transition project

Research for Transition Project

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Transition Project

Research for Transition Project

Page 2: Transition Project

Horror Film Genre-

Horror films are a film genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's most primal fears. They often feature scenes that shock the viewer through the means of , actions that dont accure on a daily bases, they may overlap with the fantasy and supernatural genre. Horrors frequently overlap with the thriller genre as they have the same context.

Horror Genre!

A famous scene from one of the first notable horror films, Nosferatu (1922)

Page 3: Transition Project

Thriller Genre!Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film, and TV programming that uses suspense , tension and excitement as the main elements. Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer's moods giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened, expectation, uncertainty , surprise, anxiety and/or terror.

This is the link for the voki that I have created that says the text above.

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The Elements These are the 8 elements that make up a thriller genre:

•The central protagonist/s faces death, their own or someone else's.

•The force/s of antagonism must initially be clever and/or stronger than the protagonist.

•The main storyline for the protagonist is either a quest or the character who cannot be put down.

•The main plotline focuses on a mystery that must be solved.

•The film's narrative construction is dominated by the protagonist's point of view.

•All action and characters must be credibly realistic/natural in their representation on screen.

•The two major themes that underpin the Thriller are the desire for justice and the morality of individuals.

•One small but significant aspect of a great thriller is the presence of innocence in what is seen as an essentially corrupt world

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Ghost effect

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“Sin City” effect

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Stop motion animation

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Star Trek Transporter
