training material

Training Workshop on Community Institution Development & Social Mobilization

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Post on 28-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Training Material

Training Workshop on Community Institution

Development & Social Mobilization

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Workshop Plan

• Session 1 : Inauguration and Introduction• Session 2: Individual, community and society• Session 3: Social mobilization • Session 4: Community Organization

Development• Session 5 : Need Assessment • Session 6: Community participation

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Inauguration and Introduction

• Objectives of the session : At the end of the session participants will be able to -

• describe the background and objectives of �the course.

• be acquainted with each other. �• describe the guidelines to facilitate the �


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Objectives of workshop

• To understand the concept of Community, social mobilization, Community organization development and role of social mobilizer.

• To understand difference of CO, VO, LSO• To understand the process of CO development

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Individual, community and society“ Social Identity “

• As a person �• As a member of the family �• As a member of a group or clan �• As a member of a society �• As a member of the community �

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Social commonalties

• Language • Expression �• Habit �• Religious rituals �• Social customs �• Behavior �• Norms�

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Issues to consider for analyzing community

• Current norms or rules • Behaviour �• Mutual relations �• Relation-based social �

needs• Mutual communication �• Social structure �• Leadership �• Gender �• Rate of education �

• Economic condition �• Occupation �• Attitude towards �• women • Status of men in the �• society • Religious faith and �• dogmatism • Attitude towards change �• System for justice �

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Social Mobilization

• Objective of the session is to:• Understand the concept of Social

Mobilization, its key elements, agents, stages and how we can get support from social mobilization for the implementation of community based projects

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• What is social mobilization• Key elements of social mobilization• Agents of social mobilization• Stages of social mobilization

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Social Mobilization

• The concept of social mobilization emerged from the recognition that a genuine participatory approach to development is essential for success and sustainability.

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Social Mobilization

• Social mobilization is a broad scale movement to engage people’s participation in achieving a specific development goal through self-reliant efforts. (UNICEF)

• Social mobilization is a dynamic, long-term process in which stakeholders use a number of strategies, such as policy advocacy and social marketing, to make sustainable changes in the community.

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Social Mobilization

• Social mobilization is a dynamic process, which involves all relevant segments of society in dialogue and coordinated action to promote interrelated changes from the individual to the policy level. Social mobilization should make reasonable and appropriate use of local resources and promote capacity building of local


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Social Mobilization

It is an approach to empower people

to actively participate in development process

through own local initiatives

And well informed dialogue

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Key Elements of Social Mobilization

• Organizational Development• Capital Formation for development

through community savings• Training for Human Resource

Development• Socio-economic development

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Key Elements of Social Mobilization

• Organizational Development * Can be created with a specific focus or as broad-based, multi purpose groups* Run on democratic principals* Building leadership capacity-to avoid dependency and capture* Ensuring an inclusive approach* Ensuring self reliance

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Key Elements of Social Mobilization

• Capital formation through comm. Savings* First step towards self-reliance* Accumulated saving can used for internal credit with interest* Can be used for EDP at comm. level* can be used as contribution to local development initiatives e.g. CO’s contribution

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Key Elements of Social Mobilization

• Training for HRD* Comm. members can max. their skills* Can get training, exchange visits, based on need identification* Local HRD is best when trained individual train other comm. members

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Key Elements of Social Mobilization

• Socio-economic development* Great incentives for comm. members to organize themselves* SM should support grants, access to credit, marketing and other tangible improvements* this leads to empower peoples and their org. * It results in increased institutional capacity, enhanced social status and give voice

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Agents of mobilization

Internal External

•Community•Local leaders•Culture•Norms &Values•Events•Environment•Resources•Activists

•Media( Print & Electronic)•Leader’s•Organization•Donors•Macro-environment•Government Policies•Social organizer etc.

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Stages of Social Mobilization

• Sensitization: Dialogue initiated, which generate the discussion and thinking process about comm. problems and their causes

Realization: When comm. sensitized on any issue/problem that create a environment for open discussion, this helps in realizing the imp.and its insight

• Conceptualization: It plays a significant role in the sustainability and effectiveness of any program. If comm. Could not conceive the philosophy that creates implementation problems and real obj. of the program could not achieved

• Organization: Collective effort of masses or comm. Regarding any issue/problem in a define frame work is conceptually called organization

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Perception of Social mobilization………!

Comm. Org.

Social Organization

Social Mobilization




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Social mobilization ContinuumsAn Illustration of Social Groups in Partnership

Variables Social Political Economic Cultural Religious Geographical

Data & Information

Action & Behavior

Communication & Dialogue

Education & Awareness

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Session Objectives

• To understand what is Community organization, how to develop it, why its needed?


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Community Institution

• What is CO,s?• Why CO’s?• How To develop it?• SWWS METHODOLOGY

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• Step1 : Secondary information gathering, First contact, Situational Analysis, Plans

• Step 2: formation of CO’s, identification & Selection Of Board Members, Plan development for HHL,GL Opportunities, Community level Problem Identification and prioritizing, setting meeting dates & agenda

• Step 3: revisiting all the feasibility household level, hamlet level, village level (second dialogue)

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• Step 4: Establishment of monitoring information system at the CO level (third dialogue)

• Step 5: Participation of poor should be insure• Step 6: linkage development, monitoring and

auditing, self management board development, PEW, Singing MOU

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Development of VO, LSO

• What is VO?• Who will Be the Member of VO?• Responsibility of VO?• What LSO?• Who will be the member LSO?• LSO responsibility for development agenda?

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Need assessment for community

• Objectives of the session : At the end of the session the participants will be able to- • identify the methods of need assessment. �• assess the needs for basic education. �• identify the issues to be considered for need �

assessment. • �

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Issues to be considered for Needs Assessment

• Knowing the literacy rate of the community �• Knowing the behavior pattern or norms of the �people • Knowing about the language �• Gender aspects as applied in the community �• Availability of resources �• Characteristics of different groups �• Social classification �• Leadership trends �• Socio-economic condition�

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Community Participation

• Objectives of the session : At the end of the session the participants would be able to- • illustrate the concept of community participation. • explain the need of peoples participation in development activities. • identify the areas of community participation in • describe the strategies for ensuring community participation.

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Ten Types of Participation

• Getting informed • Giving opinion �• Advising �• Participating in providing information �• Periodical functional relations �• Long term functional relations �• Establishing organizations with external initiative �• Participatory decision making �• Getting organized at own initiative �• Establishing the majority peoples’ control and �• leadership in project planning and implementation

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Extent of community participation in development

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Areas and ways for community participation in development

Areas of participation • Situation analysis �• Assessment of demands �• Setting of objectives �• Identification of activities �• Planning �• Resource mobilization �• Deploying manpower �• Implementation �• Evaluation�