tugas bhs inggris kls xi dan seni budaya kls x

TUGAS BAHASA INGGRIS KLS X.TOKR HARI KAMIS JAM 3-4 A. Giving invitations ( Memberikan Undangan ) 1. Would you like to come to my place for dinner tonight, please? Agree answer : With pleasure. Disagree answer : I’m afraid I can’t, I’ve already got an appointment. B. Bargaining ( tawar menawar ) 1. Is there any discount for this shirt? 2. How about fifty thousand rupiahs? C. Expressing certaintly ( Kepastian ) 1. I’m sure that it’s going to rain this afternoon. 2. It must be him who called. D. Giving compliments (Memberi Pujian / ucapan selamat ) 1. Fantastic! 2. You look beautiful tonight. 3. Thank you. E. Expressing opinions ( Opini / Pendapat ) 1. I think that’s not true. 2. What I have in my mind is that .... F. Expressing agreement/ disagreement ( Ungkapan setuju dan tidak setuju ) 1. You’re right. 2. I’m afraid you’ve got wrong information, Sir. G. Expressing argument 1. Yes, but don’t forget ... 2. That may be so but ... Task Write an expression based on these situation by your own words Example : - Your father buys a new bike for you, and you want to enjoy it with your friend. ( Invitation ) - Answer : Can you come to my house and accompany me to try my new bike, please ? 1. Your English test gets score 100 point, so you want celebrate it with your brother ( Invitation )

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Page 1: Tugas Bhs Inggris Kls XI Dan Seni Budaya Kls x


A. Giving invitations ( Memberikan Undangan )

1. Would you like to come to my place for dinner tonight, please?

Agree answer : With pleasure.

Disagree answer : I’m afraid I can’t, I’ve already got an appointment.

B. Bargaining ( tawar menawar )

1. Is there any discount for this shirt?

2. How about fifty thousand rupiahs?

C. Expressing certaintly ( Kepastian )

1. I’m sure that it’s going to rain this afternoon.

2. It must be him who called.

D. Giving compliments (Memberi Pujian / ucapan selamat )

1. Fantastic!

2. You look beautiful tonight.

3. Thank you.

E. Expressing opinions ( Opini / Pendapat )

1. I think that’s not true.

2. What I have in my mind is that ....

F. Expressing agreement/ disagreement ( Ungkapan setuju dan tidak setuju )

1. You’re right.

2. I’m afraid you’ve got wrong information, Sir.

G. Expressing argument

1. Yes, but don’t forget ...

2. That may be so but ...


Write an expression based on these situation by your own words

Example : - Your father buys a new bike for you, and you want to enjoy it with your friend. ( Invitation )

- Answer : Can you come to my house and accompany me to try my new bike, please ?

1. Your English test gets score 100 point, so you want celebrate it with your brother ( Invitation )

2. You’re in a store then finding a great toy. You want to buy it but you don’t have enough money.

What will you say to the seller to try to get it? ( Bargaining )

3. You want to go to library, but you see the sky so cloudy. ( Certainly )

4. You friend won in eating cassava competition. What will you say to her? ( Compliments )

5. What do you think about prying on time ? ( Opinion )

6. Do you agree if we must have responsible in our activities ? (Expressing agreement/

disagreement )

Page 2: Tugas Bhs Inggris Kls XI Dan Seni Budaya Kls x


1. Sebutkan dan menjelaskan berbagai bahan yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat karya seni


2. Sebutkan dan menjelaskan teknik yang digunakan dalam berbagai karya seni hias.

3. Jelaskan salah satu karya seni rupa terapan di wilayah Nusantara sesuai dengan kehidupan

sosial budayanya, misalnya batik Kalimantan yang merupakan karya seni rupa yang dapat

dijadikan sebagai bahan pakaian .