transformative processes and adaptive pushback

Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback Paper Presentation The Trim Tab Sessions Anne Caspari Mindshift Integral

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Page 1: Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

Paper Presentation The Trim Tab Sessions

Anne Caspari Mindshift Integral

Page 2: Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

Page 3: Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

Reality A

Shift/ Transformation

Reality A’

Transformation as a process of Dis-Identification from a previously held fixed viewpoint

Page 4: Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

Reality A

Reality Shift/ Transformation

Reality A’

But how to start Transformation if ….

• You don’t know the point of departure? • You are not aware of what viewpoint you are

identified with • You find yourself constantly fighting it because there

is something else underneath you are protecting? • That starting point was hidden from logic and

introspection? • You find that change programs/advice/data/

information are somehow not helping?


Page 5: Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

Reality A

Reality Shift/ Transformation

Normal Stages of a Transformative Process with subsequent Prototyping

Reality A’

© A. Caspari

Page 6: Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

No Problem Awareness

Compulsive Optimism, Denial

Excuses, Lateral Movements, Escape

Blame, Victimhood, Projections


Feed back into Ego

Spiritual by-passing, Pseudo –Solution, Pseudoenlightenment

Getting lost in Drama, Karma, States, Depression, Shadows, etc.

Misidentification of Source; Follow others

Feed into Self-Importance

Denial of Self; too much Service to others

Spiritual Identities

Overwhelm, Failure to sort out Feed back

Failure to go collective

Failure to go practical with new prototypes/ reality check

Brings out different, structure-specific Pathologies (developtl levels)

Failure to practice, back to Habits and Comfort Zone

Attribution of shift to Outside Source (Method, Guru, Leader)

Pushback Pattern Language False Shortcuts, Immunities to Change, Protection and Escape Mechanisms

in relative correspondence to the stage of transformational path

Narcicism (Mean Green)

Old Habits, Inertia, Tiredness


Earlier devlptl level specific immunities: e.g. shame/guilt/fear/unknowns

Allergies (to new stages),

Addictions (to old stages)

Potential State Pathologies (states of consciousness)

Influences from the Subtle

Cynicism, Profanation

Reality A Reality A’

© A. Caspari

Page 7: Transformative Processes and Adaptive Pushback

Reality A Reality A’ Preconditions: Dissonance/ Discomfort/ Boredom

Container (Space/Process, Group ) • Rules • Tools • Mentor/Coach • Integrity • Pattern Integrity

Internal Motivation must be bigger than discomfort of reowning; Emotional Commitment to Change External Guidance; Personal Responsibilty Trust, Vulnerability, Courage

New is Fused with Power

•Political •Social networks



Methods/ Tools

•Structure •Communication •Dissemination

•Testing and feedback •New reference points

Integrity of

•Organisation •Patterns/Processes

•Governance •Vision


•of Inquiry •of Support •of Practice •ecosystem

Curiosity, Willingness, Open Mind

Adaptive Pushback – Generative Interior /Exterior Conditions &

Tools for Course Corrections

Voids/Values Maps Immunities to Change Process (Kegan)

AQAL Mapping/Diagnosis (Wilber, Graves)

Voice Dialogue, Systemic Constellations (e.g. Hellinger) Meditation Practices

Discreation Excercises (Palmer)

Creation Exercises (Palmer)

Avatar (Palmer) Presensing (Scharmer)

Sociocracy, Holacracy


Radical Visioning, Futures Workshops


Spiral Dynamics CoG Comunication


3-2-1 Shadow Process (e.g. Wilber)

Belief Management; Appreciative Inquiry Integrity Exercises (ongoing) Tetralemma State Trainings/


Big Mind/ Big Heart Process (Merzel)

State Trainings

Integral Life Practice (Wilber/Patten)

© A. Caspari