ttf-iiy- kv jyv. a w- scheme devise evening xjlletin · 2015. 6. 1. · a telephono mesunco wns re...

tTf-"iiy- iw vv.&: w i Kv" mr"' 'v J yv. f A .rV cv. k - w- - f No Better Scheme Can You Devise : - ' t fr A . teT : iWhen This is Settled' When you WANT a Evening in Your Mind, Thin Just Adver- tise. xjlletin Use THE BULLETIN mid the WANT You'll FIND. .q (L.The Progressive Bulletin Leads in Patronage and NEWS. -i- ..-).. Yol. VI. No. 1231. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, MAY 2(5, 1899. Puiom 5 Ohnts. nmuntm LOWER RESERY0L1 CLOSED WELA KA HAO'S FAST MILE EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIARY POSSIBLE FOUL PLAY EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT AN ARTILLERYMAN DIES i2 1 .; . Andrew Brown, Superintendent of Water Works, Una cut oil tbo Lower Nnuanu reservoir from tbo Honolulu wator supply system. This notion is taken by order of tbo Miuistor nfthe Interior. lis reason is thn safety of tbo public health. Bathing clandestinely in the Kopena pool above could not be effectually prevented without tha txnense of .a constant guaid. 'J'lion for eomi) tnouihs pnet tbo liU'-ni-i Vista hospital bus been iu cxisteuco ou tllO vorge of the stream above the resorvoir. Mr. Brown years ngo advised tbo closing of this reservoir iu tbo iu turest of tbo public limit h. Iroquois llii. ,o Onlrr.. Linutouant Pond, comranndor of the tugboat Iroquois, denies tbo rumor tbat bo lias recoived ordors to lenvo tins plnco with the Iroquois. Ho says that his order are the same as they have, boen since bis first arrival to remain. Ensigns Bierer and Stono of the Iroquois will leave for tho States in tho Alameda an thoy aro to bo assigned to different posts, uow that tboy havo boen maibi liouton ants. Houtrit Iljr I lit. London, May 8. The Foreign Office has received news from Un-yor- o that Oolonel Evatt attacked Chief Kabarega on the oast bnuk of the Nilo on April i)th and com- pletely defeated htm. Threo hun- dred of tho ouoray aod Kabnrega himself, who wan severely wound ed, and Kinn Mwauga wore taki n prisoners. The Insf-e- s of Oolonel Evatt wero two killed and twouty wounded. Pror, Krur-- ' IMuna C'hncrl. Prof. Koebelo has changtd his plans about going to Shu Frauois-c- o. He was lo eail in 'bo Alame- da but has now decided to go iu tlio Australia. The report aioiind town was tbat ho would go lo tho Colonies first but tbid is not tho cato. Tho borso racing fraternity oponod tboir eyes this morning whon Cunningham's Wei a ka lino worked out a milo in 2.M? on tho Kapiolani track. Jim Quinu's Violin was tbo only other horse on the track at the timo. Violin was scoring nnil did not have much headway at tho time, but Cunning, ham's horso came tearing down to the finish' and as Quint) expressed it "passed me liko a thunderbolt." Wola ka Hao's last eighth was made iu 15 seconds and tho last quaiter in 31$. Horsemen are putting on their thinking caps. Ij"p wtiked out nu eighth in 10 anil the half in 1.03 coming homo at a jog iu 2 21 or 2 22 Tlis Orphruin, Last ovoniog tho usual high standard of excellence character- ized tho Orpheum performance The repeated applause tbat eaob artist received showed that the popularity of tho individual mem- bers of tbo company manifests no evidence of decline. Glorino again apppared in her marvelous and realibtic Gro act in which as tbo Goddess Polo sbo arises from tho Volcano's interior. Tomor- row Prof Mack, the modern wiz- ard of the north, will mako bis first appearance in magic and ledgordomaiu, introluoing tho great Hindoo box mystery. The usual Saturday aftornoon mntiueo takes place tomorrow at 2:30. Ad- mission to all parts of tho house, adult 25 cents, childre u 10 cents. K Mo I Ornunilnl. The schooner Ka Moi came in from HauiHkua shortly after noon today with a full cirgo of sugar. As she neared the last buoy iu tho channel she got too close inshore and went on tbo sand. Tho crow g"t to work and in about leu min- utes the Ka Moi whs out of trouble and sailing by the wharves to Al- len & Robinson's wharf. CATWATilUSFS:'! 1 I . 4 fc- - 4te- - sk fc" fc fc - r Anderson's Delicious Soups, 15-CE- NT SIZE. BEST GROCERIES. Fanciest China Crockery Light Hardware Agateware Cutlery -- TOU'-ULj FIND THEM A.T WATERHO USE'S BFARTMENT STORE, NVAVERLEY BLOCK, BETHEL STREET Established 1851 Leaders 1800 Gr ccrtes, Crockery, Hardware. Hems of Today from Both the Big Public Buildings. Cabinet Occupied With Hawaii Railroad Contest Street Signs for Honolulu Jury Trials. At this morning's meeting of the Executive Council the timo was occupied with the tiuestion of a franchise for tho Uilo and Ho nolulu lliilroad Oomnauv. A member of tho' Cobinot told a Bulletin reporter yesterday that a decision was not likely for a sov oral days. Honolulu is to havestreet siens. and creditable ones too, at long last. Iho contract has been award ed to J. A. Tuthill, of Honolulu for 79 cents each. Tho on- ly other bid wns that of Honsbaw. Bucklev A-- fln. nf San Francisco for $1.50. Samples ot tuo articles to bo furnished by tbo contractor show something praoucaiiy inustructiblo. Un a beaw motel Illato tbp nnmnn will appear iu whito enamel on a! Mnn ..,.,,! 1.1 I. M u..... uiuu ,tti(tiiu. XJUUU Bill" is four iuches wide. and thnlnHnrn aro threo inches deep. One 8amnle has b-- en backed across the lnttOritlLr Willi a lintcllnt wltlinnr destroying it. Tho ci;n8 raav b" pniuien over, and tuen perfectly renlorod with a turpentine wash. Judge Stauley is bearinp, the secoud day, the damauo suit of Wo Sing Co. vs. Wonc Kwai. The jury consists of of II 0 Villa, I? W McChesnoy, Theo Wo'ff, ,Ta Steiuer, A Harrison, J Carty 0 U Huston, 0 F Wolfe, Henry Itotb, (5 II Clapp, L P Feruaudez and 0 S Weigh t. Ifoberlfon & Wilder for plaintiff!'; Magoon and Silli-ma- n for defendant. This is the fourth day ot tho trial of fourteen Japaneso for riot at Kahuku, by a foieigu jury be fore Judo Perry. Tho prosecu- tion is still putting on ovidonce. mm THK IinlTlHll CAIll.K. Siliraf.llon lo OnTprllmfnl rr Un)llrn(a la Tourh Ilatrxll. Tbo full text of tbo roport of the British Cablo Commission to parliament hs boen received by mail. A matter of Hawaiian local interest is discussed. It is sug- gested that, it n duplicate cable should be decided ns advisable, it might bo desirable to attempt to effect arrangements for tbo touch ing of the second cable at tho Ha waiiau Islands. Since llrilnh Columbia chporod tho Dominion Government by offering to conlributo of the cost of a cable, ordors have been rocoivod at Eiquimalt from tbo Admiralty lo hove the steamer Egeria prepared forthwith for a surveying expedi- tion. This action was taken at Ottawa to mean that tho Imperial Government was ready to meet tlio views of the o ilouial governments. Ilmtlfll Tomorrow Afternoon. There should bo a liberal atten dance at tho first league game of tho season s series on tho Mnkiki rcoreation grounds tomorrow after- noon at 3:3) o'olock. Tho Star and Kamehamoha teams will com- pete. Tho boys havo been getting in all tho practice possiblo since it was decided that thero was to bo a season ot ball and good playing is expected. An attempt will bo made to get the band to play for the initial game of the season as during pre vinus seasons. Tho boys aro sure they will bo granted Iho request sb tho man who has the say about tho band is ouo vory much inter- ested in sports. 1IOR2C. NOIIMTT Til tills city, May 25, 1S09 to the wife of DrWdNoulltt.a o:i. Remains o! Child Found Today at Kakaako. Rough Coffln Remains Wrapped In an Old Cloth Deputy Marshal Cbllllngwortb Is Investigating the Matter. A telephono mesunco wns re coived at tho Police Station this morning from someonu in Kaka- - ako telling of tho finding at that placo of tho body of a human baing in a bjx. Evputy Marshal Obillingworth went to tho nlace and found in about tbo contor of the yard near tha beach nnd just outsido tho kerosene oil warehouse a small rough made box with o still rougher cover faatonod down with small nails. A wftBon was sent down nnd tho whole thing removed to tbo Police Station. Dr. Emereon was sum- moned and nttendod to tho matter immediately. On openinc thn box bo found the body of a child. It was wrapped in a part of a calico holoku and, from oil appearances had been dead at loiiRt five days. Decomposition wns very far Tho nationality of the child could not bo told. In speaking of tho matter Dep uty Marshal Chillipgwortb said: "I am pretty sure that tberoliHS been foul play eoinowhero ol though at tho pro.tont time I do not know much about the caso. When I got to tho place pointed out to me by tho person who tole-phone- d. I found tbo box lying by the eido of a hole in the Hand The body must have ben buried and. then dug up by dogs when decomposition set in. Ah yet, we havo found out nothing ubout the mother of the child." A Coroner's Jury, composed entirely of nntives, was called after Dr. Emerson bad finished with the examination. After hav ing been sworn over the dead body they wero told to roport ou Monday. AmocIiiifiI Clmrltlrs. At a meeting of thn Auannintnd Charities in tho otllce nf iIih SUfo Deposit Co. yesterday afternoon, President Dole presided nnd Mies Hopper acted as eouretary. The following executivo committee made UD of ronreaenrallvoa nl each society coucerned and two unottactiHU members, was appoint- ed : Mrs. Dillingham, Woman's U inrd; Mrs Dole, Kindergarten;' Mrs. Fuller, Strangers' Friond; Mr. FrukawB, Japmeso Church Benevolent; Mrs. Du Roi, Hob-pita- l Flower; Mrs. Whitney, W. O. P. U.j S. U. Dole and Ilov. Ma kintosh, uuottnehed. President Dole was unanimous ly elected president of tho aseo-ciatio- Tho next enroling of the will bo held Wednes- day afternoo next. Thero woro a larjo number preout at tho meeting afternoon. m 9 m llenvj- - KiiIm In Konn. The W. G. Hall brings tho ro- port that thero havo beon very heavy rains in Kona for tlio pa-- t few days. Whou tho Hall arrived in Koua Saturday it was fouud that tlio wator was rubbing down at a terrillio ralo from Coerper's resevoir abovo Holualoa. It sooius that tho hoavy raius had caused a break. When the Hall loft, iho water was still Uowing down in tho bed that tho reservoir water had made. Tho hoavy rainB had found this place as an outlet. (iorrninnt lto! Wnihtiil Out. The Government roid at Napoo-po- o is in a bad stato jmt now say people who nrrivod from that dis trict iu tho W. G. Hall today. During the past week thero was a cloudburst or something nearly upproaohiugit. Tho water wash-o- d out tho road at tho placo men tinned aud made it impassable. This is tho second washout within tho past week or ten days. The Meeting of Commissioners Held Yesterday Afternoon. Leaves of Absence aro Granted to Several Teachers Teacher In Kona Is Disciplined. Recommondations of the com- mittee ou teachers wore dispobol of as follows at the meeting of the Commissioners of Public Instruu lion yesterday: Miss H. F. Coan of tho Ililo Union school was granted a life certificate based on length of foi-vic- e. W. Vrodenbnrg of tho Wnimea school, Hawaii, was granted leave of absenco for tbo remainder of tho torni on condition of his sup- plying a stitatituto. O. F. True of tho Waiohinu school, Hawaii, wob grauted leave of absence for bis wife, on a sub- stitute boing provided. Miss Franc Eaton of tbo Hilo select school was graiitpd leave of absence, on account of her health, sbo to furnish n substitute. A claim of J. O. P. Poahi con-cerniu- g a school be claims to hove built up at Kuluia, Kauai, was re forred to the Minister. Charges ogaiust (Jeorgo Kani-ka- u, preferred by tho school auontsof both North and South Koua, ot soiling intoxicating liquor, wero considered on a re- port of Inspector Goneral Town send. Thn found Kauikan's ac- tions, as stated by himself, "to be ontiroly unworthy of n teacher." A resolution was pat-sia- l "ihat Mr. Katnk.u be informed that bis lets iu assmtitig people iu his ills trict iu obtaining liquor art; dis- approved by this dijmlineiit, and that any repetition of sueh not will be dealt with Miinmurily." A letter from CoiibiiI General Ohas. T. Wilder was read, an- nouncing tint Mr. Hifftniiun ol Sou Francisco would hogin work at bii early day on bis contract to build tbo Beretauin stieot scbool-houi- e. Au application ot Mrs. Tuckor, ttaclior ol vnotl iuuhio in tho uov- - ernment schools, for an increase. of pay woa referred to tbo Minu- ter and tho Inspector Control Tho Iusp-cto- r General reported that ho bad appointed, tiuhj ct to tbo approval of the department, I'rinoe Li lople an assistant at Lthaiunluuo in place of two of the former teachers who bad loft the institution. Approved. Other matters dispatched were routiuo and of no public impor- tance. Miuistor E. A. Molt Smith pro-side- d at the mo 'ling, wi'h him be ing present Professor W. D Ah II. M. von Holt. J. Q. Wool and Dr. Walter Maxwell, also Iuspector General Townseud. m Clxllur. at the Polloo Htutloft, Contractor Thomas is rushing along with his work at the police station. Today, tho hallway coveting the entrituct) into the re- ceiving station was torn away aud the window just outside of thin p'neo is being lowered. The stsire-wil- l load up ovor the placo recent- ly occupied by the hallway into tho stcoud story of the stables. lrom tliot placo a Hallway lo the l'olico Court is to be built. The police clerk uow has his desk out-Bid- o tho Deputy Marshals' ollice N Contract Iborra In Koii'i, Dr. Potorson returned from Kona and Kau in tbo W. G. Hall today after having visited the plantations in those districts. He found Kau in good Hhapn and then w out to Kona to look in'o plantation nlTairs there. Uo nays tbat ho oxicotod to find contract laborers at the Koua plantation but was mistaken. Tho men em- ployed there aro doing tho work ou tho small farming proposition. 4 -- At First Loss From Ranks of Nswlj Arrived Soldiers. Typhoid Fever the Cause -- Was a Nitlve of Rocheste- r- Eurlal Stivlce At 3 O'clock This Afternoon. Ellsworth Smith, n private of Battery N, 'fJth U. S Artillery, in gartiton here, dird of tvohoiil fever at Buena Viata hospital yesterday. ins ago wn yi years. The holy will bocouveytd from the under- taking parlors of Ed. A. Williams at 3 o'clock this afternoon to St. Andrew's Cathedral, wliero ser- vices will be hold, and thence tho funeral take place to Nuuauu cemetory. The dead soldier is a nativo of Rochesti r. N. Y. Dr. Yuill of Biinna Vii-t-a hospital cer- - tines iu uie tieaiu and cause. WAHIAWA GOES BANG Thero has been n continnoua stream of investors up tboJudd nuiiding elevator all mnrniug to tlio olhco of F. W. Macfarlano. Tho object is to get iu on tho Wohiawa sugar plantation ground tloor. Clarnnnii M Wl.iti. looked up fiotn tbo receipts ho was dealuiL' on loiw oimnnli i .!.. dine giving speciljc iiiforniation 'egnniiug too aiiituint at U o'clock p. mv Ho pointed, however, to ho Kl.uidikv behind him on a tray, and Hit. ri'D iitfr'i nv.u ilwJi for a inotnont ou muc lllllig liel'veen $U),i (I 1 nm g'J ((. i"iO in U. S. gol.l coin. Many Chinese art' subscribing. AMiriitii roxriiArr, Lmdon, May !J. Renh inr, a question iu tho House of 0 mi nions today as to whether tlio In- - diau Government bad nivon nn order for tho Goktick viaduct in Burraah to an American firm, and why tho British inanufacturera had not been asked to mako a tender, the Secretary of Stato for India. Lord George. Hamil'on, replied that thn Indian Govern- ment had nothing to do with tha contrnot. It uas given, ho said, by tho Burmah Railway Compa- ny, which invited nix Euglish and two Amorioaii firms to mako ton-tier- s. Ntrm,,r l,r !iiiii, (.. Lot.. Tho steamer Iw,i was burned while going into Bunaluu yester- day aftornoon. N tilling was saved. Thero was considerable frotgtit on her at the time. Thn firo is sup- posed to have started iu thoongiuo room. The captain and the oreir did tboir best to save tho Ia bul the flames spread very raoidlv anil it vas soon seen llfat uothitioj !l)lltfl llA fl.inn rPli.. .. ....!..... .....t ' '' wiifriiii lull erew tli-- n took to the boat nnd went astioro. The Chiuainaii who answered tho telephone this morn ing wii'ii qiiesiioneii aliotit tlio matter, gave the bent necount ot the burning. Ho raid the Iwa win "pan." a pure onAPt crcm or tartan rowct DR- - CREAWL BAKING POWDIA Highest Honors, World's Fair Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair Aioltl llililtifr I'lHTilcrn conliilolnv Alum. Ilteynro lujurtous to htlth .' .' f '1 1 3 ?s

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Page 1: tTf-iiy- Kv Jyv. A w- Scheme Devise Evening xjlletin · 2015. 6. 1. · A telephono mesunco wns re coived at tho Police Station this morning from someonu in Kaka--ako telling of tho

tTf-"iiy- iw


i Kv" mr"' 'vJyv.f A.rV

cv.k - w-- fNo Better Scheme Can You Devise : - ' tfrA .

teT :iWhen This is Settled'When you WANT a Evening in Your Mind,Thin Just Adver-

tise. xjlletin Use THE BULLETINmid the WANTYou'll FIND.

.q (L.The Progressive Bulletin Leads in Patronage and NEWS. -i- ..-)..

Yol. VI. No. 1231. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, MAY 2(5, 1899. Puiom 5 Ohnts.nmuntm




Andrew Brown, Superintendentof Water Works, Una cut oil tboLower Nnuanu reservoir from tboHonolulu wator supply system.This notion is taken by order oftbo Miuistor nfthe Interior. lisreason is thn safety of tbo publichealth. Bathing clandestinely inthe Kopena pool above could notbe effectually prevented withouttha txnense of .a constant guaid.'J'lion for eomi) tnouihs pnet tboliU'-ni-i Vista hospital bus been iucxisteuco ou tllO vorge of thestream above the resorvoir. Mr.Brown years ngo advised tboclosing of this reservoir iu tbo iuturest of tbo public limit h.

Iroquois llii. ,o Onlrr..Linutouant Pond, comranndor

of the tugboat Iroquois, deniestbo rumor tbat bo lias recoivedordors to lenvo tins plnco with theIroquois. Ho says that his orderare the same as they have, boensince bis first arrival to remain.

Ensigns Bierer and Stono of theIroquois will leave for tho Statesin tho Alameda an thoy aro to boassigned to different posts, uowthat tboy havo boen maibi lioutonants.

Houtrit Iljr I lit., May 8. The Foreign

Office has received news from Un-yor- o

that Oolonel Evatt attackedChief Kabarega on the oast bnukof the Nilo on April i)th and com-pletely defeated htm. Threo hun-dred of tho ouoray aod Kabnregahimself, who wan severely wounded, and Kinn Mwauga wore taki nprisoners. The Insf-e- s of OolonelEvatt wero two killed and twoutywounded.

Pror, Krur-- ' IMuna C'hncrl.Prof. Koebelo has changtd his

plans about going to Shu Frauois-c- o.

He was lo eail in 'bo Alame-da but has now decided to go iutlio Australia. The report aioiindtown was tbat ho would go lo thoColonies first but tbid is not thocato.

Tho borso racing fraternityoponod tboir eyes this morningwhon Cunningham's Wei a ka linoworked out a milo in 2.M? on thoKapiolani track. Jim Quinu'sViolin was tbo only other horse onthe track at the timo. Violin wasscoring nnil did not have muchheadway at tho time, but Cunning,ham's horso came tearing down tothe finish' and as Quint) expressedit "passed me liko a thunderbolt."Wola ka Hao's last eighth wasmade iu 15 seconds and tho lastquaiter in 31$. Horsemen areputting on their thinking caps.Ij"p wtiked out nu eighth in 10anil the half in 1.03 coming homoat a jog iu 2 21 or 2 22

Tlis Orphruin,

Last ovoniog tho usual highstandard of excellence character-ized tho Orpheum performanceThe repeated applause tbat eaobartist received showed that thepopularity of tho individual mem-bers of tbo company manifests noevidence of decline. Glorinoagain apppared in her marvelousand realibtic Gro act in which astbo Goddess Polo sbo arises fromtho Volcano's interior. Tomor-row Prof Mack, the modern wiz-

ard of the north, will mako bisfirst appearance in magic andledgordomaiu, introluoing thogreat Hindoo box mystery. Theusual Saturday aftornoon mntiueotakes place tomorrow at 2:30. Ad-

mission to all parts of tho house,adult 25 cents, childre u 10 cents.

K Mo I Ornunilnl.The schooner Ka Moi came in

from HauiHkua shortly after noontoday with a full cirgo of sugar.As she neared the last buoy iu thochannel she got too close inshoreand went on tbo sand. Tho crowg"t to work and in about leu min-utes the Ka Moi whs out of troubleand sailing by the wharves to Al-

len & Robinson's wharf.

CATWATilUSFS:'!1 I . 4 fc- - 4te-- sk fc" fc fc - r

Anderson's Delicious Soups,15-CE- NT SIZE.


Fanciest China CrockeryLight Hardware

Agateware Cutlery



NVAVERLEY BLOCK, BETHEL STREETEstablished 1851 Leaders 1800

Gr ccrtes, Crockery, Hardware.

Hems of Today from Both the Big

Public Buildings.

Cabinet Occupied With Hawaii Railroad Contest

Street Signs for Honolulu

Jury Trials.

At this morning's meeting ofthe Executive Council the timowas occupied with the tiuestion ofa franchise for tho Uilo and Honolulu lliilroad Oomnauv. Amember of tho' Cobinot told aBulletin reporter yesterday thata decision was not likely for a sovoral days.

Honolulu is to havestreet siens.and creditable ones too, at longlast. Iho contract has been awarded to J. A. Tuthill, of Honolulufor 79 cents each. Tho on-ly other bid wns that ofHonsbaw. Bucklev A-- fln. nfSan Francisco for $1.50. Samplesot tuo articles to bo furnishedby tbo contractor show somethingpraoucaiiy inustructiblo. Un abeaw motel Illato tbp nnmnn willappear iu whito enamel on! Mnn ..,.,,! 1.1 I. Mu..... uiuu ,tti(tiiu. XJUUU Bill"is four iuches wide. and thnlnHnrnaro threo inches deep. One8amnle has b-- en backed across thelnttOritlLr Willi a lintcllnt wltlinnrdestroying it. Tho ci;n8 raav b"pniuien over, and tuen perfectlyrenlorod with a turpentine wash.

Judge Stauley is bearinp, thesecoud day, the damauo suit ofWo Sing Co. vs. Wonc Kwai.The jury consists of of II 0 Villa,I? W McChesnoy, Theo Wo'ff, ,Ta

Steiuer, A Harrison, J Carty 0 UHuston, 0 F Wolfe, Henry Itotb,(5 II Clapp, L P Feruaudez and 0S Weigh t. Ifoberlfon & Wilderfor plaintiff!'; Magoon and Silli-ma- n

for defendant.This is the fourth day ot tho

trial of fourteen Japaneso for riotat Kahuku, by a foieigu jury before Judo Perry. Tho prosecu-tion is still putting on ovidonce.

m m

THK IinlTlHll CAIll.K.

Siliraf.llon lo OnTprllmfnl rrUn)llrn(a la Tourh Ilatrxll.

Tbo full text of tbo roport ofthe British Cablo Commission toparliament hs boen received bymail. A matter of Hawaiian localinterest is discussed. It is sug-

gested that, it n duplicate cableshould be decided ns advisable, itmight bo desirable to attempt toeffect arrangements for tbo touching of the second cable at tho Hawaiiau Islands.

Since llrilnh Columbia chporodtho Dominion Government byoffering to conlributo

of the cost of a cable,ordors have been rocoivod atEiquimalt from tbo Admiralty lohove the steamer Egeria preparedforthwith for a surveying expedi-tion. This action was taken atOttawa to mean that tho ImperialGovernment was ready to meet tlioviews of the o ilouial governments.

Ilmtlfll Tomorrow Afternoon.

There should bo a liberal attendance at tho first league game oftho season s series on tho Mnkikircoreation grounds tomorrow after-noon at 3:3) o'olock. Tho Starand Kamehamoha teams will com-

pete. Tho boys havo been gettingin all tho practice possiblo since itwas decided that thero was to bo aseason ot ball and good playing isexpected.

An attempt will bo made to getthe band to play for the initialgame of the season as during previnus seasons. Tho boys aro surethey will bo granted Iho requestsb tho man who has the say abouttho band is ouo vory much inter-ested in sports.


NOIIMTT Til tills city, May 25, 1S09to the wife of DrWdNoulltt.a o:i.

Remains o! Child Found Today at


Rough Coffln Remains Wrapped In an Old Cloth

Deputy Marshal Cbllllngwortb Is

Investigating the Matter.

A telephono mesunco wns recoived at tho Police Station thismorning from someonu in Kaka- -

ako telling of tho finding at thatplaco of tho body of a humanbaing in a bjx. Evputy MarshalObillingworth went to tho nlaceand found in about tbo contor ofthe yard near tha beach nnd justoutsido tho kerosene oil warehousea small rough made box with ostill rougher cover faatonod downwith small nails.

A wftBon was sent down nnd thowhole thing removed to tbo PoliceStation. Dr. Emereon was sum-moned and nttendod to tho matterimmediately. On openinc thnbox bo found the body of a child. Itwas wrapped in a part of a calicoholoku and, from oil appearanceshad been dead at loiiRt five days.Decomposition wns very far

Tho nationality of thechild could not bo told.

In speaking of tho matter Deputy Marshal Chillipgwortb said:

"I am pretty sure that tberoliHSbeen foul play eoinowhero olthough at tho pro.tont time I donot know much about the caso.When I got to tho place pointedout to me by tho person who tole-phone-


I found tbo box lying bythe eido of a hole in the HandThe body must have ben buriedand. then dug up by dogs whendecomposition set in. Ah yet, wehavo found out nothing ubout themother of the child."

A Coroner's Jury, composedentirely of nntives, was calledafter Dr. Emerson bad finishedwith the examination. After having been sworn over the deadbody they wero told to roport ouMonday.

AmocIiiifiI Clmrltlrs.At a meeting of thn Auannintnd

Charities in tho otllce nf iIih SUfoDeposit Co. yesterday afternoon,President Dole presided nnd MiesHopper acted as eouretary. Thefollowing executivo committeemade UD of ronreaenrallvoa nleach society coucerned and twounottactiHU members, was appoint-ed : Mrs. Dillingham, Woman'sU inrd; Mrs Dole, Kindergarten;'Mrs. Fuller, Strangers' Friond;Mr. FrukawB, Japmeso ChurchBenevolent; Mrs. Du Roi, Hob-pita- l

Flower; Mrs. Whitney, W.O. P. U.j S. U. Dole and Ilov.Ma kintosh, uuottnehed.

President Dole was unanimously elected president of tho aseo-ciatio-

Tho next enroling of thewill bo held Wednes-

day afternoo next. Thero woroa larjo number preout at thomeeting afternoon.

m 9 m

llenvj-- KiiIm In Konn.The W. G. Hall brings tho ro-

port that thero havo beon veryheavy rains in Kona for tlio pa-- tfew days. Whou tho Hall arrivedin Koua Saturday it was fouudthat tlio wator was rubbing downat a terrillio ralo from Coerper'sresevoir abovo Holualoa. It sooiusthat tho hoavy raius had caused abreak. When the Hall loft, ihowater was still Uowing down intho bed that tho reservoir waterhad made. Tho hoavy rainB hadfound this place as an outlet.

(iorrninnt lto! Wnihtiil Out.The Government roid at Napoo-po- o

is in a bad stato jmt now saypeople who nrrivod from that district iu tho W. G. Hall today.During the past week thero was acloudburst or something nearlyupproaohiugit. Tho water wash-o- d

out tho road at tho placo mentinned aud made it impassable.This is tho second washout withintho past week or ten days.

The Meeting of Commissioners Held

Yesterday Afternoon.

Leaves of Absence aro Granted to Several

Teachers Teacher In Kona Is


Recommondations of the com-

mittee ou teachers wore dispobolof as follows at the meeting of theCommissioners of Public Instruulion yesterday:

Miss H. F. Coan of tho IliloUnion school was granted a lifecertificate based on length of foi-vic- e.

W. Vrodenbnrg of tho Wnimeaschool, Hawaii, was granted leaveof absenco for tbo remainder oftho torni on condition of his sup-plying a stitatituto.

O. F. True of tho Waiohinuschool, Hawaii, wob grauted leaveof absence for bis wife, on a sub-stitute boing provided.

Miss Franc Eaton of tbo Hiloselect school was graiitpd leave ofabsence, on account of her health,sbo to furnish n substitute.

A claim of J. O. P. Poahi con-cerniu- g

a school be claims to hovebuilt up at Kuluia, Kauai, was reforred to the Minister.

Charges ogaiust (Jeorgo Kani-ka- u,

preferred by tho schoolauontsof both North and SouthKoua, ot soiling intoxicatingliquor, wero considered on a re-

port of Inspector Goneral Townsend. Thn found Kauikan's ac-

tions, as stated by himself, "to beontiroly unworthy of n teacher."

A resolution was pat-sia- l "ihatMr. Katnk.u be informed that bislets iu assmtitig people iu his illstrict iu obtaining liquor art; dis-approved by this dijmlineiit, andthat any repetition of sueh notwill be dealt with Miinmurily."

A letter from CoiibiiI GeneralOhas. T. Wilder was read, an-nouncing tint Mr. Hifftniiun olSou Francisco would hogin workat bii early day on bis contract tobuild tbo Beretauin stieot scbool-houi- e.

Au application ot Mrs. Tuckor,ttaclior ol vnotl iuuhio in tho uov- -ernment schools, for an increase.of pay woa referred to tbo Minu-ter and tho Inspector Control

Tho Iusp-cto- r General reportedthat ho bad appointed, tiuhj ct totbo approval of the department,I'rinoe Li lople an assistant atLthaiunluuo in place of two ofthe former teachers who bad loftthe institution. Approved.

Other matters dispatched wereroutiuo and of no public impor-tance.

Miuistor E. A. Molt Smith pro-side- d

at the mo 'ling, wi'h him being present Professor W. D Ah

II. M. von Holt. J. Q.Wool and Dr. Walter Maxwell,also Iuspector General Townseud.


Clxllur. at the Polloo Htutloft,

Contractor Thomas is rushingalong with his work at the policestation. Today, tho hallwaycoveting the entrituct) into the re-

ceiving station was torn away audthe window just outside of thinp'neo is being lowered. The stsire-wil- l

load up ovor the placo recent-ly occupied by the hallway intotho stcoud story of the stables.lrom tliot placo a Hallway lo thel'olico Court is to be built. Thepolice clerk uow has his desk out-Bid- o

tho Deputy Marshals' ollice

N Contract Iborra In Koii'i,

Dr. Potorson returned fromKona and Kau in tbo W. G. Halltoday after having visited theplantations in those districts. Hefound Kau in good Hhapn andthen w out to Kona to look in'oplantation nlTairs there. Uo naystbat ho oxicotod to find contractlaborers at the Koua plantationbut was mistaken. Tho men em-

ployed there aro doing tho workou tho small farming proposition.

4 --At

First Loss From Ranks of Nswlj

Arrived Soldiers.

Typhoid Fever the Cause -- Was a Nitlve of

Rocheste- r- Eurlal Stivlce At 3 O'clock

This Afternoon.

Ellsworth Smith, n private ofBattery N, 'fJth U. S Artillery, ingartiton here, dird of tvohoiil feverat Buena Viata hospital yesterday.ins ago wn yi years. The holywill bocouveytd from the under-taking parlors of Ed. A. Williamsat 3 o'clock this afternoon to St.Andrew's Cathedral, wliero ser-vices will be hold, and thence thofuneral take place to Nuuauucemetory. The dead soldier is anativo of Rochesti r. N. Y. Dr.Yuill of Biinna Vii-t-a hospital cer- -tines iu uie tieaiu and cause.


Thero has been n continnouastream of investors up tboJuddnuiiding elevator all mnrniug totlio olhco of F. W. Macfarlano.Tho object is to get iu on thoWohiawa sugar plantation groundtloor. Clarnnnii M Wl.iti.looked up fiotn tbo receipts howas dealuiL' on loiw oimnnli i .!..dine giving speciljc iiiforniation'egnniiug too aiiituint at U o'clockp. mv Ho pointed, however, toho Kl.uidikv behind him on a

tray, and Hit. ri'D iitfr'i nv.u ilwJifor a inotnont ou muc

lllllig liel'veen $U),i (I 1 nm g'J ((.i"iO in U. S. gol.l coin. ManyChinese art' subscribing.

AMiriitii roxriiArr,

Lmdon, May !J. Renh inr, aquestion iu tho House of 0 minions today as to whether tlio In--diau Government bad nivon nnorder for tho Goktick viaduct inBurraah to an American firm, andwhy tho British inanufacturerahad not been asked to mako atender, the Secretary of Stato forIndia. Lord George. Hamil'on,replied that thn Indian Govern-ment had nothing to do with thacontrnot. It uas given, ho said,by tho Burmah Railway Compa-ny, which invited nix Euglish andtwo Amorioaii firms to mako ton-tier- s.

Ntrm,,r l,r !iiiii, (.. Lot..Tho steamer Iw,i was burned

while going into Bunaluu yester-day aftornoon. N tilling was saved.Thero was considerable frotgtit onher at the time. Thn firo is sup-posed to have started iu thoongiuoroom. The captain and the oreirdid tboir best to save tho Ia bulthe flames spread very raoidlv anilit vas soon seen llfat uothitioj!l)lltfl llA fl.inn rPli.... ....!..... .....t' '' wiifriiii lullerew tli-- n took to the boat nndwent astioro. The Chiuainaii whoanswered tho telephone this morning wii'ii qiiesiioneii aliotit tliomatter, gave the bent necount otthe burning. Ho raid the Iwa win"pan."

a pure onAPt crcm or tartan rowct




Highest Honors, World's FairGold Medal, Midwinter FairAioltl llililtifr I'lHTilcrn conliilolnvAlum. Ilteynro lujurtous to htlth

.' .'






Page 2: tTf-iiy- Kv Jyv. A w- Scheme Devise Evening xjlletin · 2015. 6. 1. · A telephono mesunco wns re coived at tho Police Station this morning from someonu in Kaka--ako telling of tho





W.B1WI 'womww- -.

2 THE H. I., MAY 20, 1899.rjiWJWHHUII'HT

Frtsh Goods by Every Steamer.Telephone 080.


GroceryJ. SALTER,

and Provision Merchant.Orpheum Block, Fort Street.

(Opposite Central Fire Station.)

Just Received Smoked Salmon, Smoked Ilnlibut,Spiced Herrings and Seattle Block Butter.



Bedroom Sets--A.3STD

Iron BedsteadsCity Furniture Store, '

Telephone i. Love Building, Port, St.

Fraternal Directory.


Mooti I'vcry Mnmlny I'tciilng at 7:30,In Ilnrimiiiv Hull, K.iip Ktruot.

J.I). Mi'Vr.KIH, N. G.E. It. HKNUin, Secretary.

All vlHltlng lirothoi-- vory cordiallyInvito!.MYSTIC LODGE No. 2, K.of P

McctHcvurv Wt'dni'wlny evening ut7:30 o'clock, Ciintle Hull, Fort Btri-ut- .

Visiting brothers cordially Invited toattend.1015 A.E. MUIU'HY, K. U.S.HONOLULU CHAPTER No. 1,

R. A. M.,Meets overy thir.l Thursiliiy cmimIhk InMasonic Teiiiilo. All viMtlng eotiijuin-lon- s

conllully Invited.A. V. OILKILLAN, H. P.


No 1, K. T.Meets In Masonic Teinplo on the KccnndThnrmlay ovenliiK of oacli month. AllvlHltliig'sir Knights courteously Invited.


J. D. TUCKER, Itecordor.

OAUU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.MeetM ovory Tluirfdnv ovening at theirCnrtlo Hall, 4l!iiK 1'oit htreet, at 7:30.Memlcrs of Mystic I.odgo No- - 2, andvlHltlng hrotherH, cordially Invited,

n. U. WAltl), V. O.1'. H.KILHEY,

1019 K. of It. and S.


A. O. V.,Meets every llrt it ml third Friday, atK.of P. Hull. 1'oit xtreet. A cordial.Wltatlou Is extended to visiting broth-ers. I'or onlor C. It.

V. A. Kl.TTER,1023 .Secretary.


No. 1, A.-- . fe A.- - S. B.Meets the tlrst TlnirMlny In eRtli month,at Masonic Teinplo. Sojourning andvisiting lirothnrs cordially Invited to nt-te-

all nicotlngs.W. M. FRANK 11. AUERHACH.



Masonic Temple, N. C. corner Alakea and Hotel StjKUitcd moctlngs, llrst Monday each

aontli. Special nientlngs, whuii callod(will bo noted In this space).

Mombors Lodgo Lo I'rogros, Pact Bo

Lodge, and all sojourning brethren cor-dially Invited.

ED. I. SPALDING. W. M.r. R. G. WALLACE. Secretary.


No. I, A.-- . fc A. B. R.Meets at Masonic Teinplo thn fourthThursday In each month. Sojourningand visiting brotlmis arc coidially

to attoud all mooting.V.". M. FRANK H. AUERHACH.

CLARENCE I.. CltAllDE. Socrotary.


No. 121. A & A. S.Kito.Stated meetings on the lust Monday of

each month, In lt hall. Mnxmilu Temple.OKO, CAM1TON, W. M.

WM. P. JOHNSON. Secretary.

GEO. W. DnLONG POST No.4f., G. A. J'..,

Department of California and Nevada,meets at Harmony Hall, King street,first Thursday ovoi.Ingof every month.Sojourning comrades are cordially In-

vited to attond.L. L. LaPIKRRE, P. 0.

JA8. T. COPKLANI), Adjt.


Love Block, Fort street. Heading roomopen day and evening for reading andsocial InlorcnurM), Itcgular meetlimsFriday, 7:30 p. in. Visiting Scotsmenspecially welcome at all timos.

OKO. I.. DAM.., Chlof.ALEX. B. KENNEDY, Secietary.

THE WAVER LEY CLOU."Organlzod Ih07.

Waverloy Illnck ; nntranco on llotliostreet. Flies of standard magazines andperiodicals; lending library; billiard,pool and card tables forfrco uso of mem-bers. Arrangement!) for transient visit-ors. Kntraneo fee Sl.'JC; inoiitlily dues,In luHnmo, ?I. Rooms open from 8 11 p. in. overy day.

A. V. OBAN, President.JAMES T.COPELAND, ItecordingSoc'y.ALLKN U. SCllIMOKOUU, Fin. Sec'v.


-- T"

Island Orders Solicited.

i. o. Box aoo.

fl.'il-fia- fi

AoMorttuonl of










Notice,Having returneJ and established myself at the

European Shaving Parlor, AW reliant street, oppositeJuJi Hutldlnc I wish to call the attention of my oldcustomer and new ones ho wish to favor us withtheir trade.

M A. PIXOTO,Formerly of thc.L'nlon Barber Shop,

G- - S. SOMMA,"lias openeJ business In the

O It P II 12 U M 15 L O C K,With a first-cla-

Bailoei Sliop,1 he patronage of old friends anj the public gen-

erally Is respectfully solicited. 122$


Arlington Block. Hotel Street.Joseph Fernandez. Prop'r


It has become very popular, andlsbolngused by both soxes. A sure euro fordandruir, prlclcley heut, and all skindiseases. Kold liy all druggists, and atUnion Harbor Shop. Hemoiubor thotrade mark, "tho two faces." Howaroof Imitations.

F. PACIIECO,Tel fl'Jfl. Solo Proprietor.

Tile La it Cur.The lust cum of tho King street

lino going to Wuikiki nnd Palnmnimfs tho Anchor Saloon. Theclcverobt mixologists in tho cityHre thprp nlwnys to put you upnnyiking you may dosiro. Dropiu and take n drop boforo you tnkotho car. The celebrated Seattleboor is to lir Imrl hero on draught.A full lino of liquors including thofamous A. A. Jeese Moorp Whiskyetc., nhvnys on hnnd. Recoivedper Wnrrimoo, Rainier Bock Boeron draught. Tho Anchor Snloonis hero to plpnso its imtrous.

Orphrtim MfHts can bo boolcpdby ringing up TeloDliono No. CIO.


Orpheum Theatro tonight.Cyclono Cameras aro tho best

and cheapest.Wheels rented; J. J. Richard-

son, Hotol street.Horso and bugpy complete, for

salo. Soa For Salo column.J. J. Egan, wifo and child leave

for tho States iu tho Alameda.Amorican Mesaongor Service

open all night. Tclcphonod'14.Mnnnger Ewart of Kilauea left

for homo in the Waialealo yester-day.

Dr. Posey, specialist for Eye,Ear, Throat and Noso diseases.MRBotiic Temple.

Board ami lodging at tho Queonhotel during June, July and Au-

gust for $35 a month.Mrs. Frrd. Glado and Miss vou

Holt will loavo for Vanconvor iuthe Warrimoo to bo awav forabout two months.

Thoro will be a meeliug of thoKamohameha Alumni Associationthis oveniuc. Everv member isrequested to bo present as important matters wm ue utscusscti.

Now Hawaiian History Alex-ander's Hawaiian History withthe "unauthorized" chapter addedhas been purchased by, and is onsalo at tho Golden Rule Bazaar,310 Fort street.

Tho return rifk match betweouG and B companies of the N. G.11. will take place at tue liakaakobutts tomorrow afternoon. Thowinner of tho match will cet nfifty dollar trophy.

Fred Harrison is prepared tofurnish headstones and monumontsin Hawaiian stono and marble.Anybody requiring tho same willplrneo place their order at onco.Memorial Day is fast approaching.King, near Alaken streets.

Tho Christian Workers' meetingwill bo hold this (Friday) if 'ornoon, May 27th, at 3:3 j o'clock, attho Y. M. O. A. halK The meet-ing will bo led by Rev. Mr. Mor-gan. A cordial invitation is ex-

tended to all to be present.New England Bakory fe Candy

Co., Hotel streot manufacture atine lino of bread, pastry, wedding cakes, ico creams, sherbetsand candies finest in the cityand prices very low. Telephone74. J. Oswald Lotted, Mana-ger.

Miss Juliette Smith was married to J. K. Farley .it tho homoof tho bride's brother yesterdayafternoon at 4 o'clock, tho Rev. H.H. Parker of Eawaiahao performing the sarviue. Ansa MuilelamoHartwell attended the brido andW. H. Rico was best man. Mr.and Mrs. Farloy will leave for thoStates in the Alameda today.


The OtisMoAUister & Co.coffcoreport of May 17 gives tho follow-ing rolativo to Hawaiian coffee:

Duriuc the past mouth a fairamount of business has been done,but considerable concessions hadto be made iu asking prices inorder to effect sales. A machlarger business could undoubtedly be done in iiawaiians but forthe fact that thoy aro held at con-siderably higher priced compara-tively than similnr grades of Central Amorican Lollies.

Sales sinco tho first of Aprilhavo been as follows: 72 bagsfauoy, 18; 400 bags good, 13

14o.j 78 bags prime, 14 ICo,124 bags inforior, 9 10c.

We qnoto Hawaiians: GoodCarrent Quality, 12(r614o ; Piime,

!$ loo ; laucy, IU lHJc.Stocks in first bauds "today

1734 bags.

L. F. Farloy conducts a lorcemercantilo business at LibertyHill, Ga. Hosajs: "Ono application ot Chnmberlian'8 PainBalm relieved mo of a severe painin ray back. I think it O. K."For lamo back, rheumatism, neuralgia, swellings, sprains, bruises,burns and scalds no other lini-mo- ut

can approach Ohamhorliau'sPain Balm. It is intended especially for theso disoases and isfamous for i(b cures. L or sale byall dealers. Benson, Smith & Co.,lienoral Agonts.

CIIAS. D. WALKER,Designer oni BullJer ot e

Yachts, Boats and Launches I

Work., 69, KINO ST.P O Box 6. Telephone 760,

RAINIER (isss:


Wl Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets. M

BEER....3 w


For Sale by All Dealers,


Book Cases, Letter Files,Document Files, Press Stands,Chairs, Stools, &c, of all stylesand prices, just received ex thebark "Mohican," and placed onsale at our warerooms on Queenstreet. We are prepared to outfityour office complete. Our newstock contains some of the verylatest and te time-savin- g

devices for business men. Calland be convinced.

Henrv Watcr iouso &Co

Office, Queen Street.TELEPHONE m.


Bank Fixtures,Office Partitions


Store CountersIn New andElegant Designs

Lewers & Cooke,FORT ST.



Il4i King St. P 0. Box 93.

Election of Officers.At a meetlnR of the stockholders of the

KONA SUGAR CO., LTD., held MayiSth, 1899, the following Officers andDirectors were elected :

J. M. McChesnev, President.J. L. Coerper, 1stW. Wf Hall, 2ndF. V. McChesney, Treasurer.E. O. White, Secretary.J. S. Walker, Auditor.A. F. Cooke, Director.

E. O. WHITE,1225MW Sec'y Kona Sugar Co., Ltd.

ILtei. "Wolf,Late of San Tranclsco, has openel

DRESSMAKING ROOMSSeconJ floor. ORPHEUM IILOCK. Tluoueh longeupcrlence anj constant atttnJance to work at th.Coast Mrs. Woll has acquired the art ol perfectfitting, and also giving full satisfaction In the latestanj moJrrn fashion.

Notice.The books of the Hawaiian Sugar Co.

will be closed to transfers from the 25thto the j ist of May, Inclusive.

W. M. TEMPLETON,t228-3- t Secretary H. S. Co.

No shop-wor- n goods on the coun-ters of merchants who advertise inThe Bulletin.




DRY GOODS!French, German, English and American.

A Fine Selection of Dress Goods, Zephyrs, etc.Tailors' Goods, a Full Assortment.

Clothing, Underwear, Shawls.


American and European




And nil Mnulilnory for tho coinoloto oqulpmout of Sugar Mills.

OFFICE, Room 9, Spreckels Block, Honolulu, H. I.1200 P. O Box





Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.





One thoroughbred WhiteEnglish Setter.

One Iivercolored thorough-bre- d

Pointer, Bitch. Just theright age for training.


fSfew-- . .n...- - Jv r. . . x.ttm.j- &itu&t i., . ,." ,r t.lwv j feisrf iJj J- - ..tiif.utkMjAktk,'jt.ii4i jiiiiiiK i.t'f, ). ii'i'ii i'x, t







Page 3: tTf-iiy- Kv Jyv. A w- Scheme Devise Evening xjlletin · 2015. 6. 1. · A telephono mesunco wns re coived at tho Police Station this morning from someonu in Kaka--ako telling of tho

n. f itpz "- & 'Mrr ir yn

THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. 1., MAY 2G, 1899. 8L mtmjmmnirnmmmH


-- )


gig PERFUMES &&Roger and Gallet,


Gosnell's, in all odors

Toilet Sets,Sachet

Maile Cologne,

Perfume Bottles,Powders,

Without a

Benson,SmithrCo.,LtdAND HOTEL STS.


Ami buy a homo and by so doing securemonthly dividends, this is ourand wo havo soino bargains in RealEstate. However, if you havo thofever and want to speculato in Stocks,wo will give careful attention to any or-

ders with us.,

L. C.Stock Broker and

315 Fort Street.





bstablish:bd ieo.The Germania Life Insurance Co.

Of TtETW YORK.ASSETS $25,730,910.18Legal Reserve to Policy Holders 2,189,498.00Surplus to Policy Holders 2,939,271.30Paid to Policy Holders since i860 40,425,515.67Claims by death paid to Beneficiary Policy Holders 21,838,904.52Matured Endowments paid to Policy Holders 6,023,051.71Life Annuities paid to Policy Holders 351,669.43Dividends and Surrenders paid to Policy Holders 12,211,890.00

Tho Germania Ismuos nil tho latest mid most llboral forms of Llfo, Instal-ment, Inoonio Divldond, Endowment or Hoiul l'ollclns.

GEAR, LANSING & CO., General Agents.EMMETT MAY, Manager.

Judd Building, Honolulu.

Telephone 92. P. O. Box 145


Groceries, Provisions and FeedN"'V (finda roelved ly every packet from the Status und Europe.

FEESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER.All onlor fulriifully attoii'leil to, mill ironds tlnllvered

TO ANY PART OP THE OtTY FREE.Gonoral Agents for tho Sanitarium Brand of Health Foods.

Inlanil Order Sollolteil. Satisfaction Guaranteed,

East Corner Fort and King Sts.Ex Aloha

JUST TTILT.C.KZIEID,A Hoavy Consignment of

ABLES,Real Estate Agent.

Telephone 139.



Up - to - Date Furniture,Comprising lied Room Sots, Parlor unci Dining Itoom Sots,

ChnlrH, Tublos, Sidoboards, and Ollleo Furniture, direct from tho Kustorn Factory.CALL IN AND SKR FOIt YOl'ltSELVKS.

Coyne -- Mehrten Furniture Co., Ltd.J. A. MEHRTEN, JYnntter.Progress Block, Fort & Beretaiiia, Sts


Orpheum Building, Tort Street.EI-A-3S-


B, Piop'r.Will open on May 1st as a first-clas- s modern hotel. A German chef has been

specially Impoiteu und every attention will be given to the culinary department. Afirst-cla- shori i r bill of fare. Regular dinner at 5:30 p. m. Dining hall 60x30.Private supper inn is; billiard tables; barber shop, and every convenience.

A few office to let In the building. 1206


, STORE.P. O Uj n


PRESCRIPT ! - S and FAMILY RECUJES our specialty.

Cur D-u- J '''emlcals are fresh and pure.

A ful" nt uf Druggists' Sundries.

Satlsfactlor w ilways be found In the Dictionary, and by trading with us.

P""'AO KOL for Headache and Seasickness.

We KnowBy Experience

Viso men use tho cxpcrlonco ot othersand make It their own.

Tboso who havo taken Hood's Sarsapa-rlll- a

aro tho ones who aro competent tospeak of Its merits.

Tho testimonials ot cures by Hood'sconstltutoa vast mass of. testimony whichproves tho power of this mcdlclno to euroa great variety of diseases.

Thcso cures often seem marvelous, yetthey aro perfectly natural and aro easilyexplained. They aro tho necessary resultof purifying and enriching tho blood.

"I havo been troubled with scrofula allmy llfo, and it effected my eyes eo that Iwas obliged to remain In n dark room. Ibegan taking Hood's Sarsaparllln. Nowmy eyes aro so strong that tho light nevertroubles mo, and my health is good."Mns. Cahiuu Weeks, Lompoc, Cal.

HOOCl'S partitaIs tho Ono Truo Blood Purifier. Prlco f 1.

Hnnri'c Pillc '? to take, easy to buy,ca,y to operate. 25c.

Hotels and Restaurants.


Best 5c. CigarTo bo hail for tho monoy.


Beaver Lunch Rooms.H. J. NOLTE.

Orphenm Cafe,FORT STREET,

:: Near the New Theater

Best Meals in the City !

and sorvod by whlto

Upon day and night.1150 C. T. GOW, Manngnr.

Notice.Persons wishing to obtain board at

Makawao, Maui, can be vcuommodatodat MILS. II. 1). UAIl-KY'S-,

Tonns, $10 por wonk.

Notice.The undersigned .beg leave to

notify their patrons and the publicthat the Grocery and Provisionbusiness of their respective firmswill be consolidated and incorporat-ed under the name and style ofHENRY MAY & CO., Limited,on June 1, 1899. All accounts con-tracted prior to that date will bedue to the undersigned and not tothe Corporation.

Pending the erection of the newstores to be occupied by the Cor-poration on the site of the presentstore of H. May & Co., the Com-pany will occupy as a retail depart-ment, the store now occupied byH. E. Mclntyre & Bros, at cornerof Fort and King streets, TelephonesNos. 22 and 92, with Messrs. H. E.Mclntyre and Day, of May & Co.,in charge. The Wholesale, andalso the Retail Department of theCompany will be conducted at theJ. T. Waterhouse stand on Bethelstreet, Telephones Nos. 24 and 949'with Mr. T. May and Mr. F. Water-hous- e

in charge. The undersigneddesire to express their thanks totheir patrons and the public for pastfavors and ask that same be con-tinued to the Company succeedingthem.


Dated, Honolulu, May 1899.1 224-- 1 m.

The Latest in Jewelry J

Hawaiian Moss Opal Jewelry

Neatly Cut, Polishedund Mounted. . . .

Dest Custom Work Is done both re--B

airing and new work. Pins, Rings,racelets, Watchmaking, etc.

EC. g."bTajrt,404K FORT STREET.



Is a pretty Advertisersgood paper for who use its col

$2.50 per an-


umns GET

preforably GOOD

in advance. RESULTS !


Preparations for the First Commercial,1

Cnmrrfss. t

Opened by the President-Mee- ting of Many

Manufacturers -T- beObjects.

The following letter hirj beenreceived relutivo to tho Commer-iiin- l

Congross to bo held in Phila-delphia next (nil:

EniTon Evenino Bullktin:The work in which the Philadel-phia Commercial Jlmcum is ong-nyci- l,

nntl tbn rtault it bin boret"foro accomplished, with the uon-oru-

co operation of our own midother governments, may nlroadyhnvp come to your notice.

Tho First Commercial CongrosBbold under the auspices of our In-stitution, in 1897, was successfulin demonstrating its intematiouHlcharacter and showing that it isespecially well fitted to bringabout muttiHlly beneficial tradorelations between tho UnitedStates and foreign countries. Thestanding and reputation of theMuseum js such that no other In-stitution in this country could in-spire greater confidence. It doesnot outer into trade of aoy kinditself, and is in no way affiliatedwith politics. Its advice and ser-vices are absolutely impartial anddisinterested and intended for thegonoral good.

l''or these reasons the nronosalof tho Museum to inaugurate amill moro commercialgathering has met with enthusi-astic approval, and thoro can bono doubt of tho succoss of the In-ternational Commercial Congress,which, together with tho NationalExposition of American Manufac-turers, will be held uudor its aus-pices during the Autumn of thepresont year.

Tho Congress will bo of tbegreatest possible benefit to all thecountries represented in its delib-erations. 'J hero will bo affordedovory opportunity for a full and

dnousiion of all matters ofinterest between tho United Statesand other nations. Unchecked inany way by government control,tho gathoring will attract world-wide attention. Its recommenda-tions will no doubt have greatweiubt in shaping tho future legislation of this country. Tho im-portance of the Oonjjreas is suuuthat the openiug etuMon will bepresided over by tho President oftho United States, and tho eutireDiplomatic Corps stationed atWashington will bo in attoudanco.

Reprepontatiou in the ConreB9will bo, first, by delegates appoint-ed by the various countries desir-ing to participate; and, second, byregularly appointed delegatesfrom Chambers of Commorce andother commercial bodies. Invitations to appoint these two olassosof delegates bavo beon sent toyour country. Also, invitationsto tho most important businessmen who will bo welcomed in apiivale capacity. Tho Congresswill be formally opened on October 10.

Distinctively commercial in itspurpose aud character, tho Expo,sition will afford the Guest oppor-tunity over prosouted for rankinga comparative study of tho world'scommerce and industries, liusinoHH men attending tho Expositionwill be able to do so at a mini-mum expense, ns arraneeraontsan- - being mnde for reduced trans-portation rateB.etc.Thoy ill be ableto meet, on the spot, tho headB ofthe lending Amoiicau houses andwill be nblt to make business cannections huoIi ns could at no othertime to lie secured without under-going an extensive trip in all parteof tho country.

Betaking that the importantcommercial relations existing on

your country and ours willbo still further ouhanoed andbenefitted through the medium oftho Congress and Exposition, wowould bespeak for tho same anadequato montinn.

Very yours,The Philadelphia Commercial

Museum.W. P. Wilson,


Subscribers to tbe BUL-

LETIN not receiving their pa-

pers promptly will confer afavor by notifying tbe "Busi-

ness Office, Telephone 256.m 9 m

The IJulktin, 75 cents per month.

r - m

LUnK and MREiNAWtoA(jEllT,

AGENTS FOR..New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

Etna Fire Insurance Company

of hartford.


Stock BrokerFORT ST.,

Next to Bttirt'tt Jewelry Store.


Hawaiian Sugar Co.Knhuku




Members Stock and Bond Exchange.


Particular attention given to purchase and sale ofHawaiian Sugar Stock.

Loans Negotiate!. Eastern and Foreign Stocksand Bonds.

403 Cnllfornlii St.,San Francisco, Cal. 1172

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

reaiTestateCtT We will Hay or Sell Ileal Estatoli

11 parta of tbo group. a

T7 Wo will Sell Fropertles on Kcmodihlfi Oommiflftlonm

OFFICE. 10 West King Street


Real Estate Broker.223 MERCHANT ST.


Twolvo Chlnofo Qrnnlto HitchingPosts, $ each.

1'roporty In town.



Unltod States Cuxtom IIouro llrokor,AccouliUut, Soarchor of TUI03 midGonoral UurIiiohh Agont.Tolopliono 520.

OFFICE: No. 15 Kaahumanu street,Honolulu. Formerly A. Uosa'a nfllce

H . W. WEST,

Office: 639 King Street.

Telephone 641. 1201


Membel of Honolulu Stock Exchange.Queen street.

Telephone 7J. P. O, Doi 591

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,Qeneral Manager of

Fhe Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of tbe United States for the HawaiianIslands.

Ori'OAi Merchant street, Honolulu 1


No, 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraiaemont of BealSatato and Furniture.

A. J. CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Broker.

Member of the Honolulu Stock Exchang.

Office Queon street, opposite UnionFeed Company.

Telephone 500. P.O. Box 1.

Agents, Biokcrs and Jobbers.

W.G. Irwin &Cu.Limited

Agents forWestern Sngar Itotiner; Co. of Baa

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Works of I'hll- -

deltibla.l'nuu.. 0. 8. A.Kcwoll Univerenl Mill Co. (Nations

CaueShredd'jrl.N' --r York, U. 8. A.f.Uhlundt & Go's Cbrmlcnl Kertiliurs.Alex Cross & Souk, hch grade fertll.

izers for Car.o and Couoe.Bceds Stcniu t'ipo Covering

llsoOffer for Saleramniiie Pnlnt Go's V & B Paints and

Pntwrri; Lncol and Linseed oils, rawuid liolkd.

Inlnr' .. (a oold water paint) in wlilUitud oolortt.

Filler Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andtricks.


II OISOITJ T U.Commission Merchants,


The Hwa Plantation Co.The Walalua ARtlcultural Co.. LM.The Kohala Suear Ca.The Walamea Suear Mill Co.The Koliu Ac'Uultural Co.The Onomea Supar Co.The Fulton Ironwork. St. Louis, Mo.The StinJirJ Oil Co.The tieo. i:. UlaWe Steam Pumps.Weiton'a CtntrltucaH.

The New LnjlanJ Life Insurance Co, of Doetoa.The .tna I Ire Ins Co. of Hartford, Cono.Th Alliance Assurance Co. ot London.



Agents for ihc California and OrientalSteamship Company.



m. a. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED).

Vm. G. Irwin, I'roeidont and MnnBReiJlmtB Hprooki)l, ...V. M. OifTiinl, Hecretnry nnd Trensnretrbeo. O. l'ortor, - Anditot


Commission Agents.Aor.NTS or TII



Queen struct. Honoluln, H.l.

, AGENTS FORHiwallan Agricultural Company, Onomca Snrmiiompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WallokiI a gar Company, Walhee Suear Cormiany, Makejfar Company, llalcakala Ranch Company, Kapala Ranch. Planters' Line San FrsnclaoD

'acketa, Chaa. Brewer tt Co.'t Line of Boitoa'ickcts. Agents Boston Bontd ofUnderwrltcra.Va:ent PlilUdelphla Boarrt of Underwriters.

list or ornnKRSiCMCooko, Prnddent ;Utorgt II Bobertson,lanngorj E F Bishop, Treasurer and Seo-etar- y;

Col. W F Allen, Auditors 0 M Cooke,Waterhonse, A V Carter, Dlreotors.

M. PHILLIPS & CO.,Wholesale Importers and Jobbers ot

hropoan and American Dry Goo4

Fort and Qnoen Htreots.



Oar. Kor nnd Uneon Streets Honolniii

CITY REPAIR SHOP115 Hethel Street, opposite Water-hou- se

& Co.Strictly new 18158 Cleveland Illocles tor Rent,Second-han- d IIIC)desfor sale.Kertalrlne rromrtlv and thoroughly attndM

All work guaranteed.E.JONES.R. CLARK

Honolulu Iron Works Co.Improved and niodurn SUGAR MA

.'HIN'KItY of every iMpaclty ntitl des.

.Tlptloti inndu to ordnr. Itoller workmil mvin'Kl) VIVKS for irrigationpiirpiMUH a HHi'inlty. Iitrtictllur attoa-do- ll

pnld to JOM WOltK, nnd remlrH or-pii- r.i

,11 MlinrtHl notlri'

Real Estate Transaotiont,Babeoribers are famished with from tin

xi six lists per week, giving an anoaraUesord of nil deeds, mortRapes, Uoasn,

powers of attorney, etc., etc, wblohue pliwd on record.Subscription rrlce, 92.00 per Moalli,

A. V. GEAR,Judd Building, Honolulu.





Page 4: tTf-iiy- Kv Jyv. A w- Scheme Devise Evening xjlletin · 2015. 6. 1. · A telephono mesunco wns re coived at tho Police Station this morning from someonu in Kaka--ako telling of tho



ft"' '

"W' ' " ' Tpjip.Ti''??" " ' T " v r"'3,y7,,''"4 - ornrf:"frrffiJf" H'-- fjtp'JW' 'Wlf'V"






Hit? '

Evening Bulletin,'obiiihtd Every Div, except Sunday, at io King

street. Honolulu. H. 1.. tv the



Mllcriilloll KiitrNtPer month, ny here In Hawaiian Islands....! .75

" " " 8Peryear ou

Per year, Amerka.Canada 00

Per year, postpaid, other foreign countries 13 00

ar"PayaMe tnwrlat-l- In advance,


Post Omct Hox 718

EltlDAY, MAY 'JO, 1899.

rAguinnltlo's purrontler iiinl the

decision for Droyfus 6tntid on n

par in tlie icnlui of "amu expect-


Ilawnii can't claim to Btiud aceLinb with tlio army when tlio bigtrnunpoits begin to give tin theby."

If the iinti-fxpiusi- ciowd i'b

mule up of iho "mipciior Anifi-lca- n

people" the nation has btillto bf thankful that it lias a goodbiz 1 popnlitinti of "inferior cif'- -


Tho Filipino jnutii Bays theCincinnati regiment litis causedUen. Utia mucn tronulo. It iscertainly tlio ouly regiment thathas not ciused Aguiualdo trouble,because it has nover been in thefield.

Tho Associated Charities pro-

position has beru floated with theluuni ease of now Hono'uluBshemes. Tho capital stock inthis corporation h fully paid upand is nil assessable. It is a goodinvestment from all standpoints.

The best thing the Americanauthorities can do for Edward Atkinsoti is to pay bis expanses fora trip to tho Philippines. Payhim a salary for using his bono-Sce-

iutluouce in quelling thomurderous spirit of tho Filipino.

Yhat's tho obj'ot of presputingDewey with a homo when thewhole untiou is preprint to keepopen houso for tho admiral forthe rest of his life. It looks as if

einio good Americans worotho possibility of "re-

turn banqiiptp."

Andrew Carnegie has offered tncontribute $50,000 for the Univercity of Birmingham, Eng., thisgift being "a slight acknowledge-ment of a debt that Pittsburg, thegreatest beneficiary of our steelinventions can over hopo to ra-

iny." Local philanthropists mighttake tho cuo and in tin est Carnegiein the sugar industry thus en-

abling him to distribute a few en-

dowment debts in this direction.

Harpers' Weekly views tbo retiroraent of Spenkor lined to pri-

vate busiuoas walks as an evidenceof the degradiug influence of poli-

tics and tho lack of iletiro on thoput of truly great men to remainin official harness. This U a con-

sistent argument for Harper's"Weekly. The practical foaturo ofMr. Heed taking up the law busi-

ness in Now York city is that hois gunning for bigger politicalgamo than be 1ms thus far bagged.Iteod and Piatt are friends nud thehorrorB of politics nro not likelyto causo Hood to stick too ol iselyto hia law or Piatt to givo his en --

tiro attention to his express com-


Tin: omaiia isxiiiuir.

The Hawaiian exhibit atOmnhtis well under way so far as proIiminaries aro ouicernd. Nowgotillemon "smoko up." TheChamber of Oimrajrce is not n

charity organization and while itis willing to nssumo the brunt ofthj financial reaponsnility, it doBorvoj the unitol support of alltho business mou of the country.

Tlio local effort should at least

rceiv n hn't soa tud from theH.lo Chamber of Commerce. Thit

exhibit is t be no hide boundpo'nicil nlTair, e'liss, politics andlocal jealousios liav.J no place in it.Tho industrial and educationaldevelopment of Hawaii is to bodisf-lujo- l in its best nud mostcomplete dress, compnnsius willbe drawn botweou Hnwtu's repre-sentation and that of othor Statesas well ns o'hor insulnr possessions and tho peoplo who believ.iin tho future of tho territory, whoare to share iu tho bonofits comingfrom a praoticil nud Interestingportrayal of local conditions cannot nlTord to withhold mural nudfinaucial support.

Cltr 11V AN AtVNINU.

J. J. Kecnen, a plantation man,called at tho Deputy Marshal'soffice this morning nnd laid in acomplaint against tho proprietorof tho store nt tho cornerof llot'l and Nuuanu streets. Heto'd tho following story:

"1 went across the street fromthe Excelsior restaurant at aboutit o'clock yostorday afternoon.Tlio wind was blowing very brick-l- y

nt tbo time. 1 hud just stopped on the pavement ill front ofthe JrtpaiiCHo storo wheu some-thing struck mo on the top nf thehead with groat force. I wasstunned by tho blow but did notfall. Just thou n polico officerdime up. I turned and lookedup. There was the awning hang-ing down nud I found out whathad struck me. Tho knob on oneond of the rollor was partly brokenso that a sharp edge was left. Thopolicemnu saw the blood spurtingfrom my head nnd assisted mo. Iwent into tho storo and immedi-ately informed ono of tho clerks.Ho siid ho kuow oothiog whatever about tho mnttor. Tlio proprietor was not at homo so Ithought I would lenve tho mnttoruntil this morning. I wont to adoctor and had tho wound sewedup. Now I want to know if thoproprietor of tho storo ennuot bemade to pay my doctor's bill andfor tho time I am losing from mywork "

Deputy Marshal Chillingworthwout up to Murata's store andsaw tho proprietor who said thatthe awning was at its usu'tl heightand tlmt, at any rnte, it was hoisted up at tho time the man says liowas struck. A warrant was ioimediately gotten out for tho arrestof M. Chiya, tho propriotor, ontliH charge of cutnmon nuisance.

It has only been but n shorttime ngo sinco n speoial ollicurwas sont out to the various placesalong Nuuanu street to warn thopropiietors of tho various storesabout such obstructions as awn-ing, awnings and tho like.

Tmnla.A start in moo's doublos in the

tennis tournament was made yesterday on the courts of the Boro-tani- a

and Pacific tennis clubs.Tho result was as follows. FrankAthortnn nnd 0 fl Cooko wonfrom E A Mo't-Srait- h and EWodehouse, G-- GO. D HownrdHitchcock nnd 8 G Wilder wonfrom A Hornor nnd E Groenwell,

.G 4.G 4,nnd H Mmt-8init- h nndJ Wnterbouso from Albert Wnter- -

hnuRo nnd Elwin Hall, 12-1- 0, G-- l.

On the Borotauia courts E H Turinand B F Uonrdmore won from V

i Wall nud Sam Woods, G-- G--

G Waterhouse nnd J P Couke de-

faulted to W H Babbitt and GeoFuller, and G P Wilder and 0 HW Norton to Ohns Elston nndDonald 11ob. Tho matches

for this afternoon nre asfollows:

P. T. C, G p. m. E 11 Adamsand A T brock vs H Motl-Smit- h

and J Waterhoubc; 0 A Elstonand Donald Boss vb E II Parisand B F Ueardmoro.

IS. T. C, ii p. ra. 0 II Cookoand F 0 Atherton vb W H Hnbhilt aud Geo Fuller; S G WilderWilder aud D I Hitchcock vs SBoffmnn nnd P M Lnnsdale.

A Tulunleil Youth.Mr. Uinst'-d- , Commissioner of

tho Omaha Exposition, leaves forhome with his wife and son in theAlameda. Maxtor Uiusted who isfuuiteoti yearaold, has remarkableinutdcal talent. He is n fineniarist. his nliivinc Imrn hnvimohnrmed private groups. Beforehis video began changing n yenrngo, the lad was in grent demandat homo for concert nnd churchsolos. Ho was consideredtho finest boy soprano vo'co inNohrn-k- a. It is to lis hopd IIu'dulii will lmo ui'iuy visits fromhim iu tho future.



1114 Ask.'J I1IJ lAskei


C Hreuer & Company.


AmertCfln SugarCnMnstAmerican S Co.,jJ up J in ui',itiwa'fltlon Co ... 180Mamoi Plantattnn Co .

H.iwaiUnAi;rlciiltiiralCoHawaiian augar ko .Honomu Sugar Co ..... 450Ilonokaa Sugar Co.....Haiku Sugar CoKahuku Plantation Co., 185Kamalo Sugar Co . asKamalaSugarCo.rJ 16Klhel P.Cn.LtJ..p4up 50

Sugar Co. .. "5 45Koloa Sugar Co........Knna Sugar Co , as. . ))ihona sugar o ,pj upMaunalcl Sugar Co.asMaunalrl Su Co pi upNalilku Sugar Co., n iNalilku Su Co., pj upuinu sugar company JOSOnomea Sugar CoOokal Sugar Plan CoOUaSu. Co., LU., aslUlaa SuCo.LtJ, pj upOlowalu Company .

Paauhau Su. Plan, CoPacific Sugar .MillP.. la Plantation CoPfpwkeo Sugar CoPioneer Mill Co aWalatut Agr. Co., a lorWataluar.Co, pJ up 180!Walanae Company .

Walluku Sugar Co . . .

Walmanalo sugar Co .

Walmca Mill Co . .


WlUer StcainOiln Co .

Inter-ltan- J SUamNCo1Ifawahin I lectrlc CoHon. RapM r A: Land CoKnnKu T. &T.C",LtJMutual Telephone Co . i'AMakahiCoffeeCo,L,aslAUkatia " Ld pJ Rv&LindCo 'ijiiiHa tXcCo., Ltd


It.wallanGov 6 per cent!Hawaiian uov. 5 prr rem

r)ihil Uulttml Cn lOjj

HONOLULU EXCHANGE 10 Session: ai Maw'n Suear, jo; it Oatiu, aj;

ko Klliel, ij: 10 O. K. & L. Co., 140: 10 O. I. & L.Co.. 140: 10 O. l ft U Co., 140: 10 O. U. & L. Co..140; iu O. K. & L. Co.. 140: is Oahu, 2ii.p. m. Session: 10 Walalua, assessable, 110;100 Klhel, 15U; 100 Klhel, ij',.

HAWAIIAN EXCHANGE SALES.Detween DoJrJs: too Nahuku. assessable, a.40;

so Nahuku. assessable, 9.40; a$ Klhel, assessable,is; 50 Alaunalel, assessable, 9.1s: ao Olaa, assessa-ble, 1.

Tim Georgia Mln.trrliQnvo n great show nt tho OpernHoubo nud to nn audience greaterin number thnu cvttr proviouslyofficially counted. Tbo reputa-tion enjoyed by the company intheir line, was tho muse of theirhaving each pheuomonnl succoss.Aud ho it goes, reputation is theattraction and the criterion thatranuy things, aB well as peoplo,aro judged by. Now a neglectedlawn, gives n householder n badreputation iu his neighborhood,but the introduction of a Cali-fornia Clipper Lnwn Mower whichmay be obtained from tho PacificCycle it Mfg. Co., on Fort street,iu the Ehler's block will, withproper usage, smooth tho surfaceof the lnwn as well qb smooth therufiled feelings of the surroundingneighborhood nnd when tbo lawnemerges from ita neglected atatoto ono of cultivation and care theowner will feel happy andhavo n pnrdouablo prido inhimself and his home nnd n betteropinion of his neighbors.

All SortsAndConditions ofHOSE! - - -



Closing out odd lots at special

prices regardless of the advance In


Pacific Hardware Co,, Ltd,,

Fort Street. 4

I DULI&atl Iif- - I'iMiiVi'!iia

MtXlrnWu, t fjv SlL.f p ATyi 'MM!

w3fiS3COieTrial will prove their1r...vv. -t,m'pi



Hats and Gaps !

There's nothing lacking to make theline complete.

We have just received a fine line ofALFRED BENJAMIN & CO.'S SUITS,better than custom made, which we areselling from 5i6 to $25.

OUR BOYS' SUITS are just grand atthe prices we are offering them.


55, will surprise you.OUR GOLF AND NEGLIGEE

SHIRTS are chejper than ever offered be-

fore In this city.A fine new line of MEN'S AND BOYS'

HATS AND CAPS, which we are sellingvery low.

Agents for Dr. Delmel's Linen MeshUnderwear. Send for Catalogue.

"The Kasli,"9 Hotel street : : Waverley Bloci

We Make Shirts to Order.Telephone No. 676. No. o-- Hotel St.

New BookThe Drums of the Fore and Aft Kipling.Under the Deodars Kipling.Rabbi Saunderson lau Madaren.Far Above Ruu!e Geo. Macdonald.David Harum (The book of the year.)Red Ro;k Thos. Nelson Page.McTeanue Frank Norrls.The Span o' Life.Without Dogma SlenUlewicz.'I he Deluge SlenUlewicz.Mine Own People Kipling.Jack Curzon Gunter.Phroso Anthony Hope.Magdalene's Fortunes Helmburg.Vlcomte De Puyjoll Jules Clarette.Joan the Curate Florence Warden.Peter the Priest Jokal.The Procession of Life Vachell.The Real Lady Hllda-Cro- ker.

The Sisters of TorwooJ May AgnesFleming.

Rolls of Normandy Sylvanus Cobb, Jr.Richard Bruce Sheldon.

And many others, both In cloth andpaper bindings, at the

GoldenMeBazaar316 FORT STREET.


50 Centssaspep Dozen

You can see this announcementin our Ewa window.

This is a splendid sale for thisweek, and every housekeeper shouldtake advantage of it.

When you are buying your glasseslook at our fine line of decoratedcottage sets for six persons 56pieces for S7.90.

Best quality plated tea spoons$2. 85 per dozen.

Fine nickel reading lamps $2 each.Then inspect our bargain tables,

where you will find many usefularticles at prkes that will astonishyou.

W.W. Dimond & Co.,LIMITED.

.Von Holt Block, King street.

tSTAgents, Gurney Cleanable Refri-gerators, Detroit Jewel Stoves, (ForCoal and Woodl, New Blue Flame OilStoves, Primus Stoves, Success Filters.

.-ryv'iHrt.r&ria!l -rn7rir!- - - -

' DAIrtT)' I I.A I?



merit n 'Hiil--i-. g


AS GOOD AS SILK!Is What We Claim for Our

Printed Art Sateens !

Unique Designs. Perfect Colorings. The choicest lot of Art

Draperies ever exhibited. Only one piece of a hind. Do not fail to

see them.


Fort Street.

THEO.H.DAVIES&CO.,Lt&Merchants and Commission Agents.

Carry a Complete Line of Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, &c. Paints,Oils and White Lead.


Agents for Clariphos & Dick's Balata BeltingThis Belllnc Is acknowledged by several of the most expert engineers on the

Islands to be the best, most durable, and least expensive.Also Agents for Kclchefer Bros.' GRAY AGATE WARE, of which a full line

Is carried.A good selection of IRON BEDSTEADS, .U,TTING, LINOLEUM, LAWN


Lime, Cement, Fire Clay and Fire Bricks.


ueucious Dating.Also just received, FRESH CAKES and CRACKERS, and a full line of

Fancy and Staple Groceries.At lowest market rates.

Tolophono no.



HONOLULU STOCK YARDS,Corner Alakea Queen Streets






HarnesSjSurreys, Phaetons,and Carriage Materials.

Honolulu Carriage flanufactoryVV. w. WKHll'r, Pron'r. few




1, format lUmikua I t,oc



5. A4o-roo- Lodging IIoum. !. !1. WITHDRAWN.I. its crcs coffee land, Kona J.00j. SOLD

10. Lot 'A Jcre near town .S


u. SOLD.

I. House and Lot, Punahou i,otx14. Large Lot inj good Pajlnc Mildness e.oo.

ij. Large Lot. I'alama, nearly '.a acre 4.00116. Lot soxuo.wlth dwelling house.Quarry St t.soi

For further partlrulars apply to

J. M. VIVAS,G Pout Office Lime, - Honolulu.

If you want business property,If you want a home cheap,If you want a lodging house,If you want property that will enhance Invalue, It will pay you to consult


Fort oppo. Pacific IlarJware Co.

212 Kin); slroot, noxt to tlio Arlington.






3,000 Acresin South Konasuitable for Coffee Cultivation.


Real Estate Ayenl,15 Kaaiiumanu St.

For Rent.Tho Premises known it.

tho " TIVOLI" situated on

tho bench ut "Wnikiki. Pur-uislie- d

or Unfurnished.

For particulars, apply to


No. 310 Fort SU.






'TfrKln'tirir'-- " - "- - ' taLf-- - - i' W(.. n. '. , .'. Wuk.. lHM&Si!JMViJk-nj.- . .v , a'-- 'f& bV

Page 5: tTf-iiy- Kv Jyv. A w- Scheme Devise Evening xjlletin · 2015. 6. 1. · A telephono mesunco wns re coived at tho Police Station this morning from someonu in Kaka--ako telling of tho






1)n Tint fnrrrnf tlw fUnnhntLawn Party, tomorrow, Suturckynftpruoon, from 3 to Oat tbu homoof W. It Oiihtlo cortior of Victoriaai)d Kiunu BtreetH. That the

will bo delightful inevery wny ie assured by tbo facttbnt tbo rigbt people arc mannp-in- g

tbe different departments. Itis bopcd tbnt strnrjuers in Hono-lulu muy find their way to na tbo Hawaiian aouv-en- ir

tablo baa beon nrraugcd es-

pecially witb n thnnpbt for them.COMMITTEES.

Dinner Cnrda Mrs. BellaJones, Mrs. D. Case, Mrs. H. E.Colnmnn.

Hawaiian Souvodkb MiBs Har-riet Lowors, Mrs. J. Shaw, MissWard.

Cundv Tablo Mrs. W. E.Brune, Mrs. 0 H. Atborton, MisBObnrlotto Hall.

Flowor Tnblo Tbo MiasosPaty, Miss Afonpr.

Lomouado Tablo Miaa Potter,Mrs. F. Pottor, Miss May Kluogel.

Ico Croam Bootb Mrs. 0. B.Damon, Mrs. A. T. Piersnn, Mrs.H. H. Williams, Mrs. 0. H. Khm-ge- l,

Mrs. Clark, Miss Piirke.Tamales Mrs. A. Fuller.Pnlmiatry- - Alr&. Spear.Entertainment and Illustrated

Ballad' --Tbo Misses Hitchcock,Mif-- Ada bitney.

fy rc 'jrpprn -- r!5wi.'7H'3f ' w"rjiW r tir" YPT" "7" 'V'fTJiWl'WJ


I sPbhJ






Pacific Heights Notice.

Applications will be received at the office of BRUCEWARING & CO. for the purchase of Lots on


Situated on the magnificent hillside between Nuuanu andPauoa Valleys, and commanding a superb marine and scenicview stretching from Diamond Head over Punchbowl to theWaianae range of mountains.

A broad, winding Boulevard giving access to the propertyis now in course of construction, and choice lots of sufficientarea for magnificent homesteads will soon be available.

On the Nuuanu side of the hill is a Pali protecting it fromthe high winds and heavy showers of Nuuanu Valley, ensuringa salubrious climate.

The elevation of the property is from 1 SO to 750 feetabove sea level.

Applications will be numbered and filed, and choice willbe allotted according to the number of the applications.

Only $1,000 for a lot 100 x 200 feet. Terms easy.

BRUCE WARING & CO.,Rooms 7 and 8, Progress Block.

JustReceivedNewGoods - - - -

New GramophonesNew RecordsNew Music BoxesNew GuitarsNew MandolinsNew Chickening andKroeger PianosNew EverythingIn the Music Line. i




Progress Blools..tsr Pianos sold on Installments of $10 per month.


Headquarters far Stella, Regina, Olympia Music Boxes.


The Tribune bicycle ia n gentle-man'- s


Trent your children to tbo ra

mutiueo tomorrow.Wanted to purobntp n foot Mor-

tise miiclinip. S'O Want co-lu-

A good gentlo horse, huuey andbarnvss for stile. See For Salecoluinu.

Auotbor driver was nrrosted thisforenoon for driving bis drnyfasttr than it walk.

There will bo a meeting of theFinance Committeo of tho Y. M.0. A. this afternoon.

Mrs. Eagan, wifo of GeneralEnyan, has been quite ill at thoUnwaiiun hotel for tbe past fewday i.

Tbo furniture of a six roomIioubp, oniprioing every requisitefor sale chunp. bee ior bale coluinu.

Prof Iticlmrds will epik at themen's meeting in tho i. M. 0. ASunday afternoon. Subject: "Lovefor service."

II. P. Eikiu of Uallentyno .v

Eukin is coiitincd to bis room attbo Shaw home on King strretwith the fever.

Ain't it fine, just liko silk, artdraperies in beautiful debiuns andcolors to ho had at N. S. Sachs &Oo. Sto ad on paged.

P. H. Drooks Division, No. 1,W. It. K. P., are ordered to meetat their armory, K of P. Hall at2 p. m., Sunday. Sop Now Today.

Ohief Justice Judd is detainedfrom bis ollico, sinco his returnfrom his country residence be-

yond the Pali, with, slight lame-ness.

Chang Chan and Luog Ghau,formerly members ot tbo firm ofWing We Lung & Co , have with-drawn from the firm. Seo NewToday.

Among tho arrivals from Mauiand Hawaii ports in tbo WGUalltoday were the following; Dr oy,

G P Wilder and J A Mc-- C


Tbo Clerk of tho Judiciary hasa letter from tbo the Secretary ofSlato of North Carolina, offeringto exebaogo law reports of thatState for tboso of Hawaii.

Victoria celebration committeomen are earnestly requested tobaud in tboir ticket returns toRobert Catton, treasurer, or W.Horaco Wright, seoretary.

Matches in doubles on thecourts of tho Boretania and Pacific tennis clubs this aftornoon.AH tboso interested in tbo gamearo cordially invited to attend

Tomorrow at 10 a. m , Jas. F.Morgan will sell by auction a finelot of rattan ware, comprisingchairs, crockery, settees, etc. At12 noon he will also disposo of 23head horses and mares. See adon pago 8.

Thero has at yet beon no raovoon tho part of the Government toset u day for tbe celobration of tbo11th of Juno and the members ofthe committee who have tbe nrmngemont of tho program in tboirhands aro becoming very uneasy.

Tho W G Hall arrived in portat about 1 p ra today. Purser Tuftkindly furnished the following re-

port: 10,000 bags sugar left at HA Co and 1100 at Honuapo: fairweather and cmsidorablo rain iuKau, at Hami.ltua, 12,000 H S Coand 05 0 1'SM sugar left.








Talk's Cheap



NEW RECORDS by the well-know- n

Hawaiian "Kawalliao Quintette Club"(the most popular mtie singers In the


Headquarters for Gramophones, Gr.ipha-phone-

Reglna Music Boxes.


DOLINS, the best in the world.

Music Department of


FRED J. CROSS,Consulting ntnl Siipcrliitoniltiii:

Electrical $ Hydraulici:NniNKi:u.

Klottro-IIiilranll- o Pnwor TniiiiiilHsloiiUni'OUTS AND KsTIMATiaFlMtNISIIKD. . . .

With Cattail-Ne- ll Co., (jueon ttrcot.Ollico noxt to Postoluai. 1223

Home Bakery



Only AmericanRcstjiuriint In the City.

Ice Cream ParlorsIn connection.

Bread, Cake, etc., delivered to anypart of the city free.


HUSINKSS I.VNCH, from 11 a. in. till!2 p. Ill 25 cont.H

DINNl'.ll, from 6 to 7 p. tu 60 louts





NOTARY PUBLIC anrt TYPEWRITE!.Office uo8 Merchant stiff t Campbell block, ifrJ O Cartrr's utticf P. O llox i?

EDMUND H. HAltT,Notary Pablic and Typewriter

Conveyance r anJ Se archer of Records.

OfUco CnnipbalPH Illock, Morclmut St.Next door to Hawaiian Wine Co.

TELEPHONE 565AnJ we will call for and deliver, without extra charge, your Bicy-cle Gun, Typewriter, or any article of line mechanism that needsrepairing. 'KODAK AND CAMERA REPA1RIANG A SPECIALTY.Our Tennis Racket restrlnglng Is only equalled b the factories.Give us a call.

A. W, PEARSON, It? Remember the312 Fort St. in 'Phone 565.


GiftsFop All


ss & mIn selecting Gifts

nidiiy points are to be considered:FirM ot nil, where is the largestand oest display to be seen ?

Second, the quality and prices ?

After you have convinced your-

self on these twoijyuinls the restis easy.

SlockWe have on display the

largest and greatest variety of

CHOICE GOODS ever offered

in Honolulu. We know our priceiare right, because we buv riohifrom the manufacturers, therebjsaving the percentage made bjthe middle man.

Cheapestand Best

When you come to our storewe feel it our duty to familiarizeyou with the goods we carry, and

our time is yours.

Come and Inspect our stock.

Goods are all marked in plain


Hollister Drug Co.


A CompleteAssortment ofLadies', Gents' andChildren's


In all grades from the cheapest to best. Sanitary,Diamond and Hermsdorf Dyes


mmNo. FORT ST.













Page 6: tTf-iiy- Kv Jyv. A w- Scheme Devise Evening xjlletin · 2015. 6. 1. · A telephono mesunco wns re coived at tho Police Station this morning from someonu in Kaka--ako telling of tho




A, L. C. ATKINSON,Attorney-at-Law- .

Oflk-o-, corner King and 1 Jot hoi strooti,- UpStalr-.- . 1227

Cathcart&ParkeAttorn eys-at-La- w

flavo moveJ their law offices to theJudd Block, Rooms 308 and 309.


wmm aT law. HAWAII1

il fibllb F. PETERSON'

A.. tiov at Law and,.tnvv Public.

"vniiii Ptrnet.


A.1 piiey-nt-Ha- w


.7. (. Iv AN BAKU A,AtllM v nild Ooillisollor at

JjilW., ,

Offlrw In tlio llntol. cor- -eeri)f Klug and Al.U.oa Streets, H0110--.rdti. U57

W. C. Aciti. Knocii Johnson.AOHI & JOHNSON,

Attorneys nml Oounsolorsat Law.

OtIUe No. 10 Wort King street.Tolopnono 834.

1?. M. BROOKS,. 1 torne.y-t1-I-i'- v,

Comer Tort ani Motel streets,

Per TurchlU's Shot Store,


'FREDERICK W. HANKEY,T ,,r,,."- - " .7 -

Ml trsctlce liall the HiwiMan ani United StatesCourts.

R.. ins oio, PROGRESS BLOCK,Cor. Ton ani Berctanla streets.

PKAXOIS J. BERKS,AUovnsy" ConBS6lor-at-La- w

Will rractlco In all the U. S. TederatnJ State Courts

IrrtfTFie ri!niU rnr ani Port tr t. '

tin :: Rooms s tni 6.



HAS MOVED to the JuddBlock. Fort St.

Surgeons and Physicians.


Hawaiian Hotel.)

Ofllco Hours: 8 to 10 n. m.; 1. to 3p. id.; 7 to 8 p. in. Sundays: 8 to 11

ft. in. Tolcphono 510. P. O. Box 601.


Hours: 0-- u. 111., p. in., 7-- 8 p.m.Sundays, 12-- 2 p. 111.

Tolophono 711. 1 107-3I- H

DR. C. L. GARVINQCQco: 637 Kino Sthhkt, noar Punch-

bowl, Honolulu, H. X.


Hours: 9 to 11 a. 111.; 1 to 3 p. m.;7 to 8 p. in.

DR. I. MORI,13G Berctanin street, between Emma

and Fort streets.Telephone 277. P. O. Box 8 13.

Onieo Hours: 0 to 11! a. 111. nml 7 to 8J.. 111 ; Sundays, u to 12 tt. in. 1229

V K. T. MITAMURA, M. D.Ci" suiting Rooms, 427 Noaana Street.

Tclophono 132. 1'. O. Box 842.K sidi'iico, fi2t Nuunmi St. Cotlagu

Hospital, 530 Nuu mil St..'1 rs: 0 to 12 a. in. and ti to 8 p. in.

Si: i s, 2 tod p. in. 1212 0m



y. Love's Building, Fort StreetiTELEPHONE 434.

. F. E. CLARK,

U--l4 ' nss Block, cornor Borotanla'irt Stri-ots- . Honolulu.

D. R. I. MOORE,Dentist.

So. 219 Hotel street. Telephone 505.juuiio; u vu - n.ui. nuu i i i ji.iu

If m'f PJW ;v"ti .' "0M5(rtfiai(Jjr ,y- - f yy ry ..


Calumet Perfection



moderateIN Powder




And content indeed,VliolIndsiood,solace

pleasure,IN A WEED."

Note the followingpopular brands of ourImportedllavnnn Cigarsdirect from the

Napoleon the First, Caballeros size, 100 Ina dox.

Napoleon the First, Camellas size, 100 Ina',ox

Afrlcano. Conchas Selectas. 50 In a box.Jockey Uud, 100 in a dox.Dehnonlcos, 25 In a box,ueiftiontes,

Adellna Pattl, Esplenldos, "" "Presldentes,Ri.illa, Uloriosa, 50 In a box.

Li Travlat.i Regalia. Nonpareil, 100 In box.Henry Clav, Camellas, 50 In a box.

Purltanas, Finos, 50 In a box.Bock & Co., "H. Upmann. Cosmopolltanos, 50 In a box.Alexander Humboldt, In a box.Alexander Humboldt, Republlcanos, 50 boxR. Fulton, Conchas Especlals, 50 in a box.

" Recuerdos, 25 in a box.La Intlmldad de Antonlno Caruncho, so b.La Espanola Elegantes, 25 In a box.

COT All of which we oiler In quantitiesto suit. Special prices to the to,de.


Lewis & Co.211 FORT STREET.

Telephone 240

H. MAY & GO.Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., HonoluluMephoner 22 P.O. Box 470


103 KINO STREET.G. J. "Wallek, : : Manager

Wholesale and Jloliul


Navy Contractors.BEST OF MEATS.

Families doslrlng tondor roustH,Juicy sloaks and chops shouldcall on tho

Central Meat MarketWo mako n specialty of family tradeand soil the host at reasonablefigures.

214 Nuuanii St. Telephone 104.



EMBALMINGA specialty.

Office and Parlors514 & 510 Fort St.. near Hotfll.

Telephone 179.



Cor. Queen and Fort Sts.


Solo Ajfonts for POItT COSTA FLOUR.'PHONE 422.


Mercantile AgencyQ. H. BERREY, : ManaKer.

Judd Building.

Collections a Specialty.


Commissioner Powderly Expresses Yery

Positive Opinions.

Objects to Kalians from Southern Italy-Wou- ld

Shut Out Immigrants tor Term

of Fifteen or Twenty Years.

Washington, May 9. CommiB.flioucr General Powderly of theImmigration Bureau, who liftsjust roturued from Now York,whore for tho post ten days ho bnsboon Bludying iramigrntion andthe laws governing it, is eeppci-all- y

convinced that a law stoppingimmigration for fifteen or twentyyears should be passed. Com-misBion- er

Powderly Baid today:"The present inliux of immigra-

tion is far above the normal.Without referring to figures Ishould say that the number of immigrants now arriving is 25 porcent greater than for any periodin receut years."

"Of what character aro the nowimmitrrrtnts?"

"Many of them will bo a decidedacquisition to our country, whilomany others wo could very wellsot along without. I Baw onboatload of Germans that willmako good citizen?. They wereof tho Bame class that settledPenusylvaniajowu, Illinois, Texasand other States. Thoy were in-

telligent and readily answered thequestions of tho inspectors. An-other vessel brought a load fromthe British domain. They were aprosperous looking lot, welldresB-t'- d

and intelligent. Had I notknown the difference I wouldhavo thought they wore a party ofexcursionists returned from anoutiug."

"How about the Italians ?""That depends on tho section of

Italy they come from. If thoycomo from tho north of Italy theymake good citizens, and in timebpcomo thoroughly Americanized.If from the south of Italy, theynover mako good citizens, livefrugally, save their money, and assoon as their savings amount to$150 or S200 they roturued toItaly to spend it."

"Where were these immigrantsapparently bound ?"

"A large majority of them werebound for tho northwest part oftho country: a largo part camo totalc tarniB. llio Italians from thesouth of Italy wore bound for tholaryo cities."

Halifax (N. S.), May 9. TheHamburg-America- n steamer Bra-zili- a

arrived hero from Unmburgat noon today with MOO immi-grants, all bound to tho CanadianNorthwest.

ni'.voNNinm: thinks it imyh.

London, May 10. Tho Duko ofDevonshire, Lord President of thoCouucil of Ministers, speakingthis evoning at the annual banquetof the Oentral Association ofBankers, said that whilo GreatBritain's expenditures I mil linonenormous, any less financial preparedness would nave lessened herchancos of amicablo ngreomoutwith the United States. Frnnnnand Russia.

EuL'lnnd's nrmnmnnU. Im lu.clared, had raado arbitration ovorthe Vonozaelacontrovorsy possibleand had preserved the most amio- -anio relations with tho great Ro- -DUblio. It Would ln nnkinrr Innmuch to expect that all theso trea-ties would lead to universal por-mano- ut

nonce, but what Imrl Iwnndone showed that Groat Britainreoognized tho responsibilitiesresting upon her and was willingto ubq her power and woolth right-fully.


American Messenger SorviooMasouio Tomple. Telephone441.

Honolulu Meesonger Sorvioo de-livers messages and packages.Telephone 87.

"I would not bo without Ohara-berlia- n's

Cough Remedy for itsweight in gold," writes D. J.Jones, of Holland, Va. "My wifewas troubled with a cough fornearly two years. I tried variouspatent remedies, besides numerousprescriptions from physicians, allof which did no good. I was atlast persuaded to try a bottle ofOhomborlian's Cough Remedy,which promptly rolioved thecough. Tho second bottle effecteda complete cure." 50 cent bottleBare for sale by all dealers. Bon-Bo- n,

Smith fe Co,, GeneralAgonts.


THE "HOFFMAN," comer of Hoteland Nuitanu streets, claims to be the"Banner" resort for gentlemen and holdsthe (lac. L. H. Dee, the proprietor, hasattained success In his line, by speciallysupervising everything connected with hisestablishment. He now Introduces to hispatrons "Olympla Beer." This brew Isfrom the "Capital Brewing Co." ofOlympla, the capital of the State olWashington, and was received by the"Garonne." Mr. Schmidt, the leadingspirit of this corporation Is a practicalChemist and Brewer, and after years ofsearch and investigation located his plantat Olympla, on account of the peculiar vir-tues of the water of the Turn Falls, astream that Is noted for its distinctive qua-lities of clearness, coldness and lack ofmineral and decaying vegetable Impurities.Pure beer can only be made with purewater, and Turn water Is traditional InWashington with the Indians and originalwhite settlers. The "Olympla Draught"Is under the special control and agency ofMr. Dee and he Invites his natrons andfriends to a personal test and is willing toabide by their judgment on the merits ofhis latest venture.

m m

HoalllH lifer.ThiB over popular Rainier beet

is becoming a honsohold wordand "will you havo a glass ofSeattle" is moro often hoard thananything elso. Tho CriterionSaloon have tho boor on tap or inbottles.

California I'rulli.D. G. Caraarinos receivod per

Australia n largo consicument ofVegetables, Fruits, Halibut, Fro-zo- n

Oysters, Cribs, Luca Oil, etc.,etc.

If you want a nico rubber tiroback with a careful driver ring upClub Stable Hack Stand Tol. 819,and wo guarantee yoa will besatisfied.


Secure a Photo Button




B. Lichlig, 606 Fort St.

Wall-Nicho- ls, King St.

Golden Rule Bazaar.

FreshFilmTo-day- ?Well, of coursewe have, andnot onlv fresh TO-DA-

but - - - -

Fresh Every Day!Fresh Film, Fresh Plates,


We have fresh goods of everydescription coming on every steamer.


426 Fort Street.



We turn out the finest workat the most reasonable prices.

Souvenir Views of the Islandsin endless variety.

J.J.WILLIAMS,At tho Old StandOn Fort Street ::

Kona Sugar Co., Ltd.Notice Is hereby given that Assessment

No. 3 of lo tier cent, on the AssessableStock of the Kona Sugar Co., Ltd., Is nowdue and payable at the office of M. W.McChesney & Sons, Queen street, Hono-lulu.

May 13, 1899.F. W. McCHESNEY,

I22t-i- Treasurer.



JUDD nUILDINd.Incorporated Under tub Laws Iop tub Hawaiian Republic. $100,000


J. 11. Atiieuton, Vk'o-rrosldc-

O. II. Cooke, Caslilor.V C. Athi:kton, Socrolary.

Ilonry Watorhouso,Tom May,

F. W. Mncfarlano,K. D. Tonnoy,

JA. McCatidlosa.Solicits tho Accounts of Firms, Cor-

porations, Trusts, Individuals, and willcarefully and promptly attoiul to allbusiness connected with banking

to It. Soil and purcliaso ForolguKxcliango, Issue Lottors of Crodlt.


Ordinary niul Term Dopostts rocolvod,and Interest allowed to accordance) withrules mid conditions printed In PansImkiUh, eoplos of which tuny lio had uponapplication.

Architects, Contractors and Builders.


223 MB-rohan-t St., Honolulu,

Between Fort nod Alakea,Telephone : : : 734

Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDH,

Dealers in Lumber and Goal.

ALLEX & ItOBINSON,Quoon stroot, Honolulu.

.1. OTJDERKIRK,Contractor and Builder.House Movlnc, nj all Kinds of Heavy Weights


(Opposite Club Stables).Residence Telephone 490. n6T-t- f

H. L. KERR & CO.,

Architects and BuildersRooms it-i- s,


O.W.Kinney J.K.NahaknC ABINETM A KERS.

TURNERS AND POLISHERS ol alt kinds of Na'lv.Woods. CALABASHES In slock an J to order.

Kepatis hflccted.


To My Patrons and the Public,

Having recovered from my re-co-

illnoBS, I am npain prepnredto do all kinds of TiuHtailh andPlumbing work as heretofore.Thanking you for past favors, 1

respectfully solicit a continuanceof tho same.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.WS Tel. 844.

A New Paint Shop.

TJavlng assoclatod with us Mr. JohnII. West, a practical House Falntor,Docorator and Wood Polisher, wo aronow proparod to glvo oHtluiatos on allkinds of work In that lino.

Mr. West having had a practicalof ovor twenty years in San

Francisco and othor largo cltios on thoCoast, wo fool confldont that any workentrustod to us will glvo ontlro satisfac-tion to our patrons.

Peerless Preserving Paint Co.

Artistic Graining


House Painter,Paper Hanger,Grainer, Glazier, andTlNTER : : :


Next to Police Stntlon

The Hawaiian .

Iron Fence andMonumentalCompany

: : 641 King StreetSolo Agonts for tho Kouesaw, Qoorgla

and Italian Marble. Tho only marblothat Is lmervlous to liquids and will not'stain. Samplos and designs to bo soonat our ofllco and salesroom.

Iron Ilalllng and Fonclng In everyvariety.

Stouo coping supplied ohoapor thanany othor firm In the city.

Telophono 602.


Merchant Tailor534 FORT ST.,

-- Near corner ol Chaplain LantGleanlne and Repairing at Short Notice,

ans in trie pfst dossing manner


Clabs Sphbossls. Wm. (1. lawns.



Kin Jrandco Agent Tn Nevada. Uank 01San FnAHOiaoo.


diM Francisco Tho Nevada Bank ol SanFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London, LtdiSaw Tore American Exchange National

BankCniruoo Merchant National Bank.PARIS Comptolr National d'Escompt da

Paris.Birlin Dreedncr BankiHonokonq and Yokoiiama Hongkong A

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Nhit Zealand and Australia Bank of Now

Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank of Brltlaa

North America.ransact a General Banting ani Eicbange Business

Dcpolsts Kccclved. Loans made on Ap-proved Security. Commercial and TravelerCredits Issued. Bills of Exchango bought

nd sold.Collections 1'homitlt Accounted Fob.

sishoi? & eo,

SavingsBankSavings Deposits will bo

receivod and Interest allowed by thisDank at four and one-ha- lf por cent,por annum. Tho forms, rules andregulations of tho Hawaiian Postal Sav-ings Ilalik havo been adoptod as far asIt is practicable to apply thorn, and thoCash Kosorvo of $50,000 as roqulrod un-der the Postal Act will bo maintained.

Printed copios of tlio Hulos and ltog-ulatlo-

may bo obtained on application.IUHIIOP A CO.

Established 1868


Transact a Gonoral Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-ibl- o

in all tho principal citiesif tho world.

Interest allowed after July1,1898, on fixed deposits 3months 3 nor cent.. 6 months3 por cent., 12 months 4.

por cent.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets, Dec. 31, 1898, $110,808.38Monoy loanod on approvod security.A Savings Bank for monthly deposits.IIiiukcs built on tlio monthly Install-Hio- nt

plan.Klghteonth Sorlos of Stock Is now

oponedOfKicnns: T. F. Lansing, Presldont;

S. B. Koso, O. II. Gray,Treasurer; A. V. Goar, Secretary.

uiiiKCToits: x. i: m. U. Hoso,A. V. Gear, A. W. Kooch, J. O. Itoth-wol- l,

Ilonry Smith, J. J. MoLoan, J. D.Holt, O. 11. Gray.

For further particulars apply toA. V. GEAK, Seorotary.

Chamber of Commorco rooms.Ofllco Hours: 12:301:30 p. in.

Tfe Yokohama Specie BankLIMITED

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000ram up --apuai Ten 10,500,000Reserve Fund Yen 7,300,000


BRANCHES AND AOENOIEH.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

Han Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

TokioTho Bank lniVN mill riwnlvnu for rn!1nn.

lion Bills nf Exftlmnpn. IftHiinH Druftji nn.1Letters of Credit on tho above Branchesand Aponclos, and transacts a goneralbanking business.INTEREST ALLOWE- D-

On Fixed Deposit lor months, 4 percent p. a.On Fixed Deposit lor 6 mouths, iH "On Fixed Deposit Inr mos. '

INTEREST ALLOWE- D-Dy the Head Office at Ynknhama, on Current De-

posit, a per cent per annum,On Fixed Deposit lor ta months, 6 per cent, p. a.

Hew Republic Building, ill King St., Honolulu.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwila Sts,

Has a large assortment 0!

Chandeliers and Electrical Goods

Constantly on hand,

ERtimnteB rrivon for linnnn wiring and Electrical plants.

marine wiring a Bpooialty,





Page 7: tTf-iiy- Kv Jyv. A w- Scheme Devise Evening xjlletin · 2015. 6. 1. · A telephono mesunco wns re coived at tho Police Station this morning from someonu in Kaka--ako telling of tho



"jlwJSfTr,,$,WP'Yl'J ''' "Tiy T (' W ' 'PWI,!1!'1? "VVWCy gW?M



Oceanic LOVEJOY &CO. Additional, and the latest Shipping News, will beArrive from San Fran-- 1 Depart for San Fran-


P. O. Dot tm

Steamship Company. IMPORTKRH, AND WltOLKBALR found on the eighth pace. or Victoria. I Cisco or Victoria. I J' . : :Teleph'ie J0 A

Coptic .Mav s Gaelic . May tWise ni Liquor Dealers. TIDKS. Australia " to ' Mlowera " 10. .. " .Aorangl la Australia 10 The Milwaukee Pur.c-ture-lJro- ofTIME TABLE. AircnU for the Bottled Rainier Beer of Seattle. America AUru . "

" 13 Hongkong M.iru 16

No. 10 Nuuanu Mtiikkt CityMoana

ot Peking.." el China Tire.Foster Block, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. a, Alameda.. 14

Da v. Gaelic Doric .JuneTho Fino Passongor Steamers of TliiB Lino Will Arrive at am-Loav-

P. O. Don ,. Mutual Telephone jo8. Australia .June 1 Warrlmoo AS KnSILICNT A' ANY TlRGj.AtADBHongkong Maru 8 Nippon Maru. .This Fort c. Mloera ....GONSALVES & CO., Ltd re B I (IChina .... ?i Australia

Hlode Janeiro. PUNCTUREFrom San Francisco: For San Francisco: p.tu a. in a.m. p.m. Alameda

Doricat14 I

MariposaCoptic PILIKl.t.

WHOLESALE GKOOERB AM Moi.dny. . .. 22, IMJO 0.59 7.0 U,1HAUSTRALIA June 7 AUSTRALIA June 13 Note. Departures (or and arrivals from the Col-onies,ALAMEDA June 21 MARIPOSA June WliNK MERCHANTS. or China and Japan, are not given In the above23 Tuesday., ..23 3 00 1.40 7.3S lo.OO table, though they can be easily ascertained, as for-eigni mall steamers generally leave Honolulu the itv

In conueotionwltb tbo eailing of tho above steamers, tho Agentsore propared to isouo, to lntondinp passongore, coupon throughtiokots by any railroad from Snn Francisco, to all points in tboUuitod States, and from Now York by any steamship lino to allEuropean ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,Goncrnl Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go.

Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co, $s Toyo Kisen Kaisha

. Steamer ol the above camp inio will call at Honolulu jnJ leave this fort on or about the ... d.tcs below mentioned:....

For Japan and China:GAELIC .May jiHONKONG MARU June 8CHINA June 16DOMIC June 94NIPPON MARU July 4RIO 1)1! JANERIO July ijCOPTIC July ti

Tor general Information arrly to

H. Hackfeld &

railWSteamers of the line, runnlnc In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.,

between Vancouver. II. C, an! Sydney. N. S. W calling at Victoria. U. C, Suva (Fl)l),and Brisbane are 1IUI1 AT JIO.NOI.IJI.U on about the below slated, via:

FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. B. C,auva. unsrane ana ryaney

Mlowera.. .June 9 AoranKJ AugustaWarrlmoo., .July 7 Mlowera. . . .September 1

Warrlmoo. September to.Aorangl October 7Mlowera. ..November 34Warrlmoo,. December a

tickets Issued from to Canada, United States and For Freight andPassage and all general Information, apply to

,t04 Theo. H.Davies&Co.,Ltd., Gen'l Agents.Lines of Travel.

The British-America- n S. S. Line

Freight contracted through from anypoint In the United States to the Hawai-

ian Islands In connection with tlie GreatNorthern, Northern Pacific or CanadianPacific Railways. Monthly service from

Seattle and Tacoma with our New A-- l,

6000 ton steamer, the


with Litest Improvemerts for a largefreight carrying capacity. Strong traffic

arrangements with tlie three Northernlines which enable us

to give the consignees the benefit of ro;l

bottom ratesvon their Eastern shipments.

For further Information, apply to


Queen Street. General Agents.Telephone 313.

O. R. & L. Oo.mctS?A i 3

TIME TABLE.From and Alter dnminry 1, 1800.

TRAINS.STATIONS, Dally Dally(Outward) ex. Sun. Dally ti. Sun. Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.Honolulu ... 7:10 n:oj j:J j:ioPearl City.. 80) 11:40 J47EwaMllt..., 8:3) lo.oS xa.oo 4.0s 6:10

Walanae.... 10: jo 4t4J

Walalua.... HISS 5:40Kahuku ia:ia 6:15

STATIONS. Dally(Inward) Sun. Dally Dally Dall

A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.Kahuku SMS

Walalua 6;io .... r.foWalanae 7:10 .... 3:51Ewa Mill 5:50 7:45 ''PeailClty 6:15 8.03 1:30 4:5'Honolulu 8:35 J J:4

F. 0. Smith, Clon'l Pass. & TickotAgent.

O, P. Dknison, Suporintendont.


Tho Btnge forlCaileohe, Ileolii, Will;kano, l'uimluu, Lulo, Kulmkti and waypoints, will leave PostolUeo, JletholetrcotHhlo. at 0 a. m. (Sundays except-ed), calling for passengers ami pack-

ages at Lovcjoy A Co'h, Ko.IONuuuuiiBtreet

stages will mako the return tripfrom Kahuku dally .

For San Francisco :




aboveand Honolulu,

or dates

Honolulu Europe.

Co., Ltd., Agents.

Steamship tap

FROM SYDNEY. BRISBANE AND SUVAlor victoria ana Vancouver tu. ..):

Warrlmoo.. ..June 8 Mlowera August 3Aorangl. July 6 warrlmoo.. . August 31

Aorangl.. .September 8

Mlowera.... October ,6Warrlmoo.. November tjAorangl. , , .December t

Lines of Travel.

Wife's Steamship Co's


S.S.KlNAUCLARKE, Commander,

Will loavo Honolulu every Tuosday nt12 o'clock m., touching at Lahnlnn,Mimlaea liny and Makena tho sameday; Mahukona, Kawalrno and

the following tiny, arrivinglit II tin Wcdnowlny ovenlng.

lU'tiirnlng will Kill from Kilo overyFrbmy ut il o'clock p. in., touching atUiupahoehoo, Mnhukiiuu, Kawathao,Miikonu, Munition liny nnd Lahnlna,arriving nt lloiiiitiiln Saturday night.

Will c.tll nt Pnimlkl, Puns, oil thonrroiitl trip nf each month, arrivingtlr i on tin- - morning of tho day ofk'.I II 111; from llllntii Honolulu.

'I lit iMipuliir miiiu in tho Volcano Isvia Milo. A good ciirriago road tho on-tl- ro



Wllf loavo lloioltiln Tuosday, at So'clock p tu . touching at Knhulul,Ilunii, lliiimm mid Kiii)iiilii, Maul.

anise-- , at Honolulu Sundaymorning.

Will call ut Nun, Kaupo, oneo eacnmonth.

'J'IiIk roinpnny reserves tho right tomnko clmugoH In tho tlmo of departureand arrival of Its trainorn WITHOUTNOTICE, and It will nut bo rosponnllilofor any consoquoncos arising thoro-fro-

Consignees must lio at tho landingto rocolvo tholr frolght. This companywill not hold Itsolf roRponMblo forfreight aftor it 1ms boon lundod.

I.lvo stock rocelvod only ut ownor'Hrisk.

This company will not no rosponsUbio for monoy or valuables of passon-gor h union placed In tho care of purn-or- s.

Passongors aro rorpiostod to purchasetiokots bvforo omlmrking. Tlioso fall-ing todo no will bo Hiibjoct to mi ntltlltlonal cliargo of twenty-llv- o por cent.

Tho company will not be llnblo forloss of, nor Injury to, nor dolay In, thodollvory of baggago or personal ofl'octxof tho passongor boyond tho amount of$100 00, unless Hie value of tho sumobo doclarod, at or boforo tho lusuo oftho ticket, and frolght Is paid thoroon.

All employoos of tho Company aroforblddon to rocolvo frolght without

a shipping receipt thorofor Intlie form prosorllKid by the Companyand which may be soon by shippersupon application to tho puisers of thoCompany's Stoamers,

Shlpiors aro notlllod that If frolght Isslilppod without such receipt, It will boHololy at tho risk of tho shipper.

0. L. WIOIIT,S. II. HOSE, Socrotary.

GAIT. J. A. KINO, Tort Sujt,

225 Queen atroot, Honolnlu, H, ,

JonsolUated Soda Water Co., L'i

Esplanade,lorncr Alton & Fort Sts., Ilonolult,

HOLLI8TER St CO.,Aifonto,

Chinese and Japanese Firms.

imPTHELPf!Honolulu ChineseOmployincnt Agency.

Office at the Hawaiian ChlncteNews Co 'sSt No. Hi King street, Honolulu, II. I

Cooks, Walters, Yardmen, Plantationand all kinds of employees furnish-s- d

promptly on short notice.This Agencv fully examines all appll-an- ts

for employment as to their compe-tency before sending them to Its patrons.


NEWDry Goods Store

212 Nuunnu Street,has opened with an entire new stock of DryGoods, Mattings, Camphor Tmnks, allkinds of Japanese and Chinese Silks, SilkHandkerchiefs, Men's and Ladles' Shoes,Men's and Children's Hats.

SING LUNG & CO.ClIONOSAM.tgr. (rto6-in- 0 P. O. Box roar


Merchant Tailor323 Nuuanu St.

fino Suitings In English, Scotch andAmorlcau Goods made to order.

folopliono C68. rostolllco box 1)80.

TAKAKI & CO.,Contractors, Builders,

And HOUSE PAINTERS.U5H Nuuanu street, Honolulu, H. 1.

OHIN SING 00,100 West King Stroot

Contractors mil BuildersJobbing promptly attoudod to; also all

kinds of Furniture on hand. 1210-fl-


PUltNITUltE DEALER,400 Nuuanu Stroot.

Chairs of all kinds, Matting,Cigars, Silk and Chlnoso Teas.

Seasonable Goods.CHAIRS of all kinds, Matting,

Chinese Grass LInon in any color,Fancy China Silk Handkerchlofs.

KWONQ HINO OHONG CO.,Nuuanu abovo King st.

K1K KSB BESrAUHANTAlakca, botwoon Merchant nnd King


A First Class Meal at All Hours,1 CENTS.

tf&. T.llllRllf'firi Tlnnmu f.t r.,nltuand Pent. Give us a trial.

DEWEY RESTAURANT,Flrst-Clas- s Resort In Every Respect.

Best 25-Cen- ts McjiI In Town.

LOOK HOP & CO.,lleretanla and Fort Streets.

SHEU LUN,30; Nuuanu St., next Exchange Saloon,

Merchant TailorCoining, etc., maJe to order.

All Suits guaranteed to Tit, and In the Latest Stile.11S8

L. CHONG,No. 6 Nuuanu St., below Merchant, Honolulu,

MERCHANT : TATLOH.guaranteed lo fit and In latest styles

Clothing made to order; Uniforms a specialty.Clothes cleaned and repaired at reasonable rales

Notice.Anyone found trespassing on my Plan-

tation at Hanalel, Kauai, after 8 o'clockp. m. will be prosecuted according to law.'

SEE I'AI VVAI.n87-2- Hanalel, Kauai.


8.r,0 11.11

I).30'r.iii.10.20, 0.2(1

Wednesday.. .. 21 3.39 2.31

Thursday 25 4.20 3 20

Friday 20 ".03 4.00Saturday 27 6 18' o. Oil,

Suntlay 28 0.32,0.0111.00 1.14

Full moon on the 21th at 7.10 p.m.

First Quarter of the moon mi tliu17th at 0.13 u. in.

The Htatiduril liiuu whistle wounds at12h. Om. Os. (midnight;, Oreeiiwlehtime, which Is Hi. 30m. j. in. of Ha-waiian Standard time.

MOVF.MKXTS OF STKAMKIIS.Steamers dje and salllngtodayand for the neat u

days are as follows:ARRIVE.

Steamers From HueAlamedaColonles May 6Kluau Maul and Hawaii May itClaudlne Maul May iMlkatiala Kauai Ma atMokolll Mulokal .May 98Lehua Mnlokai and Lanil .May a6Gaelic San I'ranclsco .May uUpolu Kohil.i May j iDoric China and Japan .lun- t

DEPART.Steamers Tor DueAlameda San Francisco May tf

Mnlokai ana Lanal May 9?Mokolll-.Molo- .May goKlaudlm Maul .May joKlnau Hawaii and Maul .May joW. G. Hali-K- nna and K'au May joGaelic China and Japan .May jiUpolu Kohila June aDork San I rancitio June a


Captain Edward B Reynolds,died at his homo, 51GA Jonesstreet, San Franoieco, early on thomorning of May 8. Captain Keyfjoldtj died at G o'clock, and whilethi' cnubo of hia death in dirontlvattributed to heart failure, ho IihcIboon in failing health for eoluomouths.

Cnntain Ito unhid hntl hpon nsea enptain for over thirty yoarn,and no suafuriug man was betterknown or more highly respectedupon this const that the dec-eastd-.

Last August ho tuok tho barken-tiu- o

Kuto Davenport with coal fortbo Government to llouoluln, nndwhile there ho coutrncttd lanlariulfever, lie returned to Sun Francisco in October. bikI from thattimo he has been failing.

Tho deceased was born in Bos-ton, Mnss , August 7, 1819. liewent to California in 1849. Di-rectly after arriving there he en-gaged iu mining nnd was promi-nently identified with the earlyhistory of tho Slalo, being one ofthe famoaB Vigilance Commiltoofor tho preservation of law audorder. In tho ently fifties CaptainReynolds entorcd tho service ofMeiggs fc Oawloy aud ran botwoonIhiscityau-- l Port Madieou. Whileengaged iu tho transportation oflumber for this firm bo establish-ed for himself a name for sobrietyand ability tLat was very unusualamong sen captains. After AleigLe& Gawloy failed Captain Reynoldsentered tho service of Ronton itHolmes. In tho service of thisfirm ho sailed along tho coast andoften oven to Honolulu and Aus-tralia. Ho remaiued iu the sorvicof tbo Inttor firm until last fall,wbon his declining health (orcedbim to retire.

Captain Reynolds wns a promi-nent member of tho Society of Pi- -oncers. Ho was also a prominentMason and wbb a member of Goldou Gato Lodge. Iu 1851 homarried Harriet Tj. Hnilnen nfMassachusetts, and he is survivedhy nor ami two cuildrou JiilwardII. Reynolds of Seattlo and .Mrs.ftiary JJ. Holmes of Adams, Mais.

Uk'il To I.mve,Tho fnlhiwinrr nrn linnlrpd tn

leave for San Francisco in thoAlameda: Mr and Mrs A James,A Miirnnpf). 1) A Krnnnin. Afro VT Newhorry, R 13 Bieror, G L VStone, H J Rrowno, D Francis, TH Benton, Mrs Titus and threechildren, --Mrs M Maguire, Miss AMuguire. Mr Estell, Miss A JSmith, Mirk E (J Smith, Miss EBlnko, J K Farley ami wife, JusF GHoh. Chun Prolinzlfn mid wifnG M Whitney, Mrs A W Pearson,

w umsteti, wile ana son, J .)

Egnn, wife nnd child, Miss Baley,A H Hnrscher and II Frnncis.


Ivr Kilaua. nnr Htmr Wnialo- -alo, A"ny 20 G It E wart.

Do you liko to drink nuro whis- -kv? Tlinn if vou iln null for"A. A." .Josso Mnoro at any of thoHiilomiR. Lnveiov it Co.. distrihu.turd for the Hawaiian Islands,

of arrival. Steamers Aorangl, Warrlmoo and Mi.mwera run between Victoria and the Colonies: Alaro S 1Mariposa, and Moana between San Tranclsco and !.Colonies; Nippon Maru, Rio de Janeiro, China.Doric, Coptic, America Maru, Gaelic and HongkoneMaru between San Tranclsco and Japan and ChinaAustralia between San I'ranclsco and Honolulu only


U S Tugboat Iroquois, Pond, llllo, Marn;.

U S T S, Eagles, San Francisco, rtiay 24. Manila.

MnRCHANTAlliN.(This list does not Includes coasters.).

Am stmr City of Columbia, Mllnor,Hllo, Dec 11.

Am sclir Erskine S Phelps. Graham,San Francisco. Apr id. H Hackfeld & Co.

Am sp Iroiiuois, Thoninson, New Yorii,Apr it. T H Davles & Co.

Am schr N D Bendlxsen, Olsen, New-castle, Apr 2;. Coal to order.

Am bk Fort George, Worse, San Fran-cisco, Apr 25. Castle & Cooke.

Haw bk Alnum Ala, Smith. San Fran-cisco. Apr 26. W G Irwin & Co.

Am sp Aryan, Whittier, Norfolk, Apr28. U S Consul General.

Haw bk Himal.iy.i, Dearborn, New-castle. Apr 28. Castle Jb Cooke.

Am sp Standard, Getchel, Tacoma, Alay1. H Hackfeld & Co.

Am bk C D Bryant, Colly, San Francisco, Aiay 4. h nacuieid iV 0.

Am sclir lred b bander, bvenson, PortTownsend. Mav J. Wilder & Co.

Am fccliT Golden Shore, Hasmussen,new casne, in a w, Aiay o. voai loonier.

Am schr Mary E Foster, Thompson, SanFrancisco, May 8. T H Davles & Co.

Am bk Andrew Welch, Drew, SanFrancisco. May 8. C Brewer & Co.

Am schr Inca. Blrkholm, Newcastle,May 1 J. Coal to order.

Am bktne Skacit. Robinson. Port Town- -

send, May 15. Wilder & Co.Am sclir Chas R Wilson, Johnson,

Aberdeen, May it. OL&I! Co.Am schr Aloha, D.ibel, San Francisco,

May 18. H H.ukfeld & Co.Am bk Mohican, Kelly, San Francisco,

May 18. Castle iV Cooke.Am sp Star of Russia, Hatfield, Ninal-m-

It C, .May 24. I I S N Co.

Ie M)' lllno.l l'urstThis is a question of vast im-

portance to nil who wish to bewell. If your blood is impureyou cannot expect good health,unices you begin taking Hood'sSarnparilla at once. This groatmedicino makes the blood purennd puts tho system in goodhealth, cures spring humors nudthat tired feeling.

Hood's Pills euro nauspn, siekhoadache, biliousness and all liverills. Price, 2fJ cents.

It is said that there is onegreat fault with our collectionof Island Views, and that isthat we have so large an assort-ment of beautiful subjects thatit becomes bewildering to thebuyer. We are thankful thateveryone does not look uponthis fault with disfavor.

KING BROS.,110 Hotel street.

Nicely fnrnishod rooms at thePopular House, 1C4 Fort street,from $1.00 per week np.

Mechanic's Homo, cornor Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 25nnd 50 cents per night. $1 nnd$1.25 per week.

Tho use of tho Smgor in millions of homes bIiowb tho uupro-cedout- cd

success of tboso idealsewing machines. It is convinc-ing proof that the Singer oxcolsin all kinds of family Bowing nndart noedlo work. All our sowingmachines nro of tLb ostconstruo--tiin, beautifully doojratoil, anda--

.- mounted on solocted woods inLUitily finished cabinets of nrtisticJesignB. B. Borgorson.agout, 1GJ

B'hol streot.Mr. John Peterson, of Pntout-vill- e,

La., was very agreoably sur-prised not long ago. For eighteenmonths ho had been troubled withdysentery nud had tried tbroo oftho best doctors in New Orleans,besides half a d 02011 or inoro pat-

ent medicines, but received verylittle relief. Obnmborlian's Col if,Oholora and Diarrhoea Romedy,having beou recommended to him,he gave it a trial aud to his greatsurpriso,thrno doses of that romedyaffected a permanent euro. Mr.Win. McNnmora, n woll knownmerchant of thesarao plnce, is wellacquaiiited(with Mr. PaUrson andattest to the truth of thU elate.innnt. This remedy is for sale bynil dealers. Benson, Smith & Co.,Gonoral Agents.

Bailey's Honolulu Cyclery,Sole agents .Model 1 5 UetVe Bicycles a

Ito. Repair that a repairs at the oldreliable 231 King street.

The Giub Stables0. Bklltna, : Msuiiijjor.

FORT STREET,Telephone 477

Livery, Boarding & Sale Stabler

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnout.Safe Drivers.

Wo aro osiicelnlly equipped to cator tayour tnulo. Knlr dealing and good sor-vlc-o

Is what wo dutHind upon to got It.Volmo for Hale Family ParrlngotncJ

Driving Horses, Mnlo or'doublo ton rowThoy aro In Rood condition and will bbold on favorable tortus.

Dr. Ilownt 18 always In attoiidnneei'Mtbo Stablos.

GmbStaMes HackstandCor. Union ,v irotol 8u


DRrVKRS.FIRST CLASS CARRIAdIXHACKS AT Al.Ia HOURS.Ordor forSurroys, Wagonettes, lnor

or Doublo Tcuins ut a inoinonl's notloi.HockNof.'j 1S3, 100,7(1, 77.

('. IIKI.MNA. Mlt

Johm Dfott,PLUMBER,

75 and 79 King StreetTELKI'IIONK NO. 31.

NOW. Is tlio Hint, to get leak? aim!

broakiigos ncnti to, nnd your

Roofs Put in OrderHy competent workmen.

For Hongkong,(Vlti OUAM, should Mtittlclcnt In--

tliiccinunt offcp)

On or about the 10th of June,THU HTHAMSIIIP

City of Columbia.For frolght or pix.H.igo apply to It! B.

WALKER, Agunt, Lincoln Ulock, Kingstreet, ifM)


SAUERKRAUTpounds for 2 $ cents.

60-pou- nd casks, $4 per cask.AT

1ST. BHIDHA.M.'SHop Boor Depot, No. 11 Konla (formerly

Smith) lircet.


Ohia, Algeaba aiJ Pino FirewcotOnt and HpIIt (roiuly fut tueStoTo),




It Lovont Prire, -- rod to ny pntllflltT.



MA.NUEL XUNES,ManulaciLicr ol

Guitars, Ukuleles,TARO PATCH I'lUDLRS.

Wurkmanktilp anJ Mamlal O'ja'antMj. Rrfatrtwa ..atiy.

Un :: N. 2ih'$ KiNOfrr.

Jiise lie Bspiiito M&.Comer K'lnj-- an! AlaVr, Sti , Honolulu,

MisMirAC.TuKttt op

Gixitnrw, : IfJlcxiloloB,TARO PATCH riDDLCS.

W manth.p an4 material guarantee.!, Rtralrttaoik a ipeclatty.





.,it. -- . fcwa.js.fuiK. i."a.u.'rffifc

Page 8: tTf-iiy- Kv Jyv. A w- Scheme Devise Evening xjlletin · 2015. 6. 1. · A telephono mesunco wns re coived at tho Police Station this morning from someonu in Kaka--ako telling of tho

t .

mut'Mi'ypMiijui wjftyv ,'". ""BP ''Twy' -- wiPyywiiiWiii,.w,Wiii)iill,y.j--V


' '" " '

KAIMUKLThis tract of most desirable Suburban property

now being opened up with residence sites, Jies about threemiles from this city, in a northeasterly direction.

It has an elevation of over 200 feet above sea level,commanding a magnificent view of the Ocean, Koko Head,Manoa and Palolo Valleys, with the City of Honolulu, Ewaanu Oahu Fiaiit-.uiuiis- , and Pearl Lochs, at its feet. It is en-

tirely removed from all planting of rice or taro, thereby obviat-ing the possibilities of ague and fever. Twelve broad streetsgive i cess to the property, and are crossed by six avenues.Sev. n of these Boulevirds ire now opened up, the balance incon







r constructionFrom its position it is entirely removed from the high

'? and heavy showers of Atanoa and Nuuanu Valleys,uiteeing from its soit ocean breezes salubrious climate.

A pumping plant, in the course of installation, settles(iietion of water, which will be furnished to purchasers

" property at Government rates ; this flow of water beingd from two 12-in- ch wells which under measurementneaily 4,000,000 gallons in twenty-fo- ur hours.These lots contain an of 15,000 square feet each,

re of two sizes 100 x 150 and 7? x 200.1 rRAS : $400 per lot, $?0 additional for corners, spot$00 per lot, $S0 additional for corners $20 cash, and

monthly installments per lot.

On and after June 1st the above pur-chase price will be advanced $50 per lot.

AAP OF PROPERTY on view at our ofiice ; and forfurther particulars apply to


UNimpRovnn.iS 95 x 300. corner K'eeaumoku and Klnau sis ,

ready for building, next to handsome residencestow occupied,

tu ce jo x too, elfrht fine Residence Lots facing onLeinalllo and Klnau streets These are veryc'i lce lots, on line proposed Rapid Transit,Lasy terms.

o 9- 5- too x ego, on Beretinla street, near Keeau- -mrliu street, running through to Young street.One of the most desirable building sites In thecltv



10 tjix 170, on Nobley street, Kallhl with L onside street Good ele itlon. good view, cheap,miiM seen 10 re nppreciaiea

On nungM near Kaplotanl. acholeeleslJtnceof t pirlorand dining room,

Irftihtn nd pantry, lat'i and patent W. C. coodjjntlni' stible, tenants' quarters.

God ircoie property, tints tor $40 monthly, Siret lot, 7J X 1J5.

' ' a, trty .it the V. R.

and Klnau6



IMPROVED.No. 47 In Kaplotanl Park, a desirable

home, containing barn, out houses etc ,

fruit and ornamental trees. Either for sale orwill be leased to a tenant.

No. 4975 x las, on Anapunl street. Cottage 7 roomsand bath. Good view, high elevation,

No. 50 7j x 9oo Magailne, and Thurston andSpencer. Good elevation; faces on three sts

No. 51 flix corner Wilder Avenve andnice nousc or 7 rooms ana pain targe grounas;fruit and ornamental trees: barn and

Lt T A desirable Residence un Magailne st,seven rooms, bath and toilet, barn,

chicken house servants' Large grounds,with fruit and ornamental trees. Beautiful view oflutbor

FOR SALE AT HILO.eCifi.ff A BAKEUY doing business, store on the principle thoroiujh-JV-SOU-

fare, rent. FIFTEEN YEAR LEASE OF THIS PROP-ER ."Y WILL BE SOLD SEPARAIELY. Two btory building, with Rood IIvIiirrooms above, ever thing complete as regards Bakery, IncluJInu wagon and horses;living rooms furnished. Owner desires to sell on account of 111 health, satisfactoryturns an be arranged with a desirable party.

GEAR, LANSING & CO.,Jtidd Building, Fort Street.


Model Block, - - Font Street.




--350 dozen Ladies' FastBlack Hermsdorf Dyes, LisleThread Hose. Will be placedon sale from 10 to 12 o'clock at25 cents, regular 50cent Hose.No more than six pairs to eachperson will be sold.

23. 250 dozen Gents' fullInished Balbriggan Hose, 9

cents a pair, regular price 15csnts. One dozen to each peron.


Missionary Gleaners will givelawn home of Castle,correrof Victoria streets, Sat-

urday afternoon, May 27th, from 3 too'clock. Admission, cents.





157. Kewalo.





Notice.During my absence from the Islands,

Mr. Samuel F. Chlllingworth will act forme In my General Business, and as Soliciting Agent lor me japan emigration L.ompany, under full power of attorney.

G. E. BOARUMAN.Honolulu, Oahu, H. I., May 22, 1899.

1230-i- w

WANTS.f4.f t thtt column utll hi tmtttiJ at ifcntl- 4lnyfr, inuttion; to etHll hcoiiJ titterlion, )o ttnlt a u ttk and o emit a mrmlh. Ittt it Ibtibtuftil aJtrliit( ntr offtrtJ lit ollonoMu.


nOU SAI L Tli furniture of a lx room lirtuse con-- 1slMIng of pulor, furniture, two beJroom ulte

two Iron teJ wicker chair, Hremel rue malting,woikI Moe. ' Oem" blue flame toe moullo net?,limp, etc Will elldieap, House on be tented IfJe lrei Call at Klnau street, 4th house from Alapalstreet, . mi-i- t

SALL A nooj ircitle horse bucKV andness, complete Apply to JOHN SULLIVAN,

l'.ntlieon Snlle. mftfPOR SALC-O- ne SIIIPMAN ENGINE In perfect

Apply to 11, ej. mart. I orl St.A L and Pedal Hass REED ORGAN" Suitable for chapel or residence, Uerittrom

Music Co , street io6


oroer. noi-t- i


EST ljcent me ll In town. Try It and be convinced. Llnd j Excelsior Restaurant 1041


WANTI t To a Toot Mortise .MachineCHAMIirRLIN P O llosai) iw-- t

UANTm-- A YOUNG MAN to DRIVE WAGON.Address WAtiON UulUlin nffke uio-i- t


dress "ii this office. 1218-- it

VAANTr-soo.Mentocets- for isc. (hlle' hirttrO II. JfcriS. 6io Tort street, onn.

Club Slibles uoo-l- l

TO LET.TO LrT-nr- SK ROOM spaces to let Apply to

I llWMAN IRON H NU. AND .MONUMEN-TA- ICO 641 King street la6


LOST A Min s Slher Watch, between ihe HoalI ling, neir Queen street, and Ihe Oceanic

wharf A suitable reward Is offered for return ofsime to this iiftiee. tua-t- f


NICLLY IURNISHLD FRONT ROOM, with orboard. Ilest locality; terms moderate.

51 Peretania street next City Feed Store, laco-i-


Manila, May 8. Only tbo en-

treaties of Aguinaldo last Tues-

day averted civil war between theforces of his two rival gonerals,Luna and Mascardo. They wereactually drawn up in battle array.This and tho positive confirmationof tho news that Luna hm beendauiierouely wounded iu theshoulder in tho battlo of SanTo mil 8 are tho most importantiloms of intelligence brought to-

day by the Array gunboats La-gun- ii

de liny rind Covailongn,which returned today from au ex-

pedition up tho San Fernandorivor.

It was immediately before thebuttle of Sau Toman that the in-

surgents so neaily nrrived at thepoint of beginning to fxt-rmitn- te

ouo another. Gene in I Luna, wlwihe fiiw tliHt an enpngm nt withthe troops ui inevitrible, hontback nu ntdo post haste to JJacolor,whom Goneral Mascardo wus

Mns-cardo- 's

reply was that ho wouldtake order from no one but Agui-naldo. This defiance so infuriat-ed Luna that, in spito of the im-pending conflict with the commonenemy, ho took 15u0of his sol-diery and made a forced march toHncolor, intent on chtstiBiug his0 uirade in arms. Maicardo wannothing loth in fight it out andordered his command into lino ofbattle.

This was tho situation whenAguinaldo hoard of tho impendingconflict. He ordered his chief ofstHff, Colonel Arguelezs to mokepeace at all hazards. The sol-diers wero waiting for ordora tobegin the onslaught when Ague-lez- s

galloped between the lines,frantically waving a flag of truce.There was an onury conferencebetweon him and the rival oeno-ral- s,

and Apuinaldo's authoritydually triumphed, buna return-ed to tho front, after being pro-vided with andordered Mascardo to bo court-martiale- d

for not having sentUiera at first. Tho battle of BanTomas followed, and Luna, onwhose ferocity in the field Agui-nald- o

placed his chief reliance,received wounds that will surelydisable him for tho rest of thecampaign, and may cause bisdeath.

Have you ever had a photomade of your home ? If notwe should like to add yourname to our list. We aremaking a specialty of thisbranch, and would be pleasedto talk it over with you.

KING BROS.,110 Hotel street

jr The Bulletin can satisfy Jh an your WAN lb. lt has 4

established a W A N T


ii,iJhJt& a,,,.. ,toMrtftfefefiito

SHIPPING INTKI.UfiFNflEFor additional Shipping New e seventh pa e

Diamond Head Hlitiml Station, Mnvm, 1 p 111 Weather hazy, wind IiluliNU

Weather Bureau, Punahou, May 20Temperature Morulnir minimum,

71; Midday maximum, 77.(Birometer confetti tor gravity .06 )

Barometer, 0 a m, 30.09. Irregular.Rainfall, do, .17.Humidity at 9 a in 72 percent.uew roiniui i:


Friday, May 20.

Stmr W O Hall, HnBluii(l, fromMaul and Hawaii purl; Kljl linersHtlgar, 22 bu-- i codec, 20 head catlloanil 13 hills liltlt'R.

Stmr J A Cummins, Scarle, fromOahu ports.


Ii Iday, May 20.Stmr Mikahal.t, Thompson, for ll.

Stmr Twalnnl, Gregory, for Ho-nok- uu

ami Kukullmeletit 0 am.


StnirlCaiiiil, llnilin.for Lnlmlnix anilKanii.ipiili at 12 m.

The ship Stundard has finisheddischarging.

Tho Transport Centennial willsail for Manila tomorrow.

Tho next steamer from tho coastis tho Gaelic, clu.i on the 3 1st.

Tho Hchonner Kauikeaouli sailedfor Koholalelo yeiterday after-noon.

Tho timo of sailing of Iho Kauaifor Lahhina and Kaanapali hasboon postponed until tomorrowmiming.

Tho lCilohana and Koauhoumay bo jn from Kauai ports to-

morrow morning but this is notassured as tho weather up that direction has been paiticularly badfor tbo past fow days.

The Mikahala did not get awayfor Makaweli yesterday afternoon.She got iu rather lute ami it wasimpossible to discharge tho HUirin time for her to sail at 5 o'ol ckSho left at 9 o'clock this morning


For Haniakua, pprstmr Iw.ilani,May 2G- -W O Walker.


From Maui and Hawaii ports,pr stmr W G Hall, May 20 - Mit-- s

Hoillke. Ur Knnniknand wife, Master Kuupiko, MihkIS la l'urirf. iitho l'atis. Mm J DJohnson, Rev Mitclull hi il boh,Ur At'heiley, A Uuckbum, MrsMcGuire anil children, (J Ako, GP Wilder. John A McGaudless. PMcLiue nud 07 on dtck.

P"llce Collrt .Nolrl.In tho Police Court this fore-

noon tho following caics were dis-

posed of: Otno and Tome, thetwo Japanese womon who ranaway from tho honpital, wero son-tence- d

to thirty ilaynat hard laborunder a section of the act to mitigate; Yama-ak- i, charged withleaving his horse untied in thestreet, was reprimanded and dis-charged; Figuoredo, n Portu-guese, had to pay $2 costs for fail-

ing to got his tolmcoo license attho right time. When ho uppear-e- d

beforo Judge Wilcox he statedthat ho had not sold ten dollars'worth of tobacco and waxed ratherineolont. Tho Judge told the manthat if he did not chauge his toneho would put him below.

Hnllora Bluele Trouble.Some fifteen sailors of tho W.

G. Hall mado trouble for the cap-tain and officers of that steamer atMonuapo on Suuday lust. Atabout lt) o'clock they went ashorein one of tbo boats and took n barrol of poi nud n lot of salmon withthorn. Arriving at tho landing,they tied the boat, left the poiwhere it was, took tho salmon iuto tho warehouse and wout up tocall on some friends. iuey hadnot askod tbo captain for tho boatand naturally ho was put outabout the raittr. When he foundthat tho boit did not return hosent ashoro eoran other mon whobrought it back. Tho natives hadthoir good time and then roturnedto tho steamer.

Hent to nfurm School.

Antono Fretas, Enos Fmga andMinuol Benson appeared in thePolico Court this forenoon on thecharge of larceny in the seconddegree. Theso nro tho throo boysarrested in connection with theocoupanoy of tho old HnwleinIioubo by a gang of boys. JudgeWilcox sontonced each of the boysto two years in tho IWorm Re'-- 1


A Sharp Cut in Knives,And a chance to get a bargain, while they last. We lately

bad sent to us 230 sample POCKET KNIVES, so that wecould select our new stock. As the makers knew that theycould not get them back without heavy expense and botherwith the Custom House, they instructed us to rqakea SPECIALSALE and clean them all out as soon as we had selected ourstock. You will see them in our window 50c knives for 25c,Si knives for 50c, Si. 25 knives for 75c, and so on up. Yourpick of each lot for the marked price on same. Every knife isguaranteed to be of the best quality, and any proving defectivewe will replace or return money if they are returned to us.

The sooner you come the more you have to pick from.

Bargains in Pocket Knives.

E. 0. HALL & SON, Ltd,Cor. Fort and Kins Sts.

Columbia and Hnmbler A gouts.


Pretty McmmtlK nf Ifnttlo nf Manilatiny from J. J, V.iiilrrv.rr.

The pooplonf Honolulu remom-bo- r

J. J. Vanderveor, Iho brightmember of tho Baltimore's crow.Ho got up miDstrel shows bybluejackets in tho opera houseand was editor of papers printedon board different flagships. Mr.Vanderveer is now attached to thoU. 8. F. S. Olympia. By lastmail he pent to several friendsin Honolulu cnpis of his work,"Souvenir of U. S 8. littllimoro atthe Battlo of Manila Bay." It isn handsome album Bhnped book,printed iu Hongkong. The letterpress is in red aud blue, makingwith tho white paper tho nationalcolors. Initials, headings andborders nre given the red. Pho-togravures of tho Baltimore,Olympia and Raleigh, also of Ad-mi-

Dewey and officers and crewin groups nppenr in gond shapo"Van" concludes his book, whichcontains a complete accuuut oftho battle, with the followingvoraes:

Come comrades fill your glasses, and ceaseeach merry jest,

Let every one among you think of herwhom he love-- , bet.

From e to California, in far off landsand near.

God bless the Rlrls who love us. the girlsour ne.iris now dear.


Sweethearts and wives, wherever weroam,

Rack flv our thoughts to you and home.Sweethearts and wives, fond hearts and

true.With eyes we drink to you.

Make It a bmmper, comrades, and eachone standing near

Will whisper soft above his glass thename he holds most dear.

And as we drink la silence, and o'er theocean roam.

Our loving thoughts fly back tonight, weurinic to inose at Dome.

Ilo.pltiel at Nt. I.1111U.

The hospital spokon of somotimo ago in this paper in connec-tion with St. Louis College hasbeon completed. It is an improve-ment ovor tho plans at first ar-ranged.


Notice.Chang Chan and Lung Chan, former-

ly members of the firm of Wing Wo Lung& Co., have this day withdrawn fromthe firm.


Honolulu, H. I., May 26, 1809. i2ii-- t


P. II. Brooks Division No. I,U. R. K. P.

Every member of the above division Ishereby ordered to meet at their Armory,K. of P. Hall, Fort street, on Sunday at 2p. nt., tor the purpose of participating InMeniotUI and Decoration Day services ofthe Order. Full dress uniform.

Per order Captain Com minding.S. J. SALTER, S. K. R.

A full attendance is urgently requested.I2JI'2t

$35."During June, July

and August, the above rate for

Board and Lodging per month will

prevail nt the

Queen Hotel.




--33 Queen Street



SATURDAY, May 27, ISO!),AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

At my salesroom, 31 Queen street, Iwill sell at public auction an invoice of

Fine Rattan Ware






PARL6R CHAIRS,EASY ROCKERS.SETTEES, ETC. ETC.Articles will be on view at my sales-

room on Friday, May 26, from 9 a. m. to4 P. m.

JAS. P. MORGAN,3) Queen Street.

Auction Sale,OF.,



At tho promlsos, Quootij streot, roar ofthti Pims-l- t Estate) olllco, I will soil atpuhllonuullon,


JAS. P. MORGAN,Auctioneer.



TO-NIGH- T INew Comedy,

The $10,000 BeautyMLLE. GLORINE,

Serpentine Dancer as Um GODOLSS I'ULE.

Miss Parnell,Me 22a Soprano.

Mp. Frank Barton,Dullone anJ Comtdlan

Ed CunninghamPremier Contortionist

May AshleyMyrtle Graham

Violet DaleJim Post

Billy Howard J

General Admission. i;c. and 50c.Last tlx rows lor Children under n yean, tooReserved Chairs, 50c.Seats can tx booked by rlnslne up Telephone 54a,

Saturday Matinee at2:30 p. m.

Admh!nn to Any rar of 'he house, aJutts 9 cenU'i llrti i nt
