training methods

Training methods

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Page 1: Training Methods

Training methods

Page 2: Training Methods

What is a training method?

A training method is basically an instrument or technique that is used by a trainer to impart training to the trainees, so as to meet and fulfill the predetermined training objectives. It is a way of communicating with the trainees in such a manner that proper learning and understanding may take place, while at the same time making learning effective.

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Functions of training methods:

• Assist in creating an appropriate learning environment.

• Enhance participation and involvement of the group.

• Give greater control of the Learning process to the practitioners.

• Promote group interaction and cohesion.

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Classification of training methods.

A – On the Job Training methods

• Job rotation• One to one instruction• Coaching & Mentoring• Open learning• Computer based training• Apprenticeship

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Classification of training methods (Contd..)

B – Simulation methods• Role Plays• Case method• Management games• In basket exercise

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Classification of training methods (Contd..)

C – Knowledge based Methods• Lecture• Group discussion methods• Panel discussion, workshops• Seminar, symposium, Conference

etc.• Brain storming sessions

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Classification of training methods (Contd..)

D – Skill based methods• Practice after demonstration• Task performance• Skill teaching• Role plays• Workshops

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Classification of training methods (Contd..)

E – Experiential method• Sensitivity training• T-group learning• Transactional analysis

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Off the job training methods :Skill based methods

1. Demonstration:Purpose: to present an improved practice

in an interesting, convincing way so trainees will appreciate its application and its desirability to their situation.

Steps:1. Prepare an outline of the logical steps

of the demonstration in a sequence and prepare points for delivering the talk.

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2. Selection of appropriate materials and tools including visual aids, and keeping them ready.

3. Practice, and complete rehearsal of the demonstration to gain confidence.

4. Make proper arrangements at the venue to enable all participants to have a good view of the demonstration.

5. Ask the participants what they already know about the topic.

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6. Use their comments to lead into what you are going to do.

7. Explain and show, slowly and carefully, each new practice step-by-step.

8. Ask questions to the group, check their understanding and answer their questions.

9. Repeat difficult steps.10. When you finish, ask members of the

group to do one or more of the steps to check how well the participants have understood the demonstration.

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11. End the demonstration by asking the participants to tell you, what they learnt from the demonstration.

12. Summarise important points.13. Thank the audience.

Advantages:1. Suited to teach skills to many people.2. Demonstration stimulates action.3. It builds confidence in the presenter.

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Off the job training methods :Skill based methods

2. Skill teaching:To train the learner, to perform a job, as

quickly as possible, under supervision.Elements: Planning, rehearsal, presentation.Planning:A process of thinking, consultation and

documentation about a particular skill.Do remember:Importance of job for the learner.Previous knowledge/skill to perform the job.List out tools/equipment and materials.

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Skill teachingDivision into stepsIdentification of key pointsRehearsal:Rehearsal is must before performing any skill.Do remember;Follow the steps of a skill, as it increases the

retention. Important points in each step must be


One must perform skill himself, before teaching to the learners.

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Skill teaching

Presentation: Steps:

1. Prepare the learner: Put the learner in a relax mood; tell him the purpose; utilise previous knowledge; arouse interest; put the learner in the right position;

2. Show the learner/ demonstration: Explain basic knowledge; demonstrate slowly and systematically; instruct step by step; stress key points; speak clearly, fully and patiently; convey vital information at the right speed

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Skill teaching

3. Let the learner try: Examine ability; let him do and explain; let him show again; check the key points; encourage the learner.

4. Hand over the job: Stress responsibility; encourage questions; ascertain if all is correct; introduce possible helper.

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Off the job training methods : Experiential method

1. Sensitivity training: Aims at developing sensitivity within

people towards thoughts, feelings and behaviour of other persons and through this, improve upon one’s human interactions.

Participation is voluntary. This method attempts to develop the

diagnostic ability of participants. It is a group training method that uses

intensive participation and immediate feedback for self analysis and change.

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Sensitivity training

Role of the trainer:Responsible for creating an environment

with time and space barriers.A catalystA hypotheses maker

Limitation:Inability of participants to apply concepts

and awareness gained in the group to his job.

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Off the job training methods : Experiential method

2. T group:The T-group provides participants with an

opportunity to learn about themselves, their impact on others and  how to function more effectively in group and interpersonal situations.

The focus tends to be on the feelings and the communication of feelings, rather than on the communication of information, opinions, or concepts.

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T group

The role of the trainers To help the group and individuals analyze and

learn from what is happening in the group. To encourage the group to follow norms that tend

to serve the learning process To offer training and coaching in skills that tend

to help the learning process To remain silent, allowing the group to experience

its anxiety about acceptance, influence, etc. To be willing to disclose oneself, to be open with

the group. To avoid becoming too directive, clinical, or

personally involved.  

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T group

Possible Problems T-Group methods usually encourage self-

disclosure and openness, which may be inappropriate or even punished in organizations

Participants being forced or pressured to attend, by an employer or other person with influence, are on the whole less likely to have a positive learning experience.

Ways of behaving that the person has used for many years may be called into question by others in the group and oneself. This has in some cases brought the participant to question relationships in the family or at work

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Off the job training methods : Experiential method

3. Transactional analysis: system of psychotherapy that analyzes

personal relationships and interactions in terms of conflicting or complementary ego states that correspond to the roles of parent, child, and adult.

It has been used in education, to help teachers remain in clear communication at an appropriate level, in counseling and consultancy, in management and communications training, and by other bodies.

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Team Training Skills

• Process• Problem solving• Brain storming• Decision making• Negotiating• Goal setting• Process analysis• Task evaluation• Vendor Analysis

• Behavioral• Member

communication• Conflict resolution• Establishing norms• Diversity

awareness• Team building• Negotiation• Building trust

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Diversity TrainingImportanceIncreased number of employees from varied

backgrounds• Ethnic groups• Cultures• Education• Geography• Gender• Age• Differently able

Two types of training• Awareness• Skill

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Criteria for selection of training methods

1. The objective of training programme

2. The programme content3. The level and experience of the

participants.4. The skill and capacity of the course

director5. The availability of time and


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Ways of comparing methods

1. Population variability2. Population preferences3. Nature of learning to be achieved.4. Media requirements5. Logistical issues6. Available resources7. People8. Equipment

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Ways of comparing methods

9. Facilities10. Existing materials.11. Off-the-shelf solutions 12. Labour costs

13. Design and development times14. Cost of new equipment15. Class and group sizes16. Cost of classroom facilities17. Travel and accommodation