translation source

Translation Source, Ltd. [email protected] t. 800.413.7838 All languages Staffing Translation Interpretation Training 24/7/365 Accelerate your business Capture new markets Generate revenues Whether you need to communicate with the more than 20 million non-English speakers in the U.S. who represent over one trillion dollars in potential revenue, or want to reach out to the 68 trillion dollar global marketplace, Translation Source has the experience, solutions, and drive to help you realize that goal. Translation Source supports some of the world’s leading companies across a variety of initiatives, and we can enable you to fully market, sell, and operate in non-English speaking environments as well. Whether you need to implement effective workforce training in 31 countries, or communicate seamlessly with your global customer base 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or advance your international business by developing winning bids and proposals in multiple languages, Translation Source can provide you with a unique, customized solution based upon proven processes. These services can help you achieve a greater return on your investment, while improving your operational speed and efficiency and increasing your market share. With the globalization of the marketplace and ever-shorter project lifecycles, the need to communicate clearly and seamlessly is paramount. Translation Source possesses the expertise, resources and vision to deliver advanced customized solutions to positively affect your company’s bottom line.

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Post on 20-May-2015




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Translation services; technical document localization; international e-learning localization, international staffing and training in Houston


Page 1: Translation Source

Translation Source, [email protected]


All languages Staffing Translation Interpretation Training 24/7/365

Accelerate your business Capture new markets Generate revenuesWhether you need to communicate with the more than 20 million non-English speakers in the U.S. who represent over one trillion dollars in potential revenue, or want to reach out to the 68 trillion dollar global marketplace, Translation Source has the experience, solutions, and drive to help you realize that goal.

Translation Source supports some of the world’s leading companies across a variety of initiatives, and we can enable you to fully market, sell, and operate in non-English speaking environments as well. Whether you need to implement effective workforce training in 31 countries, or communicate seamlessly with your global customer base 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or advance your international business by developing winning bids and proposals in multiple languages, Translation Source can provide you with a unique, customized solution based upon proven processes. These services can help you achieve a greater return on your investment, while improving your operational speed and efficiency and increasing your market share.

With the globalization of the marketplace and ever-shorter project lifecycles, the need to communicate clearly and seamlessly is

paramount. Translation Source possesses the expertise, resources and vision to deliver advanced customized solutions to positively affect your company’s bottom line.

Page 2: Translation Source

All languages Staffing Translation Interpretation Training 24/7/365

Translation Source, [email protected]


Comprehensive industry-leading multilingual solutions across all languages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Translation Source solutions include:

•Thehighestqualitytranslation services available on demand that ensure consistency across languages and reduce cost.

•Project staffing and support for international projects, both within the U.S. andabroad,providingqualifiedprofessionalswith targeted industry- and country-specific experience who seamlessly integrate with our clients’ staff.

•Client-specificlanguage training that utilizes industry- and project-specific terminology to ensure proper communication.

•Soundmultilingual consulting that brings innovative solutions to the everyday challenges of entering new markets.

•Website localization and multilingual typesetting and graphics that enhance the effectiveness of your content.

•Trainedandhighlyskilledprofessional interpreters across all languages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

•Client- and industry-specific language assets that increase in value over time, resulting in reduced costs and greater returns on investment.