tu vung anh 8

Word Transcript Clas s Audi o Meaning Example annoy /əˈnɔɪ/ v làm bực mình, quấy rầy It annoys me when people forget to say thank you. blond /blɒnd/ a vàng hoe (tóc) Mary is a blond girl. charact er /ˈkær ɪk tər/ n tính cách, tính nết She has a very strong character. generou s /ˈdʒɛn ər əs/ a hào phóng, rộng rãi It was generous of you to share your food with me. humorou s / ˈhjuː.mə.rəs / a hài hước, khôi hài He is a humorous writer. rise /raɪz/ v mọc (mặt trời), nhô lên The Sun rises in the East. outgoin g /ˌaʊt ˈgəʊ.ɪŋ/ a cởi mở, thân thiện, dễ hòa đồng Tom is very shy but his sister is outgoing. reserve d /rɪˈzɜrvd/ a kín đáo, dè dặt Peter is not communicative. He's rather reserved in public. seem /sim/ v có vẻ như, dường như He is 16, but he

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Page 1: tu vung anh 8

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

annoy /əˈnɔɪ/ v làm bực mình, quấy rầy

It annoys me when people

forget to say thank you.

blond /blɒnd/ a vàng hoe (tóc) Mary is a blond girl.

character /ˈkær ɪktər/

ntính cách, tính nết

She has a very strong character.

generous/ˈdʒɛn ər


ahào phóng, rộng rãi

It was generous of you to share

your food with me.

humorous /ˈhjuː.mə.rəs/ ahài hước, khôi hài He is a humorous writer.

rise /raɪz/ vmọc (mặt trời), nhô lên The Sun rises in the East.

outgoing /ˌaʊtˈgəʊ.ɪŋ/ acởi mở, thân thiện, dễ hòa đồng

Tom is very shy but his sister is


reserved /rɪˈzɜrvd/ a kín đáo, dè dặt

Peter is not communicative. He's rather reserved in public.

seem /sim/ vcó vẻ như, dường như

He is 16, but he seems


slim /slɪm/ angười thanh, mảnh dẻ

How do you keep so slim?

Vocabulary quiz 1

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

arrange [/əˈreɪndʒ/ v sắp xếp, sắp đặt, thu xếp

She arranged the books on the


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assistant /əˈsɪs tənt/ nngười giúp đỡ, người phụ tá She is a shop assistant.

deaf-mute /ˈdɛfˈmyut/ ntật vừa câm, vừa điếc

A deaf-mute is a person who could neither speak nor hear.

device /dɪˈvaɪs/ nthiết bị, dụng cụ, máy móc

They found some electrical

devices in the room.

exhibition/ˌɛk səˈbɪʃ


ncuộc triển lãm, trưng bày

Have you seen the Picasso


directory/dɪˈrɛk tə


ndanh bạ (điện thoại)

Look up their number in the

telephone directory.

experiment/ɪkˈspɛr ə


n cuộc thí nghiệm

The school decided to try an experiment in language


commercial /kəˈmɜr ʃəl/ a(thuộc) buôn bán, thương mại

He is doing a commercial

course at a college.

Bài tập luyện tập

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

bead /bid/ n hạt, vật tròn nhỏ She wore a string of green beads around

her neck.

chore /tʃɔr/, /tʃoʊr/ ncông việc trong nhà, việc vặt

I'll go shopping when I've done my chores (= done the jobs in or around the


wardrobe /ˈwɔrdroʊb/

n tủ quần áo Can you hang these in the wardrobe,


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cupboard /ˈkʌb ərd/ n tủ chạn, tủ li It's in the kitchen cupboard.

injure /ˈɪn dʒər/ v làm bị thương The bomb killed eleven people and

injured 55.

knife /naɪf/ n con dao Use a sharp knife to cut the melon into


match /mætʃ/ n que diêm Don't let your children play with


object /ˈɒbdʒɪkt/

n vật, đồ vật Look, there's a strange object in the sky!

precaution /prɪˈkɔʃən/

nsự phòng ngừa, sự đề phòng Fire precautions were neglected.

saucepan /ˈsɔsˌpæn/ n cái chảo Heat the oil and garlic in a large



Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

appear /əˈpɪəʳ/ v xuất hiện It appears that all the files have

been deleted.

cruel /ˈkru əl/ ađộc ác, ác nghiệt

She was often cruel to her sister.

equipment /ɪˈkwɪp mənt/ n thiết bị

You should check all your electrical equipment regularly.

escape /ɪˈskeɪp/ v trốn thoát Two prisoners have escaped.

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festival /ˈfɛs təvəl/

nngày hội, lễ hội

Are you going to the Hue festival

this year?

folk tale /foʊk teɪl/ nchuyện dân gian

He is telling me a long folk tale.

graze /greɪz/ v gặm cỏ The sheep continued to graze.

magically /ˈmædʒ ɪkəl/

adv kì diệu Some people think garlic is

magically powerful.

traditional/trəˈdɪʃ ə


a truyền thống A group of children will perform

traditional dances.

straw /strɔ/ n rơm rạ There is a piece of straw on the


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

behavior/ behaviour /bɪˈheɪv yər/ n hành vi, cử chỉ

The headmaster will not tolerate

bad behaviour.

comment /ˈkɒm ɛnt/ nlời phê bình, lời nhận xét

Does anyone have any questions

or comments?

co-operation/koʊˌɒp əˈreɪ


n sự hợp tác Thank you for your cooperation.

fair /fɛər/ akhá tốt, tương đối tốt

Jenny excels in science, but her grades in English are just fair.

habit /ˈhæb ɪt/ n thói quen Negatively thinking can become a


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highlight /ˈhaɪˌlaɪt/ v làm nổi bật

Your resume should highlight your skills and achievements.

lunar /ˈlu nər/ athuộc về mặt trăng, âm lịch

She studies the lunar surface.

meaning /ˈmi nɪŋ/ n nghĩa, ý nghĩa

The expression has two very different meanings in English.

memory /ˈmɛm əri/

n trí nhớ She has a bad memory for names.

mother tongue /ˈmʌð ər ˈtʌŋ/ n tiếng mẹ đẻ Our mother tongue is


participation/pɑrˌtɪs əˈpeɪ


n sự tham gia Thank you for your participation.

pronunciation/prəˌnʌn siˈeɪ


n cách phát âm

Speak as much as you can, and don't worry about your


proud (of) /praʊd/ a tự hào Her parents are very proud of her.

satisfactory/ˌsæt ɪsˈfæk

tə ri/

a thỏa mãn There seems to be no satisfactory


spell /spɛl/ v đánh vần How do you spell your name?

term /tɜrm/ nhọc kỳ, thời hạn

The main exams are at the end of

the summer term.

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underline /ˈʌn dərˌlaɪn/ vgạch chân (dòng chữ)

All the mistakes were underlined

in red ink.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

academic/ˌæk əˈdɛm


athuộc về học tập, thuộc chương trình chính quy

The academic year starts on

September 3.

application/ˌæp lɪˈkeɪ


n việc nộp đơn We receive hundreds of job

applications each year.

citizenship /ˈsɪt əzənˌʃɪp/

n quyền công dân

The schools should be responsible for teaching our children good citizenship.


/ˌkoʊ ɛdʒ

ʊˈkeɪ ʃə


athuộc giáo dục chung cho cả nam và nữ

Girls tend to do better academically in single-sex schools than in co-

educational ones.

drawing /ˈdrɔ ɪŋ/ n tranh vẽ, sự vẽ I made a drawing of the


enroll /ɛnˈroʊl/ v đăng ký vào học I decided to enroll in an

English class.

fill out /fɪl aʊt/ vđiền (vào mẫu đơn)

You have to fill out the


fund /fʌnd/ n quỹ, tiền quỹ A sale is being held to raise

funds for the school.

interest /ˈɪn tərɪst/

nmối quan tâm, sở thích

His interests include

walking and golf.

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position /pəˈzɪʃ ən/ n chức vụ, vị trí In her position, I am not

sure what I would do.

recycle /riˈsaɪ kəl/ v tái chế We take all our bottles to be


resource /ˈri sɔrs/ nnguồn tài nguyên

Vietnam is a country rich in

natural resources.

tutor /ˈtu tər/ vdạy phụ đạo, phụ đạo She is my Maths tutor.


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

airmail /ˈɛərˌmeɪl/ nthư gửi bằng đường hàng không

If you send it by airmail, it'll be

very expensive.

comfort /ˈkʌm fərt/ n sự thoải mái All sports shoes are designed for


contact /ˈkɒn tækt/ v tiếp xúc, liên hệ I'm still in contact with her.

convenient /kənˈvinyənt/

athuận tiện, tiện lợi

It 's very convenient that you

live near the office.

discount /'dis-kount/ n sự giảm giá Do you get a discount if you pay

in cash?

mall /mɔl/ n khu thương mại There is a plan to build a new

mall in the middle of town.

notice /ˈnoʊ tɪs/ v lưu ý, lưu tâm Mary waved at the man but he

didn't seem to notice.

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pancake /pancake/ nbánh bột mì, trứng, bơ rán hai mặt

Do you want a sweet pancake or

a savoury one?

parcel /ˈpɑr səl/ n bưu kiện The parcel was wrapped in

brown paper.

product /ˈprɒd əkt / n sản phẩm

The new product took more than three years to develop before

being put on the market.

resident /ˈrɛz ɪdənt/

n cư dân The local residents were angry at

the lack of parking spaces.

roof /ruf/ n mái nhà The house has a tiled roof.

serve /sɜrv/ v phục vụ Breakfast is served in the

restaurant between 7 and 9.

tasty /ˈteɪ sti/ angon, hợp khẩu vị This soup is very tasty.


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

adequate /ˈæd ɪkwɪt/

a đầy đủ

Make sure that the lighting is adequate so that the guests can see

what they are eating.

drought /draʊt/ n nạn hạn hán A drought caused most of the corn

crop to fail.

face /feɪs/ vđương đầu, đối mặt

If he pleads guilty, he faces up to

12 years in jail.

facility/fəˈsɪl ɪ

n cơ sở vật chất

All rooms have private facilities.

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flood /flʌd/ n trận lụt Last winter, the town suffered the

worst flood in fifty years.

migrant /ˈmaɪ grənt/ n dân di cư

Historically, California has welcomed migrants from other

states and nations.

nature /ˈneɪ tʃər/ n thiên nhiên

We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the beauty of


peaceful /ˈpis fəl/ a thanh bình We had a peaceful afternoon with

our family.

permanently/ˈpɜr mə


adv vĩnh viễn The accident left him permanently


plentiful/ˈplɛn tɪ


a nhiềuDuring the summer tomatoes are

plentiful and cheap.

prefer /prɪˈfɜr/ v thích hơn She prefers black coffee.

rural /ˈrʊər əl/ athuộc nông thôn

It's very rural around here, isn't it?

strain /streɪn/ n sự quá tải Did you find the job a strain?

struggle /ˈstrʌg əl/ v đấu tranh Millions of people are struggling

for survival.

tragedy/ˈtrædʒ ɪ


n bi kịch

The tragedy happened as they were returning home from a night


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urban /ˈɜr bən/ a thuộc đô thị

The problem of air pollution is especially serious in urban areas.


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

bite /baɪt/ n vết cắn Can I have a bite of your apple?.

bleed /blid/ v chảy máu Your nose is bleeding.

burn /bɜrn/ nchỗ bỏng, vết bỏng

She was taken to the hospital with

serious burns.

conscious /ˈkɒn ʃəs/ atrong trạng thái tỉnh táo

I became conscious of someone

watching me.

crutch /krʌtʃ/ n cái nạng I was on crutches for three months

after the operation.

elevate /ˈɛl əˌveɪt/ v nâng lên Lie down and elevate your feet.

emergency/ɪˈmɜr dʒən


ncấp cứu, khẩn cấp

The staff need to know what to do in

an emergency.

injection /ɪnˈdʒɛk ʃən/ n mũi tiêm The children hate getting injections.

minimize /ˈmɪn əˌmaɪz/ vgiảm đến mức tối thiểu

The city is working on plans to

minimize traffic problems.

treatment /ˈtrit mənt/ n sự điều trị The best treatment for a cold is to

rest and drink lots of fluids.

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wound /wund/ n vết thương A nurse cleaned and bandaged the

wound for me.


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

compost /ˈkɒm poʊst/ n phân xanh

Compost is a mixture of decaying plants and vegetables that is added

to soil to improve its quality.

decompose /ˌdi kəmˈpoʊz/ vphân hủy, mục nát. thối rữa

Decomposed leaves will turn into


deposit /dɪˈpɒz ɪt/ n tiền đặt cọc

The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit.

fabric /ˈfæb rɪk/ n sợi vải, vải I want to buy some fabric to make a


fertilizer /ˈfɜr tlˌaɪzər/

n phân bón The farmer should apply fertilizer


glassware /ˈglæsˌwɛər/ n đồ thủy tinh We purchased silver and glassware.

plastic /ˈplæs tɪk/ nnhựa, chất dẻo

The doors are made of plastic so

they don't dent.

reduce /rɪˈdju:s/ v giảm, cắt bớt I hoped that they would reduce the

price a little.

refill /riˈfɪl/ v làm đầy lại The waiter refilled our wine


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representative/ˌrɛp rɪˈzɛn

tə tɪv/

nngười đại diện, đại diện

Would you say that his views were representative of the majority of us?

reuse /ri:'ju:z/ v tái sử dụng The supermarket encourages

shoppers to reuse plastic bags.

soak /soʊk/ vnhúng nước, ngâm nước

Soak the beans overnight before


metal /ˈmɛt l/ n kim loại The frame is made of metal.

Bài tập luyện tập

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən/ n chỗ ở There's a shortage of cheap


canoe /kəˈnu/ nca-nô, xuồng

They like travelling in a canoe.

corn /kɔrn/ ncây bắp, cây ngô

All our chickens are fed on


departure /dɪˈpɑrtʃər/ asự khởi hành

Our departure was delayed

because of bad weather.

florist /ˈflɔrɪst/ nngười bán hoa

Dean stopped at the florist's

house on the way home.

giant /ˈdʒaɪənt/ ato lớn, khổng lồ

Be careful. The forests are full

of giant snakes.

limestone /ˈlaɪmˌstoʊn/ n đá vôi Limestone is used for building

and for making cement.

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stream /strim/ n dòng suối

There's a lovely stream that flows through their garden.

sunbathe /ˈsʌnˌbeɪð/ v tắm nắng

I like to sunbathe in the morning when the sun is not so


tribe /traɪb/ nbộ tộc, bộ lạc

Tribes are people who do not

live in towns or cities.

buffalo /ˈbʌfəˌloʊ/ n con trâu A buffalo is a very fast animal.

waterfall /ˈwɔtərˌfɔl/ n thác nước Such a beautiful waterfall!


Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Bother /ˈbɒðər/ v Bận tâm You could have phoned us but

you just didn't bother.

Brochure /ˈbrəʊʃər/ nQuyển sách mỏng dùng để giới thiệu

They will create a promotional brochure for their own housing


Carve /kɑːrv/ v Chạm khắc He carved her name on a tree.

Gallery /ˈgæləri/ nPhòng trưng bày

We are visiting a contemporary

art gallery.

Include /ɪnˈkluːd/ v Bao gồm The bill includes tax and


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Itinerary /aɪˈtɪnərəri/ n Lộ trình

The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your


Lava /ˈlɑːvə/ n Nham thạch There is lava from the volcano

's most recent eruptions.

Overhead /ˈəʊvəhed/ adv Phía trên đầu A flock of geese flew


Pick up /ˈpɪkʌp/ v Đón ai

My mom often picks me up at the school gate every


Pour /poʊr/ v Đổ ra

Pour the honey into the bowl and mix it thoroughly with the

other ingredients.

Prison /ˈprɪzən/ n Nhà tù She was sent to prison for six


Sightseeing /ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ/




Đi ngắm cảnh, tham quan

We did a bit of sightseeing in


Valley /ˈvæli/ n Thung lũng There was snow on the hill

tops but not in the valley.

Wharf /wɔːf/ n Cầu tàu,

The ships were carefully checked before leaving the


Accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən/ v Phòng ở There's a shortage of cheap

accommodation in Hanoi.

Departure /dɪˈpɑːtʃər/ n Khởi hành Our departure was delayed

because of bad weather.

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Arrival /əˈraɪvəl/ n Đến nơi He was punished because of

his late arrival.

Humid /ˈhjuːmɪd/ adj Ẩm ướt New York is very hot and

humid in the summer.

Postcard /ˈpəʊst kɑːd/ n Bưu thiếp On my first visit to Japan I bought some postcards.

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Award /əˈwɔːd/ v Tặng thưởng Carlos was awarded first prize

in the competition.

Carol /ˈkærəl/ n Thánh ca 'Silent Night' is my favourite

Christmas carol.

Competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən/ n Cuộc tranh tài She won a swimming


Council /ˈkaʊn sl/ n Hội đồng

The town council is responsible for keeping the streets clean.

Festival /ˈfestɪvəl/ n Lễ hội The Brighton Festival is held

every year in May.

Fetch /fetʃ/ vLấy đi, mang về

Could you fetch my glasses from my room for me, please?

Husk /hʌsk/ n Vỏ trấu

To obtain white rice you must first remove the husks from the

rough rice.

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Upset /ʌpˈset/ adj, v (Làm)Bực mình, khó chịu

It still upsets him when he

thinks about the accident.

Jolly /ˈdʒɒli/ adjVui nhộn, vui vẻ

She's a very jolly, upbeat sort

of a person.

Participate /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ v Tham gia She never participates in any of

our discussions.

Pomegranate /ˈpɒmɪˌgrænɪt/ n Quả lựu

I like pomegranate juice mixed with many other kinds of juice.

Separate /ˈsepərət/




Tách rời I try to keep meat separate from

other food in the fridge.

Teammate /ˈtiːmmeɪt/ n Đồng đội

They dedicated their win to their teammates and friends .

Urge /ɜːdʒ/ v Thúc giục

I would strongly urge him to take the time to write to his


Yell /jel/ v, nHét lên, tiếng hét

Suddenly there was a loud yell

from the bathroom.

Pottery /ˈpɒtəri// n Đồ gốm They sell pottery and other

handmade goods.

Century /ˈsent ʃəri/ n Thế kỷ The city centre has scarcely

changed in over a century.

Custom /ˈkʌstəm/ n Phong tục

In my country, it's the custom for women to get married at 20

years old.

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Bài tập luyện tập

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Claim /kleɪm/ v Khẳng định

The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in

the river.

Compile /kəmˈpaɪl/ v Biên soạn We're compiling a book about

Obama's life.

Crystal /ˈkrɪstəl/ n Pha lê Those crystal cups are so


Edge /edʒ/ n Rìa, mép They built the church on the edge

of the village.

God /gɑːd/ n Chúa Oh my god, you lied to me.

Heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ n Di sản

These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South


Jungle /ˈdʒʌŋgl �/ nRừng rậm nhiệt đới

The Yanomami people live in the

South American jungle.

Marine /məˈriːn/ n Hàng hải The oil seriously threatens marine

life around the islands.

Memorial /məˈmɔːriəl/ n Tượng đài The statue is a memorial to those

who died in the war.

Ranger /ˈreɪndʒər/ n Kiểm lâm

Rangers are employed by the Government to protect the forests.

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Religious /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ adjThuộc tôn giáo

He's deeply religious and goes to

church twice a week.

Loyal /ˈlɔɪəl/




Trung thành

Jack has been a loyal worker in this company for almost 50 years.

Snorkel /ˈsnɔːkəl/ nBơi lặn có bình ô xy

I want to snorkel in the blue waters and relax on the white

sandy beaches.

Surround /səˈraʊnd/ v Bao quanh

Early this morning, police surrounded a house to find an

escaped prisoner.

Wonder /ˈwʌndər/ n Kỳ quan I want to visit all the wonders of

the world.

Pyramid /ˈpɪrəmɪd/ n Kim tự tháp

The most famous pyramids in the world are the Egyptian pyramids.

Cave /keɪv/ n Động

Here, visitors can ski, swim, explore underwater caves, or

relax on the beach.

Breathtaking /ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋ/ adj Nghẹt thở The view from the top of the

mountain is breathtaking.

Inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ n Dân cư

Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam with more than 6 million


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Magnificent /mægˈnɪfɪsənt/ n Lộng lẫy They live in a magnificent house.


Bài tập luyện tập

Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Adjust /əˈdʒʌst/ v Điều chỉnh If the chair is too high you can

adjust it to suit you.

Bulletin /ˈbʊlətɪn/ n Bản tin The company publishes a twice

weekly bulletin for its staff.

Challenging /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ adjMang tính thách thức

This has been a challenging time

for us all.

Concern /kənˈsɜːn/ n Mối quan tâm Our primary concern is safety.

Connect /kəˈnekt/ v Kết nối Can I connect my printer to your


Degree /dɪˈgriː/ n Bằng cấp I have a master's degree in


Document /ˈdɒkjʊmənt/ n Văn bản This is the document for the new


Install /ɪnˈstɔːl/ v Cài đặt Andrew, can you help me install

this software?

Freshman /ˈfreʃmən/ nSinh viên năm thứ nhất He's a freshman at Harvard.

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Fix /fɪks/ v Sửa chữa

They couldn't fix my old computer, so I bought a new one.

Jack /dʒæk/ n Ổ cắm

Students have to go to computer rooms to connect their computers

to the computer jacks.

Jam /dʒæm/




Sự tắc nghẽn We were stuck in a traffic jam for


Manual /ˈmænjuəl/ nSách hướng dẫn sử dụng, sổ tay

I need a manual to know how to

use this software.

Post /pəʊst/ v Đăng tin Please log-in to post your


Printer /ˈprɪntər/ n Máy in A printer is used to print paper.

Requirement /rɪˈkwaɪəmənt n Sự yêu cầu We are trying our best to meet

your requirements.

Restrict /rɪˈstrɪkt/ vGiới hạn, hạn chế

Having small children really

restricts your social life.

Skeptical /ˈskeptɪkəl/ adj Hoài nghi Many experts remain skeptical

about his claims.

Insert /ɪnˈsɜːt/ v ChènNow you can insert your image.

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Store /stɔːr/ v Lưu trữ Data are stored in a computer's


Guarantee /ˌgærənˈtiː/ nBảo đảm, bảo hành

The system costs $100 including shipping and a 12-month



Word Transcript Class Audio Meaning Example

Crush /krʌʃ/ v Nghiền nát My dress got crushed in my


Grind /graɪnd/ v Xay nhỏ Shall I grind a little black

pepper over your pizza?

Hairdryer /ˈheəˌdraɪər/ n Máy sấy tócI often use a hairdryer in

winter when it's so cold.

Helicopter /ˈhelɪˌkɒptər/ nMáy bay trực thăng

The injured were rushed to

hospital by helicopter.

Liquify /ˈlɪkwɪfaɪ/ vTạo thành chất lỏng

The beans are crushed and


Loudspeaker /ˌlaʊdˈspiːkər/ n Loa

We stood in the square and listened to Obama's speech

over a loudspeaker.

Manufacture /ˌmænjʊˈfækt ʃər/ v Sản xuất, chế biến

He works for a company that

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manufactures car parts.

Microwave /ˈmaɪkrəʊ weɪv/ n Lò vi sóng

Put the fish in the microwave and it'll only take 5 minutes.

Mold /məʊld/ nCái khuôn đúc

My mom said that she needed a chocolate mold right now.

Process /ˈprəʊses/ n Quá trình

Going to court to obtain compensation is a long


Pulp /pʌlp/




Bột giấy

Wood pulp is the most common material used to

make paper.

Remove /rɪˈmuːv/ v Loại ra They decided to remove your

son from the school.

Toaster /ˈtəʊstər/ nMáy nướng bánh mỳ

I don't know how to use this


Wire /waɪər/ n Dây điện Someone cut the telephone


Inventor /ɪnˈventər/ nNhà phát minh

Igor Sikorsky is the inventor

of the helicopter.

Official /əˈfɪʃəl/ n Quan chức Japanese officials worry about

a nuclear crisis.

Vacuum /ˈvækjuːm/ n Máy hút bụi A vacuum is quite expensive

in Vietnam.

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Flavor /ˈfleɪvər/ n Hương vị This wine has a fruity flavour.

Automatically /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkli/ adv Tự động

This message will be automatically sent to you.

Powder /ˈpaʊdər/ n Bột

Why are there so many commercials for washing

powders on TV?


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