tutorial "an introduction to sparql and queries over linked data" chapter 3 (icwe 2012...

ICWE 2012 Tutorial An Introduction to SPARQL and Queries over Linked Data ● ● ● Chapter 3: Querying Linked Data Olaf Hartig http://olafhartig.de/foaf.rdf#olaf @olafhartig Database and Information Systems Research Group Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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These are the slides from my ICWE 2012 Tutorial "An Introduction to SPARQL and Queries over Linked Data"


Page 1: Tutorial "An Introduction to SPARQL and Queries over Linked Data" Chapter 3 (ICWE 2012 Ed.)

ICWE 2012 Tutorial

An Introduction to SPARQL and Queries over Linked Data

● ● ●

Chapter 3: Querying Linked Data

Olaf Hartighttp://olafhartig.de/foaf.rdf#olaf


Database and Information Systems Research GroupHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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Chapter 3

Accessing a SPARQL Endpoint Queries over Multiple Datasets Linked Data Queries

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SPARQL Endpoints

● SPARQL query processing service

● Supports the SPARQL protocol

● Issuing a SPARQL query is an HTTP GET requestwith parameter query

GET /sparql?query=PREFIX+rd... HTTP/1.1Host: dbpedia.orgUser-agent: my-sparql-client/0.1

URL-encoded stringwith the SPARQL query

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Query Result Formats

● For SELECT and ASK queries: XML, JSON, plain text

● For CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE: RDF/XML, Turtle, ...

● How to request?● ACCEPT header

● Non-standard alternative: parameter out

GET /sparql?query=PREFIX+rd... HTTP/1.1Host: dbpedia.orgUser-agent: my-sparql-client/0.1Accept: application/sparql-results+json

GET /sparql?out=json&query=... HTTP/1.1Host: dbpedia.orgUser-agent: my-sparql-client/0.1

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SPARQL Client Libraries

● More convenient than on the protocol level:● SPARQL JavaScript Library


● ARC for PHP http://arc.semsol.org/● RAP – RDF API for PHP

http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/rdfapi/index.html● Jena / ARQ (Java) http://jena.sourceforge.net/● Sesame (Java) http://www.openrdf.org/● SPARQL Wrapper (Python)

http://sparql-wrapper.sourceforge.net/● PySPARQL (Python)


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SPARQL Client Libraries

● Example with Jena ARQ:

import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.*;

String service = "..."; // address of the SPARQL endpointString query = "SELECT ..."; // your SPARQL queryQueryExecution e = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService( service, query );ResultSet results = e.execSelect();while ( results.hasNext() ) {

QuerySolution s = results.nextSolution();// …


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SPARQL Endpoints

● Several Linked Data sets exposed via SPARQL endpoint● DBpedia http://dbpedia.org/sparql● Musicbrainz http://dbtune.org/musicbrainz/sparql● Semantic Web dog food http://data.semanticweb.org/sparql● etc. http://esw.w3.org/topic/SparqlEndpoints

● Send your query, receive the result

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SPARQL Endpoints

● Several Linked Data sets exposed via SPARQL endpoint● DBpedia http://dbpedia.org/sparql● Musicbrainz http://dbtune.org/musicbrainz/sparql● Semantic Web dog food http://data.semanticweb.org/sparql● etc. http://esw.w3.org/topic/SparqlEndpoints

● Send your query, receive the result

Querying a single dataset is quite boring

compared to:

Issuing SPARQL queries over multiple datasets

Querying a single dataset is quite boring

compared to:

Issuing SPARQL queries over multiple datasets

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Chapter 3

Accessing a SPARQL Endpoint Queries over Multiple Datasets Linked Data Queries

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Chapter 3

Accessing a SPARQL Endpoint Queries over Multiple Datasets

➢ Query a given collection➢ Manage your own collection➢ Use a query federation system➢ Link traversal based query execution

Linked Data Queries

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Querying a Given Collection

● Some public SPARQL endpoints provide access to a collection of data from multiple sources● http://lod.openlinksw.com/sparql● http://sparql.sindice.com/

● Pros:● Nothing to set up● Good query execution times

● Cons:● Queried data might be out of date● Not all relevant data in the collection

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Setting up Your Own Collection

● RDF-specific DBMSs:● Virtuoso http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/● Allegro Graph http://www.franz.com/agraph/allegrograph/● Bigdata http://www.systap.com/bigdata.htm● OWLIM http://www.ontotext.com/owlim● 4store http://4store.org/● Jena TDB

http://jena.apache.org/● Sesame

http://www.openrdf.org/● etc.

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Populating Your Own Collection

● Datasets provided as RDF dumps

● (Focused) crawling● ldspider http://code.google.com/p/ldspider/

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Setting up Your Own Collection

● Pros:● All relevant data● Independent of existence, availability,

efficiency of SPARQL endpoints● Good query execution times

(once set up properly)

● Cons:● Effort to set up● Effort to operate● Queried data might

be out of date

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Chapter 3

Accessing a SPARQL Endpoint Queries over Multiple Datasets

➢ Query a given collection➢ Manage your own collection➢ Use a query federation system➢ Link traversal based query execution

Linked Data Queries

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SPARQL Endpoint Federation

● Idea of federated query processing:● Querying a query federation

service (mediator)● Mediator distributes

sub-queries torelevant sources

● Finally, mediatorcombinessub-results

● Prototypes:● FedX● SPLENDID● ANAPSID

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SPARQL Endpoint Federation

● Pros:● Queried data is up to date

● Cons:● All relevant datasets

must be exposed viaa SPARQL endpoint

● Effort to setup mediator

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SPARQL 1.1 Federation Extension

● SERVICE pattern in SPARQL 1.1● Explicitly specify query patterns whose execution

must be distributed to a remote SPARQL endpoint



?v rdf:type umbel-sc:Volcano ;

p:location dbpedia:Italy .

SERVICE <http://volcanos.example.org/query> {

?v p:lastEruption ?ve }




?v rdf:type umbel-sc:Volcano ;

p:location dbpedia:Italy .

SERVICE <http://volcanos.example.org/query> {

?v p:lastEruption ?ve }


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For all these approaches ...

● … you have to know the relevant data sources beforehand● When selecting a SPARQL endpoint over an existing

collection of datasets● When setting up your own collection● When configuring your federation system● When using the SERVICE pattern

● … you restrict yourself to the selected sources

● … you do not tap the full potential of the Web

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Chapter 3

Accessing a SPARQL Endpoint Queries over Multiple Datasets

➢ Query a given collection➢ Manage your own collection➢ Use a query federation system➢ Link traversal based query execution

Linked Data Queries

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Main Idea

Discovered data

● Intertwine query evaluation with traversal of data links

● We alternate between:● Evaluate parts of the query (triple patterns)

on a continuously augmented set of data● Look up URIs in intermediate

solutions and add retrieved datato the query-local dataset

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Main Idea

Discovered data







● Intertwine query evaluation with traversal of data links

● We alternate between:● Evaluate parts of the query (triple patterns)

on a continuously augmented set of data● Look up URIs in intermediate

solutions and add retrieved datato the query-local dataset

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Main Idea

Queried data









● Intertwine query evaluation with traversal of data links

● We alternate between:● Evaluate parts of the query (triple patterns)

on a continuously augmented set of data● Look up URIs in intermediate

solutions and add retrieved datato the query-local dataset

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● Intertwine query evaluation with traversal of data links

● We alternate between:● Evaluate parts of the query (triple patterns)

on a continuously augmented set of data● Look up URIs in intermediate

solutions and add retrieved datato the query-local dataset

Main Idea

Queried data












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● Intertwine query evaluation with traversal of data links

● We alternate between:● Evaluate parts of the query (triple patterns)

on a continuously augmented set of data● Look up URIs in intermediate

solutions and add retrieved datato the query-local dataset

Main Idea

Queried data





lives_in ?loc











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● Intertwine query evaluation with traversal of data links

● We alternate between:● Evaluate parts of the query (triple patterns)

on a continuously augmented set of data● Look up URIs in intermediate

solutions and add retrieved datato the query-local dataset

Main Idea



Queried data

http://mdb.../Paul http://geo.../Berlin






lives_in ?loc





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● Intertwine query evaluation with traversal of data links

● We alternate between:● Evaluate parts of the query (triple patterns)

on a continuously augmented set of data● Look up URIs in intermediate

solutions and add retrieved datato the query-local dataset

Main Idea



Queried data

http://mdb.../Paul http://geo.../Berlin






lives_in ?loc



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“Real World” Example

SELECT DISTINCT ?author ?phone WHERE {

?pub swc:isPartOf <http://data.semanticweb.org/conference/eswc/2009/proceedings> .

?pub swc:hasTopic ?topic . ?topic rdfs:label ?topicLabel .

FILTER regex( str(?topicLabel), "ontology engineering", "i" ) .

?pub swrc:author ?author .

{ ?author owl:sameAs ?authorAlt }


{ ?authorAlt owl:sameAs ?author }

?authorAlt foaf:phone ?phone


Return phone numbers ofauthors of ontology engineering papers

at ESWC'09.



161min 30sec

Result size

# of retrieved docs

# of accessed servers

avg. execution time

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O. Hartig and A. Langegger. A Database Perspective on Consuming Linked Data on the Web. Datenbankspektrum 10(2), 2010

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Chapter 3

Accessing a SPARQL Endpoint Queries over Multiple Datasets

➢ Query a given collection➢ Manage your own collection➢ Use a query federation system➢ Link traversal based query execution

Linked Data Queries➢ Foundations➢ Iterator Based Implementation➢ Query Planning

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http://mdb.../Paul http://geo.../Berlin


SPARQL Pattern Evaluation

eval(P,G ) = { μ1 , μ2 , ... }







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http://mdb.../Paul http://geo.../Berlin


QP(W ) = { μ1 , μ2 , ... }

SPARQL Linked Data Query







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QP(W ) = { μ1 , μ2 , ... }

Full-Web Semantics

eval(P,AllData(W ))

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Reachability-based Semantics

● Seed URIs S

● Reachability criterion c

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Reachability-based Semantics

WQP,S( ) = eval(P,AllData(W

* ))c

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Reachability-based Semantics

WQP,S( ) = eval(P,AllData(W

* ))cAll

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Reachability-based Semantics

WQP,S( ) = eval(P,AllData(W

* ))cNone

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Reachability-based Semantics

WQP,S( ) = eval(P,AllData(W

* ))cMatch

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● (Ordinary) Turing machinesunsuitable:● Limited data access capabilities

not properly captured

● Web machines● Abiteboul and Vianu, 1997● Mendelzon and Milo, 1997

WQP,S( )cMatch

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LD Machine

# enc(u1) enc(adoc(u1)) # enc(u2) enc(adoc(u2)) # ∙ ∙ ∙

● Multi-tape Turing machine➔ Web Input

➔ Input

➔ Work

➔ Output

● Access to Web input is restricted● Only by performing

a particular procedurein a particular state

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# enc(u1) enc(adoc(u1)) # enc(u2) enc(adoc(u2)) # ∙ ∙ ∙➔ Web Input

➔ Input

➔ Work

➔ Output

● For Q exists an LD machine MQ such that for any W holds:

● MQ halts after a finite number of computation steps, and

● MQ outputs the complete result Q(W )

Finitely Computable LD Queries

step 1 ∙ ∙ ∙ step k - 3 step k - 2 step k – 1 step k

∙ ∙ ∙

# enc(μ1) # enc(μ2) # ∙ ∙ ∙ # enc(μn) #

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Eventually Computable LD Queries

stepk + 2

∙ ∙ ∙∙ ∙ ∙

stepk - 3

stepk - 2

stepk - 1


stepk + 1

# enc(u1) enc(adoc(u1)) # enc(u2) enc(adoc(u2)) # ∙ ∙ ∙

# enc(μ1) # enc(μ2)

➔ Web Input

➔ Input

➔ Work

➔ Output

● For Q exists an LD machine MQ such that for any W holds:

1. Output always encodes a subset of query result Q(W ), and

2. Each μ Q(W ) eventually appears on the output

✗ No guarantee for termination

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Main Results for cMatch-Semantics

Theorem: Any satisfiable SPARQL based Linked Data query QP,S under cMatch-semantics that is monotonic, is at least eventually computable; Any non-monotonic QP,S is either finitely computable or not even eventually computable.

Theorem: Any satisfiable SPARQL based Linked Data query QP,S under cMatch-semantics that is monotonic, is at least eventually computable; Any non-monotonic QP,S is either finitely computable or not even eventually computable.



Theorem: TERMINATION(cMatch) is not LD machine decidable.Theorem: TERMINATION(cMatch) is not LD machine decidable.

Problem: TERMINATION(cMatch )

Web Input: W – a (potentially infinite) Web of Linked DataOrd.Input: S – a finite but nonempty set of seed URIs

P – a SPARQL expressionQuestion: Does an LD machine exist that computes QP,S (W )

and halts?

Problem: TERMINATION(cMatch )

Web Input: W – a (potentially infinite) Web of Linked DataOrd.Input: S – a finite but nonempty set of seed URIs

P – a SPARQL expressionQuestion: Does an LD machine exist that computes QP,S (W )

and halts?cMatch

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Chapter 3

Accessing a SPARQL Endpoint Queries over Multiple Datasets

➢ Query a given collection➢ Manage your own collection➢ Use a query federation system➢ Link traversal based query execution

Linked Data Queries➢ Foundations➢ Iterator Based Implementation➢ Query Planning

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?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>


tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX> ) I


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


Seed: <http://.../orgaX>

Iterator Based Execution

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?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>


Seed: <http://.../orgaX>

tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX> ) I


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I



Iterator Based Execution

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tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX> ) I


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


Iterator Based Execution

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tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX> ) I



<http://.../alice> ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>



{ ?p = <http://.../alice> }


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


Iterator Based Execution

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tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX> ) I



{ ?p = <http://.../alice> }


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


Iterator Based Execution


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tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX> ) I


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b )

tp2' = ( <http://.../alice> , ex:interested_in , ?b )



<http://.../alice> ex:interested_in <http://.../b1>



{ ?p = <http://.../alice> , ?b = <http://.../b1> }

Iterator Based Execution

{ ?p = <http://.../alice> }

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tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX> ) I


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b )

tp2' = ( <http://.../alice> , ex:interested_in , ?b )



Iterator Based Execution

{ ?p = <http://.../alice> }

{ ?p = <http://.../alice> , ?b = <http://.../b1> }

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tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX> ) I



tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> )

tp3' = ( <http://.../b1> , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> )


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b )

tp2' = ( <http://.../alice> , ex:interested_in , ?b )



<http://.../b1> rdf:type <http://.../Book>



Iterator Based Execution

{ ?p = <http://.../alice> }

{ ?p = <http://.../alice> , ?b = <http://.../b1> }

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{ ?p = <http://.../alice> , ?b = <http://.../b1> }

tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX> ) I


tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> )

tp3' = ( <http://.../b1> , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> )


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b )

tp2' = ( <http://.../alice> , ex:interested_in , ?b )



Iterator Based Execution

{ ?p = <http://.../alice> }

{ ?p = <http://.../alice> , ?b = <http://.../b1> }

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?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>


Seed: <http://.../orgaX>

tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


Alternative Execution Order

tp3 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX>) I


tp1 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


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?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>


Seed: <http://.../orgaX>

tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I



Iterator Based Execution

tp1 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


tp3 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX>) I


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<http://.../alice> ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>




tp1 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


tp3 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX>) I



Alternative Execution Order

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tp1 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


tp3 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX>) I




END!Computed queryresult may dependon the order of triple patterns

= logical query execution plan

Alternative Execution Order

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Chapter 3

Accessing a SPARQL Endpoint Queries over Multiple Datasets

➢ Query a given collection➢ Manage your own collection➢ Use a query federation system➢ Link traversal based query execution

Linked Data Queries➢ Foundations➢ Iterator Based Implementation➢ Query Planning

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Query Plan Selection

Assumptions about Q P,S :● P refers to instance data● S = uris(P)


● Assessment criteria:● Cost (query execution time)● Benefit (size of computed of result)

● Cost and benefit must be estimated without plan execution

● Estimation impossible due to “zero knowledge”

● Heuristic Based Plan Selection● DEPENDENCY RESPECT RULE




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Query Plan Selection

● Assessment criteria:● Cost (query execution time)● Benefit (size of computed of result)

● Cost and benefit must be estimated without plan execution

● Estimation impossible due to “zero knowledge”

● Heuristic Based Plan Selection● DEPENDENCY RESPECT RULE




Assumptions about Q P,S :● P refers to instance data● S = uris(P)


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?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>



● Dependency respect: a variable from each triple pattern already occurs in one of the preceding triple patterns

tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX>) I


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


Use a dependency respecting query plan

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?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>



● Dependency respect: a variable from each triple pattern already occurs in one of the preceding triple patterns

tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX>) I


tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


Use a dependency respecting query plan

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?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>



● Dependency respect: a variable from each triple pattern already occurs in one of the preceding triple patterns

tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX>) I


tp2 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


tp3 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


Use a dependency respecting query plan

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?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>



Use a dependency respecting query plan

● Dependency respect: a variable from each triple pattern already occurs in one of the preceding triple patterns

● Rationale:Avoidcartesianproducts

tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX>) I


tp2 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> ) I


tp3 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b ) I


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● Potential seed triple pattern

… is a triple pattern that contains at least one HTTP URI

● Seed triple pattern of a plan

… is the first triple pattern in the plan and

… is a potential seed triple pattern

● Rationale: goodstarting point

Use a plan with a seed triple pattern

?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>



Recall: S = uris(P)

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● Not only vocabulary term URIs in the seed triple pattern

● Patterns to avoid: ?s ex:any_property ?o

?s rdf:type ex:any_class

● Rationale: URIs for vocabulary term usually resolve tovocabulary definitions with little instance data

Avoid a seed triple pattern with vocabulary terms

?p ex:affiliated_with <http://.../orgaX>

?p ex:interested_in ?b

?b rdf:type <http://.../Book>


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● Filtering triple pattern: each variable already occurs in oneof the preceding triple patterns

● For each resultconsumed as inputa filtering TP canonly report 1 or 0results as output

● Rationale: Reduce cost

tp2 = ( ?p , ex:interested_in , ?b )

tp2' = ( <http://.../alice> , ex:interested_in , ?b )


tp3 = ( ?b , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> )

tp3' = ( <http://.../b1> , rdf:type , <http://.../Book> )


tp1 = ( ?p , ex:affiliated_with , <http://.../orgaX>) I


{ ?p = <http://.../alice> }

{ ?p = <http://.../alice> , ?b = <http://.../b1> }

Use a plan where all filtering triple patterns areas close to the seed triple pattern as possible

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Evaluation Procedure

● Generate all possible plans

● Execute each plan:● 5 runs (+ 1 initial warm-up run) ● Use an initially empty query-local dataset for each run

● Measure for each plan:● Avg. execution time● Avg. number of RDF documents retrieved during execution● Avg. number of query results

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Evaluation Query (Example)

SELECT ?spec ?genus WHERE {

geospecies:4qyn7 gs:inFamily ?fam .

?fam skos:narrowerTransitive ?spec .

?spec skos:closeMatch ?sp2 .

?sp2 rdfs:subClassOf ?genus .

?spec gs:isExpectedIn ?loc .

geospecies:4qyn7 gs:isExpectedIn ?loc

?loc rdf:type gs:State . }

● 2 potential seed triple patterns thatsatisfy our NO SEED VOCAB RULE

● 56 different dependency respectingplans, each contains 2 filtering TPs

Of what genus are the species that are● classified in the

same family as the American Badger,

● and expected in the same states as the American Badger ?

Picture source: Wikipedia

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1st Filtering TP

Percentage of plans in each group with a filtering TP in specific positions

2nd Filtering TP

0 30 60 90 120 150 1800





query exec. times (in seconds)


y re


0 30 60 90 120 150 1800




query exec. times (in seconds)

1 2 3 4 5 6 70


TP position in the ordered BGP

1 2 3 4 5 6 70


TP position in the ordered BGP



d d




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Summary (Linked Data Queries)

● Theoretical foundations of Linked Data queries● Full-Web semantics, (family of) reachability based semantics● Theoretical properties of queries (e.g. computability)

● Link traversal based query execution● Novel paradigm for executing Linked Data queries● Sound and complete for conjunctive Linked Data queries

under cMatch-semantics

● Iterator implementation of the LTBQE paradigm● Trades off completeness for a termination guarantee● Degree of completeness depends on execution order of TPs

● Heuristic based plan selection

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Chapter 3

Accessing a SPARQL Endpoint Queries over Multiple Datasets

➢ Query a given collection➢ Manage your own collection➢ Use a query federation system➢ Link traversal based query execution

Linked Data Queries➢ Foundations➢ Iterator Based Implementation➢ Query Planning

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These slides have been created byOlaf Hartig


This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
