transformers for dc–dc e-power conversion

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  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion



    3-D Microtransformers for DCDC On-Chip

    Power ConversionAli Moazenzadeh, Fralett Suarez Sandoval, Nils Spengler, Vlad Badilita, and Ulrike Wallrabe

    AbstractWe address the miniaturization of power convertersby introducing novel 3-D microtransformers with magnetic corefor low-megahertz frequency applications. The core is fabricatedby lamination and microstructuring of Metglas 2714A magneticalloy. The solenoids of the microtransformers are wound aroundthe core using a ball-wedge wirebonder. The wirebonding pro-cess is fast, allowing the fabrication of solenoids with up to 40turns in 10 s. The fabricated devices yield the high inductanceper unit volume of 2.95 H/mm3 and energy per unit volume of133 nJ/mm3 at the frequency of 1 MHz. The power efficiency of6476% is measured for different turns ratio with coupling factorsas high as 98%. To demonstrate the applicability of our passivecomponents, two PWM controllers were selected to implement an

    isolated and a nonisolated switch-mode power supply. The isolatedconverter operates with overall efficiency of 55% and maximumoutput power of 136 mW; then, we experimentally demonstratehow we increased this efficiency to 71% and output power to408 mW. The nonisolated converter can deliver an overall effi-ciency of 81% with a maximum output power of 515 mW. Finally,we benchmarked the results to underline the potential of the tech-nology for power on-chip applications.

    Index TermsDCDC power conversion, magnetic layeredfilms, micromachining, transformer.


    THE pressure of handheld electronic devices has broughtalong an on-going trend of miniaturization applied to all

    components. Among various parts, power converters are of a

    great importance since they deliver the required power to each

    function block of the system. Power converters generally consist

    of two main parts: the control part, which is currently available

    by means of integrated circuit (IC) technology, and the pas-

    sive electronics part. Usually, a significant physical volume and

    Manuscript received April 30, 2014; revised July 10, 2014 and September 20,2014; accepted October31, 2014. Date of publication November 6, 2014; date ofcurrent version April 15, 2015. This work was supported by the DFG GraduateSchool Embedded Microsystems under Grant 1103. The work of F. SuarezSandoval was supported by the National Council of Science and Technology

    (CONACYT, Mexico), and by the General Ministry of International Affairsof the Secretariat of Public Education (DGRI, SEP, Mexico). The work of V.Badilita was supported by DFG through Contract BA 4275/2-1. Recommended

    for publication by Associate Editor J. A. Cobos.A. Moazenzadeh, F. Suarez Sandoval, V. Badilita, and U. Wallrabe are

    with the Laboratory for Microactuators, Department of Microsystems Engi-neering (IMTEK), University of Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany (e-mail:[email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]).

    N. Spengler is with the Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, Univer-sity of Freiburg, 79104 Freiburg, Germany and also with the Laboratory forMicroactuators, Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), Univer-sity of Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2014.2368252

    weight of the power converter unit is reserved by the magnetic

    passive components, e.g., coils and transformers [1]. The main

    function of these magnetic components is to periodically store

    and release the energy [2]. The more we shrink down the size

    of the magnetic components, the more difficult it becomes to

    maintain their power handling capability. Therefore, a solution

    is needed to overcome this challenge and allow an uncompro-

    mised fabrication of high-performance miniaturized converters.

    One possibility to maintain the power handling capabilities

    while miniaturizing the converters is to integrate a magnetic core

    with the passive component [2]. Therefore, the device yields

    higher inductance within the same footprint, thus being able

    to drive more power. Increasing the switching frequency in the

    converter offers another route which leads to further reduction

    in the size of inductors [3]. A higher switching frequency means

    that the converter needs to process a smaller amount of energy

    during each switching cycle, for the same amount of power.

    However, both solutions present further disadvantages.

    Microstructuringof magnetic materials to obtain miniaturized

    cores is still challenging, especially when it comes to high-

    aspect-ratio structures. Electroplating and sputtering are widely

    used to obtain thin magnetic layers [4][7]; however, the choice

    of magnetic materials is limited for each of these processes,

    respectively. Also, these techniques pose inherent limitationsin terms of thickness and the homogeneity of the magnetic

    components in the bulk physical volume.

    Increasing the converter switching frequency introduces addi-

    tional high-frequency parasitic losses, via the skin or proximity

    effects in the inductors [2]. Magnetic losses are also increased

    due to hysteresis and eddy currents losses in the magnetic core

    [8]. The hysteresis loss can be controlled by choosing the right

    material composition as well as annealing of the core magnetic

    material [9]. The eddy current losses can be minimized either

    by using high resistivity magnetic materials or by splitting the

    bulk magnetic core into thin layers, which are in the same thick-

    ness range of the skin depth in the frequency range of interest

    [10]. However, both approaches increase the complexity of the

    magnetic components fabrication.

    The fabrication of 3-D microcoils using an automatic ball-

    wedge wirebonder was initially reported by Kratt et al. [11].

    Since then, we used the technology for several unconventional

    applications in microsystems [12]. In [13], we report the fabrica-

    tion of SU-8 core microtransformers for the very high frequency

    regime applications. Also, the preliminary results on integrating

    a rod-shape multilayer magnetic core to the wirebonded coils

    was reported in [14]. Although the rod-shape magnetic core is

    the easiest choice for the integration with the wirebonded mi-

    crocoils, this approach has some disadvantages, mainly due to

    0885-8993 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion




    Type Material Fabrication Advantages Disadvantages

    Ferrites NiZn [23]

    MnZn [24]

    Screen printing ResistanceSimplicity of fabrication

    Saturation magnetization Relative permeability Coercivity Incompatible with MEMS fabrication

    Metallic alloys NiFe [4][8], [28], [47]

    CoNiFe [48]



    Saturation magnetization

    Relative permeability

    Resistance Limited core thickness



    CoZrTa [38]

    CoZrO [40]

    CoFeSiB [39]

    S pu tte rin g R esistan ce

    Saturation magnetizationRelative permeability

    Low temperature fabrication

    Limited core thickness

    Costly fabrication

    Amorphous Metglas 2714 Lamination Relative permeability Saturation magnetization

    metal ribbons Vitrovac 6025 [8], [46] Etching Resistance Sensitive to external processes

    Sim pl icity of fabri cation Lim it ed ri bbons t hi ckness

    Low temperature fabrication

    the high demagnetization field in the open-loop magnetic core


    In this paper, we report significant progress allowing the inte-gration of a closed-loop magnetic core to our established wire-

    bonded microcoils. Meanwhile, improvements in the wirebond-

    ing technology enable us to fabricate the coils with twice the

    turns than our previous reports [13], [14] directly on the mag-

    netic core. A new assembly method has been introduced to align

    and position the magnetic core structures on the final substrate in

    a parallel way to speed up the fabrication process of the micro-

    transformers. The applicability of our passive components has

    been verified by implementing them in two different topologies

    of switch-mode power supplies, an isolated and a nonisolated

    topology. Altogether resulting in a new approach to fabricate

    miniaturized on-chip transformers, for low-megahertz regime

    (0.330 MHz) applications. In Section II, the state of the art of

    soft magnetic materials used in power conversion applications

    is presented. Section III reports on the design and fabrication of

    the closed-loop magnetic core, as well as the integration with

    our established wirebonded microcoil technology. In Section

    IV, the frequency-dependent performance of the magnetic core,

    as well as the fabricated microtransformers are characterized.

    Meanwhile, we benchmarked the results with the state of the art

    of published devices to underline the potential of the technology

    for power on-chip applications. Finally, Section V reports on the

    implementation of the microtransformers and microcoils in an

    isolated and nonisolated dcdc converter, respectively.



    The state-of-the-art air core inductors with high quality fac-

    tors of up to 30 and inductances per unit volume of up to

    700 nH/mm3 have been reported [13], [15][18]; thus, magnetic

    core inductors with lower inductance per unit volume would not

    represent an advantage.

    Soft magnetic materials are fundamental for microtransform-

    ers magnetic core. They enhance the efficiency and the power

    density of transformers, thus enabling further miniaturization.

    An appropriate material for the magnetic core of a power

    transformer should have a high saturation magnetization, high

    permeability, high resistivity, low coercivity, and high thermal

    conductivity. Among the above-mentioned properties, resistiv-ity, thermal conductivity, and saturation magnetization are in-

    trinsic properties of a material, while the other depend on the

    external effects, such as the shape and dimension of the core

    [19], fabrication process [20], operating frequency [10], extra

    annealing [20], and excitation waveform [21]. All these param-

    eters need to be considered when designing an efficient core.

    Table I summarizes the properties of different magnetic mate-

    rials used for miniaturized core fabrication.Ferritesare popular

    candidates as a core material for megahertz frequency regime

    applications, mainly due to their high resistivity, which is nec-

    essary to damp the induced eddy current in the core at high

    frequencies [22][26]. This advantage is paid by the relatively

    low permeability and high coercivity, which limit the further

    miniaturization of ferrite cores [4], [10]. Besides, the main dis-

    advantage of ferrites is the relatively lower saturation flux den-

    sity when compared to other types of core magnetic materials.

    Furthermore, their typical fabrication is not compatible with

    MEMS processing due to the high temperature needed for sin-

    tering [23].

    Magnetic metallic alloys are other candidates for the core

    material. Among them, PermalloyNiFeis commonly used

    as a magnetic core material [4][8], [27][35]. A core layer

    thickness of up to several micrometers is achievable by elec-

    trodeposition that enables manufacturing of 3-D cores [4]. The

    fabrication process is well established, mainly due to the wideusage of NiFe in magnetic recording heads technology [36]. Be-

    sides the MEMS compatible fabrication, metal alloys also have

    good soft magnetic properties in terms of high permeability

    and low hysteresis loss. However, the intrinsic low resistivity

    of metals results in high eddy currents losses in the core for

    high switching frequency applications [4]. Reducing the metal-

    lic film thickness to the nanometer range enables the fabrication

    of nanolaminated Permalloy cores, which results in lower core

    losses at high frequencies [37]. However, realizing such a core

    needs a complex and expensive fabrication method. In order

    to improve the resistivity of magnetic alloys and make thick

    alloys applicable for high-frequency applications, researchers

  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion



    Fig. 1. (a) Exploded view of an UT magnetic core microtransformer chip. (b) Fabricated UT Metglas core in this paper compared to the smallest commerciallyavailable Metglas core. The UT core has been placed inside a commercial toroidal core.


    Property Value

    Composition Co6 6Fe4Ni1Si1 5B1 4Sat ur at ion m agneti zati on 0.57 (T)

    Max DC permeability (cast) >80 000

    Saturation magnetostriction

  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion



    Fig. 3. Wirebonded UT core microtransformers fabrication process flow.


    Fig. 1(a) shows an exploded view of the microtransformer

    chip introduced in this paper. The magnetic core and the in-

    ductive coils were designed as 3-D structures. This results in

    minimizing the footprint of the chip without compromising the

    transformer performance. The small footprint of 5.4 mm2 is

    enough to contain the magnetic core as well as the primary and

    secondary coils. Additionally, when compared to 2-D deposited

    cores, the larger cross-sectional area of the 3-D core enhances

    the power-handling capability without reaching saturation. Hav-

    ing a 3-D shape for the inductive coils results in more inductance

    density, and also more concentrated and uniform magnetic field,

    which leads to stronger inductive coupling between the primaryand secondary coils than a 2-D design [13], [51].

    The core is composed of two structures, one with a U-shape,

    the other one with a T-shape, allowing an easy assembly to form

    a closed-loop magnetic core. Winding both the primary and

    secondary coils on the central post enhances the self-shielding

    properties of the microtransformer. The designed magnetic cores

    have the footprint of 3 mm 1 mm and the height of 2.5 mm.For the fabrication of our multilayered UT magnetic cores,

    37 layers of 18-m-thick Metglas 2714A were laminated with ahand roller (DTS-HR, Asmetec). Prior to the lamination, the al-

    loy surface was cleaned in an ultrasonic bath filled with pure iso-

    propanol. The hand roller also removes dusts, which improves

    the adhesion of the layers. Intermediate layers of 10-m-thickpolyester-based double-sided sticky tape (5601, Nitto) provided

    both adhesion and electrical insulation between the Metglas lay-

    ers. The lamination was performed on the surface of a heater

    plate at the temperature of 80C[see Fig. 3(a)]. The whole lam-

    ination process was carried out inside a clean environment of a

    class II biological cabinet which provides the clean area. The

    last step was to place the stack inside a hydraulic press (JAS105,

    High force), for 12 h at the force of 4.5 kN and the temperature

    of 45C[see Fig. 3(b)]. This last step was introduced to guar-

    antee the perfect uniformity and high adhesion strength for the

    37 layers of Metglas, as well as for the 36 layers of sticky tape.

    By employing an electrical discharge machine (EDM) (Robifil

    2020SI, GF Agie Charmilles), the magnetic stacks were pre-cisely cut into submillimeter core parts [see Fig. 3(c)]. The

    cutting direction was chosen so that the easy magnetization axis

    of the cores is aligned with their height. EDM cutting has the

    advantage of producing good surface quality on the cut edges

    while not changing the magnetic or physical properties of the

    Metglas alloy. The use of EDM offers an almost unrestricted

    way of structuring the laminated magnetic stacks. However,

    this method is not applicable to fabricate cylindrical shape posts

    and the EDM cut posts cross section are limited to square or

    rectangular shapes. Fig. 2 shows the distinct proven methods to

    laminate the Metglas layers as well as several cutting techniques

    for the laminated stack.

    To enable coil winding, the cores were arranged onto a

    4 in borosilicate wafer. Borosilicate wafers were chosen to

    avoid eddy currents induced in the substrate, hence minimizing

    substrate-related losses. The bond pads were made by means of

    standard UV lithography. After evaporating the 15 nm/150 nm

    Cr/Au seed layer, a 20-m-thick mold for pads and traces waspatterned using AZ-9260 photoresist. A layer of 12 m of goldwas subsequently electroplated on top of the seed layer. In order

    to define the bond positions with respect to the microtransformer

    cores, 2m of ma-N 1420 negative tone photoresist was spunand patterned to structure the alignment marks on the substrate

    [see Fig. 3(d)]. The substrate was finally diced into the 8 mm

    8 mm chips using a wafer dicing machine (DAD321, Disco).To enable the magnetic core assembly on the processed

    borosilicate substrate, a 1.5 mm-thick paper-based plastic sub-

    strate was used as an alignment aid. Square through-holes were

    patterned with a UV laser (TruMark 6330, Trumpf) to perfectly

    accommodate the posts of the T-shape cores[see Fig. 3(e)]. The

    distance between the through-holes was equal to the distance be-

    tween the landing marks on the borosilicate wafer. Two vacuum

    chucks fixed both the borosilicate (top) and the plastic substrate

    (bottom) containing the structures to be positioned. Taking ad-

    vantage of the borosilicate transparency and using precision

    moving tables, the plastic substrate was aligned with respect to

    the borosilicate substrate [see Fig. 3(f)]. AZ-direction moving

  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion



    Fig. 4. Full view of a UT core microtransformer as well as some closeupviews of the laminated stack, the remaining gap on top of the core between theT-shape and U-shape parts, the contact area between the T-shape and U-shapecore on bottom of the core as well as the wedge and ball bonds (in clockwise

    direction starting from left).

    table was used to raise the plastic substrate and bring the T-shape

    structures in contact with the borosilicate wafer. Fast adhesive

    (4204, Loctite) served as the bonding material. After the adhe-

    sive got cured, the plastic substrate was brought down leaving

    behind the T-shape structures positioned[see Fig. 3(g)]. After a

    short O2 -plasma cleaning step for 2 min, at 40 C, 0.3 mbar and

    the power of 1000 W at 2.54 GHz, a modified, automated ball-

    wedge wirebonder (3100plus , ESEC) was employed to wind theprimary and secondary solenoids directly around the post of the

    T-structures. The starting height of the coil was set to 600m

    above the surface of the substrate allowing for a precise 100 mclearance from the horizontal part of the T-structure core. Within

    10 s, each solenoid was wound with up to 40 turns of insulated

    25-m-thick copper or gold wire [see Fig. 3(h)]. After the wind-ing process, the U-shape structure was positioned following the

    same methodology as used for the T-structures, in this way the

    microtransformer fabrication being completed[see Fig. 3(i) and

    (j)]. Fig. 4 shows a full view of a UT core microtransformer chip

    as well as some closeup SEM pictures of the important regions.


    A. Metglas Core PerformanceMetglas is a soft magnetic material with ultrahigh dc perme-

    ability. However, its permeability is a function of different phys-

    ical parameters. In order to characterize the high-frequency per-

    meability of the Metglas, a rod-shape (magnetically open-loop)

    cubic multilayered core was fabricated with the same process

    as mentioned in Section III. The cubic core had the dimensions

    of 0.8 mm0.8 mm1.2 mm (LWH). A wirebondedmicrocoil with seven turns was wound around the post. Another

    core with nominal exact shape and dimension as the Metglas

    cubic core was fabricated by means of a thick SU-8 lithography

    process, which later was wirebonded to realize the same coil

    with seven turns. Both coils, the one on the Metglas rod-shapecore and the one on the SU-8 post, were wirebonded using the

    same trajectory, and as previously demonstrated [13], the coils

    are supposed to be very similar due to the high precision of the

    wirebonding process.

    In order to show the effects of adding the rod-shape Metglas

    micromachined core, both coils have been characterized in the

    range of 1 MHz to 1 GHzusingan impedanceanalyzer(E4991A,

    Agilent). The coil with the Metglas core resonates at 560 MHz,

    while the other resonates at around 1 GHz [see Fig. 5(a)]. This

    fact shows that the Metglas coil has more internal inductance

    and capacitance since the resonance frequency is a function of

    these two parameters:

    f = 1



    Fig. 5(b) shows the frequency-dependent inductance for each

    coil. The SU-8 core coil shows a constant inductance over al-

    most the full measurement range with an inductance of 70 nH;

    the Metglas core coil, however, exhibits 4.42 times higher in-

    ductance at the frequency of 1 MHz. Until 10 MHz, it shows a

    slight decrease of 10 nH in the inductance value; however, the

    inductance falls rapidly with further increase in frequency.

    The total magnetic flux density that is generated by the Met-

    glas core coil is

    B= 0 (Hc+ M) =0 (Hc NdM+ M) (2)where Hc is the magnetic field produced by the coil, Nd isthe demagnetization factor of the magnetic core, and M is the

    magnetization of the Metglas. The magnetic flux density of the

    SU-8 core coil is

    B= 0Hc . (3)

    A demagnetization factor Ndz of a rectangular rod, magne-tized along its long axis (z-direction), is found to be as expressed

    below [52]:

    Ndz = 1

    (2n + 1) (4)

    where n is the dimensional ratio of the rectangular rod. Based

    on the dimension of the rod-shape Metglas core, the demagne-

    tization factor of the cubic Metglas core is 0.25 [52].

    An electrical current Iflowing through a coil creates a mag-

    netic flux proportional to the current. The proportional con-stant is defined as the inductance L of the coil [20]. The in-

    ductance of the coil is only a function of its geometry and the

    permeability of the surrounding medium. Since in our case,

    both the rod-shape Metglas core and the SU-8 core coils were

    geometrically identical, we can consider the inductance ratio

    of the coils as the effective permeability e of the rod-shapeMetglas core. In order to calculate the relative permeabilityrof the Metglas core from its effective permeability, we need to

    consider the demagnetization factor of the core [53]:

    r =

    e(1 Ndz )1 Ndze . (5)

    By substituting the values of the demagnetization factor and

    the effective permeability in equation (5), the relative perme-

    ability of the rod-shape Metglas core is measured to be 31.57 atthe frequency of 1 MHz. For an ideal closed-loop UT Metglas

  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion



    Fig. 5. Characterization result of two similar wirebonded coils, one with the rod-shape Metglas core and the other with a SU-8 (magnetically like air) core. (a)Resonance frequency of the coil with magnetic core was decreased as a result of an increase in the internal inductance and capacitance. (b) Coil inductance hasbeen increased 4.42 times at the frequency of 1 MHz.

    Fig. 6. Two-port characterization setup for the frequency-dependentimpedance measurements of the microtransformers.

    core, the effective permeability of the core is expected to be the

    same as its relative permeability; then, both should be equal to

    31.57 at the frequency of 1 MHz. However, any airgap in the

    closed-loop core structure could impact its effective permeabil-

    ity. Also, it should be considered that two-third of the magnetic

    core volume in the both closed-loop (UT core) and open-loop

    (rod-shape core) consist of Metglas and the rest was filled withthe double-sided tape, which is a nonmagnetic material.

    B. UT Core Microtransformer Electrical Performance

    The high-frequency characterization of the UT core mi-

    crotransformers was performed using the two-port on-wafer

    measurement method. The scattering parameters of the micro-

    transformers were measured using a vector network analyzer

    (E5071A, Agilent) connected to a probe-station (9000, Cascade

    Microtech), equipped with two microprobes (SG/GS-500, Cas-

    cade Microtech) as shown in Fig. 6.

    Prior to the measurements, open, short, load, and through

    calibrations were done using an impedance standard substrate

    (106-683, Cascade Microtech). The scattering parameters of the

    microtransformers were recorded simultaneously as a function

    of a logarithmic frequency sweep from 300 kHz up to 300 MHz

    as a S2 P file. The power efficiency of the microtransformers,defined as the output load power versus the input power, was

    computed directly from the scattering parameters Sxy , using(6), wherexandy denote the port numbers [54]:

    Z0 = |S21 |21 |S11 |2 (6)

    where Z0 = 50 is the nominal impedance of the network ana-

    lyzer which served as the load impedance of the measurements.By converting theS-parameters toZ-parameters and by extract-

    ing the real and imaginary partsof the impedance for each port at

    each frequency, the inductance, electrical resistance and quality

    factor, as well as the coupling factor of the microtransformers

    were calculated using

    Lxy = [Zxy ]


    Rxy = [Zxy ]

    Qxy = [Zxy ] [Zxy ] (7)


    [Z12 ] [Z21 ] [Z11 ] [Z22 ] .

    On that basis, a UT core microtransformersample 1with

    copper solenoids of 40 turns and turns ratio of 1:1 on a borosili-

    cate substrate was characterized. The self-resonance frequency

    of the microtransformer was found to be 28 MHz. The self-

    inductance of the primary and secondary solenoids were mea-

    sured to be L11 = 43.7 H and L22 = 41.7 H, at 300 kHz,as can be observed in Fig. 7. The self-inductance, however, de-

    creased to the values of 39.91 and 37.93 H at the frequency of1 MHz as a result of the internal loss of the Metglas core.

    Thus, we achieved an inductance per unit volume of up to

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    Fig. 7. Two-port measured frequency-dependent inductance of sample 1.

    Fig. 8. Two-port measured frequency-dependent resistance of sample 1.

    Fig. 9. Two-port measured frequency-dependent quality factor of the primary() and the secondary () coils and impedance of the primary () and thesecondary () coils of sample 1.

    2.95 H/mm3 and an energy per unit volume of 133 nJ/mm3

    at a frequency of 1 MHz, both being higher than most of the

    other published on-chip power microinductors and microtrans-

    formers [38], [55].The two-port frequency-dependent resistance of the sample 1

    is shown in Fig. 8. For both solenoids, the resistance increased

    as the frequency increased. This is caused, on one hand, by the

    skin and proximity effects in the inductor and, on the other hand,

    by internal losses of the magnetic core, resulting from the hys-

    teresis and eddy current losses. The quality factor of the primary

    solenoid reached a maximum value of 7.1, whereas it was 6.8

    in the secondary solenoid (see Fig. 9), which is comparable to

    state-of-the-art power microinductors [38]. The coupling factor

    had a constant value of 97.3% over the whole frequency range

    below the self-resonance frequency indicates that the micro-

    transformers had a minimal leakage inductance (see Fig. 10).The high coupling factor is attributed to the 3-D geometry, the

    Fig. 10. Two-portmeasuredfrequency-dependentefficiency () andcouplingfactor (o) of sample 1.

    Fig. 11. Two-port measured frequency-dependent inductance of sample 2.

    Fig. 12. Two-port measured frequency-dependent resistance of sample 2.

    magnetic core, the precision of the wirebonder, and the compact

    design of the transformers. The efficiency of the microtrans-

    former reached a maximum value of 71% at a frequency of

    1.11 MHz for the 50 load, provided by the network analyzer(see Fig. 10).

    Another UT core microtransformer chipsample 2with12 primary turns and a turns ratio of 1:2.5 made of gold wire

    was fabricated on a printed circuit board (PCB) substrate. This

    microtransformer was used later for the implementation of an

    isolated dcdc converter, presented in the next section. The

    measurement results are depicted in Figs. 1113. The PCB chip

    was produced on a standard FR4 substrate with the thickness

    of 500 m. 200-nm-thick gold layer was deposited on top ofthe usual 35m of copper to enable wirebonding on the chip.Table III summarizes the main measurement results of the both

    microtransformer chips.

    To conclude this part, we benchmarked our results to previ-

    ously published microinductors (pure RF microinductors wereexcluded). Fig. 14 illustrates the maximum quality factor as a

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    Fig. 13. Two-portmeasuredfrequency-dependentefficiency () andcouplingfactor (o) of sample 2.



    @ f(MHz) Sample 1 @ f(MHz) Sample 2

    L1 1 (H) 1 39.9 1 3.7

    L2 2 (H) 1 37.9 1 22.1Q1 1 m a x 0.320 7.1 0.548 4.3

    Q2 2 m a x 0.320 6.8 0.355 6.2

    (%) < 28 97.3 < 55 97.1

    m a x (%) 1.11 71 2.57 66

    Np r i m a r y 40 12N1 : N2 1 : 1 1 : 2.5Material Cu Au

    Fig. 14. Benchmark of the state-of-the-art published microinductors in terms

    of maximum quality factor as a function of the inductance per unit volume(nH/mm3). The shape of each point indicates the type of magnetic core of eachinductor, whereas the color of each point distinguishes the frequency rangewhere each prototype is applicable. The inductor presented in this paper arerepresented by the TW label.

    function of the inductance per unit volume (nH/mm3) for sev-

    eral miniaturized inductors. The shape of each point indicates

    the magnetic material type of each inductor, whereas the color of

    each point distinguishes the frequency range where each proto-

    type is applicable. The inductor presented in this paper is labeled

    with TW and convinces through its high inductance per unit

    volume and reasonably high quality factor. We further bench-

    marked the microtransformers to previously published devices

    Fig. 15. Benchmark of the state-of-the-art microtransformers in terms of in-ductance per dc resistance (L/RD C ) as a function of the frequency at whichthe maximum efficiency appears. The size of the bubbles indicates the powerefficiency of each transformer, whereas the color of a bubble distinguishes be-

    tween air and magnetic core transformers. The label of each bubble representsthe reference, transformer type and coupling factor. The microtransformers pre-sented in this paper are labeled with TW1 and TW2. All the devices exceptin [32] and [45] were characterized using a 50 load.

    (pure RF microtransformers were excluded). Fig. 15 shows the

    inductance per dc resistance (L/RDC ), which represents thelow-frequency performance of the microtransformers as a func-

    tion of the frequency of the maximum efficiency. The size of

    the bubbles indicates the power efficiency of each transformer,

    whereas the color of a bubble distinguishes between air and

    magnetic core transformers. The label of each bubble repre-

    sents the reference, transformer type, and coupling factor. Thetransformers presented in this paper and represented by the

    biggest bubbles convince through their high power efficiency,

    high inductance per dc resistance, and high coupling factors.

    For higher frequencies applications, perhaps lower inductance

    is needed; then, our former microtransformer prototypes are

    applicable [13], [14].



    In order to assess the behavior of our microtransformers and

    microinductors, we implemented them in two different switch-

    mode power supplies, an isolated and a nonisolated topology,respectively.

    A. Isolated Converter

    The isolated power supply is an asymmetrical half-bridge

    Flyback converter, as depicted in the schematic of Fig. 16.

    This topology uses a primary-side controller and the output

    gets regulated based on the transformer turns ratio. The primary

    side of the converter is a modified synchronous Buck converter

    that comprises two switches, the high-side switch SHS and thelow-side switchSLS , as well as input and output capacitorsCinand Cpr i, respectively. If the filtering inductor of a conventional

    Buck converter is replaced by the transformer T1 , having turns

  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion



    Fig. 16. General schematic of an asymmetricalhalf-bridge Flyback converter.

    Fig. 17. Microtransformer chip connected to the Fly-buck converter PCB.

    ratio ofN1 :N2 and, furthermore, if the voltage of the secondary

    winding is rectified by the diode D1 , one obtains the so-calledFly-buck converter, which is a combination of the Buck and

    Flyback topologies.

    The pulse-width modulation (PWM) controller used in our

    isolated converter is the TPS55010 (Texas Instruments). We de-

    signed the converter to supply an output voltage of 5 V, from an

    input voltage range of 4.55.5 V at an adjustable frequency of

    up to 2 MHz. After the component values needed for a proper

    operation of the controller were calculated, a PCB layout was

    designed and fabricated as illustrated in Fig. 17. The total foot-

    print of the demonstration board was 18 mm 63 mm includingconnectors used during characterization.

    To connect our microtransformer to the converters board, we

    designed a second PCB with an area of 5 mm 5 mm, shownin the zoomed-in view of Fig. 17. Bond pads for the winding

    process can be found on the top layer of the chip, pads for

    soldering a pin header are located on the bottom face, while

    the connection between both chip layers is realized by four vias.

    The converter board is equipped with a pin receptacle that allows

    electrical connection to the microtransformer.

    The efficiency curve as well as the percentage of load and

    line regulation [56] of the Fly-buck converter were extracted us-

    ing four precision digital multimeters (34401A, Agilent). These

    three figures of merit for power supplies were obtained by si-

    multaneously recording input and output voltages, as well as

    currents of the converter. The converter was operating with a

    Fig. 18. Efficiency of a 5 V output Fly-buck converter operating with sample2 at a switching frequency of 1.82 MHz.

    Fig. 19. Characterization of a 2.7 V output synchronous Buck converter oper-ating with an UT microcoil with 12 turns made out of a gold wire with diameterof 25m, at a frequency of 0.75 MHz. (a) Efficiency curve for different inputvoltages. (b) Percentage of load regulation for different input voltages.

    microtransformer with 12 turns in the primary winding and

    turns ratio of 1:2.5sample 2at a switching frequency of

    1.82 MHz. Fig. 18 shows the efficiency of the converter as a

    function of the output current.

    The maximum converter efficiency that we measured was

    55% as shown by Fig. 18,while thepercentage of load regulation

    was 37%, measured from the no-load to full-load conditions.

  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion




    Parameter Type f [MHz] Vin [V ] Vo [V ] Po m a x[W ]

    [ %]@Po m a x

    m a x[% ]

    Io [mA]@m a x

    PLOR1 [% ] PLNR2 [% ] Powerdensity


    Item nr.

    [57] Commercialmodule 0.4 4 3.3 16 85 95 1200 2.77 @Io = 3.9 A 0.27 @Io = 3.9 A,Vo = 2 .25 V


    [58] 1.5 3.3 1.5 12 77 89 2000 0.031[59] 0.6 5 1.5 15 82 91 3000 0.019[60] 1.5 12 3.3 1.65 82 82 500 0.6 @

    Io = 0.5 A0.03 @

    T = 25 C,Vo = 9.5 V

    851.6 106

    [61] 0.6 5.5 3.3 9.9 93.5 93.5 3000 0.108[62] Research


    1.6 4 3.3 0.99 85 85 300 0.9 @

    Io = 0.3A 0.002

    [63] 1.5 5 1.2 48 85 89 20,000 0.041[64] 5 12 1.2 12 86 87 60,000 0.048[65] PwrSiP


    5.5 4.2 1.8 1.08 85 88 200 0.51 @

    Io = 0.6 A0.69 @

    Io = 0.2 A,Vo = 3 V


    [66] 0.8 5 2 0.6 70 80 60



  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion




    Parameter Type f [MHz] Topology Transformervolume

    [m m 3 ]

    Vin[V ]

    Vo[V ]

    Po m a x[W ]

    [ %]@Po m a x

    m a x[% ]

    Io [mA]@m a x

    PLOR[% ] PLNR[% ]

    Item nr

    [18] Researchmodule 8 Half-bridgeWith ZVS 31.24 12 5 0.5 34 34 100 [79] 15 Forward 10 10 3 0.3 33 33 100 [80] 6.5 Forward 0.819 6 1.9 0.08 3 3 42 [81] 6 Resonant 23 12 5.5 0.66 49.5 49.5 120 This work Research


    1.82 Fly-buck Wire:

    Au 25m0.136 47 55 22.5 37 @

    Io = 0 .04 A3.2 @

    Io = 0 .02 A ,Vo = 1 V

    Fly-buck Wire:

    Cu 34m7.5 5 5 0.296 62.5 67.2 42 14 @

    Io = 0 .04 A1.2 @

    Io = 0 .02 A ,Vo = 1 V

    Fly-buck Wire:

    Cu 100m0.408 64.2 71 65 11 @

    Io = 0 .04 A0.8 @

    Io = 0 .02 A ,Vo = 1 V

    the other two cases of input voltage, because the controller wasset to enter an automatic pulsed frequency modulation (PFM)

    mode. In this mode, the IC operates in either PWM or in PFM

    mode. When the device is initially powered, it operates in fixed

    PWM mode until completion of the soft-start. It remains in this

    mode until it senses that the converter is on the verge of breaking

    into discontinuous operation. At this point, the controller goes

    to sleep mode until the output voltage has decreased by 2%.

    The controller then starts again at a fixed PWM frequency for a

    short duration and increases the output voltage. If the controller

    again senses discontinuous operation, the cycle repeats. Since

    the duty cycle in PFM mode is low, all losses are reduced which

    results in efficiency improvement at light loads. The two mod-

    ulation modes are clearly identified in Fig. 19(b) for the threeinput voltages.

    The percentage of load regulation of the synchronous Buck

    converter for an output current change of 150 mA is 4.63%,

    0.35% and 1.78% with an input voltage of 3.3, 4, and 5 V, re-

    spectively, as summarized in Table IV. As depicted in Fig. 19(b),

    with an input voltage of 3.3 V and an output current greater than

    140 mA, the efficiency reduces dramatically due to the decrease

    in output voltages, leading to the conclusion that a compro-

    mise should be made between the overall circuit efficiency and

    possible output voltage for load currents greater than 140 mA.

    The highest percentage of line regulation that was measured is

    0.81%, at a load current of 60 mA and a change in input voltagefrom 3 to 5 V.

    C. Effects of the Wire Diameter on the Microtransformer:

    Impact on the Circuit Efficiency

    At the efficiency maxima of the isolated converter, we have

    calculated that the ohmic loss in the microtransformer accounts

    for 57.5% of the total losses. In order to improve the efficiency

    of the converter, as well as to increase the power density of

    the microtransformer, we replaced the gold wire of 25 m indiameter with a hand-wound copper wire with a diameter of

    34 m in the first case, and of 100 m in the second case.

    The new efficiency curves were measured and are presented in

    Fig. 20. Efficiency curve of a 5-V output Fly-buck converter operating withan UT microtransformer with 12 turns on the primary side and turns ratio of1:2.5. The transformers were made of wirebonded gold with diameter of 25 m(), hand-wound copper with diameter of 34 m () and hand-wound copperwith diameter of 100m ().

    Fig. 20. We have maintained the efficiency curve from Fig. 18

    to ease the comparative process.

    Increasing the wire diameter as well as using copper, which

    has higher conductivity than gold, reduces the ohmic loss of themicrotransformer. Fig. 20 shows that the efficiency maximum

    increased from 55% to 67% and 71% for the copper wires with

    34 and 100 m diameter, respectively. With increasing wirediameter, the maximum possible output current has increased

    as well.

    Furthermore, high converter efficiencies are maintained for

    a wider range of loads at increased wire diameters. The low-

    efficiency maxima of sample 2 is caused by the poor load regu-

    lation of the converter when working with thin wire diameters.

    The percentage of load regulation has decreased from 37% to

    14% and to 11% for the output current range of 040 mA,

    whereas the percentage of line regulation decreased from 3.1%

  • 7/23/2019 Transformers for DCDC E-Power Conversion





    Measured input power[mW] 172.26 399.61

    Measured output power[mW] 94.77 283.8

    Power losses [%] [%]

    UT transformer[mW] 43.03 55.53 42.54 36.7MOSFETs [mW] 22.64 29.21 37.23 32.15

    Diode [mW] 11.25 14.52 32.5 28.06

    Input, primary and output capacitors[mW] 0.57 0.74 3.58 3.09

    Total [mW] 77.49 100 115.81 100

    to 1.1% and to 0.8%, for a variation in the input voltage from

    4.5 to 5.5 V at a fixed value of output current of 20 mA. Ta-

    ble V summarizes the most important characteristics of the Fly-

    buck converter operating with the distinct microtransformers

    in comparison with other reported results. In contrast with the

    large number of references listed in Table IV, Table V shows

    only a few isolated converters using miniaturized transformers.Moreover, the reported efficiencies and output power capabil-

    ities of these are considerably lower than those of nonisolated


    The power losses in the microtransformer made from 100-

    m-diameter copper wire account for only 36% of the total lossin converter, comparable to the total power losses of the semi-

    conductor devices. Table VI summarizes the different sources of

    loss at the efficiency maxima for the smallest and the largest wire

    diameter used. The power losses in the semiconductor devices

    account for both switching and conduction losses. The losses

    in the primary and secondary windings of the microtransformer

    were summed and are accounted as one single value.

    The high converter efficiency that we measured with the

    hand-wound microtransformers clearly indicates that a mod-

    erate increase in wire diameter may lead to a drastic increase

    in efficiency while maintaining batch fabrication capability, as

    wirebonder machines can be configured to work with wire di-

    ameters of 100m.


    Three-dimensional microtransformers were manufactured by

    combining a newly developed closed-loop micromachined mag-

    netic core with wirebonded microcoils meant for on-chip power

    conversion applications in the low-megahertz region. No clean-

    room processes were needed, neither for the fabrication of themagnetic core nor for the fabrication of the inductive coils.

    Thus, we present a process which is relatively cost effective and

    straightforward to realize in a usual laboratory environment.

    This fabrication technique lends itself to direct on-chip inte-

    gration of the microtransformers into any converter circuits.

    Former reports on wirebonded microcoils treated individual

    solenoids showing low mutual inductances [82], whereas in

    this study, transformers with strongly coupled microsolenoids

    are presented. The effective permeability of the new cores has

    increased seven times at the frequency of 1 MHz, as the result

    of the closed-loop design. Moreover, improvements in the wire-

    bonding technology enabled the fabrication of coils with twicemore turns directly on the magnetic core. As a result, the new

    microtransformers generate at 1 MHz 7.4 times more induc-

    tance density than the rod-shape core microtransformers previ-

    ously reported in [14] and 26.7 times more inductance density

    than our air core microtransformers reported in [13]. We bench-

    marked the devices to previously published microinductors and

    microtransformers, both from dc and ac performances points

    of view, to underline the potential of the technology for power

    on-chip applications.

    We further investigated how the winding wire diameter influ-

    ences the system efficiency of the power converters. The power

    losses of the microtransformer made from 100-m-thick hand-wound copper wire account for the 36% of the total loss in the

    circuit. This is 19% less than for the microtransformer wound

    with the 25-m-thick wirebonded gold wire. These results provethat if the wirebonder machine is calibrated to wind coils made

    of increased wire diameters (>25m), the system efficiency ofthe converters could be even higher than what we have achieved

    so far with the hand-wound devices, because the winding preci-

    sion of this machine also reduces the leakage inductance of our

    microtransformers, thus reducing switching losses.Therefore, adaptation of our wirebonder-based coil wind-

    ing technique to thicker copper wire appoints to more efficient

    magnetic devices, consequently better system efficiency. More-

    over, our laboratory style manual pick-and-place assembly of

    the magnetic cores can be easily automated by the use of pick-

    and-place machines to push our process toward industrial man-

    ufacturing standards.


    The authors would like to thank S. M. Torres Delgado

    (IMTEK, Laboratory of Simulations) for access to electrical

    characterization equipment, J. Hempel (IMTEK, Laboratory ofElectrical Instrumentation) for access to probe station, and A.

    Gehringer (IMTEK, Laboratory for Process Technology) for

    EDM cut of the magneticcores.They would alsoliketo thank M.

    Pauls (IMTEK, Laboratory for Microactuators) and the Gisela

    and Erwin Sick Chair for Micro-optics for access to the SEM.

    They further acknowledge Prof. D. P. Arnold (University of

    Florida) for the valuable technical discussion on the demagne-

    tization effect.


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    Ali Moazenzadeh was born in Shiraz, Iran. Hestarted his academic studies from 2003 in the field of

    physics. He received the M.Sc. degree in photonicsfrom theLaser andPlasma Research Institute, ShahidBeheshti University,Tehran,Iran, in 2010. In Novem-ber2010,he joinedthe Laboratoryfor Microactuatorsas a Ph.D. student of the Graduate School EmbeddedMicrosystems, Department of Microsystems Engi-neering (IMTEK), University of Freiburg, Freiburg,Germany.

    His research interests include the development ofmicromagnetic devices rapid manufacturing methods.

    Fralett Suarez Sandoval was born in Morelia, Mi-choacan Mexico, in 1988. Shereceivedthe B.Eng. de-gree in electronicengineering fromthe Morelia Insti-tute of Technology, Morelia, Mexico, in 2011, andthe

    M.Sc. degree in microsystems engineering from theUniversity of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, in 2013.Since March 2014, she has been working toward thePh.D. degree at the Laboratory for Microactuators,Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK),University of Freiburg.

    Her research interests include power electronicsand wireless power transmission with magnetic microdevices.

    Nils Spengler was born in Berlin, Germany. He re-ceived the M.S. degree in microsystems engineeringfrom the University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany,in 2010. After one-year research at the Palo Alto Re-search Center (PARC), Palo Alto, CA, USA, he hasbeen working toward the Ph.D. degree at the Labora-toryfor Microactuators, Departmentof MicrosystemsEngineering (IMTEK), University of Freiburg, since2011.

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    Vlad Badilitareceived the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degreesfrom the University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Roma-

    nia, in 1997 and 1999, respectively, and the Ph.D. de-gree in microoptoelectronics with a thesis focused onthe physics of coupled-cavity surface emitting lasersfrom the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2004.

    In 2007, after two years as a Postdoctoral Re-search Associate at the University of Maryland, Col-

    lege Park, MD, USA, he joined the University ofFreiburg, Freiburg, Germany, as a Group Leader for

    magnetic microsystems. His research interests include the broader area of minia-turized electromagnetic devices with a focus on electromagnetic actuators andmagnetic resonance detectors for sample- and volume-limited samples.

    Ulrike Wallrabe received the Ph.D. degree in me-chanical engineering of microturbines and micromo-

    tors from Karlsruhe University, Karlsruhe, Germany,in 1992.

    From 1989 to 2003, she was with the Institutefor Microstructure Technology, ForschungszentrumKarlsruhe (today KIT), working on microactuatorsand optical microelectromechanical systems. She hasbeen a Professor of microactuators at the Department

    of Microsystems Engineering, IMTEK, University ofFreiburg,Freiburg,Germany, since2003. In 2010, she

    received an internal fellowship at the Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies,FRIAS. She has published more than 110 papers in the field of microsystemstechnology. Her work focuslies in magnetic microstructures including processesfor magnetic materials and microcoils, in adaptive optics, using piezoactuators

    to tune elastic lenses and mirrors, and in microenergy harvesting.