ttrraaaiiinniinnnggg h ooonnn … · 2014-10-08 · ttrraaaiiinniinnnggg h ooonnn...

T T r r a a i i n n i i n n g g W Wo o r r k k s s h h o o p p o o n n S S c c i i e e n n c c e e , , T T e e c c h h n n o o l l o o g g y y a a n n d d I I n n n n o o v v a a t t i i o o n n ( ( S S T T I I ) ) P P o o l l i i c c y y T T e e c c h h n n o o l l o o g g y y M M a a n n a a g g e e m me e n n t t f f o o r r S S o o c c i i o o - - E E c c o o n n o o m mi i c c T T r r a a n n s s f f o o r r m ma a t t i i o o n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 J J u u n n e e 2 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 K K u u a a l l a a L L u u m mp p u u r r , , M M a a l l a a y y s s i i a a Organised by International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the Auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC) In collaboration with Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia (MOSTI) United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Managed by PRIMA ASIA PACIFIC Consulting (PAPC)

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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr

SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

111111 ––– 111555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111222

KKKuuuaaalllaaa LLLuuummmpppuuurrr,,, MMMaaalllaaayyysssiiiaaa

Organised by

International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the Auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC)

In collaboration with

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia (MOSTI)

United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)

Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

Managed by


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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

111111 ––– 111555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111222,,, KKKuuuaaalllaaa LLLuuummmpppuuurrr,,, MMMaaalllaaayyysssiiiaaa


In the past years, the emerging economies have increased its contribution to the world’s economy in terms of growth

and size. In ensuring sustained growth and development, developing nations have to rapidly transform its national

system to meet the demanding needs of the global marketplace. Throughout history, nations with technological

capability have by-passed its contemporaries in many critical dimensions – economy, military and social

development. Today nations which are weak in managing science and technology for socio-economic development,

will see its position erode rapidly in comparison to their peers. Therefore, managing an effective S&T system is

crucial for development and competiveness. Governments must be conscious of technology management best

practices in developing S&T strategies and policies. There is a need for the developing and south-south nations to

continuously share their experiences in order to further their strategic developmental agenda for mutual benefits.

One of the priority objectives of UNESCO is to provide capacity building in science and technology through

providing policy advice and exchange of experience and best practices. ISTIC is assisting UNESCO to accomplish

this particular objective by South-South cooperation in STI. By sharing of experiences and best practices All South

countries will be exposed to the right techniques and tools focusing on technology management for sustained

economic and social development which can then be incorporated in their national STI Plans.

The Organisers for the 2012 ISTIC Training Workshop

• The International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre (ISTIC)

• The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

• The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)

• The Islamic Development Bank (IDB)


The main objective of training workshop is to provide the necessary preparation that

participants need to put in place in order to ensure that their home countries are in good

position to face the challenges in driving socio-economic transformation through the

strategic management of science, technology and innovation.

Workshop Content

The workshop will deliberate on the following topics:

Overview on the overall framework of STI policy development and the importance of

foresight in driving STI’s strategic agenda for the nation.

Assessing national policy for S&T and S&T for policies.

Using the technology management best practice framework to evaluate the impact of :

› Commercialization and Entrepreneurship

› Human Capital Development

› R&D Funding

Strategic Partnership and Collaborations

Study visits to research institutions and industry.

Presentations on local case studies.

Expected Outcome The outcomes of the training workshop are:

i) All participants will gain the necessary knowledge and experience on how to

formulate STI Policy for their countries.

ii) The establishment of networking among and between participants from the various

countries in the South and OIC Countries.

iii) Participants trained from the workshop can provide training and leadership on STI

Policy formulation to other participants from their own countries.


About 40 participants from G77, ISESCO and IDB member countries will participate in

this training workshop. 20-25 participants will be from UNESCO, ISESCO and IDB

member countries and 10-15 participants will be from Malaysia. The combination of

participants from ISESCO and IDB member countries and Malaysia will allow for

exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences as well as opportunities for networking

and collaboration.

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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

111111 ––– 111555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111222,,, KKKuuuaaalllaaa LLLuuummmpppuuurrr,,, MMMaaalllaaayyysssiiiaaa


Duration and


The workshop will be held in duration of 5 days and will be held in Kuala Lumpur from

11 to 15 June 2012

Criteria for


The participants should possess the following criteria:

Have at least bachelor’s degree in science or engineering. Those who have MSc or

PhD in science or engineering are preferred.

Have experience or have been involved in the development of STI policy in their home


Participants who perform management functions in the middle and upper level of a

government organization are preferred.

Participants must have good command of English, both in verbal and writing.

Should be below 45 years of age.

Participants must be in good health.

Resource Persons

Resource persons will include experts from industry, as well as other local experts from

universities and research institutions.

Modes of


The training workshop will be delivered by using the combinations of the following


Series of lectures.

Group discussions and presentations.

Case Studies.

Study visits to selected local institutions and companies.

Medium of


The training workshop will be conducted in English.


Certificates will be awarded to participants upon successful completion of the course.

Allowances All sponsored participants will be provided with the following:

Air ticket for return trip from the relevant countries. Travel to Kuala Lumpur will be on

special economy class by the most direct route and economical flight(s) available.

Accommodation, food, insurance and related transportation expenses within Malaysia

Application and

Closing Date

All applicants are required to complete the application form as attached in this brochure

and submit as early as possible but at the latest by Monday, 16 April 2012 to the

following address:

International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre

for South-South Cooperation under the Auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC)

c/o Academy of Sciences Malaysia

902- 4, Jalan Tun Ismail

50480 Kuala Lumpur


Tel: +603-2694 9898; Fax: +603-2698 4549

Email : [email protected]


ISTIC will inform the successful applicants to the training workshop not later than

1 May 2012. Application form also can be downloaded from http://www.istic-

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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

111111 ––– 111555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111222,,, KKKuuuaaalllaaa LLLuuummmpppuuurrr,,, MMMaaalllaaayyysssiiiaaa

TTeennttaattiivvee PPrrooggrraammmmee

Time 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 June 15 June

8.30 am Registration

9.00 am

Welcome Address by Academician Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong FASc, Chairman, Governing Board of ISTIC

High Income Nation and the Strategic Role of STI in the Malaysian New Economic Model Prof. Dato' Dr. Norma Mansor Secretary/Head Of NEAC Secretariat

Study Visit – Realising Commercialisation - MTDC

Innovation and Entrepreneurship – The Pivotal Role of Science, Engineering and Technology Graduates in Socio-Economic Transformation Ministry of Higher Education

High Income through Agriculture TESCO/ Sime Darby

Address by Representative of UNESCO

Address by Representative of ISESCO

Address by Representative of IDB

Opening and Keynote Address by Secretary General, Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)

10.15 am Tea Break

10.45 am Guest Speaker 1 Shaping up the Socio-Economic Transformation Agenda through the National Vision

Enabling Economic Transformation – The National Science and Technology Policy – MOSTI

Study Visit – Realising Commercialisation - MTDC

Jumpstarting High Potential Companies – The Les Copaque Production Story

Group Presentation on Learning Outcomes

11.35 am Guest Speaker 2 Strategic Pillars for Socio-Economic Transformation

Integrating Economic Development; S&T Advancement and Innovation – Delivering Economic Transformation PEMANDU

Bringing Science and Technology to the Society – Petrosains KLCC

12.30 pm Lunch Break

2.00 pm Guest Speaker 3 Socio-Economic Transformation – The Potential of the Green Economy

The S&T Advisory – Harmonising the Partnership – Industry-Government and International Collaboration Office of the Science Advisor

Industrial Visit - Contributing Towards Nations’ Progress - SAPURA

IMP3 and the High Income Economy – The Strategic Role of Science and Technology - MIDA

Group Presentation on Learning Outcomes

3.00 pm Tea Break

3.30 pm Guest Speaker 4 Collaborating to Transform

Group Activity – The Technology Management Best Practice – • Political Commitment • Policy Integration • S&T Advisory System • S&T Development

Planning and Coordination

Industrial Visit - Contributing Towards Nation’s Progress - SAPURA

Group Activity – The Technology Management Best Practice – • S&T Infrastructure • Funding and

Management of R&D • Mechanism for

Commercialisation of Research & Technology

• Integrated Human Resource Development

• Mechanism for S&T Enculturisation

• Smart Partnership Practices

Closing Keynote Address by Academician Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong FASc, Chairman, Governing Board of ISTIC

Round up Session and Recommendations

4.15 pm Strategic Management of STI – The Best Practice Framework – Emeritus Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman

Presentation of Certificates Closing Ceremony

5.15 pm End of Day 1 End of Day 2 End of Day 3 End of Day 4 End of Day 5

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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

111111 ––– 111555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111222,,, KKKuuuaaalllaaa LLLuuummmpppuuurrr,,, MMMaaalllaaayyysssiiiaaa

The Sessions About The Sessions

Strategic Management of STI – The Best

Practice Framework – Emeritus

Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul


Science, Technology and Innovation are core foundation for a developed

economy. It cannot be allowed to thrive based on chance alone. It must

be developed and nurtured in a systematic and structured manner. The

Technology Management Best Practice (TMBP) framework can be used by

professionals and practitioners in the field of S&T Strategy and Policy to

develop rigorous and productive initiatives for S&T.

High Income Nation and the Strategic

Role of STI in the Malaysian New

Economic Model - Prof. Dato' Dr.

Norma Mansor, Head Of NEAC


In pushing ahead in achieving Vision 2020 goals, the government of

Malaysia has endorsed the New Economic Model. This model has 8

Strategic Reform Initiatives that will help to shape the new economic

system for Malaysia. What is the strategic role of S&T and how it will

determine the final outcome of the model?

Enabling Economic Transformation –

The National Science and Technology

Policy – MOSTI

There five key essential challenges the STI Policy has to address: - 1. S&T

for Policy, 2. Policy for STI 3. The participation of the private sector, 4.STI

Governance and 5. STI and the Community

Integrating Economic Development;

S&T Advancement and Innovation –

Delivering Economic Transformation -


The ETP has identified NKEAs that will strategically drive growth. These

NKEAs are powered by EPPs that will create real growth for the

transformation of Malaysia into a high income economy. How the ETP

provides alignment to other dimensions of the Malaysian economy – S&T,

Human Capital Development and New Start-ups?

The S&T Advisory – Harmonising the

Partnership – Industry-Government

and International Collaboration -

Office of the Science Advisor

S&T advisory system needs high quality inputs from key stakeholders of

the national delivery system. It also needs to have comparative inputs

from the international community as a benchmark to the various strategic

initiatives undertaken by the government. This collaborative framework

as a feeder to the S&T advisory system plays an essential role in ensuring

the S&T advisory system has relevant and pertinent inputs for the

advancement of science and technology in the country

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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

111111 ––– 111555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111222,,, KKKuuuaaalllaaa LLLuuummmpppuuurrr,,, MMMaaalllaaayyysssiiiaaa

The Sessions About The Sessions

Innovation and Entrepreneurship – The Pivotal Role of Science, Engineering and Technology Graduates in Socio-Economic Transformation Ministry of Higher Education

In today’s competitive environment, organizations need innovative,

collaborative and opportunity seeking individuals. Universities need to

generate graduates who are entrepreneurial – able to create jobs and able to

function as intrapreneurs in organizations. MOHE has to provide and

environment and framework that is conducive to the creation of human

capital for the 21st Century

Jumpstarting High Potential Companies –

The Les Copaque Production Story

One of the essential final outcomes from the various STI initiatives is to have

companies that can provide technology based products and solutions for the

market place at a global level. A company, a product of the MOSTI’s grant

scheme, is now a respected player in the 3-D animation production

Bringing Science and Technology to the

Society – Petrosains KLCC

Malaysia has been seeing a reduction in the number of students entering the

science and technology stream. In order to continuously attract the best

brains into science and technology based areas, it is paramount for the

country to entice the best students from young to venture into science and

technology field. The Petronas Science Centre – Petrosains, is an excellent

example on how S&T can be introduced to the community at large

IMP3 and the High Income Economy – The

Strategic Role of Science and Technology in

Manufacturing - MIDA

The manufacturing sector is a major income generating sector for the nation

in terms of exports. In the past, through the various Industrial Plans,

Malaysia has managed to retain the competitiveness of the manufacturing

sector. As the country in transition into becoming a high income economy,

how will STI be playing this strategic role?

High Income through Agriculture TESCO/ Sime Darby

In the past years, the substantial increase in essential food items and with

the uncertainty of food supply due to increasing global demand and weather

conditions, Malaysia is challenged to be a self-sufficient in the production of

agricultural products. High Tech becomes an important element in enabling

food security policy to be realised

Study Visit – Realising Commercialisation -


In translating public sector R&D outputs into commercialised products,

Malaysia needs venture capital companies to bring this into reality. MTDC is

probably one of the earliest venture capital company funded by the

Government of Malaysia and had many success in bringing products to the

market place

Industrial Visit - Contributing Towards

Nations’ Progress - SAPURA

Large companies, technology driven and global in perspective demonstrates

the success in bring S&T into the economy. Sapura is probably one of the

best examples how a small start-up became a global player

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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

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The training workshop is jointly organized by the following organizations:

International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre (ISTIC)

United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)

Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

Contents Coordinator

PRIMA Asia Pacific Consulting (PAPC)






The creation of the International Science, Technology and Innovation, centre for

South - South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC) is a follow up

of the Doha Plan of Action which has been adopted by the head of States and

Government of the Group of 77 and China, during the meeting in Doha, Qatar,

from 12 to 16 June 2005 on the occasion of the Second South Summit of the

Group of 77. The Summit urged UNESCO to develop and implement a

programme for South - South cooperation in science and technology with the

objective of facilitating the integration of a developmental approach into

national science and technology and innovation policies, capacity building in

science and technology through providing policy advice and exchange of

experience and best practices, and creating a problem solving network of

centres of excellence in developing countries as well as supporting the

exchange of students, researchers, scientists and technologists among

developing countries. ISTIC will act as an international platform for South-South

cooperation in science, technology and innovation and make use of the network

of the G77 plus China and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

The overall goal of ISTIC is to increase the capacity for management of science,

technology and innovation throughout developing countries. ISTIC Secretariat is

hosted by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) for five years before

making ISTIC an autonomous organization. Details on ISTIC is available at






UNESCO was founded on 16 November 1945. UNESCO functions as a

laboratory of ideas and a standard-setter to forge universal agreements on

emerging ethical issues. The Organization also serves as a clearinghouse – for

the dissemination and sharing of information and knowledge – while helping

Member States to build their human and institutional capacities in diverse fields.

In short, UNESCO promotes international co-operation among its 193 Member

States and six Associate Members in the fields of education, science, culture and

communication. UNESCO is working to create the conditions for genuine

dialogue based upon respect for shared values and the dignity of each

civilization and culture. This role is critical, particularly in the face of terrorism,

which constitutes an attack against humanity. The world urgently requires global

visions of sustainable development based upon observance of human rights,

mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which lie at the heart of

UNESCO’s mission and activities. Details on UNESCO is available at

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SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

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ISESCO is a specialized institution under the umbrella of the Organization of

Islamic Conference (OIC), which was set up following its Founding

Conference held in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco on 3-5 May 1982. The

objectives of ISESCO include strengthening cooperation among Member

States in the fields of education, science and culture, and promoting applied

sciences and advanced technologies within the framework of the lofty and

perpetual Islamic values and ideals. Since its inception, ISESCO has been

witnessing steady progress in discharging its civilizational mission and the

duties developed upon it and in meeting its targets. At the level of

prospective and strategic planning, eight major Strategies and their effective

Implementation Mechanisms were laid down and 10 Medium Terms Action

Plans have been implemented. Various international, regional, and national

activities have been planned and organized in cooperation with more than

150 specialized renowned institutions such as UN agencies, regional

institutions and NGOs and prestigious national universities and research

centres. ISESCO has lent support to young scientists and researchers in the

Member States through its subsidiary institute and centres of excellence like

ISESCO Centre for Promotion of Scientific Research (ICPSR) and Islamic

World Science Citation Centre (ISC), etc. The Headquarters of ISESCO is

based in Rabat, the capital of the Kingdom of Morocco. Detail on ISESCO is

available at



The Islamic Development Bank is an international financial institution

established in pursuance of the Declaration of Intent issued by the

Conference of Finance Ministers of Muslim Countries held in Jeddah in Dhul

Q'adah 1393H, corresponding to December 1973. The Inaugural Meeting

of the Board of Governors took place in Rajab 1395H, corresponding to

July 1975, and the Bank was formally opened on 15 Shawwal 1395H

corresponding to 20 October 1975. The purpose of the Bank is to foster the

economic development and social progress of member countries and Muslim

communities individually as well as jointly in accordance with the principles

of Shari'ah i.e., Islamic Law.The functions of the Bank are to participate in

equity capital and grant loans for productive projects and enterprises

besides providing financial assistance to member countries in other forms for

economic and social development. The Bank is also required to establish

and operate special funds for specific purposes including a fund for

assistance to Muslim communities in non-member countries, in addition to

setting up trust funds. The Bank is authorized to accept deposits and to

mobilize financial resources through Shari'ah compatible modes. It is also

charged with the responsibility of assisting in the promotion of foreign trade

especially in capital goods, among member countries; providing technical

assistance to member countries; and extending training facilities for

personnel engaged in development activities in Muslim countries to conform

to the Shari'ah. Detail on IDB is available at

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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

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FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Reference No: Received: Checked:

Please affix latest

passport photograph

APPLICATION FORM (Typewritten or blocked letters)

Title Of Course:

Training Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)

Policy – Technology Management for Socio-Economic


Date, duration & venue of course:

11 – 15 June 2012

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Family name (surname):

Date of Birth: (Date/Month/Year)

First name:

Nationality: (citizenship)

Other given names:

Gender: (Male/ Female)

City and country of birth:

Marital status: (Single/ Married)

Passport No:

Designation : Prof./ Dr / Mr / Mrs/ Ms ___________________


Applicant’s Office Address:

Applicant’s Home Address:

Country Area Number

Country Area Number

Office Tel No:

Home Tel No:

Office Fax No:

Home Fax No:

Mobile No:

Email address:

Person to be contacted in case of emergency (name, telephone and address):

Page 10: TTrraaaiiinniinnnggg h ooonnn … · 2014-10-08 · TTrraaaiiinniinnnggg h ooonnn SSccciieeennnccceee,, o TTTeeeccchhhnnnoolllooogggyyy n aaannddd I IInnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII)))

TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

111111 ––– 111555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111222,,, KKKuuuaaalllaaa LLLuuummmpppuuurrr,,, MMMaaalllaaayyysssiiiaaa


Name of institution and place of study

Major field of study: Years of study (From – To)



A. Current Post: B. Previous Post:



Duration of service: Duration of service:

From To From To

Title of post:

Title of post:

Current monthly salary(US dollars):

Monthly salary (US dollar):

Name of supervisor and title:

Name of supervisor and title:

Type of organization: Government/ Semi-Government/ Private/ NGO

Type of organization: Government/ Semi-Government/ Private/ NGO

Main functions of organization:

Main functions of organization:

Total number of employees in organization:

Total number of employees in organization:

Description of your current work including your responsibility: *Please use supplementary pages if necessary

Page 11: TTrraaaiiinniinnnggg h ooonnn … · 2014-10-08 · TTrraaaiiinniinnnggg h ooonnn SSccciieeennnccceee,, o TTTeeeccchhhnnnoolllooogggyyy n aaannddd I IInnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII)))

TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

111111 ––– 111555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111222,,, KKKuuuaaalllaaa LLLuuummmpppuuurrr,,, MMMaaalllaaayyysssiiiaaa


Please briefly state the reasons for applying this training workshop and how you hope to benefit this programme

Have you participated in any training programmes in Malaysia before: YES/ NO If yes;

Name of programme Organizer Date


Excellent Good Fair Remarks





Mother tongue: :

Language test administered by :

Title :

Address :

Telephone No :

Email address :

Date and Signature :

7. MEDICAL REPORT (to be completed by an authorized position)

Name of Applicant:

Age: Sex: Height: cm Weight: kg

Blood Group: A B AB O Other

Blood pressure

Is the person examined at present in good health?

Is the person examined physically and mentally able to carry out intensive training away from home?

Is the person free of infectious diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, trachoma, skin diseases, etc?)

Does the person examined have any condition or defect (including teeth) which might require treatment during the workshop?

List abnormalities indicated in the chest x-ray. Pregnancy test (for women only):

I certify that the applicant is medically fit to undertake a training workshop in Malaysia.

Name of Physician:


Address of clinic (printed) :

Telephone no (printed)


Email address

: Date:

Signature of physician : Seal of Clinic:

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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg WWWooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp ooonnn

SSSccciiieeennnccceee,,, TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy aaannnddd IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiiooonnn (((SSSTTTIII))) PPPooollliiicccyyy

TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt fffooorrr SSSoooccciiiooo---EEEcccooonnnooommmiiiccc TTTrrraaannnsssfffooorrrmmmaaatttiiiooonnn

111111 ––– 111555 JJJuuunnneee 222000111222,,, KKKuuuaaalllaaa LLLuuummmpppuuurrr,,, MMMaaalllaaayyysssiiiaaa


Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Law of any country? Yes/ No If yes, please give brief details:

I certify that my statements in answer to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If accepted to the training workshop, I undertake to:

i) carry out such instructions and abide by such conditions as may be stipulated by both the nominating government and the host government in respect of this course of training;

ii) follow the course of study or training, and abide by the rules of the institution in which I undertake to study or train;

iii) refrain from engaging in political activities, or any form of employment for profit or gain; iv) submit any progress reports which may be prescribed; and v) return to my home country promptly upon the completion of my course of studies or training.

I fully understand that if I am granted an award it maybe subsequently withdrawn if I fail to make adequate progress or for other sufficient cause determined by the host Government. Signature of Application : __________________________________________ Name : __________________________________________ Date : __________________________________________

9. OFFICIAL DECLARATION (to be completed by the Head of Department)

The Government of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… nominates ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(name of applicant)

For the training workshop under the International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation (ISTIC) and certifies that:

i) all information supplied by the nominee is complete and correct; ii) the nominee had adequate knowledge and was appropriately tested for English Language proficiency. Remarks: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ______________________ ______________________________________ (Name) (Signature of responsible Head of Department) ______________________ Address of Department/ Ministry (Designation) Official seal/ stamp ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Office telephone no:

Office fax no:

Email address: Date: