translation and adaptation: a process of exchange and development susanne rabady, oegam...

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EbM-Guidelines: Adaptation in Austria

Translation and adaptation: a process of exchange and developmentSusanne Rabady, OEGAMEbM-Guidelines: EBMGAThe StartSusanne Rabady, OEGAMProblemsSusanne Rabady, OEGAMBad TranslationsHesitant review:Textalterations - how do we do it?What to do with differences without evidence background?Who is responsible for research???OrganisationHow to follow updates??Time resourcesNo payment no obligations

What we learnedSusanne Rabady, OEGAMResponsibility helps: each Reviewer got his/her chaptersSplitting in 5 small teams with one counterpart on second levelClear rules: what to do and how to do itContinuous process updating and developingSusanne Rabady, OEGAMRules and Routine - OrganisationSusanne Rabady, OEGAMInformation flow concerning alterations in original text formalized Minor changes (summaries, links etc. done by Duodecim)Updates, deletions of articles: listed Visibility of text changes improvedRules and routines - contentSusanne Rabady, OEGAMExample: Helicobacter pyloriSusanne Rabady, OEGAM

Example:urinary tract infectionSusanne Rabady, OEGAM

Rules and routine: contentSusanne Rabady, OEGAMExample: NeuroborreliosisSusanne Rabady, OEGAM

What`s next?Susanne Rabady, OEGAMFrom voluntary work to professional organizationNon-medical parts to be done by non medicalsPaid staff for continous work