transformational life coaching

Transforming Your Life Through Coaching

Post on 13-Sep-2014



Health & Medicine

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A brief explaination of the life coach process.


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Transforming Your Life Through Coaching

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What is Coaching?

The basics:• Coaching is a relationship based from

motivational conversation that enables a person to meet challenges head-on and discover truths that are applicable for his or her health and life goals.

• Coaching is client-focused in that it puts the onus on the client to seek out the help of the professional coach.

• Coaching provides an environment for growth, change and motivation that provides accountability and transparency in a safe environment.

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The Research In terms of benefits for a business, research

indicates the following: The Manchester Inc. study found an average rate

of return on investment of 5.7 times the cost of the coaching.

Key benefits of coaching to the business: Productivity (53%) Quality (48%) Customer Service (39%) Retaining customers (32%) Cost reductions (23%) Bottom line profitability (22%)

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Why Coaching? Who needs coaching? Is coaching valuable?? Is Coaching Practical?

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Why Coaching? Coaching can produce healthy

people. Coaching can be transformational for

the person being coached (PBC) and the coach.

Coaching empowers the PBC to find the given abilities to find direction within oneself.

Coaching is motivational; it helps to propel individuals to their reach their ultimate destiny.

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Who needs coaching?

EVERYONE!• The fact is that

everyone comes to a fork in the road where one may need some help in deciding which direction to go; that is where coaching comes in!

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Is coaching valuable? YES!

In one study by Dr. Ed Stetzer, he found that individuals who met regularly with a mentor or supervisor showed increased improvement in reaching their goals over those that did not.

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Benefits for Coaching Coaching produces self-

motivated people. Coaching helps people gain

greater perspective regarding their health.

Coaching builds character.

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Benefits of Coaching in Society Coaching can help produce healthy

individuals who can lead full, productive lives despite the limitations of debilitating diseases (i.e. diabetes).

Coaching is values-based and helps extract the potential hidden within an individual.

Coaching helps normal people become extraordinary.

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Limitations of Coaching Coaching is not counseling

nor is it mentoring. Coaching assumes the

health and well-being of the individual before it begins.

Coaching is not designed to deal with deep-seeded mental or personal challenges.

Coaching is not teaching; it is client-focused instead of counselor or mentor focused.

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Reasons Coaching Is Not Counseling

Coaching is meant to produce autonomy within an individual.

Coaching is meant to propel a person into the future; counseling often deals with the past.

Coaching is values-based; oftentimes, in counseling, one must hold a neutral position as it pertains to the clients’ values.

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How to Implement Coaching Train coaches. Produce coach trainers. Practice. Coach leaders. Inform aspiring leaders of the

opportunity. Quality coaches always have a coach.

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What Coaching Sessions Should Include

Relationship Building Explanation of the expectations and

responsibilities Speak 20%, Listen 80% Ask poignant and concise questions Provide action steps for clients Provide literature for the person to

reflect on later Provide accountability