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Training/Knowledge Transfer Proposal

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Training/Knowledge Transfer Proposal

Training Objective

Product System Administration and end user training and knowledge transfer is critical for us to ensure client is maximize their investment by ensure their staff really know how to operate and maintain the system invested. E-SPIN have come across lot of scenario with white elephant phenomenon, to ensure our client do not fall into the same trap, we are provide customize and hand on approach to all of our training service. It is skill based and experience gained session that aim for equipped participant the real world skill set for the live system operation and maintenance.

As part of the overall solution deliver, E-SPIN will provide up to two (2) to four (4) weeks man day (MD) training service that cater for up to ten (10) pax of user and administrator, depend all the commercial arrangement. It can always customize or compress to deliver in less time to fit the client requirements. E-SPIN will provide training material and printed certificate for both product system administrator and end user up to subscribe number of student or classes.

For E-SPIN represented solution and product range , E-SPIN right now maintain two (2) standard syllabus for enterprise operation, one for product user that focus on operate the system and consultant /professional user required to serve as internal or external expert role to assist in advisory, configure, execute and maintain the system. E-SPIN provides the full syllabus in the separate brochure for reference.

E-SPIN training service always allow client to mix and match the training service and component based on topic to be cover. Please refer to complete list for the topic / skill areas coverage.

Training Methodology

Based on adult learning principles, E-SPIN’s unique training methodology is designed to provide the effective & complete spectrum of skills in a very interactive and easy-to-learn manner that ensure behavioural change and can be implemented/applied immediately in the workplace. We have always been firm believers in an interactive and engaging instructing style beyond conventional lecturing.

While the methodology seeks to address the whole range of emerging new skills that the client will require, it focuses on three key areas. These are:

Knowledge Transfer: The ability to absorb up-to-date and latest knowledge on the respective technology and knowledge domain for the learner in content and visual rich format and media: from book, handout, presentation, video and e-learning platform.

Technical Hand on: A learn by doing interactive workshop approach for advanced training and skill transfer to ensure learner gain the first hand how to experienced.

Best Practice Sharing:

Expose learner to various real-life case studies, group discussion and assignment to facilitate the skill set learned and applied the case studies insight and experience into their immediate workplace environment a and operation scenarios.

Training Methodology

To ensure that our training programs are practical and interactive, our methodology combines the best of technology and conventional learning.

Technology is a key feature of the methodology and CD-ROMs, Records Video and Flash Animation, Web and e-learning are used extensively for effective training. Use of computer based simulated learning environment and virtualization environment allows the learner to practice without any negative impact on actual and production environment. This is particularly useful while practicing how to skill set. Case studies have been specially designed to improve learner how to dealing with the actual situation and perform adequate behaviour, and enhance learner familiarity with the new skills and technologies. From a learner’s perspective this is particularly useful as it ensures that the content is interactive and more meaningful, besides giving instant feedback.

The methodology also uses the conventional instruction-based training that is imparted by trained faculty. These primarily include consultant/facilitator/trainer led teaching session that deliver mass amount of practical knowledge in the intensive teaching session.

Content Framework

E-SPIN Training Content Framework identifies the structure of the program.

Delivery Mode(s)

E-SPIN face to face instruction i.e. instructor led in a classroom allows for participant interaction, body language clues and activities requiring physical participation. Instructors assigned to deliver the curriculum are more engaged as they deliver it in person.

Online and e-learning instruction allows for materials to be delivered to various locations at any time and can provide some interaction with video conferencing or social networking tools. While online courses require an instructor to monitor learner progress, upload discussion questions and provide tutoring when needed, the flexibility of this mode is ideal when schedules of instructors and participants clash.

Book and workbooks deliver content without the need for an instructor or timeline. Books are often used in distance education offerings when participant numbers are too few to justify online or instructor led course development costs. E-SPIN is capable to delivered in the "mix and match modes" where two ore more delivery modes are combined with the special bundled discounted price.

Instructional Style

Depend on the client requirement, learn can select either self-paced study or instructor led. Self study is typically no set timeline for completion of the content, If an instructor is assigned, it is usually in the role of tutor. Typically online and workbook delivery modes are used with self-paced instruction.

For instructor led - the instructor determines pace and a timeline for completion of the curriculum. Instructors can lead face to face and online delivery modes.

Delivery Style

Depend on the course and training objective, E-SPIN provide training with the following delivery style.

•Interactive Group Work – discussions, games, brainstorming and simulations can all make group work interactive. Often the participants are divided into pairs to larger groups in order for group work to be completed.

•Lecture – instructor led information sharing

•Demonstration – instructor demonstrates a process in front of the group of participants.

•Individual Work – work assigned to individual participants such as assignments (work sheets, research papers, readings etc.) and experiments.

Content Framework . . .

Audience Definitions

E-SPIN training is target for enterprise user, system administrator, executive and management users role or front line, managers, executives level responsibility personnel only.

Content Structure

E-SPIN training program always design with Module Themes approach, grouping of themes based on common competencies and the role specific competencies, as well as by man days requirements. E-SPIN adopt introductory – intermediary – advanced sequencing of content approach for the advancement of the modules.

Please refer to separate training program itinerary / schedules for complete coverage of the matter.

Further Information

Training Fees

The training fees is inclusive as part of the overall solution delivery. Unless Client intent to subscribe more that 10 pax of student to attend the same training, special volume discount will be given. Training can be arrange to conduct at E-SPIN Training Center, Client office, or offsite location with meal and accommodation, from local hotel/resort to oversea location.

Terms and Condition

Once the client have chop and sign back the training confirmation sheet, the training date and time is fixed and not allow for any changes, postpone or cancellation. Last minute changes within 14 days is not allowed. Training will be proceed on the date and time subscribed and confirmed.

Facilitator's Profile

Please refer to separate consultants/facilitators/trainers profile for detail on the matter.

Contact Details


( Enterprise Solutions Professional on Information and Network )

21-2, Jalan PJU 8/3B, Perdana Business Centre, Damansara Perdana

47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Tel: 603 7728 2866

Fax: 603 7725 4757

Email: [email protected]