ttec ppt presentation

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TTEC alumni presentation from Kutztown Middle School by Jennifer Wyland


  • 1.Kutztown Middle School Grow, Grow, Growing on Public Lands

2. Why TTEC?

  • Place-based professional development workshop
  • Funded by NPS and ATC
  • Provides a structure and framework

3. Why the Appalachian Trail?

  • Civic engagement
  • Jumping point

4. Who participated and how did it all come together?

  • 3 teachers
  • Research backing environmental education

Richard Louv 5. Find a Need Locally

  • What is happening within your local environment?
  • Who to talk to? How to find a need?
  • Keep it local
  • Dont be afraid to ask!!!
  • Partnerships created:
    • MWA
    • BCC
    • Kutztown borough
    • Kutztown University
    • F of SCM

6. Kutztowns Local Need

  • Sacony Creek Trail -- Phase II

7. Before After Seeds planted by students that have blossomed Beginning Stages of Sacony Creek Trail 8. Sacony Creek Trail Conveniently located behind school 9. 2008-2009 TTEC integration

  • Administrative support
  • MS faculty support
    • 7th grade team
  • MS in-service
    • Volunteer help from partners
    • Workshop sessions

10. 2008-2010 TTEC Integration 8th grade

  • Math
    • Physical components
    • Measurements

11. 2008-2010 TTEC Integration 6th grade

  • 6th grade science
    • Powers of observation
    • Hawk Mountain field trip
    • LNT guidelines
    • Invasive species removal and native plantings

12. 2008-2010 TTEC Integration in ART class 13.

  • Japanese Art

2008-2010 TTEC Integration in ART class 14. 2008-2009 TTEC Integration in 7th grade Creation of riparian buffer zone, seeding meadow area, and trail maintenance Trail planting of natives including evergreen trees, violets, shrubs, and bushes. 15. Sacony Creek Trail Sacony Trail Dedication Bench overlooking creek Observation deck 16. 2008-2009 TTEC Integration in 7th grade

  • Appalachian Trail Unit
    • Importance of AT
    • History & general facts
    • LNT guidelines
    • Mapping activity
    • Hiker with trail name
    • Preparing for an overnight/thru-hike
    • AT thru-hiker assembly

17. Evaluation of 2008-2009 TTEC program and goals

  • Did we meet our TTEC goals set forth?
  • How can we continue to enable growth within our program?
  • What bigger and better things can we offer our students?
  • Open lines of communication
  • Student evaluations of program
  • SAN Award

18. 2009-2010 TTEC Integration

  • Similar components occurring in 6th and 8th grade curricula
  • KU workshop presentation to MS teachers
    • Participants included teachers from all over Berks County


  • Habitat sketching
  • Tree rubbings
  • Habitat components

20. 2009-2010 TTEC Integration in 7th grade

  • Local author assembly
  • Nature photography for field guide

Kiosk made by Eagle Scout, but filled with information by MS students 21. 2009-2010 TTEC Integration in 7th grade

  • 2 Tree planting experiences
    • Water plant tour
    • Press releases
  • Seedlings for schools
    • PA Game Commission

22. Tree Planting 23. AT Family Day

  • Who?
  • What?
  • Logistics
  • Partnerships

24. Advice

  • Collaboration is key!
  • Administrative support is necessary!
  • Reflect and evaluate program!
  • Never be afraid to ask!
  • There is a Power in One!
  • Start small and continue to grow!
  • Dream big!

25. As you can tell, KMS is grow, grow, growing on public lands! Questions? Comments? Concerns? THANK YOU!