tugas reasearch aya

I realize that importance of speaking skill as a process to teach. The four language skills of listening, writing, reading and also speaking are all interconnected. In each skill is necessary to become a well round communicator, but the ability to speak skillfully provides the speaker with several distinct advantage. Every students is different, especially those who learn English as a foreign language. From my research in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al islamiyah junior high school, I find many problem especially in speaking. Many students can’t speak English with good spelling, students not have many vocabulary, student not exercise grammar and not improving speaking skill them, also students not have confidence to begin conversation in the class. I find that students have a problems of speaking from practice which I give to the students in the class. After I give practice and then I corrected their practice I feel so sad because the result is, almost all students not have good answered. So their score still far from the standard and then I preview their knowledge about vocabulary, I made vocabulary test with make some

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Page 1: Tugas Reasearch Aya

I realize that importance of speaking skill as a process to teach. The four language skills of

listening, writing, reading and also speaking are all interconnected. In each skill is necessary to

become a well round communicator, but the ability to speak skillfully provides the speaker with

several distinct advantage. Every students is different, especially those who learn English as a

foreign language. From my research in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al islamiyah junior high school, I

find many problem especially in speaking. Many students can’t speak English with good

spelling, students not have many vocabulary, student not exercise grammar and not improving

speaking skill them, also students not have confidence to begin conversation in the class.

I find that students have a problems of speaking from practice which I give to the students in

the class. After I give practice and then I corrected their practice I feel so sad because the result

is, almost all students not have good answered. So their score still far from the standard and then

I preview their knowledge about vocabulary, I made vocabulary test with make some word in

small paper and then I roll there paper and I give to student, after that one by one said what the

content and meaning of word but the result same too students not many have vocabulary.

Many effort to we can give to students to improving their speaking such as make the

condition comfortable until student can enjoyed to learn, key vocabulary items for you

classroom, ability to inform, persuade and direct, ability to manage quality time to speak,

dialogues and role plays and also practice. From some many method I interest to dialogue and

role plays as effectively ways to make the student brave and confidence.

A great ways to introduced or review these word is to practice them is to practice them in

dialogues accompanied by pictures. These will take some time to create, practice, and variety of

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dialogues such as conversation between to student, and conversation with the whole class. For

example: you order two your student to stand up in front of class and both of them started the

dialogue about the picture you present, and then discuss the dialogue as a group and answer any


After I do many effort to improving my student speaking but, the result is still same. Students

still can’t improve their speaking skill. Every teacher want their students can speak fluently and

clearly. So I hope that my students can reach it and I will work hard to improve my students


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From my research in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS) Al- Islamiyyah junior high schoolwhich

located in jl.Raden Fatah No.38 west SudimaraCiledugTangerang city. Madrasah TsanawiyahAl

islamiyah junior high school have 16 class consists of four class to four six grade, four class to

seven grade and four class to eight grade. Almost of class have same problems, I decide to

research in seven grade class 7A consist of 18 boy students and 15 girls students,because there

class most complicated. I realize that teaching speaking need many more time and daily activity

everyday, speaking are words sound of voice, so you must listen clearly every student voice. The

location their I teach appropriate in place at large road, it make class condition not comfortable

because sound of way hearing to class.


I think if we want to success for teach speaking, we must to do planning, as said many people

that “Do your plan or plan your do”. Each classroom is different, so I try some method and

technic same different too. Role plays and dialogue as a technic which I use for my student

teaching speaking. Role plays or playing a role is a kind of action game in which their a goals,

rule and also involve an element of pleasure(Jill hadfield, 1986). In role playing student are

conditioned to certain situations outside the classroom, even when it occurs in the classroom


In addition, role playing is often intended as a form of activity in which learners imagine

himself as if it were outside the classroom and play the role of others. Role playing method is a

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way of mastering the learning materials through the development of students imagination and

appreciation. Development of imagination and appreciation of the students to play her as a

character living or inanimate. This game is generally performed more than one person, it depends

on what is played.

In the method of playing a role, the pressure point lies in the emotional involvement and

observation sense into a real problem situation encountered. Pupils are treated as the subject of

learning, actively speaking practices (asking and answering) with friends on particular situation.

Effective learning start from self-centered environment students (Ministry of education, 2002).

Furthermore, the principle of learning to understand the freedom of association, and respect the

decision together, students will be more successful if they are given the opportunity to play a role

in deliberation, do a majority vote and be willing to accept defeat so as to carry out these

activities and actively participate, they will be easier master what they learn.

Thus, the student learning must be active, because the absence of activity, then the learning

process is not likely to occur.

The advantages of learning model of role playing in learning activities:

- Can be memorable with a strong and durable in student’s memories. Besides the fun of

mutual security to be forgotten

- Very interesting for students, allowing the class to dynamic and enthusiastic

- Excite and optimistic spirit in student and foster a sense of community and social

solidarity high.

- Can live event that take place with ease, and can pluck a grain of wisdom contained in it

with appreciation the student’s themselves

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- Possible can enhance the professional capabilities of student’s

- Involving all students can participate have the opportunity to advance their ability to


- Students are free to make decisions an expression as a whole

- The game is easy discovery and can be used in different situation and time

- Teachers can evaluate each student understanding through observation at the time of

doing the game

- The game is a fun learning experience for children and train the student imagination

The weakness of the learning model of role playing:

- Role playing require a relatively long time

- Requires creativity and high creativity on the part of teacher and students. And this is not

all teachers have

- Most students designed as an actor embarrassed to a portray scene

- If the implementation of role playing the role of a failure, not only can give the

impression is not good, but at the same time means teaching objectives are not achieved.

There are some important procedure of role playing method

After I research and I search from all resource as Ministry of education, 2002 and definition of

role playing method said by Jill hadfield 1986. I fell that role playing is the ba model or technic

in teaching learning. So I decide to try this technic to seven grade class especially for 7A.

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1. PROBLEM Students have a problem of speaking English language. Because in

English language spelling most important to understand what the

speakers says.



The student's rarely using English language for everyday


The students not have many vocabulary.

Students not exercise grammar and not improving speaking skill them.

Students do not have good knowledge about how to speakvocabulary

in English spelling.

3. HYPOTESA Ha : Role play accepted to Improving students speaking skill.

Ho : Role play rejected to improving students speaking skill.

4. TITTLE Improving students speaking skill using Role play at grade seven of

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Islamiyah


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Name of School: Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Islamiyah Junior high school

Subject: English

Class / Smt: VII /1

Standard of Competence: 1. Speaking

Understanding the meaning of the conversation very simple transactional and interpersonal

interact with the immediate environment.

Basic Competence: 1.1. Responding to the meaning in conversation transactional (to get things

done) and interpersonal (social) that uses a variety of very simple spoken language accurately,

fluently and thankful to interact with nearby environment involves speech acts: greeting people

who have / had known, introduce yourself / others, and commanding or prohibiting

Indicators: 1.1.1. Responding greeting people who have / had known.

                         1.1.2. Introduction of self / others.

                         1.1.3. Command / ban 

Type Text: Text Functional Short

Aspects / Skill: Listening and Speaking

Allocation of Time: 6 X 40 minutes 

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A A Learning Objectives:

After learning activities, students are expected to:

          1. Respond greeting people have / had known.

2. In response to the introduction of other people to thank both formal and informal.

          3. In response to verbal command or prohibition of the other


B. Learning Materials

clip_image001 Hello!

clip_image001 phrase Greetings

clip_image001 Good morning, afternoon, etc.

clip_image001 How are you?

C. Methods / Techniques: TPR (Listen to do)

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D. Step - step

            1. Initial Activity:

 - Greeting, checking for the roll.

 - Pretest, review

            2. Core Activities:

                 a. Teacher gives an example of how to greet someone.

 Teacher: Good morning, class.

Students: Good morning, sir.

Teacher: How are you?

Students: We are fine, thank you.

Teacher: Now listen and repeat it!

                          (Repeat it twice or three times)

b. The teacher asks the students to imitate speech teacher.

- Good morning, good afternoon, etc.

- Good morning, Sir / Mam

c. Teacher gives an example of how to introduce themselves and others.

                                    Tom: Hello, I'm Tom.

         What's your name?

                                    Bob: I'm Bob.

         How do you do?

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                                    Tom: How do you do


         Andi: Hello, Dian. This is Dina.

         Dian: How do you do Dina.

                  Dina: How do you do.

 d. The teacher asks the students to sit in a group and asks students to say hello and introduce

themselves to the group.

                                       A B

                                       D C

      (Do this activity for Several times}

 e. Teacher gives examples introduce others

                                                   (2 students demonstrate)

                     Teacher: Good morning, students.

                     This is Diamond, your new friend.

Diamonds: Hello friends, nice to meet you.

f. The teacher asks the students to introduce themselves to the group.

g. Teacher memmerikan command / ban oral and students respond

                 Teacher:Andi give your pencil to Dika!

                  Student: Response, etc

 3. Final Event.

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            The teacher concludes the day's activities.

Teacher: Okay students before we end our lesson, let me ask you questions. What will you say

when you meet someone in the morning.

Students: ...................

Teacher: What will you say if you want to introduce Ida to Shanti.

E. Learning Resources

  1. The classroom environment (real objects in the classroom)

 2. Relevant Books

 3. Teacher-made material

F. Assessment

1. Technique: oral test and a written test

2. Procedure: during the process

3. Shape: listening test

4. Instrument: attached


School Principal



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NIP .. 131267286

Purbalingga July 2008

Subject Teachers


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1. Speaking

There are many experts explain about definition of speaking. Speaking is a productive

language skill. It means that speaking is a person’s skills to produce sounds that exists at the

meaning and be understood by other people, so that able to create of good communication. It is a

mental concept that processed by someone in such a way to form a meaning when uttered. 

Chainstand in Hamzah state that “Speaking is learning to speak is obviously more difficult than

learning to understanding the spoken language.” On the other hand, we can say that speaking is

learning about how to speak, and it is so hard better than knowing what other people saying.

A S Hornby has explained that speaking is “to say exactly what you think, in every direct

way” it means that speaking is skill that has meaning which appears directly from our mind to

convey messages to other people. In other words, speaking a way to say what you feel now, and

it is appears from our mind.

Wendy and Listbeth state that speaking is perhaps the demanding skill for the teacher to

teach. In their own language children are able to express emotions, communicate intonations and

reactions, explore the language and make fun of it, so they expect to be able to do the same in

English. In other words, speaking activity must be done on fun situation that make the students

feel enjoy to learn it. When the condition of the learning process class are good, enjoy, fun, full

of spirits, etc. it will make the brain’s of the students are processed, so that acquisition process of

the students run effectively. 

Based on the definitions above, it can be inferred that speaking is a basic of person skill to

produce language that has meaning and be understood by other people about what the speaker

says. It is a skill of speaker to give information to a listener or group of listeners by transfer it

effectively. And speaking activity must be set on fun situation.

2. Teaching speaking

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