true blood powerpoint

True Blood Intro By Will Yeates

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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True Blood Intro

By Will Yeates

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• In this image we see a young boy with strawberries around his mouth, being a show about vampires this image ominously foreshadows later on in the show when the actual vampires show up and do actually start to drink other people’s blood. What makes this image all the more shocking is that it is a child, we would normally associate a child with innocence however by having the child with the blood like substance all over his face it makes the image we see all the more ominous.

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• In this image we see a billboard with God mentioned, thus implying that the location in which this is set is a highly religious place as it has put up signs around the town to ward off whatever it is that their religion disagrees with in this case the vampires.

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• This image of the two people dancing in the club is an early indicator that sex and eroticism will have a place in the drama. We can see by the woman leaning suggestively on the man implies that the theme of eroticism will run through out the show. Also this hints to us that it is a show about vampires by the way the man is leaning into the woman’s neck is much like how a vampire leans in to bite into the neck to drink the blood.

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• This image here of the alligator and the swamp land implies to us where the location of this drama will be. We can guess that this drama will be set somewhere in the deep south of Central America, guessing this from the swamp land and the various American symbols.

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• Even though this is a television show it still uses may techniques which films use to give us the full effect desired to display to us the image the creators of True Blood wanted us to understand. As well as helping to establish mood, tone and atmosphere.