trinity · into my shoulder, sebastian...

Trinity Tidings Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Newport News, VA September 2018

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Page 1: Trinity · into my shoulder, Sebastian completely passed out on my shoulder, finger curled in my hair, and I realized,

Tr i n i t y T i d i ng s Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Newport News, VA September 2018

Page 2: Trinity · into my shoulder, Sebastian completely passed out on my shoulder, finger curled in my hair, and I realized,


From the Pastor’s Desk . . . So Very Precious

There are few things in

life that I know with

more certainty than the

fact that my nephews

are two of the most

precious things that I

have ever held in my

hands. From the

second each of them

came into this world,

everything felt indelibly changed, not just our life as

a family, but something fundamental in the universe,

because now they were in it, and they were so tiny

and so cute and just so very precious. I know this.

I know this so deeply in my heart it seems weird to

actually type it because it’s just a part of existence

now. Felix and Sebastian are their own unique brand

of everything to each of us. Yet, sometimes, those

indelible facts have moments when they become just

a hair more concrete, more tangible, like that

preciousness is something you can reach out and

touch and you want to hold on to it as tightly as you


I had one of these moments a couple of weeks ago

when I had to go up to Maryland to babysit them in

the wake of some unexpected medical news in my

sister’s family. It was a no-brainer when she asked if

I could come. Of course, I can watch the boys.

What aunt would turn down the chance at two

straight days of solid nephew time? Not me. But

then…as I was sitting in the middle of the hospital

with my sister, the reality of how fragile life can be so

thick around us we could practically touch it, as she

went over with me the instructions for what I

needed to do to pick them up from school, it sank in

just what I had to do. As we swapped cars in the

parking lot, as she reiterated to me how to buckle

Sebastian’s car seat, something I have done dozens

of times, but that now felt like the most difficult task

on earth, I realized, into my hands my sister was

passing her most precious things—her babies. As

she sat waiting and waiting for surgical results, she

was trusting me to get her babies safely home. I got

into that car and I swear it was like I had to remind

myself that I knew how to drive.

When I picked them up, I was fairly certain that

everyone could just see my nerves radiating off of

me. I had done this with Kristin before, I knew

what it took to get them from school—sign them

out, get their bags, get them in the car, no problem,

yet, suddenly when it was just me, it felt like I was

attempting to climb a mountain. I checked and

rechecked that car seat. I tugged on Felix’s seat belt

twice, asking if he felt good and in his seat. I swear

Sebastian looked at me like, “Lady, you have done

this before, let’s get on with it and get me my

dinner!” Needless to say, it was a long ten minute

drive home, wanting to make sure they were safe and

secure in my hands.

The second night that I was there, my two baby boys

came home from school ready to do nothing but

snuggle. We curled up on the couch, Felix nestled

into my shoulder, Sebastian completely passed out

on my shoulder, finger curled in my hair, and I

realized, this moment was so very ordinary, and

yet…it was so very precious. These boys had no

idea how much their world was swirling outside of

the protection of their house, a sick grandma and

worried parents, and so I tucked them closer and

kissed their foreheads a few more times than usual,

and I told myself that these few minutes with them,

when they were safe, fed, sleepy, and cuddly were

sacred, blissfully, beautifully, preciously sacred.

Far too often, we miss these moments, let them fly

by in the midst of worries and next things to do and

schedules and the realities of life, and as the calendar

turns to fall, I have a feeling that all of our lives are

going to start feeling a bit harried. School starts,

homework returns, sports kick into a higher gear, the

perceived freedom of summer faded, and everything

just feels busy, busy, busy, and maybe it feels a bit

clichéd to remind us all to take the time to not miss

the precious moments, but I think it’s a reminder we

all need, in the midst of the ordinary and in the midst

of the unexpected. The raucous conversation

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Huntington Avenue Doors Locked:

In conjunction with church council and in light of a

recent security proposal that both the church and the

school have received, effective Sunday, September

16th, the glass doors that face Huntington Avenue

(alongside the playground) will no longer be

Pastor’s Announcements unlocked on Sunday mornings. Those who park on

that side of the building are encouraged to enter and

exit the building through the front entrance. If you

have any questions about this change, please see

Pastor Tina or a member of church council.

between a bunch of kids in your car after school, the

first cool breeze that beckons you to eat dinner

outside, the way your loved one’s cheek feels as you

give them a tiny kiss, every single thing about this life

is so very precious, so very precious, and the

miraculous thing about that fact is that all of the so

very precious’ of life include you.

It’s so easy to recognize the preciousness of the

people we love, it is sometimes much harder to

recognize the preciousness of ourselves. You are

someone’s precious story. You are someone’s person

that inspires just a tinge of nervousness at driving you

in their car because they want to make sure you’re

safe. Somewhere in this world there is at least one,

but most likely many, who could write this article

about you with the same love that I write about my

boys. Someone cherishes the exact color of your

eyes and the way your head feels on their shoulder.

Someone cherishes the sound of your laugh and the

way you snuggle. Someone worries that your seatbelt

is completely and totally snug. Someone is reminded

of how sacred life is because you are in theirs.

And if that isn’t enough, please remember, please

never forget that that is also exactly how God looks

at you. From your freckles to how quickly your skin

gets sunburned. From your laugh to the way your

nose crinkles when something surprises you. From

the sound of your voice to the way your hands and

fingers fold and crease when you pray. Your life is

so very sacred, so very precious. You, you, you are

so very sacred, so very precious. Remember you are

precious and hold your precious ones to you, it’s a

pretty good way to start a new beginning .

Peace it Together,

Pastor Tina

Come join the Accidental Saints Trinity Adult Sun-

day School Class this fall. We will be discussing the

book of this title by Nadia Bolz-Weber, the founding

ELCA pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints in

Denver, Colorado. Pastor Bolz-Weber was one of

the featured speakers at the recent National Youth

Gathering in Houston and we are hoping to arrange

Adult Sunday School Fall 2018 Edition a time during the fall to meet with our two youth

who attended the NYG to hear their perspective on

her presentation. Our first meeting will be on Sun-

day, September 16, 2018. We meet between services

at 9:30 AM in the parlor across from the sanctuary

and hope to see YOU there !!!

School is back in session. Be mindful of the

students walking around and drive cautiously

through the parking lot and around the

school/church property. The children do

cross the parking lot to use the playground

and open field to play.

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Scrapbooking Returns for Fall and Winter:

Do you want to spend time sharing, laughing and

enjoying the company of other scrapbookers? Are

you new to scrapbooking and want to learn more

about the techniques and tools available? Then join

us on the second Saturday of each month starting

September 8th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM in the

Church social hall. For more information and to

reserve a spot, please call Terri Hoffeditz at (C) 757-

871-1182 or (H) 757-766-2646.

Holistic Wellness Expo to Benefit LINK:

All are invited to attend the Holistic Wellness Expo

of Hampton Roads on Saturday, September 8th,

from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM. This is a fundraiser

to benefit LINK. It is being held at the Marriott City

Center, 740 Town Center Dr., Newport News,

23606. Some of the businesses that will be present

are: Medical & Naturopathic Resources, Accunet,

Motivational & Holistic Psychological Therapies,

Alternative Therapies, Aromatherapy, Sound &

Vibrational Healing, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic

Healing, Reiki, Healthy and Beauty Products,

Crystals, Essential Oils, Healing Arts and more.

Jersey Day for Rally Day!

Mark your calendars for the start of the Sunday

School year for both our children and adults. The

theme this year will be sports related and the “kick

off” will happen at 9:30 AM on Sunday, September

9th. Please feel free to wear your jeans and any sport

themed shirt or jersey. There will be only one

service at 10:00 AM that day followed by a potluck

luncheon in the social hall. Sunday School classes

will not actually begin until September 16th.

Hilton Area Blood Drive:

The next Hilton Area Churches Blood Drive will be

held at Hilton Baptist Church on Monday,

September 10, 2018 from 1:30 to 6:00 p.m. You can

call 1-800– RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter HiltonAC to schedule

an appointment.

Head’s Up on Upcoming Events

Theology on Tap Returns!

As the calendar turns to fall, we will return to our

regular gatherings of Theology on Tap at Tradition

Brewing in City Center. Our first meeting of the fall

will be Thursday, September 27th at 6:30 PM. All

(including dogs!) are welcome to join us for an

evening of fellowship and faith conversation. If you

have any questions please see Pastor Tina

Mark Your Calendars: Church Picnic!

Rather than melting in the summer sun, our church

picnic this year is coming with what we hope will be

the cool breezes of fall! We will join together on

Sunday, September 30th for our church picnic at

Fort Fun. The schedule for the day will be a little bit


8:15 AM Worship Service at Trinity

9:15 AM Sunday School at Trinity

10:45 AM Outdoor Worship at Fort Fun

11:45 AM Picnic fun begins

If you are planning on attending worship at Fort Fun

please make sure to bring a chair, blanket, whatever

you would like to use for seating! All are also

encouraged to bring a dish to share for the picnic

and any other fun activities you’d like to do for the


Walking Worship Wednesdays - Fall Edition:

Walking Worship Wednesdays will begin our fall

session on Wednesday, October 3. To adjust for

sunset, we will gather at 5:45 pm in the parking lot of

the Mariner’s Museum. Our walks are a bit shorter

in the fall given the shorter days, but we will still

share in prayer, reflection, and communion. All are



Set the date! Sunday, October 28 will be our

Oktoberfest celebrations with wonderful food,

fellowship, and music. We will gather together for

one worship service at 10:00 AM to celebrate

Reformation Sunday, and Oktoberfest will

immediately follow in the social hall.

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The next event in Trinity’s continuing celebration of

the 500th anniversary is an organ recital by Dongho

Lee. The date is Sunday, September 23rd and the

time is 4:00 pm. Admission is free and an offering

will be collected for the Don Golden Music

Scholarship at CNU. Dongho was here a few years

ago to kick-off the scholarship’s funding with a


She’s playing an excellent program

that includes several favorite

composers - Bach, Brahms,

Mendelssohn, Schumann, and

others. The audience will hear

Bach’s famous St. Anne Fugue

and Mendelssohn’s fantastic 3rd

Sonata (Trinity folks have told me

how much they enjoy these pieces

when I play them, so they’re

definitely familiar).

Dongho Lee, a native of Seoul,

South Korea, is Artist-in-

Residence at Providence United

Methodist Church in Charlotte,

NC and is Director of Music Ministries and Organist

at First Presbyterian Church in Belmont, NC.

Praised for her “drive and energy, coupled with the

ability to tenderly shape a musical line,” (The

Journal, AAM) she was awarded both the First Prize

(Lilian Murtagh Memorial Prize) and the Audience

Prize in the 2010 American Guild of Organists

National Young Artists Competition in Organ

Performance, which was held at the 50th national

convention of the Guild in Washington, D.C.

Ms. Lee has concertized throughout the United

States, Europe, and South Korea. Significant recent

venues in which she has performed include the

Washington National Cathedral, Duke University

Chapel, the Cathedral of St. Philip (Atlanta), the

Cadet Chapel of the United States Air Force

Academy, Methuen Memorial Music Hall, and the

Cathedral of the Madeleine (Salt Lake City). She has

played at the invitation of numerous AGO chapters

Reformation Concert: Dongho Lee Returns to Trinity

and was a featured artist at the 2012 AGO National

Convention and a featured artist at the 2015 AGO

Great Lakes and the 2013 AGO Southeast regional

conventions. Also in 2013, she was a featured

performer at the national convention of the

Association of Anglican Musicians. Additionally, she

has performed as soloist with orchestra featuring

concerti by Poulenc and Handel.

In 2017 she toured with two

members of the acclaimed

Borromeo String Quartet in

concerts of music for organ and

strings. Her first commercial

recording was released in early

summer 2011 on the Pro Organo

label, and features 20th century

organ music performed on the

C.B. Fisk organ (opus 135)

at Indiana University. Her second

recording was released in summer

2017 on the Raven label and was

recorded at Providence United

Methodist Church in Charlotte.

Ms. Lee is currently Adjunct Instructor of Organ at

Davidson College.

Ms. Lee earned undergraduate and graduate degrees

from Yonsei University in Korea, during which time

she served as organist of the Seoul Anglican

Cathedral. In 2004, she moved to the United States

to continue her studies at Yale University and the

Yale Institute of Sacred Music, where she earned a

second master’s degree and was awarded the Julia R.

Sherman Prize for excellence in organ playing. Ms.

Lee is currently completing her doctoral studies at

Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music. At

Indiana University she was a recipient of the

inaugural Jacobs Scholarship and also served as

Associate Instructor of Organ. Her teachers include

Dr. Tong-Soon Kwak, Dr. Martin Jean, and Dr.

Christopher Young.

Please visit for more


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Kick-off is at 9:30 AM, prior to the start of Worship Service at 10:00 AM

The luncheon follows the worship service in the social hall

for a sports themed Rally Day Pot Luck!

Bring a dish to share! Wear your favorite sports team jersey.

Kids don’t forget to bring your backpack for the

Blessing of the Backpacks!

We will also be collecting the following items for the

ELCA Annual Day of Service: God’s Work, Our Hands:

Canned goods for the Thrive Food Bank

New stuffed animals or art supplies for CHKD With Love, From Reid

Join us on September 9, 2018 All are Welcome

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Sunday School starts September 16th

after the 8:15 AM service! Classes available for all children through 12th grade and adults

Come to Rally Day to see what we have in store for Sunday School

An explanation of the adult Sunday School class is on page 3 of this Tidings.

This year we have a couple of teachers to help teach the Sunday School program each week. Some are just temporary or substitutes so we are always looking for more help. The curricu-lum is ready, we just need volunteers to hang out with our awesome Kindergarten through fifth graders. If you can give a couple weeks throughout the year please contact Jessica Moye ([email protected]). Looking forward to a fun year!!!

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National Youth Gathering . . . This Changes Everything Let me start off by saying Thank you! Thank you to

the many, many supporters that the youth program

at Trinity has had over the years. We literally could

not have had such a wonderful time at the Gathering

without your many prayers, love, and financial sup-

port. Everyone who donated to the yard sales,

bought something at the yard sales, told one of our

youth how proud you are of them, or said a prayer

for an advisor who was just exhausted after a day at

the event made a HUGE difference in making the

2018 Youth Gathering a success.

Hopefully you were able to join us on Youth Sunday

and hear directly from Matthew Mynoymany and

Alex Murphy about their experiences in Houston,

Texas. If not, I want to share with you some of the

best moments from the event and hopefully paint a

picture in your mind of what we experienced. This

year, we traveled with and helped to supervise youth

from 3 congregations – Trinity, St. Paul’s in Hamp-

ton, and St. Stephen’s in Williamsburg. We couldn’t

have asked for a better group of youth to share this

trip with. They were easy going, followed directions,

and really soaked in everything they could from the

event. We were lucky to arrive in Houston a few

days early, so we could experience the city. We spent

a day at Schlitterbahn Water Park soaking in the sun,

screaming on the rides, and relaxing in the lazy river

(which turned out not to be as lazy as we had

thought it would be). We spent an evening watching

the Houston Astros play baseball at Minute Maid

Park while enjoying the $1 hotdogs. They even won

for us! We attempted to maneuver our way through

the underground tunnels in Houston to explore the

city, and we successfully walked in circles and got

lost. Some youth even enjoyed the Houston Space

Center one morning. One of our favorite parts of the

city was the food. We dined at the Breakfast Klub

which served Chicken and Waffles around the clock,

and we found the golden armadillo located next to

some of the best BBQ we had all week. We also

found some amazing Mexican food, and were stuffed

for the rest of the evening after eating that.

One of the most exciting parts of the Youth Gather-

ing was our Mass Gathering events which took place

every night in NRG arena. Imagine 32,000 Luther-

ans descending upon the dome attempting to get as

close as possible to the stage to hear speakers pro-

claiming God’s undying love for you, music that

moved you to tears or to dance in the aisles

(sometimes at the same time), and most importantly

Lutherans who came from around the country to

share in this experience. There were dynamic speak-

ers to include Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber (the found-

ing Pastor of the House for All Sinners and Saints in

Colorado), Pastor Tuhina Rasche (ELCA Pastor

raised in a devout Hindu household), and the

Revered Aaron Fuller (Navy Chaplain ministering to

over 3000 individuals deployed worldwide). Even

with the powerful stories that the Pastors and ros-

tered leaders told, most of our tears were shed when

we heard the stories of youth who had overcome the

trials of just being a teenager today. We heard from

a heroin addict and drug dealer, a youth who almost

died from her eating disorder, a youth who suffered

sexual abuse at the hands of a trusted adult, and a

transgendered 11 year old youth and her mother just

trying to live a “normal” life. It was their stories that

touched our hearts and made us really feel God’s

love and presence in the Mass Gatherings.

Our days were split into 3 events. The first day we

spent time in the Interaction Center (3 football fields

long) filled with inflatable fun, ropes courses to

swing from the ceilings, every kind of sports that you

could imagine, bicycle bumper boats that were im-

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possible to steer, miniature golf, and a host of learn-

ing centers and opportunities for service. Our youth

chose service opportunities centered around Human

Trafficking victims and Education in Africa. We

helped to make care kits for victims of human traf-

ficking and wrote notes of encouragement for the

survivors. We also drew out a periodic table on a

huge canvas listing elements that I had long forgot-

ten about since my days in high school chemistry.

Our periodic table now resides in a classroom in Af-

rica. One of our youth from St. Stephen’s Church

chopped her hair off for Locks for Love, and the

massive blood drive was a huge success. The final

totals from the donations and love at the interaction

center were as follows: 437 hair donations, 1248 un-

tis of blood, and 40,000 donated books (which Trini-

ty helped to donate).

On our second day of the event, we went to the VA

Synod Day spending time with the congregations

and leaders in our own VA Synod, many of whom

we have seen at youth events across the years. Our

youth worshipped along with Bishop Bob (The Rev-

erend Robert F. Humphrey – VA Synod Bishop) and

Dave Delany (Youth Coordinator for the VA Synod)

learning how God’s Grace Changes Everything. As

young people desire and struggle to find someone to

become, somewhere to belong, and something to do,

the Gathering reminded us that WE BELONG TO-

GETHER as children of God.

The last day, we spent the majority of the day at our

Service Event site. Trinity along with some other

congregations served at Wesley United Methodist

Church in Houston. This congregation is made up

of mostly older members, and during Hurrican Har-

vey their church was basically underwater. The wa-

ter lines were past the tops of the pews, and they lost

their Bibles and hymnals along with everything else

on the ground. Our youth helped to restore that

church by polishing the pews in the sanctuary and

painting ceilings, doors, and walls in the fellowship

hall. The congregations painted their fence and lines

in the parking lot, power washed the entire building,

rebuilt their grassy area outside and mulched all the

beds around the building. The congregation was

thrilled with our help, and the memories of that day

still say with us all.

During our last day at the gathering, we attended

Sunday worship together. We were exhausted by the

end of the event, but our hearts were full with what

we had learned, what we had experienced, and what

we could take home with us. The Sunday morning

offering was a total of $261,226.43.

So, we are back. We are back in Virginia after expe-

riencing one of the best National Youth Gatherings

that the ELCA has had to offer. This event truly

“changed everything” and will force us to change

things in our own lives and own communities. The

friendships that we made, the relationships that grew

strong between our participants, and the ever present

Love of God is what has changed the lives of our

youth through this gathering. “For by grace you

have been saved through faith, and this is not your

own doing; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8

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TLC and TLS Landscaping Work Day

September 29, 2018 starting at 9:00 AM

To Do List:

Trim back the perennials in the Children’s Garden

Prune shrubs in Children’s Garden

Plant pansies if available

Move Osmanthus in Study Garden

Install pavers along the edge of the play ground and

sidewalk at entrance on Huntington

Prune 3 Beauty berry bushes in Huntington beds

Remove and transplant liriope that is between pittosporum in Huntington beds

Shape Redbuds in Huntington beds

Clean up plants in sign bed

Power wash sign

River Road beds plant liriope from Huntington beds

Prune Nandinas by school entrance

Power wash wall at side door and the sign

Columbarium: prune azaleas, remove liriope, plant pansies

Haul away debris

Items Needed:

Will need a truck(s) to haul away debris

Volunteers need to bring pruners, shovels, hand trowels, gloves

Need a power washer

Need water and snacks

Need 6 Nandinas Lemon Lime, three for children’s garden and three for River Road bed

Please contact Diane Roselius or the church office if you can provide any of the special items

needed. Please do not park along the Children’s Garden (back parking lot) since we will be work-

ing there. There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board, however, any last minute folks that

show up will be welcomed with open arms. If you cannot make it right at 9:00 AM, just let Diane

know that you will still be coming to help out.


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Upcoming Events for the Youth

Lost and Found:

If you are a 7th or 8th grader, and you are interested in

attending this wonderful faith centered weekend with

kids your age from around the Synod, then this event

is for you. Advisors Kelly Rummel and Ashleigh

Ardis will meet you on November 16, and we will

travel to Eagle Eyrie, VA (near Lynchburg) for a

weekend of fun, fellowship, and faith. We return

home Sunday evening, November 18. If you are in-

terested in going, grab a registration form on the

youth group bulletin board, fill it out, and turn it in

to Kelly Rummel by October 7 with your registration

fee of $150 (Checks should be made out to Trinity

Lutheran Church). Also, sign your name on the

youth group bulletin board, so we know that you are

planning on attending.

Howl O Scream at Busch Gardens:

We are going to Busch Gardens for a night of frights

and festivities! Meet at church immediately follow-

ing the 10:45 AM service and we will travel together

to Williamsburg. Bring money for lunch and dinner.

Make sure that you bring your pass or purchase a

ticket in advance. We can get you discount tickets to

the park if you do not have a pass. We will spend

the afternoon riding our favorite rides, and we will

spend the evenings getting scared around the parks

and in the haunted houses. If you want to attend,

please sign up on the youth group bulletin board. **

Disclaimer – this is a scary event that is not ap-

propriate for young children or those that scare

easily! The entire park is full of folks dressed up

in strange looking costumes and dim lighting.

Parents have the final say on if youth group

members can attend!**

Light the Night:

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Light the

Night walk funds treatments that are saving the lives

of patients today. This organization is making cures

happen by providing patient support services, advo-

cating for lifesaving treatments and pioneering the

most promising cancer research anywhere. This

year, the Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Group will

be participating in that walk. Youth Group members

and families are all encouraged to participate in this

event. This event holds a special place in the hearts

of the Rummel family as we lost Erik’s stepsister

Laurie Lynn to this disease less than a year ago. On

October 27, the youth group will meet at Trinity

around 4 PM to travel to Norfolk’s MacArthur Cen-

ter for the event. We will grab dinner at the mall,

and then everyone who signs up in advance will be

given a lantern to hold during the walk. We will walk

(a mile) with other survivors, families, and support-

ers around downtown Norfolk. Some of the Rum-

mel family participated in the event last year, and it is

truly a moving experience. More information on

fundraising for the event will be forthcoming. Please

sign up by October 1 on the youth group bulletin

board if you plan to attend this event. Our team will

Light the Night in Norfolk to gather together to cel-

ebrate, honor, and remember those touched by can-


10:45 Worship Service and Picnic at Fort Fun!

September 30, 2018

Please bring a dish and any fun games/activities

you would like to share with the congregation.


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National Youth Gathering . . . Pictures


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Caroline Furnace. . . Pictures


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September Birthdays

Calvin Scougal ............... 91 ................. September 9

Louise Mozingo ........... 86 ............... September 17

Happy Birthday to our Special Senior Saints

Flowers are still needed for the remainder of the

year. Please see the sign-up sheets on the bulletin

board near the sacristy kitchen if you would like to

donate chancel flowers for any of the available Sun-


Flowers may be donated to the Glory of God or can

be donated in honor of someone, in observance of a

special occasion, or in memory of someone.

Please remember that if you have pledged to donate

flowers, you are responsible for the cost ($18.00 per

vase). Money for flower donations may be placed in

the offering plates with a note marked “Flowers”, or

can be submitted to the church treasurer. If you pay

by check, please indicate “Flowers” in the memo


On the Sunday on which you have donated flowers,

please pick them up after the 10:45 service or ar-

range with Karoline Ardis to have them delivered to

a shut-in member of the congregation.

Laura Davis, Worship and Music Chairman

Flower Ministry

It takes many hands—and bodies—to make things

go smoothly here at Trinity, especially at our worship

services. Here are a few way in which you can help.

Ushers, Greeters, Presenters—greet parishioners

and guests as they arrive, distribute bulletins and oth-

er information, show visitors to a pew and have

them sign the Guest Register, receive offerings, pre-

sent offering plates and communion elements at the

Altar, and direct attendees to the Communion Rail.

Couples and families are urged to volunteer; we es-

pecially enjoy having Junior Ushers. For more infor-

mation, contact Don Sniady (287-6262) or sign up

on the sheet on the library bulletin board.

Altar Guild—prepare the altar for worship services,

including changing paraments, filling candles, pre-

paring the elements for Holy Communion, and

cleaning up after services. Couples and families are

urged to volunteer. For more information, contact

Karoline Ardis (766-0388 or 869-5586).

Lay Readers—read the First and Second Lessons at

Sunday services. For more information, contact

Kathy Stevens (532-6228) for the 8:15 service or

Laura Davis (595-7474) for the 10:45 service.

Assisting Ministers—assist the pastor by leading

the Prayer of the Church at worship services. For

more information, contact Pastor Tina.

Crucifers and Communion Assistants—lead the

processional at worship and assist with the admin-

istration of the elements at the Eucharist. For more

information, contact Bill Solomon (249-1590).

Volunteer Opportunities

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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

My Dear Trinity family,

Those thank you’s could go on and on

and on and still not be able to fully en-

capsulate my thanks to all of you for

the amazing birthday surprise after

Paint Night. I was genuinely complete-

ly and totally surprised by everything,

the cards, the beautiful gift from all of

you, the party, it was all more than I

could even imagine. Needless to say, I

went home that night feeling sufficient-

ly spoiled and overwhelmingly loved.

Thank you again for a night I will never


I love you too,

Pastor Tina

2018 Youth Event Schedule

Oct 14 Howl O Scream at Busch Gardens

Oct 27 Light the Night – Leukemia/

Lymphoma Society

Nov 9-10 Lock In / Famine Service Event

Nov 11 Bake Sale at Church

Nov 16-18 Lost and Found (7th and 8th graders)

Dec 9 Decorating and Caroling followed

by a party at the Rummel’s house

More to come in 2019!

Page 16: Trinity · into my shoulder, Sebastian completely passed out on my shoulder, finger curled in my hair, and I realized,

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

6812 River Road, Newport News, Virginia 23607

Phone: (757) 245-7861

Worship Schedule

Sunday Worship: 8:15 A.M. and 10:45 A.M.

Faith Walk (Sunday School) Between Services: 9:30 A.M.

Holy Communion is celebrated weekly

A Nursery is Provided during worship

Contact Information

Pastor: The Rev. Tina Melusky ([email protected])

Organist and Director of Music: Rob Keene ([email protected])

Administrative Assistant: Anne Obara ([email protected])

Treasurer: Carol Bessom ([email protected])



A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Virginia Synod

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a covenant partner with:

Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center, Habitat for Humanity, Newport News Link,

and Thrive Peninsula.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation.