tutorial 4_superheated steam cycle with preheating

 Chair of Power Plant Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Krautz Power Plant Technology Practice 3  Regener ative cycle (R egeneration) With the regenerative cycle, the mean temperature at which heat is ae can !e increase !y raising the temperature of the fee-water entering the !oile r. The "uantity of steam e#tracte is just s ufficient  to cause the li"ui lea$ing the fee-heater to  !e saturate at state %a& s T ' ( ) * 3 + " " z u a b T T m a x m i n , ' T m  K  m  F D c  a  m  a m  c m  b . . . . . (b)  Fig. 4.1 Clausius-Rankine process wi th regenerative fee water pr eheating The individual processes are: +  ' isentropic e#pansion in the tur!ine '  3 isothermal conensation 3  * isentropic c ompression !oiler fee pumps %summarize on the !asis of the rawingiagram& + / + ' * ( ) " " i n o u t 3 , a  ! c

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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