trends: fall 2004 (volume 1, issue 1)

fall 2004 volume 1 issue 1 Dedicating a Dream: The New Andorfer Commons MBA Grad at Top of His Class 75th Anniversary Celebration Begins THE MAGAZINE FOR STUDENTS, ALUMNI, AND FRIENDS OF INDIANA TECH

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Indiana Tech's university magazine for alumni and friends


fall 2004 volume 1 issue 1

Dedicating a Dream:The New Andorfer Commons

MBA Grad at Top of His Class

75th Anniversary Celebration Begins


Volume one, Number one

Copyright © 2004 Indiana Institute of Technology

Arthur E. Snyder, Ed.D., President

Beth Regedanz, Vice President – Institutional Advancement

Trends is published quarterly for students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of Indiana Tech by the department of Marketing and Communications.

Greg Craghead, Marketing Manager

Janet Schutte, Publications Specialist

Rick Callender, Graphic Designer

Please send comments, news, and feature story ideas to Marketing and Communications, Indiana Tech, 1600 E. Washington Blvd., Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803, call (260) 422-5561, extension 2347, or e-mail [email protected].

For alumi news, please send to the above address, attention Alumni Office, call (260) 422-5561 extension 2219, or e-mail [email protected].

The editors reserve the right to edit articles for length and clarity. Articles may be reproduced with permission and proper attribution.

Contributing writer: Fran Adler

On the cover: Detail of the glass windows of the new Andorfer Commons.

ContentsFrom the President

Dorm Life Gets a New Look

Dedicating a Dream: Student Center Enriches Campus Life

Tech MBA Grad Finds Niche in Warsaw Community Schools

University Preparing for New Warsaw Site

Ivy Tech Forms a Bridge to Indiana Tech

Indiana Tech Kicks Off 75th Year Celebration

Homecoming 2004

Spring Honors List

Alumni News


Faculty & Staff News

University Teams with Becker Conviser CPA Review














Dear Friends,

Welcome to the “new” Trends. We are excited about the new look and content, and hope that you will share our excitement. Historically, Trends has been an alumni publication. It has focused on mostly alumni affairs. However, as our university grows and changes, we felt that we wanted to broaden our communications

both in terms of content and in our circulation. With this issue, we are now including both our alumni and our current students in the publication’s circulation.

I want to encourage each of you to let us know of articles, news items, and events you would like to see in Trends. In turn, we will endeavor to bring to you information that will inform, excite and make you proud to be part of the family of Indiana Tech.

We are on the move. New programs! New people! New facilities! New expectations! But we are rooted in the same values… relationship-based education.


Beth Regedanz Vice President, Institutional Advancement

P.S. Want to have fun and learn while cruising? See the information at right about our exciting cruise and optional land tour to Alaska in June 2005. Everyone is welcome!

Changes Come

The Trip: 7 nights aboard the Island Princess, cruising the Alaskan coast and Inside Passage, with an optional

4-night land tourThe Departure Date: June 18, 2005

The Guest List: Alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of Indiana Tech

For more information, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (800) 937-2448, ext. 2219

ALASKAN CRUISE Celebrating Indiana Tech’s 75th Anniversary!

Dorm Life Gets a New LookJuniors and seniors have the advantage of another campus housing option with the addition of Virginia Yergens-Rogers Hall this year.

The apartment-style residence hall was dedicated on August 26 in a ceremony honoring Virginia Yergens-Rogers for her generous support of the university.

The new building stands at 1500 E. Washington Blvd., across the street from the main campus. Each apartment in the residence hall will have four single bedrooms and two bathrooms, along with a kitchen, living room, and laundry facilities. Occupancy is limited to juniors and seniors, and the building is at full capacity with 45 students.

From the PresidentGreetings!

Change is in the air all around the university, including this publication.

The most obvious signs of physical change are on the Fort Wayne campus where we had dedications this fall for a new residence hall, Yergens-Rogers Hall; a new student interaction facility, the Andorfer Commons; and a new soccer field. In Warsaw, a ground breaking ceremony took place at our new construction site. You can read more about these new facilities as you delve further into Trends.

Beyond the physical changes, we also are growing academically. New programs include a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering and associate degrees in graphic communication and industrial and manufacturing engineering. Several new minors also have been added including athletic training, coaching, dance, and personal fitness coaching. We are not stopping there. More degree programs are coming in the future.

As you’ll see in the photos inside, Homecoming 2004 was one to remember. If you have not visited the Fort Wayne campus in several years, you do not have to wait until next Homecoming. You are always welcome to stop in anytime as I enjoy hearing about your experiences.

Plans are underway for our 75th Anniversary! Watch for information concerning events throughout the coming year as we “Celebrate the Past and Believe in the Future.”

Best regards,

Arthur E. Snyder, Ed. DPresident


Student Center Enriches Campus Life

On a day as bright as Indiana Tech’s future, the university dedicated Andorfer Commons amid a crowd of students, alumni, staff, faculty, and friends.

The festivities opened with performances by the pep and spirit teams. President Arthur E. Snyder then took the podium to welcome everyone and discuss the importance of the student center.

“This facility was built and designed to serve the needs of students, growing needs, both academically and socially,” Snyder said. “This will allow us to continue to meet our mission, the mission of teaching young people and adults, and connecting through their heads, hands, and hearts holistically.”

The $12 million building includes the dining hall, McMillen Library, a movie theater, and a student recreation area with bowling lanes, billiards tables, and snack area. The facility also houses the business office, conference rooms, Career Planning and Development Center, and Wegener Worship Center.

Snyder noted that the student center fills a void at the university, enriching student life beyond the classroom. He drew on the words of the Rolling Stones for inspiration: You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.

“We needed this today,” Snyder said. “I promise you this is not the last addition to Indiana Tech.”

Students have welcomed the new addition to campus life.

“With the opening of the Commons, a student who lives on campus doesn’t have to leave to have a good time,” said Nejith Fernando, a senior majoring in information systems.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees Steven Brody and Fort Wayne Mayor Graham Richard shared Snyder’s enthusiasm.

“I had high expectations, as did the Board,” Brody said, “but this building and facility has far surpassed these expectations.”


Mayor Richard spoke of how much the university and its growth mean to the neighborhood and the city.

“We know that without learning there will not be the earning of the future,” Richard declared. “I am so proud to call this the urban university in the heart of our community that will provide opportunities for generations to come.”

Former President Donald J. Andorfer, for whom the building is named, thanked family, faculty, staff, and friends for supporting Indiana Tech through rough years.

“I’d like to thank the university community for believing in a dream that at one time seemed an impossible task,” he said. “Students, this is your facility.”

Andorfer retired as president in 2003. At his retirement party, Brody announced that the student center would be named in honor of Andorfer’s commitment to the students of Indiana Tech.

“I have to admit that having a building named after you is pretty awesome,” Andorfer said at the dedication. “Having the Andorfer name on this structure is something that Mary Janet and I will always cherish.”

In addition to serving students, Andorfer Commons also enriches the university’s community ties. Most areas of the building, such as the movie theater run by Fort Wayne’s Cinema Center, are open to the public.

“We’re looking forward to exposing area residents to the facility and the campus as a whole,” said Joel Harmeyer, Associate Director of Student Life. “We really think they’ll be impressed.”

Right: Chairman of the Board Steve Brody, former university President Donald Andorfer,

student ambassador Tommy Lee, and President Arthur Snyder prepare to cut the ribbon.


Above: The fireplace in the new McMillen Library offers a comfortable place to read and study. Below: Students eat lunch in the sun-filled dining hall.

Above: The state-of-the-art conference center was recently used by Raytheon and Boeing. Right: Six lanes of bowling fun.

The 210-seat theater is perfect for attending movies, seminars, and performances.

Kevin Scott (MBA 2002) is excited about his new position as chief financial officer for Warsaw (Indiana) Community Schools. “I hope I can have a positive impact on my community in this job,” he said. “My MBA degree made it possible.”

Until his recent entry into the education field, Scott was focused on business. After graduating from Ball State University in 1980 with a bachelor of science in finance and management, he returned to his hometown of Rochester, Indiana, and worked in his family’s construction business for three years. Then he spent the next 20 years in a variety of accounting roles with three large Indiana companies – R.R. Donnelly in Plymouth and Warsaw, DePuy in Warsaw, and Chore-Time Brock (now CTB Inc.) in Milford.

Although he was doing well, Scott felt that he needed an MBA. “I had the drive for a long time,” he said, “but it never quite fit. I talked to another school that hoped to start a program in Warsaw as soon as they had enough interested people, but it didn’t happen.

“Then I saw an ad in the Fort Wayne paper for the Indiana Tech program, and I saw several things that appealed to me: the courses didn’t have to be taken in a set sequence; I could pay for each class at the end, giving me an opportunity to

Tech MBA Grad Finds Niche in Warsaw Community Schools

be reimbursed by my employer; and the textbooks were sent right to my home.

“My friend Rob and I motivated each other to start,” he went on. They started classes on the Fort Wayne campus in 2000 and finished in 2002 – with a 4.0 GPA. Scott took one course in each session and went continuously, except allowing himself one summer session off each year for vacation with his family.

“Learning is a lifetime thing,” he said “I was past 40 when I started, and I’d been out of school a long time. It was rewarding to find I could still do it.

“I greatly enjoyed it, especially the chance to meet new people and get new perspectives.

“It was fun going through with a friend. We’re both pretty effective at what we do, but we approach things in very different ways. In our course work we usually arrived at the same place, but we’d gotten there by different

routes. It was interesting to see.

“I also found that the degree program and my work overlapped. Projects I did at work helped me with my courses, and projects I did in my courses helped me at work.”

Scott has always been interested in education. His wife, Lynnette, is a special needs teacher at Warsaw Community High School. They have two sons. Skyler is a junior at Warsaw Community High School, and Bryce is in seventh grade at Edgewood Middle School.

As he settles into his new role with Warsaw Community Schools, Scott finds himself more closely aligned with the rest of his family’s schedule, including opportunities to visit his sons’ schools. He is grateful to Indiana Tech for helping him get there.

“I wouldn’t be sitting in this position in the school system without this degree,” he said.

Kevin Scott sits in his office. He recently began his job as chief financial officer for Warsaw Community Schools.


Tech MBA Grad Finds Niche in Warsaw Community Schools

University Preparing for New Warsaw SiteThe College of Professional Studies will open a new Warsaw site in early 2005. The new building, part of a development by CB Richard Ellis, will give the university room to consolidate staff and classrooms in one location.

“We’re really looking forward to our new location,” said Sandy Petersen, program director. “Over the last six years, the Kosciusko County area has seen course offerings and class sizes grow as the program expands. This building is a great opportunity for the university to serve more students and to serve them better.”

CB Richard Ellis broke ground August 31 for the Keystone Professional Center just off U.S. 30 on North Point Road. The Indiana Tech facility, which will be about 5,000 square feet, will be the first of 10 to 12 buildings in the development.

“This shows the strength of our commitment to the Warsaw area,” Indiana Tech President Arthur E. Snyder said. “This community, the mayor, the city council all have been very welcoming to Indiana Tech.”

Classes have been offered at various Warsaw locations since 1998, while the university has maintained an admissions office in downtown Warsaw.

Ivy Tech Forms a Bridge to Indiana TechIndiana Tech and Ivy Tech State College have reached an articulation agreement to encourage students to pursue bachelor’s degrees at Indiana Tech. The agreement provides a smooth transition for students who earn an associate degree at Ivy Tech and wish to transfer to Indiana Tech to complete a bachelor’s degree.

“We understand that people enroll at Ivy Tech for a variety of reasons,” said Bob Freewalt, Indiana Tech associate vice president. “What we want to do is reach out to those people who enroll at Ivy Tech for whatever reason, then decide that they want to go further.”

Students with majors in accounting technology, business administration, general studies, or office administration at Ivy Tech can transfer to Indiana Tech as juniors. Students must have at least a 2.5 grade point average to transfer into the bachelor’s degree program.

“Some students don’t realize their true goals or their true potential until they enroll in an associate degree program and get a taste of higher education,” Freewalt explained. “We want to be the university they turn to when they decide they want more.”

Students will receive a booklet detailing the curriculum requirements for the appropriate bachelor’s degree programs at Indiana Tech and providing information on transfer credits and electives.

Right: Breaking ground for the new building in Warsaw. Below: A computer rendering of the new building.


From humble beginnings in a former mortuary in downtown Fort Wayne to the dedication of a new 63,000-square-foot student activity center this year, Indiana Tech has provided many people the opportunity to pursue a quality education and enhance their careers. Eight students were enrolled in the first classes, and now the university is gearing up to celebrate its 75th year of operation with an enrollment of nearly 3,400.

John Kalbfleisch founded what was then known as Indiana Technical College in June 1930. Since that time, the university has expanded not only its enrollment, but also its academic programs, faculty, staff, facilities, and locations. With campuses throughout Indiana in Fort Wayne, Elkhart and Indianapolis and office/class locations in South Bend, Warsaw, Greenwood and Huntington, Indiana Tech has grown to meet the needs of those

seeking to further their education.

The two-year celebration was kicked off at the Homecoming banquet on Oct. 2, 2004. President Arthur E. Snyder unveiled the diamond anniversary logo at the end of the banquet, and the school officially began the celebration that will include events throughout the next two years.

One of the first events will be the Business Forum on the Fort Wayne campus on Thursday, Nov. 4, 2004. Guest speaker Louise Palmstierna, from Sweden, will address the audience on the subject of global business.

Featured events in 2005 will include the grand opening of a new Warsaw office in February, a second speaker series event in March, Spring Fling Bling in April, commencement in May, an alumni and friends Alaskan cruise in June, and the Homecoming Gala in September. All

Indiana Tech locations have plans to get involved in local events and make sure their communities are part of the festivities.

As part of the celebration, alumni are being asked to provide any Indiana Tech memorabilia that they no longer wish to keep. Historical items are being collected as donations to the university and will be displayed during anniversary events. If you have any items you would like to donate, please contact Angie Carnes at (260) 422-5561 ext. 2410 or (800) 937-2448 ext. 2410.

For updates on diamond anniversary events, please visit Join us in celebrating the great history of Indiana Tech. The journey has only just begun.

Indiana Tech Kicks

off 75th Year Celebration


2004 Homecoming

Homecoming 2004 was a grand success as students and alumni enjoyed a weekend full of activities. The theme “Proudly We Stand” marked pride in American troops, pride in the alumni who served in the Armed Forces, and pride in the university as it celebrates its 75-year history.

“We were able to meet with and build relationships with former students of Indiana Tech and hopefully encourage them to come back in future years,” said Angie Carnes, director of alumni affairs.

Highlights of the festivities included the annual golf outing; alumni games for basketball, softball, and baseball players; wins over Concordia for both the men’s and women’s soccer teams; a bonfire and hayride; the annual banquet; and tours of the growing campus.


50 year reunion: the class of 1954

2nd Annual Tech Trek

Even donuts taste good over a fire! Warrior softball

Alumni basketball

Bingo! Alumni and their spouses enjoy a fun game of “funny bingo.”

Presentation of the Colors during the Veterans Recognition Program.

A perfect day for alumni golf!

Alumni return to the classroom for a refresher course - “Engineering 101.”Alumni return to the classroom for a refresher course - “Engineering 101.”

Spring Honors ListCongratulations, Academic Honors Recipients!To be included in the Spring 2004 Academic Honors List, a student must meet the following requirements: completion of 12 credits within the spring semester; 3.5 GPA for four consecutive sessions; and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.

ALori AbrahamShannon AdamsBernice AdkinsShyla AkerScott AldridgeCarla AlexanderAnthony AlstonYsidrio AlvaradoPenny AndersonAmy AndrusConnie AnoskeyJanet AnthonyJoshua ArmasJennifer ArnoldJoel ArnoldVictor ArnsteinYolanda AustinLisa AutenBSusan BaezGary BaldwinJohn BalesOlivia BandyLatrice BanksGary BarcusLindsay BarnettRebecca BarrettFelicia BartleyTrishina BartonRichard BastinPamela BatchoChristine BauerRyan BedwellVickie BellKrystal BeltonSonya BenavidesScott BennettCheryl BentleyJudy BergAngela BevelDanny BiddleJanis BillingsJacob BillingsleyKimberly BlevinsJeremiah BlossJamie BoatwrightBrian BobayJulie BomanCrysta BordenRaymond BorkowskiDawn BoundsTamra BouthotKathryn BowleySherri BramlettTimothy BrandonMatthew BraultLeah BrearleySeth BrennemanKristin Bridge

Daniel BrobstDennis BrockBradley BrockwayJeanette BrooksRussell BroughtonDonna BrownMichael BrownRodney BrownStefanie BryantChristopher BufordJennifer BurdineMelissa BurkhartMelinda BurkleyJeff BurrisBarbara BushDebra BusheeAmy ButlerDarreck BuzzardCMarc CabanTerri CadyTera CainMichel CairnsLindsey CalderonBarry CaldwellRyan CampAreli CamposJeremy CapatinaAmy CardenasRichard CarlbergPamela CarltonMelanie CarnahanRandal CarnahanChrista CarpenterKevin CarperMarc CarrollElla CarsonKristi CarterRobin CarterMatthew CartwrightJulie CashGlenna CastilloJulie CauseyRoss CausleyStefhan ChambersHeath ChastainKatrina ChastainAmy CherryJoseph ChristopherRobert Christopher- MurphyAaron ClarkMatthew ClaytonTracey ClevingerAdam CoakleyLeNard CoburnChyrel CoffmanVictoria CoilRoberta ColesonLena Collins

Frank ColonnaBryan ComitoRobert ConferPatrick ConleySusan ConleyLashanda ConwellGregory CookNeil CookJujuan CooleyJoel CopasVenus CoppernollJoseph CoronaKevin CottonCassie CountermanJoanne CoverstoneGeorge CraigMelanie CrandallJames CraneHeather CreaghChristie CreekmoreJanis CrowellCrystal CulverJoan CushingLeslie CusterDBryan DaczukJanet DaileyJosh DantAndrew DarrasElaine DavisJennifer DavisSandra DavisCharlene DaymudeSuzanne DeBaunNathan DeckerAnthony DeHavenJayne DennisLamika DennisJanet DeRocheStephen DeskinsKamilla DeucoreKimberly DietrichR. DiregoloCathy DiverCrystal DoanDennis DodgeAndrea DombroskyBrian DoreEvan DriedgerTeresa DroegerTimothy DubachWilliam DuffeyCarol DuganLeslie DunawayMeah DunlapJoseph DutkaEJeffery EarnestMichael EarnhartSteven Eckhart

Heather EdwardsKandi Elder-WadeLarry ElletMarla ElliottPenny EnglandSondra EngleWinston EnosAudrey ErnstDavid EvansFJustin FalkJohn FallerJoVonna FergusonNejith FernandoJulie FidlerMichael FieldsReginald FieldsMolly FishelJared FisherDawn FleenerRebeccah FontaineDawn FordMegan FordCarol ForstSharon FortierCory FosterJeffrey FoustMartin FoustStuart FoustTracey FredericksonJanelle FreelandRosa FreelandMark FreemanMaelynn FriesBeth FritterGeoffrey FryRyan FuellingCatherine FuhrmanGreg FullerJamie FullerEdward FunnellMario FurlowLana FurnishGJoshua GaerteScott GarshwilerTeresa GarwoodJenny GeislerJohn GeorgeChristina GermanMatthew GhilardiNeoclis GiannakisDouglas GilbertTina GilbertMark GilsonMelinda GisczinskiThomas GisczinskiChristopher GoingsMaria GordonConnie Gottfried

Charles GrafAlicia GrayDeNisha GrayBrenda GreenTaylor GreeneValerie GreeneStacy GrinerMarita GrocockLisa GrotematDon GuildClinton GulleyAlfonso Guzman HJanelle HaireKristen HaitAngela HalbrookDebra HaleJohn HallWilliam HammonsLou HamptonRahiem HamptonMary HamrickMichael HanczJoshua HanicqNicole HanlonTina HarmonLatorial HarrisRachael HarrisTammy HarrisAlicia HarrisonCarliss HarrisonChristopher HarrisonEric HarshmanKelly HartLeAngela HarveyShawn HaupertMegan HauserJennifer HawkThomas HaydenDouglas HeckmanSteven HeckmanRobert HeddenMark HeinemanSarah HellingerTamara HelmerSheri HendersonJed HenrieJeremy HessHeather HeyMichelle HicklingSamantha HicksBryanna HillGuanita HillsmanArlene HilmerBetty HitzemannCarolyn HixsonDavid HixsonSusan HockerChristine HodgeSarah Hoff

Julia HoffmanPatrick HoldenGerald HollingsworthMelissa HollingsworthTristan HollowellHeather HoltonGretchen HolzRoss HoopesDarlene HootJesse HooverJamy HornerCindy HowardAlicia HowellDavid HubbardJoshua HubertAmanda HudsonShelley HuffSherri HuffmanAdam HullAnthony HullCasey HunsuckerLisa HurlbutJoseph HurtAdam HuskeyMichael HustonMarion HutchisonIBree IdeShelley ImmelTrey InsleyKaren IsbellJMakiya JacksonDennis JamesDianne JavierLarry JeffersonAmy JenningsSusan JohnAllen JohnsonCarlyn JohnsonDarrell JohnsonGregory JohnsonRandell JohnsonSamone JohnsonGregory JonesJami JonesKelly JonesRegina JuddShannon Jump KBurddy KahariMitchell KaracsonDebra KazmierzakGuy KazmierzakJoan KeimEdward KeipperErick KeirnMariah KeirnRenee KelkerAmanda Keller


Kristin KellerChadd KelleyRenate KellyRenee KelsawBarbara KensillErica KeppKelby KershnerRobbin KetchamRobin KigerSusan KilgoreStacey KimesSusan KingScott KinseyDaVonna KirkKevin KlineMichael KlineSusan KlinkVickie KnellAdam KoehlerBenjamin KoenemannTina KoenenMatthew KonowRandall KowalenkoKeith KriderPaul KurczbuchR. KygerLLucy La HurreauMatthew La MasterLynette LafolletteMichelle LakeMatthew LaMarPaul LambergJesse LangeMichael LaPalomentoBonnie LauxEdwin LaviscountRobin LawTracy LawsonThomas LeDenise LechleidnerStephen LeeSuzan LennenDonna LewellenBrandon LichtsinnKristina LieskeKathleen LillyStephani LincolnJesse LivelyJoel LouCarl LoveJudy LoveLinda LovellMeredith LowranceLacie LudwigTanya Lundy-FreemanJoanne LynchMRonald MackAmber MannApril MarquezAmy MarshallNancy MartzSherry MartzMichele MasheckJill MasonJeremy MastPatricia MathiasEdward MatternCarol MattinglyTimothy MaxeyAaron Mays

Michal MazurConnie McAfeePamela McClellanTracy McClellanBilly McClendonNakia McCloudAngela McCoyRonnie McCraryRebecca McCutcheonBelinda McDanielThomas McDowellTraci McGettiganSteven McGlennenTonya McGuireLarry McHughTodd McKillipRobin McKinneyMark McLendonCurtis McMurtreyScott McNeilanTammy McPhersonKirk McRobertsVijay MehtaPaul MeitzJames MeltonJulia MenchhoferLisa MerkleTroy MesserRebecca MetzTerrill MetzChad MeyerRandall MeyerMatthew MichaelRebecca MikelShona MikulaAmy MillerAndy MillerErin MillerJessica MillerJessica MillerMegann MillerMichael MillerMona MillerRebecca MillerSteven MillerTiffany MillerTracy MillerVictoria MillerAlana MinxJoshua MitchellTyson MockBenjamin MolenhouseJutiphan MongkolsuthreeDeona MooreSabrina MooreViola MooreBethany MoralesRobert MorleySandra MorphewJessica MorrHeather MorrisMark MorrisLikwa MoyoGeren MroczekLauren MuenchAlison MuhlenkampDenise MuirChristina MurphyAustin MurrayZonda MusselmanLouise MyersSteve Mynhier

NPamela NadalJonathan NapierEunice NavarroLuisa NegroniJacob NewhardKimberly NewlinJoshua NewmanRhonda NicholsJennifer NiezgodzkiDonna NijakDoretta NormanOAmanda OakmanJeanine OberleyEmily OldsTawny OsbornChristine OsborneNicholas OswaltSandra Ozment PJeanette PageJeremy PappMauria ParishNate ParkRodney ParkerNyla Parker-WarnsBeverly ParksKatherine ParksAmy ParrishMichael ParrishAmy PatersonTijana PayneDebra PearsonCatherine PenceCharlotte PendergraftChristy PentecostErin PerkovichStephanie PerrinKimberly PetersPaul PetersonConnie PettyCraig PhelpsJennifer PhelpsMarquita PhillipsGeorge PickettJill PierMichael PierceDawn Pitcock-FlemingDevon PlantCorey PolkDrew PostonAnna PoteetDebra PowellTonya PowersMichael PrattStephen PressnellGregory PriebeHester PrinslooBrian Puglise QDavid QuinnMichelle QuinnREdward RaczkowskiMickell RainesJackie RainwaterTyler RasmussenMark RatajczakChad RayleThomas ReamerCynthia Reed

Janalee ReevesRandall ReevesKaren RegaladoTammy Reid-BenedictBrian ReidyLeeAnne ReindlTeresa ReustSiobhan ReynoldsTom RichLauren RichardDonna RichardsonSteven RichardsonAmanda RicicaBeth RieckeJennifer RieraDarin RiesLaura RiggsAdam RileyBrian RingleyGlenn RobertsVivien RobertsJayson Roberts-LahtiDarlene RobinsonMariana RodriguezKyle RoeKevin RoessnerAnthony RogersWilliam RohlDavid RooseDianna RosenbaumJeffrey RosenbergerJennifer RossKathleen RossiTracy RoudebushLinda RowlettTimothy RuppAmy RyanSKirk SahaGrant SandersLinda SandersJames SarasienTheresa SaxhaugAngela SaylorDaniel ScamanNeil SchaadtDaniel SchaberTodd ScheelerCasey ScherLisa SchererKris SchleinkoferAngela SchoenleinJerome SchroederScott SchroederDeborah ScottTrease SearsRhonda SechristLance SelgoMichelle SextonJames ShaferSondra SharkeyJessica ShatzerBenjamin SheltonSharan ShepherdRegina ShoeKrysten ShouldersGlenda ShroyerKaren ShroyerAmy ShuherkKaren SimonRichard SimonKimberly Singleton

Shawn SitesCharles SlyAmanda SmailPaul SmeltzerAbigail SmithCheryl SmithKristina SmithMichael SmithNicole SmithNicole SmithShonna SmithDavid SniderChristopher SnyderKim SnyderNeil SnyderHarold SparlingTerri SparrowStacey SpencerCathy SpoonMichael SpringAnita SpringerValarie SpringerJoy SpruillJulie SprungerEdward SroufeLoreen SroufeDavid StahlJolynn StalsonburgAndrew StamperMark StanleyZachary StaufferJohnawelle SteedEric SteeleChristopher SteinlichtRobert StephanTracey StephensTeresa StevensAmber StewartDenise StewartRodney StewartDebra StilesAnn StultsDeborah SullivanKathy SusarabaJeremy SwagerDouglas SwainTBeth TaborDonald TaggartCarol TaitBrandie-Lea TaylorDavid TempleEllen TennantCindy ThirkillMichelle ThomasDavid ThompsonJennifer ThompsonJoseph TobiasCassandra TolbertFlorajean TomeyJason TorreyShannon TorreyApril TreeshAaron TribbyLorin TriceRyan TrietschAndrea TrosperSteven TrowbridgeChristine TroxellTabitha Truax-HaynesErica TupperBrian Turner

Kendra TurnerLorena TurnerTonia TurnerSuzanne Twitchell UAmy UlleVQuanette ValesSteven Van AndaTeresa Vanderpool-ChangCharles VarneyTimothy VaughnCarol VaughtJennifer VeneskeyAndrew VeseyHaley VigstolWKary WaiteKara WalkerKristi WalkerSharon WallEmma WallaceChristina WaltersMona WardNatalie WardRadiah WareJosua WarpenburgA’lana WashingtonWilliam WatsonGuy WaughNathanael WaymanDaniel WeaverKristina WeikartChip WelchRachel WelchCharles WellsDeborah WentzelErnestine WestJason WestSteven WheelerJacob WhitakerDeborah WhiteMary WhitesellMichelle WhitsonShane WilberDiane WilliamsJason WilliamsKristopher WilliamsVickie WilliamsGlen WilliamsonJason WilliamsonLaura WilliamsonReatha WilliamsonSarah WilsonMolly WindleCarolyn WisdomAaron WohlfeilCindy WoolfJosie WrightMichael WrightAdam WuerfelYConstance YatesAndrew YenscoTiffany YoqueletZMichele ZellmerTeri ZielinskiMary Zurney




Alumni News1950s

John W. Whitehurst, BSAEE 1952, was mentioned incorrectly in the Spring 2004 issue of Trends. His

correct e-mail address is [email protected].

1960sHenry M. Bittman, BSEE 1967, has moved from Hendersonville, Tenn., to Niceville, FL. His new address is 4434 Windward Lane Cove, Niceville,

FL, 32578, and he can be reached by e-mail at [email protected]. Bittman is retired from

General Electric.

1970sJames L. Fairchild, BSEE 1976, retired from the U.S.

Army Reserves in April 2004. He is a senior systems engineer with Raytheon in Tewksbury, MA. He lives in

Townsend, MA, and can be reached at

[email protected].

1990sJason Kline, BSBA 1994, Indiana Tech men’s

basketball coach, was named WHAC coach of the year for the 2003-04 season. The Warriors won the

Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference, finished 8th in the NAIA final national rankings, earned a trip to the

National Tournament, and finished the season with a 27-7 record. The 27 wins are a new

school record.

Jason Kline, BSBA 1994, and Jolina (Garoutte) Kline, MBA

1997, announced the birth of their son, Jackson Tyler Kline, on February 29, 2004. Jackson has a big brother, Jacob, 5. The Klines

live in Fort Wayne, IN.

Darrell Bowman, BSBA 1997, graduated from Capella University with a Ph.D. in information technology management in June 2004. Bowman has served as an adjunct faculty member for Indiana Tech and is an assistant professor at Ivy Tech State College in Indianapolis. He lives in Brownsburg, Ind.

Traci L. Kendall, BSME 1998, welcomed daughter Meredith Ann on March 11, 2004. She also has a 2-year-old daughter, Megan Alexandra. Kendall is a quality control manager for Technotrans America Inc. She lives in Rolling Meadows, Ill., and can be reached at [email protected].

Rob Payette, BSME 1999, joined Devro Inc. as a mechanical engineer in April 2004. Devro is located in Columbia, S.C., and Payette lives in Irmo, S.C. He can be reached at [email protected].

2000sJennifer (Logmann) Phillips, BSCIS 2002, married Albert Phillips, BSME 1999, in June 2004. They live in Noblesville, Ind. Julie is an IT consultant for Nexlink Solutions in Carmel, and Albert is a process engineer at Firestone Industrial Products in Noblesville. She can be reached at [email protected].

Cindy Britton, BSBA 2004, joined Engineered Cooling Systems as a corporate collection specialist in March 2004. She lives in Ingalls, Ind., and can be reached at [email protected].

Angela R. Schoenlein, BSCIS 2004, became a contractor-affiliate engineer for Butler Telcom in July 2004. Schoenlein lives in Fort Wayne, Ind., and can be reached at [email protected].

3rd Annual Casual Cork ClubCome enjoy some wine and fun at this casual, relaxed get-together. The date for this event is Nov. 12, 2004. Time: 7 p.m. Location: Andorfer Commons Conference Room. Cost: $20 per person, $30 per couple. Open to CPS students, Fort Wayne area alumni, and faculty/staff of Indiana Tech. RSVP to the alumni offi ce by Nov. 9, 2004 at (260) 422-5561 ext. 2219.


In Memoriam

Victor ModrickerBSCE 1935

Antonio MesaBSChE 1944

Raymond PelonBSCE 1945

Milnor HawkinsBSRE 1947

Herman C. BeanBSCE 1948

James G. BlessingBSCE 1949

Richard S. GillenBSEE 1949

Clifford DenneyBSME 1950

Leonard FletterBSRE 1950

Alvin PrantBSEE 1950

Michael V. TrebonyakBSDR 1950

Angelo DiGenniBSChE 1951

Glenn WhanBSChE 1951

Marshall WetzelBSCE 1953

James BertholdBSELE 1957

John H. ButcherBSEE 1957

William C. “Bill” HallBSEE 1957

Robert P. HathewayBSME 1959

Argyris TrigonisBSRE 1960

Louis Cooke, Jr.BSEE 1964

George KyriazisBSPHY 1964

Robert R. HenriksenBSAEE 1965

Thomas NowocienBSChE 1968

We have learned of the deaths of the following alumni and friends:

Have a seat!You can be a part of the Andorfer Commons theater by sponsoring a seat in the state-of-the-art auditorium. The 210-seat theater is designed for students and other visitors to enjoy movies, lectures, and performances. The facility shows the university’s commitment to a well-rounded college experience for students, as well as its desire to contribute to a bright future for its neighbors.

The theater is the result of a partnership between Indiana Tech and Cinema Center, and programming will emphasize student needs and interests.

To show your support for this creative venture, you may sponsor one of the seats in the theater. For a $500 donation to the university, a brass plaque will be engraved and placed on a chair in the theater. For more information on this opportunity, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (800) 937-2448 ext. 2219.


Warrior Basketball

Expansion Brings Soccer FieldIndiana Tech athletes celebrated the addition of a soccer field on campus in ceremonies Aug. 25. Both the men’s and women’s soccer teams will use the field for home games. The teams played at Kreager Park in recent years and on the Indiana Tech baseball field before that.

“This field is a thank you to all of our past players, a reward for current players, and an incentive for future players,” said Dave Allway, women’s soccer coach and sports information director. “It shows how far we have come as a soccer program, and it shows how committed we are to moving forward and improving.”

The field was created on land that was purchased as part of the westward expansion of the campus. The facility includes bleacher seating, lights, and an electronic scoreboard.

2004-2005 Men’s Warrior Basketball

Day Date Opponent Location Time Fri-Sat Nov 5-6 SportONE Classic Indiana Tech TBA Tues Nov 16 Huntington College Indiana Tech 7:00 pm Wed Nov 17 Ohio State Lima Indiana Tech 7:00 pm Fri-Sat Nov 19-20 Tri-State Classic Angola, IN TBA Tues Nov 23 Tri-State University Indiana Tech 7:00 pm Fri-Sat Nov 26-27 Harding University Classic Searcy, AR TBA Thurs Dec 9 Taylor University, Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, IN 7:00 pm Sat Dec 11 University of St. Francis Fort Wayne, IN 3:00 pm Sat Dec 18 Manchester College Indiana Tech 3:00 pm Tu-Wed Dec. 28-29 University of Findlay Tournament Findlay, OH 6&8 pm Fri Dec 31 Trinity International University Indiana Tech 2:00 pm Mon Jan 3 Manchester College North Manchester, IN 7:30 pmWed Jan 5 * Concordia University Indiana Tech 7:30 pm Sat Jan 8 * Davenport University Grand Rapids, MI 3:00 pm Wed Jan 12 * Cornerstone University Grand Rapids, MI 7:30 pm Sat Jan 15 * Aquinas College Grand Rapids, MI 3:00 pm Wed Jan 19 * Siena Heights University Adrian, MI 7:30 pm Sat Jan 22 * University of Michigan Dearborn Dearborn, MI 1:00 pm Wed Jan 26 * Madonna University Indiana Tech 7:30 pm Wed Feb 2 * Davenport University Indiana Tech 7:30 pm Sat Feb 5 * Cornerstone University Indiana Tech 3:00 pm Mon Feb 7 * Concordia University Ann Arbor, MI 7:30 pm Wed Feb 9 * Aquinas College Indiana Tech 8:00 pm Sat Feb 12 *# Siena Heights University Indiana Tech 3:00 pm Wed Feb 16 * University of Michigan Dearborn Indiana Tech 7:30 pm Sat Feb 19 * Madonna University Livonia, MI 3:00 pm WHAC PLAYOFFS: Thurs Feb 24 1st Round TBA TBA Sat Feb 26 Semi-Finals TBA TBA Tues Mar 1 Championship TBA TBA * Wolverine Hoosier Athletic Conference Games# Senior Day HEAD COACH Jason Kline, 7th Season

2004-2005 Lady Warriors BasketballDay Date Opponent Location TimeWed Nov 3 Indiana Wesleyan University Indiana Tech 7:00 pmFri-Sat* Nov. 5-6 SportOne Classic Indiana Tech TBATues Nov 9 Huntington College Huntington, IN 7:00 pmSat Nov 13 Robert Morris College Indiana Tech 1:00 pmTues Nov 16 University of St. Francis Fort Wayne, IN 7:00 pmFri-Sat Nov 19-20 Grace College Tournament Winona Lake, IN TBATues Nov 30 Indiana University - South Bend South Bend, IN 7:00 pmTues Dec 7 Robert Morris College Chicago, IL 6:00 pmThur Dec 9 Concordia University Indiana Tech 5:00 pmSat * Dec 11 Taylor University - Upland Indiana Tech 1:00 pmFri-Sat Dec 17-18 Goshen College Tournament Goshen, IN TBASun Jan 2 University of St. Francis Indiana Tech 3:00 pmWed Jan 5 Concordia University** Ann Arbor, MI 7:30 pmSat* Jan 8 Davenport University** Grand Rapids, MI 1:00 pmWed Jan 11 Cornerstone University** Indiana Tech 7:30 pmSat* Jan 15 Aquinas College** Grand Rapids, MI 1:00 pmWed Jan 19 Siena Heights University** Indiana Tech 7:30 pmSat* Jan 22 University of Michigan - Dearborn Dearborn, MI 3:00 pmTues Jan 25 Taylor University - Fort Wayne Indiana Tech 7:00 pmWed Jan 26 Madonna University Livonia, MI 7:30 pmWed* Feb 2 Davenport University** Indiana Tech 5:30 pmSat Feb 5 Cornerstone University** Grand Rapids, MI 1:00 pmWed* Feb 9 Aquinas College** Indiana Tech 6:00 pmSat Feb 12 Siena Heights University** Adrian, MI 3:00 pmWed* Feb 16 University of Michigan-Dearborn Indiana Tech 5:30 pmThu Feb 17 Taylor University - Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, IN 5:00 pmSat Feb 19 Madonna University** Indiana Tech 1:00 pmWed Feb 23 WHAC Tournament - First Round TBA TBA HEAD COACHDan Kline * Women/Men Double-header**Wolverine Hoosier Athletic Conference Games



Lady Warriors bring it home on Tech’s new soccer fi eld.


Kathleen Barlow, Ph.D., joined the Indianapolis faculty as associate professor of English and communication and chair of academics.

Margaret Smith was hired as a receptionist for the Indianapolis campus.

Carla Quickel became an admissions counselor for the College of Professional Studies in Fort Wayne.

Sajeh Richard was hired as a developmental specialist in Student Support Services.

FEBRUARYSarah Miretti joined the traditional admissions staff as an east coast admissions counselor.

Debra Vance was hired as an admissions counselor for the College of Professional Studies in Elkhart.


Alisa Scagnoli joined the Student Information Center as a student service representative.

Katie Mettler became an admissions counselor for the traditional program.


Dennis James joined the Fort Wayne campus custodial staff.

Julie Thiel became an assistant to alumni and human resources.


Greg Craghead was hired as marketing manager.

Sonya Walker joined the traditional admissions staff as admissions coordinator.

Kay Anthony joined the College of Professional Studies as professional development director at the Fort Wayne campus.

Jane Mitchell was promoted to director of career planning and development.

Joel Harmeyer was promoted to associate director of student life for Andorfer Commons.


Jan Hartman became an administrative assistant in the Seitz Center.

Yiani Demitsas was hired as an admissions counselor for the College of Professional Studies at the Fort Wayne campus.


Mark Tschaepe was hired as an admissions counselor for the College of Professional Studies at the Fort Wayne campus.

Garry Wilson became director of the McMillen Library.

Louise Jackson joined the institutional advancement staff as director of major gifts and grants.

Nancy Weikel joined the Career Planning and Development Center as internship coordinator.

Angie Carnes became the director of the annual fund and alumni relations in the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Christian Maslowski left the Office of Institutional Advancement and became an admissions representative for the College of Professional Studies in Indianapolis.

Sheldon Goldstein joined the Indianapolis faculty as an assistant professor.

Elizabeth Colter was hired as a data coordinator in the registrar’s office.


Dave Allway, women’s soccer coach, was promoted to sports information director.

Becky Norris was hired as head coach for the women’s softball team.

Virginia Spencer joined the Indianapolis staff as an administrative assistant.

Cathy Bastin was hired as a senior admissions representative for the College of Professional Studies in Greenwood.

Cindy Vicars joined the College of Professional Studies as an admissions representative in Indianapolis.

Amanda Ruiz was hired as office coordinator in Greenwood.

Randy Liechty was hired as developmental mathematics specialist in Fort Wayne.

Eva Sagan joined the Fort Wayne faculty as assistant professor of mathematics.

Thomas Goff joined the Fort Wayne faculty as an assistant professor of business.

Faculty & Staff News


University Teams With Becker Conviser CPA ReviewIndiana Tech has increased its value to accounting students by forming a partnership with Becker Conviser CPA Review. The arrangement enables graduate students to prepare for the CPA exam while earning an MBA.

MBA students can now choose a concentration in accounting that will include courses offered through Becker Conviser CPA Review. The Becker Conviser method of preparing for the exam uses past CPA exams to teach students how to approach each question. Students work on simulations and multiple-choice questions in class under the supervision of instructors with CPA experience. Problems are taken from prior CPA exams and cover about 90 percent of the subject areas on the exam.

“Since the CPA Exam requires people to have 150 credits before sitting for the exam, a bachelor’s degree in accounting just isn’t enough anymore,” said Bob Freewalt, Indiana Tech associate vice president. “By incorporating the review classes into the MBA curriculum, students are able to earn credit towards their MBA as they prepare to sit for the exam.”

The MBA accounting concentration will include Becker Conviser courses on:

• Regulation and Ethics• Auditing• Financial Accounting and Reporting• Business Environment and Concepts

Indiana Tech 2004 Career FairTuesday, December 2, 2004Andorfer Commons Conference Room, Second Level

Looking Ahead

Companies attending will be seeking candidates for full-time, internship, and part-time positions. All Indiana Tech students are encouraged to attend. Professional dress requested. For more information contact

Indiana TechCareer Planning and Development CenterAndorfer Commons, Second Level, Room 229(260) 422-5561 ext. 2217(800) 937-2448 ext. 2217

Warsaw office Grand OpeningSpeaker Series, Fort Wayne campusSpring Fling BlingCommencementIndiana Tech Alaskan CruiseThree Rivers FestivalTraditional Students Move InHomecoming Gala

Nov. 4, 2004, 6 p.m. Speaker Series, Fort Wayne campus

Global Business with Louise Palmstierna

Feb. 2005March 2005

April 2005May 2005June 2005July 2005

Aug. 2005Sept. 2005

For updated information visit

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