#tweetelizabeth elizabeth rose twitter.com/1elizabethrose

TWITTER TALK #TweetElizabe th Elizabeth Rose Twitter.com/ 1ElizabethRose

Upload: kristopher-harper

Post on 26-Dec-2015




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  • #TweetElizabeth Elizabeth Rose Twitter.com/1ElizabethRose
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  • The Twitterverse About a billion users 100 Million DAILY active users Over 500 million tweets per day/avg 460 NEW accounts per day Unique monthly visitors 36 million 60% of users access via mobile device Tweeps spend avg of 170 minutes per month on Twitter Most Twitter users are highly educated and searching for information people/brands/businesses to connect with.
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  • Help, I Dont get #Twitter!!! Content Driven Fast moving avg shelf life = 11 seconds! 140 characters Youre Not Alone Nearly 2 Million People Dont!
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  • Starting Out Right! Setting up your profile Picture Bio Keywords URL Background Image
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  • Terms of Engagement Follows Tweets Retweets / RT and Replies @ Favorites Interactions Mentions #Discover Direct Messages
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  • Tweet-Tweet 140 characters / 120 characters Tweet original content that has value Sprinkle with real life tweets Inspiring quotes Seek out/answer questions in your niche 80/20 Rule Engagement/Promotion Tweet Life 11 seconds Tweet, tweet again, repeat
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  • 3 Goals For Your Perfect Tweet Amplify. You need to amplify your story with tweets. Engage. You need people to read, comment or pass the message on to others. Convert. You need readers to complete some conversion-related activity, such as a click to visit a registration page or key destination page.
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  • Does Your Perfect Tweet Pass the Twitter Filter? When you finally sit down to write your perfect tweet you need to make sure it passes through three key filters. Ask yourself this question before you hit that send button! Is it interesting and readable? Is it interesting enough to click? Is it compelling and build to be retweeted?
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  • Getting It Write Pew reports that adult usage of Twitter had doubled from 2011 to 2012, so getting it write is key to you maximizing Twitters potential.
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  • Retweets & Replies Retweet vs Quote a Tweet Reply Add value with a comment Where its @ makes all the difference Dont forget the period (.) RT Etiquette Before you ask for RTs, give RTs. Prior engagement is Key!
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  • #Hashtag Heaven Use sparingly!!! Twitter will still capture keywords even if you dont use the hashtag.
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  • #Hashtag Heaven What is a #hashtag? Why use a #hashtag? Well the #first #thing #you #don't #want #to #do #is #use #it #in #every #word #every #time #you #write #anything! Don't use #hashtagstosaylongsentencesinsteadofwritingthemout. ..This looks ridiculous!
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  • Favorites Liked your tweet Bookmarking Get attention Saying thanks Testimonials (used mostly by brands)
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  • Dont Ever Forget. Interactions Mentions
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  • # Discover The #1 Overlooked Tool! List building Ideas Content
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  • Whoo to Follow? Niche Community Influencers Noteworthy Birds of a Feather Flock Together
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  • Grow Your Flock Your FB Business Page Twitter to Facebook only Add Links on your Page/Tabs Post invitations to follow Link from LinkedIn Google+ Blog/Website add the Follow button Email Signature
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  • LinkedIn Link from LinkedIn
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  • Managing Tweeps and Tweets Hootsuite ManageFlitter PeekAnalytics Klout Many other apps to check out: Tweriod * FriendorFollow * ReFollow * Twitaholic * Twiends *Twellow * Buffer SocialBro * SocialSprout * WeFollow
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  • MORE on TWITTER Build a Successful Twitter Presence No Bull, No Fluff Program Join Today! 30-Day Hands On Coaching Program Bit.ly/MyTweep
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  • www.Twitter.com/1ElizabethRose