tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7 Messaging Messaging Things to consider when developing the message Who should deliver? What appeals should be made? What is the call to action? How should the message be structured? What should the tone of the message be? Sunday, October 6, 13

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Page 1: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging


•Things to consider when developing the message•Who should deliver?•What appeals should be made? •What is the call to action? •How should the message be structured?•What should the tone of the message be?

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 2: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging

MessagingCommunications Processes

•Information Model•Press agent/Public Information•Persuasion Model•Advocacy and attempts to influence•Not propaganda, half truths or deception•Widespread and popular•Convincing consumers to buy a product, service or into an idea•Dialogue Model•Relationship driven•Sincere and competent attempt at mutual understanding•Made easier through technology

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 3: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging


•Ethos•Communications effectiveness based on character of the speaker and common ground between speakers and audiences•An effective communications source has:•Three C’s:

•Credibility- highly credible sources require very little additional evidence are believed on their own merit; appearing trustworthy, perception is key

•expertise, competence, status, honesty aid in the effectiveness of a source•Charisma- personal charm, magnetic appeal; perception based

•familiarity, likability, similarity, attractiveness- characteristics that effect charisma factor•Control- source’s perceived control over the audience and willingness to exercise that control

•power, authority, scrutiny are aspects that contribute to control perception

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 4: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging


•3 C’s should be applied when selecting•Celebrities•Used usually because they are familiar and charismatic and depending on the person and product, credible

•Might not translate to $ right away, but will get publicity and exposure

•Spokes characters-Likable mascots•AFLAC Duck•GEICO Gecko & the new Camel•Tony the Tiger•Colonel Sanders•Others?

•Casting Successes turned Spokespeople•Jared- Subway (accidental spokesperson)

•Company Spokespeople•organization employees or parties that serve as spokespeople

•Dave Thomas and Wendy Thomas- Wendy’s•Sorenson Brothers- Firehouse Subs•Others?

•BONUS ARTICLE: http://www.mediabistro.com/prnewser/weight-loss-brands-shedding-less-credible-celebrity-spokespeople_b70216

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 5: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging


•4 kinds of propositions (aka claims)•Factual

•states provable facts; evidence available to support•often links to awareness objectives

•Conjecture•probably exists based on reasoning with a conclusion drawn from the reasoning•asks audiences to agree with conclusion drawn

•consider political ads

•Value•highlights the merits, bonuses and virtues of something

•Policy•identifies course of action and encourages adoption

•consider the legalization of marijuana or changing drinking age

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 6: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging


•Verbal Evidence to support or refute a claim•Analogy

•Chevy- “Like a Rock”

•Comparison•highlighting features and comparing to something the audience may more easily understand•“so easy a caveman can do it”

•Example•illustrations of the claim•showing how much one can save by switching to “x” insurance

•Statistics•clear and hard to dispute

•Testimonial and endorsement•WW and Jennifer Hudson- she’s a spokesperson and an example

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 7: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging

MessagingPathos- Appealing to Sentiment

•Linking messaging to an emotional appeal•Positive Emotional Appeals

•Love: family, nostalgia, compassion, sympathy, etc. Warm and Fuzzy. Maxwell House ads•Virtue: appealing to values that society or individuals hold high and treasure

•Bravery, Esteem, Social acceptance/peer support-pressure, faith/spirituality, kindness, justice•Humor: AT&T Commercials with the kids•Sex: nudity, double entendres, shock, etc.; has lower recall for the product but not the actual content; Go Daddy

•Negative Emotional Appeals•Fear: arousing anxiety or worry

•tobacco ads? •Guilt: “Buy American”, ASPCA ads with Sara Mc.

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 8: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging

MessagingVerbal Communication- Message Content

•Clarity•Message has to be understood in order to be received well•When selecting words consider literal and common meanings•Use simple, easy to understand vocab

•Salience•Unique selling proposition•Ability to stand out from the crowd•Tells how product or service will benefit the consumer

•Power Words•Strong language that plays a role •i.e. Obamacare over Affordable Healthcare Act, terrorists, •Can vary based on side of street, especially in politics

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 9: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging

MessagingNon-Verbal Communication

•Actions, cues and other words that carry meaning•Set the tone with images and ambiance

•Body language, eye contact, social space, touching, vocal cues•Kinesics

•Body language•Face, hands, arms, eyebrows, eye rolling•Shoulder raise to say “I don’t know”

•Occulesics•Eye behavior- fixed gaze vs. movement

•Proxemics•Closeness between people•Arrangement of space in social settings to encourage or inhibit communication

•Haptics•Touching- frequency and intensity•Handshakes, shoulder touching, back slapping

•Vocalics (Vocal Characterizations/Paralanguage•Accent, loudness, temp, pitch, cadence, rate of speech, nasality and tone•Laughing, crying, yawning•Noises: “mmmm,” “uh-huh”, “oooh”

•Chronemics•Time as an element of communication•punctualitySunday, October 6, 13

Page 10: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging

MessagingVisual Communication

•Symbols•visual representations- pink ribbons, 9/11 photos,

•Logos•symbols that visually identify a business, non-profit, etc.

•Music•Auld Lang Syne- New Years•Pomp & Circumstance- Graduation


•Physical Artifact•gavels= judges, badge= police officers

•Clothing•Special K- always includes the color red usually on the talent in some way•attire with special meaning

•People•Queen, Pope, President

•Mascot•Smokey the Bear, Ronald McDonald, etc. •Others?

•Color•Target always has red


Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 11: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging


•Taglines•Slogan, battle cry•Suggestions for developing tags:

•Make it memorable•Make it short•The tag should energize the brand and the organizational goals•Use to highlight uniqueness and distinguish•Focus on a benefit, challenge or potential•Think positive•Puns?•Attitudes or characteristics

•Popular Tags

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 12: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging

Lab Assignment/Homework:


•Iden0fy  at  least  one  spokesperson  that  has  been  connected  to  your  focus  company/brand  and  at  least  2  celebri0es  who  could  be  spokespeople  in  the  future  and  explain  why•Due:  10/10

Sunday, October 6, 13

Page 13: Tuesday 10.8

Week of 10/7Messaging

Thought of the Day:

First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak.


Sunday, October 6, 13