transform april issue

5 Pinterest Strategies Successful Real Estate Agents Use A Holistic Approach for Branding Yourself Online 6 Steps for Making an Open House Successful How to Get Started with Pinterest – The Basics 3 Strategies for Branding Yourself in a Competitive Market Transform Beat the Odds, Overcome Resistance & Conquer Real Estate The Magazine for Real Estate Professionals April 2014

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5 Pinterest Strategies Successful Real Estate Agents Use

A Holistic Approach

for Branding Yourself


6 Steps for Making an

Open House Successful

How to Get Started with Pinterest

– The Basics3 Strategies for Branding Yourself in a Competitive Market

TransformBeat the Odds, Overcome Resistance & Conquer Real Estate

The Magazine for Real Estate Professionals

April 2014

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Editor’s NoteTechnology is a constant changing target, wouldn’t you agree? It’s a challenge wearing all the hats needed to run a successful real estate business and keep an eye on how to make the most of social media and electronic gadgets. I think you’ll find this issue a nice balance between promoting your business and tapping the power of social media.

The big picture starts with branding. I know that this term gets thrown around a lot, especially in the corporate world. However, your brand is something to take seriously and even press the idea of how you can expand and deepen it with your prospects and clients.

Branding is not just for Fortune 500 companies, it includes you too. Fortunately, with the help of social media and technology, you don’t need a Fortune 500 budget to build your brand.

In this issue, I pick on Pinterest, the phenom of social media. Tech savvy real estate agents are realizing the value of Pinterest and how to make it work for their business. If you haven’t created any boards and started pinning yet then you’ll find my articles a helpful guide for getting started. And if you’re a seasoned pinner then maybe you’ll discover some new ideas!

Finally, I want to help you think outside the box when it comes to open houses. I’ll address the dreaded stigma and offer some tips, but overall, you should walk away from this issue with new concepts that can keep you on the edge of mastering social network, online websites and becoming a stronger marketing machine!

Contact Me!Feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like your peers added to the distribution list.

David Bailey, NMLS # 3458OwnerThe Mortgage Outlet280 West Main StreetSayville, New York 11782

O # 631-589-3600C # 631-767-8948F # 866-466-5218

E-Mail: [email protected]

The Mortgage Outlet, NMLS # 36861 is a Registered Mortgage Broker with the NYS Financial Department. All loans are arranged through third party providersThe Mortgage Outlet, NMLS # 36861 is a registered Mortgage Broker New York State Financial Department. All loans are arranged through third party providers.

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6. A Holistic Approach for Branding Yourself Online

4. 3 Strategies for Branding Yourself in a Competitive Market

8. 5 Pinterest Strategies Successful Real Estate Agents Use

10. How to Get Started with Pinterest – The Basics

12. 6 Steps for Making an Open House Successful

14. Staying Motivated

This magazine is published monthly. Entire contents are protected under copyright law where applicable. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. All images are copyright protection of and its photographers.

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3 Strategies for Branding Yourself in a Competitive Market

When most Real Estate Agents think about branding, they think about handing out pens, calendars, business cards or perhaps even direct mailing a monthly flyer.

But branding is much more.

Branding is a personal asset you develop and build over time by providing a unique service to clients who come to value you and then gladly refer you to their friends or relatives. One way to provide this professional service is by standing out from the pack.

Here are three strategies you can use to begin building your brand today, whether you’re new to the real estate business or a seasoned pro.

1. Never Reduce Your Services to a Commodity

Only someone out of touch with reality would say that the real estate business is not getting more competitive every day – because it is. But this is where some Real Estate Agents employ a dollar-store mentality and try to beat out the multitude of other agents by lowering their commissions with clients.

They rationalize that by doing so they will make the same or even more income over the long haul

because their lower commission rates will attract more clients. But this is misconception that will only devalue your brand and eventually put you into endless bidding wars with other agents willing to turn their valuable services into just another commodity.

Granted, there is always a potential client who gives a listing based solely on the commission rate he negotiates with an agent, but this individual is in the minority. Most people are interested in only two things: How quickly can you sell my home-- and can you get top dollar? The message here is: for you to be a successful Real Estate Agent, you should build your business and brand like a Mercedes dealer. Base it on quality of product and services, rather than on price.

2. Make Your Presentations Personal Narratives

This is an area where you can truly brand yourself and immediately set yourself apart from the crowd.

Instead of talking and focusing on inanimate objects like real estate, first begin by building a personal narrative around why your client is moving and what she wants to achieve by making the move. By doing this, you (1) stand out from 99% of all the agents your client

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will ever meet and (2) your client will begin to see you as a member of her team trying to reach the same goals and aspirations as she is, rather than just another Real Estate Agent trying to sell her a house.

One way you can do this is by connecting features of the new home your showing to benefits. For example, you can show a great photo of the house and then one of the highly–rated elementary school down the street and say, “When you’re living here, Johnny and Susie will only be a block away from their new school, which by the way, has one of the best average test scores in the county.”

3. Your Brand Is Not Your Marketing Plan

With the dozens of new technology tools and selling strategies available for Real Estate Agents to use today, it’s tempting to focus on them when you are sitting down with a potential client who wants to list her home. If you are really good at putting together and writing a MLS listing, or great at taking photos and running fun-filled open houses, don’t define yourself with these marketing strategies. All of the agents who are in competition with you have

the same tools at their fingertips and a few of them may even be better at using them than you are. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t mention these tools to your client as some of the methods you use; I’m simply saying that you should focus on you and the results your expertise has brought to others and will bring to your client. That’s your brand. That’s what people buy.

In subsequent articles in this edition we will touch on some other important branding strategies and issues.

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A Holistic Approach for Branding Yourself Online With 90% of potential homebuyers searching online for properties and real estate agents, according to the National Association of Realtors, it’s imperative that every new or established agent has a strong online brand.

This is often the starting point where a new real estate agent builds his personal brand. In the past, such a presence would usually just consist of a hastily created profile on your company’s Web page with contact info.

But those days are long gone.

Integrate Your Online Branding

Instead of approaching your online branding as separate, unrelated components, many successful agents now are adopting a more holistic approach that consists of the following steps:

1. Launch your own free website that outlines the unique skills and personality you bring to the table. In addition to your business profile, share your interests and be sure to share some tips that might help someone buying or listing their home for the first time. In

addition, post the kind of listings you specialize in and be sure to highlight your niche. In branding, it’s not OK to be all things to all people. You must decide. Are you a real estate agent that specializes in business properties? Or are you an agent specializing in vacation or residential homes? This is critical information for establishing your online brand.

You can create your personal website for free on, Google’s or on the popular They are all easy and intuitive to use and are indexed by Google quickly and frequently. This simply means your

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site will get into the search engines and when a prospect is looking for you or a specific neighborhood, your name or your property will come up. That is, if you take the next critical online branding step.

2. Purchase your own domain name to use with your free website. All three of the blogging platforms I mentioned allow you to do this. Preferably, you should buy a domain name using your own name, such as This ensures that when a potential client searches online for you because they’ve met you at a PTA meeting or at the mall that your site comes up high in a Google search. You can purchase a domain name from such web hosting companies like, or They usually cost no more than $10 to $15 per year. Sometimes you can pay even less if you search for a coupon being offered online or the Domain Registrar is promoting a sale.

3. Take your website profile and create a Google+ page, which is integrated with your Google Gmail account, if you have one. If not, open up a free Gmail account. Here’s a secret: If you put your profile on Google+, your profile will show up more frequently in a Google search. Also open a Facebook account and use the same profile. Do the same with LinkedIn. By doing this, you are interconnecting your online presence and creating a consistent and powerful branding tool. It is critical that your profile is crafted to attract the exact kind of real

estate prospects you want as clients.

If you really want to turbo-charge your social-networking integration even more, then join, which is a social network created to connect real estate agents with potential clients. You just upload a personal photo, contact information and a link to your website. If you send your listings to Zillow, it will link them to your profile. You should also create a free profile with, which also connects real estate agents with clients.

4. Now that you have connected all the dots of your online

presence, it’s time to enhance your brand and build your credibility. You can do this by establishing yourself as a real estate expert by blogging on your free website about specific properties, tips for potential clients, or about financing or industry trends. If you write a post at least three times a week and link them to your social media accounts, before you know it, you’ll become the go-to person -- or resident real estate expert.

The out-of-pocket cost to establish your online brand holistically is minimal. But you must commit to investing your time. You’ll be amazed at the results, if you do!

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If you’re new to the social network, Pinterest, you should first read the next article titled, “How to Get Started with Pinterest – The Basics.”

Pinterest is an image-driven, social network that if employed the correct way, can boost your traffic on your personal real estate agent’s web page and most importantly bring you a steady stream of highly-qualified prospective clients.

This article is not for beginners but for real estate agents that have already signed up, established a Pinterest account and have created at least an active Pinterest board.

I explore five strategies that successful real estate agents use to boost their business and brand with Pinterest.

1. Create Pinterest Boards Focused on Your Locality

If you sell real estate in a particular area, or several areas, you can attract a myriad of potential homebuyers and sellers by showcasing things like schools, shopping, daycare, recreation or historical landmarks in your particular neighborhood, county or city. You can create a board, for example, called Annapolis Shopping and pin all of the best malls, shops or boutiques within this area. To make your job easier and to perhaps gain a few new followers within the community, you should search what other Pinterest members have pinned on the subject and simply repin their best items. It’s a must to include relevant keywords in your pins, such as in this example, Annapolis shopping or shopping.

2. Create Boards that Focus on Your Best Listings

Carefully select only the cream of the crop of your property listings for this board. Link them to your personal site or the MLS listings so those who want more info can easily get it. Important: Only choose the best-looking pictures of the homes you pin, that’s because the better the quality or the uniqueness of the home, the better the chances your pin will be repinned. If you have a listing that has a room, patio or backyard that stands out, such as granite patio with sculptured figures from the Roman era, by all means pin it. If you are lucky and the pin catches the community’s fancy, it could go viral driving thousands of new visitors to your site and your brand.

5 Pinterest Strategies Successful Real Estate Agents Use

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Grab Your Free Copy!

3. Create Boards that Focus on Helping Homebuyers or Home Sellers

This is an excellent strategy because it can quickly connect you to potential home sellers and buyers. The best way to attract them is by creating boards that revolve around or are related to home buying or selling. The boards can be on such subjects as Tips on Having a Successful Open House, Decorating Ideas that Cost Little but Add a Lot or How to Landscape Your House To Sell. The possibilities are endless, but boards with such subjects linked to your site with a decent article you wrote or had written for you will bring you serious prospects that one day will become clients.

4. Create Boards that Focus on You and Your Unique Personality

On this board you have the chance to share the real you with your prospective clients. This is where you acknowledge and prove that you are more than just another real estate agent looking to make a sale. You should pin on subjects you care about that show the human side of you and what your personality is like. If you like gardening, cooking, riding a bike or are an amateur astronomer, this is the board where you can relax and have some fun. You’ll find that you will attract followers that have similar interests, who one

day when they’re thinking about buying or selling a property will remember the real estate agent that shared the same hobbies and interests as them.

5. Add Pinterest Follow and Pin-it Buttons on Your Site/and or Blog

This last strategy is part and parcel of the holistic online-branding approach we have been exploring in this edition. By adding follow and Pin-It buttons on all of your Website and blog’s pages, you are branding and integrating you online presence. You will be amazed at the number of visitors to you sites who will pin your posts and begin following you. As a result, your traffic and prospective client base will continue to grow!

The Money is in the List!

Are you Tapping the Power of LinkedIn?

Get 50 List building IdeasToday and Explode yourGrowth!

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Call David Bailey at 631-767-8948

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Pinterest is a relatedly new social network that will not only generate substantial traffic for your personal real estate Website, but is also another powerful tool for Realtors because it is a visual platform.

Unlike Facebook or Twitter, Pinterest is a virtual pinboard where you post pictures and these images, not comments, are the main focus of the community’s millions of members. What could be better for a real estate agent than having various online pinboards where she or he can “pin” their best and most interesting listings categorized by area, price or amenities?

How to Get Started with Pinterest – The Basics

Pinterest has already become a popular place for homebuyers, sellers and real estate agents to share images of their properties. “Home” is the No. 1 category of pins on the site, accounting for 17.2% of the sites 25 billion pins, according to a study by business-intelligence firm R.J. Metrics.

Pinterest Basics

If Pinterest is a new concept to you, here’s an easy tutorial on how to get up and running.

First, you must sign-up for a free Pinterest account by going to

Create Your Profile

As we mentioned in previous articles about branding yourself online, you should upload the same informative, well-written profile, professional-quality photograph and/or logo to Pinterest that you have on your personal site and other social networks such as Facebook, LinkIn or Twitter. Consistency of image is the first rule of good branding.

You next step should be to link your new Pinterest account with all of your other social channels, so they will automatically show your latest pin when you add one. This, again, goes back to the holistic online branding strategy we discussed in another article in this issue.

About Pinning and Repinning

Before creating your first Pinterest board for your real estate listings, it makes sense to browse the site, starting with a general review of its home page to searching other Realtors to see how they are utilizing the social network.

When you find a pin that interests you, just slide your mouse over the image and you can repin it, which means adding it to your Pinterest board when you create one. Using the same technique, you can also give the image a “like,” which moves it up higher in a Pinterest search, or you can slide your

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mouse over the image and leave a comment, if you wish.

Create Your Pinterest Board Once you are comfortable with navigating Pinterest, see how others are using it and have learned how to repin and register a like, it’s time for you to create your own Pinterest Board. Just click the Add+button on the top right-hand corner of your navigation page to create your new board. You will then have to name your board, for example Magnificent Homes of San Jose, and then add a great description of what’s being pinned on your board. Something like this: “Luxury homes below $900,000 in Silicon Valley.” Once you’ve done this, the next step is for you to choose a category for your board from existing categories, or to create a new category.

When your board is up and running, it’s a simple matter to upload images of properties by just clicking the Add+button. Once you do this Pinterest will give you the choice of either adding the pin to an existing board or a new board. When you’ve chosen, then click Pin it. The beauty of Pinterest is that it also allows you to pin videos. You just click on the video link you want to pin and then hit the Pin It button. You’ll find your boards are simple to navigate and it’s also easy to edit or delete any of your pins with just a few clicks of your mouse.

A Helpful List of Pinterest Definitions

• Pins – Images, graphs or videos added to Pinterest

• Repins – When a user finds a pin that interests him and pins it to one of his boards

• Boards – Collections of pins that users create around a specific subject or interest

• Following a Board – An option a user can exercise when she is interested in automatically seeing any new pin posted on a particular board

• Following a User – An option a user can exercise when he is interested in automatically seeing any new pin posted by any particular individual. This could include pins from multiple boards

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6 Steps for Making an Open House SuccessfulMost agents when they get ready to hold an open house think of how many telephone numbers they can store in their cellphone. But this immediate mindset of quickly turning home browsers into homebuyers can be counterproductive.

Instead of getting ready to close, you should consider open houses as an effective way to soft sell yourself, the property and as a tool for building a base of new potential clients. That’s because there is nothing that will send a potential client running for the door faster than an aggressive real estate agent that insists on closing a prospect who may be in the very beginning of his or her buying process. If a visitor really likes the property and is interested in buying it now, don’t worry, she will give you some strong buying signals

to which you will immediately respond.

But for now, let’s look at an open house as an incubator for future clients and another marketing tool in your marketing bag.

Here are six steps you can take to ensure your open houses generate more potential clients and sales:

1. Select Your Open Houses Carefully

Don’t choose a house just because you’re being pressured by a fellow real estate agent, or a homeowner who thinks open houses are a magic potion. It’s true that newer listings tend to get more traffic as do houses that are located off a main thoroughfare – or are priced to sell.

2. Prep the House to Show Well

Long before the date of the open house you should meet with the home sellers and ask them to unclutter the house, add a touch of paint where needed, cut the grass and trim the shrubs. Make sure the house is cleansed of any uninviting odors and of course instruct the home sellers that the chance of them selling their house quickly increases in direct proportion to how hard they scrub each sink, appliance, table top and floor in their home.

3. Be At the Front Door to Greet Visitors

Now, you might say this is contrary to the advice we gave you at the beginning of this article, but it really isn’t. We suggested not

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coming on like gang busters, closing as soon as prospective homebuyers show up. We didn’t say to relinquish control of the open house. You can maintain control by simply locking the front door and answering it when someone comes to view the property. Next, just greet them warmly, hand them an information packet on the home and offer a quick summary of some of the special features the property has to offer. Then let them be. You can ask them for contact info, or you can simply hand them a card and ask them to complete it before them leave. Don’t insist. The truly interested will comply.

4. Friendly Approach During the Walkthrough

When your visitors have had some private time to view the house, it’s totally appropriate for you to approach them in a friendly, non-pressure manner and simply ask them if they have any questions. This is a great place to get an honest critique of the property, by asking them what they liked and what they didn’t like.

5. Soft Sell Them As They Leave

When visitors are ready to leave, instead of pressing them for contact info in hopes of calling them back later, ask them in a

conversational, friendly manner if they are interested in the home? If not, what other properties might interest them? If they respond with specifics, you should gently ask them if they’d consider setting up an appointment to see some of those properties.

6. Strategically Place Your Information Packets

Spreading your information packets on a kitchen or dining room table is a smart strategy because these two rooms garner a lot of walkthrough attention. In addition to the property’s details, your package should also include information about the community’s schools, shopping and parks. Make sure your packet is professional and of the very best quality. Give special attention to making sure your name and contact info is prominent throughout the packet, but especially on its front.

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Staying MotivatedEven if you are a brand new real estate agent, you’ve already heard the word motivated in many different contexts.

What is being motivated? How can I get motivated? How can I stay motivated? These are just some of the questions that might taunt you when you are getting ready to pick up the phone and make a cold call or meet with new home-buying prospects who say they need a “motivated agent” that will work for them.

Most people say they are motivated by money. While that’s probably true, some people are motivated by the fear of not having money and yet others are motivated by awards and accolades from their peers or managers. However, even these are based on the sales the agent makes.

Specific Goals Motivate

But my experience has been that those who really become successful Real estate agents are motivated by specific goals or dreams, rather than generalized statements such as I want to be wealthy, or I want to be the best I can be.

I’ve heard of one successful real estate agent that was motivated by making enough commissions to buy his first of many rental properties. As part of getting himself psyched up every day, he would tell anyone who would listen that he needed to make enough commissions by a certain date in order to buy a rental property that was up for sale. He even had a photograph of the property taped on the wall in front of his desk.

Now, you might think this sounds a little strange, but guess what? He always reached his goal because it excited him and that translates into motivation. By the way, I understand he is no longer in the real estate business. He retired and lives on an income from his many rental properties.

Find Out What Motivates You

So, the first step in becoming a motivated real estate agent is to discover what motivates you. Sit down and really be honest with yourself. Is it a certain vacation home? Maybe it’s a trip to Greece or Rome. Maybe it’s a sky box at your NFL team’s stadium. Of maybe it’s a certain amount of income you want to make each year. Whatever it is, find out.

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Once you settle on what motivates you, now it’s time to put a price tag and time frame on it. So the trip to Rome and Greece first class for 10 days will run about $23,000. Ok, then. That’s the amount of money you have to earn. When are you going, three months, six months or perhaps a year from now? Whatever the answer is write it down and commit to it.

Plan Your Work; Work Your Plan

Getting to the stage of knowing what you want and how much it will take is often as far as many real estate agents get in their motivational quest. You see even though you are excited, have defined what you want and how much money it will take to make it happen, you haven’t yet broken that down to a doable plan.

For example, if your average commission for each property you sell is $1,800 and your trip to Europe next year has a price tag of $23,000, you will have to make 13 sales in the next 12 months

to pay for it, over and above any other income you need. The next calculation you have to make is how many properties you will have to list in order to make that many sales, etc.

Break Your Goals Down into Specific Actions

The key to staying motivated is breaking down your goals to daily tasks that will get you what you want.

A sales manager I know told me about an agent he knew that created a scoreboard to keep him motivated and focused on his goal. This agent, the manager said, hated to make cold calls, but when he figured out the ratio of how many cold calls it took to get a quality prospect, he assigned himself a high-number of cold calls to make every day. The agent then made them one after another, marking each one off on a score board he created to show himself how he was moving toward his goal. When he reached his allotted number of cold calls, he stopped.

Here’s the thing: The sale manager said the agent who hated cold calls became the cold-call champion of the real-estate office and always reached his goals. He did so, because he learned the secret of doing great things begins with breaking them down into doable daily tasks.

To summarize:

• To become a motivated agent, you must first choose what motivates you.

• Create a plan to achieve your goal and break it down to daily doable tasks.

• Executive the plan.

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It’s no secret that open house marketing has been branded as old-school and not very effective. However, there are quite a few agents who beg to differ. These agents have a great track record and are situated in various areas, perfecting their marketing strategy that has kept their sales intact.

You can join the skeptics in simply keeping the seller happy or you can actually turn an open house event into profit.

The Internet

There is no reason why you shouldn’t use a modern tool to improve an old trick.

According to Wendy Cutrufelli, a sales associate at Alain Pinel, at least half of the people who show up for an open house event got the information from the internet. To

Effective Open House Techniquesher, Sunday is the most important day of the week and she regards these events as highly important, because it gives a chance for more personal interaction between the seller, buyer and ultimately the agent.

Don’t wait till the last minute to start promoting. The moment you can put a date on when the event is going to take place then spread the word as far and wide as possible.

A large amount of people prefer to window shop on the web and catering to them will definitely get more feet in the door so-to-speak. This involves blogging, tweeting and emails to those who have signed up on listing sites.

If you want to know how successful each marketing strategy is then simply ask the buyer how

they knew about the event.

Attention Grabbing Signs

A number of realtors including Rita and Brian Burke, broker associates at Kenna Real Estate in Denver, still make use of good old signs.

In addition to marketing on the internet, they have invested in 80 signs with different colors, sizes and shapes. A typical event for them will see at least 20 signs,

if not more, strategically placed. Even though it does sound rather excessive, they swear by the amount of attention it gets.

You can make it more inviting by offering a free coffee or snack while the buyers consider their options.

Never underestimate the power of

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a colorful sign. If you are selling a lower end house then focus on a simple and straight-forward hand written sign. Although it might look rather cheap, it is highly appealing to those who are looking for a bargain property.

When you are working with higher end houses then use company branding and professional touches.

Over Achieve

Cutrufelli has another little helpful hint for you once the buyer shows up.

She really goes out of her way by checking all the listings in the immediate area which fall in a similar price range even if they aren’t listed under her brokerage.

At the end of the showing she gives this map to the buyer, showing great professionalism and consideration. It might sound like you are helping the competition, but chances are the buyer is going to remember you for your helpful nature and going beyond what is just necessary.

Answer Questions Immediately

Martin Kalisker, broker-owner at Weichert, has no problem admitting that four out of every seven houses they sell are buyers who attended open house showings.

He goes further to say that open house events are still very much

a part of the way they operate. Martin believes that creating a sense of urgency among buyers really helps the process, and having the right people to answer all the questions supports the urgency.

An event with his firm will involve a listing agent, buyer’s agent and a representative from a lender the company prefers to use. In this regard the buyer won’t leave with any unanswered questions.

Involve the Neighbors

Word of mouth remains one of the strongest marketing tools. Making friends with the neighbors can be favorable in many ways because they might know somebody who is looking for a home and will direct them to you.

Some of them might even suggest the event to buyers they don’t even know, simply because they liked the way you approached them. Always promoting a friendly attitude is critical in this business.

All these professionals agree that finding a marketing strategy that works for you is the best way to go and although it takes a lot of dedication, it usually pays off.


Wendy Cutrufelli -

Brian Burke -

Martin Kalisker -

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Relationships Matter!What You Can Expect from Working with Me

…A Better Quality of LifeImagine working with a Mortgage Specialist, who returns your calls promptly, provides 24/7 loan status reports, closes loans on time, and most importantly, is concerned about your future success.

…A Profitable AllianceStrength in your business comes from dependable relationships with key vendors. It takes teamwork to create wealth and success.

…Quality Customer CareWorking in concert assures a positive experience for the buyer and yourself. Repeated consistently, you’ll enjoy less stress with steady, predictable outcomes.

Here’s the Best Part…How we work is by spending the appropriate time it takes to learn about your business. Unlike many loan officers who seem to only care about how many deals you’re sending them, I focus on how to help grow your business.

My philosophy is built around guiding principles:

1. Customers Are Serviced For a LifetimeDoes your daily routine make it difficult to stay in touch with your customers? If you work long hours, which is common for many career-oriented agents, chances are you’re not keeping a message in front of your customers to create a stream of new and repeat business.

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If so, how much is this costing you annually? Not only do satisfied customers provide a valuable source of repeat business, they are your best source of referrals. They have relationships with family, friends, co-workers and business professionals that could one day be your customer. However, this can only happen if you are able to cultivate the relationship over time.

Service is the backbone of my business. I enjoy a strong referral base of customers because of the commitment I’ve made to servicing and keeping in touch with my clients.

I can help you cultivate relationships by keeping you in the forefront. I execute timely and predictable campaigns that help you cultivate relationships with little effort and can add to your income annually.

2. Both Parties need to be Trustworthy & Accountable

Example: Loan Officer who isn’t accountable

You’ve been told that the status of your customer’s loan will be approved. Then in the eleventh hour, lender conditions pop-up and cause you and your client to scramble to provide what’s needed. As the Close of Escrow date fast approaches, the loan documents are not delivered to the Title Company as promised. The entire experience causes stress for your client and embarrassment for you. No matter how well you try to explain things, it’s quite painfully obvious not to expect any future

referrals from the customer. Can you see how much income this is costing you?

What if you could work with a Mortgage Specialist, who was trustworthy and accountable? What if you could work with someone who communicates during the entire process and delivers what is expected? How much would that be worth to you? I believe in a united alliance in front of the client.

3. Success Means Constant and Never-Ending Improvement

In your industry, there is not a lot of extensive training provided.

But let’s face it - most people who enter real estate sales ultimately leave it because of lack of success. You don’t earn a stable salary while you’re trying to figure out how to crack the code to success. Yet, here you are in a highly competitive industry and have found a way to survive. You see the kind of dollars the top agents earn, and you wonder how they do it. Because you are experiencing some success, you may not be afraid to change. You say to yourself, “Well, at least I’m generating some business, and doing some business is better than doing no business,” or, “I’m working so hard now that, gosh, I should see better results!” Still there is the fear factor.

If you could learn to change for the sake of betterment and be confident that you’d see steady, predictable results, would you do it?

How much more income would you gain from adding one, two or more customers each month?

How many more referrals would you generate? What about the added income, how much would that impact your self-confidence?

Top agents depend on predictable systems to produce results, and they don’t work any harder than you do - they just work smarter!

Let me show you how we can work together to stay in touch with your customers to generate the referrals you deserve! Call me today!

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Build a Loyal Following, Attract Fame & MoneyStop chasing prospects and wasting money on advertising. Get all the referrals you deserve today and start enjoying the real estate business!

- Become Recognized as a Leading Authority

- Build Your Reputation So It Goes Viral

- Create a Line of Prospects at Your Door

It’s the perfect solution for new agents getting started or for experienced agents who need to differentiate over competitors and dominate their area.

Contact me today for more details...act now before it’s too late!

Beat the Odds, Overcome Resistance and Conquer Real Estate!

David Bailey, NMLS # 3458, OwnerThe Mortgage Outlet, NMLS # 36861280 West Main Street, Sayville New York 11782

O # 631-589-3600 C # 631-767-8948 F # 866-466-5218

E-mail address: [email protected]