trinity high school study skills for students · 2015-03-02 · trinity high school study skills...

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015 TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”.

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Page 1: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


Study Skills For Students

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”.

Page 2: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


Do the words ‘revision and exam’ give you a knot in your stomach which makes you feel tense and anxious? Or do you just moan, groan and complain?

And yet, if you are being honest with yourself, there should be no

surprises nor complaints. You have known about them for a long time and have probably been preparing for them with prelims or mock exams. But don’t worry. If it is any consolation you are not alone. The majority of candidates dread the thought of preparing and revising for exams. Nobody likes the slog of revision but unfortunately it is vital if you want to be successful in your exams. Yes ,it is ‘heavy solid’ Who would want to waste four years of secondary school by doing nothing? With the first exam day looming, the big question a lot of teachers are often asked is How do I study and learn for all these subjects? The key to success in any activity is to develop effective skills in whatever you do. Learning is no different. Footballers develop footballing skills; musicians develop musical skills; managers develop managing skills; and learners like you, need to develop learning skills. This is what this guide is all about.

It is designed to help you to develop effective study skills and exam techniques. A lot of the information and advice is not necessarily new and may seem obvious to some of you but nevertheless, it should provide you with a good reference point for developing good study habits.

Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head and keeps pecking away until he finishes the job he starts. Coleman Cox

Page 3: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

However, there is no magic formula nor quick fix. It requires commitment, hard work and effort on your part.

Believe it or not, in the majority of cases, the outcome or result of any examination is decided long before you turn up for your

first exam.

THINK about it!

And no, the teachers or examiners are not biased and have not just chosen their favourites or the ‘geeks ‘ in the class when deciding who is going to pass or fail. The result and responsibility lies with one person and one person only YOU!

It’s all down to YOUR preparation and of course how much you want to succeed. So if you want that eagerly anticipated envelope to arrive in August with good news, then start by reading and doing what is recommended in this booklet.

It’s dynamite!

A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.

Let’s get started!

We all have ability. The difference is how we use it. Stevie Wonder

Page 4: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

The WIIFM Factor If you are one of students who is still wondering about all this ’studying malarkey’, then let’s look at the WIIFM factor Studying What’s In It For Me?

Better grades and perhaps more qualifications.

College, university or training place.

Access to an apprenticeship which requires specific grades or qualifications.

Wider job opportunities and career or further education options with good prospects

These personal goals should motivate you to keep yourself on track When you are motivated, it is a lot easier to concentrate and focus on what you are doing. Over the period of your exams, you will find your motivation ‘flagging’ at times. But you can overcome these periods by reminding yourself why you are doing this. What are the other benefits? Learning how to study will save you time in the long run. As a result you will experience less stress and frustration. You will gain more confidence in your own ability. So, set yourself short –term goals and build in breaks and rewards. Aim to celebrate your success. The top people in sports tend to use a technique developed by sports psychologists – visualising success. You should do the same.

If you set yourself targets or goals to get things Done, then you will be half way there.

The only person who can tell you ‘you can’t’ is you. And you don’t have to listen Nike Advert

Success comes in cans, failure in can’ts Anonymous

Page 5: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

Create a designated study space/area Whether it is the kitchen table, dining room or bedroom, it should preferably be a dedicated space where you can work as required, free from the usual distractions such as the TV, radio, games consoles etc. This is crucial for effective studying and learning to take place. A fixed place is best not only, so that you can keep all your materials in the one place but also that area should become firmly associated in your mind with studying and learning. Of course, you can’t take over the house. You need to consult the other family members.

Try and get a hold of files, boxes or plastic wallets to keep all your resources, such as past papers, revision notes so that they are readily available.

Label them for each subject for easy access HIGHLIGHT THE EXAM DATE

Include paper, index cards, pens, pencils, erasers, rulers etc. as well as reference materials such as dictionaries etc.

Invest in ‘highlighter pens’ and ‘post-its’.

Always have pens and paper ready so that you cam always be in work mode.

Research has shown that any texts or notes, which are highlighted, tend to be easier to remember.

Post-its are handy for a variety of tasks. In the long run, it will pay big dividends. A little time and effort getting organised will save you time and energy in the future and stop you from becoming uptight or anxious, searching for materials etc. I

Even finding a little space or quiet corner with all your materials to hand will go along way to helping you.


Of course, this may be easier said than done in a busy household

You could ask to study at a relative’s house if they live close-by. E.g. grandparents where you may have less distractions and more space to study. If you find it difficult to work at home or find there are too many distractions, don’t forget you can still go to school or the local library and study there.

Page 6: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


What have I learned so far?

Page 7: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

PLANNING FOR SUCCESS Now that you have managed to set up a study area, you now need to devise a study schedule based around the examination timetable. This will enable you to organise and prioritise your workload and

see when and what you should be studying.

Learning needs a plan! However, first and foremost

Get a copy of the examination timetable

With a highlight pen, colour in the dates and times of each of your exams. You may also like to include where the examination is taking place if you know it.

Now get someone to double check it.

Place it in a prominent position in your house. E. g. bedroom wall, kitchen, hall.

Do not rely on your memory. Check it every day.

Now that you have done that, you can start to plan a revision/study timetable for making the best use of your time during study leave.

So which one are you going to be?

You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket.

There are three types of people in this world; those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who wondered what happened. We all have a choice Mary Kay Nash

Page 8: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

MANAGING YOUR TIME Constructing a timetable It may be tempting to just stay in your bed for half the day whilst on study leave but if you establish a routine for studying, you will find that it will become easier. A weekly blank timetable is enclosed as an example. Use it!!!

Fact! There are an incredible 168 hours in the week. Obviously you have to subtract time for sleeping, eating and leisure time. But even with all the demands on your time, you can easily find time to study. The times you choose to study could also be critical. Are you a morning person or a night owl? When preparing and planning your timetable, take into account the following:

Be realistic about how much time you should devote to studying.

As a general rule, short study periods of 30- 50 minutes are best with regular 10-15 minute breaks. However, The odd hour here and there is not enough.

Study at times when you know you will be able to work at your best.

Make sure you allocate enough time to study for each of their subjects and vary what you study. Do not just focus on the topics or subjects you enjoy.

Be specific about what you are going to study.

Try and be flexible. Some weeks you may be busier than others.

A carefully planned revision timetable keeps you on target and helps you focus on what is to be done in the weeks to come.

In this way, you can make every hour count.

Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week. Spanish Proverb You may get round to studying someday. But, ‘someday’ is not a day of the week

You need to learn to use your time wisely.

The bad news is…. time flies. The good news is… you're the pilot. --Michael Althsuler

Page 9: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

Getting down to REVISING Even though you thought that revising was just for ‘geeks’ and ‘brainboxes’ perhaps now you have begun to realise that everyone needs to revise. Let’s not waste the time and years you have spent in school. The hardest part will be just getting started and establishing good study habits. Always revise with a view to learning. Reading and then re-reading a textbook is not very productive unless you are actively taking notes and summarising in your own words.

Once you get into a routine and develop good study habits, it’ll become easier. You only have to revise the material you don’t know.

Bear in mind that the examiners want you to pass. Being organised is half the battle.

However, before you can do any proper revision you need to make sure that there are no gaps in your class notes. If you have missed classes or you can’t read or understand your own notes, try and get a hold of someone else’s and copy them. Ask your teacher if there are any notes available for the areas

or topics that you have missed or don’t have. Seek advice for any gaps in your knowledge or understanding. So have we managed to get all that sorted? Now let’s get the notes organised. Plan what you are going to do and set yourself specific tasks to completed……………………………………….before you get interrupted or distracted………………………….

A goal without a plan is just a wish Thomas A. Edison.

Bad habits are like a comfortable bed. Easy to get

into and hard to get out of.

Page 10: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

Distractions, Distractions, Distractions. No they won’t go away. ….. the little devils. You have to learn how to deal with them if you want to improve your chances of passing all your exams. Most of us will do anything than sit down and study. And come up with every excuse imaginable. Those famous words which we all say to avoid studying

“I’ll just do this first, then I’ll study”. Shuffling and organising notes and papers. Tidying your desk or even your room. Raiding the fridge etc. etc. Before you know it, something else happens and you put it off again……..and again and again. You need to be ruthless with yourself and learn some form of self-discipline. No more avoidance tactics You should now have made a revision timetable. STICK TO IT!

So let’s look at some of the main excuses for not studying

Excuse Solution

Subject boring Study in small ‘chunks’ and vary times and topics

Too noisy Work in library or school or relative’s house

Too tired Get some fresh air and exercise. . Decide when you feel you are at your best and use this time for studying.

Don’t want to miss favourite TV programme

Record the programme and watch it later

Mobile phone keeps ringing Switch to silent. Let your friends know you are studying

Social Life It’s important but choose a time and place in advance which does not affect your study routine. Build in ‘breaks’/rewards.

99% of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses George Washington Carver

Consider the postage stamp; its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing ‘til it gets there. Josh Billings

Page 11: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015



Want to know the contents of your course?

Want to know how you are going to be

assessed or an explanation as to the various

component parts of each exam?

Want to know where previous candidates have

made mistakes in past years for a particular


Check out the SQA website and do a specific search

for each subject.

"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started." Dawson Trotman

Page 12: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

What about playing music? Whatever your taste in music, studies have shown that soft classical music playing in the background,

can help to stimulate the brain and increase the chances of the information being absorbed into the memory. Some of you may be cringing at the very thought of even considering this suggestion. Ugh!!! Geek!!! However, you have absolutely nothing to lose by trying it. It may prove to be a real winner for you. Try Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos or Handel’s Water music

Whatever you decide, most students like to play some form of music whilst studying. Advantages

It blocks out other noises in the household.

Background music may help you to relax.

It can help the learning process. Disadvantages

Loud music can be a distraction and intrusive at times.

You may end up paying more attention to singing along with the music rather than concentrating on your task.

You begin daydreaming and ‘doodling’ and again not focusing on the task at hand. Real studying requires concentration

You become more interested in organising the ‘play list’ and sequence of tracks. Wasting more and more time.

Other Aids Some people suggest sucking peppermint, clears your nasal passage for fresh air. More fresh air means more oxygen to the brain and helps the memorisation process.

According to the British Psychological Society, students may benefit from taking a glucose drink before or after a revision period. Evidence

suggests that it improves memory retention

Combine that with the ‘right’ music and it could prove to be a ‘winner’ for you.

Page 13: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


Page 14: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

See website Making Good Revision Notes For effective revision, you need to ensure that your notes are clear, easy to read and understand and above all well organised. Teachers usually provide study notes and past papers for their

subjects, make sure these are available. It is always a good idea to make your own revision notes or re-draft them. You will start to learn as you write them out. Try and get all the information you require onto a sheet of A4 paper. You can then condense and reduce your notes even further onto small colour coded cards. A different colour for each subject makes it easier for you to identify the various subjects.

Pocket sized cards also make it easier for you to carry around and you can look at them practically anywhere and at anytime. When making your own notes from textbooks or past papers, list the main points and try to summarise in your own words. There are several ways you can do this

Diagrams or charts

Bullet points.

Lists or trees with headings and sub-headings

Mindmaps or spider diagrams

Use pictures arrows, symbols, cartoons, illustrations abbreviations

Make your notes colourful

Using a highlight pen mark key phrases, concepts or words, much better than underlining.

Printing in block capitals is more easily recalled than script. You could also change the size of a key word so that it stands out and jumps out of the page.

Why not form a study group with your friends and share information, notes and help test one another.

If there is anything you still don’t know or understand, then make arrangements to come into school and get your teachers to help.

There is little difference in people……the little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. W. Clement Stone

Page 15: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

HOW DO I LEARN? Knowing how you learn best should enable you to choose and adopt study methods that suit your personal preference and style. As a result, learning and your power of recall becomes much faster and easier. Balance is the key There are a number of theories related to learning. What matters is what works for you. Everybody is different. One approach may suit you for some subjects whilst for others, you may adopt a different approach. You may prefer one over another. Here is a brief overview and some tips to help you. It is generally agreed that there are 3 main learning styles.


Visual learners learn through seeing and may prefer to copy out notes and write things down so that you can see them. Graphs, pictures, and diagrams help you to learn and memorise. Revising tends to be done in silence and you remember things by re-writing and re-drafting in your own words. Colour coding and highlighting keywords, facts or figures may help you to remember.


Aural learners like to learn through listening. You like to discuss and hear what others have to say and their ideas. You could record yourself using a tape recorder or MP3 player and play it back. Sing the main points to a familiar

piece of music or create a musical jingle. Read your notes aloud to aid memorisation. Kinaesthetic

Kinaesthetic learners learn through being active, moving, doing, and touching. If you are an active learner, you will like to move about the room and revise whilst doing something else. Role playing or acting out what you are trying to do could also be beneficial. You may also enjoy participating and contributing to group discussions.

Remember, you may wish to experiment with all three to find out which style suits you for a particular subject.

Page 16: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

How Am I Going To Remember It All? It always amazes teachers when young people say ‘I’ll never remember that’. And yet the exact same people are able to remember how to operate all the functions on their mobile phones or MP3 players without referring to the instruction manual. The same can be said for being able to recite the words or lyrics to songs with no real conscious effort to learn them. Clever people! Do you get the picture? Without boring you to death with theory, almost everyone has a

good memory. However, it is all down to how you use it and the techniques or methods you can employ to help you to develop your power of recall. Learning something ‘off by heart’ is a sure way to success but you may need to adopt different approaches to help you to learn and recall. Apart from having an efficient filing system and colourful notes to help you to remember, here are some additional techniques for you to try:

ACRONYM – an invented combination of letters with each letter acting as a cue to a key word, idea or concept. This technique can be used for random list or for lists that need to be remembered in a specific order. For example the word "scuba" is actually an acronym for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, but SCUBA is far easier to remember.

ACROSTIC – is an invented sentence where the first letter of each word acting as a cue to an idea or concept that you need to remember.My Dear Aunt Sally (mathematical order of operations: Multiply and Divide before you Add and Subtract)

In music, you might have used an acrostic to remember the names of the notes: FACE represents the names of the notes in the spaces on the staff. The first letters of the words in sentence "Every good boy deserves favour" represent the names of the notes on the lines on the staff.


The use of rhyme can be a very good technique to make the information memorable. The most common application of this technique is to l new Do you remember

"Thirty days has September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one. except February alone which has 28 days clear and 29 in each Leap year”

Another example is the rhythm and melody of simple tunes

like"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. A lot of children have learned the

alphabet this way.

If you get into the habit of reviewing your notes on a regular basis, again and again your memory will improve. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.

Page 17: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

IMPROVING YOUR ESSAY WRITING If you want to score highly in this area, then you should be aware that presenting your work in a structured and cohesive manner will boost your grade. The following list of words may help you to structure and link your ideas. They also give your work variety. When under pressure you sometimes repeat yourself. Some of

you may be using them already and they may have become part of your everyday vocabulary. If you struggle in linking your ideas, then these transition words and phrases can be a very useful tool.

A little time spent now in getting to know these words will save you time during your exam.

To give more information Besides Furthermore In addition Moreover Also As well as Next To indicate an example For example For instance Specifically In particular such as By way of illustration namely to demonstrate this To give comparisons Similarly Likewise In comparison By the same token In the same way Another aspect that they have in common/ that they share To give cause and effect This proves that This is due to Accordingly As a result To this end Consequently hence thus Although However, In contrast On the other hand Whereas In spite of To conclude In conclusion all in all Therefore Overall To sum up To summarise On the whole

Page 18: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

UNDERSTANDING THE QUESTION The key to answering any question is understanding exactly what the examiner means. Some words can be confusing and the way they are interpreted may differ slightly from subject to subject. Past papers should give you an idea of the types of questions which tend to come up in each subject area.

FACT Most marks are lost because students fail to answer question.

Don’t you be one of them. Here are a few of the most common words used in exams Why? This may seem so simple but you’d be amazed at the amount of people who confuse ‘why’ with ’how’. Why means you have to give a reason. You need to prove it. E.g. He does this because….. How? On the other hand,’ how’ can have two meanings. By asking for an explanation or In what way or ways Analyse Separate the main parts, elements or topics and show how they relate to the overall subject or issue. Argue Give reasons for or against. If this comes up you need to be able to give specific examples to back up your points. Compare and contrast These words will either be used on their own or come together. Compare means to show the similarities and the differences. Contrast means to highlight or identify the differences. Calculate

Work out and find the answer Describe

Write about a subject in detail so that the examiner gets a clear picture or image of what you are describing. Discuss

Write about a particular subject in detail, giving reasons and examples. Summarise State the main ideas omitting examples.

Page 19: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

The Weakest Link Making connections in learning.

How many of you have actually visited the SQA website and downloaded the course syllabus? Do you know the elements of the course that need to be covered? A lot of students sometimes fail to see that subjects are inter-connected. For example, essay writing skills can be applied to a number of subject areas. What you learn in English can be applied to essay writing in History, Modern Studies, Geography etc. etc. Similarly, Mathematics and Physics require numerical and analytical skills. Therefore, it makes sense that your study techniques and approaches should be similar for both subjects. Perhaps there are some areas where they overlap. This could be a major time-saver, allowing you to allocate your time more effectively.

Revision checklists are essential!!!!!!


Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself. Thomas A. Edison

Page 20: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

Dealing with Stress – Healthy Lifestyle = Healthy Body and Healthy Mind Stressed? Anxious? Nervous? It’s only natural. Some students cope better than others with exams. There are a number of things you could do to ease the pressure and tension. Firstly, - and yes this may sound like nagging – you need to eat sensibly particularly when involved in prolonged periods of study.

Unfortunately, too much junk food, sweets chocolate and sugary drinks sap energy levels affecting concentration and may also disturb

your sleep pattern.

Avoid too much caffeine-rich drinks such as coffee, tea and fizzy drinks. Although caffeine is a stimulant and can keep you awake, it has also been linked to an increase in nervous tension and stress levels.

The best drink by far for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is water. Or a milky drink at bedtime.

Make sure that you get some form of physical exercise on a regular basis. A short, brisk walk would suffice.

Stress is eased by any form of physical activity. Exercise helps to release nervous energy and lowers anxiety levels. It makes you more alert.

Try and establish a set pattern for bed in order to get enough sleep during your study leave 8 hours should be enough for most people.

Chewing sugar free gum can also help you relax and improve concentration levels.

Some studies have suggested that the use of aromatherapy oils such as peppermint and rosemary can have calming effects

Try any relaxation techniques which may help ease your tension. The link below may prove a useful starting point.

If you have any problems at home that are affecting you, please come into the school and discuss any matters of concern with your Guidance/Pastoral Care teacher. Or you could get in contact with Youth Counselling Services Agency 11 Forth St Glasgow, G41 2SP 0800 9171723 or 0141 420 6600

Page 21: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

A Study Buddy

Most experts will tell you to shun the computer because you will be tempted to use it to contact your friends or use it for a multitude of other things apart from studying. Receiving and sending emails, playing games, listening to music, checking out all the messages on your social networking sites. etc. etc. Admit it! It is usually a key distraction and you will probably end up wasting valuable time on it.

This is where you really need to discipline yourself and take advantage of this modern technology and its rapid communication method.

With the boom of social networking sites such as Facebook etc. it has never been easier to

set up a forum with your friends to help you with your coursework and revision. Even notes could be prepared and downloaded to share with your ‘study buddies’ and be accessed at any time.

However, it does need planning

We all have friends who are really good at particular subjects. So you can all help one another. Is that not what friends are for? They can help when there is something you don’t understand or there are particular gaps in your notes or knowledge. If you plan it in advance with your friends, it just might help you to revise and study more effectively.

‘I get by with a little help from my friends’ John Lennon (The Beatles)

Page 22: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

The night before the exam

Double check the time of the exam

Remember you need to be there at least 15 minutes before the official starting time.

Lay out the clothes you will be wearing. Nothing worse than trying to find a clean shirt or one that need ironed in the morning.

Don’t stay up all night ‘cramming’. You need to relaxed, fresh and alert.

Get food, packed lunches or money you require.

If you need medication, for example, for hayfever, get it organised now.

If you need to get public transport, check the timings. After peak times, services may not be as frequent.

Get organised by packing your bag with:

Extra pens, pencils etc.

Calculator (if required)

Revision Notes

Bottle of water.

A suitable watch or timepiece for checking the time.

Candidate Number -

Do not be tempted to take any prohibited items.

Finally, make sure the alarm clock is set and that you manage to get a good

night’s sleep so that you are fresh and alert for the next day.

Feeling organised about the little things will ease the pressure and help to cut down on stress.

Page 23: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


Give yourself plenty of time to get to school. Rushing will only stress you out. Most students experience some degree of apprehension or anxiety. Remember to be positive and visualise your success. Try to have breakfast, even if you don’t normally. A little bit of toast or cereal will work wonders. According to some research studies, drinking ginseng tea improves thinking skills. Food is fuel for the brain It will also stop your stomach from rumbling during the exam. On Your Arrival At School

Get into the routine of checking where the exam is being held and the seating arrangements just in case there are any last minute changes.

Adopt a positive attitude. Tell yourself that this is an opportunity for you to show the examiner what you have learned.

Remember it does not matter what every other student is saying about what they know and topics they have revised. Any exam is about what you know and what you do. Ignore all the idle chit-chat.

Fill your water bottle if you have one.

This may seem obvious but you really should go to the toilet. There will be no opportunities for ‘toilet breaks’ during the exam.

Switch off your mobile phone and check your pockets and bag to make sure you do not take any forbidden or banned items into the examination

hall with you.

Possession of any unauthorised item in an exam constitutes an infringement and breach of exam regulations. You could be disqualified.

Don’t take that chance!

In the exam room Find your seat and get organised, pens ready etc. Follow the invigilator’s instructions and listen for those words that you have been waiting for ‘ You Can Begin’ What you do next will have a major impact on your result. Follow these exam tips…..

Page 24: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

EXAM TIPS READ the instructions and the whole paper first to become familiar with what you are being asked to do. Check the time you are given for the exam and try to work out how long you should spend on each answer. More marks= more information.

If you feel you may forget important information, write it down right away.

Read the paper again slowly and this time start to underline or highlight key words.

Tick or circle questions you may wish to do first. This will settle your nerves and help to build up your confidence.

The main reason that students fail exams is because they fail to

answer the question.

Make sure you understand what is being asked and not what you were expecting or hoped for.

Check the marks for each question. This will help you manage your time. As a general rule, the higher the mark the more you have to write

When planning your answer, assume that the examiner knows nothing.

Always show your workings. You may be able to gain some marks this way even if you don’t complete the question.

If you find yourself running out of time, answer as best as you can in note form. Get as much information down as you can.

Watch your handwriting. Write as neatly as you can.

If your mind goes blank or you feel nervous, take a deep breath and tell yourself that you are now calm and focussed.

Never leave a question unanswered. Guess! You have absolutely nothing to lose.

This may be hard to believe but the exam markers want to give you as many marks as possible. Don’t think that the examiners are going to have a good laugh at any mistakes. If your answer is wrong- so what. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. There are no prizes for finishing first. Try and leave enough time to look over your paper. Ignore everyone else who may be leaving.

This is your exam paper and your future not


Page 25: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


Page 26: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

AFTER THE EXAM The exam is over. There is nothing you can do now to alter your answers. So don’t ‘beat yourself up’ over what could or might have been. Nor should you dwell on what other students are saying or comparing your answers to theirs.

Remember there is always more than one way to answer a question. Remaining positive and upbeat is far more productive. If you did the best you could then congratulate yourself instead. Nobody can fault you for that. Your goal is to focus on your next exam and look upon it as another one ‘down’ and only so many to go.

The Final Countdown – the waiting is over

So the day has finally arrived when a very large envelope appears and everyone is anxiously waiting to hear your news. For you it could be a feeling of

Simple relief now that the worry and waiting are over.

Euphoria and happiness because the results are good or better than expected

Or disappointment and sadness because the grades are lower or worse than expected.

If results did not go to plan, remain calm, upbeat.

It is certainly not the end of the world.

So start a plan of action. This will stop you dwelling on what might have been. And the sooner, the better. You need to explore other avenues

Consider Exam Appeals although these are becoming more and more difficult to get.

A discussion with your Pastoral Care/Guidance Teacher or local Careers Adviser to explore alternatives and other options even if you are not returning to school.

Review other college courses or job opportunities.

Contact Learndirect helpline 0808 100 900 for further help and advice.

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Peter Drucker

Page 27: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


Page 28: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


This is a period of time when you are given permission to be absent from school in order to prepare, revise and study for your forthcoming exams. Students, therefore, need only attend when they have examinations.

It is not a holiday and should not be treated as such.

WHERE WILL EXAMINATIONS BE HELD? The main location for the majority of exams is the Games Hall. Students should arrive preferably 30 minutes but at the very least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time to enable seating arrangements to be carried out quickly and efficiently. On the day of each exam, a list will be placed in the notice boards in the street area. It is the candidate’s responsibility to check where the exam is being held and to note their seat number. Candidates will be seated according to their designated desk number.

Every year a few candidates miss an examination because they have misread the timetable.

Make sure you are not one of them WHAT HAPPENS IF I AM LATE? If you think that you are going to be late, phone the school immediately so that a message can be passed on to the chief invigilator who will determine whether you can be admitted. In the case of a Modern Languages listening exam, no student will be allowed entry whilst this particular exam is in progress.


You or your parent or guardian should immediately telephone the school and inform us of the situation. A medical certificate is essential if the school is to consider making an appeal for an award on your behalf.

Similarly, any illness, accident, bereavement or family circumstances which may affect your overall performance to perform at your best arising shortly before or during the exams, should be discussed with the your Head of House or Pastoral Care/Guidance teacher.

Page 29: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

WHAT HAPPENS IF A CANDIDATE FAILS TO ATTEND? Should a candidate fail to attend for no valid reason, then an asterisk will appear opposite the subject name on the student’s awards certificate. This may indicate to any prospective employer or further education college that there appears to be a lack of commitment on the young person’s part and has failed to complete the outcome of the course.

Therefore, ‘not turning up’ damages future employment prospects not to mention the fact that all the previous years of work up to that point will have been totally wasted.

WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? All candidates should arrive wearing the school uniform as per the school’s dress code. Don’t cause yourself any unnecessary stress. Students not dressed in the appropriate manner may not be permitted to sit the exams. Candidates will be told to place all coats and bags etc. at the front or back of the room. You should bring as little as possible in the way of coats and baggage etc. WHAT SHOULD I BRING WITH ME? You should bring only the materials appropriate for the exam

At least two ballpoint pens with black or blue ink. (not gel/felt tip pens)

*A calculator if permitted and instructed for specific exams.

Coloured pencils or inks for diagrams, maps, charts etc. if required

A bottle of water preferably with a ‘sport’ cap top.

Scottish Candidate Number Card

*Candidates will have been advised of the type of calculator required for each exam. It is the your responsibility to bring the necessary equipment on the day WHAT IS NOT PERMITTED?

Mp3 players/iPods or any Digital Audio Player


Electronic products or instruments

Tippex or any form of correction fluid, tape or pens

No food, sweets or chewing gum.

Notes, books, paper of any kind

Pencil Cases/calculator cases

Sharing or borrowing of any equipment

Mobile Phones

Hard work spotlights the

character of people: some turn up

their sleeves, some turn up their

noses, and some don't turn up at


Sam Ewing:

Page 30: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

Mobile Phones

Any student found to have a mobile phone in the exam room will be reported for a breach of regulations and possibly disqualified from that paper. The school can take no responsibility for the security of mobile phones brought to the school and subsequently handed to the invigilator. Candidates will be told that to surrender any items in their possession which may infringe the regulations.

Possession of any unauthorised item in an examination constitutes an infringement of the exam regulations

Page 31: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


You will be subject to the school’s behaviour policy at all times and the rules and regulations imposed by the examination board. Candidates are asked to enter and leave the examination hall in an orderly manner and in silence, so as to avoid disturbing other students who may still be taking examinations in another room. Should you attempt to communicate with another student or turn round for any reason whilst the exam is in progress will be asked to leave and subsequently be reported. Be mindful of this. It is not a classroom setting. It would be a shame if you allowed yourself to waste 4 years of work. Any disruptive students will be removed and reported which will inevitably result in disqualification and ‘no award’ being given.

WHAT ABOUT TOILET BREAKS? Simple, there are none. Go to the toilet before the exam. Generally, no student will be

allowed to go to the toilet whilst the exam is underway. However, should an emergency occur, you will be escorted by an invigilator or other authorised person and be taken to the toilet.

Visits to the toilet will most definitely be the exception rather than the rule.

WHAT IF I FINISH THE EXAM EARLY? You are either a whiz kid or you have not fully answered all the questions. Either way, you should use all the available time reviewing and checking their answers. There are no prizes for being first finished A candidate may be permitted to leave the exam room at the invigilator’s discretion by raising their hand so as not to distract others. All exam papers must be handed to the invigilator before leaving the room. Under no circumstances will any candidate be permitted to re-enter the exam room for any reason.

No candidate will be allowed to leave during the last ten minutes of any exam except in an emergency. SO DON’T ASK

Page 32: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


For National Qualifications

The certificate should arrive at your home at usually in the first week in August. It is possible to receive your results by e-mail and/or text by 9am on the morning that the results are released. This is done through the mySQA service. For this, you must sign up beforehand and then activate your account.

If you do not get it by then, contact the school at once. SQA sends results directly to us so we will be able to tell you your results. We will also get in touch with SQA to find out what has happened to the certificate. You can get your results by email through registering on

If you do not get it by then, contact the school at once. SQA sends results directly to us so we will be able to tell you your results. We will also get in touch with SQA to find out what has happened to the certificate. You can get your results by email through registering on

What if there are errors or omissions?

If a course, or some units of a course are missing from the certificate, or you think they are wrong, contact the school or college at once. If there is a problem they will sort it out with SQA.

Page 33: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015


Get yourself organised, plan and prioritise your workload. Stick to your revision timetable where possible.

Have the exam timetable on display.

Create a designated study space and have a supply of materials on hand.

Keep telling yourself that you can do it!

Minimise distractions and interruptions.

Plan breaks and reward yourself for each goal achieved.

Make sure you get enough sleep

Try out what you have learned on someone else by explaining what you have been studying to them.

Make sure you eat properly, exercise and rest when appropriate.

Get everything you need for the exam the night before.

List of websites

Timetable – See attached example

Page 34: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015

The Internet can be an invaluable resource for a variety of school subjects as well as revision and study techniques. Many non-commercial organisations provide valuable on-line resources for schools. Included are the equivalent GCSE revision sites which may prove useful in some subject areas.

The list below is simply a guide and no endorsements or recommendations have been provided by the school. It is merely a sample representation of

what is available on the internet.

Page 35: TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students · 2015-03-02 · TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL Study Skills For Students “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission

Headteacher : Mr. Peter Bollen Trinity High School

Compiled by Mr. J. Gilroy PT Modern Languages Trinity High School . Update 2015
















Be specific about the areas or topics you have decided to study. Do not for example, just put Spanish or Maths as a subject area. That is far too broad an area to cover. Focus and target particular parts of the course or syllabus.