traning skills manual for android atc certified trainers

Traning Skills Manual for Android ATC Certified Trainers By: Android ATC Team General processes of learning, and how people learn. Lesson planning and preparation methodologies as the back training for each lesson. Effective training and trainer techniques learn how to become an exceptional trainer.

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Traning Skills Manual for Android ATC Certified Trainers

By: Android ATC Team

• General processes of learning, and how people learn.• Lesson planning and preparation methodologies as the back training for each lesson. • Effective training and trainer techniques learn how to become an exceptional trainer.

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Training Skills for Android Advanced Training Consultants Certified Trainer

PrefaceThis Training manual is intended to provide the proficiency to IT trainers of computer applications with the knowledge and skills to successfully convey their information to training groups and individual learners. The manual aims to also guide Android Advanced Training Consultants trainers to develop their skills of training to adult learners in a practical way.

Android Advanced Training Consultants certified trainers after studying this manual should be prepared to conduct all training assessment needs, develop detailed plans for training, lead training sessions, follow up and evaluate training. Most importantly, what trainers should do is to develop understanding to what this manual advises, and try to practice the skills learned and apply them in their training sessions.

The main parts of this manual focus on the learning process, lesson planning preparation and performance skills.

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Procedures to Become Android ATC Certified Trainer

Android ATC partners must have at least one certified trainer to conduct the training. In order to become an Android ATC certified trainer, you are required to fill out the Android ATC Trainer application after you pass the following two exams:

• Certified Android Application Developer exam

• Training skills for Android Advanced Training Consultants exam

Benefits of Android Advanced Training Consultants certified trainers

The information in this manual is meant to guide qualified instructors to become certified trainers for Android Advanced Training Consultants. This manual offers the main techniques to IT instructors to be able to pass the Android ATC certified exam.

Upon successful completion of certification, the Android ATC trainer will enjoy the following benefits:

• Exclusive facility to provide courses at any Android Advanced Training Consultants, Authorized Training centers.

• Access to all of Android ATC training materials (eBooks, PowerPoint slides, labs & software) when the Android certified trainer works for an authorized Android ATC training center.

• Training support and recommendations.

Intellectual property rights

Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Android ATC.

Android ATC may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. As expressly provided in any written license agreement from Android ATC, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.

This manual is available from www.androidatc.comCopyright © Android Advanced Training Consultants 2016

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Module 1: The Learning Process Introduction ................................................................................................................................................1

Module Objective ......................................................................................................................................1

What is learning and how people learn? ...............................................................................................2

Factors that affect the learning process ..............................................................................................3

Module 2: Lesson Planning and Preparation Introduction ................................................................................................................................................4

Module Objective .......................................................................................................................................4

The Lesson Plan ........................................................................................................................................4

Instruction methods .................................................................................................................................4

Deciding on methods ...............................................................................................................................6

Recommendations ...................................................................................................................................7

Module 3: Performance Skills Introduction ................................................................................................................................................9

Module Objective .......................................................................................................................................9

Techniques For Effective Training .........................................................................................................9

Making Training Memorable ...................................................................................................................10

Training Day Preparations .......................................................................................................................12

Qualities of Effective Trainers .................................................................................................................12

Tools That Aid Training ............................................................................................................................14

Learning to observe ..................................................................................................................................16

Training Pitfalls ..........................................................................................................................................17

Creating Rapport .......................................................................................................................................17

Do’s and Don’ts of Training ......................................................................................................................18

Training Exam Guide.................................................................................................................................19

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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................1

Module Objective ......................................................................................................................................1

What is learning and how people learn? ...............................................................................................2

Factors that affect the learning process ..............................................................................................3

The Learning Process


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Module 1: The Learning Process

IntroductionTeaching and learning is not effective unless it promotes learning.

As instructors are expected to be highly competent in the subject they are delivering, they also should have sound knowledge of how people learn. The role of the trainer in our domain goes beyond delivering knowledge; otherwise, trainers should enable trainees to apply their knowledge practically.

In this module you will learn some of the key principles of learning and the implications of the principles for training. You will then be able to ensure that your lesson planning and delivery provide more opportunities for motivating trainees and facilitate their learning.

Module Objectives:By the end of the module, you will be able to:

• Identify the key components of effective learning.

• Analyze factors that restrain effective learning.

• Evaluate the impact of the learning principles for practical training.

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What is learning and how people learn?Basically, learning involves acquiring new knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are integrated with existing knowledge and results in change in our ability to do something. In competence-based training, which is a major objective for Android Advanced Training Consultants, we seek to promote a change that results in greater competence to perform desired work functions.

The following three headings explain learning steps:

1. Acquiring relevant knowledge All learning involves attaining knowledge, though the extent would vary depending on what is to be learnt. When learning skills, knowledge is necessary along with practice for an effective performance.

2. Thinking for understanding Besides the acquisition of knowledge, learners need to make sense of what they have learned, and how they can use the grasped knowledge. Understanding the information you have acquired is crucial to effective learning. Actually understanding involves more than memory; it requires thinking of what we are learning and try to apply it to real life situations. Without this understanding most of this knowledge will be lost.

3. Doing Learning is often the practical purpose of developing competence in activity. In IT training and especially in development courses, doing more and more activities improves performance.

In real learning situations, these three components of learning are dynamic and support the overall learning process.

Competent performance develops from the acquisition of appropriate knowledge, good thinking and doing. Different types and levels of competence will acquire more or less knowledge, thinking and doing. Effective learners are competent at acquiring knowledge, developing understanding through good thinking, and applying these in practice.

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Factors that affect the learning processThe actual learning process is affected by a number of factors which include:

1. Learners’ motivation towards training.

2. Learners access to resources and time constraints.

3. Relationship between the trainer and other trainees.

4. Mood and situational factors.

5. Knowledge background and how learners where taught before.

6. Learners’ expectations.

The above list shows a range of factors that affect the learning process; however, it does not show all. To explain more, it shows that learning is a social, emotional as well as an intellectual process. For example, an unmotivated trainee, or a tense one may fail in learning tasks that are within the scope of his ability.

The following are seven principles of learning the trainers should have in mind when training.

1. Utilize and stimulate the senses Research suggests that each of the five senses contributes in mental activity of which is learning.

The greater the combination of our senses is stimulated in our learning, the more successful the learning is likely to be. That is why the need to engage trainees in thinking, understanding, and doing real work activities is essential to promoting effective learning.

2. Recognize the learning curve Learning is a continuous process, however, it is does not progress in the same rate. For example, when learning something new, there is often a little progress for a while, and then you are likely to experience a spurt in learning when you seem to learn quite a lot quickly. This plateau learners experience when they learn a new idea. When learners are aware of these spurts and plateaus, they will have an increased self-confidence and motivation.

3. Do not abuse the attention span Attention plays a crucial role in learning. Without good attention, learning is likely ineffective. It is true that our ability to maintain attention is greater when we are motivated. So, instructors should motivate students and arouse their attention in order to allow them to absorb more knowledge, rather than the other way of giving more input without motivation that may amount to less learning.

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4. Encourage effective use of memory Memory is an important factor for learning along with understanding. Trainers’ role, here, is to keep information well organized and allow trainees time to really comprehend the content, either through practical exercises or through question-answer sessions.

5. Try to motivate students in their learning Motivation is very important for effective learning. Students can learn effectively and independently when they are interested in the subject matter. Making learning more interesting, meaningful, and active is a real challenge for instructors.

6. Accommodate different learning styles Although there are general rules that people learn by which are: acquiring knowledge, understanding and doing. People have different approaches and preferences in terms of how we do these activities. Some people have preferences in terms of using the following sensory modalities in learning:

• Visual: seeing figures, words, illustrations.

• Auditory: listening to explanations and instructions.

• Kinesthetic: practicing activities.

It is true that learning can be more effective when using the three styles. Even though it is sometimes impossible to use the three styles, Android ATC certified trainers should find a way to utilize the three modes to provide learning with a variety of learning sources whenever possible to be more effective.

7. Ensure effective feedback in the learning process Many students feel frustrated if they do not succeed in learning a particular skill or subject. Very often they lack prior competence. Without skillful feedback and guidance from the instructor, many students may lose motivation and consequently fail in the learning process.

So, feedback identifies the present state of learning, highlights what needs to be learned and suggests how to proceed with such learning, helps in diagnosing problems and finding suitable solutions as well as providing positive reinforcement of their learning achievements.

The following are tips for feedback:

• Give feedback sooner, and not later.

• Try to give feedback in a positive way to trainees.

• Use feedback as a two-way process.

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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................4

Module Objective .......................................................................................................................................4

The Lesson Plan ........................................................................................................................................4

Instruction methods .................................................................................................................................4

Deciding on methods ...............................................................................................................................6

Recommendations ...................................................................................................................................7

Lesson Planning and Preparation


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Module 2: Lesson Planning and Preparation

IntroductionIn this module you will learn the importance of prior preparation. Planning and preparation are a crucial part of effective teaching, especially for those new to the training profession. If you have planned your subject, you are less likely to experience difficulties and will feel more confident in the teaching situation.

Module objectives• Produce a lesson plan for the lessons you teach.

• Compare and contrast a range of instructional methods.

• Learning to decide which instructional methods to utilize.

The Lesson PlanThe lesson plan identifies what you intend to deliver to your audience and how you want to transmit it. It should contain the following important elements:

1. Learning objectives.

2. Lesson content.

3. Instructional method(s).

4. Teaching and learning resources.

5. Assessment of learning.

Instruction methods An instructional method involves any planned activity on the part of the trainer that seeks to promote identified learning. Different instructional methods are chosen as it suits the subject matter and the objectives of training. They include:

1. Lecturing and explaining

Lecturing is the most common instructional method. If used well, it can facilitate learning by conveying facts, and explaining concepts and principles. This framework is suitable for adults and interested learners. To be an effective method, lecturing should be characterized by:

• Clear statements and suitable examples to clarify what has been explained.

• Logical organization of information.


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• Linking of key topics, concepts, and principles.

• Simple and clear style of presentation.

• The use of well designed and appropriate teaching-learning aids.

• Opportunities for trainee involvement.

2. Demonstration

Like lecturing, demonstration is widely used and is an effective method for teaching skills. Though, it cannot be utilized alone. Learners need a guided practice and feedback on how they are doing. It is important to mind the following when carrying on such an instructional tool:

• Know what they want to demonstrate and accordingly organize the needed equipments and prepare your labs ahead of time.

• Break down the activity trainees should practice into simple steps.

• Make sure that everyone can see what you are conveying.

• Arouse the interest of learners.

• Describe what you intend to do and why.

• Show the main steps of the activity and identify the likely problem areas.

• Adjust the speed of proceeding with the demonstration to suit your learners. Watch their responses and actions; they give clues how you should continue.

• Remember that you are trying to help learners achieve competence, so do not show off your skills. They will make them lose their confidence.

• Be conscious of the whole group even if you have to deal with one person at a time.

• Allocate your time fairly between individuals.

• Once finishing the demonstration, make sure that the whole process is fully understood.

3. Questioning

Questioning is not an instructional method by itself, rather it supports other instructional methods. Questioning rather supports other methods and facilitates learning. The skilful use of questions can achieve the following results:

• Questions can stimulate interest and motivation.

• Questions use learners’ knowledge to benefit the group.

• Questions encourage communication between group members.

• Questions help the practice of thinking skills.

• Questions can assess students’ knowledge and understanding.

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For questioning to be beneficial to the learning process, here are some tactics:

• Make questions clear and brief.

• Choose the right type of questions for your purpose.

• Ask questions in an encouraging way.

• Pause to give students time to answer.

• Distribute questions equally to keep learners attention and interest.

• Respond to trainees’ answers respectfully and in a positive manner.

• Ensure that incorrect responses are dealt with appropriately. Do not allow an individual to feel embarrassed.

• If you are unable to answer a question, be honest and offer to find the necessary information later.

4. Discussion

Discussion can be a very effective method when the main objective is to encourage learners to share information and compare viewpoints. It promotes learning in the following ways:

• Providing a framework for cooperative learning.

• Encouraging the critical appraisal of different perspectives.

• Developing the range of thinking skills.

Managing a planned discussion:

• Determine the objectives and the scope of discussion.

• Prepare the key questions ahead.

• Treat all viewpoints with respect, but highlight the correct answers.

• Keep the group focused on the topic and ensure that all contributions are relevant.

• Summarize what had been discussed; give correct answers and show what problems may show if wrong alternatives were taken.

Deciding on methodsNo one method is superior to other. All instructional methods have their strengths and weaknesses which must be in mind when planning which one to implement. The following are some questions that will guide you to the most suitable choice:

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• Will the method achieve the identified learning outcomes?

• Will the method effectively facilitate the subject matter you want to convey?

• Will the method suit the nature of the learning group in terms of arousing the interest, promoting self-esteem…?

• Will the method utilize the resources you have?

• Will the method fit the style and teaching skills you want to use?

A critical issue in the learning process is to design activities that stimulate and promote learning. Learning tasks can be brief and focused. Typical learning activities may require learners to grasp the whole knowledge and skills aimed by the trainer. To be efficient, learning activities should be characterized by:

• Clearly focused tasks on identified learning objectives.

• Realistic and achievable in the allocated time.

• Accompanied with sufficient guidance on the task.

RecommendationsRemember that when you are facilitating a session, the group will eye you as an expert and that you are the only source of professional knowledge. So, it is advisable to keep this impression and adopt the following recommendations:

• Refresh yourself with the subject matter before your class starts.

• Have a look at additional references and prepare yourself for expected questions.

• If it happened that you did not know an answer to a question, be honest and never fake an answer or else you will lose your credibility.

• Keep notes about questions you had problems with and review them before conducting the course again.

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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................9

Module Objective .......................................................................................................................................9

Techniques For Effective Training .........................................................................................................9

Making Training Memorable ...................................................................................................................10

Training Day Preparations .......................................................................................................................12

Qualities of Effective Trainers .................................................................................................................12

Tools That Aid Training ............................................................................................................................14

Learning to observe ..................................................................................................................................16

Training Pitfalls ..........................................................................................................................................17

Creating Rapport .......................................................................................................................................17

Do’s and Don’ts of Training ......................................................................................................................18

Training Exam Guide.................................................................................................................................19

Performance Skills


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Module 3: Performance Skills

IntroductionIn this module you will learn the necessary performance skills for conducting training sessions for Android ATC. Although backed by previous preparation of people, logistics, and knowledge, the way knowledge is transmitted to trainees should be appropriately performed to result in effective learning.

Module Objectives• Know the effective techniques for training.

• Make training more memorable.

• Know the qualities of effective trainers,

• Recognize the tools that aid trainers.

• Be aware of training pitfalls and creating rapport.

Techniques for Effective TrainingAfter all preparation in terms of material, equipment, and the setting is taken care of, you now know your training needs, you’ve set goals, management is behind you, and you have set your instruction plan.

Here are some specific tips and techniques to help you run an effective training session that accomplishes your goals in an appealing way for everyone involved. The following tips are the basic foundation for a training session that runs efficiently and that conveys the necessary information for meeting the session’s goals. They also incorporate ways to begin improving training.

1. Tell trainees what you’re going to cover. Introduce your session with a brief overview of the training subject’s main points.

2. Tell them the information. In the main portion of the session, explain key points, go over policies, demonstrate procedures, and relate any other information trainees need to know.

3. Tell them what you have told them. Conclude with a summary of your opening overview. Use repetition to help trainees grasp and retain information.

4. Always explain what trainees are going to see before you show a practical part. This repetition creates a better learning environment by guiding trainees to know what to look for and what to remember. Explaining the purpose of practical work ensures an effective reception for its information.

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5. Use as much practical training as possible. The most effective training uses all the senses to affect learning.

6. Question frequently. When trainees are aware that they will be questioned, they will pay close attention to the material. Questioning is an objective way to determine whether training achieved its goals.

7. Involve trainees. For example, you may ask participants to share their experiences with the training topic. Many trainees are experienced personnel who have valuable information to contribute. All trainees will get more out of sessions by hearing about their co-workers’ experiences with the subject. Hearing different voices also keeps sessions varied and interesting.

8. Repeat questions before answering them. This practice ensures that all participants know what the question is, so they can make sense of the answer.

9. Analyze the session as you go. Always be on the lookout for what works best. When you discover a new technique or method that clicks with the group, note it on your training materials so it can be incorporated into the training outline to be used in future sessions.

10. Keep your session on track. Start on time and finish on time. Do not hold up class waiting for late arrivers. Run the class according to the schedule and do not get too far off course. Opening up discussions among participants may lead to some pertinent digressions, but make sure it does not go far beyond the objectives. Ask if there’s enough interest to pursue a separate session on that topic, but get this class back to the lesson plan.

11. Solicit feedback on the training session. Critiques work best when they are written and anonymous, unless a trainee volunteers to discuss his or her thoughts in person. Trainee input is vital for making the next session—and the overall training program—more effective.

12. Making Training Memorable Here are some softer training methods that are not necessarily essential to conveying information, but that can make receiving data or instructions a much more enjoyable experience, which will keep trainees involved and help them retain more information.

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1. Make learning pleasurable Trainees will not be enthusiastic if training sessions are dry and theoretical. Few employees respond to or remember complicated concepts or theories; they want to learn practical information about what they can do to get better results. If they do not find the message tailored to them, they would not retain it. Since variety is the spice of life, use several different training methods to engage trainees in a variety of ways. Also, work to alternate the pace of each session to keep trainees’ interest level high.

2. Use humor Humor helps keep enthusiasm at peak levels. Trainers can make a point more effectively by using humor than by drowning trainees in statistics or theories. Because humor is subjective that someone in your audience may be offended and lose track of training for the rest of the session. Personal, self-deprecating humor is the safest way to go.

3. Use attractive packaging Use materials that are well-packaged and that communicate value. Professional packaging is a powerful tool for setting a good first impression.

4. Encourage participation Make the session lively by engaging participants in the learning process. In fact, try to spend close to 80 percent of training time on group participation. Encourage everyone in the training session to speak freely and candidly, because learning occurs most readily when feelings are involved.

5. Build self-esteem. Employees understandably want to know what’s in it for them. They know that most training programs are designed to make money for the company, but rarely does training lift employees’ spirits or help them to become better in their own lives. Create a win-win environment by using the training program to build the participants’ self-worth and self-esteem.

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Training Day PreparationsOn the training day, trainers are advised to make sure everything is ready for your training session. The following checklist shows some last minute arrangements:

1. Dress appropriately. A formal manner of dress gives a more professional and serious impression.

2. Arrive early. Give yourself time to check last-minute arrangements and get yourself mentally geared up for the session.

3. Check seating arrangements. Make sure the set-up is ideal for the training style you want to use and have some extra chairs for any last-minute trainees.

4. Check the labs and audiovisual hardware. Conduct one last run-through to make sure everything is still running smoothly.

5. Check electrical outlets. Make sure all your connections are safe. Do not trail cords across walkways or overload surge protector strips.

6. Check light switches. Know which switches work which lights so you can achieve the ideal lighting for audiovisual materials and note-taking.

7. Check arrangements. Make sure you have everything you need and double check if all your tools and supplies are ready.

Qualities of Effective TrainersWhile some of these qualities are obviously necessary for anyone in a teaching position, others may not seem as necessary, such as being patient or open-minded. All of these attributes, however, contribute to making outstanding trainers. We at Android ATC intend to prepare our trainers to be the best. The best trainers are:

1. Good communicators. They speak well, express their thoughts clearly, and have an engaging presentation style.

2. Knowledgeable. They understand all concepts and know all details. They answer questions thoroughly and at a level that trainees understand. If they can’t answer a question, they should know exactly where to go to get the answer, and promise to do so as soon as possible.

3. Experienced. They know what they’re talking about. They’ve been in the field doing what they teach in training.

4. Good interpersonal skills. Their personality styles may vary, but they enjoy working with people. They can engage groups of people and work with them to meet training goals.

5. Interested in learning. They recognize the value of learning in their own lives and want to help others learn. They find satisfaction in sharing with others the skills and knowledge they have acquired through hard work and persistence.

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6. Patient. They understand that people learn in different ways and at different paces. They take the time to make sure each trainee understands what’s going on and leaves training sessions with the skills and knowledge he or she came to acquire.

7. Open-minded. They respect other people’s points of view and know that there are often many ways to achieve the same objectives. They do not assume they know everything, but instead are willing to listen to and learn from trainees.

8. Creative. They bring ingenuity and their own natural curiosity to the task of training. They create an environment in their training sessions that encourages learning and inspires trainees to reach beyond what they already know to explore new ideas and methods.

9. Well-prepared. They know their material, their objectives, and their plan of presentation. They have checked to see that any equipment they expect to use in training is in place and operational. They have made sure that all supplies and supporting materials are available in the right quantities.

10. Flexible. They are able to adjust their training plan to accommodate their audience and still meet all training objectives.

11. Well-organized. Good trainers can handle several tasks at once. They know how to manage their time and their work.

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Tools That Aid Training

1. Slide Show Presentations

Slide show presentations are one of the most popular and powerful training tools in use today. As with any tool, there’s a right way and a wrong way to use it—and the tool’s effectiveness is directly proportional to the way it is used. Here is how to get the most effective use of PowerPoint presentations:

• Outline your presentation’s main points. The story comes first, and then the slides.

• Keep slides simple. Use only three to five bullets and one or two graphics per slide.

• Keep animation to a minimum. Do not use it just because it is there. Most of the movements of slides distracts and actually hinders audience retention of the points you are trying to make. Trainees may pay more attention to the pretty colors or the impressive effects as words come flying in than to the information those words contain.

• Limit the number of slides to a minimum by using the slides needed to deliver the message. Fewer slides may not cover a topic adequately and more slides may cause information overload in trainees.

• Run your completed presentation a few times on the computer you will be using in class to make sure it works smoothly on that machine.



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• Figure out the best place to position yourself. Choose a spot that gives you easy access to advance slides as well as availability to audience members so that you can see whether they want your attention to ask questions or comment on a slide’s points.

• Experiment with lighting. When rehearsing your presentation in the class, make sure that slides are easily visible and that there’s enough light for trainees to take notes.

• Mind your start. Begin each session by giving a brief overview of the topic and/or asking participants what they expect to learn before getting into the slide presentation. This establishes a connection between you and the audience in which you can set up an atmosphere of interactivity.

2. Handouts

Well-designed handouts serve many useful functions in a training session—but only if they are well thought out and used appropriately. If you are going to distribute handouts to your trainees, here’s how to create helpful handouts and make the most effective use of them during training:

• Make your handouts look professional by using quality paper and a good printer or high-quality copier.

• Leave plenty of white space on handouts by keeping information simple, straight-forward, and uncluttered. Give participants room to make notes.

• Use large type that is easy to read. Do not mix typefaces.

• Use bullets and borders to organize information and make points easy to follow.

• Use headings for important issues and titles.

• Use graphics whenever possible to illustrate important points.

• Use different color papers for handouts on different topics.

• Number handouts for easy reference when going over them with participants.

• Pass out handouts by the end of the session in order to prevent distracting participants with issues that you will not discuss during the session.

• Handouts supplement a presentation; they are not the presentation itself.

3. The Use of Space

Space has always been one of the indicators of status – the more powerful the person, the more space they take up. High-powered people are hardly ever crowded by others. Because of this, powerful people get used to taking up space, even when they are sitting.Because body language indicates confidence and authority, truthfulness and friendliness, teaching ourselves to learn to observe body language is an essential skill for the trainer. Understanding body language aids not only in assessing the state of trainees, but it also helps trainers to avoid the pitfalls of negative body language.

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Learning to observeWhen you start looking at body language, do not try to look for everything at once. Instead, learn the individual components of body language and then put them together.

Start with stance. Watch how upright people are, including the angle of the head. The straighter they stand the more confident they feel, and the straighter the head, the clearer the thought. Leaning back, might infer a need to dominate; leaning forward might suggest interest to listen.

Trainers though focus on what they are delivering of info and how they are delivering it, but the ability to explain the behaviors of the audience may give clues how to change their instructional method.

Meanings of manners• Shoulders - Hunched shoulders imply tension, slumped suggest depression or

tiredness, relaxed and straight shoulders point to confidence.

• Arms - Folded arms might suggest nervousness or disapproval.

• Hands - Clenched hands infer frustration, anger or pain, steeple fingers infer superiority or confidence. Behind-the-back suggests supreme confidence, and hand on cheek can mean evaluation and interest. Praying hands show a desire to persuade.

• Head - The head resting on or being supported by a hand is a sign of boredom or disinterest. Stroking the chin indicates evaluation. Both hands behind head can mean arrogance, confidence or superiority.

• Neck - Clasping the back of the neck is a signal of discomfort. Rubbing or scratching side of neck or ear may be disbelief.

• Legs - Standing slightly apart shows confidence and ease. One foot pointing at you shows an interest in you, feet tightly together can mean over-control and lack of confidence. Feet twisted round each other – suggests shyness, or displacement activity.

Feet - Lightly crossed at the ankle, again, m e a n s confidence and ease. One foot pointing at you as before shows an interest in you. Tapping denotes irritation or a desire to leave. Toe pulled back (this is the tensor reflex) usually means discomfort or guilt.

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Training Pitfalls

In an ideal world, training will always be successful. There are ways that training can go wrong, however, and forewarned is forearmed. There are several possible problems that can lead to either trainer burnout and/or a less-than-successful training program. Here’s what can go wrong, along with ways to make it right:

1. How Trainers Develop Burnout

• Become exhausted by always training the same topic.

• Become exhausted by always using the same training methods.

• They are discouraged because of management’s lack of support.

• Their hands are tied by an inadequate budget.

• They do not receive ongoing train-the-trainer instruction.

• They do not receive proper materials or instruction for training across language barriers or cultural differences.

• They do not get into the field enough to customize their training beyond book learning.

2. How to Keep Trainers Fresh

• Rotate trainers onto different topics.

• Encourage using a variety of training methods.

• Promote your program to management and get their verbal and public support; ask management to personally encourage trainers.

• Present a realistic and ambitious budget that provides for all your training needs.

• Encourage and provide for ongoing training and career development for trainers.

• Assess your training audience ahead of time and provide trainers with language-appropriate materials and cross-cultural information.

• Arrange for trainers to visit the operations in which they train on a regular basis to keep current on new methods.

Creating RapportWhen people are in harmony with each other they instinctively mirror each other’s behaviors. The closer they match each other, the greater the rapport.

You can encourage a rapport by mirroring your clients’ behaviors. Mirror the stance, their posture, their gestures, their breathing rate, their pitch of voice, if they nod, nod back, and if they smile, smile back. Try to speak at the same speed of voice and keep your blink rate similar.

Eye contact is an important signal. We naturally use gaze as a signal when we are talking. To encourage people to respond, we always look directly at them after asking a question. To encourage people to shut up when we want to have our say, we often look away from them when they are talking. People look more at people they like than people they dislike.

Simply by looking at people more we can make them feel they are liked.

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Dos and Don’ts of TrainingAs a final word, the following quick guided “dos and don’ts” should always be kept in mind of the Android ATC certified trainer during any learning session.


Do maintain good eye contact.Do prepare in advance.Do involve participants.Do use visual aids.Do speak clearly.Do speak loud enough.Do encourage questions.Do recap at the end of each session.Do bridge one topic to the next.Do encourage participation.Do write clearly and boldly.Do summarize.Do use logical sequencing of topics.Do use good time management.Do K.I.S. (Keep It Simple).Do give feedback.Do position visuals so everyone can see them.Do avoid distracting mannerisms and distractions in the room.Do be aware of the participants’ body language.Do keep the group focused on the task.Do provide clear instructions.Do check to see if your instructions are understood.Do evaluate as you go.Do be patient.


Don’t talk to the flip chart.Don’t block the visual aids.Don’t stand in one spot—move around the room.Don’t ignore the participants’ comments and feedback.Don’t read from the curriculum.Don’t shout at the participants.

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Trainer Exam GuideOne of the main requirements to become an Android ATC Certified Trainer is that you must take and pass the Trainer exam. To pass this exam you must score at least 70%.

The trainer’s exam comprises 45 multiple choice questions. 65% of these questions cover the training skills which you have already read in this book. The remaining questions are IQ questions which every trainer should fulfill.

To become an Android Certified Trainer and receive your trainer certificate, you must first complete the path towards Android Certified Application Engineer by passing three Android ATC exams: AND-401, AND-402, and AND-403. Then, you must pass the “Training Skills for Android ATC Certified Trainer” exam (AND-400). Therefore, acquiring the accreditation to teach the Android ATC courses at any Android ATC authorized training center.

The Android certified trainers will have access to training materials available in the trainer download center of Android ATC Web site only when they are employed at one of our authorized training center.

Wishing you the best of luck!

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