transferring pump technology from oil to water

PPLICATIONS newspapers are carbon based and contain particles up to 5 t~m. The inks have a drying effect on the pumps and there is a build up of carbon which is corrosive. The Stork product has stood up well to this very tough treatment. Web Ferry Printers have ordered three more pumps to deal with their continued expansion and growth which will include the Financial Times from next year. Contact: Peter Staddon, Stork Pumps, Meadow Brook Indus- trial Centre, Maxwell Way, Crawley, Sussex, RH10 2SA, UK. Tel: +44 1293 553495; Fax: +44 1293 524635. B Transferring pump technology from oil to water n _ _ _ Extracting crude oil from deep deposits requires the develop- ment and mastering of a speci- fic technology -- vertical pumping. The technology is tricky, requiring the prior solu- tion of many problems concern- ing overhanging weights, vibrations, sealing and, for off- shore applications, corrosion of parts exposed to seawater. Using its experience in the petrochemical industry, PCM is transferring many of its systems features and potential to other sectors. Water treatment specia- lists are now being offered solu- tions that are specially designed for vertical pumping. In the Moineau range, which is especially suitable for the specific conditions of storing muds in silos or tanks, the vertical pumping system con- sists of a tube (pump housing) with a rotor/stator system up to fifteen metres or so in length. This type of installation is not held steady at the bottom end and generates vibration and out-of-round phenomena to which PCM has paid particular attention. In general, the drive system is located outside the tank or silo containing the mud to be extracted and discharges over the pumping system. The pipe is attached by a flange on a plane section (support flange) and the pumping system is placed below this attachment. Contact: PCM Pumpes, 17 rue Ernest Laval, BP35, 92173 Vanves, France. Tel: +33 141 06 15 15; Fax: +33 141 081500 II Brewery fits new pumps to keep pouring smoothly Heineken's -- and therefore Europe's -- largest brewery is located in Zoeterwoude in The Netherlands. More than 7 mil- lion hectolitres of beer pour from its vats every year, in a 24 hour-a-day operation. As in most foodstuff industries, a large variety of pumps is needed to keep things rolling smoothly and so in order to secure the best possible pump economy, considerable importance is at- tached to pump design, low running costs and a high service rating. After the pilot installa- tion of an NB pump from ABS achieved five-fold im- provement in Mean Time Be- tween Failures, orders, were placed for ABS pumps for newly brewed beer, pumps for alcohol/ water recirculation and pumps for caustic soda. Features of the design in- clude a front-mounted seal car- tridge, robust SKF bearings and a coupling guard with a quick, reliable, secure and convenient clip system. Three old vertical booster pumps were replaced at the brewery's freshwater inlets. Sub- mersible AFP pumps, protected with overheating cutouts and silicon carbide mechanical seals, were installed to handle influent waste water and pro- cess/drainwater. Submersible RW mixers were installed for mixing influent and effluent and for neutralisation - the mixer blades made of a spe- cially durable material to resist the mechanical wear caused by fuller's earth in the effluent. All the pumps used conform to the ABS modular system, giving lower stock maintenance requirements for spare parts while retaining high readiness for all contingencies. Contact: ABS Pump Head Of- rice, Box 2056, S-431 02 M61n- dal, Sweden. Tel: + 46 31 83 63 00; Fax: + 46 31 18 49 06. AC drilling conquers the North Sea Since the earliest days of oil drilling, direct-current drives iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiii iii ii " " i ..................... Conditioning Transport Environmental customers have always relied upon seepex to provide the most innovative solutions to their pumping problems. The next evolution of technology is now available, seepex now offers the capability to integrate the mixing of dry lime, (CaO) with dewatered sludges in it's range of BTI pumps. Sludge conditioning and transport is now performed by one compact, contained and economic unit. The BTI pump and lime feeders are installed directly adjacent to belt presses and centrifuges• For complete details, including performance speciflc~ations, and references, ask for Information SL Disposal seepex UK Ltd. ~1~ 10 Oxford Road Pen MiJl Trading Est. Yeovil Somerset BA 21 5 H~ Phone{) 19 35.7 2376 Faro i9 3S.7 98 36. WORLD PUMPS NOVEMBER 1995

Post on 02-Jul-2016




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newspaper s a re carbon based and conta in pa r t i c l es up to 5 t~m. The inks have a dry ing effect on the p u m p s and the re is a bui ld up of carbon which is corrosive. The S to rk p r o d u c t has s tood up well to th is very t o u g h t r e a t m e n t . Web F e r r y P r i n t e r s have o r d e r e d t h r e e more p u m p s to dea l with the i r c o n t i n u e d e x p a n s i o n a n d growth which will inc lude the Financia l Times from nex t year.

Contact: Peter Staddon, Stork Pumps, Meadow Brook Indus- trial Centre, Maxwell Way, Crawley, Sussex, RH10 2SA, UK. Tel: +44 1293 553495; Fax: +44 1293 524635.

B Transferr ing pump t e c h n o l o g y from oi l to water

n _ _ _

Ext rac t ing crude oil f rom deep depos i t s requi res the develop- men t and mas t e r ing of a speci- f ic t e c h n o l o g y -- v e r t i c a l p u m p i n g . The t e c h n o l o g y is tricky, requir ing the p r io r solu- t ion of many p rob lems concern- i n g o v e r h a n g i n g w e i g h t s , v ibrat ions , seal ing and, for off- shore appl ica t ions , corros ion of p a r t s e x p o s e d to s e a w a t e r . Using i ts e x p e r i e n c e in t he pe t rochemica l industry, PCM is t rans fe r r ing many of i ts systems fea tures and po ten t i a l to o the r sectors. Water t r e a t m e n t specia- l ists a re now being offered solu- t ions t ha t a re specia l ly des igned for ver t ical pumping .

In the Moineau range, which is espec ia l ly su i t ab l e for the specific cond i t ions of s to r ing m u d s in s i los or t anks , the ver t ical p u m p i n g system con- sists of a tube ( p u m p hous ing) wi th a r o t o r / s t a t o r system up to fifteen met res or so in length. This type of ins ta l l a t ion is not held s t eady at the b o t t o m end and g e n e r a t e s v i b r a t i o n and o u t - o f - r o u n d p h e n o m e n a to which PCM has pa id pa r t i cu l a r a t ten t ion . In general , the drive system is loca ted ou t s ide the t ank or silo con ta in ing the m u d to be ex t r ac t ed and d i scharges over the p u m p i n g system. The p ipe is a t t a ched by a f lange on a p lane sect ion ( s u p p o r t f lange)

a n d t h e p u m p i n g sys t em is p laced below th is a t t achmen t .

Contact: PCM Pumpes, 17 rue Ernest Laval, BP35, 92173 Vanves, France. Tel: +33 141 06 15 15; Fax: +33 141 081500


Brewery f its n e w p u m p s to k e e p pour ing s m o o t h l y

H e i n e k e n ' s - - a n d t h e r e f o r e Europe ' s - - l a rges t brewery is loca ted in Zoeterwoude in The Nether lands . More t h a n 7 mil- l ion hec to l i t r e s of beer p o u r from its va t s every year, in a 24 hour -a -day opera t ion . As in m o s t f o o d s t u f f i n d u s t r i e s , a large var ie ty of p u m p s is needed to keep th ings rol l ing smooth ly and so in o rde r to secure the bes t poss ib le p u m p economy, cons iderab le impo r t a nc e is at- t a c h e d to p u m p design, low running costs and a high service rating. After the p i lo t ins ta l la - t i o n of a n NB p u m p f rom ABS a c h i e v e d f i v e - f o l d im- p rovemen t in Mean Time Be- tween Fa i lu re s , o rders , were p laced for ABS p u m p s for newly brewed beer, p u m p s for a lcohol / wa te r rec i rcu la t ion and p u m p s for caust ic soda.

Fea tu re s of the design in-

c lude a f ron t -moun ted seal car- t r idge, robus t SKF bear ings and a coupl ing guard wi th a quick, rel iable, secure and convenient cl ip system.

Three o ld ve r t i ca l b o o s t e r p u m p s were r e p l a c e d a t the brewery 's f reshwater inlets. Sub- mers ib le AFP pumps , p ro tec t ed with overhea t ing cu touts and s i l i c o n c a r b i d e m e c h a n i c a l seals, were ins ta l l ed to hand le inf luent was te w a t e r and pro- c e s s / d r a i n w a t e r . S u b m e r s i b l e RW mixe r s were ins ta l l ed for m i x i n g in f luen t a n d eff luent and for neu t r a l i s a t ion - the m i x e r b lades m a d e of a spe- cial ly durab le ma te r i a l to res is t the mechan ica l wear caused by fuller 's ea r th in the effluent.

All the p u m p s used conform to t he ABS m o d u l a r system, giving lower s tock ma in t enance r e q u i r e m e n t s for s p a r e p a r t s while re ta in ing high read iness for all cont ingencies .

Contact: ABS Pump Head Of- rice, Box 2056, S-431 02 M61n- dal, Sweden. Tel: + 46 31 83 63 00; Fax: + 46 31 18 49 06.

AC dri l l ing conquers the North Sea

Since the ear l ies t days of oil dr i l l ing, d i r e c t - c u r r e n t d r ives

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i " " i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conditioning Transport

Environmental customers have always relied upon seepex to provide the most innovative solutions to their pumping problems.

The next evolution of technology is now available, seepex now offers the capability to integrate the mixing of dry lime, (CaO) with dewatered sludges in it's range of BTI pumps.

Sludge conditioning and transport is now performed by one compact, contained and economic unit.

The BTI pump and lime feeders are installed directly adjacent to belt presses and centrifuges•

For complete details, including performance speciflc~ations, and references, ask for Information SL


seepex UK Ltd. ~ 1 ~ 10 Oxford Road Pen MiJl Trading Est. Yeovil Somerset BA 21 5 H~ Phone{) 19 35.7 2376 Faro i9 3S.7 98 36.