transcripts of recordings

DATE: 011/21/03 PARTICIPANTS5 TIME: MICHAEL DECARO UNKNOWN Michael becaro: Unknown Male; T h e 4 HP in < ? 9 u y wants m e t o go find this 4Meking Jcid. O h , y a hugh? (UNINTELLIGIBLE.) Michael Decaro: .Unknown Male: He's just gonna start firing ing gun off. Just say you can't find him. That's all. Michael Decaro: Unknown Male: This kid. He's JJHiing nuts.. Ya, ya because it's the money. Y ou know what I mean? -Michael. Deearo : J Unknown Male: Y a That's what he's here for, Michael Decaror Unknown Male: Male: He's flflping nuts a n d thisguy want's me to. go find him. He'll JMfeing start firing a t him. H e don't care. Y ou know what I mean? Y o u getting yourself in a bind. Just tell him you can't him. find DA DISCOVERY - 3569 PAGE: 3569 USAQ-00003570

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DATE: 011/21/03





Michael becaro:

Unknown Male;

The 4HPin<

? 9uy wants m e to go find this

4Meking J c i d .

O h, ya hugh? ( U N I N T E L L I G I B L E . )

Michael Decaro:

.Unknown Male:

He's just gonna start firing ing gunoff.

Just say you can't find him. That's all.

Michael Decaro:

Unknown Male:

This kid. He's JJHiing nuts..

Ya, ya because it's the money. You know

what I mean?

- M i c h a e l . Deearo:J

Unknown Male:


That's what he's here for,

Michael D e c a r o r

Unknown Male:

Unknown Male:

H e ' s f l f l p ing nuts a n d thisguy want'sm e to. go find him. He'll JMfeing startfiring at him. H e don't care. Y ou knoww h a t I mean?

You getting yourself in a bind.

Just tell him you can'th i m .



- 3 5 6 9

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Unknown. Male:Go in there with a machine gun

Michael Decaro:I'm not, I'm leaving him alone thatdude. He's crazy. He's got a forty fiveand a -^pg|ing three eighty on him. 'All

the time. ^SIBling got it in. his pantsshowing out of. his jpir.g shirt playingpool the other night.

Unknown Male1:

Michael Decaro:

Unknown Male'.

Ya I seen it to.

He's a ^MMfeing big,you know what I:'m

saying. He don't even give a

(UNINTELLIGIBLE) around here.H e ' s -not a bad kid. H e ' s a "% !,— 3

likeable kid but like, like you saidhe' s '•fcfcing nuts.

Michael Deca..E0:

Unknown Male:

Michael Decaro:

He just had a shoot out with the StatePolice when they pulled him over theother' day and got away. You know whatI mean? (UNINTELLIGIBLE.) You know What

I mean?

He'll shoot the State Police . He don'tgive a 3BB&

I know. When he's done he's done. Youknow wha t I mean? He knows it. he's gottwo, two, two bodie s h anging on him(UNINTELLIGIBLE)


I S 7

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Adolfo Bruno: Laming? Listen to me. (UNINTELLIGIBLE)'the troups and you threaten the kid. Idont give a iHife Michael.

Michael Decaro: How am I gonna find him?

Adolfo Bruno: It's simple. What your gonna do. Knock•him down. Get a couple kids


Michael Decaro: He'sgot ten guns on him.

Adolfo Bruno: Hugh?_ _ . . . . .

Michael Decaro: He's got ten guns on im.

Adolfo Bruno: And you got twenty five.(UNINTELLIGIBLE) £fce& him up.

Don't take a licking.There'snothing to it. He can shoot but our

barrel can shoot to.

Michael Decaro-: Ya I know. I know. I'm not going inthere with my ARHHtL in my hand thoughI'll tell you right how. He's nuts.

Adolfo Bruno: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) those kids they ruinedthe •BKfing machines. What the ItMtt wereyou doing that night?

Unknown Male: Want me to give him/ want me to give you

a ride?

Michael Decaro: Ya. (UNINTELLIGIBLE)


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FBI Confidential Human Source Recording- J50DEFENDANT'S

E X H I B I TParticipants: John Bologna (JB), Anthony Arillotta (AA)

Date: 10/05/2008

Time: 11:02:38 -11:04:24

1 JB : It's just, things gotta get cleared up a little bit.

2 A A : (u/i) gotta get cleared up a lot, c u z u m , um , Freddy's gonna beat this case,

3 c uz that other kid...

4 JB : Good.

5 A A : Yeah, cuz I mean, he's innocent, y ou know what I mean.

6 JB : Yeah.

7 A A : I mean, he's gonna, this kid is a liar, this kid. H e ha d a personal beef with8 that other guy, a personal beef. They had three hundred witnesses that were

9 gonna come and testify against this kid, okay. Three hundred witnesses that

1 0 he had a personal beef with this guy, you understand, with Bruno. H e even1 1 said to him, he even said (u/i) he shot him. That came right out in the1 2 newspaper. That came right out in the newspaper. You understand, this kid,is . this kid is just one of them nuts that acted like a, an idiot, you know, and um,

1 4 d id something stupid, and if Freddy's guilty of anything, it's guilty of maybe

1 5 a friend got in trouble and he says "you stupid bastard, here," give him a few1 6 bucks to get out of town, he says "don't come around m'e"

1 7 JB: Yeah.

is AA: Y ou know what I mean, he's, he's innocent. They have three hundred

1 9 witnesses that are gonna come against him.

2 0 JB: H e goes to trial starting...

2 1 AA: Even, even, even the FBI said it in the paper. He said, "We believe we have it

2 2 right with this kid."

2 3 JB: Right.

2 4 A A : Y o u know what I mean, now al l of a sudden, he wants to read newspapers,2 5 and he wants to say, "Oh, I don't know who, like (u/i) on trial, let m e put a

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2 6 twist on it and s ay "Oh, he, he told m e." Com e on, you k no w w h at I mean?2 7 The law yer, his lawyer (u/i) gonna get it throw n out, you understand?

2 8 JB: H e starts trial this w eek? O r they ( u/i) trial?

2 9 A A : Supposed to start the seventh I think.

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FBI Confidential Hum a n S o urce R e co rdi ng - J501-^DEFENDANT'S


Participants: John Bologna (JB), Anthony Arillotta ( A A ) 11 D T6 -A2.T

Date: 10/05/2008Time: 11:33:48-11:36:30

1 A A : W e beat th e case, th e three of us, I w a s , I w a s in w i t h them.. .See, I got (u/i)2 u in '05, but in '07 w h e n w e go t arrested, w hen w e w e n t to trial together every

3 day for a week...

4 JB : I never knew that.

5 A A : Listen, every day for a w e e k , I w as in the cell w ith them . Every day .

6 JB : With Fredd y.

7 A A : Yeah, and Ty . A nd, you know , tw o brothers , m e . I m ean, he even had tears

8 in his eyes after they found him not guilty, you k no w w h at I 'm saying, 'cuz9 he w as happy, and w e w ere saying "one m ore, one m ore not gui lty , (u/i), one

1 0 more," and uh...

1 1 J B : B u t w h y , w h y, is this^BHing s cu m b a g Frank...

1 2 A A : He's lying.

1 3 JB : ...setting up Freddy...

H A A : He's lying, to get a... listen, h e w a s going to trial. T he kid...

is JB: What was he in trouble for?

1 6 A A : They charged him w i t h a m u r d e r .

n JB: So the m u r d e r ?

is A A : They had three hundred w itnesses against him . H e w as gonna go to trial. O n

1 9 the day his trial w as gonna start, he m ade up a story. H e says "no, no, no, no,2 0 no." See, they said that he, for , um , three hundred reasons w hy, w hich

2 1 everybody know s. H e had a personal beef w ith the guy, you understand?

2 2 JB: Right, yeah.

2 3 A A : These tw o guys h ad a personal beef. Y ou know w hat, th is wasn't all...

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2 4 JB: Bruno and Frank.

2 5 A A : Yeah, it w as b etw e en th e m tw o . In other w ords, i t ' s even on tape, um , um , it

2 6 w as even on tape. Someone w as w earing a w i re around B runo and um,2 7 M ichael D ecaro, and uh, he says, and he says , um , B runo says to Michael,

2 8 "Hey, you go tell that kid he ' s gotta com e up w i th th e m o n e y . H e broke that2 9 guy's place up, I w ant the m oney." So M ichael says to him "N o, you gotta3 0 be careful w ith this guy, he carries around a gun." H e says "I don't give a3 1 W j f c . w e got guns too," B runo says. This is on tape! You understand?

3 2 S om e b ody w as w ear ing a w ir e. So, in other w ords, "You go tell h im I w a n n a3 3 see him " and the guy say s "H e's got a gun." H e says "I don't give a flftf'3 4 This is all on tape. This kid, this kid is just a, one of them nutjobs that thinks


3 5 he, you k n o w , h e w a s a tough guy, and pBfeiv. w as carrying a gun. Y ou3 6 don ' t k now w h o gangsters are or nothing, right?

3 7 JB: Right.

3 8 A A : Probably m eets th e guy, and w hatever. Y ou k no w w h at I m e a n , got nothing3 9 to do w ith nothing. I don ' t k n ow h i m .

4 0 JB: Listen, th e idea is, he SUSlin' put Fredd y there, but Freddy...

4 1 A A : B e c au s e he m a d e up the (u/i).

4 2 JB: .. .was friendly Fred, Freddy was friendly w ith h im .

4 3 A A : Right, 'cuz they w ere in the can together. B ut other than that he, he's got no4 4 connection w ith him , th e kid's lying. In other w ords , if I w as friendly with4 5 h i m , he w o u ld ' v e m a d e it up about m e . . .

4 6 JB: Right.

4 7 A A : . . . i f you w e r e friendly w i th him , he w ou ld 'v e m ade it up about you.

4 8 JB: H e (u/i) tell you about m e!

4 9 A A : B u t that's w h a t I 'm saying. S o, he 's a liar,

s o JB: (u/i), this mother^Jfcr.

5 1 A A : He ' s a liar.


5 2 JB: pMngson of a bitch.


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5 3 AA: So, yeah, it looks good, he's confident ,

5 4 JB: They're picking, the trial... .

5 5 AA: Supposedto be the seventhand eighth but.