trendscouting magazine

Trend Scounting The lastest Trends The eye in New York Style Bill Cunnighan LookBook Revolution

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Magazine about themes that are giving in the subject Trendscouting in Bauhaus University Weimar - Germany



The lastest Trends

The eye in New York Style

Bill Cunnighan

LookBook Revolution


3 Editorial

4 Organize Your-selves

6 In the Street with Bill Cun-nighan

10 Lookbook Revo-lution

14 New Trends

16 Blogs

18 ScraptBook

20 Germany vs Por-tugal Style

21 Scouting

22 Last News

Color Trends for Spring/Summer 2014


“What was trend yesterday, today is already out of


Marguerita Silva Almeida

With the arrive of a new day we think in new trends, what is new for us, for the world is already out of fashion. The world is in a constant change, is so fast that us, ordinanry people with our ordinary lives only know about things when they are alredy out of fashion.

Even when people think that they are hide for that trends, they are not, they are fol-lowing others trends, the not-trends. We all are into a group, not matter what we all fit in a certain group, maybe a group of non-Trends is our thing. So many things that we don’t know, but people are make our choises without we notice that.

w Just take a look and think in your daily life and you’ll see it, how you’re command.


A lready think in read a magazine with things organize in a different way? let take this magazine for our example, imagine that we decide organize the whole pages for colors, first page only container things in red, the second things in yellow (..) don’t matter if are fruits and clothes, they have a connection, the color. Or we can also organize objects that start with the same letter, that not make the life more easy? Maybe yes, but maybe not.. At the beginning we will find it very strange, we’re not used to have things organize in that way. I speak for my-self, but I think We all are a little like that,

we live in a chaotic world, where we can find our selves. Shoot the first rock who not look at your desk and think-ing “Oh men I need organize that” but in the exactly mo-ment, we sit and start work in that chaotic world!

You can organize things for ob-jects equal or for Groups of things

In our days we’re used to work in a team, and with a team we need keep ourselves organize, we need to force it. Thousand of groups in our days are forced to interact together, to think for connect to the other group. What will be if anything was organize? Organize things is the expla-nation to the structure of the mechanism, and without know we’re controlled by leaders that we don’t imagine that exist.

The Indianapolis-based design-er, Austin Radcliffe, created the website TON features nothing but photos of things organized, well, neatly. Really neatly. Lots and lots of things (cars, pens, bottles, leaves, you name it).

Interview from printmag to Austin :

“How and why did you start this site?I was drawn to images of things laid out neatly, main-ly photos wor drawings that function as a visual list. I’ve always enjoyed detailed, imag-inative drawings from people like Eric Chase Anderson, and I was also enamored with photo documentation, as in archaeology. So naturally I was drawn to this trend we’re seeing now, of designers documenting their work this way. A lot of designers neatly organize a rebrand or identity system they’ve dne, to take photos of it. I’ve posted some of these on my blog.”

“The person arranging the items is inherently exercising his or her aesthetic preferences. Even if the objects are arranged scientifically, by size for instance, a pattern reveals itself. So neatly organizing a subject will give visual interest, and even function to the viewer. Precision is beauty” - Austin Radcliffe for PrintMag

The Street Style Phtographer for

The New York Times

Street Photographer

B ill Cunningham was one of the first photog-raphers to capture the everyday fashion. Cunningham dropped out of Harvard to pursue his own design of hats, later working for a job as a fashion journalist for the Chicago Tribune where he started taking his own photos of people on the streets representing lifestyle fashion. He’d shoot film of those walking the streets of New York while pedalling around on his bike in his blue track jacket. Every New Yorker knew who he was and, if approached, was floored with flattery to have been photographed. Cunningham made his big mark when his first set of photographs took stage in The New York Times of December 1978. He wanted to relate to the real people in the city, on the streets and those who stood out as making their own idea of wardrobe.

The eye fromNew York Style


LOOKBOOK is the #1 source for fashion inspiration from real

people around the world.


In our days with street Style so much difunde, who doesn’t know The website Founded in 2008, where can be found all the inspiration that we need. Most of people want to show his unique style and sense of art for dress, can be also a open door for one label, blog, photography (…) but this all have one thing in common, the love about fashion shared between all kind of persons.

The community was create by Yuri Lee hailing from San Francisco, CA. Their goal is to give fashion inspiration from real people and by this change they hope to gain more diversity.

How easily can become a site that fulfills all the needs of passionate fashion? We can be inspired, find various styles to see certain brands even search by color outfit is possible. At this time the LOOKBOOK have over 1.2 million registered members. An interesting tool on this site is that we can determine a certain look as “hot” and The “Hot” page looks que features are currently popular amongst members LOOKBOOK., So it is easily possible to see what is on high without worrying about a few things less material that may appear on.

Lookbook is very known by the called “fashion bloggers” where they give to viewers ideas on how to style out-fits, or to show what the latest fashions are. In our days, people have a constant-ly need to be different from the crowd, special in fashion when everything is so broadcast, in full sec.XXI anything is re-ally out of fashion. How people find their way for be detached? That exactly where, in my point, lookbook have a big part of it where is so easily be inspired for any-thing we found in internet, we didn’t have the need to go outside and look at peo-ple around us and get inspired, we can be sit in our desk and get inspired. Of course is more than good be sit outside look at people and get inspired, because deceive himself the person who said “I’m only get inspired by the others” thats totally wrong, we get inspired by every-thing around us. Looking at my window I can see a full black and white panel with small notes in the blue sky, with a little of imagination I can open my wardrobe and found some pieces who are able to fill my eyes with the colors I get inspired by outside. The ideal? Get inspired for all the resources we have around us, I mean, outside in a cold Winter full of snow, or even rain (who knows?) and the in and on our comfortable couch with a computer in the legs researching hundreds of people on a site so full of art as is the Look-Book.

BeFore it’s in

Fashion It’s in


New TrendsWho Give Us the New Trends? The object of the most desire? an extended list of persons is about to come.

O ur list can start with the obvious people, the President of the United States and the members of his Cabinet; the Governors of our for-ty-eight states; the presi-dents of the chambers of commerce in our hundred largest cities, the chairmen of the boards of directors of our hundred or more. Yes, we’re talking about famous people, most of us known, because of their status they can be called the molders of public opinion.

The most influential peo-ple are the TV presenters. They spend hours talking us showing several trends, and during several afternoons or mornings we’are influenced by their personalities. There are several programs as “You on TV” or “The afternoon is yours” from Monday to Friday, 6 hours per day. In the end, Who would not influenced?

Portugal Trends

Chanel, the Paris fashion leaders, introduce a short skirt to the world, and hundred of them start be doing by clothing industry. Some years before, if any women go to the street with a short skirt, she will be arrested for it. When the short skirt was intro-duce by the fashion indus-try, that was accepted by the sociality.

In some parts of our life’s, when we think we are original and buy be-cause we like it, that’s not true, we’re buying some-thing designer for, may-be, an men in New York, that shirt is not totally our taste, was design by someone else taste. We’re controlled, even in the ar-eas we didn’t think!


But let us talk about the invisible government, I be-lieve in our days we have different influences, we’re influence for people who names are known by few. In education we have some men who control the edu-cational system, then an-other men who control the school, but in other point every parent is a leader of their children, is them who make the rules and choose the school they will study.

That is manipulating the social machinery, who will control the opinions and habits of big mass-es (in this specific case, the masses of students in their schools).In the big companies the public can be shot by all kind of social media, and for that they contract the propagandists! The people who are skilled for know what the company need, want and their problems, after that, they will analys-ing his public,

Social what type they are and choose the right things for the company who will make both happy with the products sell. The success is always in the hands of propagandists and when they send the material for the propaganda, they are the source behind every-thing, they are the invisi-ble government.

BlogsIn our days blogs dictate the new trends! What we will dress, buy,

cook or even how we will think about some subject.

Blogs are the new Propagandists!!

Fashion Blogs


A fashion blog can cover many things such as spe-cific items of clothing and accessories, trends in var-ious apparel markets ce-lebrity fashion choices and street fashion trends. Many fashion blogs could also be categorised as shopping blogs, since “most of the conversation is shopping advice, liber-ally laced with consumer recommendations”. This is very similar to the content of fashion magazines.

fashion industry, clothing, and personal style

food blog with hun-dreds of healthy, whole-food recipes for the home cook.


Travel Blogs

That allow you share your experiences, photos and videos with friends, fami-ly and other travellers. To be a travel blogger you simply need to blog while traveling. Specifically, you’ll want to be blogging about your travels. our audience is not other travel blog-gers. Your audience is peo-ple at home.

Better than any lonely planet/tour Guide.

For Wanderlust People

Lifestyle bloggers are those who write about life. They may run around several different topics, but all in all- it is a blog about a per-son- their perspective, passions, hobbies, job,

Personal blogs are so much


Trend scountingScraptBook


Street fashion is fashion that is con-sidered to have emerged not from studios, but from the grassroots. Street fashion is generally associat-ed with young culture, and is most often seen in major urban centers.It is fashion that has evolved from the streets and not from runway shows or designers.If you look at the generations in the past you will find that each gener-ation has its own unique style of street fashion.

Street Art > Street Style

Street Stryle > Couture

“I think the message is to embrace individuali-ty and personal style, and alternative notions of beauty,” Cohen said.

Think in the type of music you hear, that is the most com-mon type of in-spiration for your style, if you hear more metal or rock that immediately can be reflect in your style.

WHaT InSpIre YOu?Think in the type of music you hear, that is the most common type of inspiration for your style, if you hear more metal or rock that immediately

can be reflect in your style.

Like many people from southern Europe, Por-tuguese women too are blessed with vivid Medi-terranean beauty. Their dark eyes, long eyelash-es and thick dark hair are some of the most striking physical fea-tures. In fashion are very simple, With the sun in their skins they want show it. Minimal looking.

Blond and Tall, that are the typical Ger-man Girl. So must layers to wear to front the cold days, with a lot of layers, we must admit that those typical women know how to create a new outfit only for join a bounch of new clothes.

S c o u t i n g

It Girl

Fashion Weeks show fash-ionable icons, but we can say it show some extremes! no, we’re not talking about Cara Delev-ingne. But the street style see outside of the run-aways, where people rock ground-sweeping dresses, ladylike needlepoint sweat-ers, sport tees, all kind of things you can imagine. In the end? it all came to-gether to bring personality to the scene outside the shows. Can’t wait for the next fashion weeks!!

NewsLastThe world’s Trend Foreaster

“WGSn is our first source of infor-mation and plays a crucial role in the design process.” - FJ Benjamin

“It’s like no other source. It’s like sticking one’s head into a candy shop.” - Nickelodeon Consumer Products

“WGSn is the perfect place to confirm whether you are headed in the right trend direction.” - Hummel

“WGSn gives you global inspiration without the jet lag. now I can ‘be’ in so many different places in just one day.” - Mosaic

Gute WerbungGute Werbung gives you the best in advertising from around the globe. Be inspired by the amazing – every day.-

Pepto-Bismol Am-bient Ad by Pub-licis, New York

“No matter what you throw in your stomach, Pink’s got you covered.”

15 Trends Tips1. Know why you’re tracking trends2. Don’t get your trends mixed up3. Know a fad when you see (or smell) one4. Don’t apply all trends to all people5. Be (very) curious6. Have a Point of View7. Benefit from an unprecedent-ed abundance of resources8. Name your trends9. Build your Trend Framework10. Start a Trend Group (even if it’s just you)11. Secure senior backing or be doomed12. Don’t worry about timing or life cycles or regional suit-ability or...13. Apply, apply, apply14. Have some fun15. Let others do some of the work for you

Young Director Award by CFP-E/Shots Ad“Born to create drama.”

Parisloft Dental Clinic: “we don’t like yellow”

Work for the Subject TrendScounting WInter Semester 2013Bauhaus Universität Weimar - Germany

by: Erasmus Student from PortugalMarguerita Silva Almeida

All the credits bellow to people who take the photos. All the text are written by Marguerita Silva AlmeidaDesign in InDesign by Marguerita Silva Almeida

Some texts based in the book “Propaganda by Edward L.Ber-nays”