of man, past and present): 34. Anatomy; 35. Physical anthropology (anthropometry and races of man); 36. Physiology (human and comparative); 37. Psychology (human and comparative); 38. Archaeology (generalities, methods); 39. Prehistory; 40. Ethnology (primitive and popular science); 41. Superstition and Occultism.

42. Economics (economic doctrines and history; commerce; trans- portation and communications); 43. Sociology, Jurisprudence and Positive Polity; 44. History of Civilization (general history, historical methods, biography and chronology); 45. History of Art (Art and science; Iconography; Arts and crafts); 46. History of Language, Writing and Literature; 47. History of Morals (Moral organization of society); 48. History of Philosophy; 49. History of Religion (Science and religion).

VII. Medicine: 50. History, organization and philosophy of medicine; 51.

Epidemiology, History of special diseases. Public health and Social medicine; 52. History of hospitals and of medical teaching; 53. Phar- macy; Pharmacology; Toxicology.

VIII. Education (the methods of accumulating, imparting and diffusing know- ledge) : 54. Education (Generalities, Methods, Colleges, Universities); 55. Academies, societies, congresses, National and international orga- nization of science; 56. Bibliography (Methods, Libraries); 57. Museo- logy (Museums and Collections).

IX. 58. Alia; 59. Errata. The applied sciences are not disconnected from the pure sciences, but, as

far as possible, the principles and applications of science are considered in the same section. However, applications based upon the principles of many sciences are dealt with separately (e.g., technology; medicine; education).



Barnes, Harry Elmer. The history of science: teaching and per- sonalia. Isis, 9, II2-II7, 1927. ISIS

i. The teaching of the history of science in Germany; 2. The history of science in the United States; 3. The teaching of the history of science in Italy; 4. Germany; 5. France; 6. Switzerland; 7. United States.

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Brewster, Edwin Tenney. Creation. A history of non-evolutionary

theories. 295 p., 30 pl. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., I927.


Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 462-5, 1927.

(History of Science Society). List of members of the History of

Science Society elected from January 30, I925 to July 3I, I926.

Isis, 9, 7-IO, I927. ISIS

(History of Science Society). Report of the meetings for I925 and

I926, by FREDERICK E. BRASCH. Isis, 9, 223-225, I927. ISIS

(Isis). Contents of the first eight volumes of Isis. Isis, 9, 383-386, I927.


(Isis). Early volumes of Isis. Short note by GEORGE SARTON. Isis, 9, II7-II8, I927. ISIS

(Isis). Publication fund. Isis, 9, 364, 1927. ISIS

Lasswitz, Kurd (1848-i910). Geschichte der Atomik vom Mittelalter

bis NEWTON. 2. Bande, 2. mit ersten uibereinstimmenden Auflage.

XII + 5I8 p., VIII + 609 p. Leipzig, LEOPOLD VoSS, I926. ISIS Reviewed by HUGO DINGLER, Isis, 9, 465-7, 1927.

(London. Science Museum). The new Science Museum. Nature, I21, 458-460, I928. ISIS

Moureu. Ch. Discours et conf6rences sur la science et ses applications.

372 p. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by F. MICHEL, Revue gJngrale des Sciences, 39, 151, 1928.

Picard, Emile. De NEWTON '

LAPLACE. Revue des deux mondes, I74-94,

i juillet I927. ISIS

lecrit pour comm6morer le double anniversaire de la mort de NEWTON

et de LAPLACE.

Ruska, Julius. Die Naturwissenschaften und ihre Geschichte. Der Kristall, das Wissen der Zeit, vol. i, 88-93, March I928. ISIS

General views on the history of science.

Sarton, George. Introduction to the history of science. Vol. i, From

HOMER to OMAR KHAYYAM. XII + 839 p. (Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication no. 376). Baltimore, WILLIAMS and WILKINS,

I927. (ten dollars). London, BAILLIE'RE, TINDALL (45 sh.) ISIS Reviewed by H. E. BARNES in Social Forces vol. 6, 304, Baltimore 1927

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by ARNOLD BENNETT in London Evening Standard, Jan. 5, 1928; by Dom HUGO BPVENOT (O.S.B.) in Literarische Beilage zur Augsburger Postzeitung, 7. Mairz, 1928, S. 38; by E. G. BORING in American 3ournal of Psychology p. 150, 1928; by A. CORSINI, in Rivista di Storia delle Scienze Mediche e Naturali, I8, 271, 1927; by JOSHUA FINKEL in Yewish Quarterly Review, vol. I8, 445-48, 1928; by ADOLF MEYER in Berichte iuber die wissenschaftliche Biologie, Band 6, Heft 8, r928; by ADOLF MEYER in Zentralblattfur Bibliotheks- wesen, 1928; very elaborate review (52 p.) by YOSHIO MIKAMI, Shigaku, vol. 7, no. i, Tokyo, March 1928 (in Japanese); by YOSHIO MIKAMI in the Tokyo Butsuri Gakk6 Zasshi, dai 433, p. 35-37, Dec. 1927 (Journal of the Tokyo school of physics, in Japanese); by FRANCIS R. PACKARD, Annals of Medical History, io, 0o8-i 1O, 1928; by RAYMOND PEARL, Quarterly Review of Biology, 3, 149-50, March 1928; by JULIUS RUSKA, Archiv fur Geschichte der Mathematik, 1o, 467-8, 1928; by Q. VETTER in Stredin Skola, 8, 208, 1928; by LYNN THORNDIKE in American Historical Review, 33, 363-366, I 928; by QUIDO VETTER in Rise hvezd, organ of the Czech Astronomical Society, vol. 9, 46, I928 (in Czech); by QUIDO VETTER in Casopis pro pestovani matematiky afysiky, 57, i61-i63, 1928; by HENRY R. VIETS in Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. 197, I37I, Jan. i9, 1928; by DANIEL WARNOTTE, in Revue de Sociologie, p. 902, Bruxelles, 1927; by ERNST BLOCH in Zeitschrift fur den physikalischen und chemischen Unterricht, Heft 3, 157, 1928. For other reviews, see Isis, II, 234.

Sarton, George. Ninth report to the Carnegie Institution. Year Book no. 26, p. 346, Washington, Carnegie Institution, 1927. ISIS

Report for the year ending on June 30, 1927. i. Introduction to the histo-ry of science; 2. Publication of Isis; 3. Lectures.

Sarton, George. Twentieth critical bibliography of the history and philosophy of science and the history of civilization (to May 1926). Isis, 9, 145-220, 4 plates, 1927. ISIS

Containing 535 items. Some of the notes were contributed by T. L. DAVIS

(Cambridge, Mass.), L. GUINET (Brussels), H. METZGER (Paris), D. E. SMITH (New York), H. WIELEITNER (Munich), J. K. WRIGHT (New York).

Sarton, George. Twenty first critical bibliography of the history and philosophy of science and of the history of civilization. (to October 1926). Isis, 9, 49I-613, 1927. ISIS

(( This Twenty First Bibliography contains 769 items. Some of the notes were contributed by T. L. DAVIS (Cambridge, Mass.), HUGO DINGLER

(Munich), L. GUINET (Brussels), L. LEROUX (Paris), R. M. MAY (Paris), J. STEPHENSON (Edinburgh), N. TRANSEHE (New York), H. WIELEITNER (Munich), J. K. WRIGHT (New York). ))

Sarton, George. Preface to Volume IX. Isis, 9, 226-233, 1927. ISIS

((Among all the marvels of nature, none is more marvelous than our cogni- zance of them; among all the beauties, none is more ravishing than the beauty of human art, unless it be the more cryptic beauty of human science. The man of science is like a seeing man among the blind; yea, if he be truly hu-

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manised, he is like a king. But if he is not educated, he is more likely to suggest comparison with a spoiled and ill-mannered child. Which shall we be ?

Stein, Robert. Alte franzdsische Zeitschriften fur deutsche medizinische und naturwissenschaftliche Literatur. Archiv fur Geschichte der Mathematik, 10, 473-5, 1928. IsIs

Strunz, Franz. Astrologie, Alchemie, Mystik: ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Naturwissenschaften. 351 p. Miinchen-Planegg, OTTO


(Sudhoff Medals). Isis, 9, 428, 1927. ISIS

Announcing first awards (i926) to GEORG STICKER and E. 0. VON LIPPMANN.

Turner, Dorothy M. History of science teaching in England. x + 208 p. London, CHAPMAN and HALL, I927. ISIS

Turner, Dorothy M. The philosophical aspect of education in science. Isis, 9, 402-4I9, I927. ISIS

I. WHEWELL and the place of science in a liberal education; 2. HERBERT

SPENCER and education for complete living; 3. HUXLEY and retrospective prophecy; 4. The discipline of science; 5. The certainty of science. The ignorance of science.


(Internal organization is meant, see Isis I, 195. For external, national or international, organization, see section 55).

Hol myard, E. J. General science. (Mainly chemistry and biology). XIII + 236 p., 8 portraits. London, J. M. DENT, (preface dated Sept. 1927). 4 sh. ISIS

The author's Introductory textbook (i926) was reviewed in Isis, 9, 563. The present volume is even more original than the former, as may be judged at once from the table of contents: i. Gunpowder; 2. Sulphur; 3. Salt and Chile saltpetre; 4. How plants live; 5. The explanation of combustion; 6. Sugar, alcohol and fermentation; 7. Anaesthetics and poisons; 8. Coal-tar and coal-gas; 9, Bacteria and antiseptics; io. The coinage metals. Historical notes are introduced here and there to add a literary and romantic savor to the narrative. This interesting textbook will hold the boys' attention and give them valuable information on a number of subjects. The author was well prepared to write it; as head of the science department of Clifton College, Bristol, he has much practical experience as to the needs, scientific or practical, of the boys for whom his work was written. I read with special pleasure, the chapter on combustion, which includes a good history of our views on the subject. G. S.

(Lecat, Maurice). Notre misere scientifique. Ses causes - ses remedes.

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L'Appel du roi. Par Q. M. QUAERIS et des collaborateurs. 56 p. Bruxelles, FR. SAEY, I928. ISIS

Discussion of the organization of scientific research in Belgium. G. S.

(Scientia). Note by L. GUINET to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Scientia. Isis, 9, 428-9, I927. ISIS


Barry, Frederick. The scientific habit of thought: an informal discussion of the source and character of dependable knowledge. XIII + 358 p. New York, Columbia University Press, I927. ISIS

Koch, Richard. Ueber Kausalitat. Archivfiir Geschichte der Mathematik IO, 369-396, I928. ISIS

Metzger, Helene. Les concepts scientifiques. Preface de ANDRI LALANDE. I95 p. Paris, ALCAN, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, ISiS, 9, 467-70, 1I927.

Mochi, Alberto. La connaissance scientifique. 272 p. Paris, ALCAN, I927. ISIS

Voici une nouvelle classification des sciences pens6e par un m6decin ((dans le desert africain oui la guerre I'avait jet6 )), et alors qu'aucune classifi- cation des sciences ne lui etait connue ! I1 les a connues dans la suite, celle de COMTE et celle d'ADRIEN NAVILLE surtout (Isis, 4, i i8), et il cherche 'a faire voir en quoi la sienne leur est sup6rieure. L. G.

Pupin, Michael Idvorsky. The New Reformation: from physical to spiritual realities. XVII + 273 p., 8 p1. New York, CHARLES SCRIB- NER, 1927. ISIS

II. FORMAL SCIENCES (Knowledge of forms).


Bachelard, Gaston. Essai sur la connaissance approchee. 3I2 P., J. VRIN, Paris, I927. ISIS

L'auteur s'est propose 1'etude de la connaissance scientifique (sans chercher quelles en sont les conditions primitives) dans sa tache de pr6cision. Partant de cette d6finition ; (( connaitre, c'est d6crire pour retrouver )), il examine d'abord comment les d6tails s'accumulent en gardant les grandes lignes d'une description, et comment les qualit6s s'ordonnent pour aboutir A un classement objectif (pp. 9-46). I1 montre ensuite quel est le r6le des approxi- mations dans les sciences exp6rimentales ofi le processus est fini (47-I68), et dans les math6matiques, oii l'approximation parait toujours retgl6e, pro-

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gressive, susceptible d'un d6veloppement infini (I69-242). Cette recherche du mieux, de la rectification, constitue en somme une philosophie de l'inexact, 'a la lumiere de quoi BACHELARD examine les concepts de realite et de v6rit6: a(la rectification... est la veritable realite epistemologique, puisque c'est la pensee dans son acte, dans son dynamisme profond )). L. G.

Essertier, Daniel. Les formes inferieures de 1'explication. IV + 358 p., FRLIx ALCAN, Paris, I927. ISIS

L'auteur s'est demande comment l'homme avait pour la premiere fois rattach6, en pensee, un phenomene qui se presente A lui isole, A un autre phdnombne qui contient la raison de son existence, et si les premieres formes qu'a revdtues cet acte mental qui le liberait de I'animalite contenaient necessai- rement les formes superieures de l'activite mentale. Constatant que la logique primitive ne fait que river l'homme aux formes inferieures de 1'explication, et que la pens6e collective aggrave encore le fait, il repond negativement a cette question. L'homme n'a pu s'affranchir que sous l'action des a con- sciences exceptionnelles qui auront reussi a renveiser le sens meme dans lequel est orientee la pensee humaine )), consciences parmi lesquelles il fait une place 'a part A SOCRATE, dont la methode (rendait possible la science positive D, et a DESCARTES, avec qui la science positive aest nee ). L. G.

Goblot, Ed mond. La logique des jugements de valeur; theorie et applications. II + 209 p., A. COLIN, Paris, I927. ISIS

Cet ouvrage consiste en une suite au Traite de logique (Isis, 3, 306; 4e ed. I925). L'auteur y applique aux jugements de valeur qu'il ramene 'a trois types (les perfections, les moyens, les fins), sa methode d'analyse, de dissec- tion, des raisonnements. Deja, dans un livre publie en I925: la Barriere et le Niveau (F. ALCAN, edit), il avait presente une suite d'exercices logiques sur des jugements de valeur; de ces exercices et de ceux que renferme le present volume (pp. iii 'a 220), il degage une theorie logique qu'il n'avait fait qu'esquisser au Traite de logique (pp. 368-75). Au point de vue plus particulier de l'histoire de la pensee, je signale ses etudes des doctrines de PLATON, de DESCARTES, de BENTHAM, de KANT, et 1'exercice sur la theorie de la valeur de KARL MARX pour qui il se montre particulierement sdv&re.

L. G.


Ball, W. W. Rouse. Histoire des mathematiques. gdition frangaise revue et augmentee, traduite sur la troisieme edition anglaise par Lieut. L. FREUND. Tome i: Les mathematiques dans I'antiquite: les math6matiques au moyen age et pendant la renaissance; les mathematiques modernes de DESCARTES 'a HUYGENS. VII + 338 p., 9 p1. Paris, J. HERMANN, I927. ISIS

Ball, W. W. Rouse. Compendio di storia delle matematiche. Versione dall'Inglese con note, aggiunte e modificazioni dei dri. DIONISO GAMBIOLI e GIULIO PULITI, riveduta, correta e accresciuta da GINO

LORIA. 2a ed., X + 288 + 464 p., ZANICHELLI, Bologna, I927. ISIS

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Cette seconde edit. de la traduction italienne de l'histoire des mathematiques de BALL, qui s'orne d'un portrait de I'auteur et d'une tres breve notice n6- crologique (v. Isis, 8, 321-4) differe tres peu de la premiere (Isis, I, 56I-2), faite sur la troisieme 6dit. anglaise. On y retrouve une notice de G. PULITI sur 1'6cole pythagoricienne, et les appendices, un peu accrus, consacres par D. GAMBIOLI 'a quelques math6maticiens fran9ais (i i p.), 'a des math6maticiens italiens (i6o p.) et aux historiens italiens des mathematiques (I2 p.). G. LORIA y a ajout6 quelques notices sur des savants italiens morts tout r6cemment, et sur F. KLEIN. - GAMBIOLI ne conserve pas toujours la ser6nit6 dont ne devrait jamais se defaire l'historien (t. II, pp. 285-6, 339, 439-40). L. G.

Barbarin, Paul. La geometrie non euclidienne. Troisieme edition suivie de notes sur la geometrie non euclidienne dans ses rapports avec la physique mathematique, par A. BUHL. (Collection Scientia, no. I5). I76 P., 7 p1. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, I928. IsIs

First and second editions, 1902 and 1907.

Bortolotti, Ettore. Le matematiche disfide, e la importanza che esse ebbero nella storia delle scienze. Atti della Societa' Italiana per il progresso delle scienze, XV riunione, Bologna; 20 p., Pavia, I927.


Account of mathematical challenges, pointing out their historical importance. G. S.

Datta, Bibhutibhusan. On the origin and development of the idea of ((per cent)). American mathematical Monthly, 34, 530-3I, I927.


Notes on this idea in India and China.

Dieck, W. Durch Mathematik zur Philosophie. (Der mathematische Gedanke, Nr. 4). Sterkrade, W. OSTERKAMP, I927. ISIS

Zeigt die Verwendung, die PLATON der Mathematik in seinem System hat zu teil werden lassen. Zuerst wird ein Kapitel aus der Einleitung des THEON VON SMYRNA abgedruckt,dann mehrere Abschnitte aus dem Platoni- schen Dialog Theaitetos. Alles mit einfachen Erliuterungen des Verf. ver- sehen, der ofter auf die Fiktionslehre VAIHINGERS, die er ((Widerspruch im Richtigen ' nennt (Isis, 10, 254), bezug nimmt. H. W.

Dupont, Paul. Les geometries euclidiennes et non-euclidiennes, et 1'espace physique. Revue philosophique, 52, 74-IO2, I927. ISIS

Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler. Non-Riemannian geometry. (American Mathematical Society, Colloquium publications, vol. 8) VIII + I84 P. New York, American Mathematical Society, I927. ISIS

Contents: i. Asymmetric connections; 2. Symmetric connections; 3. Projective geometry of paths; 4. The geometry of sub-spaces. G. S.

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Gibson, G. A. Sketch of the history of mathematics in Scotland to the end of the i8th century. Part II., Proceedings of the Edinburgk Mathematical Society, series 2, vol. i, part 2, March, I928, PP. 71-93.


We have already referred to the first part of this historical sketch dealing with the mathematics at the four Scotch Universities, which were all foun- ded before i6oo: St. Andrews (141 i), Glasgow (1450), Aberdeen (I495), and Edinburgh (1582). The work of NAPIER, JAMES and DAVID GREGORY was discussed in Part I. Part II is devoted mainly to the work of ROBERT SIMSON (I687- 1768), JAMES STIRLING (I692- 1770), COLIN MACLAURIN (I698-1746),

MATTHEW STEWART (17 17- 1785), WILLIAM TRAIL (1764-I83I), and JOHN PLAYFAIR (1748-I8I9). R. C. A.

Laures, Clement. Les bases de la geometrie et de la physique. L'in- variance de 1'espace euclidien. I25 p., ill. Paris, A. BLANCHARD,

I928 (I5 frs-) Isis

L'auteur croit avoir trouve de nombreuses demonstrations du cinquieme

postulat d'EuCLIDE et etre ainsi 'a meme de reveler les erreurs grossieres


Lebesgue, Henri. Sur le developpement de la notion d'integrale. Revue de metaphysique et de morale, 34, 149-I67, I927. ISIS

Luckey, P. Zur Geschichte der Nomographie. Zeitschr. f. mathem. u. naturw. Unterr. 58, 455-465, 3 text fig. I927. ISIS

Brief history of the subject which had been prepared for the author's

recent textbook: Nomographie, prakt. Anleitung zum bewerten graph.

Rechentafeln (Math. phys. Bibl., 59-60), but had to be left out because of the lack of space. Nomography is in a way a very young branch of mathematics

(its name was coined by M. D'OCAGNE), yet the Greeks were already using

nomographic methods and the astrolabe was a nomogram. G. S.

Malsch, Fritz. Geschichte der Mathematik. (Wissenschaft und Bildunig, 242). II5 P., 40 fig. in text, 15 p1. Leipzig, QUELLE and MEYER, 1928.


Reviewed by EDMUND HOPPE, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 484-6, 1928.

Miller, George Abra m. Laws relating to mathematical operations. Science, 67, 104, I928. ISIS

Mordell, L. J. The present state of some problems in the theory of numbers. Nature, I2I, I38-40, I928. Isis

Neugebauer, 0. Zur Entstehung des Sexagesimalsystems. Abh. Ges. Wiss., Gottingen (Math. phys. KI.) N. F., Bd. I3, I. 55 S. Berlin, WEIDMANN, I927. ISIS

Wie der Verfasser selbst sagt, existiert eine umfangreiche Literatur iiber

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dieses Thema, die der Polemik nicht ermangelt. Verfasser kennt sie wohl, hat sie aber nicht beriicksichtigt. Denn, was viel besser ist, er unternimmt eine neue Untersuchung vom Grund aus. Gestutzt auf die sumerischen Texte (mit Unterstuitzung durch den Spezialforscher P. A. DEIMEL, S. J., in Rom) hat er die friuhesten Verwendung des Sexagesimalsystems nach- gespiirt und diese, wie natuirlich, in der Metrologie gefunden. An die astro- nomische Hypothese glaubt er aus Grunden, die auch mir einleuchten, nicht. Bei den Massen boten sich als (natirliche )) Einteilungen die Zahlen I/3, I/2, 2/3, I, IO. Als eine Erweiterung n6tig wurde, wurde die Einteilungsreihe h gerSndert )), d. h. nach unten und oben erganzt. Da bot sich 6o als die geeignetste Grundlage. Natiirlich ist das auch eine Theorie, die sich aber auf die zahlreichen Tatsachen der Metrologie stiitzt. Ich halte diese Entstehung des 60er Systems fur durchaus wahrscheinlich. Das sexagesimale Zahlensystem l6ste sich schliesslich von dei Metrologie los, blieb aber immer, bes. in der Praxis, mit dem alten Dezimalsystem verbunden. Auf zahlreiche Einzelheiten kann ich nicht eingehen. Doch will ich noch die Existenz eines Minuszeichens erwaihnen (S. 8), und die (im Anschluss an KAYE auch schon von mir aus- gesprochene) Vermutung, dass die Inder von den Babyloniern (vielleicht schon von den Sumerern 1) lernten. (cfr. E. HOPPE, Isis, II, 491.) H. W.

Pasquier, Louis Gustave du. Le calcul des probabilites, son evolution mathematique et philosophique. XXI + 304 p. Paris, J. HERMANN,

I926. Isis Reviewed by F. A. FORAKER, American Mathematical Monthly, 35, 3I-32,


Richard, J. La geometrie au point de vue concret. Revue de m6ta- physique et de morale, 34, 337-51, I927. ISIS

Rosenfeld, L. Le probleme logique de la definition des nombres irrationnels. Isis, 9, 345-358, 1927. ISIS

Analyse logique, tenant compte de 1'6volution historique et conduisant a un crit&re permettant de caracteriser au point de vue logique, toute theorie arithme'tique des nombres irrationnels. G. S.

Tannery, Paul (I843-1904). Memoires scientifiques publies par J. L. HEIBERG et H. G. ZEUTHEN. VI. Sciences modernes (I883- 1904), edite par GINo LORIA. XXIV + 6o8 P., 5 pl. Toulouse, E. PRIVAT, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 472-6, I927.


(History and methods. Tables and generalities. For the applications, refer to the sciences to which they are applied).

Darmois, Georges. Statistique mathematique. Preface de MICHEL

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HUBER. XXIV + 365 P., 29 fig., avec tables detaillees des matieres et tableaux numeriques. Paris, G. DOIN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by R. DE MONTESSUS DE BALLORE, Revue generale des Sciences, 39, I82, 1928.


(Knowledge of inorganic nature).


(Including celestial and atomical mechanics).

Birkhoff, George D. Dynamical systems. (American Mathematical Society, colloquium publications, vol. 9). VIII + 295 p. New York, American Mathematical Society, 1927. ISIS

i. Physical aspects of dynamical systems: z. Variational principles and applications ; 3. Formal aspects of dynamics; 4. Stability of periodic motions; 5. Existence of periodic motions; 6. Application of POINCARt'S geometric theorem; 7. General theory of dynamical systems; 8. The case of two degrees of freedom; 9. The problem of three bodies.

Born, Max. The mechanics of the atom. Translated by J. W. FISHER

and revised by D. R. HARTREE. (International Text-books of exact science). XVI + 317 p. London, G. BELL, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed in Nature, 120, 324-325, 1927.

Lipsius, Friedrich Reinhard. Wahrheit und Irrtum in der Relativi- tatstheorie. 154 p. Tuibingen, J. C. B. MOHR, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by KURT GRELLING, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2564-2568, I927.

((Die Relativitaitstheorie ist gewiss keine rein physikalische Theorie, sondern beruht ganz wesentlich auf bestimmten philosophischen Voraussetzungen,. z. B. auf dem Satz, dass prinzipiell unverifizierbare physikalische Aussagen sinnlos sind u. a. m. Man kann daher den Philosophen nicht das Recht ab- streiten, diese philosophischen Bestandteile der Theorie zu kritisieren. An und fiur sich waire auch nichts dagegen zu sagen, dass ein Philosoph auch die mathematisch-physikalischen Bestandteile der Theorie kritisierte. Nur muss er sich dann der Methode bedienen, die nun einmal in der Physik seit NEWTON unentbehrlich ist: der mathematischen Rechnung. Es hat keinen Zweck physikalische Hypothesen aufzustellen und in Worten zu diskutieren, wenn man sie nicht mathematisch formulieren und ihre Kon- sequenzen rechnerisch verfolgen kann. Da LiPsius das nicht tut, ist seine Kritik zur Unfurchtbarkeit verurteilt. ))

Metz, Andre. Le principe d'inertie: son histoire et son interpretation d'apr6s EMILE MEYERSON. Revue g6ne6rale des sciences, 37, 209-212,

1927. ISIS

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Article extrait de l'ouvrage Une nouvelle philosophie scientifique, le Cau- salisme de M. EMILE MEYERSON, par A. METZ, (Isis, II, 149).

Reichenbach, Hans. Philosophie der Raum-Zeit-Lehre. 373 p. Berlin und Leipzig, WALTER DE GRUYTER, I928. ISIS

Reviewed by ALB. EINSTEIN, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, I9-20, 1928.

Russell, Bertrand. Das ABC der Relativitatstheorie. Uebersetzt von KURT GRELLING. 260 S. Manchen, Drei-Masken Verlag, I928.



Baillaud, Benj a min. L'observatoire de Paris et les observatoires fran9ais. Revue scientifique, 257-67, 293-302, I4 mai, 28 mai, I927.


Bigourdan, Guillau me. Sur quelques anciennes stations astronomi-

ques du Sud-Est de la France, entre les Alpes et le Rhone. C. r.

58e Congres des Societ's Savantes, p. 2I-37, Paris, 1925. ISIS

Bigourdan, Guillau me. Le Bureau des longitudes. Son histoire et

ses travaux, de l'origine (I795) a ce jour. 72 p., 4 fig. Annuaire du

bureau des longitudes, Supplement A, I928. ISIS

Boccardi, Jean. Les idees modernes relativement aux cometes. Revue

generale des sciences, 39, 69-7I, I928. ISIS

Boccardi, Jean. La valeur des anciennes observations dans I'astro-

nomie. Revue ge6ne'rale des sciences, 38, 699-702, I927. ISIS

(( La conclusion de cet article est que la valeur des anciennes observations astronomiques n'est pas grande et qu'elle va toujours en diminuant. ))

Boll, Franz (i867-I924). Sternglaube und Sterndeutung. Die Ge- schichte und das Wesen der Astrologie. Unter Mitwirkung von

CARL BEZOLD (I859-I923). Dritte Auflage nach des Verfassers Tod

herausgegeben von W. GUNDEL. XII + 2II S., 48 Abb. im Text, 20 Tafeln sowie einer Sternkarte. Leipzig, TEUBNER, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 476-7, I927.

Boutaric, A. La cosmologie dualiste et tourbillonnaire. Scientia, 40,

345-356, 1I926. ISIS

Cajori, Florian. Four old astronomical observatory buildings. Scien- tific Monthly, 26, 372-376, I928. ISIS

These four observatories are: the Observatory at Bogota, 1803 (the earliest

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permanent observatory building in America), the Copenhagen Observatory I642, the Paris Observatory I667, the Greenwich Observatory, 1675.

Cajori, Florian. Comparison of methods of determining calendar dates by fingers reckoning. Archeion, arch. di storia d. sc., 9, 3I-42,

5 fig., I928. Isis BEDE LE VPINERABLE s'occupe d6ja de la determination des dates du calendrier

au moyen des doigts, mais sans explication. Les premibres indications sur le sujet se trouvent dans une carte de navigation d'auteur inconnu (1384), actuellement au British Museum, dont CAJORI examine la methode et re- produit les trois mains qui y figurent. Nouvelle indication dans le Computus manualis de MAGISTER ANIANUS (XIIIe s.); puis dans un Regra geral pera aprender a tira pola mdo as festas mudaveis (Lisboa, 1570), de GONCALO FERNANDEZ TRANQUOSO; enfin chez BUENAVENTURA FRANCISCO DE OSSORIO

dont CAJORI a dej"a fait l'objet d'une etude publiee ici-meme (8, 325-7). Les quatre auteurs emploient la main gauche; mais I'anonyme de I384 ne se sert pas de lettres dominicales, ANIANUS n'inscrit sur sa main ni les nombres d'or, qu'emploie F. TRANQUOSO, ni les epactes, dont se sert F. DE


Fotheringham, Rev. David Ross. The date of Easter and other Christian festivals. xv + 56 p. London, S. P. C. K., I928. isIs

Gunther, R. T. The astrolabe: its uses and derivatives. The Scottish Geographical Magazine, 43, I35-I47, May i6, I927. ISIS

A propos of certain instruments in the collection of the University of St. Andrews, GUNTHER suggests that (( the astrolabe or one of its derivatives was the surveying instrument employed 5 in the construction of detailed topographical maps of England in the sixteenth century. The theodolite is a derivative of the astrolabe. J. K. W.

Jeans, J. H. The wider aspects of cosmogony. Nature, I2I, 463-470, 3 fig., I928. Isis

Reichenbach, Hans. Von KOPERNIKUS bis EINSTEIN: der Wandel unseres Weltbildes (Wege zum Wissen, Band 85). I22 p. Berlin, ULLSTEIN, I927. ISIS

Rouch, Jules. Les signes du zodiaque dans I'art decoratif. Revue generale des sciences, 39, IOI-IO5, I928. Isis

Schnippel, Emil. Die englischen Kalenderstabe. (Beitr. zu Engl. Philol., H. 5) iii p. Leipzig, B. TAUCHNITZ, I926. Isis

Reviewed by F. HOLTHAUSEN, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 624, 1928.

Sitter, W. de. On the rotation of the earth and astronomical time. Nature, I2I, 99-IO6, I928. IsIs

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530 24. PHYSICS

24. - PHYSICS.

Bachelard, Gaston. 1&tude sur 1'evolution d'un probleme de physique: la propagation thermique dans les solides. I83 p. Paris, J. VRIN,

I928. ISIS

Boutaric, Augustin. La physique moderne et 1'6lectron. z68 p., 45 fig. (Nouvelle collection scientifique.) Paris, ALCAN, I927. ISIS

Expose des connaissances actuelles sur l'e1ectron, les sources d'electron, le role de F'6Iectron en 6lectrostatique, dans les theories de la lumiere, des metaux, du magn6tisme, en physique cosmique, et les applications de l'elec- tron; rayons X, piles photo-^lectriques, etc. (F'auteur oublie de mentionner les essais de television). Bibliographic sommaire. L'ouvrage ne fait pas double emploi avec l'Electron, de R. A. MILLIKAN (Isis, 9, 572). L. G.

Bridgman, Percy Williams. The logic of modern physics. XIV + 228 p. New York, MACMILLAN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by HAROLD JEFFREYS, Nature, 121, 86-7, 1928.

Broglie, Louis de. Deux conceptions adverses sur la nature de la lumiere et leur synthese possible. Scientia, 47, I28-I34, I927. ISIS

Crew, Henry. The rise of modern physics. A popular sketch. xv + 356 p., 24 p1., ill. Baltimore, WILLIAMS and WILKINS, I928. ($ 5).


CREw's history of physics had long been expected, and its appearance will make the teaching of the subject easier in English speaking countries. It is now possible to refer young students to three or four books: F. CAJORI'S

History of Physics (New York, I899); IVOR B. HART'S Makers of Science, Mathematics, physics, astronomy (Oxford 1923; Isis, 6, 24I); DOROTHY

M. TURNER'S Makers of Science. Electricity and magnetism (Oxford 1927; Isis, IO, 266) and finally CREW'S history. I am not prepared to say that any of these volumes or the four of them satisfy me entirely. I still think that the needs of the elementary student have not yet been completely filled and that there is still room for a one or two volume history of physics, as com- prehensive as CAJORI'S or SMITH's history of mathematics. However, CREw's book will be very useful. The author has had an excellent idea. Realizing that it was not possible to explain the complete development of physics within the compass of a relatively small volume, he deliberately chose to omit almost entirely certain branches (e. g., sound, hydraulics) and to lead the reader as promptly as possible to some of the latest developments. The majority of modern physicists are investigating feverishly sprectral and atomic structures. CREw thought with reason that what the average student would wish most was a rapid introduction to this very subject. Obviously his book is the fruit of his own teaching, and on this account it will recommend itself to other teachers. It is divided into I2 chapters as follows: i. Introduc- tion; 2. Greek and Roman science.; . Arabian physics; 4. Physics in the Middle Ages - science in the hands of the clergy; 5. The birth of modern physics - the great trio; 6. Refraction, dispersion and the nature of light;

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7. The pioneers in electricity and magnetism; 8. Discovery of the nature of heat; 9. The discrete nature of matter; io. From VOLTA to OERSTED; ii. Electromagnetism; 12. The rise of modern spectroscopy. Typically enough the last chapter is the longest of the whole work (48 p.), being longer than the complete account of Greek and Roman science and even than the history of electromagnetism. This is all right if one considers the author's purpose, a purpose frankly set forth by the very title. Indeed this is not a historv of physics, but a historical introduction to modern physics. There is a fine series of portraits, some of which were new to me. G. S.

Fleming, J. A. A hundred years of electrical engineering: an address delivered at University College on Tuesday, June I4, I927. 3I P. London, University of London Press, I927. ISIS

Goodman, Herman. Story of electricity and a chronology of electricity and electrotherapeutics. Electricity Number of Medical Life, 34, 576-626, I2 illustrations, November I927. ISIS

Haas, Arthur Erich. Objective and human physics. Science, 66, 463-469, I927. ISIS

Hart, Ivor B. The great physicists. vi + I38 p. London, METHUEN, I927. ISIS

Hoppe, Ed mond. Histoire de la physique. Traduit de l'allemand -par HENRI BESSON. 671 p. (Bibliotheque scientifique). Paris, PAYOT, I928. Isis

Original German edition, 1926, reviewed in Isis, 9, 571.

Lodge, Sir Oliver. A century's progress in physics: an address delivered at University College, on Monday, March I4, 1927. 36 p. London, University of London Press, I927. ISIS

Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon. (I853-I928) Theorie der Strahlung. Bd. i,

x + 8i p. Leipzig, Akad. Verlagsgesellschaft, 1927. ISIS

Planck, Max. La nature de la lumiere. 29 p. Paris, ALBERT BLANCHARD.

1927. ISIS

Rey, Abel. Le retour eternel et la philosophie de la physique. 320 p. Paris, FLAMMARION, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 477-9, 1927.


Collie, J. Norman. A century of chemistry at University College:

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an address delivered on Tuesday, June 28, I927. 35 p. London, University of London Press, I927. ISIS

Crane, Evan Jay; and Patterson, Austin M. A guide to the literature of chemistry. Ix + 438 p., illus. New York, JOHN WILEY,

I927. ISIS

Davis, Tenney L. F. J. MOORE, historian of chemistry. Industrial and Engineering chemistry, I9, io66, September I927. ISIS

Brief biographical account with portrait. F. J. MOORE, I867-1926, was a foundation member of the History of Science Society. T. L. D.

Foster, William. The romance of chemistry. XVI + 468 P., 3I pl.

London, ALLEN and UNWIN, 1927. ISIS

Langeveld, L. A. Alchemisten en Rozekruisers. A. HOOIBERG, Epe, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by F. M. G. DF. FEYFER, Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der genees- kunde, 8, 75, 1928.

Lipp mann, E. 0. von. Modifikationen des Rohrzuckers. Chemiker- Zeitung, Nr. go, I927; reprint, 2 P. ISIS

Ruska, Julius. Tabula Smaragdina. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der hermetischen Literatur (Arbeiten aus dem Institut fur Geschichte der Naturwissensclzaft, 4). VII + 248 S., Heidelberg, WINTER,

I 926. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 375-77, 1927.

Sidgwick, Nevil Vincent. The electronic theory of valency. XII + 3IO P. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by T. M. LOWRY, Nature, 121, 527-31, 1928.

Smith, Edgar Fahs (I854-I928). Old chemistries. XI + 89 p., 3I P1. New York, McGRAw-HILL Book Co., I927. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, 479-480, 1927.

Walden, Paul. Aus der Naturgeschichte chemischer Ideen. Modernes im Spiegel der Vergangenheit. Z. f. angew. Chemie, 40, 637-644, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by PAUL DIERGART, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, 20-21,


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(For mining, see 32. geology; for industrial chemistry, 25. chemistry. See also Arts and Crafts, under 45).

Ashton, Thomas S. Iron and steel in the industrial revolution. 266 p., plates. Manchester University Press, I924. ISIS

Reviewed by CEClL H. DESCH, Isis, 9, 133-4, I927.

Feidhaus, Franz M. Ruhmesblitter der Technik. Von den Urerfin- dungen bis zur Gegenwart. Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. 2 Teile in i Bd. Mit i Titelbild und zus. 420 Abb., xi + 292 P.; 310 p. Leipzig, FRIEDRICH BRANDSTETTER, I924-26. (Mk. i8)


Reviewed by CARL VON KLINCKOWSTROEM, Isis, 9, 378-380, 1927.

Kaempffert, Waldemar. Bahnbrechende Erfindungen in Amerika und Europa. Geschichte ihrer Entstehung und ihrer Schbpfer. Autorisierte Uebertragung der amerikanischen Ausgabe, ergiinzt um die neuesten Erfindungen von HANS KLOPSTOCK. 430 P., 230 fig. Berlin, RUDOLF MOSSE, I927. ISIS

Reviewed in Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, i8, 1928, bv R. WINDER- LICH.

Quervelle, Pierre Marie. Les LE PAUTE. Larousse Mensuel, Fevrier 1928, 635-36, 5 portraits. ISIS

Biographical sketches of various members of a famous French family, who were clock makers to the Court from LouIs XV to NAPOLEON III. JEAN ANDRE PAUTE (I720-89), Mme JEAN-ANDRJ LE PAUTE (I723-88), JEAN- BAPTISTE LE PAUTE (1727-I802), PIERRE-HENRY LE PAUTE (1745-1806), PIERRE-BASILE LE PAUTE (1750-I843), PIERRE-MICHEL LE PAUTE, GABRIEL- JOSEPH LE PAUTE, JACQUES LE PAUTE DE BELLEFONTAINE, JEAN-JOSEPH LE PAUTE, JOSEPH LE PAUTE DAGELET (1751-I788), JEAN-JOSEPH LE PAUTE (1768- 1846), AUGUSTIN HENRY, petit-fils LE PAUTE (i8oo-i885). An exhibition of their clocks was organized in the summer of 1927 at the Malmaison. G. S.

Wiborg, Frank Bestow (editor). Printing ink. A history. With a treatise on modern methods of manufacture and use. xx + 299 p., IO illustrations. New York, HARPERS, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGES SARTON, Isis, 9, 134-8, 1927.

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534 27. BIOLOGY

IV. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (Knowledge of organic nature).

27. - BIOLOGY (generalities, ((Natural history ))).

Bounhiol, Jean Paul. La vie; preface de Louis JOUBIN. 332 p., Bibl. de philos. scientif., E. FLAMMARION, Paris, 1927. ISIS

L'essai de synthese que consacre 'a la vie J. P. BoUNHIOL est essentielle- ment base sur la notion de ddbit 6nerg6tique, donc sur la fonction d'oxydation.

Vieillissement des individus, des lign6es, des esp&ces, variations p6riodiques, migrations, hibernations, associations biologiques spontan6es ou provoqu6es, f6condation, etc., sont sous la d6pendance directe des modifications de l'oxy- dation, elle-meme influenc6e par des facteurs secondaires tels que les varia- tions du champ 6lectrique terrestre. Et l'6volution elle-m6me, domin6e par les lois physico-chimiques des 6quilibres, ne peut s'accomplir que dans le sens de la d6gradation energetique, d'oii le rapetissement des individus, le rac- courcissement des cycles vitaux, la fixation, mais aussi la constitution d'asso- ciations biologiques, et de parasitismes de plus en plus compliqu6s. 11 y a dans ce livre bien des points de vue nouveaux, mais en ramenant ainsi tout a des oxydations, est-on sOr de ne rien oublier ? L. G.

Devaux, Emile. Les facteurs de l'etat adulte et le probleme des allures de developpement. Revue generale des sciences, 39, 170-174, 1928.


Haldane, J. B. S. and Huxley, Julian. Animal biology. (Clarendon Science Series). xvi + 344 p. London, Oxford University Press, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed in Nature, I21, 37I-3, I928.

Hirsch, G. Chr. (editor). Index biologorum : investigatores, laboratoria, periodica. Editio prima. iv + 545 p. Berlin, SPRINGER, I927. ISIS

Martonne, Emmanuel de. Traite de geographie physique. Tome III. Biogeographie, en collaboration avec A. CHEVALIER et L. CUfNOT. Nouvelle edition entierement refondue et consid erablement aug- mente6e. 464 p., 94 fig., 24 photogr., Paris, A. COLIN, I927. ISIS

Reviewed in Revue gdn' ale des sciences, 38, 6I7, I927.

Rignano, Eugenio. Das Leben in finaler Auffassung. Autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe von PAUL Graf THUN-HOHENSTEIN. (Abhandlungen zur theoretischen Biologie, herausg. von JULIUS SCHAXEL, Heft 26). IV + 35 p., Berlin, GEBRUYDER BORNTRAEGER, 1927. ISIS

Robson, G. C. The species problem: an introduction to the study of evolutionary divergence in natural populations. (Biological Mono-

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27. BIOLOGY. 28. BOTANY. 29. ZOOLOGY 535

graphs and Manuals, no. 8) vii + 283 p. Edinburgh, OLIVER and BOYD, 1928. ISIS

Varigny, Henry de. Essais sur la mort. i. La mort et la biologie. 2. La mort et le sentiment. 2 vols. 309, 349 p. Paris, ALCAN, I926-27.


Reviewed by Louis BRUNET, Revue generale des sciences, 38, 554, 1927.

28. -BOTANY.

(Agronomy, Phytopathology, Palaeobotany.)

Albion, Robert Greenhalgh. Forests and sea power; the timber problem of the Royal Navy I652-I862. XV + 485 p., maps, diagr., illus., bibliogr., index. (Harvard Economic Studies, vol. 29). Cam- bridge, Harvard University Press, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed by LAWRENCE S. MAYO, Geographical Review, 341I-2, 1928.

(British Museum). Guide to an exhibition of manuscripts and printed books illustrating the history of agriculture. 30 p., 8 pl. London, British Museum, I927 (out of print). ISIS

Budge, Sir E. A. Wallis. The divine origin of the craft of the herbalist. XII + 96 p., 13 illust. London, Society of Herbalists, I928. ISIS

Douglass, A. E. Climatic cycles and tree-growth. A study of the annual rings of trees in relation to climate and solar activity. Vol. 2. VIII + i66 p., 9 pl., I9 fig. Washington, Carnegie Institution, (Publication no. 289), 1928. ISIS

Gager, C. Stuart. Wellesley college and the development of botanical education in America. Science, 67, I71-I78, I928. ISIS

Maurizio, A. Die Geschichte unserer Pflanzennahrung von den Urzeiten bis zur Gegenwart. 480 p., go Textfig., i p1. Berlin, PAREY, 1927. ISIS

Seebohm, Mabel E. (M. E. Christie). The evolution of the English farm. 376 p., illus. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, I927.

ISIS Reviewed by N. NEILSON, American Historical Review, 33, 382-383, I928.

29. - ZOOLOGY.

Archiv fur Fischereigeschichte. Heft io. Dezember 1926. Her ausgegeben im Auftrage des Deutschen Fischerei-Vereins vo-

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536 29. ZOOLOGY

WILHELM KOCH. VI+ I I4 p. Berlin, Verlag des Deutschen Fischerei- Vereins, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by R. ZAUNICK, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 26, 313, 1927.

Burrell, Harry James. The platypus: its discovery, zoological position, form and characteristics, habits, life history, etc. IX + 227 P., 35 pl. Sydney N. S. W., ANGUS and ROBERTSON, I927. ISIS

Reviewed in Nature by J. T. W., I20, 797-8, 1927.

Chapman, Royal Norton. Animal ecology; with especial reference to insects. Second edition. ix + I83 p. Minneapolis, Minn., BURGESS-


Reviewed by J. G. MYERS, Nature, I21, 274-5, 1928.

Frisch, Karl von. Aus dem Leben der Bienen. x + I49 p. Berlin, SPRINGER, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by P. SCHULZE, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 449, 1928.

Grey, Zane. Tales of swordfish and tuna. 215 p. London, HODDER and STOUGHTON, I927. ISIS

Haviland, Maud Doria (Mrs. H. H. Brindley). Forest, steppe and tundra; studies in animal environment. VIII + 2i8 p., 8 pl. Cambridge, University Press, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed by L. CUeNOT, Revue gene'rale des sciences, 38, 586, 1927.

Laufer, Berthold. The giraffe in history and art. ioo p., 9 plates in photogravure, 23 text-figures, and i vignette. (Anthropology Leaflet 27). Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History, I928. ISIS

A very learned yet very delightful monograph divided as follows: Giraffes. In ancient Egypt. Representations in Africa. Among Arabs and Persians. In Chinese records and art. In India. Among the ancients. At Constantinople. During the Middle Ages. In the age of the Renaissance. In the nineteenth century and after. The oldest representations of giraffes in the world are probably prehistoric rock carvings found by BREASTED in Lower Nubia (fig. 5). The giraffe was not known to the ancient Hebrews as was formerly believed, because of a wrong interpretation of Deuteronomy 14,5, by the Greek translators. Neither was it known to the ancient Chinese. It was in- troduced into China only in the fifteenth century. (( Ten giraffes appeared in the circus of Rome in A.D. 247 under the emperor GORDIANUS III to take part in the celebration- of the first millennium that had elapsed since the foundation of Rome. This was the largest number of live giraffes ever brought together at any time. )) This excellent paper is completed by a critical biblio- graphy, but the equally indispensable index is unfortunately missing. G. S.

Roule, Louis. Les poissons et le monde vivant des eaux. _1tudes

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ichthyologiques. Tome second: La vie et I'action. 380 p., 52 fig.

in text, i6 pl. after the watercolors of ANGEL. Paris, DELAGRAVE,

I927. ISIS

Reviewed by LtON BERTIN, Revue generale des sciences, 38, 582-583, I927

Stresemann, Erwin. Die Entwicklung der Begriffe Art, Varietat. Unterart in der Ornithologie. Mitt. d. Ver. sdchs. Ornithologen, 2, I-8, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by R. ZAUNICK, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 26, 302, 1927.


(implying knowledge of both organic and inorganic nature).

30. - GEODESY.

Lallemand, Charles. Discours prononce 'a la Seance publique annuelle du lundi I3 decembre I 926 par le President de l'Academie des sciences. i8 p. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, I926. ISIS

Reflexions suggerees par les problemes g6neraux de geodesie. G. S.

Perrier, General G. La cooperation internationale en geodesie et en geophysique. Troisieme assemblee generale de l'Union geodesique internationale 'a Prague, Septembre I927. Annuaire du Bureau des longitudes, Supplement C, I20 P., I928. Isis

ff Nous nous proposons, dans cette Notice, de rendre compte de la troisieme Assemblee generale tenue a Prague en septembre dernier par l'Union geode- sique et geophysique internationale, mais cet expose gagnera certainement A etre precede d'un apercu historique du developpement de la cooperation internationale dans les Sciences de la Terre, et particulierement en Geo- desie (depuis I86i). o


Atkinson, Geoffroy. La litterature geographique frangaise de la Renaissance. Repertoire bibliographique. Description de 524 impres- sions d'ouvrages publies en frangais avant I6IO et traitant des pays et des peuples non europeens, que l'on trouve dans les principales bibliotheques de France et de 1'Europe occidentale. 565 p., 293 fac- similes de titres. Paris, PICARD, I927. ISIS

(Atlas, historical). Enquete sur les atlas historiques en preparation et sur la documentation cartographique. Bulletin of the International Committee of Historical Sciences, I, 497-523, I928. ISIS

Very valuable information on sources relative to the historical geography of many countries: Germany by FRITZ CURSCHMANN; Austria by OSWALD

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REDLICH; Belgium by H. LAURENT; United States by J. F. JAMESON; France by J. TOURNEUR-AUMONT; Norway by EDv. BULL; Poland by WL. SEMKOWICZ; Czecho-Slovakia by J. SUSTA.

Brunhes, Jean. Geographie humaine de la France. Deuxieme volume.

Geographie politique et geographie du travail par JEAN BRUNHES

et PIERRE DEFFONTAINES. (GABRIEL HANOTAUX, Histoire de la Nation fran9aise, t. 2) VIII + 652 p., 257 fig., I2 pl. Paris, Societe de l'Histoire

nationale, PLON, I926. ISIS

Reviewed in XXXVkI Bibliographie g&ographique, Y926, p. I63, I927.

(Bruxelles). Liste sommaire des documents cartographiques exposes,

en novembre I926, au Palais d'Egmont, 'a l'occasion du Cinquantenaire

de la Societe Royale Belge de Geographie, 'a Bruxelles. Bulletin

de la Societe Royale Belge de Giographie, 500 Annee, 322-344, I926.


This list will serve as a cartobibliography of maps of Belgium and of the work of Belgian cartographers from the sixteenth century to the present.

J. K. W.

Caraci, Giuseppe. Ancora a proposito di antiche rappresentazioni

cartografiche a stampa di Firenze. La Geografia, I5, 3I-38, I927. ISIS

Caraci, Giuseppe. Gli albori della cartografia terrestre in Inghilterra.

Rivista Geografica Italiana, 34, 57-71, 1927. ISIS

CARACI comments on an interesting recent tendency among students of the history of geography. Whereas primary attention during the last century was focused on the aprogressive expansion of our knowledge of the habitable lands and the progressive shrinking of the blank spaces on the maps )), of late increasing interest has been shown in the detailed mapping of the different European countries during the (( heroic age of cartography )). The present article is a critical discussion of studies that have been carried out by British scholars of the maps of the sixteenth and early seventeenth-century carto- graphers - particularly CHRISTOPHER SAXTON, JOHN NORDEN, and JOHN SPEED - and of a group of maps probably dating from I602-3. The excellent quality and detail of their work presupposes a long anterior development, of which, however, little is now known. J. K. W.

Chubb, Thomas. A descriptive list of the printed maps of Norfolk,

I574-19i6, with biographical notes and a tabular index by T. CHUBB,

and a descriptive list of Norwich plans, 1541-I914, by GEORGE A.

STEPHEN. XVI + 289 P., maps, ills., plates, plans, index. Norwich,

JARROLD and SONS, I928. Isis

Colin, Elicio (editor). Association de geographes franSais. XXXVIe

bibliographie geographique. 1926, publiee avec la collaboration de

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l'American geographical society, du Comitato geografico nazionale italiano, de la Royal geographical society (London), de la Societe royale de geographie d'Iggypte, et avec le concours de la Federation des Societes franqaises de sciences naturelles. 6o6 p. Paris, COLIN, 1I927. ISIS

The parts of main interest to us, Histoire de la geographie and Geographie historique, cover respectively I9 and I8 pages, and contain respectively 98 and I I I items. G. S.

Crouse, Nellis M. In quest of the western ocean. XIII + 480 p., maps, bibliogr., index. New York, WILLIAM MORROW, 1928. ISIS

Czibulka, Alfons von. Beruhmte Weltfahrer von MARCO POLO bis

SVEN HEDIN, mit ihren Reiseberichten. 485 p., ills. Munchen, Drei Masken Verlag, c. I926. ISIS

Selections from notable works of travel for the general reader, each preceded by a brief introduction. J. K. W.

Davies, Stephen H. Early discoveries in the northern territory. Queensland Geographical Journal, 40-41, p. 24-34, I924-I926. ISIS

Notes on explorations of the coast of the northern territory between Cape Wessel and the Western Australian border from the early seventeenth century to 1849. J. K. W.

Dobrowolski, Antoni Boleslaw. Wyprawy polarne (Les expeditions polaires). XXVIII + 359 p., 85 fig., 5 p1., 2 maps. Warsaw, 1925.


((Ce livre est 1'oeuvre d'un membre de l'expedition de la Belgica. Dans la premiere partie (p. I -I42), l'auteur fait l'historique de la question, y compris les explorations jusqu'a la Guerre. La seconde partie (p. 143-359) est consacr6e a la geographie des regions polaires: descriptions et consideration des pro- blemes qui s'y posent. ) ST.LENCEWICZ in XXXVie Bibliographie geographique, 1926, 56I, Paris, 1.927.

Dondore, Dorothy Anne. The prairie and the making of middle America: four centuries of description. XIII + 472 p., ills., bibliog., index. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, The Torch Press, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed in The Geographical Review, I63-4, January 1928.

Du Bus, Charles. Les collections D'ANVILLE 'a la Bibliotheque Na- tionale. Bulletin de la section de Gdographie, Ministere de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts, 4I, 93-I30, I926. Isis

In October I 924 the great collection of maps (now numbering IO,502) accumulated in the main by JEAN-BAPTISTE BOURGUIGNON D'ANVILLE (I697- 1782) was transferred from the Department of Foreign Affairs to the Bi- bliotheque Nationale and thereby placed at the disposal of the public. Mon-


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sieur Du Bus sketches the history of the collection, discusses some of the most interesting of the maps, and adds as an appendix a summary of the catalogue of the collection completed in 1I827 by JEAN-GUILLAUME BARBI1S DU BOCAGE, geographer of the Department. J. K. W.

Fite, Emerson D., and Freeman, Archibald. A book of old maps, delineating American history from the earliest days down to the close of the Revolutionary War. xv + 299 p., 74 maps, index. Cam- bridge Harvard University Press, I927. ISIS

Reproductions of world maps, regional maps, plans of cities, and maps illustrating battlefields, and campaigns, all dating from between the close of the fifteenth and the end of the eighteenth centuries. Each map is accom- panied by descriptive text and bibliographical references. See critical review by JAMES A. ROBERTSON in American Historical Review, 33, 408-41o, January 1928; and in Geographical Review, 339-340, 1928.

Fordham, Sir Herbert George. Les guides-routiers, itineraires et cartes-routieres de 1'Europe I500-I850. Conf6rence faite le 20 avril

1926, au I67e diner de la Societe Le Vieux Papier. 45 p., maps, ills., bibliogr. Lille, Imprimerie LEFEBVRE-DUCROCQ, I926. isis

A strictly carto-bibliography study, valuable as establishing a basis for further researches into the history of travel in Europe. J. K. W.

Fordham, Sir Herbert George. The road-books of Wales. With a catalogue 1775-1850. Reprinted from Archlaeologia Cambrensis, 276-29r, 3 plates December I927. ISIS

Fordham, Sir Herbert George. Hand-list of catalogues and works of reference relating to carto-bibliography and kindred subjects for Great Britain and Ireland, 1720 to I927. 26 p. Cambridge, University Press, I928. Isis

Friederici, Georg. Der Charakter der Entdeckung und Eroberung Amerikas durch die Europier: Einleitung zur Geschichte der Besiedlung Amerikas durch die V6lker der alten Welt. Vol. I, xiii + 579 p. (Allgemeine Staatengeschichte; Geschichte der Aussereuropaischen Staaten.) Stuttgart-Gotha, FRIEDRICH ANDREAS PERTHES, I925.


The present volume consists of three parts. The first and second deal respectively with the circumstances of the natural environment and the character and institutions of the aborigines as they facilitated or hindered in different ways the exploration and colonization of America. The third part is devoted to the work of the Spanish explorers ansd conquistadores. It is not a narrative of events but an analysis of movements, methods, and technique. or In the expediciones a descubrir sent out by the Casa de Contrataci6n the author sees predecessors of the maritime scientific expeditions of the late eighteenth century. ) (Geographical Review, vol. I8, I928, p. I63). The

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volume is scholarly and original. It presents in abundance not only facts but ideas that will not fail to stimulate the interest of every student of the history of geographical science and exploration. J K.W.

Hettner, Alfred. Die Geographie; ihre Geschichte, ihr Wesen und ihre Methoden. VIII + 463 p. Breslau, FERD. HIRT, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by N. KREBS, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2265-2268, 1927.

Humphreys, Arthur Lee. Old decorative maps and charts: with illustrations from engravings in the MACPHERSON collection, and a catalogue of the atlases, etc. in the collection, by HENRY STEVENS.

XLIII + 5I P., 79 maps (plates), 2 ills. London, HALTON and TRUSCOTT


A pleasing volume of reproductions (many in color), of printed maps in atlases of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The intro- duction (unfortunately marred by inaccuracies) gives a brief sketch of the history of cartography, with bio-bibliographical details regarding maprnakers and their works; of especial interest to the collector. Reviewed in the Geo- graphical Review, 339-40, 1928.

lorga, Nicolae. Les voyageurs orientaux en France - Conf6rences donnees en Sorbonne (I927). Revue historique du sud-est Europeen, 4, I-25, 73-Io8, I6I-203, I927. ISIS

Deals with Turkish, Greek, and particularly with Roumanian travelers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. J. K. W.

Margerie, Emmanuel de. L'euvre des geographes fran9ais depuis cent ans. Bulletin de la Societe Royale Belge de Giographie, soe Annee, I99-2I5, I926. Isis

Brief critique, with useful footnote references, of the work of French geographers in descriptive geography, cartography, and explanatory or inter- pretative geography. J. K. W.

Morner, Graf Birger. Soderhavet. Del I. De stora farderna, Vid rikets port, Polynesien. (De geografiska upptdckernas historia, II.) XI + 230 p., front., II7 illus., i map. Uppsala, J. A. LINDBLADS F6rlag, I923. ISIS

Nordenskiold, Erland. Sydamerika. Kampen om guld och silver, I498-I600. (De geografiska upptdckternas historia). 2II P., 74 illus., i map. Uppsala, J. A. LINDBLADS Forlag, I919. ISIS

Norlind, Arnold. Okeanos. Svensk Geografisk Arsbok, 9-2I, 3 maps, i plate, German summary, I927. ISIS

Short sketch of the history of various concepts that have been held since the time of the early Greeks regarding the encircling stream of Ocean, and later, regarding the oceans. J. K. W.

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Rouch, Jules. Les regions polaires. 220 P. (Nouv. collection scientifique). Paris, ALCAN, I927. ISIS

RoucH ajoute a son histoire des voyages antarctiques (Isis, 5, 548) un ouvrage g6neral de bonne vulgarisation sur les regions polaires. Sans pr6tendre &tre complet, il examine les questions de geodesie, de g6ographie, celles qui sont liees au climat, a la glaciation, aux courants, aux marees, aux ph6no- menes optiques, magn6tiques, 6lectriques, 'a la flore, 'a la faune et aux peuple- ments humains. L. G.

Ruiz Moreno, Adrian. La evolucion de la cartografia argentina su importancia actual y futura. Gaea, Annales de la Sociedad Ar- gentina de Estudios Geograficas, Buenos-Aires, No. i, I65-I82, I925.


Soulier, Paul. Geostatistique. ]etude statistique du relief du sol terrestre. Revue generale des sciences, 39, 37-47, I928. IsIs


(For palaeobotany, palaeozoology and palaeoanthropology, see respectively 28. botany, 29. zoology and 39. prehistory).

(Atlantis). See critical bibliography on the subject in XXXVie Bi- bliographie geographique, I926. Paris, COLIN, 1927, P. 58. ISIS

Antevs, Ernst. The last glaciation, with special reference to the ice retreat in northeastern North America. (American Geographical Society Research Series, no. I7) (Shaler Memorial Series). x + 292 P., 9 pl. New York, American Geographical Society, 1928. ISIS

Barrois, Charles. Discours prononce 'a la Seance publique annuelle du lundi I2 decembre I927 par le President de l'Academie des sciences. i6 p. Paris, GAUTHIER-VILLARS, I927. ISIS

Discussion de l'histoire de la houille. G. S.

Collet, Leon William. The structure of the Alps. Foreword by 0. T. JONES. XII + 290 P., I2 pl. London, ARNOLD, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by P. G. H. BOSWELL, Nature, IzI, 412-414, I928.

Du Toit, Alex. L. A geological comparison of South America with South Africa. With a palaeontological contribution by F. R. COWPER REED. (Carnegie Institution, Publication no. 38I). VIII + I58 p., i6 plates, map. Washington, D. C., Carnegie Institution, I927.


This study is mentioned here, in spite of its highly technical nature, because of its philosophical interest. Indeed it affords a very remarkable confirmation

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of the hypothesis of (( continental disruption )) or the (( displacement hypo- thesis )) brought forward independently by F. B. TAYLOR (I9IO) and A. WEGENER (I9I2). If you have no time to read it entirely, at least look at the comparative stratigraphical table (opposite p. I6) and at the schema (p. I 6) wherein the numerous congruences and coincidences in the stratigraphy and structure of Brazil and West Africa are very well shown, the two areas being brought close together. Such a schema challenges criticism, and one may refuse to accept the displacement hypothesis as the true explanation, but the geological parallelism itself cannot be denied. The author insists that it is impossible to account for these facts by postulating the existence of one or more relatively narrow ((land bridges )) lasting down into the early Mesozoic; there must have been some continuous land area embodying those sections of Gondwanaland that are now represented in the two continents. This memoir is completed by an elaborate bibliography and by a geological map (I of eastern South America. The Carnegie Institution deserves our gratitude for having made possible this very valuable investiga- tion and the publication of its results. GEORGE SARTON.

Heritsch, Franz. Die Deckentheorie in den Alpen (Alpine Tektonik, 1905-1925). (Fortschritte der Geologie und Palaontologie, herausge- geben von W. SOERGEL, Band 6, Heft I7). IX, P. 75-2IO. Berlin, Gebriider BORNTRAEGER, 1927 ISIS

Reviewed by P. G. H. BOSWELL, Nature, 1ZI, 4I2-4I4, 1928.

Hobbs, William Herbert. The cause of earthquakes, especially those of the eastern United States. Reprinted from papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, vol. 5, I925. Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for I926, 257-277, 5 fig., Washington, I927. ISIS

Contains a brief history of earthquake theories. G. S.


Clayton, Henry Helm (editor). World weather records, collected from official sources by FELIX EXNER, Sir GILBERT WALKER, G. C. SIMPSON, H. HELM CLAYTON, ROBERT C. MOSSMAN. Published under

grant from JOHN A. ROEBLING. VI + II99 p. Washington, Smithso- nian Institution, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed in Natture, 120, 747, 1927.

Cline, Isaac Monroe. Tropical cyclones, comprising an exhaustive study... of... features observed and recorded in sixteen tropical cyclones which have moved on gulf and south Atlantic coasts during the twenty five years 1900-1924 inclusive. Xii + 3 + 30I P., maps, diagr., bibliog., index. New York, MACMILLAN, 1926. ISIS

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Reviewed by OLIVER L. FASSIG, The Geographical Review, 175-6, January 1928.

Laughton, Carr and Heddon, V. Great storms. VIII + 251 P., 13 P1. London, PHILIP ALLAN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by E. TAYLOR, Nature, 121, 490-I, 1928.


(Knowledge of man, past and present).

34- - ANATOMY.

Chaine, J. Histoire de I'anatomie comparative. VI + 46I p. Bordeaux, E. DAGUERRE, 1925. ISIS

Reviewed by RAOUL M. MAY, Isis, 9, 480-482, 1927.

Koopman, J. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der ontwikkeling van de endocrinologie. II. De pijnappelklier (glandula pinealis). Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, 96-I0o, 1928. ISIS

Streeter, George L. Archetypes and symbolism. Science, 65, 405-412,

1927. ISIS

Wiberg, Jul. The anatomy of the heart in the i6th, i7th, and i8th century (ANDREAS VESALIUS, RICHARD LOWER, and RAIMOND VIEUS-

SENS). Janus, 31, 279-85, 1927. ISIS


(Anthropometry and races of man).

Mooney, James. The aboriginal population of America north of Mexico. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous collections, vol. 8o, no. 7) 40 p.

Washington, Smithsonian Institution, I928. ISIS

According to the author's elaborate computations the total American Indian population north of Mexico amounted to about I1,153,ooo before it suffered much disturbance from Europeans; about 1907, it was reduced to 406,o0o G. S.

Taylor, Griffith. Environment and race: a study of the evolution, migration, settlement, and status of the races of man. XVI + 354 p., 6 pl., 93 fig. in text. New York, Oxford University Press, I927.


Reviewed by R. B. DIXON, American Historical Review, 33, 6xi-2, 1928,

and by A. C. HADDON, Nature, 121, 532-3, I928.

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36. - PHYSIOLOGY (human and comparative).

Hill, A. V. Living machinery : six lectures delivered before a a Juvenile auditory)) at the Royal Institution, Christmas, I926. XIV + 256 p., 24 pl. London, G. BELL, I927. ISIS

Hill, A. V. Muscular movement in man: the factors governing speed and recovery from fatigue. (The George Fisher Baker non-resident lectureship in chemistry at Cornell University, vol. 3). VI + I04 P., 5 pl. New York, McGRAw-HILL Book Co., I927. ISIS

Hober, Rudolf. Physikalische Chemie der Zelle und der Gewebe. Sechste, neubearbeitete Auflage. xvi + 955 p. Leipzig, WILHELM ENGELMANN, I926. ISIS

Reviewed in Nature by F. J. W. R., I20, 869-871, 1927.

Pavlov, I. P. Conditioned reflexes : an investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral cortex. Translated and edited by G. V. ANREP. xv + 430 p. London, Oxford University Press, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by D. DENNY-BROWN, Nature, I2I, 662-64, 1928.

Satterlee, G. Reese. History of our knowledge of gastric digestion. Medical Life, 34, 645-653, I927. ISIS

Starling, Ernest H. A century of physiology: being the first of a series of centenary addresses, delivered on Monday, February 28, 1927. 33 p. London, University of London Press, I927. ISIS

37. - PSYCHOLOGY (human and comparative).

Boring, Edwin G. The problem of originality in science. American Journal of Psychology, 39, 70-90, 1927. ISIS

((It is my intention to remind the reader by a few 'psychologists' instances, that the 'fathers' are necessarily also 'sons' and that the 'founders' are very apt to be 'promoters' B. The instances discussed are: (i) The specific energies of nerves; (2) HELMHOLTZ' extension of the doctrine of specific energies of nerves; (3) The BELL-MAGENDIE law; (4) Localization of function in the brain; (5) The speech center; (6) Reflex movement; (7) Hypnotism and Braidism; (8) Associationism; (9) Physiological psychology; (Io) Context theory of meaning; (iI) Behaviorism; (I2) Gestalt psychology.

((It seems to me that scientific thought is thus like the personal thinking of the scientist. The scientist has his brilliant intuitions, but the originality of the moment of insight is little more than the unexpected seeing of a relation- ship. Both kinds of thought are evolutionary, and their stages are marked off by the anastomosis of logical processes. Only in this somewhat artificial sense are there mutations in the evolution of thought ..... My thesis is that much of the greatness that is attributed to the 'great' is an artifact and depends

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upon matters that are not intrinsic to the mind of the 'great' man. We can not always evaluate the intrinsic and the extrinsic factors in a given case, but we can at least realize the problem. Moreover we can realize how small is the thought of an individual in comparison with the process to which it belongs, and we can turn our attention to the larger and more important matter of the stream of scientific thought. Could we thus even partially dehurnanize science, a great deal of fruitless and really meaningless contro- versy about both the past and the present would be avoided. ))

Lange-Eichbaum, Wilhelm. Genie, Irrsinn und Ruhm. 502 P. Miinchen, ERNST REINHARDT, I928. ISIS

Reviewed by ERNST KRETSCHMER, Deutsche Literturzeitung, 740-744, 1928.

Leroy, Eugene Bernard. Les visions du demi-sommeil (hallucinations

hypnagogiques). (Bibliotheque de philosophie contemporaine). xv +

I32 p. Paris, ALCAN, I926. ISIS Reviewed in Nature, I20, 9I, I927.

Rignano, Eugenio. La teoria della forma della nuova scuola psicologica

tedesca contrapporta all'associazione della scuola psicologica inglese.

i. La (( Gestalt)) in quanto ordine di elementi sensoriali; II. La

(( Gestalt)) in quanto unificazione di elementi sensoriali e in quanto

significato d'un oggetto; III. La (( Gestalt)) in quanto concetto.

Scientia, 42, 145-158, 215-29, 28I-90, 1927. trad. franc., id., suppl.,

65-80, 99-114, 133-43. ISIS

Examen critique de la nouvelle th6orie de la forme, en particulier a travers M. WERTHEIMER, W. KOHLER, K. KOFFKA.

Schierbeek, A. Instinkt of verstand? Een inleiding tot de dierpsycho-

logie. (Instinct or intelligence ? An introduction to animal psychology).

(Handboekjes elck 't beste onder leiding van L. SIMONS). 2I2 p., 90 fig. Uitgegeven door de Maatschappij voor Goede en Goedkoope

lectuur Amsterdam, I927. (fl. 2.50). ISIS

Well informed, clearly thought out and charmingly printed introduction to the study of animal psychology, with many illustrations and bibliographical references. It was first published serially in Wil en weg (Will and Way), an excellent journal of popular education; it now appears in an admirable collection of little handbooks, the existence of which is an eloquent witness of Dutch culture. The author is well known to our readers by his history of biology (Amsterdam, 1923; Isis, 6, 2II). G. S.


Andrews, Roy Chapman. Auf der Fahrte des Urmenschen. Aus

dem Englischen von MAX MULLER. Mit einer Einfiihrung von

HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN. 288 p., 54 fig., 2 maps. Leipzig, BROCKAUS,

1927. rsIs

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Kendrick, T. D. The druids: a study in Keltic prehistory. xiv +

227 p. London, METHUEN, 1927. ISIS

Motefindt, H. Steinzeitliche Messer aus Kieselschiefer. Geschichts- blatter fur Technik, Industrie und Gewerbe, I I, 262-268, 1927. ISIS

Moir, J. Reid. The antiquity of man in East Anglia. XIV + 172 p., 25 pl. Cambridge, University Press, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed inA Nature, 12I, 275-6, 1928.

Moodie, Roy L. Mastoiditis in pre-Columbian Peru. Annals of Medical History, 9, 357, 1927 ISIS

Moodie, Roy L. POTT's disease in early historic Peru. Annals of Medical History, 9, 356, 1927. ISIS

Moodie, Roy L. The study of paleopathology in France. Annals of Medical History, io, 86-89, 1928. Isis

Osborn, Henry Fairfield. Man rises to Parnassus: critical epochs in the prehistory of man. (Six lectures to the students of Princeton University, on the Louis Clark Vanuxem Foundation, 1927). XIX + 217 P., 35 pl. Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, 1927.


Parvan, Vasile. Dacia: recherches et decouvertes archeologiques en Roumanie. Tome I, 1924; tome 2, 1925. VIII + 368; VIII + 429 P.

Bucharest, Cultura Nationala, 1927. IsIs

Elaborate review by M. ROSTOVTZEFF, American Historical Review, 33, 377- 380, 1928.

Peake, Harold, and Fleure, Herbert John. Peasants and potters. (The Corridors of Time, 3). 152 P. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1927.


Reviewed in ATature, lz2, 375-6, 1928.


(Primitive and popular science).

Africa. 7ournal of the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures. 7ournal de l'Institut International des Langues et Civilisations Africaines. Zeitschrift des Internationalen Instituts fur Afrikanische Sprachen und Kulturen. Edited by DIEDRICH WESTERMANN. Vol. I, Nr. i. Oxford University Press. January 1928. ISIS

Reviewed by EUGEN MITTWOCH, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 468-71, 1928.

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Bakker, C. Volksgeneeskundige aanteekeningen, in en om Broek in

Waterland verzameld. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, 45-6I, 1928. IsIs

Briffault, Robert. The mothers: a study of the origins of sentiments and institutions. In 3 volumes. Vol. i, XIX + 78I p.; vol. 2, XX +

789 p.; vol. 3, xv + 841 p. New York, MACMILLAN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by B. MALINOWSKI, Nature, izi, T26-128, I928.

Crawley, Alfred Ernest. The mystic rose: a study of primitive marriage and of primitive thought in its bearing on marriage. A new edition, revised and greatly enlarged by THEODORE BESTERMAN.

In 2 volumes. Vol. 1, XX + 375 p.; vol. 2, VII + 340 p. London, METHUEN, I927. ISis

Reviewed by B. MALINOWSKI, Nature, I2I, I28-131, I928.

Findlay, Sir John R. Obsolete methods of reckoning time. The Scottish

Geographical Magazine, 43, I29-I35. May i6, I927. Isis

On the reckoning of hours on sundials, and on instruments for converting hours of one type into those of another. J. K. W.

Lenoir Raymond. L"ame primitive. Revue de Synthe'se historique,

44, 5-34, 1927- ISIS

LUvy-Bruhl, Lucien. L'aime primitive. Travaux de l'Annee Sociolo-

gique. (Bibliotheque de philosophie contemporaine). 45I p. Paris, F1'LIX ALCAN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by R. THURNWALD, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 486-494, 1928; and by H. METZGER, Isis, 9, 482-486, 1927.

Levy-Bruhl, Lucien. Die geistige Welt der Primitiven. Uebertr. von MARGARETE HAMBURGER. III + 353 p. Miinchen, F. BRUCKMANN,

I927. ISIS

Reviewed by R. THURNWALD, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 486-494, 1928. Original French edition, 1922, reviewed by R. LENOIR, Isis, 5, 467-68.

Locke, L. Leland. Supplementary notes on the quipus in the American Museum of Natural History. (Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 30, part 2). P. 43-73. New York, 1928. ISIS

Completing the author's studies of 1923 and 1927 (Isis, 6, 219; 10, 292). He has taken the trouble to re-examine all the quipus already investigated by himself, in order to make eventually possible a checking of ERLAND NOR- DEN5KItLD's hypothesis (I925; Isis, 8, 638) that the quipus which are found in the huacas are calendrical or astrological. G. S.

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Maass, Alfred. Sternkunde und Sterndeuterei im malaischen Archipel.

Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 64, Afl. I en 2, P. I-I72; Afl 3 en 4, p. 347-460, I924; 66, Afl. 4, p. 6I8-670, I926. Isis

McKenzie, Dan. The infancy of medicine: an enquiry into the influence of folk-lore upon the evolution of scientific medicine. xiv + 42I P.


Radin, Paul. Primitive man as philosopher. With a foreword by JOHN

DEWEY. XVIII + 402 p. London, APPLETON, I928. ISIS

Ricketson, Oliver, Jr. Astronomical observatories in the Maya area. Geographical Review, 2I5-225, IO fig., I928. ISIS

Spencer, Sir Baldwin; and the late F. J. Gillen. The Arunta: a study of a stone age people. In two volumes. Vol. I: XXVIII + 390 P., 87 pI.; vol. 2, XVI, P. 39I-646, 64 pl. London, MACMILLAN, I927.


New edition of ((The native tribes of Central Australia )), published i899. Reviewed by A. C. HADDON, Nature, I21, 4II-4I2, I928.

Wissler, Clark. The American Indian. An introduction to the anthro- pology of the New World. Second edition. xv + 474 p., 83 illustra- tions, 2 large maps. New York, Oxford University Press, I922.


Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, I38-I42, I927.

Wissler, Clark. The relation of nature to man in aboriginal America.

XX + 248 P., 5I illustrations. New York, Oxford University Press,

1926. ISIS

Reviewed by GEORGE SARTON, Isis, 9, I38-I42, I927.


Gatterer, Alois (S. J.). Der wissenschaftliche Okkultismus und sein Verhaltnis zur Philosophie. vIII + I75 p. (Philosophie und Grenz- wissenschaften, Bd. 2, Heft I). Innsbruck, F. RAUCH, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by K. SUDHOFF, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 26, 269, I927.

Lehmann, Alfred. Aberglaube und Zauberei, von den altesten Zeiten bis in die Gegenwart. Dritte deutsche Auflage, nach der zweiten umgearbeiteten dainischen Auflage uibersetzt und nach dem Tode des Verfassers bis in die Neuzeit erganzt von D. PETERSEN. I. Mit

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4 Tafeln und 72 Textabbildungen. XVI + 752 S. Stuttgart, FERDINAND


Reviewed by CARL VON KLINCKOWSTROEM, Isis, 9, I42-I43, I927.

Mill, Hugh Robert. Belief and evidence in water divining. Nature, 120, 882-884, 1927. ISIS

Montandon, Raoul. Les radiations humaines. Introduction a la de- monstration experimentale de l'existence des corps subtils de l'homme. 408 p., 99 fig. dont 26 pl. h. t., F. ALCAN, Paris, 1927. ISIS

RAOUL MONTANDON, partisan, apres en avoir 6t6 un negateur, de la radiation humaine, et notamment du rayonnement magnetique, a groupe dans les six chapitres de ce volume (i. les effluves odiques; 2. l'atmosphere humaine et I'aura; 3. la lumiere vivante; 4. du fluide ou agent magnetique; 5. radiations; diverses, phenomenes 6lectriques et autres; 6. mouvements sans contact: experiences faites avec le pendule et divers autres appareils, te1ekin6sies), un grand nombre d'experiences qui lui semblent temoigner en faveur de la r6alit6 de ces radiations, de la presence dans l'homme de forces et d'energies que seuls admettent les occultistes, les spirites, les theosophes, les metapsy- chistes. II decrit les appareils de mesure, qui derivent de la balance de tor- sion, ou de 1'61ectromktre; il expose souvent avec beaucoup de bonne foi les objections faites a tel ou tel experimentateur, et donne les refutations apportees a ces objections. J'ai, non pas parcouru, mais lu son livre entiirement, il ne m'a point convaincu de la r6alit6 de toutes ces radiations, ectoplasmiques ou autres. L. G.

Oesterreich, Traugott Konstantin. Les possedes. La possession demoniaque chez les primitifs, dans I'antiquite, au moyen age et dans la civilisation moderne. Traduit de I'allemand avec I'autorisa- tion de 1'auteur par RENE SUDRE. 480 p., PAYOT, Paris, I927. ISIS

L'auteur a ecrit dans ce livre sur les possedes (pour I'edition allemande, voir Isis, 8, 8i i), un chapitre de l'histoire - en ordre disperse - de la patho- logie psychique. Apres avoir examine les signes exterieurs de la possession, l'etat subjectif des possedes, la nature et l'extinction de la possession, et 1'exor- cisme (I37 pp.), il etudie l'extension des etats de possession et leur importance au point de vue de la psychologie des religions (294 pp.): possession spontan6e chez les primitifs; possession spontanee dans les civilisations superieures (dans le passe et dans le present); possession artificielle et volontaire chez les primitifs, shamanisme; possession artificielle et volontaire dans le monde

gr6co-romain (la Pythie de Delphes, les Sibylles, le culte de Dionysos, les

cultes phrygiens, la doctrine de la possession de PLATON, etc.), et dans le

present (Inde, Birmanie, Siam, Chine, le mouvement spirite, les pretendus ph6nombnes d'incarnation, etc.) Tout cela appuy6 sur les textes d'auteurs

anciens, de voyageurs, d'ethnologues h qui l'auteur reproche d'ailleurs leur

manque de psychologie, de psychiatres. - Appendice de quelques pages sur

les relations entre la possession et les ph6nombnes m6tapsychiques. L. G.

Seligmann, S. Die magischen Heil- und Schutzmittel aus der un-

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belebten Natur. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Mittel gegen den bosen Blick. Eine Geschichte des Amulettwesens. Mit zahl- reichen Abbildungen. XI + 3 I oS. Stuttgart, STRECKER und SCHRODER,

1927. ISIS Reviewed by ERNST DARMSTAEDTER, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin,

27, 125, 1928.

Villiers, Elizabeth. Amulette und Talismane und andere geheime Dinge: eine volkstiimliche Zusammenstellung von Gliucksbringern, Sagen, Legenden und Aberglauben aus alter und neuer Zeit. Be- arbeitet und erweitert von ANTON MAX PACHINGER. 314 P., z6 pl. Milnchen, Drei Masken Verlag, 1927. ISIS


(Economic doctrines and history, Commerce. Transportation and communications.)

Ashley, Sir William. The bread of our forefathers. Arn enquiry in economic history. XII + 206 p., 4 pl. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1928.


Hafen, Le Roy R. 'I'he overland mail i849-i869; promoter of settle- ment, precursor of railroads. 36I p. map, illus., bibliog., index. Cleveland, Ohio, ARTHUR H. CLARK, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by ERIC P. JACKSON, The Geographical Reviewz, x65-6, January I 928.

Partsch, Josef. Geographie des Welthandels. 358 p. index. Breslau, FERDINAND HIRT, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by EUGENE VAN CLEEF, The Geographical Reviewt, I71, January I928.

Renard, Georges. Les travailleurs du livre et du journal. 3 vols. de la Bibliotheque sociale des metiers. 278 ? 352 + 304 p. Paris, G. DOIN, I925-6. ISIS

Reviewed by L. GUINET, Isis, 9, 143-I44, 1927.


Brunner, Heinrich. Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte. Zweiter Band. Zweite Auflage neu bearbeitet von CLAUDIUS FREIHERRN VON SCHWERIN.

XVI + 934 p. Miinchen, DUNCKER und HUMBLOT, 1927. ISIS

This second volume, the first edition of which appeared 36 years earlier, deals with the Frankish period. The second edition of the first volume ap- peared in I906. G. S.

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De Man, Henri. Au del'a du marxisme. Bruxelles, L'ITglantine, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by HENRI SpE, Revue de Synthese historique, t. 44, 95-IOI, I927. Translation of Zur Psychologie des Socialismus, published in Jena, 1926, reviewed in Isis, 9, 2o6. G. S.

De Man, Henry. The psychology of socialism. Translated from the second German edition by EDEN and CEDAR PAUL. 509 p. London,

ALLEN and UNWIN, 1928. ISIS See Isis, 9, 2o6.

Krische, Paul. Das Riitsel der Mutterrechtsgesellschaft. Eine Studie fiber die Friihepoche der Leistung und Geltung des Weibes. Unter Mitarbeit von MARIA KRISCHE. X + 256 p. Miunchen, GEORG MfULLER, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by ALEXANDER BECK, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, I9I6-I8, 1927.

Ogburn, William Fielding, and Goldenweiser, Alexander (editors). The social sciences and their interrelations. VIII + 506 p. Boston, HOUGHTON and MIFFLIN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by EDWIN E. AUBREY, American Historical Review, 33, 6i9-2I, 1928.

Ruggiero, Guido de. The history of European liberalism. Translated by R. G. COLLINGWOOD. XI + 476 p. Oxford, University Press, 1927.


Thomas, Franklin. The environmental basis of society. A study in the history of sociological theory. (The Century social science series). VII + 336 p. front. New York, The Century Co., 1925. ISIS

Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. English local government: English poor law history. Part I: The old poor law. x + 447 p. London, LONGMANS, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by C. E. FRYER, American Historical Review, 33, 389-390, I928.


(General history, historical methods, biography and chronology.)

Anselmo, Antonio. Bibliografia das bibliografiasPortuguesas. (Publica- foes da Biblioteca Nacional. Biblioteca do bibliotecario e do arquivista, III.) I58 p., index. Oficinas Graficas da Biblioteca Nacional, Lisboa, I923. ISIS

An invaluable introductory aid to those who would study the history of science and civilization in Portugal and Brazil. Divided into three main parts:

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i) general bibiliographies (200 titles); 2) special bibliographies and biblio- graphical monographs on particular topics (738 titles); and 3) periodical publications relating to bibliography (90 titles). The second part contains sections on the various arts and sciences. Author index. J. K. W.

Burckhardt, Jacob. (I8I8-97) Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien.

Ein Versuch. Vierzehnte Auflage. Durchgesehen von WALTER GOETZ.

VIII + 538 p. (portrait) Leipzig, ALFRED KRONER, I925. ISIS

Vorwort: ((Die I3. Auflage dieses Werkes erschien als eine Wiederherstel- lung der Urausgabe JACOB BURCKHARDTS (i86o), befreit von allen Erweiterun- gen und Veriinderungen, die LUDWIG GEIGER von der 3. bis zur I2. Auflage in steigendem Masse vorgenommen hatte. Nach knapp drei Jahren ist diese Urausgabe vergriffen -ein Beweis, wie gross das Beduirfnis nach dem ur- spriinglichen Texte JACOB BURCKHARDTS gewesen ist. Die neue Auflage erscheint nun auf Wunsch des Verlags in einer andern handlicheren Form: sie ist fur den Reisenden gedacht, der das Buch mit sich nach Italien nehmen will. Im iibrigen ist gegentiber der 13. Auflage nur ganz wenig veriindert worden: kleine Maingel wurden verbessert und einzelne Hinweise in den Anmerkungen nieu hinzugefuigt. Alle diese Hinweise sind in eckigen Klam- mern gegeben; wurden sie aus den friiheren Auflagen GEIGERS uibernommen, so sind sie als ((Zusatz GEIGERS )) kenntlich gemacht. WALTER GOETZ. X

Davis, H. W. C. and Weaver, J. R. H. (editors). The dictionary of

national biography. Founded in I88z by GEORGE SMITH. Years

I9I2-2I. With an index covering the years I901-I92I in one alpha-

betical index. XXVI + 623 p. Oxford, University Press, I927. ISIS

Gamble, William Thomas Miller. The Monumenta Germaniae

historica: its inheritance in source-valuation and criticism. VI + 202 p. Washington, D. C., Catholic University of America, I927.


Reviewed by JAMES WESTFALL THOMPSON, American Historical Review, 33, 636-8, I928.

Gilson, 1tienne. Le role de la philosophie dans l'histoire de la civili-

sation. Revue de mdtaphysique et de morale, 34, I69-I76, I927. ISIS

Masson- Oursel, Paul. Les objections des Orientaux contre notre

critique historique. Revue d'histoire de la philosophie, I, 26I-8, 1927. ISIS

Munro, Dana C. The Crusades and other historical essays presented to DANA C. MUNRO by his former students. Edited by LouIs J. PAETOW. X + 4I9 p. New York, F. S. CROFTS, I928. ISIS

Contains twelve essays by American scholars - eight on the Crusades and four others, a list of MUNRO'S writings, 1894-I926, and a portrait. G. S.

Ogg, Frederic Austin. Research in the humanistic and social sciences.

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Report of a survey conducted for the American Council of Learned Societies. (American Council of Learned Societies, 2i8). VIII + 454 p. New York, Century, I928. ISIS

Elaborate study of present conditions of research in America and of various means of improving them. It will be of great value to administrators, and will help them better to realize the necessity of original and creative scholar- ship. It was undertaken at the expense of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. G. S.

Pierce, Bessie Louise. Public opinion and the teaching of history in the United States. XI + 380 p. New York, KNOPF, 1926. ISIS

Review by CARLTON J. H. HAYES, American Historical Review, 33, 360-

36i, I928.


(Art and science, Iconography. Arts and crafts.)

(Iconography, national). Enquete sur l'organisation de la documenta- tion iconographique. Bulletin of the International Committee of Histo- rical Sciences, I, 525-53I, I928. ISIS

Valuable information on iconographical materials relative to Denmark by OTTO ANDRUP, and to France, by ANDRA BLUM and ALBERT DEPREAUX.

Sarton, George. Medallic illustrations of the history of science. First series: XIXth and XXth centuries. Second article. Isis, 9, 359- 362, 8 ill. on 4 pl, 1927. ISIS

Medals dedicated to the following scientists are considered: 6. VAN DER


Sarton, George. Medallic illustrations of the history of science. First series: XIXth and XXth centuries. Third article. Isis, 9, 420-

423, 4 plates, 1927. ISIS



Hankamer, Paul. Die Sprache, ihr Begriff und ihre Deutung im sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert; ein Beitrag zur Frage der literarhistorischen Gliederung des Zeitraums. xv + 207 p. Bonn, FRIEDR. COHEN, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by RICHARD ALEWYN, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 269-274, 1928.

Laguna, (Mrs.) Grace (Mead) Andrus de. Speech; its function and

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development XII + 363 p. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1927. ISIS


(Moral organization of society).

Dittrich, Ott mar. Geschichte der Ethik. Die Systeme der Moral vom Altertum bis zum Gegenwart. ir Bd: Altertum bis Ausgang des Altertums. zr Bd: Von Hellenismus bis zum Ausgang des Alter- tums. 3r Bd: Mittelalter bis zum Kirchenreformation. 374 + 3II +

5IO p. Leipzig, F. MEINER, 1926. ISIS

Reviewed by E. BRItHIER in Revue d'histoire de la philosophie, I, 344-8, 1927.

Rignano, Eugenio. Science et morale. Revue de m6taphysique et de morale, 34, 325-35, I927. ISIS

Roth, Leon. The science of morals. An essay in method. 14I p. London, BENN, 1928. (5s 6d) ISIS

What experimental physics has done for our knowledge of external nature, may we not hope that experimental ethics will do for our knowledge of man ? s This excellent little book gives the answer to this question, an emphatic yes, which the author carefully justifies. One has but too often repeated after HENRI POINCARE that there can be nothing in common between science and morals, because science speaks in the indicative, and morals in the imperative. For once, POINCAR<X was wrong, for scientists and moralists alike use occasionally either mood. LEON ROTH is well known to our readers because of his activity in behalf of the Spinoza Society (Isis, 5, 143), of his book on SPINOZA, DESCARTES and MAIMONIDES (I924; Isis 7, 324) and his edition of the Correspondence of DESCARTES and CONSTANTIJN HUYGENS

(1926; Isis, 9, 434-37). G. S.


(See also above I8. Philosophy of science).

Bre6hier, I2mile. Histoire de la philosophie. T. I. L'antiquite et le moyen age; fasc. 2, periode hellenistique et romaine. 264 p. Paris, ALCAN, I927. ISIS

Ce second fasc. de l'histoire de la philosophie d'IMILE BRIHIER (l'ceuvre sera complke en 6 fasc.; pour le premier, voir Isis, 9, 593) passe en revue les 6coles et les courants d'idees qui couvrent les quatre si6cles qui pr6c6dent notre ere, et les cinq premiers sibcles de celui-ci; les doctrines de PLATON, d'ARISTOTE, examinees dans le ptemier fascicule, en sont naturellement exclues. Je reviendrai sur cet ouvrage lorsque tout le T. I. sera publi6. L. G.

Carus, Paul (I852-I9I9). The point of view. An anthology of religion and philosophy selected from the works of PAUL CARUS Edited by CATHERINE COOK. Chicago, Open Court, I927. ISIS

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((PAUL CARUS was born in July, I852, at Ilsenburg am Harz, where his father was then pastor. He received his early and thorough training in the Gymnasia of Posen and Stettin and afterward studied philosophy, classical philology, and the natural sciences at the universities of Greifswald, Strass- burg, and Tiubingen, where in I876 he received the degree of Ph. D. Having successfully passed the examination for state service, he was appointed teacher in the military academy of Dresden, but his liberal views soon brought him into conflict with the autocratic authorities. He tendered his resignation and turned to America where in the atmosphere of freedom he hoped to find the opportunity for the development and realization of the ideals which filled his mind and heart. His expectations were more than fulfilled when in I887 he was called to the editorship of The Open Court and afterward to that of The Monist, the two periodicals which owe their existence to the profound scientific and religious interests and to the generosity of EDWARD C. HEGELER. s To these words extracted from the preface, I wish to add my own testimony. PAUL CAPUS was a noble man whose influence upon Ame- rican thought was extremely beneficial. Our country owes him a deep debt of gratitude. G. S.

Cresson, Andre. Les courants de la pensee philosophique frangaise. 2 vol. 2o8, 2I2 p. Paris, ARMAND COLIN, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by HPLkNE METZGER, Isis, 9, 489-490, 1927.

Hook, Sidney. The metaphysics of pragmatism. With an introductory word by JOHN DEWEY. I44 P., i pl. Chicago, Open Court, I927. (Cloth $ 2.00; paper $ i.oo) ISIS

Contents: i. The metaphysics of the instrument; 2. Thinking as instru- mental; 3. The metaphysics of leading principles; 4. Categorical analysis; 5. On human freedom. ((The volume is noteworthy because... it expresses an equilibrium which is consciously and deliberately sustained between that newer movement which goes by the name of pragmatism and instrumen- talism and essential portions of classic thought. 3) JOHN DEWEY.

Lenoir, Raymond. La philosophie devant la vie. Revue de meta- physique et de morale, 34, 177-237, I927. ISIS

Meyerson, l mile. Identite et realite. XIX + 571 p. Troisieme edition. (Bibliotheque de philosophie contemporaine) Paris, ALCAN, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by HPLENE METZGER, Isis, 9, 470-2, 1927.

Piccoli, Valentino. Storia della filosofia italiana, VIII + 340 p., G. B. PARAVIA, Torino, I927. (19 1.). ISIS

Cette histoire de la philosophie italienne, qui n'est pas un ouvrage d'6ru- dition, malgre ses 22 pages de bibliographie, a son origine dans deux cours professds en I923 et 1924 par l'auteur au Circolo filologico milanese. Le plan en est concu largement, et PICCOLI consacre des chapitres entiers A DANTE, & PETRARCA, A LEONARDO DA VINCI, i TORQUATO TAsso, A GIACOMO LEOPARDI, A MACHIAVELLI et MICHELANGELO, qui, situes dans le courant philosophique de leur temps, contribuent A l'eclairer. L'inspitation de l'ouvrage est nette-

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ment catholique et nationale. Contrairement a BERTRANDO SPAVENTA (I908),

l'auteur estime que la philosophie italienne du Moyen-f^tge est, non pas

europeenne, mais nettement italienne. I1 donne d'ailleurs beaucoup plus

d'etendue aux chapitres consacr6s au moyen-age et a la Renaissance (pres

de 200 p.) qu'i la philosophie moderne et contemporaine. Les norns mis

en saillie sont naturellement G. BRUNO, T. CAMPANELLA, G. Vico, et V. Gio- BERTI, i qui PICCOLI a consacr6 de nombreuses etudes, et tout r6cemment un Avviamento alla filosofia di Vincenzo Gioberti (PARAVIA, Torino, 1925).

L. G.

Russell, Bertrand. Die Probleme der Philosophie. Autoris. Ueber- setzung aus dem Englischen von PAUL HERTZ. VII + I43 p. Erlangen, Weltkreis-VTerlag, I926. ISIS

Reviewed by HEINRICH SCH01Z, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 3 I6-3 I9, 1928.

Schaub, Edward Leroy. Philosophy today. Essays on recent develop- ments in the field of philosophy. x + 609 p. Chicago, Open Court, 1928. ($ 3.75) ISIS

A collection of essays reprinted from The Monist (April 1926 etc.) by its

editor, purposing to give a general view of present philosophical tendencies. The main subdivision is national, which is justifiable to some extent, but not entirely. I should prefer an other subdivision, and I truly believe that the national one does not hold for the greatest works. This survey is neverthe-

less very useful. It is especially elaborate with regard to the English speaking, French speaking and German speaking countries. The Anglo-Saxon views

are explained by R. F. A. HOERNLF, R. W. SELLARS, M. C. OTTO, WILBUR


and SEYMOUR GuY MARTIN; the French views, by D. PARODI, ANDRF LALANDE,





and ALBERT GORLAND. Three smaller sections are devoted respectively to

Russia, Scandinavia and South America (especially Argentina); they are



(Science anid religion).

Bate, Herbert Newell (editor). Faith and order. Proceedings of the World Conference, Lausanne, August 3-2I, I927. XV + 534 p. New York, DORAN, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by E. HIRSCH, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, IO-I9, I928.

Coulton, George Gordon. Five centuries of religion. (in four volumes). Volume II: The friars and the dead weight of tradition, 1200-I400

A. D. xxx + 703 p. Cambridge, University Press, I927. ISIs

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Reviewed by SYDNEY M. BROWN, American Historical Review, 33, 633-5, I 928.

Frazer, Sir James George. Man, God and immortality. Thoughts on human progress. Passages chosen from the writings of Sir JAMES

GEORGE FRAZER, revised and edited by the author. xvi + 437 p. London, MACMILLAN, 1928. ISIS

Freud, Sigmund. Die Zukunft einer Illusion. 9I p. Leipzig, Internat. Psychoanalyt. Verlag, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by E. KRETSCHMER, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 200, i928.

Gauthiot, Robert; Pelliot, Paul; Benveniste, Emile. Le sCutra des causes et des effets du bien et du mal. E~dite et traduit d'apres les textes sogdien, chinois et tibetains. T. i: Textes sogdiens et chinois. T. 2 : Transcription, traduction, commentaire et index, fasc i (Mission Pelliot, Serie 40, 2). XI + 66 P., 52p P. Paris, GEUTH- NER, 1920; 1926. ISIS

Reviewed by WOLFGANG LENTZ, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2445-2449, 1927.

Huxley, Julian S. Religion without revelation. (What I believe series). 392 p. London, BENN, 1927. ISIS

Oltramare, Paul. La religion et la vie de l'esprit. 229 P. (Bibliothelque de philosophie contemporaine). Paris, F. ALCAN, I925. ISIS

Reviewed by FRIEDRICH KARL SCHUMANN, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2046-48, I927.

Stone, (Rev.) James S. The cult of Santiago. Traditions, myths, and pilgrimages. A sympathetic study. XII + 380 p. New York. LONGMANS, GREEN, 1927. ISIS

((The book has for its purpose the encouragement of a still more lively interest in St. JAMES and the things which have been associated with him in history and tradition. The subject is capable of wide expansion. It was not found possible to gather and present in so limited a space all that is known or told of the distinguished Apostle; but enough is given to illustrate the part he played, or the part that has been assigned to him, in history or in folklore, and to clear and freshen an atmosphere beclouded and darkened by time and change, so that the man himself may be better seen, the virtues which were attributed to him, and the wonders he is said to have wrought.

Streeter, Burnett Hillman; Chilcott, Catherine M.; MacMurray, John; and Russell, Alexander S. Adventure: the faith of science and the science of faith. IX + 247 p. London, MACMILLAN, 1927.


Reviewed in Nature, 121, 448, 1928, by E. S. R.

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Barduzzi, Domenico. Manuale di storia della medicina. 2 vol. 286 + 302 p., Sten. editrice, Torino, 1923-7. ISIS

Manuel simple, clair, bien adapt6 au but que s'est propose son auteur rendre agreable et facile aux etudiants la connaissance des grandes lignes de l'histoire de la medecine. Peut-etre certains details peuvent-ils etre con- testes: est-il juste de dire (i, p. I90), que PECQUET a plagie EUSTACHI ? Celui-ci avait bien vu, sur le cheval, le canal thoracique, mais sans en connaitre l'origine ni la fonction; au reste la decouverte des ( veines lact6es )) par G. AsELLI, nest que de I62Z; et PECQUET est bien le premier i avoir vu le (re- ceptaculum chyli )), et 'a avoir etabli la circulation du chyle et de la lymphe. - L'ouvrage manque d'un index; mais il poss6de un trZ,s heureux tableau chronologique de 37 pp. (arrte 'a 1920) des principaux evenements de l'histoire de la medecine. L. G.

Baude, E. L. A. Prophylaxie antivenerienne individuelle a travers les ages. Essai historique (The'se). 48 p. Paris, LE FRANCOIS, 1927.


Le pr6servatif mecanique, sur la valeur duquel on n'a pas toujours &6 d'accord, est employe depuis le milieu du xVIe siecle; tous les pr6servatifs chimiques, avec ou sans Hg, presque tous d'ailleurs remedes secrets, sont inefficaces, sauf la pommade au calomel pr6conis6e par METCHNIKOFF (i906) ou celles qui en derivent. Bonne bibliographie. L. G.

Baur, Marguerite Louise. Recherches sur 1'histoire de I'anesthesie avant I846. 7anus, 3I, 24-39, 63-90, I24-37, I70-182, 2I3-25,

264-70, 1927. ISIS

Exposd des moyens employ6s depuis l'antiquite pour provoquer l'anesth6sie, et des exp6riences par lesquelles l'auteur a contro1 quelques uns de ces proc6d6s (a' suivre).

Bruna, W. von. Kurze Geschichte der Chirurgie. v + 339 S., 317

Abb. Berlin, SPRINGER, 1927. ISIS

Carvalho, Silva. Historia da urologia em Portugal ate ao meiado do seculo XIX. 84 p. Soc. nacional de tipografia, Lisboa, 1925.


Cau, Giovanni. Urologhi, uromanti, uroscopi e la matula. Riv. di storia d. sc. med. e natur., I8, 244-59, I927. ISIS

Dubreuil-Chambardel, Louis (1879-I927). Obituary by P. DELAUNAY.

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Bulletin de la societe fran_aise d'histoire de la medicine, 21, 331-334, portrait, 1927. ISIS

Grote, L. R. (editor). Die Medizin in Selbstdarstellungen Vols. i. to 7, Leipzig, FELIX MEINER, 1923-28. ISIS

Collection of medical autobiographies. The following have appeared. Vol. I (I923): HOCHE (Freiburg), KUMMELL (Hamburg), MARCHAND (Leipzig),

MARTIUS (Rostock), Roux (Halle), WIEDERSHEIM (Freiburg). Vol. 2 (I923):

BARFURTH (Rostock), GRAWITZ (Greifswald), HUEPPE (Prag), H. H. MEYER

(Wien), PENZOLDT (Erlangen), ROSENBACH (G6ttingen), FRIEDR. SCHULTZE

(Bonn), HUGO SCHULZ (Greifswald). Vol. 3 (I924) : HEMMETER (Baltimore),

v. KORANYI (Budapest), AD. LORENZ (Wien), PAYR (Leipzig), PETR*N (Lund),

REHN (Frankfort), TENDELOO (Leiden). Vol. 4 (I925): FREUD (Wien), GOTT-

STEIN (Berlin), HEUBNER (Dresden), v. KRIES (Freiburg), MUCH (Hamburg),

ORTNER (Wien). Vol. 5 (I925): BRAUN (Zwickau), HENSCHEN (Stockholm),

PETERS (Rostock), RAM6N Y CAJAL (Madrid), SAHLI (Bern). Vol. 6 (igz6) : BECHTEREW (Leningrad), FOREL (Yvorne), GLUCK (Berlin), HAUSER (Erlangen), v. LIEBERMANN (Budapest). Vol. 7 (I928): BAuMLER (Freiburg), BOAS (Berlin),

V. LENHOSSAK (Budapest), POSNER (Berlin), RICHET (Paris).

Hemmeter, John C. Master minds in medicine, an analysis of human genius as the instrument in the evolution of great constructive ideas in the history of medicine, together with a system of historic methodo- logy. Introduction by KARL SUDHOFF. New York, Medical Life Press, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by FRANCIS R. PACKARD, Annals of Medical hIistory, 9, 4I9-42I,


Hollainder, Eugen. Askulap und Venus. Eine Kultur- und Sitten- geschichte im Spiegel des Arztes VII + 488 P, 330 ill. Berlin, Pro- pylaen-Verlag, 1928. ISIS

Reviewed by KARL BIRNBAUM, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 2622-2624, I927; and by K. SUDHOFF, Mitt. zutr Geschichte der Medizin, 27, 56-58, I928.

Isray, Stephen d'. Patristic medicine. Annals of Medical History, 9, 364-378, 1927. ISIS

Jorga, N. Medici si medicina in trecutul romanese. (Physicians and medicine in old Rumania; in Rumanian). 44 p. Bucarest, I9I9.


Reviewed by V. BOLOGA, Mlitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, I3',

I928. This is followed by reviews of many other Rumanian medico-historical

publications (p. I32-I38, 2I9-22)

Koch, Richard. Die Geschichte der Medizin im Universitaitsunter- - richt. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, i-i6, 1928. ISIS

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Kruif, Paul de. ((Mikrobenjiiger a. Uebersetzt von SIEGMUND FEIL- BOGEN. 346 p. ZUrich, ORELL FUJSSLI, I927. ISIS

Lonnquist, Bernt. Einige bemerkenswerte Aerzte an der Akademie zu Abo (Finland) I640-I837. Janus, 3I, 368-74, I927. ISIS

(Medicine, history. VIth international congress). Reports by LAIGNEL-LAVASTINE and PAUL DELAUNAY. Bull. Soc. fr. d'Hist. Mid., 2I, 335-376, I927; and by TRICOT-ROYER, J7anus, 3I, 423-43,

I927- ISIS

Meyer-Steineg, Th. und Sudhoff, Karl. Geschichte der Medizin im tYberblick mit Abbildungen. Dritte, durchgesehene Auflage; mit 2I7 Abbildungen im Text. x + 446 p. Jena, GUSTAV FISCHER, I928.


The first edition of this very remarkable and richly illustrated treatise, published in 192I, was reviewed in Isis, 4, 368-69; the second, I922, was reviewed in Isis, 5, I88. We shall let this new, third, edition, speak for itself, by reproducing its preface in extenso: ( Trotz Ungunst der Zeiten muss das 4. und 5. Tausend dieses illustrierten Ueberblicks uber die Geschichte der Heilkunde jetzt gedruckt werden. Die neue Auflage war uns Veranlassung, den Text sorgfaltig nochmals durchzusehen und, namentlich in der mittleren Zeit, kleine Aenderungen und kurze Zusiitze an zahlreichen Stellen vor- zunehmen und einzufilgen. Auch das Bildmaterial wurde einer genauen Nachpriifung unterzogen. Abgenutzte Druckstocke wurden nach den Original- vorlagen neu hergestellt oder durch Geeigneteres ersetzt, einiges Entbehr- liche ausgeschieden und sechs neue Bilder eingefiigt. So ist das Buch wieder vollauf der H6he und fur den starken Bedarf unserer Aerzte nach historischer Aufklirung bereit. M6ge es auch weiterhin fleissige Leser finden. G. S.

Neuburger, Max. History of medicine. Translated by ERNEST PLAY- FAIR. 2 VOlS. Vol. I, 19IO, vol. 2, Part I, 1925, P. 1-135. Oxford Uni- versity Press. ISIS

Reviewed by STEPHEN D'IRSAY, Isis, 9, 486-9, I927.

Serieux, Paul, et Goulard, Roger. Le service medical au donjon de Vincennes (Prison d'Ttat). Bul. Soc. fr. d'Hist. Mid., 2I, 4I9- 435, 1927. ISIS

Sigerist, Henry E. Deutsche medizinische Handschriften aus Schweizer Bibliotheken. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 17, 205-240, I925.


Spencer, Herbert R. The history of British midwifery from i650 to i8oo. The Fitzpatrick Lectures for I927, delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London. xxiv + i85 p., 9 p1. London, BALE, Sons and DANIEILSSON, 1927. ISIS

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Stern, Bernard Joseph. Social factors in medical progress. 5 + 137 P. New York, Columbia University Press, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by FRANCIS R. PACKARD, Annals of Medical History, Io, 105-06'


Sticker, Georg. Die Entwicklung der arztlichen Kunst in Deutschland. 52 S. Mit i9 Tafeln. (Miinchener Beitrage zur Geschichte und Literatur der Naturwissenschaft und Medizin, Heft 6). Miinchen, Miinchner Drucke, 1927. ISIS

Stromgren, Hedwig. Einige antike und mittelalterliche Kuren gegen Zahnschmerzen. J)anus, 31, 359-67, 1927. ISIS

Ten Doesschate, A. Overzicht van de geschiedenis der geneeskunde te Zwolle. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, 8I-96, 1928. ISIS

Thompson, C. J. S. The clinical thermometer. Its history and develop- ment. Medical Life, 34, 510-513, 1927. ISIS


Ebstein, Erich. A contribution to the history of hemorrhoids and their treatment from the time of HIPPOCRATES to the modern bacterio- logical era. Medical Life, 35, 5-I8, 2 portraits, 1928 (with long biblio- graphy.) Isis

Ebstein, Erich. Ueber die chirurgische Behandlung der Lungen- kavernen. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, I80, 1928. ISIS

I-Iricourt, J. Le terrain dans les maladies. Preface de CH. RICHET. 250 p. Biblioth. de philosophie scientif., FLAMMARION, Paris, I927.


L'auteur, qui a pris, avec CHARLES RICHET, une large part 'a l'introduction de la s6roth6rapie dans la th6rapeutique, fait en somme ici l'historique -

en ordre dispers6 - des conceptions que se font actuellement les m6decins, de la variabilit6 des terrains vis 'a vis des germes microbiens, et aussi celui, quoique dans une plus dtroite mesure, de la variabilit6 des germes eux-m6mes, avec application des moyens nouveaux de protection contre les germes, moyens de protection trouv6s dans la voie ouverte par les recherches de PASTEUR sur les virus attdnu6s et les vaccinations. L.G.

Honig, P. J. J.; Swellengrebel, N. H. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der malaria in Nederland. Vierde mededeeling. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, I-10, 1928. ISIS

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Kahn, Morris H. Historical survey of our knowledge of bronchial asthma. Medical Life, 35, io9-i62, 6 pl., I928. ISIS

Including a photostatic reproduction of the section on asthma in JACOBUS

SYLVIUS'S Morborum internorum, Paris, I545, and a bibliography. G. S.

Kappers, C. U. Ariens. Overzicht van de geschiedenis der therapie van geestes- en zenuwziekten en haar tegenwoordigen stand. Bij- dragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 7, 649-664, 1927. ISIS

Kortenhaus, Friedrich. Das Wechselfieber in der Rheinprovinz und sein Verschwinden. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin, 20, 120-136,

2 P1., 1928. ISIS

Lint, J. G. de. The treatment of the wounds of the abdomen in ancient times. Annals of Medical History, 9, 403-407, 4 fig., I927. ISIS

Neuburger, Max. Die Entwicklung der Lehre von den Herzkrankheiten. Separatabdruck aus der Wiener Medizinischen Wochenschrift, Nr. 3 und 4, I6 S., I928. ISIS

Neuburger, Max. Die Lehre von den Hautkrankheiten vor HEBRA.

Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, I9 P., I928. ISIS

Neuburger, Max. Die historische Grundlage der Lehre von den Berufskrankheiten. Sonderdruck aus der Zeitschriftfiir soziale Hygiene aVolksgesundheit)), Organ der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fuir Volksgesundheit, I. Jahrgang, Heft I2, Io p., i927. ISIS

The first treatise on professional diseases is undoubtedly the De morbis artificum diatriba published by BERNARDO RAMAZZINI at Modena in 1700.

It does not follow that the subject had never been touched incidentally before I700. Indications relative to it may be found throughout medical literature, beginning with HIPPOCRATES. NEUBURGER'S paper is a review of these indica- tions. G. S.

Nohl, Johannes. Der Schwarze Tod, eine Chronik der Pest. 373 p. Potsdam, GUSTAv KIEPENHEUER, I924. ISIS

Reviewed by STEPHEN D'IRSAY, ISiS, 9, 380-382, 1927.

Weiss, Samuel. History of gall-tract and biliary disease. Medical Life, 34, 663-676, I927. ISIS


Bouricius, L. G. N. Eenige grepen uit de geschiedenis van het St. Joris gasthuis te Delft. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, 29-37, 2 fig., I928. ISIS

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Bouricius, L. G. N. Geschiedenis van het geneeskundig gesticht voor krankzinnigen. Het St. Joris Gasthuis en het daarmede verbonden geweest zijnde (( Tuchthuis binnen Delft ). Uitgegeven ter gelegen- heid van het 250-jarig zelfstandig bestaan I677-I927. Delft, I927.


Reviewed in Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 7, 670.

Brugsch, Theodor. Die Klinik in Halle (historisch). Archiv fuir Geschichte der Medizin, 20, I7-32, I928. ISIS

Carvalho, Augusto da Silva. A regia escola de cirurgia de Lisboa. 288 p., portr. Lisboa, Tip. do anuario comercial, I926. ISIS

L'auteur prend en realit6 pr6texte de 1'histoire de l'6cole de chirurgie de Lisbonne, fondee le 25 juin i825, pour passer en revue l'histoire de l'enseigne- ment de la m6decine en Portugal depuis le xvIe siecle (Coimbre, Porto, Lis- bonne; hopitaux, ecoles sp6ciales; methodes; interventions gouvernementales). Les pp. 159-254 sont occupees par des notices bio-bibliographiques avec portraits, sur les professeurs de lecole de Lisbonne. L.G.

Dittrick, Howard. Fees in medical history. Annals of Medical History, IO, 90-IOI, I928. ISIS

Doughty, Roger G. History of the medical department of the University of Georgia. A short story of its early struggles. Annals of Medical History, Io, 80-85, I928. ISiS

Giedroyc, Franciszek. Stuzba zdrowia w dawnem Wojsku Polskiem. (Sanitation in the old Polish army). 550 p. Warsaw, I927. ISIS

Reviewed by JOSEF FRITZ, Mitt. zur Geschichte der Medizin, 27, 110, 1928.

Hellinga, G. Een stukje gasthuisgeschiedenis uit het midden der negentiende eeuw. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, 8, 38-42, 1928. ISIS

Hellinga, G. Eenige mededeelingen uit de geschiedenis der voormalige Amsterdamsche Kraamzaal. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der genees- kunde, 7, 665-670, 1927. ISIS

Meffert, Franz. Caritas und Volksepidemien. xvi + 267 p. Freiburg i. Br., Caritasverlag, 1925. ISIS

Meffert, Franz. Caritas und Krankenwesen bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters. XVII + 444 p. Freiburg i. Hr., Caritasverlag, 1927.


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Ferchl, Fritz. Illustrierter Apotheker-Kalender I928. Mittenwald. Verlag; Deutscher Apotheker-Verein, Berlin. Isis

The object of this calendar is to cause the members constituting the phar- maceutical profession to stop a moment and to reflect in this mad rush of business and professional life. Not only this, but to instill into its younger members a love of their calling by studying its past. The fourth (e Jahrgang is as replete with interesting illustrations and valuable information as were its three precursors. To the teacher of the history of science it affords an opportunity to secure excellent illustrative material at a nominal price. E. K.

Ferchl, Fritz. Miinchens iilteste Apotheke. Geschichte der Schutzen- apotheke von den Anfangen bis zur Jetztzeit. 62 p., illus. Stuttgart, Wissensch. Verlagsgesellschaft, I927. ISIS

Gesellschaft fuir Geschichte der Pharmazie, Veroffentlichungen der. ISIS

About a year ago (Isis, IO, 56) the organization of a new society for the his- storv of pharmacy was announced. According to its ((Mitteilungen )) it has 424 members: Germany, 179; Czecoslovakia, 28; Austria, 26; Rumania, i8; Jugoslavia, Io; Switzerland, 4; Sweden, 3; Esthonia, 3; England, I;

France, I; Holland, I; Latvia, I; Norway, I; Russia, I; Spain, I; Hungary, I; United States, 147. With the first number of the ((Mitteilungen ) there has been distributed to the members the first of the (( Veroffentlichungen )) viz. ((Apotheker-Lehr- und Gehilfen Briefe aus drei Jahrhunderten )) by FRITZ FERCHL, the compiler of the Apotheker-Kalender (see above). It is a brochure of 48 pages with 2 illustrations, one of which is colored. Another colored illustration is on the cover. Other numbers are announced. These may be had by non-members through the regular channels at two Marks each. The society expects to publish four each year. E. K.

Haberling, Wilhelm. Der Triumphwagen des Antimons. Der Kampf um die Einfiihrung des Antimons in den Arzneischatz zu Beginn der Neuzeit. (Therapeutische Berichte, Nr. ii und i2). I2 p., 8 ill., I927. ISIS


(Methods of accumulating, imparting, and diffusing knowledge).

54. - ED UCATI ON (Generalities, methods, colleges, universities).

(Cambridge, Massachusetts). Harvard College records: corporation records, i636-I750. Two volumes. (Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, vols. 15, i6: collections printed in memory of FREDERICK LEWIS GAY.) CLXXX + X + I003 p. Boston, The Society, I925. ISIS

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Reviewed by MARCUS W. JERNEGAN, American Historical Review, 33, 706, I928.

Hatch, Louis C. The history of Bowdoin College. xIi + 500 p. Port-

land, Me., LORING, SHORT and HARMON, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by W. E. LuNT, American Historical Review, 33, 705, 1928.

Heer- Georg. Marburger Studentenleben, I527-I927. 222 S. 25 Taf.

Marburg, N. G. Elwertsche Verlagsbuchh., 1927. ISIS

Reviewed by ERNST HEYMANN, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 449-452, 1927.

Ladeuze, P. L'universit6 de Louvain, 1426-I927. Rev. des questions scientif., 4e S-, I2, 5-i6, I927. ISIS

L'universit6 de Louvain, fond6e le 7 septembre I426 vient de f8ter son cinquibme centenaire. La Revue des questions scientifiques consacre les i8o premieres pages de son fasc. de juillet I927 i c6lbrer les fastes de 1'universite. Au discours prononce par Mgr P. LADEUZE font suite les notices suivantes P. GILBERT: Les sciences exactes dans l'ancienne universit6 de Louvain (notice 6crite en i884, mais mise a jour par B. LEFEBvRE); Dr. TRICOT-RoYER: Coup d'aeil sur la facultd de medecine de Louvain ; F. SIMONART: Les mathematiques dans l'universit6 restauree; F. KAISIN: La mineralogie et la geologie a l'universite de Louvain restaur6e, de I837 a 1927; P. DEBAISIEUX: Un siecle de biologie & l'universit6 de Louvain; C. NALIS: Coup d'aeil sur l'histoire de la faculte de m6decine de la nouvelle universit6 de Louvain; P. DAUBRESSE: Les 6coles sp6ciales de Louvain et leur influence sur le d6- veloppement technique de la Belgique et de la colonie. L. G.

London, University of. University College. Centenary addresses.

Bound together in one volume. With a preface by R. W. CHAMBERS.

London, University of London Press, I927. ISIS

Reviewed in Nature, I21, 27I-274, 1928.

(Louvain). L'Universite de Louvain i travers cinq siecles: etudes

historiques. Publiees avec une introduction par LAON VAN DER ESSEN,



CH. TERLINDEN. 308 p. Brussels, A. LESIGNE, 1927. ISIS

Reviewed in American Historical Review, 33, 685-6, I928.

Mallet, Charles Edward. A history of the University of Oxford.

Volume 3. Modern Oxford. London, METHUEN, 1927. ISIS Volumes i and 2, 1924; Isis, 7, 583.

Osborn, Henry Fairfield. Creative education in school, college,

university and museum: personal observation and experience of

the half-century 1877-I927. XIV + 360 p. New York, SCRIBNER,

I927. ISIS

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Scherer, Emil Clemens. Geschichte und Kirchengeschichte an den Deutschen Universititen. xxx + 522 p. Freiburg i. Br., HERDER,

1927. ISIS Reviewed by FRANCIS A. CHRISTIE, American Historical Review, 33, 390-

392, I928.

56. - BIBLIOGRAPHY (Methods, Libraries).

Kuhnert, Ernst. Geschichte der Staats- und Universititsbibliothek zu Konigsberg. Von ihrer Begriindung bis zum Jahre I8Io. 3I7 P. Leipzig, 0. W. HIERSEMANN, I926. Isis

Reviewed by ALFRED SCHULZE, Deutsche Literaturzeitunig, 1993-I996, I927.

MacNair, Mary Wilson. A list of American doctoral dissertations printed in I926. VII + 262 p. (Library of Congress). Washington, United States Government Printing Office, I928. ISIS

Rye, Reginald Arthur. The student's guide to the libraries of London. With an account of the most important archives and other aids to study. Third edition, revised and enlarged. With forewords by T. FRANKLIN SIBLY and Sir HENRI A. MIERS. XXV + 580 p. London, University of London Press, I927. ISIS

57. - MUSEOLOGY (Mlluseums anzd collections).

Coleman, Laurence Vail. Manual for small museums. xiv + 395 P., 32 plates. New York, PUTNAM, 1927. ISIS

((This book is intended for the use of those who set about to found museums or to build up small museums now existing. The writing of it has been promp- ted by observation of the rapid growth of interest in museum-making and the hindrance or defeat of many efforts through lack of information. )) I. Introduction; z. Organization; 3. Administration; 4. Curatorial Work; 5. Educational Work; 6. Research; 7. Building; 8. Conclusion; 9. Appendices.

Scott, Alexander. The cleaning and restoration of museum exhibits. 3d report. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1927. ISIS

59. - ERRATA AND ADDENDA, no. 16.

(For previous errata, see Isis, II,271 f.).

Vol. 4, 220. read A. BENTEKOE, not a BENTEKOE. Vol. 7, 280. note CAJAL ought to be classified under RAM6N Y CAJAL,


Vol. 9, I64. read EVIEUX. E. (not A.)

447. line 4 read IX, 490 (not 487)

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491. add to the contributors MICHAEL STEPHANIDES (Athens). 499. note Rome, 1. g of small text, read i82I (not 192I).

537. two notes CAJAL ought to be classified under RAMON Y CAJAL, SANT.

547, note EISLER, last line. Read Isis, 9, 147 (not 8, 583). 553. note Vajirafia'na, last 1., read BREASTED (not BREASTEAD).

Vol. Io, opp. p. 7I, pl. i0. Legends of both figures to be permuted. 123, note SALIBA ought to be classified under XJth century

(first half).

SARTON'S Introduction. Vol. I (a), 69I, note Hayyuj, 1. 9, read Jiqatila.

A few other misprints are not mentioned in these errata because they are too obvious to cause any error or confusion. I wish to express my thank- fulness to the readers who take the trouble to make the above-mentioned corrections in their copies of Isis and of my Introduction. I would advise them, after having accomplished that little task, to write their initials near mine at the bottom of this note, thus to indicate that these and the previous errata have been taken into account. G. S.

These and previous errata have been corrected by..... The corrections have been made in the card index by.....

(a) From HOMER to OMAR KHAYYAM. XII + 840 P. (Baltimore, WILLIAMS and WILKINS; London, BAILLIkRE, TINDALL and Cox, 1927).

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